'"^S^^Wif?;^ ^*^ f^^mm^m ol Dfe88 Go ted Wool GM 0. k is nntim!l7| ttora pric« which I h»Te terings, aod â- wn â€" i.- .I'^TtMW* '/^;M^:!l 'I iatclft. AKK UALE, ONt., FKB. 8, 18b3. f II No. lae. fvG- â- •on- -7 50 '.â- â- ; no .. s 00 i Ou .T" 8 s I..- .-.f solid iVcbii aad ;• '--' lica- REVERE HOTEL, T. SPBOULii^, Proprietor. L li-tiou ai.ifd to it, taoroi.i;;iily riiiitieii, ana is uow ^ec•Jl!d to aoue m the county. (jko i ,-i.aljlr.ig and atieiilive ostlsi-. First fi.iss aocoir.inodatioti I'oi commercia, irave.- ers. 51 I'W ui?.y. bmbi-r's shop ..icnneo ton. CHATSWORTHliOUSE I;.A.IL MO^.K'.iV riOUtjE,) t:H.4.T?bV/OKTH, Out. T '.iaikT-^l^ t,: :»)]] cw. RUTLEDSL •?.[â- ' iR '«ii«'*;i. •V4 .•'.â- '»i.".f.i.. â- r r I :l A^l -â- •â- â- .a." ii V â- 1 .1 ' â- ' 1, 'I-. k S i.T-.i; 2-.---.; 1. -I. P .?: o 1, â- IT-:; :: â- :i" I -III ".ji.i'T â- i;T. Vh-t -^ â- -^ Sew Y Ttr. K _j rt".ato o; \viftii fr â- ....â- ^l I latiiii! N Y. -â- " cri'.il!. I'livs ci .n^.v-- 8i»ra^- i ;4 '»11i ill \.' ~U.A b IV J pro lenuvtt.-d ciud leiuruisiied in aide uiitkiu^ oilier new iuipro, e will jf"-ii*^iy aid t: ititi coiufui sd havii.g riv.rei. -sed the erty Liivs iiad it taoiouyLly '•ii(.'iiout be- iunts, â- Ahicii aud C'JUTt' uieuCM cd his "ii;3ls, wou;d lesrietlfuUy so- licit th-,- |)»,, r-j!iiig-^i of Uiejiubiij ;jv,m'iaily Tiie bi-st br,:!!!! of liquoiS su(! cissrs al.vay- lu SLDC-.; 'Jooi iLieiUaud co;ufo.:a:ie loums gua .nii" ea. Ctoo I s.ablit-g ;-iii^ atteutiv* iiosii'-T. â€" ij H. Mathews, Piop. 1.4 Maikdale Hotel. 1 Go'Ki Aecomraodatiou for Traveiler.-i. 'Bus to au'i i'iouj all traiub' Cliarv'e^ lui.di^rate. Markdale. A. Eutlrdge, Prop. GO ^,1 C Q PKIGBVIIjLB, Out, uiiOlAL HOTEL Jbiili EOBT. ASKI3S., Has opened out a First-Claas Furniture -ASJJ â€" UNDF-RIKING ESTABLISHMENT, Ant' thereiure has. supplied a want long felt, especiallv in the Undertaking Lin«s. OOFFIKS, C4SKETS, SHUOUDS. and all FUNERAL FURNISHINOS, aapplied on the aiiorteB notice. Best bas.ness now before the pnblic. Y6a can Aiake money faster at iroik for ac luttu ttv auyiuuig else. Capitfl not need- ed. 'We will Btart you. $12 a da; and up- wards made at home by the industriouH. Men, women, boys and girls wanted every^fhere to wore for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time orly or give your whole time to the business. Ton can live at home pud do the wwrk. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No oiie Can fail to make en- ormous pay by enffaging at once. Costly ontfit aud tenns free. Money made fast, easily aud honorably. Address Tbue Co., Attj?D*ta, Maine. 71-126 Lii'^e a'id cooQiUodiOas Siuiple lioom Jood lic.i iiooins, etc. Tiie lia; j,nl lar.le â- veil sappL«d with the best tiie market at fords noon SiubliUg anuatteauTe Hastlcr's THOS. ATKIN'^ON, Propnetor John McDonald. CH\TSWOKTn, lViyit.N (;)art Clerk, Isssaer of Mar- r-i^i^ Ijifreiises, Commit doner in B.K., Convtyanc'^r, c. Deed... MortgaKes, Will.-, (fee. actt nd i.' to promptly, accii'aicly neat- ly, aiitl oJi'-aply. Private small s uns ou easy terms. D' funds to Itnd in Notes discounted MISS LAMB, RK^S-MAMlER. i.PsT.M :^IN l:-1 \;^ :-)l:iiuEoNS, );â- â- â- : D A t aincrii;j and (,o's Drug i'oii •lS!,,o\vI':n sound fit'cjiioii »iN-P!i tr. tht! pi-e::ei'vatioti of ;aw!rei'.ii wtiririal Oentures rai.unt- ll'iiiJ. C"llu!oia. and liulbe/- bases. «â- i' Ma.rkijalc th._' last Tufsday in ou;ii, i-'ia. y D..ct C. F. Knight, L.D.S. |K,t .iilam'(,w, Medalist Royal Col- li D.S., Out. Ift^eDen.Sur ,Out D toed Markda.e, Nov i oukieb' Block Hatisf ' C !argts moderate. x5th. 1882. ct^on gnaran- 1 1 -3ui. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, f'Or.MF. OF TORONrO BCSOOL L' utistry, will be at Rutledsj^'.s 'â- 'yhk. o'l the third W-du-sdav of iSM.iiioriheprao.tieo of his profession. TKrvSih, l.s-3. 122 tf P8al« Frost Fi'o**t, MRIS.ERS, and ATTORNEYS- at I wv, Sol citor? iu Chancery, Convey â- w, O.vi-u Sound, aave re^^umed at "â- •'â- " Office open every Thursday, as ft. n.. Galbraith 1 UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND « Asei-t, William -ford Station Auction Sales a' I'll If d in all parts of the Count v Goods .- old ^n commission. Rni.P' moderate Piauos, Or^aus. and Sewing Michir.es; also Fruit and Ornatnental Trees. Vines. Agricul- tural Impl-mennts, and Machinery of all ^dnd« on sale. Wil.iam-ford, Jan. 27, 1881. tar hire at moderate rates. FUBNITUKE' From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see fur yourse v^^. ROBT. ASKIN. Union rpr'j^gp V/trks MISS WELSH, Dress A: mantlcmaker. Charges modei-ate. Rati sf action guaranteed. Hill's Block, Sydenham street. Maikdala Nov. 6th. 18rf2. 113 1% Wm. Bro\m, ISSUER UF MARRIAGE LICENSES. *c Commissioner in B. K. Ac. Conveyancing in all its branches promptl} attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se earity. Dnion Carriage Works. Ail witrk manufacturftd I'rom First Class Material In thf Latest ai d Best Improved Style, and fir ihljod with Engrli**'h Varnish. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepaire executed in the shortest possible time t consistent with good workndanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, REST AND COMFORT. TO THR SUFFERING Br«wv's Housebold Panttcea has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Hide, Back or Bowels, Sore Thr»at, Hheamatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kiud of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Reliev- er, and of Jouble the strength of any other lilixer 01 Liaiment in the world, should be la every family handy for use wVen wanted " as it really is the best remtidy in the world (or (^ramps tn the Stomach, aud Pains and Aches of all kinds," and i.^ for sale by all Drugfrists at 25 cents a bottle. 75-127 EARS FOR I MILLION 1.\U0 t;Hi)0'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL positively Restcres the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known This Oi^ is abstracted from peculiar pedes of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Caechabodon Rondk- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of heating were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous, and many tio seemingly mir aealous, that the reinedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness ha' exifted among the Chinese peojde. Sent, charfzi'S prepaid, t.' anv ad- dress at $1.00 per bottle. Hear wbat the Deaf say It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head, and hf«,r much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafues.s helped a great deal â€" think ano- tt.er bottle will care me. Its virtutsarc unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience andob- s rvation. Write at oiiee to Haylock and •Jenuey, 7 Dej Street. New York, enclosing $1 and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else.and whose curative effects will be peimanent. Yon will never regret doing so." â€" Editor OP Mebcantlle Review. IS^To avoid lo s iu the mails, please send oioney by Registered Letter. Only unported by HAYLOCK JENNEY, late Haylock Co.. Sole Agents for America. 7 Dey St New Yokk 93 145. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. |K F?.rtT, -â- Jiitv Crown kli J.W ornev Frost, LL. B. 1 J. :ti.4sso]\. ;|I;^TER. MASTER ANDDEP. REG PC'uanary, Xot:ny Public, Conveyan L^^E^' rOLKXD AT SIX Pfifi CENT. ""N-Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block ^^^'-: and in Markdalo, over MeFar r-'we, on Friday and Saturday every LOYAL MARKDAE LODRE Of C. O. on Monday eveniBK o'clock p m. 108 F No 78, will meet iu their hal Feb ?th, at eight HAIR GUTTING AND SHAVING Ky T" O. fc^mitli. Razors, Straps, and Shaving Brushes for sale. Razors sharpened. rS" Orders filled for Tomb Stones. W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. treasor* ^ir rrison. â- â- â- \SC^iCITORS. CONVEY- •it. Ac. ^^UnOweu .Sound. Dufterin Block, 'â- • "olf-^ Stnn: andiu w J MARKDALE; p^-' • c.iirland's S lure on Thursday i^^ol.chweek. aaas to lend oa reasonable terms. '»^is, P., 0. n Duncan MobwoM ^^^^, Ma: roll 1.5, 1S82. 79-lv Sl^g^'^^ntler Brown. lUf, J " ^farriage Lioenges, Fire 'and ,^;'iir.ince Agent. Commissioner «n^j,/' "'-i^'«yancer and Licensed W '" '^inty of Grey. Fanners, ftoisfi S,^"*^ Sales, Punctu^yat- »viiip c °o*rges made verv moderate. ^«' Sept. 17, 1.380. ' 1-v iv^AMPAICNE, U^SEDAucti. h. "wriest linrirt/^ n\ uâ€" EUGENIA Grist, SawandLatliMills Having made eqtensive improvements m my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and BUb, Filled on the shorteet notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buf.smut, White Ash, B' avV ab BM^^d,Pine and Hemlock Log« wantel 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. $661 .S- Sal!--'^^"?*" ^®^°^*y*' "fist iiotice, •P'oiai ** Mtentioc a week in yonr own town; 95 ontftt hee. No mk. Eyeiything new. Capitml not" required. We will fnndah yon «^- BttSSasmneh wmen. end bovs Mid RirU JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITfl HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. "ImTLncas CoT BANKERS, PROPERTIES For SALE South ha f of Lot 5, con. 9, Euphrasia containing 100 acres, 4 acre-^ cleared balance good hardwood, bush situated 4 mdes from Markdale n good road; al-o a village lot with comfortable house thereon.on Mill Street, Markdale. For further p.irticu- lars apply to G. S. B we8 or Wm Armstrong executors of the estate of late Mark Arm strong Efq. 122-124 WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet If you want to Guard Against Sickness Keep your feet dry and wanp by procuring your JBOOTS 1 â€" FdOM â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept en hand. Remembrr the pl^tfe opposite the new SrAt'it^iU) Office. 49 Dr. Sproole M. P., leaves for Ottawa to- day. A wild dock wn seen last Friday ou t^e Flobherton mill pord. Mclntyre has Just received a large and tariod stock ot candle i. If yonr constitntion is run down join it ufc by drinking MoFarland's famous Tea. It is rumored at Sir Garnet Wolsley ife likely to be our next Governor General. Wantkd.-^A ^binet-maker, one who can run a turning lathe. Apply to G. N. Pereirr., Wiliiamrford. Mr. Jami'S O'Brien, a farmer in Artemesia, sold 2.000 bushels of barley tc W. J. M«- Farland last week. The way to keep wann--Buy McFarland'i! Blankets at Id per cert, discount. Sparling's Ba^ mill, Vandeleur, will com- mence sawing this week, and a big push will be male this season. Mr. R. Myles is a candidate for M. P. P. at the coming elections, and his chances seem gooa fot success.' A reoort of the oyster supper tendered to Mr. W. F. Doll has been unavoidably crowd- ed out this week will appear in next. After an official count of ballots the elec- tion of ifayor for Toronto Mr. Doswell ha.s been declared elected by a majority of 12. A Conversazione will be held in the Pres byterian church, Matkdale, on Wednesday eveniug, the 14th inst., when a rich treat in promised. Admission 15e. The annual met ting of the County Orange Lodge of South Grey was held in Markdale ou Tuesday, 6th ui.*t. There was a large at- tendance. Full report next week. We thought we had a pretty good show- storm last week, but the Captain says it will lake just fifty of them to make a Manitoba blizzard. Who wouldn't go to Manitoba. Farmers and others desiring a genteel, lu- crative agency business, by which $." to $20 a day can be earned, send address at once, on postal, to H. C. Wilkinson Co., 195 aud 197 Fulton Street, New York. 121-Gm In our report last week of the prize winners at the carnival we gave credit to A, McFar- land for the best Irish character, he and J. L. Browne were ties, and they tossed up for who would have it. and Mc. won. Methodist Union. â€" The voting on the proposed basis of union is now going on by the various bodies concerned and we may now consider the union a foregone conclu- sion, the majority bo far being over 20 for to one against. The Ball Family Jubilee Singers are com^ ing. They will give a concert in the Metho- 'ist church, Markdale, ou Thursday evening the 15th inst. This troupe, consisting of eight, have the reputation of being the best Canadian one travelling. Concert at 8 p. m. Admission 25c. Lillian Leishman, the chiet actress in the Brantford spandal, has skipped. The Mail's acc.tunt of her historyhaTing placed he" in a very uneviable position before the public,. ' she no doubt deemed it wise to disappear. ^fr. Beatty will have the sympathy of the publi".. ..Clouds at cost.. Shawls at cost.. Over- coats at cost Mantles at cost Where Why at McFarland's The following are appointed Licence Com- missioners for the county ol Grey â€" South Ridingâ€" Archibald Davidson. Jamft« Bro-vn and Thoa. Smith North Ridingâ€" George- Price David K. Dobie and James Stewart; East Bidingâ€" Thos. Xyson, W. J. Marsh aud Wm. iirown. JMConey 1-oaAecl IN Iu.,, .â- ••â- jmotmtR, at all times gooa jndorsed notes, or «i security. ja collateral WTCREST AT 6 PER CEMT. Allowed OB Savings Deposits. e-Dr«fts isaued and CoUectfens m8ie on points, at lowest rates September 83. 1880. W.M. XUCAS. Manager. 2-ly ji town er ccrau- nutKe as nuoo â- • "twt _. Kn«i. Charges reJ^ „«k««MaJW. ^-^•'v' il^T'Si .uSs ne«i *h^Jo^ can ^JP^ffi '" *^ time yoa work, wn*« for pertMr 117-3m J Hjtti*ix « Co., Porttand, Maine. left .» ., ness »{ wllien ycrn can nmw e»'7".B»v --- f'-^'the S,,,,^,^ office win r-IK*4a?wk. :r^j^^^r^°^^tS6 PABHNTS AND GUABDIAifSOT era. will eonfer a faror iiton me ami benefiUbeniaelyes if they woiU4inform ibea SSfaatlwiUno* aUowawcneni^ ifi TMit of age m my Bflliart ppom. ||«^|a)e. Jan. )5th, 1888. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHER!! BEEP, PORK OB MUTTON SUPPLIET from a single poqnd to a whole earcasit, at the lowest market priees. FISH AFOWUBTHEW SMtOi Farmers having Fat Cattle. 8)ifeP, 9f Pigs to dispose of wfll do well to eaft ai lifw 3 Bnnu' Blodc, opposite the amr ^^i^fB she wa»an old plug Bloek. â- â- â- 'k.^- ;;*i Matkdale, OetSfitb, \Ml Olteu still. â€" A week or two ago we gave a parafzraph in reference to an old bible of 1630. It hould have read Mr. Edsvin Bone instead of Wra. Mr. F. MoBae of this town, has a bible of the data of 1.599 '" 284 years old. It is in good order au printed h* Roman type. â€" Jleview. A fortana teller has been in our mid;;t one who claims a little descent from Meg Merrjlis. She did not stii the cauldron lik witohee in Macbeth, but stirred the cardsâ€" to saw expenseâ€" and foretold destinies- Those whcse prospects seemed faronrable Buid^was wonderful, and the others said llO»f ICE.â€" Will the partief indebted to me ^.W pay there aecoonts and save me tli« troablc of dtinning them for th» gn^gj Ascua MciitTTa*. ^? tlJ^ ft-' #11 iri "A, i: ' •• ri