Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Jun 1882, p. 3

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 f 1 " ^r ' I i*: ' IL- Tu« b*»: I «T-Lj \» eu«l lurwftr Pil«8 «i (1 ^i^ 'ifi.Hww r in»««l bv Ccu- •tip 'in i 1;itI«L D.-od Blttrn Par J;.! g I e.i.Jii- u j, ai^d T-uic ii iU;i^ i til iipitf Tj..u1» lu Ktiitr. Our Fremiain I^B !»«• Buid* mrruDgtwiaakt by rlii«^ii «• am Mi«1»led to gire to evety SEW bUBSCniBEB tn Acr iwp«r iDJtooia ubwiiben FATING IN \DVANCE, a tofj of DB. KENDALL'S "Treatise on the HORSE and His Diseases." •- SHREWD aS ever. Ii nil I xt lid d article in the WMb- M'/t II (D.C.,) Stan, *c tlm: Hiuitu^ otiitrr-, bi-iixi r Jaiut* G li|iiij who biui niif^.rtf'i ill tUe piui. Hj:li r.j:Uuirtiiii). u« Leeps hl. Jv- "bii :i Oil liaufj lu c-oe ot auT fur- 'ifcr atUtck. â- I) p»rf"in cjiii eiij -y l.catltli wliil •IliI-^JIUU L lis!:|i«.iiij t-t tiiC IJtiWelg. ti:iiHh I'lir^.itiv-ra aiw^y.i tio Lain]. lUtâ- ^^^r^i hio â- ' iiilUTa !• Nitture's u»U 'm' Mrfriii-. Ii i-'Ku'trB. iritiei, Bod kii«:ii^'U;t'ii7 tuc ;.' (-'tu. 'i'.iil buttl* 10 c»u ' Op!. pHUi Boyut jti yoiterday dc- f ii.iled th« fHlU of iliv J.4UU-S River nt Riclinii'nJ, V'a. Ti.e eurreul here i« V. ry R*ilt, nnd tL« r:v.«r bed u ob- 1 lection of rcceipU, and much other l.ucid bj boulVr^ and tb« remains I uneful information. It i« a book tLat oi fi,li trapi. Thee in a fall bf 76 ,-,oq1ji fc, ,„ the hands of •Tery far- 1' • I. in liulf a luilf. Tli»i« a rtandard work, ocutainiag an Index «f Disffasea, irbieb eirea tb* â- %} iiptomf, cause, and tbe beat treat- meut for each a Table, giriog all the drnga naed for tbe hone, vitli the ordinary doae, effnet^, and antidote when a poison a table with an engntviug of the horse's teeth at different ages, with rales for telling the age of the horse a Talnable eol- mer aiid owner of a horse. book. '**' 1 Now is the tim? to subscribe, or fot \]vy sufTer f on. supposed Oreaiiic ,^ „,„cr,Ui. to pay up. and get the .ii:v-rt-fc of tilt- heart., wlifcii the trouble i j r is only an irregularity m tlie circula- (t«ii ut Lh' Mi»l Uuids, w.iicii i^urJockj I lo d liitlers will jiroiupily remedy, i 'iri;il buttle 10 ceu'n. i Xow tliKt th* .-...ii.t is in Kiifht and! will touch th*- f«tli witli its lud, a!;d Lot put nn t-id tu til' woiM » xh- I tence w« w nil req:iist fur sub i scrihcra to hc.i'.ato im l.ii^-r about! payi'ij,' lip lor one V'-iir in idv!iiice. j Wh luny Im can"nn e. but we tiiiijk tl.ii opi'ortui.ity f.r ii-iUyiijg fiiith j i-li' uld not l' ii. I'l. ct'-.t. !f you would ln\»!i I'xar oiiipl- y.1 II, H frtfedoin fi.u; U' tcM^s, I'.iu- pli ISoiU. and i'li! h'i'iior-, inri ty iiiid rt^ulu'e im. i.i 'ni,, Ki 1- lieyn. iiiiil liiw.:'.s Willi :;.irv'i"c!i iSij «d Mitt-r». Trial irl!,.- Id ti Ltn. trapedy ct-curruJ the tLer day I'l liny towusiiip, ii'itr Peiiflaii(!iu- ^..• 1H-, whcrt-iti ii funnel- imniid iiemy V .rke liillud aiiotlicr fartii r, Daniel liewal, wi'h au nxt), and af'crwards twice iiiir.iu-ce.'Bhilly utteiiii)ted sui cide. Tlifiu i(ji](ars to haye been no oth«-r ni'iiohs of th dcfd than tlie net ira in it, but tin- ;!• c. ii-^c I made au HiiteUiOrt«.'in dcp'isiti 111, ii[miu which the coroiu-r'b ji;ry Jia? iiiihclpd York for manhl:iii"ii.-r. 'I'lie tiHi^tdy art^an out of a (liri.iiif '.\. r soiuf Ijnd whicii D»\val had n iit-d 'n in his iilaver. L DUNDABX BOOT AND SHOE^ TKTl HTBUIKinamj: Mill U tke fan with Um yMt iiiliiiai^n I beg to aiiBowiiaM ftat NEW 60008 ARIIiriNfi DAILY J«U1 and S««« I'hem. am tOa naanlaetarinc thoae edabrated Frcuch Kip Boota, call and gat then. Boota, •itha' aawed or pegged, a -peeialty. CaU Repairing promptly attended to. Warranted. All Custom Work MEIV Wsntii***""'^***"' Beat Laf«**^ the Grey Ti]]a«»F«9«^.iB SHOULD SEND FOR I Hainolji Catalope SEEDSt Wo dniN to utftom the fai ming community that we b»». a choic* stock ot ' •* X.-' «». I keep the Celebrated Vms Sewing lachines CoDitantly on band, which I m11 vary cheap for aaah. Alsa tto rOiVlIIVIOTV ORGrAPfil which are nnriTalled in besntj of tana and powar. All kiads ot Farm Piodaea taken in azclij Ji^'a for gooda at tbeDondalk Boo* aad Bhae Store. TH08. HANBURY. Bandatt, SaptemWr Sod. JMl. i-Sm t h tciii. 1.;.; r 'i In- Hiilr-l lU'at iii.liilt'iil I'lini t 111 I'IccT known, lii. r 'iiiliiiicil II-.. ' KENDALL'S SPIVIN CURE. I'tK' most Kurcettsnil Kemedy evtr di covered, as it is certain in iti effects uii'l does not Ulster. Kkad Proof Bilow. FROM THE ONEONT PRES8,N.Y. Onconta, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. I'.urlr last enmmcr Me^isrs J. K. Kendall Co of LiioHbiii'Rh Falls, Vt., made a con- trii.'t witli tlie publishers of the Pre for a lin'.f coliiniii advertisement for one year Bet- I tiiii! foith tlip rotrit-i of KcndHll's Spavin I iire. At tin; sisme time we Hecuicd from tiie flriii n qi lu'it.T of books, entitled Dr. K' 'iilallV Tniitise 0:1 tiie Horn a'l.l liis DilJ easis. wlii'li \vi' arc »!i»'iiiK tii advance paying niili?.crilKi of tU» I'lent a* a prrniiiim. Alfiiit Ml' â- iiuf the iulviitist'ineiit first ap- p:irpd It thii |ir.|.er Mr. 1" (i. Scbeimerhoru. wlio r'» '•â- â€¢* iiiiir CoU frs, li;id « sniivined ]n»r«e. II -r':!.! tli»- n-lv* I't'-crnHnt nud con- clii I» J io t •' till- c.'li â- :..(•»• lA the it:n((ly. al- tlionj^h li frieud-i laii'iied at liis credulity. .,^,, He iK.nglit a bottle of KtiaUll's Sp.tvin Care i aii.l c iiiiii' ii-in^'it on the bor^e in ac- L- such v.l(! tniih as cluiip conUiKe with th' directions, and he iuform- :;iid hti:iiulitnts tliiil I'd 11 this wiek ttiiit it effected snchaconiplete ri\o I HDiLtilO I ""' thiit«ii i'X|i.rl horseman, whoexamined i' ' ' I tiic aiiimiil neeiitlv could find no trnce of tbe -|.;i.iii or the p!«ce where it had been located Mr. Si'licniicrliorii lias since sicured a copy 'd Ktnrdr.s Ticnlie nf tin' Horse and his I)i...e« e., which he pri/.ed very highly «nd would be loth to part will) at any price, pro- \ihil he could not ol.taiii another. copy. So imtcb for :idver;i-ini; i(h:iMe articb-s. KendalPs Spavin Cure. "Glasgow House, " Dundalk. o SELLING OFF. SELLING- OFF Bargains. Bargains. Bargains Bound for the North- West. Ihe undersigned hannj; determined to remove to Manitoba now offers whole of his large and well assorted stock, consisting of the l»ii not t;il, \\ i:i-!,»y ri:teis •^il^i' I'diidr*!- til a H !:i|. ik 11 H, i |;ut' r^ 1- a pme ve^je- '.ib.irlll llirlni li' a lir.llk. llcl'iiu- I iijt tliu â-ºy. ceKta. I I .l:lc 10 ft! 01ii Sor H, the r, Hiiil the must iniiv he Cured by f liiird-ck .l;;u'l I'-itti'ira mill liiird ck 111. lit. .\»k "iiir lii 11^' f:i! ildi le It ili s. il«. Ii.i'1 "'X.leii II .^Olli !â- 'â- â€¢ II ii;iiii t. II. u d 111. UK. t I'i iluliii;,' (bill I i I'.ir til 'sj lii- U- k 11 calf to til lay, winch 1 I'll I he wav New IHn.l.ur?. Ont Dee. 2.Stb, 1881. Mr. K. H. McC;illmn. Hear Sir:â€" The hot- tie of Dr. Ki ti htll's Spavin Cure bought of yi;i last smiiiiier K,'-e nie the utmost natis faction and jie! funned a wonibrful cure upon :i iK:'.re nineteen ye:ira old belonging to mc, which was badly spavined for ten years. She was MO 1 irae tliut I eoul.l hardly get ber tJ move. Til" lameness is tntirelv gone after using half a b ttle of the euro, and she is Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Beady-Made Clothing, Millinery, c., AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. This is the only genuine bon i-fide sale ever offered tc the public. The whole stock of goods must be sold. rFerins Canh or 1-^ai-m r*rodii.c«. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. Duudalk, February 28tb, 1883. 1 lilvC a vou:i;'lj:'r- iliul tiia C niel iiu-l liini lurvatid b.r 1 nnjty lo ai;iM.:il-,. lie vlis hued $10 eoNta. 'i iii.s ahouid berve us a v. rt Ill ;,' to some ot our cnul Inniuui*. •• "gain. Vours truly. FROyi A J. F. Bora. Fii till S)ii'ii,' if the vour iilni iht jviry 1 '1' ri- ;iii i. ii go. d IJl lott I'liri li" 1 iii"u- I .-; :• ci I'ly 111 'ho month of *d:iy. ' e V.' Ill I 1 irnciitly iidvi.iii our T iiler.-- t" try lr.'ii's. Stomiicli iiiid Ci inficM'i' iiliittcrH. .V few dosin will siHll r il.M ,C0 Null tll:lt it IS tllO b«'st "ri"»ii ily i.i'own lor iitfi'i'tions of the ;ilii.irli, i'.ii\vil I.ivt r. ttlid Kid Tu \s 111 I "•j,t- l).it!li'!i lit 50 cents. .•\. rni:;il :i:.'l Co. .Sjecilll Aj,'eiltti, Mark!:.:.. M.nM'Al"i;K SECRETS. Thi re 1.-! ]ir-biildy no iicw.s|inif r I;. Ill who does not h .!d si nets of iiu- portiiuce 111 his mill 1, winch, il made public, would creat.- n seiisati ii, but ««ii!d ^tiim] liiiii as biiiic unreliable, lUid iiiitit for his )irofu.skion. Fre- qiiaiiiiy .Tiionii would like to know t;-- auiliiO'.hip of cerf;iin riuittcrd pub lisheil, iiiid wlntlur liis ilT'rts (ire di n rl«d to •pniiii'inj" the maniiLjing •••'ibr iir the ^mU-v b'y, iiisilli^rts are fr;iif'i'MS. $200 00 REWARD Will be ';iid for the detection and con- viction uf any pcrnou selling ordeal i'.io iu ai.y bni^UM, couuterfeit, or imi- tation lloi- RiTTKK.s. f.«peci illy Ritters or pr I'arittioii.s with the word Hop or Hues 111 tilt ir n.-ime or connected tiiere V ith. flint is infon led to luis'oad and clieat till puldic, or for any prepiira- tiKii put in niy form, retendin' to he t!ie .sanu' as lli.p Hi-i i-krh. Tiie nei;- laiie have cltl t-.r jf (iKeen Ilnps, 111 dice tl.i.s) priiit'd ii t!ie white label and are \iw purest and best medicine on oaitb, e-j'-ii illy f..r Kiitney. Liver, nud NervouB l;sr;is»s. lieware 'fall others, ar.d of ail pretended formulas or recipes of Hop Bitters published in pajiers or for sale, a" tliey arn frauds and s» iniiles. ^^'hoevcr deals i* any but the genaine will be proae- entc' ICop BiTTKBH Mfo. Co., Rochester, N. Y. PilDMK^ENT PHYSICIN. Wii liingtonville, Ohio, Jun« ITth 189!) Dr. .1. li. Kendall it Co., (ients â€" Readine your a Ivi rti^emeâ- Jt in T'irf, Field and Farm, -of KiiidiH's Sjiavin Cure, and having a val- uable and speedy horse which had been lame from .-paviii for eighteen months, I sent to you for a bottle by express, which in six wi-el.H remoed all lameness and enlargement and a large splint from another horse and Nith bor-es are to dav as sound af colts. The line bottle was worth tome one hundred dol lars. Respectfully yours, 11. A. llKRTOLE-rr, M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure 0.\ III-yiAN FLESH. Tlionsftniis ot trials on human tte=h has 111 youd a doubt that 'KENDALL'S sr.VVIN fl'RK' has sunicient strength to pinetnite i"i I virtue to cure the worsl cases ef rheiiniati im. corns, btinvons, frost-bites, • â- r any bruise, cut or lameness which are not affi'cted in tlie least by ordinary liniments. It docs not blister but on tbe contrary re- moves all soreness. St. Johns, P.Q., Oct. 27th, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kend.^Il A C ., G.nts :â€" About a year ago I fell in tlie road onto some ice and was badly huit iu the hip joint, which caused I me nmeli suffering. 1 tried various reme- j die but n; lie gave relief, until I tried Ken- dal' 8 Spavin Cure. I applied it fuUstrengtb I twice a day for two weeks during last October and it effected a perfei t cnre. I have since then been well aiul free from lameness. It is very valuable tor man as well as beast. Yours truly, CasBTiR E.Gbebs. tORllS FROM A M.^RKD.^LE iTi.riT. .M;i:.y pr â- fe.!itig Christians are like Watches \\i:iioi:t iiiiiiiispMngs, Leajti- fiil t look r.t, I'll I kicking tbe one main point, the principle of •' go," the Terr funioiatiou i.f diviue life and of "hnMian ^r w!h. Men "ill 111- :i:i lifa aiid attcntioo if one tells ihi lu how a 10 cent piera mav be ad..c I to their incomes but talk t tbeui Ai i\t tbtir I'^uls, and lo, I bey fall aal eo. Otmiiwg to chnrck and observiug the oolwarl niiiian«B« â€" having a re- l'7:f»:i .- 1 • f r Siin-i.y â€" is hkn hav- luff a I- r v,Hicii bt make it go you hav. I-.' tbe fingers mmd with a key. Uliriatiana. as wi tl as watsLee' raost bavai^the |«ruici;le of 'â- *"" vith- n^tieiMt Kendall's Spavin Cure. Is sure in its etfecta, mild in actions aa it docs not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pa.n or to remove any bony g'owth or othsr enlarge. menl6. such as spavins, splints, enrba, ring- bones, callous, swellings and any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man 3t for an^ parpo-ie for which a liniment is used for man or beast It is DOW known to be the best Unimont for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Send address ibr ilhistrr.ted oiiaalar whieh wa think gives positive pioof of its virtnee. N^ remedy has ever mat with such onquaU fled snccess to Ofir knowledge, far beast as w^U as man, Prioa ft per bottle, or six bottles for 95 All Druggists h%va it or ean get it for you, or it will be sent to aay address on receipt of priea by the proprietors, DR. B. J. KEN- DALL Jt CO.. Enoskorgh Falls, Vt. SOLiP BY Alili DRUOOISTS, Lyman Sons k Co.,ireatraaf P, Q. Whota- sale Agaats. 71, FARMERS, Look to your interesta. and get Sargent's Patent Load Lifting Macbine this season. It will save you one or Hore hands every day yon are drawing in, as yoa don't need a nran «« tha front of tba BOW to pitch it bad. Yoa can pitch from the lQ«d m jm ara pitobmg down instead of mp. Yoa can .aload in liulf the titne. and wiffi greater ease than in tba old way. Ageati vmnted in aearr eoaoty. Wm. BAR6EM, Barteley P.O. or. Gionr lonea. Mbul Boiliiiiga, Torouto. 84-97- TAILOR SYDENHAM STKEET, Markdale, July 7, 18S1. 436m. .A M'INTYRE A TEA! TEA! TEA! 9 A. M'INTYRK ^^lo\a.x, ^lo\a.i, I^OTJLT McINTYRE'H LIQUORS I_LIQUORS I McINrYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRES Ooffee, Oofl^e. McINTYRE'8 MEAL! MEAL! MEAL I McINTYRE'B Pork. Pork. Pork McINlYRE't* Teassi, X'eas. And everything kept n in a first-elass Grocery and Liquor Store, always on hand, cheat fob cash. o A II Q » a«ti M PLAIN AND s^ IIIIIIHUSiHy kt the lowest rates â-  ^4 mmm ^, EXECUTED WITH '«« /e««««««««ea«aw ?««« and Xe««* SP^- Farms for Sale and to Let. "STANDAKD" OFFICE, Markdale. r^ havn. UkaPraparti.. todiapoaelof .honld «n«at r^ »«•• •' â€"w CATAL0aU«8BNT0HAPPUCATI0H.„a. «- â€" ' ... .-i ..J'i .^rJ-:::. '»*)»'l-' ness and Fair Dealinf. .•^U '^L' :..*" Clover, Timothy, Hungarian ;: .Grass Teies.c, MiLet Carrot, Mangel .Corn, (Sec. ROBT. DAVIS, Conveyancer, Commissioner m B.B.. Real Estate. Loan 4 Insnfance Agent FARMERS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND a-Q33.exal .A.g'e33.c3rw DUNDAI-iK, Ontario. Wa would also reojind tlie pnblic in general that we-h«v8 a fnli i;. G.1RDEN AND FLOWER .SEEDS. '^•' Stationery, School Books, Patent Medicines, Perfunnrv Dyestuffs. Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Goods Pure Drugs Chemicals. Tea, Coffee, and Tobacco. A. Turner 8c Co., Meaical Hall. N.B.â€" A Qu antity of the celebrated Oil Cake jest receivt,] M AEK DALE Sash and Door Factory Conveyancing done with care, neatness and despatcli. L \sh. A. G. HUNTRR. DOORS, OFFICKâ€"Ont iitvr touth of IntU-Ameriean n,iA. Dondalk, September 1st, 1881. I.IT. 1882. SPRING 1882. Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. BLINDS MOULDINGS, • ' HOLLOW BATTONS. AT TUE- TORONTO HOUSE, Prices astonishingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Markdale, May let, ISHi. ',..:.â-  •" • FRAME? Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly FiUed. '••' O â-  The Subscriber wi^he« tJrotnrn thanks to the people of M;:rkdi.le ard vicimtr, loth very libeial patronage they have given him iu tbe past, and liopes by i-lott attcttia k bnsinaa« to merit a continuance of the same. I have now extended my buaiiiess.and will in future keep a full Stuck «f P INE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore.! A.LL SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDEESS.ED, All liindst ol*r*lsvin and l^^ano^ "Jurning -^'bnc in a first class manner. Mar'udale May 27th.. 1.631. THOS. McNEA. Wm BROWN. Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DROP VALVE PUMPS, CYLTwDER PUMPS, CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPS, Alsc, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. Batitfaction etiaranteed on all my woik the proof of it is found in the fact that I am doing a larger busineBS not*' than ever was done in Marndale in the Pump business. Remember the stand, 1 door north of Rutledgc's Uotel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. OH, HEAR., OH^HEAR. OH, HEiUL Squander your inouev if Viu want to. if not, gel vourPLotogrspbi ot W. BULMER, The People's • Photographer, ' ' .; :- Flesherloii Who is again prepariM to takt Pictur. «, and do Co; ying and E:;l.iiciii)! asLtWcto* Great Excitement in Markdale QVKB THE LAROB ARRITALfl OF SPRING SUMMER Goods -AT â€" "CHEAPSIDE. II IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLISH MANUFACTUEEBS. C0JJ8I8TINO OF "^^®^*n ?.^°^^' Cashmeres, MusUns, All shades. All colors. Lstest Pattern. Brilligoits. Diapers. Cretonnes Scotch and West of England Tweids, Diagonal Coatings, Dress shirts, Ties, Ducks, IeiiimH, Oxford SlOrtln^B A NOBBY STOCK Or FELT HATS. «TBAW HAI»„ ABU«,ANo.. Full Idnes of GEOCEEIES ""SS^ETo ^^NRT POEttEB. MABKDALE HOUSE ALEX. RtJTI^GE, Proprietor BOTKLi .«tM«»witk We are receiving alir?o tockof vI-DTTOES and Motto and i.;!ip- rrsmtv wf'"' fixings, which we can, audTinean to sell at Reirtarkably Low Prices, G»l'«" secure bargains. Bring along yoor pictures and bare them cupied ardenlargei bv vonr oldfriw FleahartoB. IfaiehlO, 1881. I GET MY WOOL CARDED 1882. mm- -AT TtiE- 1882. Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where dp you get Yonis ea)l !»• P. S. â€" Parties indebted b note or book account will pl'«*« *• settle at once. ^oaH W. H. PETEBSOS' VUMDALK, Dm. 2« 19M. 674t t'l^EtSHERXOlV HXA'^ION- Gro- Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots «"d S^^ ceries, Provisions, c. Stock k^t fuH ^° J assorted witk new goods reeinved every â- : r- -•â- .•. • ' r:.\r week. ' My BRANCH STORE at EJltjENlA rcplemsne^ â€" New Goods,«very week. j.ii»«. For fit^ i^^^^^ 9^ ni«h or ?i^^^^ E»e dheap W^ Cash o^ r ' ' Saw Mill and Shingle FaC^^ Ai LITTLE FALLS are in operation- ^^ UfflibiBir^ Lattu Bloom Handief ^^ t« rvvuif» „tiiae»»«»^W**' tM the 'ate«» roreifff and ♦••*j «2^*iU the end of th-J ^fimr"-^ Tfntil an s^ mlLj\uili^ t^ie »p*wn oiti "Jj\l»tiaa refnsinc papers with "•^i^hrfd responsible for the â-º'Sw^wntitthrraomply witb TKBMR OF A1»VEBTIS!.S| oolnmn. one Tear ao 00 ^f. do ....... do I y^^ I U do â- ^^ and tindor, fir»t iii«.rtioij «Mfcewbp«ineat in^erinn T^i^tfl ten lines, fir-t 111 • â- ' ti I! "•p^h gobseqnent In-ert on ian lines. .fir«t insert on (.er jj-ah Bohaepiienf insertion • • • •• â-  «Je^ai*bar of lines to be rookoiJ oeenpied niea.«nre.l by « heal ^.r Advertisements wiili.'ul ?!^tTons will be publish... till fJ •â- ^l arroraingiT All tra.-.sit.rv] rTl;, Binst be in tbe ofliee of ,.»â-  1] PVp"c»o*on the Thursday mono"" their P" "'**'"" â-  ' O. W, RUTLEP;;!-.. Tr. IHAL a, BUSI^ DIRECTORY. 'Vr*. Mr*"« Arittii â-º hVkiclanB.Surceon ,Acco| mKFICS Meiiical Hsil 1 Wn-ydala Hon«e. Jiarkdale. Sept 17. 1^-^" Ceoal. TTORNEVANO Sdl.K IT'!; feitdy for att-ii-bii-' lo all :â-  Bsine««." OflTioeâ€" at K-i- vH..! 1 Markdale, Dec^Snd. Froat A Fi'o«!. jMllUSTRRS. .\N1' Ml.-. » j^^ Solioito^y ;ii Ir I. 'x Jcen..*c.O««-. S..:,„.;. ^, ,, fle,berton, Offiee ..|. in •retolora- Coai'ty Crown K: .1. \V. J J. t» ««««o ARRTSTF.Ii. M\ri â-  in Chano-iy, NLian I â-  k,«s. linNET TO r'Mi \T SIX j Offices â€" Ov. I. S,iiiii 1. ill V •onlett S'.; aoli-i Mi.'.. !m'.. ... ._ ind's Store, on l-'ril-v an I S'.:-:i 1^ *r(»HorAc Mctrr! rAnmSTI.l;^. sol.i- i:.i:;r l) ancers. At.-. .V.-. Om-Ba in w,..i S..iiu'\. I'm.' ITor \V. F. Wolf, s S;.iT iti: m â-  M A R K O A L )Ter W. 3. M- i :i. :i' ' :• • isd Friday if u:i.-b vi-. K. l3"Fu:i.l« to I â- ;â- â€¢ I ..ii I. :i- ' ' loBN CiiKAfcoa. V. 'I' Markdale, Mine" 1.-.. I*-"' IXlltJ ;r' III SHierrUiincdaiv. Itl°M*.\ !l. «Vt!e. nSSnER OF M\Ui;i\(;! 1 l I N Com'Uissioii.t ill K. ';.,V • CoBveyancint; in -ill its oii'irii.- 1 ttended t.i and -^i.-. ;l;\ •-â- .. â- â-  r. ' N. li. â€" Money t.. l..iel -.i: K- ' irity. i£ark.lale. Se|.t. .7, IKs.t. .4lcx:iii:lir riiv, .1. SSFF.R of Marr;:i-e â-  Li(a Iii--i:i:iiK" A.'.!.; â-  B. U. ':. â-  •"'â- â- ' k » • nctioni"r f.r tb.-.'.m. :â-  -•! â- â€¢ urcUant' a-i.i I.-i'i • 1 '1 ndet' to .m I e!i ir.'t •, :• â-  i.- •• I'liccvill.-. Si-il. t7. I-' I it. M. (ialUini:' M \i;CTl!lNIKI.' AM. A«eiit, \V;i;.:.:ii-' â- â- :â- ' Salei att-.-n 1. -I i'l â- â- â€¢â- â-  !•::•â-  Ai.'Kj.' s.iM nil Coin Ml 1 iaDOS. Oi-giiii^i. il 1 i Kraii «!i I '•â- '"••T" o' •• I t'lral Imjl-i'i" :ri' '1 ..11 le. VDI innitf..!.!. 'i.ti •-7. I Ml. %• SiiiS. DOMINION AN.. .1!«|-V»»VOI !•â-  • I. Meab-r.' and M:ir!. ., Pr.ivr.tP.isl I. an 1 .S ha enlir' jitock ..f o- â-  Kepirt^. liKtrii'-tior â-  doue uritbiii 'li- I.i-: preoarcd to maUe S; anc* tberevritli. i\- lor Gra.liii/ Hi!!-^. V t»r Bail linj; Hr: !,••• tioo. Money I.. !.• Orders by letter. ..r I. ft •. Markdale. will I.e |..'i:i,' Sept. 17. l«H;i. i\ ..HI • ;. 1.1: !l :«: M • SEEING IS BELIEF 11 GENTLEMKN. If I v Buggie or Wa^ MCKENNAAMA' CARRIAGE WORl MARKDALE..! wiey can anpplv y.n «â-  'i m. .• Lumber ^A^a3on 11]. !.l AU 'I'Xtcnsion Ton PI ctt| To buy fro'iii tin 111 i~ 1.1 Savi: iciji:l They are both |.ia-.;i iil wikn.. emi'l..v I1..I1. b'li PRACTICAL WOK KM ,__ They gusiHiil.-. .!.• 11 v...i! oeoond to none for l.:;.'i,ti:. -â-  â-  t I' and Sup-ri..nt .-t 1 i i-n. 'know nothing imt Fir-i .t.i W 1; f?**""' ""' ""'â- â- 'â-  '•'"â- ' '^â- â- 'i Growth Hickory for liirb' •'-• ' ^^inunenseaiiu.iiiit ..f -.M.i •â- â-  « af M eKeniM d: Miis..n kIui P'eoiof thewid.- ie|.ii!ati.ii li.. for doing i;. .o I « 01 J. •â- Â» BEST u THB CHKAl'I.ST in "•** cheap work we IK.^.i;vely wi ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE I not take. P^ sttention iriveii to Ili-.T. u "•feinting all tbisx-. of t â- Â»*i«laetion guarantwd (or N.. I'iivi| HOR8ESHOEI *®^â€" On M'll Street ojposil Sproule'ri Hi.te!. I JJ^KENNA M ASol T. OAVIM. I ^Jth A CONTRaCTOI;. iSt.,J .*•»*). After completing 1 ;i luil *â-  ia Btill on the trat-k and il 1 to do all kinds of stoi..- anJ and tuck oiiiii ate bnilding will tin i it tc to give him a call. J-' aemer of Brown an 1 Sji g*»PaM. uVv KRE HOTI )ULiE, Proprie] Hntd has had a 1 to it, thoroughly reli *i to nona 111 tbe co| aUeotive ostler. w li't oo-nnierc al tr J.. .*;: â-  fft- 'â- 

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