A*Krted idng of ?«j i^. Clothing^ 'â- •; L â- ^, series, Jrockery, G^lassware " JBoots and Bushels Potatottfi ceoRCE mi DALE ND SHOE r:'Hs:E: 1 ' "A i ..«:rr.iM» 1 kn '•••»! il Selectei r^ti,lk RSiVING OAII li Kri-ntii Ki|- Coot* e«ll anj g^ |»l -r |••vâ- ^;«•J, • i*ci»lty. |nded to. All Custom irranted. Wanzer Sewing Iicl •ell very cheap for eaih. ' O 1« i^ AlV 11 ru-aiity of tuns anfl pown. ^haiit:' hit goJ at ih« Oundalk THOS. HAlit D AXjB oor Factol fULDlNGS, lOLLOW BATTONS, FKAJJ and Shingll Orders Promptly Wltd- loth*' p«.ple of MirkdkU Vii "•'^V ki III ilii- punt, and hi'i-** by •Jo«« •"*•' III,! will in futnr* k«ep • (nil **^^ UMBE ihe North Shore. .D AND UNDRESJ Ir t CDS* irarncr TITOS. McNK^ RUTIDII Ibie' r« affar At uced Pric« tt^ $l TaloM in *rr»j Va*. ITOC* Of ockeiy, tsA 61*^" laoi MO gH^JlKHI^^I ^.^,^.i^ ;iii-^: p^ujivdmir- HO«:viNCi pyfl'AT ;^ HDiI PrOTincial f -^ ' ^^rtoea. »1.5fl tkTM ««^*' rii»* •Itillthe PnaoftBe vear. Nc li^'t-.nae.l until all •rre-ees are ' i""""'",.. ,!.« op«M •! the p«wr* -+1 â- ^'iJ^tifs ri „nsibS for tb* year. fitA- OF Ali^EEXISIXOi 1, do do ra .....•.,. f,« fi •-•f -* 'â€" »nJi'"J*"-*""' iniiertion. ittU 60 15 7i « ,u„.».,.r.fa» insertion A j^,r 'f li '«• »« lierwritoT^d »*• I "^litJ m**»urel by a leala of »**. •'"^V.lv'ti-i^^nients without specific ,.,l ;* jmhlirtli^n. till forbid and ,1; ni-! y -Vll trantitorr ad'ertiie- • "':. 1^ ",11 tiie office of pablicatioD by F^V.ii l!i' Thursday naom.uKpcBoeed ^C ^V, UITI.F.POE, Proprietor. S^ '"ien liiiei, first insertion. '*^h ubie-i it'i' insertion ' I'n-s nr-t insertion per line pp*" ' ..â- ...'mi-.f-at insertion. a..)0» ^^SIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. hJ*' c. ,jii Medicai HeU; residemc* at %fr;:ti7.i«8o. 1^ £«Oul. ITuI N! V ANI SOUdTOR, IS NOW Jv f" Utt' [j(»ifcJ« i:iii; to all kinJK of law it K?v's Hotel. i. i.--'*l. M. I'r»»t A l'ro«»t, p:;,.;!! r.*^ AM' ATTORN P.TS- AT In' nil I- ir. (hanrorv. tonvpr ,. 1 S'liiii.l. have r".iiini«d nt i:;c« I'i'fn every Tiiursday, a* At' J. W. oriiffT Frist, LL. B. 1 tat Â¥**•"â- Cnar'r"""' J. .11 \SSO.^, uBRISTKi:. M\STEU ANDDKP.BEO I {;iiA."'" "â- â- ""' i'liljlic, Convoyan- '**.l id ' -.!' A r SIX PC!: CENT. I Wfj, -(..â- â- !•. fc.juM I. in Viewer's Blo;-k SI.' m.l in Markdalt' ovor Mei'ar- ,.„:• u;i I'l: lav an 1 haluiiiy i ver^- (ifUNor cV .il»rrisou )i;. 1m !::: ».LH. iioi:;--, â- uNVI.Y- Ijrri" .vc. Ac. Ill I'v." I Sonml. Dnfferlii \\..!f-V Store ;.n.l in Blouk. M ii: i.i. llfriiii'i' A R K D A L £1 t" i» ;i" i'h Suir« or .11-;. ai k. Ta ir.tlav 1" ;1. I." :i-H«ni«ll«' term*. l"Nt.N MiiHr.lSi'N ;wi. 7a iv li j.v â- .^ ' ' A Stowr, .-1' il.U il\)i;S, a: iM.I.. .11 t's lii' (k. • :i la. in LvjcUilly CON' at 6 ci J. W. liowe. irOL, 2 .-No. 3 BAHKERS. JM laise or tSMOl aqtoanta, i^ aM ttaiM, v i good MidofMd aoMi, '6r oa- r-|jjt0i i INTEKST AT 9 rai CENT. Allowed on Sftvinga Bepoaita. i^ Drafts iemiad and Colleetioni made ep all points, at loweet rates. Wm. LUCAS, i Vai.ag«r. Spteember 23. 1880. a 1» TEfePLE'8 CARRIAGE WeRKS, The sub-^ciiber is vrejw'ed to ttt^ly thr jiobne with WAGGUNb. DEMOCRATS, BUGGIKS.^ SLi:iGHS. CUTTEr;3, Bon SLElGIlN ri«pc'ii»T vrrli ell kiniU i.f rrp^irB in wooii u: uoa oa liott uutice, Ht re.-!uiiabl rates. F. F. TELPLE. Dun. liilk. Sept. 2;i.t, 1-^Sl. lU REMOVED, REIOYED. .Mr. iM.i. it;; \i' i'li « •• â- ...1' ":i. Owfii :viii:i,;, .;VKUE IIOS'.SK 1.1 I iVi.!-;.-.((ay in l.*# ji'o|*Hrt*U tu |«*.r â- I 'UiOii ilrt- nsi-ut'ii wijmi 1. 1 ' iiruiii-r. nnn I!)" 1 V sji ,v.u;*Jjrtta6. IsrEu'il \!\;.ia.\(ii; licenses, .kc u;:r.i;--;,-:ii 1 m IJ. K. iVo. Iwittvniini.;; .n nil its brancln-s prni]t!;. kieii t' -..u'l '.ir.-iuliy exucutvii. l5 B.-M'Uev to I.tiiii on Ileah Estate se- s:» .;•. S ^â- i7. Hso. 1 y â€" .4lr\ itiiclci* Brou'ii« '•â- 1.!. ' i;i: ii^r l.iit^us,-, lire and LV I:i 11; r .\,,'i-ut. liimni'.ssiiiiiei U. ,V. i ivi" iiRfr and Lifcii-^ed ' ;*i:w fv. .1' 1 iiiiiv ul Griv. Eiuincrs, Mi t" .â- /! t 1 1 :i: .-.ii'l S.'.IeB, runctoally «t- .;,'-• ni.idevoiv uioileiate. ' .; j___ .. i;.i-s,-ii. i-v •I. H;iv J.ui't C. ATKINSON, TAILUlv. !.â- » ::OV' I In I dil a.i O.'le aia 0.1 jticj S'r".-*, •;= low j.i il^ «uO ibS,. jjOHSi: LATE ST Fashion Platen RECEIVKD EEGULAELY. CHARGES MODERATE. iiai::M I i; AND (iENKual land L Aifi.i.W 'i.iiiKfcrd Stati..ii. Auction JSUrii.ii'l m ;ill piiil- of the County. l»l.-.iM..n r..iiiiiii-.ii«n. Kales modeiate. â- ;;':».. I :1 S.-win^' Miirhiiies also |!ai»uil0.iMiufiii.ii Ti.'i" Vines. Aaiiiul- lklluiiluc:it.'4.!ind Maohintry «(all kindk 1 Viliawiord. Jan. -27. 2881. Sitis faction 6ua ranted i-%t MARKDALE, ONT., APBIL 7, 1882. WHOLE No. 83. Baekaeht, Sonnets of tha choat, ^OtttiQuhuy.'Sore nroet,SWeil/- higtMd'SpM^, Bum' mitt Sea/tt.6«nu^Bl^ V ifiM^^.a^' lAaimdU: FwsM fmt atnl kart, atid^l other Pttina and Aches. Vo rnaamUoa oa with «|aali •*. jAms On •â- a â- /â- *Mrc, tlmplt •cd rheam Cximal Mimit4j A trial eWtaila but th* •oapknUnlT MMii( atl» ir *• Caata, and rtTf dm mCMlac tk pain can kn aixaii «Bd pMllT* |cwr tt ii SlrMtions la â- •* •0U BY ALL SBCeoiBTS AID 0SALEB8 n KEDIOIHE. A VOGIXER As CO.. 'TTr"" BOBT. ASKIL,, Un- opened out £ Firt^HAas Fusnitur© UNCHRT::!?!^ ESTABLISHMENT. An*^ til vt r..re !i.i ti'i'l'"' il! ill t'lf U I !â- -rt want long foil, takiiig Lin- -;OF!â- I^^ v^ t:%Mi" iS, nn hU SHRODDS, t .ai ?un?^ !SK!KQS, Sll .i-i:,:, uii t!i hd rtis no.n-e. .-V 5 •• 1U •iitlitl IToSii*W€" "^tfKi PtMfB Comer TENWTBON'8 EftoUSH *• GOLONUL iTATIOliAIi 80)16^.,. Thi«, the Utei* efloMii of tta poet Uoiwttc'g, vas sang in London. Bng- kod, March 16i^^ and is propn*ad to b« Boag in GMia|a,o th* Qiitfn'it Birthday Firat p'edge mt Qoaan, thia aaMpui i^tbt, Tb«idnaktoE^U«4'«ewr7g«Hki Xhatiua^aMbwtaaaaapoiit*., WkeloTMluaaa«iT»«aato7b«i*l ',^.^-' M»y freadom'a oak for ever U»», rj./^ With laigar life from daj to da^ _,,"' That man's the lr«e aonaerfatiTa Who lops the meoldered braaob n^l Hands all nwM I -^,4_ Ood the traitors lie peeonfovnS. To Iha great eans* W y wedom driA. My friends. And the great naaa of P.»ifli«" Boond and round. /:i%*-- To all the loyal hearU who long To keep o«r Bngltah Empire wbote I To all oar noble sons, the strong New England{of the SoBthcm Pole I To fi*gland ondra Indian Aies I ' T J ffioae dark minions of hiC realm i To Canada, whom we love and pr*!*. Whatever ftatemen bold the holm. ^^ all roQod i â- Bod the traSor's ha|M eonfovBd I ' To the great name oi England di^. My friend. And all her gloiioM (MoalH.. Bon^aud rotind. ...^^^^j^ T'o aa Mr ^teamen, so tb«T W Vrfj^ Tiw leaders d the land's deeuvl '"i^^ To bo;h our H mass, may thay m* '\~ Beyond the bor- ugh and the shire I We sailed wherever ship eoold sail, ' We foouded many a mighty State I Piav Gud our greatness laa^ not fail Thrnngh craven fears of being g rea t Hands all Found t Go^'i tho traitor's hope ccnfooiid t To the great oansn of Freedom drink. My friends, And the great name of England, Itound sud round 1 itobols. l.yi Rir ;â- ; !i;i;i nui^ r:i;i\-i. FUBNiTUKE! from the Commi.n to tho Best and Latest StylsSi in •verything in the line. Call a il lij i I.' y.) i.M.iivji. ROBT. ASKIN. J. Ci. Slni;. DOmNInN AM' PUOVINCIAL LAND 3iirT«y..r. I 'i iiujihtsuiiiM and Valuator. |l«i'rj«i,.i M:uk.ial.-. Having pnrchaued INt.iici»l I.:ni^ Survivor Charles liankin's l«r»H»k,.f or;[;iiial lield Notes, Plans, IVrb. iDHtructiiins. i«:e..of all his Survi v« 'â- «ilii:!i Mie last tifty-five years, I am |J«mi to make Surveys in strict accird- ' liifrewitli. Priitiles and Esitimates j^'jrJti.ii^ 11,11-, Plans and Specifications |kJ«ill:n„' Hn k-es, (iiniisbpd on applica- Uun.-v to Loan at H per cent interest. |(*r»bjKtT.,.r left with U. J. BLYTH, |ll«ii»;f,«:ii !,.â- |.romi'tly attended to. ••K. 17. l*i. 1-v l«eineml)ei* the r*lace NEXT DOOR TO NELSON'S STORE, MAIN STREET. DunOalk. Nov., 188L 13-6m. Meat Market! Meat supplied wholesale and retail T. IAVl»i. ID'IU'KI; l CONTll.At TOR, (Stone and l-IJ lr.vki. Altir coiiipletinR IH I'Uildings 'wtvoiMi mill on Ihe track and is still "PVtti to do all kinds of stone and brick J*'fii pla«, ,n/ and tuck pointins?. Those r»o com.iui.laie l.mllinK will ttud it to their I'a'iiUjliloKiv. him a call. ,«e-iiienie o.iii. i »1 l!ro«n and Sproale '•'♦8 M»m,.iiK. l()-y NVE f:e hotel, «i a kk l « Lit:., P SPRouiiii, Proprietor. |l i.tii.u an.ied :.. I,, I iiroughly r-.i:-.-. If '" "" ^ecwiiil to iioiie 111 tlie ciiiiu.. I"*! liUl.i.iij; ;„„l iiaenlive o-tler. i. list- ' •^â- •'•min,. ,:;;;,„, j,,, .o-umereial travel- Tcrnih ol.OO or dav, 17- y Or.lers called for and racHt Jeli»«r- ed to any part of the town. Shop ou Main Street. p. S. â€" Farmers hating fat cattle or sheep to dispose of would do well to let me know, as I will pay cash for 8uch. W. T. BUNDLE," Dundalk. Jan., 1833. HAIR CUTTING .AND SHAVING Every Working Day, \iy nriiomtis Wtnith. tar Orde-s filled for Tomb Stoiiea." tlarkdale. JulT 21. 1H81 ' 4*8â„¢ IK UREAT VAKIETV. THE CHEAPEST! BECAUSE THEY ARE T II IT, U E s r IN THE MARKET. If Nobody notieeI yon, you most be small. If Nobody's slighted yoa, yon most be tall II Nobody's bowed to yon, yon must be low. If Nubody's kissed yon, you're ugly, we know If Ni.boly's enviel yon, you're a poor elf. If N.ihody" flatter yya. flatier yoursolf. II Nol-oJy's cheated \on, yon'r« a knave, If Nubo^ '• disliked you, it's plain you're a slave. 'f Nobody's called yon a fo(d to yoor faoa, .i;iii'b idy's wished for your back in its place If Nobody's called you a tyrant '•r scold. Somebody considers yon most unearthly mould. If Nobody knows of your fault but a triand, Nobody'll miss them at the world's and. If Noboby clings to your purse like a fawn, Nobody'll hunt like a hound when you're gon?. If Nobody's eaten his bread from your store. Somebody thinks rova miserly bore. If Nobody's slandered yon, here, here is our pen, Sign yourself " Nobodt " as qnisk as you can. |fiOM^£Hl]IAL HOTEL Out. d:ons Sample Booms Ac. The Bar and lanU |J^S» »'id tMBim IS •""Pl"' 'litl. the Wht the market af l^";|0(Hi Siiilliii; a, „, attentive Hostlei's lyus ATKINSON, Proprietor ^^^nst. isb,,. SAVE YOU RJCOMBINIsT' H,]/.!^- ^- Jtor^an, begs to anncunee tc I'pioia""' ""â- '"'""' "•' vicinity that sht I Hj?*" '" "rk up hair comiLUgs iuio itar ' """' '"" curls, terms m.Hieratr No" """' lle-ideuce corner o» M .: ^^iMawreets, opposite Mr. Bowes' • u*^ \l Mail promptly attended to. A LECTURE TO Y0UN6 HEN 0!V THE LOSS OF MAN HO Op Any Number or Style Promptly supplied from stock on the shortest notjcp. • Atf manufticturti* h» akil|£l me- chanics, with good material in the* Latest and most improved Style. o- w^ E have recoutly published a new o'Uiion of Dr. rnlveri* ell's eUbrated Essay on the .â- iictland nervous DebiUty, Mental and Physical Inoapocity, Inipodimeots toMamage eic, rv«uitiiig from exce ses. ts-Piicc, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cts., or two postage stamps. The celchratcd author, m his admirable Essay, clearly demoustra.es, from thirty years' sooceBsfU praotioe, that »l»niiin« coi*- "scquenoe. may be radlcailr «ii«l without the dangorous use of jntemal medicmM or tne use of the knife; pointing out a mode of eture at ouce amftt, eertain and efleotoal. by means of which ewry suBer*. " '"""S what his condition may he, au^ owe himseir, cheaplv, privately and radically. "J l^his Lecture should be m the handa of every youth and "very man in tho land. Addreaa The CNlvftrwtn ladical Co.. 41 Abb S New ir«rk. Poet Oflloa Bos *S0 Special attention is also directed to the largo and very supaiior J*^ of second gzoWth • H ICKORY AND WHITE OAK poiebaeed from one of the best factoriee in Caniia, sufficient to manufacture oyer fifty Waggons and CarriageB for the coming sea- son. Intending purchasers should not fail to make an inspection of my stock and save monev. ' K?J " • â- SEPC'AL ATTENTION TO RE- PAIRlNfi HORSESHOEINO. IS*Kcmember the plaoeâ€" second door to Butter t Bae's. D. J. SflANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Tec. 2nd, 1881. 64^ A MERRYCrRISTMAS AND A Happy New Year- l J^Olt S4^VI..K. QUEEN ST., MABKDAL'E. â- s ou tht lot a biiek honaa. H^J^op. w«a, and cistern. WiU a«U l^«Mon«ay terms. THOS. MULliAftiri"' *»"»!.. Datj^ 18«1, t.w«ekm yomr o»n town }fi outfit fieo. No riak. liverytiiing new. Capit^ n. n(tnid»i. Wa "Wl tam^h yoa nv^jy thing. lla^yawiaakin«forS«n«a. L adt^ make as maeb aa bmb, and boys and g** mako 8ra*M»- -»iadavM yon want a bu.«^ no»8 at whiofe yottgg a^kag^ time yonwoft WTito wf Haixstt a Co. Poctiaad, ' lUE nbscr I er les res to call the a.ten tion of 'hose al out to eommit matri- mony, tha. he IS prepared to furnish WEDDING CAKES, and every other article of confectionery suitable t^r such occasions, in tbe Most Artistic style, and a( a flavor and quality, tliat eanflot bo ' surpa^'ted. " â- Ain Surprise Parties ith every desirable article of Con- on the shortest m'tioe, aad at reaxonabU rales IN.THK Article of Bread I X VffX CQMPETVXION, And win delJvar h'.*^ '«H!S^°' " " â- uy favor m« with thair patronage. M.rtdaj.....u.i«i.-- \^_,;^ "npplioil 1 leeUomry c *n* i°i PAKt II. OHAPTdB IV. liotUintud. Of all the actors in that dark traff- edy of Soarswood.onlv himself remain ed. Mr. Henry t!8 shortly after rt- moved to London with all hii* belone- •ugs, and with Gaston Dantree. katherine Dangerfield left him in my charge, the young aasisUnt laid. In my oharce he remains until b« u abla to take care of himself, Whether ^r no that time had nevtr come, Sir PeUr had never dtscovercd. Mr. Otis had never returned to Cartls tord.andit was a subject be was chary of meutiouinK, or thinking of even. It came to him in dr'»am«â€" bad.duturb ing dream*, engendered partly by an evil conrcienoe, partly by heavy Eng li,,h di^ubrs. la hie walking hoase the aim of hie life was to banish it And lo 1 in one of the houre when he had most Bucce»ded, a woman, a ritvanger stood bef.r* him. likeâ€" hor- ribly, uniiataraily likeâ€" Katherine OauRerfield. •Living, I will pursue you to the e.id uf the earth. Uead, I will return if the dea(\ can ' He had nwer forgotten those words â€"words only spoken in a girl's impot- nt pasaiou, iu her kiiowUdge of the cowwtlly and Baperstilions nature eh^ had to deal with. Words taat were hut a weak woroan'a meauinglee- threat, but which trom the hour he had looked apon"*er dead face had turned to him with ghastly force. Would Miss Herneastla ba *t dm- Ift f _. That was the one thouifht npfer- most in his mind»e ke made h»a own toilet. He kept no valet or body-ew- vsat of any kmd. Valeto »«• «f«°- sive. thievihh, aiid prying. Noae of the tribe should spy upon Mifl, »"» help devour bia eobeUiice. My IMJ was enormously extravagant. Betre- uchiaent muat be«in «»»«*â„¢^^J. Bich with eilver. aparkluft wittil crvstaL white with linen, gay wttn Swere. the rwiid dinner taWahwked op«i to tWIawD. the P«"««'r°i^S^ir 1^ ,.L,' rose garden, the «»»8"^^^^ eiematis came. A eilver gr»J mm Uy oTor the park, a ««»», »«w Won* rf Wwt^ ;»oat laaawflMeeea. thonjub there w» no fl»nMtaMo to 'itdiUw Wt MBjaaole and k«afaand, looked a fit jSiiMe td preside aft the Ract. LorOlnysluid, biaad, urbane, anavc, smooth, was -fari^eas^fattit«(i, stidwith a riee in liie bnttoB hole. Lady Cecil. 1c gold- brown 8:1k tbe hue of bererea. was ai- eo there, bat not Miss kerneaaile. He drew. i^ lose breatikof ralief. •Imigli^ hgm known il,' he mnt- Uni.. 'UflMj ia opt the one to dine witli b«r norewy gomriMM. com- naay or no eompany. I ahejl aM very little of ber, that'a CTidant, aad I'm glad of it. What tbe detril de«« iha woman ipean lookinf lil^aâ€" lika~r He did care to speak tbe name even to himself.bat ittnore them as we nay there arc tilings that will no* b« for gotten. This waa one. Misa Ufa*. eaatle was not prearnt at the dinner Uble, but the phantom faoa of the dead waa. la apiri^ AsOienBe Dan- gerfield was at bit elbow, and he ate an«r drank like a mui in a gloomy diean. 'You're not laoki^ wall, my deac Dangerfield.' mv Lord of Ruysland said. You positively are cot. You lose flesh, you 1 'se spinta you lose appetite. I*^ is evident that tne air of bcarawool does not agrae with you. Take my advice and gel abroad.' His lordship was right. The air of Suarswood did not.ai;ree with Sir Petr Dangerfield, and i^ever would. "Oo to Germany and t*-y the min- eral waters. Change of (oene and tonics are what you want. By all meauB, Dangerfield. go -ibioad and try the waters Beastly s'luff, I admit but of useâ€" air, of use." He needed waters certain |r â€" the waters oi Letheâ€" had the tabled river existed in Germany. He wa^ almost entirely ailuut at dinner â€" silent still 'across the walnuts and the wine, but. in the drawing-room, after dinner, he snddenlr fonud his tongue. Hi« wife was practising some ucw musii: 8eut her by Major Friukland. whose one weakuoas it waa to fancy himself a modern Mozart, and bure his triends to death with his own com p:Biiions, Lord Buyblaiid hiid com poned hiinself for a comf irtuliU slum her ill a iileepy, hollow arm-cliair, an 1 LaIy Cecil, pouaive and pale stood gaziiit; out at the luminous starry HtfKk, liftteninK to the uii^htiugale's sontr. to tbe till of the deer in the park, lo the soft Kummer inurmer ot thn trees. 'Lady Cecil, is Miss HerneaBt!'.^hait brown er laek.' From her walking dream, ,a sliarp pi^in;/ voice at her elbow, asking t.'iis abrupt queation, arouaeJ her. Slie gUneed ariiuiid, glanc-:;d down, for she was the taller of Che two, a'ud saw the pmohod, yellow face of little Sir Pet«r. Now, Lady Cecil, oat of the groat- i«ia of a genuruus heart; 'lad an in- finite pity for all inferior, all present lid, all long Rufferiug tUiiigs, and she pitietl Bif Peter greatly. His wife treated him with half a quarter tbe respect and affection she lelt tor Bijou and would have bewailed the death of the dog much the deeper of tbe two Ho looked sickly and miserable, ho had no irieuds, no ccm|aniona. he waa, in hereyen. a poor, little, impos- ed upo .nreta t id martyr. Some in- stiuct told him she was his friend, ani in his trouble he came to her now. She would not laugh at him now, the would not repeat what he had said, and he mu»t confide in some one or dio. ' ^My dear Sir Peter how von startled me t I wat thoutaudt of milct away, I believe, when yon tpoke. What did voii say Miss Herncastle â€" whutr 'I asked you if Miss Herncastle had long, light brown hair?' A. curiiu8 questi.m surely. Lady Cecil's tofijbwu coluer«d eyet opened » Httie. 'For itt kngtk I wanot avwer. Who ca* tell who hat iouw or abort hair iu ttefie days of chignons and fal8° tresses. Of the colour I can speak positively. It ia black â€" jet black. 'Black ' He gave a great grasp of relief. You are sure Lacly Cecil. 'Certain, Sir Peter. A.nd h er eye btows and eye lashes are of the tame deaae datk9eaa.'M 'And her eyef.^dy Cecil â€" ^re they gray?' • »-. â- Still hat ping on my daughter ' laughed La Beine Blanche. 'Yet hi Peter, they are grayâ€" very dark- very large â€" very tina.^ You appear to take a very extraordinary interest in Ginevra'i new governess, certainly. Besembles, doubtless, toine one you have kuowu ' 'Beaembles., that is not the right word for it. I tell yon, Lady Cecil'â€" 'it is tho tame face, the same â€" the same. Older, graver, deeper, chang- ed in Bmethings â€" hut the same. The face of Katherine Dangerfi ild I' The name had not pasted his lipe fur years. His eyes had a glitUr, his wb(4e faee, an excitement, his voice an intensity she had never heard be foro. Siu drew back from bim a little jpt coiiotu and interested ^^« 'Katherine Daogerfield. Tee. I Itate heard her story. 1% wat ui tbe plipars yean ago.and Giuavra told m«- ^ber at tbe time of her marriage. A ^erv sad siory, a very tad fiiU. She lost all, fortune, name. ther. and ber affianoad baaband.on ber wedding day. And a week after tbe die(L It waa tbe laddeet at»ry I ever beard. Wbtk a dastard, wbatT a eoaardly dastard that man mukt haye been 1 wbal became of him. Sir Peter.' ' 'J don'Jt kaotr, I have aever tfaked. I a«^w««d, I »»e not to blame, no one has ft right to mam* meâ€" J. ^j tot»k vbai wat lawfully mf owp, ikmhtA no iha^ow of right I* Hea» ^noiu How*«rid I »««^«»»* 7"** batbtmdBr their tortnnet, aad give op evervttSDg ftnr binaâ€" ^to take bim, poor and ebeewre aa b* vaa, and Ws bim and five biia all.aad in th* IffM 4f bar Min be » a*it d ber. Ob, it waa a atiame â€" a iliame I .And Gia- evia't governets really raaemhlet tbia poof dsad yoifiig ladv to ttrongly ' 'It ia harrilWe- I tell yeaâ€" IwrnUe I tboaght I taw a gboat *b*a tbaree* op beiore me three bnara ao. Lai^ decil, do you believe in gheate.' He aked tho queetion abti'ptly.and via ptrfect gravity Lady Cecil laogb â- ed. ' 'Beli**e Id. ghoaU I My dear Hir Peter, who dees believe in gboata m tba uipetsenth eeutnry f I faney tbe gfaotU of Banquo and Hamlet's father are t3i* only gboatt erer teeu in Eug- land now. l^e -the fiiiriet. they crot- sed to Germany eeotariet ago.' Have you read Scott's 'Demono- logy' Lady Cecil, and Mrs. Ctowet Might Side of Nature.' -And Mrt. Badchffe't raw-bead-aud bloody bone roraancex Ob. yet. Sir PetW, 1 hate gone tfarongh thetu alU' 'And ttiU yoa don't believe ' 'And still I don't believe. When I see a (host V)ua fide, and inâ€" nn, oat of tbe flesh, I shall yield, not sooner Bat why do you atk Surely, Sir Peter .yon don't belieye in any Uiingso absurd ' 'Who can vouch for its absurditv Lady Cecil, yas- 1 do belieye that the spirits of the dead return.' Lady Cecil looked at him, half laughing, half-difimayed nud gave a little feminine shiver. •"io'jd gracious how German yon grow. This comes of living alone, with bhuded eyesight 'poring over miserable book,' aa Tennyson says. Now, Sir P»*tnr, I am sceptical. I want proof. But I am open to con- viction. Did yell erer see a ghost That is what alchemists call a 'cnici altest,' m the dead waste and middle nf tne night do spirits from the vasty deep come to make darkness hideous. 'You langh, Lady Cecil,' he siid hoarifcly. 'In the vulgar superstiticm uu ghost in shroud ever came to my bedside, but tht:re ^re other waya of being haunted. There are dreams, horrible, awful dreaiuR, that come night after night, the .3ame tbini; over and ovhr.and from which yuu ^tart up with the cold sweat on your brow and the damp of death in your huir â€" vis- ious that come to yuu ii your sleep from the luleiual region, I believe, more giiustiy than any waking vision. Over and over and ever the sam. â€" what do you call that, Lady Cecil ' 'Hot suppers, S'r Ptter, and heavy dinners. Any bilkl'ul pliysician will exerci.He your apparitions.' 'And a few miles fr mo here there is a house Bracken HoUow it is called which no one. not the braviest iu the parish, is willing to paiis ufttir night fall. A honso iu whicba murder ouce was done, where unenithly sii^hts are seen at uneartiily hours, nud uuearth- sounds heard. What do you say to that ' 'That's a vaiy common story indeed Why even at p .pa's place down in Haul's. Clive Court, popular ruipor tayi there is a ghost. An Earl of Rnysland.vho committed suicid? two hnnprod years ago.stalks about in the twilight, g ry ind Krim. That it ih- legend, but no liviui; mortal has *ver seen him. If he walks, at they lay, he takefl good care to keep out ot si^jht There are haunted hiuses in every county iu England. No fiue old fami ly would not he complete without its family ghost.' 'You don't believe what you say. Lady Cecil. I tell you I have heard the Sounds at Bracken Hollow mv- seir.' 'Indeed ' but still Lady Cecil smil edsceptioally, a real, bona fide haunt- ed house I What a charming neieh- bourhood. Now the one unf^ratified ambiticu of my life is to see a disem- bodied spirit â€" to hear it.if it it inoliu ed to make a noise. Before I am a wedt older I shall pay â€" what was it Braeken Hollow a visit. Bracken Hollow I it is a ghostly and myster ions sound. Has the Khost full pos seatiou of the premises, or is Bracken Hollow shared by tome lets ethereal tenant ' 'An old woman lives there. She wtH Kiitheriue Dangerfield s nartt â€" Old Hannah.' (TO Bl CONTINITaD.k HOW TO C9£ A GOIA. Uvea theint feelmg ofrhiH or abiveiatg nuaia indoart if poeable. bailie the ieet ia tefid water, gradn aDy iowvaraug the heat aa lonK as i: cut be romtortably borne, diink freely uf warm gingar or eage tea, to iu'Jimm pertpiratioa, and take Hagyard'« Pec- toral Balaam aeeurdm^ to diractioos on the bottle. Hagyard's £aiaam oares ooa«bs. asthma, and bronchi- tit. ;n i i'BIP TO KANSAS CITY. « AND MISSOURI. 9r Sf M. ABKaraoMO. Ja, MaaKSALB. oo n T iwuato ntOM Last wkxk. IfiW an4 Blosavv-'HtMd t|r«M, nOUNS. ITALIAN StttUiOil,. ««. r.DeTa. Watah an w I Bspabiat a tpstialtf â- at W.». Don's. w. r «l:u MMltdala. Fob. M, 1SK4, Cf-lr I " Westward Ho " from the' town of Qnincey, through a g/eat variety ol scenery, the Iron Horse sped on. Borne o' the land beyond the Mis- sissippi is rough and hillr, covered with short scmbby timber and hushes. Occationally a oohI mil e pretented Itself. There are tracts of mouoto- nons flat prairie, utilised in summer for herding and paature land. Good farms are few and far bstween along this line until tha middle of Missouri sta e is reached, and then it roaches right away to the Missouri river. Here IS the parental home of the notorious James Boys, and the mind wanders back to the time of their robbtries and depredations. But Mr. Armstrong and his cargo are rapidly approaching Kansas City, The Mistouri is in vitw and presently they are crossing the mighty torrent, having travelled 240 miles since they left Quiiicoff, The bridge it high above the river, and is the only link connecting Kansas city with the wide world east of it. The first thing to be done on arrival at Kansas wat. of course, to ditpote of the potatoes, and attend to busi- ness. This being done; one opinion only oau be formed of the place it is a huBj, stirring citr. Beturuiug via the Wabaah By. and through Illinois, it was noticed that the fall wheat crop waa verj- exten- sive and look«d first-class. A good No. 1 crop is almost certain. Farmers were at work with the sulky plough, aud some were plant- ing potatoes. Spring seemed fairly advanced. A flat piairie of some thouiauds of acres was hid from view, being covered with water, upon wnich are millions of wild dueks. Onward tiirou{{h busy towns, the train speeds oa to Toledo, and theiice to Detroit. Here the Great Western cars Ciiow by tueir presence that we are near home. Crossing the Detroit river the train inakei good time through Canada to Toronto. Hence, by T.G.4 B.. Mr Armstrong soon arrives at hit home iu the thriv- ing village of Mtrkdale. having bad a very pleatant and highl^v satislactory trip. THE LATE LORD BEACONS- FIELD. J nan NA^sTT't TaiBtrn to his memobt. HAD SUFFERED M.\NY PHYSI- CIANS. And grew no better but rather worse. Mr. D. ii. Howaid, of Gene- va, N. Y., after dismissing his phy- sicians, tried nearly half a gross uf the various blood aud liver remedies advertised, with no benefit when one bottle of Bai dsck Blood Bitters cureu him of Paialysis aud Geuetal Debility. At the advanced age of 60, he says ne feels youuK again, ana is overjoyed at hit wonderiul recovery. SAVE AND CARE FORTHEPIGS. Sintered «P "» tbe fae:*.^g»Sl HL h^^Adii fa ttâ€" -ft- g.l«ttti«ittr«w*« the green gl«»of the trett, ano off tbs •»**•» «k;«j- The monnment which ber majesty commissioned Mr. Bi^lt to p' re for the perpetuation of the memory ot Lord Beaojufield has jtut been com- pleted, and erected in Hugheudpu church. It is placed immediately above tbe seat haoitually occupied by the late prime minister. The spot was selected by her Majokty, and t^ie moui^ineut it atiuehiog record of tfaat (riendship which can so rarely exisl between sovereign and tubjeet. Tht centre of the memorial ia ocoupied by a profile portrait carved in low relief in ttatnary marble* Beneath this is a table b«arin« the tollowing dedica- tion, penned by the Qoeen her- eelf: â€" To tha dear and honoured Memory ot Bflojamin Earl of Beaoonfiald, This msaorial is plaoed by bis greatful and affeotionata 9uver«toi aui frieud YictoraB.I. "Kings love him that tpeaketh right." â- â- ^vrvp-v '.^ "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP ' Wwe tbe moBOEabl* woi^s of Com* modore Perry. We repeat, "Don't Giva tt^ tfa* Ship." poor, deapairing invalid, but tryBmdock Blood Bitt«rt B eniM others, why not yon It re ijagam.' UistmQsnf hiioMtae, reinilsk«s and tonee all th* hi^aadsnciy, «|oa«^.tMAtasofBae|»tioo, andnaloTss lost Viffiity. Oats ffrovn on fliv taodnaks fb# For many years past no sprinc sea- son has found to few same in the country in proportion to the coming wants. Owing to 'the scarcity ana high price of corn, and the demand f • r hog products at figures at average years, the last hog grown and half grown, that could be got anything near a fit condition to be slaughtered, has been sent to market. It is reported that a gooj many breeding sows have gone into the barrels and lard pans. Tills b-iing the ease.with the pro! abih tythat the market ol ihia ouuntry|«jid elsewhere will be cleared up and near- ly bare ot pork, bacon, hama, and lard before next winter,makei it important to look after the pigs, to see that not one it lost for went uf care and protec tion nntil warm settled weather ar- lives, aI«o to give the young porkers a good start and continuous growth by liberal feeding, also to do all that can be don* to multiplv the number. The loreign demand for bog products is al- ways large, and 10 lbs. of corn, when converted into 1 lb. of pork or lard, is transported at one teutfa oott.--Aif«r- tcoaA^/or Aarif. CAME BACK. Lombago, Kidney complaint, Nen- ralgia, Rheumatism, tnd all pain and inflammation are tpeedily eured with Uagyaid't Yellow Oil. Croup, sore throat. «oldt, barnt. scalds, bruiaet. trust bitCH. ebilbUint and all wounds of the fleab are quickly healed by Yel knrOiL In th* Imperial House of Commoot yetteyday Mr. Gladttoue moved an additional aiiBVtf of £10,000 for Lipaiil and a peoaioB of 46,000 per j«ac i*r tb* widow la th* ivaat of bm-drr" Â¥b* metioa' aaa-wutia^ by%WMe QtM7 to49. «n^ %aiit» TJOU,. Mr. f ««r«^ji^1Cir. Tiavfi yMabd|am«|isi| Facts and Fancier. •â- A ebial't amang y* takin' aoi*s, An' faith bell pnnt '•m." BnsM. Tu* man who layt his fiager on a woBua. Sava in tb* way ol kiadneeaJa a v^iain Whom 't««r« bass flattery to eall a coward, Bors* Bills art printed at th*«fEctr of tliis paper, better and eb«ap«r than at any office in tLa^diatrict. t Read the it«m above this over again aad (tout forKtt it. Horteradith it a profitable etep to grow, being boQght readily at S and 6 eenta per lb. by manufaotarera of tbe prepared article. A Markdale man declares he ia not going to Wiuuipeg. It is intended v protec ute him for forgery tbe fli-et time he taket an oath. Never set a hen iu a box above th level of tho chicken-houee, aa the egga dry too faat, and lose tome of their vitality. The Indian population of Cans la is 107.722 of whom 85.7*28 belotig Manitoba and the North w.-et. Now it the time to build and paint your farm gates, so that ihey wjil be ready fer immediate use when- th* proper time eomee. The Caar of Russia h s become in- fatuated with a handsome circus equestrienne, so mucn so that the Empress has beosme eo:iviucHl of his infidelity, aud begs to be ptrmittsd to return home. Maryâ€" Who had that little lam!. Had Teeth as white as snow She alwaye brushed them twice a day With "Tbabkbrt" you know. "Oh, I'm soghid you hke birds imi tell me what kind you admire most. â€" " Well. I guess a gooae with plenty of stufiSng is about a uice a bird a I know." Of the 9240 lunatics in Ontario since Confedrea'ion, only 148 were teachers. 89 cler;,-Tmen, 19 lawprs, and l.pditor. Tbe rest were farmer* and servantt 85 livaa-havo be«n I..«t at Mcuipliis by the destnfction of a river etearaor by fire. The fact that ^^ of the v t tims were ladiet. and that only 4 ul ti:e crew lost their livet, are tignificantiv U?ly. A'e have received the followin i from a snbacrtber "I think folks ottent t"» tpend money for payp r, dadda dident and he was the intoUpentftMt man any body knijwed, aad he had the sma-t est set of boys, sir, a^ eror dugged up tatera. • Thos Kenny wat jnnvir*'l of mtn- slanglter at the Guelph isaizet for murdir o" Mrs. Hai(.h. Sentono* 7 years. A cirl at Pekin was about to b* married to a young sweetheart. A man h'-ard of it, and t"ld ber mother that if she would wait he would marry her. at his pretent wife wat dying. He was rich, th^ b r ain wat ttmck, and they are married The square timber is being removed from the Clmteworth sta'ion. Mr Da- vid Goodwin, of Sydenham, holds the contract for removing timber on the T. G. B. Immigrants are rol'ing into Wmui- peg at the avei age rate of tiz hundred per day. There are some men in Markdale, Who think they're mighty wise, vThey kbxp I a stock of useful gsodti. But will not advertite. Snbteribers can do a great deal ti help an editor get up a newsy anil spicy sheet by reporting to him when anybody dies, get* marriad, run a away, itealt anythio^. bnildi ahonsp. maket a tale, or whipt his msn^ â€" c- bis wife â€" breaks bis leg. gets the ten- tei kicked oat of him by a male, or doet anything that la iu any way re- markable, aud you have reaaon to be li£ve that you enow ae much aboot the OTCurenee at anybody elf, don't wait for tome other pereon to rej^ort, or trut nt find it ont by inttinct, bnt come and tell nt aboot it or tend tbe faeli on a postal «ard. giring roar name and ad^reee in full. Thie last will not be printed. A Wabhixo to Faaiacas. â€" There ia r.ow offered for tale a wheat called Arnectie. which it neither mot* nor lose than Wild Gooee wbrat, and which, if grown by tbe farmers wiii not sell on the market, and if mise I with othrr ' wheat will spoil the sale of the whole lt. Bayers will n t toach it â€" miliere won't gnnd it. and rxporters will nut li)k at any »aiuple it may get mix* J witli. W e*anti«wi onr farming friends, i^»t theylM huuihn^- ged in tbe matter. ' TIMELY WAIUiiM*. Nnv i* ih* ataanu f-4- wn-Un en] J* aad ii'ti»fstng «na(be tre* t them witbHacTM* P'S^oral PaWm. it •tetfinflo^ta, M tâ€" *r« »f » wh*op- iog aoagb. braarhitia, and *d pujmo* aary CDuplai-jt* l«K4uf tu VAJ^V^ 'I ' I V .Ji â- « t.. :^^