Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Dec 1882, p. 5

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 I, HOLLAND, Rood buildiiigst 'Iv to James â-  ruises, or to LLOW, TaraPI gO OIVilNQ ROOMING BOOMING THE GBEAT 1 (iscount Sale â€" OFâ€" fatches, Clocks, Jewellery, [mas goods, ic, c., c. at F.DOLL'S MAKKDAL.E. ^Cost the balpnce ot those beautiful Miiii »w i'ea".-; ca-Js at W. F. Doll's. bs AKE BEING GEEATLY SLAUGHTERED. JTREATMENT^ •.\ E AND bl.Al^' 1-^ jitctic fur Hyst Fits, Nervous 1U-; I'ro.^tr.itiou ' Di- tobacco, ^^1 i,.!i, Softening H*i i,itv aiifl ieaJui?* i.l'ivmatureOldi 'ower m eitli*" 1 SjK rmatorrb u oflho- braiii.s iir,.. One box' h box contains" lie dollar a bo-" s; sent by mail P We guarantees With each ods^ s, accompftDieo J ;nd the purci»»*f3 t^fund the vo'^^ effect a cure. Turner ^^\j arkdale Out. â- ^ ietor.Toronto^^ Lazier, of B-^llville, is visiting [n'.uJs in Markoiile. le had a call from Mr. Alex. Mc- ^all, of the Swynor Sun, on Mon- Lucas it Co, bankers, Mark'.lale $200,000.00 t« loau on jestiittj. biraight ioun bystem. No Lowiuteiebt; modt-rate charges. le are glad to learn that Mr. Geo. pirt, baggagt man, wbo was re- arrested for acciJentaly shoot- la Mrs. Taylor, while Bhooliug ou the bay at Toi jnto, has been Hed. Dr. Gregc^, of Knox college, Qto, will prea.;li ii-^xb s-ibbath jiuj; and evening m the Presby- cbrcli and Hjv. D. Mcleod at III. Tea-inec'tiug the foUow- |\C1]II1J,' Ic Lresbyterian S. S. Anniver- jfas held in Dutferin Hall on ttM'ij evening the 27th. The liianee was not as large as conld tbired, owing in some degree to jtea-meetnig in connection with fliurch dedication following so The programme was interest- id tlie Christmas tree when lit ftstuted a beautiful appearance â- 'â- ell laden with presents. «Jfty night about sii o'clock the |i'"dy 01 Mr. J sa ic Garrett,hostler '.â- â- nijeH's stiible, Eocklyn, was vii;' therein. Coroner Albery K '.iiiiuist on Wednesday. From F"l'.iice it was quite evident that 'aavtt, who had gone to look in ' for his mits, had fallen I' thrtrnj) door. Dr. Maclean. J^a^lH th- pi, St mortem, said he :ive taiieu on Lis shoulder the n't.-stls of the spine were broken, "I'^Viis ti,,. cause of death. He liiy ofoii niis-cil "25 minutes. A r"i Hinilt iital death WHS return- pi"' 'iaii,:i rptne to this coun- 1"!^ rK-iiirosome 35 years ago, k^,i w, ,;,_., ,^„^,,.j. i_,y trade. He '1 tl:-) y 111 itt the time of hit ^Aiiiuy. ^:^â- v Tea-meeting of '".hUm ciiiiivh in Markdale 'a UMial ,,u Christmas even- " ei.uieh "-as literally crowd- "-ii^ 11 a (iitficult matter to ""â-  "â- -- 1' IS vident that better '"â- '"ills r, .j-,wiH.(l, and before 'air,i;,., i-,,iinj ^ve hope a " he u;;i,h. t'jwiirds prepatring • " iJtw ,-;lific(.. Alter tea ad- *ti"' dilivei-d by the Pastor, ii' Uork,. " cf Pai h. 1 ot ^Voodford, Rev. l-?y, on "Success," ,^;^if, principal of Whitby ^•^'•'-gf-, on the' advantage of j"^y and by Rev. D. C. Mc fi ' '^^|"'1"lou, who addressed -^d'l ^^^ vocal duct's were â-  ^iig Mr. J. li_ James gave Liw,^ ^-i-adle of the deep" Y^Jf^bly the choir rendered l;f,;'^^""«^l«'ing the evening. bt iTf "'"^â- ^" ' '"'â-  ll!^«iJedattheoigauwithabi- |teat?IFl^"^e. The proceeJs •' to §103 ,, Inch will Le ap- '^^iursonagedebt. " ' ed a. totcher for 8. 8. No. « ArtemSL •ivmf.l?/^"*!;? ^:°tl«^e. was elected Irnstee for Matkdale School at the annual meeting. Mr. C Tieadgold has been cnRaRed a« teacher for Orange Valley School bchool Tuesday the 2ud Januwy. Bewkhibe Boab.â€" Mr. C. Little- jouns hviug two tnilee south of Mark- dale, has a fine bred Berkshire boa"r •or seivice on his faftn this season. 75 cts. cash, |l if not so paid. 118-128 We are pleased to learn that Dr. Armstrong is Kkely to remain at least another year in Markdale. He is con- stantly KTowing tnoro popular in his profession, as well as iu the social circle. There will be no service hi the Methodist cburchneit Sabbath morn- iug or evening. The Dedication ser- vices of the new Presbyterian diurch, will take place that day, hence the withdrawal of services for the day by tha Methodists. It is about time ushers were ap- pointed for the Methodist church in this village, as in Pleshertou and other places, many refrain from going as they do not wish to intrude but if ushers were appoiut^ed, this feeling on the part ot the visiters would disap- pear. L. 0. L. No. 1383, district of Arte- mesia, County of Grey, held at Kells corner met Dec. 21 st and the follow- ing brethern were elected oflBcers for 1883. James Lackey, W. M. James Stinsou, D. M. Thomas Kells, Ch. George Wright, Sec. John Boland, T. 1st com. man Samuel Bowles. Canadian Almanac. â€" Mr. Turner has jreeented us with a copy ot the Canadian Almanac for 1883. This useful and iudispeueible requisite to business men contains full and au thentic commercial, statistical, astro- nomical, financial and general iefor- mation. Price 15ct8 at the Medical Hail, Markdale. The Government have issued "re- ply" postal cards, by which the setd- er of a postal card desiring a reply cau send a card attached on wbicli to write it. This will be found a great conveni- ence; for experience shows tiiat often replies are neglected for days because the receiver does not happen to have a postal card at hand to reply at the time of receiving one; but with the "reply" card furnished he would probably write his answer and despatch it at once. Hill Bros. Elevator is run by steam power and is a great improvement on horse power system. Markdale is far ahead of any place iu the district for facilities for handling and sloring grain and is the best msrket. Grain is coming 20 miles to our market. SHILOH'S CATAllRHKEMEDY. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker month, and Head Ache. With each bot:Ie there is an ingeuious nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50c. Sold by Wm dale. TO COMSIWiniVES. «ired ol thatdiead «L.e.ue. iionsvunprnZhl to 1U8 feUow gnfferer.s the meHUsof cure. To an who desire it, he will sen., a couy rf the ^t!^^J " '^•^ «' charge.) .ith ie toecUons for piepairing and using the Mme BumrnoN, Asthma. Bboschitis. Ac. Parties wishing the Prescription, wiU please address. Rev. E. A. Wii.on. 149 Penn St., Wilham8biu-gh,N. T. 75-127 AGEMTb WAMTJ5D. -Big pay.- Liaht Werk. at««/lTi Employment. L. BYRN. 46 Samples free. Nanssaa stree Address, M. New York. BYRN, 20 VALUABLE PROFERH FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF DUBHAM, AJ*D COCKTT OF GRET. ' rpHE foUowing valuable town properties JL will bt sold on reasonable terms or will be rented for a term of years, or exchange for farm propeoty. Ist. Lot No. 1 on the west side of Gaiafraxa street and south of Hunter street, opposite Mr. J. H. Hunter's store house, well fenced and first class frame buildings, good cellars, hard and soft water, a most conveniant resi- dence and would make a good business stand. 2nd, That most desirable property being park lots Nos 2 and 3 on the north side of Oeorge St., 8 acres more or less, well fenced, front fenced with pickets, one and a half acres of a thriving young orchard and very conven- ient to the railway station. The east half of the west half on lot 18 on the west side of countess street with a new frame house aud kitnhen, good stable and wood shed, well fenced, front fence paint- ed white, hard aud soft waicr on the prem- ises. 4th. Park Lot No. 8, Wm, Hunter's, Surrey. 5th Lots I and 2, Presbyterian Survey. 6th, Lot No 15 on the North side of Mill street in the village of Markdale close to tue rail- way station, with good frame house thereon. If the above properties arn sold the very best title will be giveu free from all encum- brances. Also the Foliowiuc Farming Properties. wUl be sold on reasonable tbrms of payment. 7th, Lot No. 22, Con. 9 Glenelg, 100 acres more or less, 3J miles from the T. G. fe B. B. at Markdale, 75 acres cleared, a new frame house and two log bams. 8th Lot No. 93 in the 3rd Con. W. T, S. R., Glenelg. 50 acres, about 45 acres cleared aad good log buildings, about 2^ miles from Markdale station T. G. dt B. K. 9ih, The west half lot 17, Con. 4. N. D. R Gleneig, 50 acres 4o acres cleared, good rough cast house and orchard on the pre- mises. The house and oue acre will be re. served during the life of the occupants who ari. now between 80 and 85 years of age. 10th East part lot No. 1 con 2 Normanby, 63 acres, about 50 acres cleared, situation about 2 miles from the town of Durham. For further pai-ticulars apply to FINLEY MicRAB, Durham. Dated 15th August. 1SS2. tf 104, Brown's General Store Mark- VISIT TO MARKDALE. Que of the surgeons from the Liter- national Throat and Lung Listitatc, I78(hurch St. Toronto is maknig a trip for the accomodation of sufferers who cannot make it convenient to visit the institute. He is being yisi ted by crowds of physicians and snffereVs receiving treatment and is ting the merits of Dr. W. Souvi He s wonderful invention the Spirometei for the core of Citarrh. Catarrh il Deafness, Asthma, Brouchius, Cni- B'lmption and all diseases of the head, throat and lungs, Consultation and « trial of the Spirometer free, poor i)eo- p!e furnished vith the Spirorael.r gratis. He will be at the Marld"" House three davs,Januaiy 11th, 12th, 13rh. He wi'l furnish upon a] plica- tion the names and address if taou.s auds that have been cm-e.i by o r treatment. Head offices in Canada; l'» Church St. Toronto, and 13 I'hilhps Square Montreal, P. Q. WORTHY OF FBAISE. As a rule we do not "conimend Patent Medicm^s. but when we 1^^°^ o^,^" '^^f really if a public benefactor, ajid does po.' lively cure, then wc consider it our duty to SIpart thai information to all. Electric Bit- Wsare truely a most valuable ^^^^^'^^ will surely cure BUliou8nos8,Feyer and Ague, ^Zih' Liver aHd Kidney ComplainU even when aU other remedies faJ- We Low whereof we speak, and c«^ fr^/g^ commend them to a"â€"^"'*;-^" cents 8 bottle, by A. Turner Co- BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SAL-?^ cores Piles, ai "' »'»»"' ,^, r^f^ 26 satisfaction, or money 7«J"'f ^- J^ Co (...nts per box. For sate by A. Turner JOHNSTON'S ' SARSAPARiLLA iivn cuFiiir BTsrsFsu," And for Purlfyins the Blood. 1 It has been In use for 20 years, and ha« proved to bo the best preparation In the market for SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE SIDE OB BACK. UVEE COM- PLAINT, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and aU Diseases I that arise from a Disordered Liver or an I impure blood. Tho. sands of our best I people take it and give It to their chil- dren. Physicians prescribe it daily. 1 Those who use it once rec ommend it to others. It is made from Yeltow Dock, Hondu- ras SarsapariUa, Wild Cherry, StilUngia, Dandelion, Sassafras. Wintorereen, and I other well-known valuable fioola and I Herbs. It is strictly vegetable, and can- I not hurt the most delicate constitution. I It is one of the best medicines in use tor I EegulaUnz the Bowels^^ ..^.^^^ .» It is BoKTby all responsfblo •"Tf^Jrtj »t one dollar for a quart bottle, or Blx bottles r°fh^ih^^not obftn a bottfc. of thi. medicine from tHeir druggiirti may send n» on© I dollar, and we will Bend it to tbem. V. nESSTOS 00., lUsnetnnn; AnhenttMe, Ont Setnlt, Uch. Re-Fresh-ing| markdale Meat Market In the cool uaanlou of acme people that they can sell belov.- eoat. fto it may not be amiss to tet the poblie bf Markdale and snr- ronnding coontiy know that Wil«^oii Benson, of the "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALE, can seD '• chei^er than the cheapest," and "better than the be«t." all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, Ac. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS. SPICES, CANNED FISH. ETC., And for those wishing pnre Wme for SaO- ramental purposes, will find a brand that will equal anything on this side the Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pure. 8FBCIAI.I Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the beat manofaotories. Our Whiskiee are from the firm of Good- erham Worts, Toronto, aod the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR. POTATOES, and everything in the household line kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be sapplied with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEARS, PLUMS, Ac. FRUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller and more complete scale than at any other place in Afarkdala. WJLSON BENSON. Mothers! Mothers! Motheral Are yoH disturbed a. ni^ht and broken of your rest by a3ic child suffering and crying with the excruciatinir paip of cutting te^hl If so so at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately-, deoeud upon it there is ao misUke about it.^ There is not a mother up*n earth who haa ever used it, who will no* tell you at onc^ that it will regulate the bpwels, and give ret^k Sie mother^ and reUef and health to th* child, operating like msfffi. It is perfectlj. safe to use in aU cases, a^a pleasant to th^ taste and is the pr«scriptiap of o-.e of theol-. dest Mid b-«t female j hysieia.'s a-jd uures in thetJuitevi States. SoU overv .v r ;^ at 25 eeota a bottle. PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Veobtablb Balm that will remove Tak- FRECKLES, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a luxariant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co.. 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 75-127 ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years 1\. from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMA- TURE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to aU who need it, the recipe end directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing tc profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addressing in perfect confi- dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St.. New York. A oonatant sapply of Fresh Meats! on huid, at the LoweKli Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRtCTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 23, 1882. 80-ly SEEING IS MJEYING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS markdal;2. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagbn up to Extension Top Phaeton. Gold. Great cnance to make money. Those who always take advantage of tl e good chancus for making money that «re offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances re- main in poverty. We wapt many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for us right in their own locaUties. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The bus- iness will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the work, or only your spare moments. Full informa- tion and all that is needed sent free. Addres, Stinsou fe Co., Portland Maine. 71-126 To bi.y from them is to SAVE IVlOIVE^irj MANHdODBl HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /^^^~~^ We have recently published a new 8K ALi jedition of Dr. Cdlvkrwbcl's Cele- ^â- ^^^^Y^^BBATED Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental aud Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, c.. resulting from excesses. VS" Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' succ«ssful practice, that alarming eon- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. tS'This Lecture should bo in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Address The Gulverwell Medical Go,. F ^- box 430 41 Ann St., Hfcw Vork $500 Reward We will piiy the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyf'ptpsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- ne)»s we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pill;;, when the directions are strictly complied with. Tbey are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Suitar 'oated. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by all Dmggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitatiovs. The genu- iue manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST ct CO., "The Pill Makers," 81 83 King St. East, "Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner Q,o. Drug Store. They are bolh pn jtiotl workmen, and employ noiiC but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing bat First-class White 0*k for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount 6f work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficieD proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST IS THB CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Re-Trimming and Repainting aQ classes of Carriage W^. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING HHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite t3 Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASO N. THOS. MATHEWS, mi EslaUBeiT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHEK!! T THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN- 8HIP OF EUPHBASIA. Gbktlxken, â€" Having been urgently so- licited by a l^iTge number of influential rate- payers t0 offer rnyself as a candidate for councillor for the ensuing year. I hereby re- spectfully cjmply, and would take this means of soliciting your vote and influence. If elected I pledge my honor to use my best endeavor for tiie best interests of the Town- ship. *^ W. J. BLACK. Ewping. Dee, 16th. 1832. 11» 2w. SUBSCRIBE FORTHE "STANDARD." BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do Well to call at No, 3 Burns' Block, opposite, the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2oth, 1881 Nolhing Like Leather. M. M. M'LEOD, MARKDALE. NOT TO BE^ BEATEN All those who may have had the misfor- tune to have been bom barefooted will bear in mind that we haye just received the larg- est aud l)eht stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale. consistmg of Spanish Sole. French Kip and Calf, and are new pre- pared to manufacture Ladies, Gents, JontliB ard Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga te tho fineiit k'd and pruncUa. Sewfjd Work a Specialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching also done here. M. M. McLEOQ. Markdale, Sept. 19th. 18« I;,. m «!?: iSt. Mi ' i ' 1 ' I 4. ii' •- ?!£ â- - â- â- % ^.-_

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