Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Jan 1883, p. 4

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 "!P" "WW^mT^zTm^^TW \^^Ma^ IS I If â-  I i â- f *^l ^W^ '^i *itm The Smttdatd. lfABEDAL£, JAN. IItb, 1888. HORRIBLE MURDER. Ftw People Bmtally Biitch- •red, THE MTJRDBBER ONLY 17 YEARS OLD. porpose. In order to carry out tli« idea suoeessfoly he tied a pieee of rope aronnd the girl's neck, and drew it tighter and tigiiter nntil she became exhausted and coold offer no ftirthei resistance. The probability i-* fliat MEPBBASEL ^OOtJWaL. A meeUngitt tbercHnuOiip Counea of the Towaahip of Eaphruia wm hdd ponmant to •djonnimeDt on the 21«i Dee., 1S82. Heiaberg allprexent. Miantes of last aession of cooneil resd and she screHmed dnring the otwratiou, j gonfij^jed. and it was thiH noise that attractfd ^^ nyai of the Beere, relatiTe to the her mother to the granary. Mann, ^^ ^^ ^^^ between Clark and thia corpora- then rt^alizing that be bad been de- ^^^ ^^ ^^^ wvcaali and accepted, and a COMPKTnOUS FOB THE HONOB Of BANG- ntO HIM. One of the most horrible murders that has been known for some time took place last Taesday memiug in Little Bideau, about ten or twelve miles from Ottawa. The murderer is a mere boy, being only 17 years of age. The following is the DEPOSITION OF WILLIE COOEE one of the anfortanate family, who was badly wounded. Mr. Dartnell, Crown Attorney, and Mr. E. Johnston, county official, visit- ed the sick chamber yesterday. Willie Cnoke, although weak from loss of blood and ntrvous exhau@tion,wae able to giye in a clear am:, concise way the particulars of the terrible tragedy, sc far as he knew. His evidence is sub- stantially as follows â€" On Tuesday morning he was awakened by the cries of his brother, who occupied a bed in the same room as himself. He im- mediately sat up in the bed, when he boserved young Maun approaching hiir with an axe in his hand. He asked Mann what he meant, when the latter ran towards him, and raising the weapon aimed a blow at his head. He dodged in time to escape ine blow, when he received another in the thigh, which fractured his left leg. Finding that there was no means of grappling with the murdeous villain, armed as he was with such a deaiUy weapon, Le got under the bed. He experienced Home difficulty, as may well be imag- iued, in moving dexterously with a fractured limb, but he knew he had to make a bold struggle for life, and accomplished the feat just as Maun had raised the axe to strike him the third blow. Just as he was dropping out cf bed, however, the murderous weap- on was embedded again in his left leg, this time in the calf. Nothing daunt- ed he crawled under, the blood spurt- ing out of his painful wounds as freely fls water from a fountain. Acting on first impulse, he seized the villain, who was then standing close to the bed, by the bottom of the pants in hope of throwing him to the floor and dispossessing him of the axe. This be did not succeed in doing, but gradual- lygolj^up to the brute"s neck, and seiz- ed hiud by the throat. It was at this juncture that the two girlo came rush- ing into the room, havrjg been at- tracted by the moans of their brother George and the noise consequent upon the desperate struggle that was going on. Fannio was the first to advance With a nerve that would do credit to the bravest of the sterner sex, she lushed into the valley of the shadow of death "Stand back, or I'll brain yo"" SHOUTED THE 1NFURIA.TED VILLAIN, and his eyes flashed with a ferocity that almost made her succumb. Nei' ving lierself, however.for the occasion, ahe did not stand back, but rushed at iiira with the determination to do or die. Tiger- like, she fiirly leapod at him, and as she came within range was able to ayert the blow aimed at her head. Following this, however, came another, which took eftect in the tected m his terrible cnme, conceited the idea of EXTKBHINATING THE ENTTKE HOU8«HOIJ). Mrs. Cooke bears a mark on her fore- bead, and the probability is tbat Mann stunned her with a blow from some blunt instrument, and whilst lying urconscious on the floor removed the rope from the lifeless form of Emma and used it on her mother. Wben Mrs. Cooke's body was found the rope was tightly drawn around her neck and the end tied to the leg of a table, which stood in the centre ot the gran- ary. From here he appears to have traced his steps to a shed adjoining the barn, where Mr, Cooke was feed ing the swine. He must have come unto the old gentleman by surprise, and hacked his head to pieces. From there he made his way back to the bouse anrt went up the kitchen stairs to the room occupied by the boys, in- tending to get quietly rid of them. and leaving the two young ladies for the last. How well these inteations were thwarted, the brave conduct of the girls will explain. SERVICES VOLDNTEEBED. Sheriff Merrick will certainly ex- perience no difficulty in getting a man to execute the death sentence, for he had already several applications from well-known residents of both L'Orig- inal and Hawkesbury, who have ten- dered their services. One man said he would esteem it a threat favor to be copy of said report handed to the freasorer, the resignation of John CluKBton, as assessor for the year 1882, was accepted. By-law No. 325, fixing indemnity of coun- cil was caiiied through the different stages and passed. The BeeveV orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz: To WilsA Boyd, $39 for work on S. L. « and 7 con. 9 W. H. Dodson, ?3« for 6 road scrapers James Falcs $17.50 for care of Hall .famishing lamps, Ac Robert Dunlop, $20 for pobtage and $180 being balance of salary, payment for extra serrioes on school business, tc. On motion being made and seconddo), the council arose. .. EoBltBT DnxLop, Cleii McFarUuid'B. H n. ;.r ^\ "' J Wool Squwrrti *n«I.Cltiid» reduced at McFariaud*». ' Mr. W. J. McFarland received la- tely the largest shipment 'of Tea tver received in Markdale, or any other t.»wo on the line of tha Toronto, Grey Bruce. T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLiB. Change ot Time., On and after Monday, Nov. afHh, 1882, trains will run as follows Underti Cofftrfs, Caskets, Burial Poii Cloves, Cra â€" AXD_ OOINO K TH. OOINO SOUTH AH Furnishings for May be Lad on Ktad Dâ€"BH. Read Up. Those choap Tweeds â€" good wool, good weights, and good patterns â€" are just the thing wanted 50c, 52^, and .iSo per yard, to be had only at M. Bichardson's, Flesher- ton. THE SPIIINGS DID NO GOOD. The following item is given for tbe coii- sideration of thost. of our readers who are in search of jast such an article as that re- ferred 'to in the following statement of Mrs. Geo. A. Clark, a well known lady of St. Catherines: "1 cannot reirain." says Mrs C, "from bearing testimonv to the wonder- ful effects produced by the use of the very best remedy in the werld, St. Jacob's Oil for rheumatism. I had rheumatism and dropsy and did not walk a step for fifteen years, I tried nearly everything our most skillful nbysician prescribed, â€" Clifton Springs, â€" St. Catherine Springs, etc., residing with a celebrated Germhn doctor who pronounced my case incurable. Thinking everything of A.H. P.M. ToBOKTO 10 45 9 10 Cabdwbll Jcnc. 9 05 7 31 Obahokvillb 8 27 6 60 MooNT Forest.. C 30 4 30 MARKDAiK 6 27 4 30 Teeswakb 5 00 2 45 f kshekton.... 6 43 4 47 owbn codnd â€" 5 15 3 10 A.M. I P.M. A Mixed Train will also run between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. Edmund WBAeGK. A.M. P.M. 7 3i) 4 25 9 05 6 00 9 55 6 45 12 20 8 44 12 06 8 45 2 25 15 11 60 1 30 9 55 P.M P.M. Shorten Notice "Oiirsfron; D. McNicoLL, Gen. Past. Agt. General Manager. MAEKDALE MABKETb. T no use I was induced to try St. Jaobs Oil, accorded tbe privilege, and promisea ^nd it has certainly done wonders for me. I to appear on the scaffold unmasked. 'heartily recemmend it to any who mny be Whether he will carry out this idea suffering as I did. I have not Whether he will carry when the day of execution arrives or not 18 a matter for liim to establish. There is one thing certain, however, the sheriff need not seek the services of a professional executioner. PEE SENSATION TO MAEKDALE L. 0. L. No. 1045 Brethben, â€" Allow me to present your worshipful lodge with an Orange Chart as a small token of respect and esteem for the illustrious Order with which we are identified. 'Tis not the intrinsic value of the chart that would cause you to accept but as a momento of the tie that binds us, so that when you open the chest you will remember that the giver is, and always will be, one of the fraternity whose motto is "No Surrender." Yours fraternally, Jami-s Elliott. W. M. Maikdale, Dec. 22nd 1882. REPLY. Dear Bro. Elliott, â€" I have much pleaf.ure in tendering jnu our 4 hanks for your kind gift which we accept. Your position in oar lodge as Master for three years shows that we all hold you in the highest esteem, and we hope that you may long remain a member of our noble order. Wm, Bkady, D. M. had any use of mv right arm for more than a year now, however, lean raise it nearly to my head." 1 Oâ€" I Do you want an Overcoat If so now is your chance to secure a good bargain. Where? At M. Richardsou's, I'lesherton. MISERABLE FOR THIRTEEN YEARS. In order to acquire" the rights of full citizsn- ship in the United States, the native born must have reached the age of 21 years, and have gone through two full, but short cour- ses â€" of Rheumatism, says a growler at our elbow. In Canada, however, the couises of Rheumatism are not so short, running, it would seem, as long as 13 years â€" at least m one instance, that of Mr. Jame? Mahoney, Sr of OriUia, Ont., who says •' have been a sufferer with Rheumatism for the fiast thirteen years, and have tried, during hat iime, very many of the remedies adver- tised for it, but all without affect. Upon re- commendation I was induced to buy a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. The first aplication reliev ed me, and upon the second application t^ie pain disappeared entirely and has not since returned. It affcrdj me much pleasure ' to make tlua statement of my experience With St. Jacobs Oil and I smcerely wish that every sufftrer could know of its wonderful yirtuis." FaU Wheat, $0.80 to $0.84 Spring 10.82 to SO 86 Barley. 50c; Peas, 68t; Oats, 34e Butter, 18c; Eggs, 20c; Potatoes, 40c; Hay. »10.00 Pork, T.76 to 7.7.^. FLESHEETON MAEKETIiS. Fall Wheat, »0.78 to $0.82; Spiing, O.80 to W.84 Barley, 40c; Peas, fi^ic; Oats, 34«; Butter. 17c; Eggs, 20c; Potatoe8.40 c; Hay, *9.00; Pork, $7.00 to *7 65 TOEONTO MAEKeTS. FallWheat,»0.90to»0.95. Spring, $0.90 to ?0.95; Barlev, 483 to 70c;' C»!s,40cto 41c Peas, 69c to 71c; Hogs, »8.20 to 58.30; Pota- toes, per bag. 6fic to 65c; Butter, dairy, ••"c to 20c; e.-?cs 26c to 28c. MARKDAL BIRTHS. back of shouller. Her sister Maggie, in the meantime, had bravely ruiihed in, and seizing the uplifted axe, wrenched it from the villain's hand, but not before another gash bad been made in her sister's breast. Mann then fled. The neighbours were at once alarmed, when tiie enormity of the crime was disclosed, and a thrill of horror was sent through the coun- try such as has never before been ex perience4 in the annals ot Ottawa Yaliey history. A^NOTHpa \-^SION OF THE CRIME. Your corre^ondent to-day met Mr. Kirby of OttA.wa county, who was just Eeturniug froqj tha scene of the trage- dy. Mr. Kirby is related to tbe Cooke iamily, and Rives perhaps a more or- ret^^t detail (jf the revolting crime than Imayetiippenuejl. Mr. Kiiby'» ver- ajou H tliftt iLmma Gooke got up at six o'ch)ck Wednesday moruiug, aijd frt?- WHS p*ri of her, daily darv, visited the^g«inft}7 immpdiateJy m rear of the kitchen, to get wine jjrain fcr the fowls. IKbile thpre jMai^ entered and artt«'tnpted to take iinprnpil^ iiberti^s with 'ler. S!ifi robinted, and he re- aort.^ to A procefts of strangulation to V»U ' hiin to •c«ompli#i lui) I^Jiish A large variety of Candies and Nuts just arrived at Montgomery's bakery. Mr. R. Davia, Fiesherton, intends starting for Atebeson City, Kansas, on Friday. Colored Damask Table Covers at half the usual price of such goods atM. Richardson's, Fiesherton A grand assortment of fresh Oranges and Oysters of the best brands, full cans, just ar- rived at Montgomery's bakery. M. Richardson, Fleatierton, has the largest range of Dress Goods at lowest prices. See them before purchasing. Montgomery.â€" In Markdale.on tiie4th inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Montgomery, of a daughter. Flkmixg. â€" In the wife of daughter. SuijEANTâ€" In Markdale.on the 7th inst the wife of Mr. F. Sarjeant, of a daughter! Markdale, on the 5th inst., Mr. William Fleming, of a MARRIAGES. A lot A call solicited st Doll IJrown's. of splendid Wedding Rings to hand. We are glad to learn that Mr. BroTVTi, dentist, of Fiesherton, has dcxsided to take up his abode in Markdale. He is highly re- spected there and wiU no doubt bo a good citizen here. First-class Wjtch Work at DoU* Brown's a specialty. work guar- anteed for one year. The, first meeting of the several municipal counts will take place on the third Mon- day in January (next Mcmday.) The County Cooncils on the fourth Tnesdaj-. Gwds wffl be found as represented or mowey refunded, at Doll Brown'., fllark. 4aJ|e •BI7. WEIi^GOKBAl^DBILLm. ALL Rdndlk â€" Montgomery â€" By the Rev. T. J Snowdon, on the 27th of Dec., 1882,at the rtsidence of the bride's parents, Mr. S. P. Bundle to Miss Lettie Montgomery, botli of Melancthon. WEU.ABâ€" GuT-By the Rev. T. J. Snowdon on the 27th Dec, 18£2, at tne leeidence of the bride's parents. Maxwell. Mr. Robert Wellar, of King, U. Miss PrisciUa Guv, of Maxwell. Mabkle -Doneyâ€" By the Rev. T. J. Snow- don on the 1 st of January, 1683, at the Methodist Parsonage, Dundalk, Mr E Markle to Miss Annie Doney, both ot Riverview. WwiLL-BLAiR-By the Rev. J. S.Corcoran on New Year's day. at the residence of the bride s parents, Mr. Henry Wyval to Miss Ann Blair all of Ety)hrasia. CAasoNâ€" Ken.-edtâ€" On the 3rd inst, by the Bev A Wilson, at the residence of the bnde 8 parents, Mr. J. G. Carson to Miss Mary Ehzabeth Kennedv, all of Artemeuia. ESTRAY. CAME on to the premises of the under- signed, lot 21. concession 12, Holland, about the middle of November, one red St^er, and two red and white Heifers rising three years old. The owner is rcqnested to piove property, pay expenses and take them qway. W. WAIT. Holland, Dec. 20th. 1882. 119-4f JNO. MONTGOMERY, B ^^ k: K tfc Beg3 to tender his thanks to the inhebitants of Markdale and surrounding country for past patronage, and to intimate ;o them that he is prepared to supply the public with Fruit, Pnind and Plum Cake either pl»in or iced and ornamented. Also Brides' Cakes got up in the best style that can be done this side of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes? in great variety. All these are manufactured on hit own premises by himself, besides Bis- cuit of every description from the best man- ufacturers in Ontario. CHOICEST CONFECTIONEBY in great variety. Tpa Meetirgs, Social.*, and other parties supplied on the shortest notice and on the most re.«onable terms. JOHN MONTGOMERY. Markdale. Nov. 22nd. 1882. 115-3m FLOUE MH A* UtU TABLOR, Oyer McFarlaM'sl MARKDALE Special attention to Culnili If yon want a Perfect Fi! yo'xr Order wili. A Sentember 90th 1882. Auction Sa PROPERTY Situated in the Tillage of Pi Township of Proton, Gonntjofii W. H. CAMPAIGNE, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales attended in town or coun- try on the shortest notice. Charges reasoor^ able. Orders left at the. Standard office will r« ceive prompt attention. 117-3m DIED- BLACK8TocK-In AllistonT on Slet Dec IA» Jme se^nd daughter of Mr Ol^t stock, aged 7 yeara. "»oa- ^V^~^ Enpbrasia, on th« 5th inst Ur Q*o- Vy^. aged 66 jn.. 8 m en " ^• rI^CK8illITH SHOP. '-* opoung. Terms easy. • SUFFOLK BOAR. A WELL BRED Suffolk Boar for serrice on Lot 6, Concession 7, Euphrasia Also a Poland China Boar. Charges for either %\ at time of service. D. R. ELLIfK Dos. 16tli. 1882. 119 gw. Hotti' Oooa ^Pplyatth* 122-tf office of this paptr. Janu ary 6th, ISil J- P. maSshali:;ls:s; 52-, luSSri CmrtTiJSS*' PATENTS, We continue to act as solioitars for sat- ents caTeats, trade-marks, copyrights, etc. l^iS "i^"' '*»*' G«lnaiT, and ^cS^'^^S^'^I^^^^S'^^'^^ ^^ " extensionlO,?4, an- A«„™ ^*-_A- 'T**"8".of.«iWi a notiae isiairlv •â- wi newqH^MTirf its Idndi-" -^ ' "r*." world. The advantaoM J Addnsa, )f ww it Co Pursuant to the Power of S«lc in a certain mortgage there will l pubhc aucti^n at the Crown Village of PriLeville, ou MONliAY,THE15THDAY0^1 UARY. 1883, at one o'clock in the afternc* Parcel 1.â€" Lot 9, south s* street; Lot 9, north side Tooy st'« ville, containing one acre, moie W" is a good acre of land, well lentxi, any luildings on it. Parcel 2.â€" Lots 11, 12 and 13 »J side of Kiniross street aiiJ Ic^ " 13 on the north side of Torry »t' "' â-¼ille, containing three acres morco Upon this property r erected «r house 18x24, with aa ext«D»i'"' and wood shod in fair i*!* a stble 20x30. There is »^ " nice orchard consistiog of apF^ eherry, and crab tree*, also (?oosel)erry bushe?. Thei* is also* on the prenoises. TEe pi^""*? ' feneed. Futcxi. 3.â€" Also at the saiw " place there will be sold lot 3, D(ir«, Elgin street, and lot 3. south s)l« « •*»«•, Priceyille, containing one »wn or less. Upon this property is ^scted »* 1»^ r;ii!r is fairly fenced. Pabcu, 4.â€" Also let 17, TtrwQship of I^coton, «ontaiiUDS mmre or leas. Terms and ooitditiou^ of t^ •Jdeuid wiU fie made kyewn at The V«n%8. reserve, to tli« ij^t of ockjbtd.ior each psrceU ' For farther p«i;iiealara apply ^* SMITH, SMITH* Vcadon" I** GEO. Gpi Also a uell assorted stv] FU RNlTUi frem pain to fine quaOity. ij prices. J. W. FO#°ii ^.

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