Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Jan 1883, p. 4

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 m f jjiji t j! â- f i 111 The Standard. MABEDALB. JAN. 18ih« 1888. AGfiiCCLTURAli. The vanoos tawnab^ Agriimltiml 8eetetira' anniul meetiDg w^e held QO Thursday last, and aa for as we eaxx learn, the interests taken by mem- bers and oihsrs in the prosperity of the Tarioos loeicties is growing. There is a qoastion that has been discus sed more or iess at tboee meetings to which we draw attention, and suUcit discnssion throogh the Standard. The qaestion is, whether it is for the best uterests of a township society to allow outsiders (non-residents of the township) to compete for prizes or not, Oar leading Agricultiirists are di- vided on the 4ae)tion, and a friendly discussion from them through the press would no doubt be interestiug aud profitable at this season of the year wbile those matters are fresh iu their minds. We are not prepared at the present time to take a very strong stand on either side the ques- tion, neither is it an easy matter to advance any particular mode of action which would work satisiactory iu all cases, i^or instance, one society may have its place for holding their show fair iu the ceotre of their Jinnicipality, while another may have theirs on the boundary of two or more townships. Gleuelg Society's grounds are, about on the corner of four townships, and IS generously supported by farmers' from each, while Euphrasia show ground is located in tne centre of that township. Ouropmion is that a town- ship socieiy should be confined to the township wnen at all practicable. It is a well known fact that when a man comes a long distance to become a member, it is his intention to make it pay. We have often seen it the case where a society secured three or four dollars from parties at a distance, those few were lullj prepared, and succeeded m carrying off the half of the entire prize money. Then sDme one says had it not been for the exhi- bit of those outsiders we would have a very small show. True, yet if your local men who support the society kutiw that outsiders were not allowed to 3xibit, they would bring out what they have, and a spirit of rivalry would spring up, where otherwise very few had the courage and means to compete successfully with a few who make it a business of attending all the Agricultural show fairs withiu ])erhaps 20 miles round. We will re- fer to this matter aaain in the mean time solicit the views of our Agricul- tural friends, gst your ideas into as short a space as possible. To the Worsbiplal Distnel Master: Dear Sir and Brcâ€" As it haa pl â€" t ed the Grand Master of the aiiiferse, m HimvBterioos l:^vidmoe, to sanun- on your daughter from ber home on earih,and we dedre to express oar an- fdgned sorrow at her death und yoar sore affltetion.we r«^oiee in yoar oonfl- denee that she joineid that home not ma^le with hands, ete^ial iu the hear- ens. We desire to express our regret that at her death you lost an affsction- ate member of your family. Altiiough you will miss her in your Damily eirele yet her memory will ever be green in the recesses of your heart. We desire, as a lodge, to tender you oar sincere and heartfslt sympathy, in this your sore affliction. May He who quieted the troubled waters, send peace and consolation to your sorrowing heart. We feel that you sorrow not as those who have no hope, but that, aftei a short oeparatioa, you and yours may rejoin amid that blest throng and in what happy home where parting is no more. Signed on on behalf ol the District- Orange Lodge, ArtemeHia. Jas. Elhott. John Boland, and T.H. Firth, Chairman of Cum. THE CAhNlVAL, THEY SAT. Baxney O'Hare'a wiiis saya Mrs. Fid- diestieks told her that she heard Caa- weU's wifs aav that Bob Icgenw* wife laid her that GraoAJ Doad^ heard that it was no dopbt (hat the widow Barssll said that John Biohards wife tbomtlit Charlie Brown's wi£B behoved that old Mm. Oifford declar- ed potdtivety that Ned Hanlan had told Wallace Boss that his Aunt de- ohtredto the world that it was gene- rally behoved that Charlie Biggar had told in phiin toms that he heard Boyne Water Flesherton say that Hilly Pnceville was known to have said that Waterfall Eugenia told her thatW. J. McFarlaod had publicly dedai ed without fear of contiadictiMi that he imports direct, sells more tea than any two houses in the ooimty of Grey, aud stands head and shoulders above all competitors. A visit to his Mammoth estiiblishment will convince any and all as to quality and price. ti»ft«llov„tlie «#.• «U«^it«r • miio^eii th»SMt«eT., of a sea. DocM»-Jn, Onmâ€" In «if»el Mr^ 0*JM« la OS wife of V ]KSiSr?«4 'i^^ Â¥^^ took vi«» Um same boor. T- C. A B. RAIVWAY. TIME TA£IiB. Ohansre ot Tlnie. On and after Monday, Nov. 80th, 1882, trains will nm as foOews The following are the names of those who took prizes at the Carnival on the 12th. Best Lady and Gent, Miss Lyons and J. Sproule. Best Comic, W.J. Benson. Best Lady, Miss Mc^ea. Best Gent, J. McDougall. Best Cos- tume, W. J. Galbraith. Nearly 100 spectators were present, and an enjoyable evening spent. The next Carnival will take place on the 80tx^ when $25 worth of prizes will be givtjn. See large posters. tmBSpandentB. NoTiCB. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents We understand that intoxicating liquor is being dealt out at the biUiard parlor. Now, sir, this should not be al- lowed the billiard department itself is said to be without license, and the liquor business should not be tolerated. It appears strange that the law can be set at defiai.ce so glaringly iu our midst. A Citizen. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE. The Auditors Beport for Markdale village for the year 1882. The Minutes ef their last meetmg. A general genuine January thaw. Business contuiue brisk. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Arteme- sia Agricultural Society was held in Flesherton, on Tuesday the llth inst. There was a large attendance of the present members. This society is in splendid wcrking order,with a balance on hand of $fi6.89. This, with a pre- sent membership of fifty,is a great im- provement from last year at which time thb society was about dead. The following are the oflBcers elected for the current year, viz Robert Ohver, President James Brodie, Vice Pres. DiBKCTOBS^ â€" M. Akitt, A. Stewart, J. Assum, H. Kmg, D. Harrow,. J. Stewart, E. Plant, D. McMillan,. A. Down. A. R. Fawcett, Auditor; Wm. Clayton, Auditor. A motion was put to the meeting and carried, leaving the selection of wnere the exhibition will be held to the directors. After the business of the public meeting was concluded the directors met together and elected J. Brodie as their Sec. Treas. The next meeting ol the Directors will be held in Flesherton on the Slst of Juiv. â€" Com. ANNUAL REPORT OF I'HE DL RECTORS OF GLENELG AG. SOC. FOR 1882. GRANGE DISTRICT MEETING. At the regular meetiugof the Loyal Orange Lodge of Artemesia, held in the Lodge Boom of No. 244, Syden- )iam roidv on Tuesday, Jan. 9th, the fjilowing District Oflcers, weje elec- lO'l for the ensuing year: â€" Lodge No. 1118. Bro. J. BrodSp.iu- i jgciied District Mailer; No.' 509, Bro. Wm. Wright, D.D.M. No.' Ula. yi*o. T. Grandy, D. Chap. No. 42^ Brij. T. H. Firth, D. bee y No. 1046, Bro. J. Elliott, re-eiected T^as. Ho. '2U, Bro. J. Bkkely, D .U. of C. As Bro. J. Brodie, District Master, was absent tit the bsrial of one of his children, a resolution «tf oondolence, here te spp»ided, was paaaed, and a ^^ »!ot to tiie bereaved ^ro. J, Bt^ ^ii^,^as foUowBi;^ Your Directors in presenting their annual report take great pleasure in congratulating the members on the success of the fall exhibition, taking into consideration the expense incur- red by purchasing the ground, fencmg, building hall, and other outlays. The members will no doubt be sat* isfied that this was sufficient cause for tne low prizes which the directors were obliged to offer. During the past year we have man- aged to pay out nearly six hundred dollars (exclusive of borrowed money paid for ground) in prizes and sub- stantial improvements made in Socie- ty's grounds by building fencing, etc. These improvements being made we can now hope for a good and prosper- ous future for the Society. As it always takes members to make a Society, we sincerely hope that the agriculturalists in the surrounding country will become members and take a deep interest in the prosperity of the Society, by so doing they would undoubtedly experience the great pleasure of seeing this Society one of the best in the (;ounty if not in the Province. All agricultural societies have for their object a grand motive â€" the ad- vancement of our iuteresta â€" an'i they have already done a great wark in in troducipg thorough-bred stock and seed grain, yet there is a great work for tlitm to do. We respectfully submit these re- marks for your consideration. Wm. Douglas, President. ON OUR TABLE. ••Letters to a young Merchant." A book of 120 pages. Every clerk should read it; cant fail to prove interesting and valuable. Published by tiie Tor- onto News Company at 30c*:s. • Wilford's Microcosm No. 6,Vol 2,is before us. This valuable monUily id deeply interesting and cannot tail to wrest the interest and draw out the mini's of its reisers. $1 per. annum, published by Hall t Co., 28 Park Row.NewYc^k. Holland council minuter and Black Creek Qnuae crowde4 oait^ week will appear ne^t. ' A large quantity of stave timber is now on hand for the Markdalo stave factory. A fearful fire broke out last woek in Milwaukee, Mich., in which Newhall was burned; 82 persons perished in the flames. The Toronto safe works of J. J. Taylor were burned on Tuesday night. The loss amounting to $40,000 is cov- ered by insurance. Maple Wanted. â€" A large quantity of clean maple in bolts or lot's wanted for which a good price will be paid in cash. Apply to M. W. Abmsirong. Notice. â€" The parties that took the buffalorobeout ofVogau's shedon the night of the 15th will pleuse return it as they were seen taking it,and save further trouble. Wm. Vogan, Holland Centre. Annual Soiree â€" L. 0. L. No. 1888, will huld their annual tea-meeeting on Friday the 26th inst.,at Kell's cor- ners. Tea will be served from 6 to 6 80 p. m., after whicii the following Rev. gentlemen and others ar« ex- pected to give addresses, viz J. S. Corcoran, A. Wilson, N. A. McDiar mid, and E. W. Tindall. Admission 26ct8. The members will endeavor to mal^e it an enjoyable affair. At the annual meeting of Gleuelg Agricultural Society held in Markdale on the llth inst., the following named gentlemen were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year :â€" Wm. Douglas, President; Edw. Rutledge, Vice do Du-ectorsâ€" John Bcland, Edw. Davis,' Robt. Walker, B. Colen-an, A. Shiel, F. iJurton, Hugh McKee. S. Boyce, Jas. Lauder. Auditors â€" Wm. Mc- Laughrey and C. W. Rutledge. Sec retaiy-Tressurer, A. Turner. OOISO M TH. Ittad Dmrm. AM. P.M. 7 30 4 26 9 05 6 00 9 65 6 45 12 20 8 44 12 06 8 45 2 25 15 11 50 c 1 30 9 55 F.M P.M. A.M. TOBORTO 10 45 Cabdwsll June. Obanostuji • ho0nt fomst.. Mabkoai.!, TnSWATSB .... F Z8BXBT0R .«. OWBM bOCKD.... ooiNO soirrH Vp. P M. 9 10 7 81 6 50 4 30 4 80 2 46 4 47 8 10 P.M. 9 05 8 27 6 30 6 27 5 00 6 43 5 15 A.M. A Mixed iTiun will also mn between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. Time Table. D. McNicoLL, Edmumd Wbaoob. Gen. Pm$. AgU General Manager. MAEKDALE MABKETb. Fall Wheat, »0.80 to »0.8»; Spring 10.82 to «0 88 Barley, 55c; Peas, 68t; Oats, 54e Bntter, 18c; E(jg«, 20c; Potatoes, 40c; Hay, JIO.OO Pork, 7.76 to 8.15. Unden Caskets, Burial Pobet, Cloves, Crape,,! pari â€" AND â€" III Farnlshlngs for Fi May be had on Shortest Notice, imj Hours from ' ' GEO. GEAld MARKDALE. Also a well assorted itockcf FU RN ITURJ frem plain to fine pricas. quality. tU at i J. W. FOl FLESHEBTON MABKETS. FaU Wheat, $0.78 to J0.82; Spring, »0.ftO to »0.84 Barley, 40c; Peas, 6«c; Oata, 34«; Batter. 17c; Kggs, 20c; Potatoe«.40 c; Hay, »9.00; Pork. «7.00 to »7 65 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, »0.90 to »0.95; Spring, tO.90 to«0.95; Barley, 48o to 70c; 0»tB,40cto 41c Peas, 69c to 71e; Hors, 18.20 to »8.30; Pot*, toes, per bag, 6rtc to 65c; Bntter. dairy, i7c to 20c; e.ips 26c to 28c. MARKDALE PROPERTIES For SALE South half of Lot 5, con. 9, Euphrasia, containing 100 acres, 4 acres cleared balance good hardwood, bush si.,aated 4 miles from Markdale on good road; al.'-o a village lot with comfortable house thereon .on Mill Street, Markdale. For farther particu- lars apply to G. S. B wes or Wm Armstrong executors of the estate of late Mark Arm strong E?q. 122-124 IVOTICJE. PARENTS AND GUAEDIANSOF CHIL- dren will confer a favor upon me and benefit themselves if they would inform theii children that I will not allow any one under 16 years of age in my Billiard Room. D. M. HOGAN, Proprietor. Markdale, Jan. 15th, 1883. FLOUE ME'l LAPIES YOU CAN BUY $5 ALL WOOL Shawla foi »3.85 at Reynolds 4 Son. LADIES, YOU CAN BUY 94 CAP FOE 93 at Beynolds Son. LADIES, YOU CAN BUY A BEAUTIFITL set of China for «5 at Reynolds ft SOn. LADIES, YOU CAN BUY A »1.25 Sfaurl for 90 cents at Reynolds Son. LAJDIES, YOU CAN BUY A «3^ Shawl for »2.50 at Reynolds Son, LM)IES, YOU CAN BUY A PAIR OF ^^ »6 Kid Boots for »4.50 at Reynolds LADIES. YOU CAN BUY BLi^CK CASH- mere, worth 60 cents, for 40 cants per yard at Reynolds Son. *^ 1 ADniS, Sou 1 i 1 A-;,!^^ ^^ ^^~ 9 YARDS AJ splendid Wincey for »! at Reynolds T aDIES- CBETONS OF" THE VERT „ l»t«t novelty, very low in Reynold Som. price, at FULL CLOTH, WORTH 60 45 cts., at Reynolds Son. CTS. FOB ALL THE NEIirS FOR A GENL Tonato M] Worllp THE ONLY ONE-CENT MORNING PAPER IN CANADA. THREE DOLURSA YEAR! 25 CENTS A MONTH i ONE CENT A COPY f^TLesH than Hi»Jf the Cost «fi an )r other jirointinff Paper. YOU CAW niAKG MOHflST by canvassing for the World. Agents and Can. vasseers wanted everywhere. Send post- card for terms and SAMPLE COPY FREE. WORLD PRINTING CO. No. 18 King street eaat, Toronto. GENTLEMEN. YOU CAN BUY A 12 S^O Cap for IJ.7S at Beynolds A H„n " -pOOTS AND SH0SS7^I^^I71^5^ jl^eea; best value in town, at Reynolds AS WE ABE GOING TO SELL THE A». baUnce of cnr Wint« stock wilh^t re Jgpy^ou^^y expect great bargain.._Bey\ DIED- BaoBnâ€" In Artmnasi*. on Mondaxi Jm. aai Auction Sale OF VALUABLE. F^xrcL ^rop©rt3r Undeif and by virtue of a power of sale contam^ina mortgage made by Richard Taylor default having bee« made in pS- r?L*tr^^wnSL4:"of«sj. r- THURSDAY JEBRUARY THE 18L 1883 at 1 o'clock p. m., the foUowii pwperty Lota Noi 18 and 19 in the 7th Ooneession of Osprey. Connty of (^y. About 100 aorea bXl "S^iS* ' *^ *.*»^ *»* cultivation. r^~Ii ***^^**P«^ " ' situated *? "5^ '^^ marketa. being «n gnw^ r^. and I and one-h«lf ndSTfrS,^ r^ iJS?£^* property is weU watered ?::?dS^fciiS5?^ "' ' ^â- "'â€" The pmtfiaser shall nav a do ^eeto thereafter; Ae ^muioias two-thirds '-*f*fe« PMtiwlan. mif to ' »«(low' SolidtflM, aunaton. TAILOR. OYerMcFarlaM'sll MARKDALE. J3" Special attention to Calii If you want a Perfect Fil| yo'ir Order witL A September 90th 1882, JNO. MONTGOIE IB ^V K K K. Begs to tender his thanks toib^ of Mark(^ile and sTirroundiBg ** past patrouagcj and to i"â„¢*" ' he is preparid to sapply w" r Fruit, Poi^ful and PU either plein or iced and oi Brides' Cakes got up in the 1 can be done this wde « i Bread, Buns and in great variety. All these area on his own premises bv •"""'^i emit of every description ^°^~' nfacturersin Qii«"M CHOICEST CONNECT in great variety. Tea other parties supplied on ttie»rj and on the '""=* rea-««»" I I the I "most rea- JOHN MONTG' Markdale. Nov. 22ud, W. H. CAMP** for' LICENSED Aucti.ineer Grey. Sales attended ig^ try on the shortest uotice. *We. ,. Orders left at tbe. Stax»*»' eeive prompt atteutiooc suffouTb^^I A WELL BRED Suffo* B*'J on Lot 6, Conce«»» Also a Poland Chin* «*"• either tl at time of »em»- p;| j De3,,16tli. 1882. ipgrience, tlu Uadifki Pmnmon Mr. Br iuaness if All woi ie ddne in ner, A H W01 and alt go «5 represei d at DoU The Peopl Hil ^A At the Gk J. S. Black, sessor, and ]\ Auditors L. 0. Districl Holland Centre ths 9th of Jatiu district being following offioei stalled â€" Geor; Michail R. Hcv ford, Chaplain Treasurer Joh -Patchanl, D. of Artemesia ' held their aui at which the elected officer James I'isber D. M. W 1 Kee, Sw Tre; liin J, Cars «noBs, 1st Coi iV. Cooper, 4t "Jimisou. The Berkeley 176 met in their cember, 1882, vi were elected offic -George Fitmii "J«lIespie, D. M., "♦3ran, Chaplain reelected Walt «leeted Edward "â- *teeâ€" Ist John *«d George Ritcl] T^irtue, Tyler, J 0. L. meets oi b«fere the full m( .HOBSE TfiAIN ]ntown last 1 '•'niliar talk u] •»• exhibition o •Vii horse, to a •*t*inly was d *e iutelligent 5pd left at a m •fliead of the J^beLindâ€" sto WfWara. aod al «r*it. Mr. Br **. ri?lit clioi £||»ing by kinc â- Â«a»ne8s, withoi -«nSrope fasteni *^y.bits so oi «^^ ""' '-^ ' *• leading meicLi ^has devoted i "rj^ developemei *r^t harbor and *««»tto8elloathi '^-wofapplyin J'fataretotbe r*^ the gentle: J^^ardtr«^, 2:^ockand Shi ^opened in I87. wf" »aters wes â- Miis dopt ••â-  -- '^^"proaoii j.p.marshaH Ur of Dentistry, "' on the ' /^ raduate Hotel. Markdale, â€" «MJh month for the pr»e«" January 9th, 1883. .and insurance !^^»k«. either £S^ ' I«pth 16 f i^^Gwea So„ '•^Tpodii^freetif ^^^SSgJi.-wiL--^4i**_, • m:-

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