Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Nov 1881, p. 3

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 â-  1 i i ,1 «M *•'•â-  ?Utf. w^ mk JIAM YJi yÂ¥ aril ATTEMPTED BUICIDE. AH 0U MA* BAu An laiM TO no un. Jastu, Ont, Nov. 10. â€" Aodrew Ward, an oUl mau 80 yean af aga, aaa bean liTiitg tor a jmr pii»t witli Jaa. Boaa, his ii*rl«* • B^, rcsiJiuf; two miles IroBi ttia Tinflnt. A t a di- viaioTi conrt, held bero yi/ktrimj, tbe old mau sued Rops for watiea wfaieU he clitimed for work during tbe past year. lUa alMm was not iiutahMA. About 10 o clock last nii;bt one of Bom's barns waa destroved by fira, together -witb tbe contents. After the fire Boas ill company witb (wo yoang men while passing tbe stables beard a strange ooiae, and npoo opeBii^ tbe g^^^' doors a bombk sight presented itself. The old man stood near one of the stalls with a rope around hie neck, the end of which he had fastened to bis caiie aad with this he was twistinp«nd tis^iiteniDg the strap eyidently eadeaT- ouring to take bis own life. His Ui.oat waicut and hi« face fL-arfully Bwo'ili-ii. Boas and tbe two yonng moil who found him from his neck when he staggered to tho ground in au almost helplene eon- (lit.ou. A jackknife covered with h'fhxi was found in oue of bis pockets, »::' tio doubt tliis was the instrameut with which he had a^^tempted to oat bin throat. Tbe woand is about two icchcB in lenetb bat not deep. He ia Ceueraily suxpected of having stt fire to ihn barn, but makes a positive d*. uiul of having done so. He admits Luvii.:; b';en in tbe barn that sTcning au-l f-ay6 he drove soma cows oat, fast- ened the doors, and came away. li"ia iiud CO insurance on the barn In r coniiLts. It contained nearly hie viliole i-roj" of RraiM. Xiio loss is eati- lublud at ul-ou; $I.CXX). IIuMBi.'fWiiin AoAi.N. â€" I saw so mncb said ab"Ut the merits of Hop Bitters, and my wife who was always doctoring, atvl utvtr wfcll, teased me so urgently fi got her some I concluded to be bum- huggtd again and 1 am gkd I did, for in kss than two months use of the JiittcrH my wife wascured and remam- ed CO for eii^htoun months sinoc. 1 like BiJth humbnggiug. â€" H. T., St. I'liul.- I'ioneer Fiess. .V'FEMALE bUARPER. On-! of the Klirenilast and boldest ' cvci i'luycd on a jeweller was il.iiio hy u w)iaau of nerve iit Cinoin- i.ati not long ago. One day a middle- nycd woman, of fine personal appear- ttiici' well dresBL-d, and of most at- traclivo manners, called at a private liiimiic iisylum and asked to seo the Miiu-riiitendent. That official met her i-i the parlor. "I \%;:,li to make arrauKomonta for Iho ciii(i lament of a patient hern," sh sail • What aro your leruaH and thocoiiilili'.tiH on ifliich you rccoive your iiimiit-" V " 'Oar turms are .;.15 per week, and voti innsi- huvc lliu ceiUficate of two l?!iv.;lciall!j.' â- Very well," said the lady, "I will I • •! for two tnoiitliii in advaiico. 'I' 1- ' iwntn my sou, who is insane ••â- i L-i mlji'd of dia uouda. Ho has ,1 f:i ;» f'r " â- lliii-j my iuwullery. I hi. not yet ijiittLii tiie certihciii'j of tlie iiiivMciiiiL^ viUi t'le authority.' Tin II the 1 » ly lut-reil her cainu^e nil I I'luve to u '".v.lti;ry store. Tiierc sli' bv' '-â- â- l .^IDiK) worth of jewellery, wliich .dm s i:i| iiiteiijed for the tii'i iiau f her daui^hter, about to uinii il. Sh •• .^lve tlio name of a w il'iiy fiimily recently arrived in 'iiicuinali, anil biid t" the proprietor; "If y.n-will li:t on of your clerks steii intii til" 1 .irrit;;!^ witli luc, I will go to iny hiuNMiil's riV)re and give him tlio iii"r:i_. r till' giMid.s,' The iiro|.rii'tor consented and the I'lrk. v.itli the goods in a box, eiiter- • d ihf ciirijigo with the laily, vho ^,â- liâ- l kIi" vxislifd t« stop on tho way ami s||..w lur jiiin-liano to a fri'u.l. 'll.i'V lU. vc to tli' asylum an 1 weie lili'iwii t.. tlio parlor. The biiporiii- teiidi-iit ei.tcred niid the lady said i(iiili' -?imly, to the clerK " op.'ii tli Iiiix ami ahow tho thmgb td til' irnitliiui II.' Til" clerk u:isuspeetin5ly complied. '.irlf.-lv drawing near, tlie lady sud- •b'uiy .seized tho box and waa walking out of the room wiih It when the as- t inwln-il il.'vk cried "II lid I'M, madiim I must not let iliosc j^oods go out of my sight until I gt t til.' the money 1 lie did not deign to notice till' clirk, but, tnruiug to the bupenu. ti'ndi'iit of tho asylum, she said "Tliis is th3 young man I spoke to jKV aii.'ut. He is setting a little vi"li-iit. You had better secure bim.' It was ill vain the clcik pro- te«ti'.l tli;it, a robbery was being coo' mitti-d. Tiie buperinteudeut was in- ^xor.ibli.' Ho called in a^Kistanco aritl d i-urcd the clerk, while the lady walk' I t'l horcarriags with the $4000 worthy of jewellery. 1. iwni 4dHicktt-* bdl Man bom of wmtaa ia of fsw d^* And fall cd Mhemca to get bia amt* in prmi. If time u moaej, vliT- int • note at four months as good as eaib 1 All mtip who enter bw-rooma arc not wi«ked. Vaoy cater •0U7 t* eommaiM with tbe a^udta. Altboagb eonaiderablr p«at serentT, Ifr. Oladatea* has joat noar. fox tbe first lima, pot on iqeetaclea. On Greenland 'a ie^ nooataiaa there are no cows. Tbey make tbsir op then with whale blabb^. Six Oirls" 18 the title of the hite«t It ia expeeted tbait • a'sqod entitled 'Oar Broken Gate' will be ia- sned soon. A girl who has a falcn on her flnge r and a fallow on her hand ba* aa moob as she can attend to. Always giving somebody a lift â€" ho- tel elevator. â€" Springfield Sunday News. Always lettiag them down took the' strap I easy â€" same elevator. Money oiten leads men .utnj. tiojne of them will ran af t«r a dollar bat a bonod dog it more aTaneioaa. He will lollow a aeent. A college joke from the Trinity Tah- iti Freah â€" "May IjhaTe tbe plea tare?' M ai Societyâ€" "Oai." Freshâ€" "What does *we' mean V Misa B. â€" 'O, U and I." Mr. Stranaa, of Cinciiuiati, re- cently reeeaed two friends who fail in the water, thas proving the frntb of the old Haying â€" "Drowning men catch atStraass.' The strongest man living â€" the man who moves the house bv his tears. â€" New York liook-lueper. â€" How about the farmer who moved a cord of wood by bis steers f An exchange speaks of "a male tram.' Tbe sex of trains has always been a matter of some doobt hot a train should not be called a male be* cause it smokes and 'cboos.' A river is always down in its month. â€" Burlington Hiwkeye. And it shouldn't be, considering that it gen- erally controls all the banks along its course. APOPULAR BEMEDY. Hngyards pectoral Balsam is one of tho most deservedly popular remedies for tho c'lro of coughs, colds, sore throat.astbma, whooping cough, croup, bronchitis, and all pulmonary com- plaints. For sale by all dealers. If Ananias had lived in these days he would have passed for a simple, guileless old man. â€" Boston Vo»t. 'Somebody promised to meet yon at a certaiu place, and return the $5 he borrowed." All that is needed to sell mining Htock ii^ a water-colored map. two pieces of ore purchased at a jeweller's, a man with cheak, and a fool with money. Whiskey, water, and a grain of btrychnir.e was the compound put up by a Baltimore druggist and labelled "Found at Last â€" Golden iStomach Tonic." •'WU.\T EVERY ONE SAYS MUST BE TRUE," AjiI every one who has tested its merits speaks warmly in praise of Hafiryaiac P..ctoral Balsam RS a pos- itive cure for all throat aud lung com- plaints, coughs and coKU, sore throat, bronchitis, and incipient cou3um ption. Tho Toronto hh-eninj Xews gives a digest of M. Uelaunay's analysis of tne claims of the respective sexes to Buporiority. The Frenchuaau's con- elusion is that the female insect is the male's sovereign, but that a.s the raiij,',) of nature aseonds the female ;,'radually fa!l» UUinil. We admit t!ie lirht pf.rt of th\t conclusion, dt we contend tliirc is no limitation li^ht up to tiie Clowning specimen of m- sectw, the human race, tho fiict is true, only in a much m ire complete way. That is where the cvolutioa theory comes in. Why docs a man at tSe bidding of Lis wife, wit thinks she hears burglars abound, feel it a mark of syecial favour that he should he delei.'ated at miduigiit to go and chase a bob tailed cow over half a dozen vacant lots with an old bairel staye, and clotlic.l in uotLiag but a little brief authority and a night shut? I What is the nameless leverage that makes him j^et up in the dead hour of I the night and set the r«nc«l«e-butter j near the p:irlor sitove What the unseen molive which impels him to walk round with a squalling baby for an hour in the chill atmosphere of the room in tho darkest time just before the dawn The answer is, woman is man's soyerii^n, spite of French in- vestigations. â€" \Iai7. ALL 808TB. m J n U KJc iia g and Btceding mU gmff V ' Jpi J t%r mmm. mm 0*HV!» of «• wtiM natar e( ta|Mfe fetotwa. BatanrtMieMkOTeJnlaeadlbe 1BT ZaABOa BEKBIDBB avsBT zozoHBOBaoao WILSON BRYDEN. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS! BEEF, PORK OB MITTTON SUPPLIED. from a single pound to a whole caiotaB, at the luwerit market prices. nSHA.FOWLIIITHElRSASOII Formers bariDR Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigfl to dispose of will do well to eall at No. 3 Bams' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oet. 2.5tb, 1881. GOOD NEWS AGAIN. TO WEAK LI NC.H AND HOW MAKE THEM STBONG. Breathe with the mouth closed, havo access at all times to pure air lâ- xerci^e moderately, eat nourishiiiij but simple food, a:id take that best of all cou^'h remedies, Uatryard's Pec- toral Balsam, it Fpeedily cures all tiiroat and luiij; troubles of adults oi children. Price 'lb cents per bottle. home people will place a miscon- struction upon everything I It is well known that President Garfie'd's life was insured for $25,000 in tlie New Yrk Lifd Insurance company, and jnst because tliac company draped tlu'ii- I'uil'hug ill mourning, and dis played a card reading: 'We mourn "ur loss." Some pipois are sniggling and trying t ui-^ke something terribly funny out of the f.ct. A REAL NECESSITY. No house should be without a bot- tl? " Hagyard's Yellow Oil. in crse of accident. There is no preparation ofifcred to sufTuriug humanity that has made so many permanent cures, or relieved so much rain and misery. It is called by some the Good Samaritan, hv others the Cure all, and by tbe .i£Qictcd an Ang.d of Mercy. « DYSPEPSIA- That nil prvvaleat diaoaae of civi- lized life, is always tttetided with a fiisi rdarrd !-ympath«tic system and bad sccietiouK, snd no remedy is bet- ter adapted to its e:iru than Ikudock Blood i3itt'rt t.ikeu according to spe- cial directions found on ever/b«ttle. Man borr i f woman ia of few daya anll'iiiiofn drsire t) assial aoiae rich 'it lie in-!a.v to uq'injljr hi* qaart'-rly dividends. There appears to be an epidemic of finding valjables in old trunks. Only a week or bo ero a diamond was found by a laborer, an and old trunk sent to be repaired in New Haven, Conn., was fouid tocoutaiuiu a small drawer a gold watch, $30 in gold, two gold bracelets and a diamond and ptarl set. This reminds us that a tiunk brought oyer in the Maj-flower was being cut up for firewood by a Norris- town man the other day when out rolled SGOO.OOO in gold, two silk hats, a diamond, lulaid clock, four pairs of new boots, a camel's hair shawl, a set ofsrdid silverware, a costly mirror, a su'.t of parlor furniture and a file of newspapers. The man who was de- molishing tho trunk said it fbrmerly telonged i^ an editor. SELECTED GBINS. The London Truth savs "A clergy- man in Scotland preached a few days ago from the text, If ye do not repent ye shall likewise perish." The wife of a tarmer, who was present, went home nod told her bnabaad that the text was. 'If ye don't pay your rent you shall have to leave the parisli." An Irishman wai asked at dinner whether he would take some of the apple-pie. "Is it honlsom " enquir- ed Teddy." To b« sure it in," was the reply. What makes you ask each a question ' "Woeaaae." aaya the uew-combr, "I once had ac nncle kill- ed with tbe apA'f'-plixy, and I thoaght it might be aomethiuft of that aori.' Scene â€" a batcher'a stand. Baveber: 'Come, John, be lively now break tbe bones in Mr. WiUiam'a ohopa. and put Mr. Smith's riba in tbe baaket for him.' John (brmkiy): •All riRfat, sir, joet aa eaoti as I've aawed off Mrs. Marphy's leg.' Tna TsaanLa TxetuMTl.r^^QD^^ Kong, Not. 8 â€" -A ^f^l^xx. iaj ravag- ed western Tcmqaio. Two boadred cbnrchea, tbirtj-foar paraosagea and collegea and tvr tbonaand hoaaee have been dwtroyed. Six thiawand Chriatiana have been raaed. The oaMs are immanee dialreaa teoihla. Eurh»i Ms ai Wti â€" HAVlNdâ€" LATELY FITTED UP Wy Grist Mill in FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER! 1 am prepared to turn ont all work m a first- class ujauiier. Jflour and all kinls of feed delivered free o any j'ait of tin villace. T1inn':inpyon all for past favors I hope by strict attention to Ijimintwa to merit ft coa- tiuun!.ce of the onmo. W. J. tlOWE. BuirLead Mills, Sept. 20, 1981. 54-3m FLESHERTON Harness Shop THE Siilacribcr bepa to inform the public tlinl lis has constauily on Imud a large assortment of CARRIGE. BUGGY AND TEAM IIARIVESS. Made in good style and of tho THE BEST OF MATERIAL, ns P i And as ho moani budiness give him eall, as he will sill at the lowest livin for cash. A good supply of WniPS, TRITIVHS, Cm always on hand. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good fit eaaraiiteed. »3"E(!tn^mber the sland tho Post Office is opposite. N, B.â€" Stavu timber wanted, T. GORDON. Plosherlon. March. 1881. 10 Bobt. S. Bae, TAILOR, Sydenham Street, MARKDALE. Markdale, July 7, 1881. 43 Cm Public i^olloe. NtiTld ti beixrily given that tbe new roMl opaa throof;h lota 99, 100. aad y»\, on tb« Srd eoncwisMii W. T. S. B., iii Ufe towBship oi Uleneig, u not properly m- iftbliah«d- Th»iwfiiiaUua ifwHâ€" allp of aiea- •]« not harinx aiqr titta to the road throng â- aid lot*, will not Wrwpoaaiblafor toy ae- •idmt that mav hanpan oo laid road. JAXS8 BSOWH, FINLAY MacRAB, Clerk. Becve, OM. i».l880. A PERMANENT CURE FOa LAME BACK/ 7^^^^ Pitoa, Waeawa of the Edneyi, B»i**» •ff Urinaiy Onana. or attendant ooinptain» indt;bitbi.k kvipbmce oivino k»- TIBBBATISFACnOH. Pieton, Apra 30, 1881. 0«TO*w«».-I And that t " ^*^* •T ctnM tntire «tisiactit.n, and wib ou xa- oreaMd »ml«» for wo TaluaUe remedy for DiseaMs of th* Ki^neyj. Signdd, D». /. B. MOBDEN. Prioe^-ChiU' Pad. •1.50; Repnlar Pji. 12; Special Tad for Chronio Di.6»»o«, W- A*k jour Drnc(;;«t '•" P»uiplilek and Taeti- mouisl:). frea. S by h. TUBWEU A: '0., .llnrfcdalc* PARKEB it CO.. 0*ci) 3.*nd. i W. ELLIOTT. Cbativ-rth. STEPHENS i M. CAjtHOM,, MeaforJ. M UICHAM'SON. riPHberton. TnOS. STF.riiKN.SON. Or.-.' g.vUe. O. W. PARS J.\». Pundalk. W MARKDALE MarbleWorks Monnments, Tombstones And every description of Cemetery work executed in. FIRST-CLASS STYLE I and at rca.sonable rates. Orders left st tba shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S/io/' next dimr to Revere Hotel. W. A. jeHNSTON, Prop. Marlulale Abr. 10th. 1881. 48-ly NIL DESPKRUMAND. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. rpHE GREAT ENGLISH .1 EE.MEDy.anuntailinji cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, aiul all disease-" that follow as a sequence f Self- Abuse as loss of Memcry, Universal BefisO TakiS^ Las itude. Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old ^gf, and many otuer Diseases that lead to Insanity or «Jon8iimpti( n »nd a Pre- mature Grare, liSTull pii llculars in oar pamphlet, wLich we desire to scud free by mail to every one. Tho Speci6c Medicine is sold by all Druggists at 81.00 per pac!i^;'o, or six After Takkg. pft!kage3 for Ji.liO, or will hr^ scut free by mail on receipt of tin* moiKy by addressing. My THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Out., Canada, ThalParMtaad BMt ladldaa mr Bada. «aa of Hepaf Biipliu. Man- I Dand«lloii7*ti*utlMWtu4 .ttTepropertM* ct tU oOmt BtMm^ • tnf* Blood PuHfloTi LIvar iiiiiTrfi I Tiiiiii ni.iiii' â€" Xh«r|ina** KsaU t7iKtb.bow.toi vUnui Appetl Hop Bitten u* AppetlMr' leatlns. VomSuT ipoMOilykac oM wkaaBV ' Tutaludp«tMta«MHlr iM Tiforto ti* t(*l ud lilim. piploTiBent.eaoM Imcalaft' vlDftiT orsmn., m wbo r» Tonla â€"H^iMMtâ€" !.-« " Ik without IntOB* whatjovrt u* wkat tb. diMM. or aU* tora, DontvaitaBta^ood only t.el bad or mlmafata, It may »Ta joar lu. Jt baa] $MO«aib8paldlara oonorbalvb Bo aot aafl â- iirar,lint a» and nr»» tt Hamam bar, Hop BIttan la llraiifcaBiio.tram,battta.P Medleln.nM'Bad.i tba â- WiUM aad Ban* aad do pan Aooldbawltbaattbank P U l..n.liinlTitn.iii1|iiini|| „ (oiinak.aea,nMof opinin, (ofeaeeo i IHifbtirJt.T aadVonnt^ ^^ or fw^n I. oa* Bop Bu- lbar «fll Bat arlatToartiteS taaaaNopB Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, OIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA. INDIQESTIOft, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY. FLUTTERINQ • OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIM. And everr apeelaa of d l .e... aH.ln» from T.HILBORNeO.,"^°»i ' gg^^ â-  »• »!! COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. Aa I keep all kinds of BEPAIB8 for the Impkmenli I sell, Farmers will soe the advantage of dealing with Loeftl Agent. WM. STRAIN, x^esla-erton. Flesherton, March 24, 1881. » tf OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander yocr monsy if yea want to. if not, get yonrPhotogmpbe of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take PietnrM, and do Copying and finlatsiag as heretofore. Kn.A.3IE S A IN J FEt A. I K FI^CIIVOS. We are reoeivin alitrge stock of MOTTOBS and Votto aad otberTramea, aad Fixings, which we can, and wean to sell at Remarkably Low Prices^ Oall and secure bargains. ' Bring along yoar pictoreg and have them eopied acd enlarged bv Tonr old friend. BULMERa Flesherton. Match 10, 1881. 36 ATTENTION LaiifeiliTivals New Goods -AT- HILL BROS. o ' tany lincg of Goods bought after the fall of ten per cent, in prico,'.hence wo iLnov that o«t prices will be right. Stacks of Winceys, Stacks of Tweeds, Stacks of Boots and Shoes, Stacks of Ready-made Clothing, Stacks of Mantles for the Ladies. Call arLd. See "O"©. GOODS PLENImTmd" PRICES LOW. ^Vo are dctcmiinod to cont:nno the large iucroase in onr buslnem n,,, n,ni:..~ «i Mullen will return by the 1st of OCo. brrat which date w" pZ^T.;,.oSSiZteiS? of our business, and trust to coniinuc that part of oa, hn^i^.^S^^ "*f i" waxier. Thanking vou for past favors and ^^ ^ut!:^^^^^^^':!^ M A B K D A ll^ 8ash andDodr j^ DOORS, v;.^ BLINDS' MOULDINGS, mi-!i=.y2^^'^«'*r'^^ HOLLOW Batta 'lis, Lumber, iiifh and ShiQi^ Alwayi on Hand. Orders Promptly jnvT^ The Babaeribar way Ub«al patrooace tOMMrit Ihavawnr wiabaa ta ntnrn thank* to the paople of Markdkfe ^i I â- Ce Ihay ha^o given hiai ia the part, and hopes by i!***! t I aeaatiaMttieaoftbeiaaM. **«%^| wactaadad ay bnrinwa.aiidwfll in fntnr* keep* {ogg^^ PINE LUMBCbl Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZES. DBESSED AND trNDRgggj^ JLU KiAd* or PlsUn and ^«Lncjr x,^,.^^ Dona in a Itrat-aiaaa Banner. THOS. Markdato, May nth, 1881. McNEi LATE IMPORTATIII Of (peeially AttraettT*, Sea«anaI)Ie. Fashionable and SlapU I3ry G^oods; To JBand, which we offer at Creatly Reduced Pricet tK ^^^tB JU^ $30t$ Wo offer special talnes in everj line. .i CUB STOCK OF Groceries, Hardf are, Crockery, M Gin la rery OMnpieta. aad 'nuto.-nera will fiai prises and ralaes sati^ftnorT » pfrtmi-nt. ^» GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEYl by parehacing your supplier at the "Toronto Honse." MarkJala, Sept. SSth. 18«. '"' BROW| GOLD Markdale, September Uth, 1881. wmftti A. MiNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MINTYRE ^lo-oo:, E^loijLr, S^loTjLx. McINTYRE'K LIQUORS I^LIQUORS I McINTVEE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYEES Coffee, Coflee. '""^^^^Xvrhfrd'-^^"'"' J^qZTstL always on baud, cnBAi. poa cAsn. ""vn McINT\RE'8 MEAU MEAII HEALI McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'a Teas, Teas. Ffrjf^ Or its equivalent, can purchase an\ tlim^ yoa may require in DRY GOuDS, GKOCEKIES. BOOTS and SHOES,, or in fact anything thai » ., usually FOUSSTD 'in a general' countr}' store--" ' ZIT Purchasieg, you should always ascertain vtTiereyjJ can purchase to the best advantage, that is get the best goods at the lowest price, and that place is ;{ ^; I BUTTER RAE'F MARHDALE Tf Al^ Wfaon It Hay eoncerii. As the season has arrived when money i.s plentiful awj] have no collector but the bailiff, wc must have our acco«s by the I oth of October, August gth, i88i. ' -^"^^^UW^MiJ Cures Cholera. Cholera Morbu$,Dg- tentery. Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick' neasand Summer Complaint aim Cholera Infantum, and all Com* plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will bo found equallM bmefioiai for adults or children!, FM SALE BY AU DR0GGISTS. T. MILBURN CO., __Proorietora. Toroftt*. Choice Farm loFsaie. 2 ^^ raOM M.4RKDALE. ' LOT 110 8. Bo«d, eoBtaminff 60 tereiâ€"ui ^t • f *n«terejlti.a.K,„' and nTkl^ta^ property and will h^M ll^ *V^ t»me barm and loe hon«« ;. '^l.. "*** PoMe^sionKTenSuir f^J^J^ ""»'*» apply to " '9 tvOui par. WM. LTPTLEJOHNS, « to C. W. BnTT.â„¢,,. ^u^ '"^• rili iii^ FARMERS tt MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND ' PUifDALK. ONT, S ,.j :! •WaM^a mUkkimff to obtain njouej, avu^. io ♦t^f^i^ Dundalk, iijm* yfin eaa gel Vost^T at a reduced rate of u.lfret .«i «*^^» ]^^r^'"^v^ «« a^W-ffcMi, â- Â»oi»aa«e. bniU a no* i. u^. ,.. '• ' tL^V* -K'£'2**?if '"?^-i'^W* ** ' •**•«• «J«-L"«ii^ will bf rM thr»'«i;- «^' " wnua 11^ strifteal priTa^ win bi maintained in all tiansactious. jLWu for sale. i*-aeud»dlr*i?' vHh ura, neainesi aid •* -:^^ • A, G. HUNTHJ^ Badoee THE GLOBE nunUG IffiE "3ftlJTIiS5lJGBr Prop**;, T' km g OTBL ia a tana thre^ tteimy briek bni'ding. nwntlr e^fHry »t^' ,^v *77 '*»« « '«aiWMiaaae. U ia (arniabed in Firnt Cl»«« Stvl* ' i*^ «itk tha (eat hnr d. •( Wiiia^ U«Mra and Cigare. and the table •{••^ »"-* f^ â- Mia aMjr ra(y upon erery .tteuuonw^^ Cmmitvitkt nmvtttm: TlM wa'T. "^.^ â- â€¢â- â€¢aaoa. Tka trMaOiBc Pnuie L t^ t|(n^ltU ^imUad, ^/^ffi^if* !â-  rCBUBHED ^rxmr fhidat noB^iKc In time to meet the early maili. LAbUini theUU^t KoreiRC and Provincial J«r» Iiocal Intelligence, Connty Business, ceroial Kattsra and an In-triictiv. MtlOOin advance. 11.50 in three months, I il" not »a** ^^ **»« "" " "** y"" " di*»ntinnel nntil all arrenjf^s arn l^ esaept at the option of the publUh- ITvlartiee relusiup papers without payini; J^ be h»-ld responsible for tlir years sub- [iptiona until they comply with the rules BATES OF APytltTlSIXti I oolomn, one vear *•»" ••' do do 27 •'â- '• do do 1 i 0»» kth do do '" a do liaas and ander, first iniwrtiou.. Kaoh subse'ieiit iii.^ertiou n 111 a teu liui-s, lirst insertion Saob 8iibsiH|iint insertion er ten lines, first iiisertiou per line Eteb snbsepnent insertion The namlM-r of lines to be reckowl l»y tli«- I occupii'il measured by a scalf of s"li'l .Tier. A Ivertisemfuts withnnt spccil!' letinns will be pablish»« till forbid a.i.l ar^e accordiu^ly A!l transitory al-ertise- lents mnst be iu the otce of puUication ox 1 ocleokon the ThirndaymominR prtcf«l I their pabUeMion k- ^. W, feCTfJttnOK. Pjcprirt.r. 0() .Id 2-" H 2 tOFUSIONAL BUSSNESS DIRECTORY. Drs. Sproule A 47iirtrr, iVbiclanB, Surgeon .Accoucheur c. rFlCK Medical Hall; re.sid-nce :it rVdale House, arkdale. Sept 17,18-tO. 1 v J. Ti is'-ioi;, â-ºABTtisTEii, ^^ASTI:u andth:!-. i:i:i;. in ChanocTj-, Notarj' i'ulilic, Coim »:i.. .Ac. 5oc» â€" Owon Sounl, in Viikor's I"..}., ilett St.; and in Maiklilv. ov.r M.| ,i I's Slore, on Fridav anl .Sa'.uriuv â- '\i.i\ Frost A Friil. u ^m ABP.ISTERS, AM) ATT. lUNKVSAT kJ\ Law, Solicitors in Cbai'iiv, .:;\,\ ira. .tc. Owen Sonnii, li.nv r.~tiii,' I at iherton. Office op»/n -verv Tiiursiljiy. a.- ' |j .fore. |-.I;..i| |mgR; I. FaOST. .1. \V. I'r.isT.I.I,. I!. ft:.; County Criiwn Afo ri v I 9rnti«t;*!i. Ho Rlr. Ja:ii'o J. Wtiilc, isistant to Dr. Ciiui run, '•-.veil .si..iiTi.;. nx HK AT Tii;-; i!V;vi:i;:; iiw'sk. Mark.Ule, oii t'le Ih -l W.-^l-i' --^li m mouth, wlioii he will ,â-  pre, t..|Kr j all operati.ins re i i nil upo'i liie tiii'H'.K ' e most satisf.icturi marimr, anl iiih n i nable terms. I V/i Jtttiocrlla « c o a «. H'ln. iiro\)'ii. I sscER OF M Aiii;i sj ;r" I.KT,XSES,.V •. CommissiSoL-r III It. U .v*. f} I onveyaneiiij,' in a!| its b: '.iK'b.'s jnouji't'y ' ft /i nJed to aiiil '•ir.f;iii ex. -ufe.!. I. B. â€" MouiA to l.f II I on Ittal IC^tiiti «e. itv. arkdale. S^iit. i7, 18*t. ' ' • J J i„ Alrxa'idpr Br »\va. ... ISUElt of .Marria/e LieeUaes, Krc tin.) ' [Life Iu»urauoe .V.;«Mit. I'l-.U-iii^-ioii.t j |B. R. *e. CoHTi^iu-.T a:i.i I, r....;.. i etioneer thoCouVty of tJ,vv. I'.irui. is. I cli;lilts, HTiil I,ail.| Sl-», l'.Tl.-Ii...l!;. at- i"Sl.i i' "ei t^i an. I ch-ii„" i:i i Iu »••;»â-  •U'.l ,.ii" ricoville, Sept. I" !s-: (. ly i tt. 'VI. ;(K»raiiU j uoTioxKK.u an: ukn-:;;ai, i.ani« Agent, Wiilniu-fivd St;;! •••i. A !â-  ti..n Bs atten le.l in all juris nf i «••».. ;;.i-v. Js sold on Co!U-«:--i.«i. llr in-- l-r.tte. 1 BOS, OrK;ins, ail S â- â€¢-vlii;; M.rlMti--: :i!- j it anl O.ii.i-a !n. ii f •.• s, A •â-  ii n. I kl Implements, iiud jl.ic!iiii»rv .ia'J LiimIs j lie. â-  ' 1 FJIiamsfonl. .Tan. "JT. I -.-il. J. ti, Sins, *. DOMINION ANi l';;iiVlN!l\r. t.\\l» aiirveyor, rfi-iii.r'i'iMnii mo.i i..- .!•. kforil anJ M irk. lab-. H.iVj;' fur-!, i ' ' riu'-inl Land Sm-.-.y-'i »' fi.; i; nr'.,.," re stock of ori|;iiia! ri-M 'l '^:"' :.~. arts, liiatructiou.s, .v.'..if aii hi-. .Sir. \,y! within lie li.-;: 'ifiy-'ii.- y.-:ir., i .-;jn tred to make .S'ir..' in -!.-..-i ii t t- tliHrewiili. l'iM:it..s a-i I â€" f.^;-.:ii •• |Gra.1iug Hill--, I'im, a-i 1 Sp.- Juil ling It.iLvs, f;ir:iisli.t on a|(^(.j Mi.iiey toI..iaii al p i c it i.i; ,. ers by letter, or lift with ». J. l';.VJ'li kJ»!e. will be (iroumtlva:;. i.l ' â- . 1-v Jl .1. 1'?: ..TT,. t apt. 17. 1880. o\v;:.N Si ktBATf OllXiCS, â-  • I 1 cii-' r .\ 1 1. I'kwKH Bis ho'ise. so Iioi;? t'r..' • -jL^-ial favi.ritf.f ci"iuiiiii;y. Ii ii. U-.ti i. liiU-l ' fcfurnished, and 's i,..» jt-n f.* the n- ' "' I of gu.'St.. i witli'ii • i y r- 'i-'j of tii" ' H.iuse, aiil Ills ti. .i.i-. 1*. .. • ..» l« iu;; irooi t!je iiiu-.ii.if ira!'.; • l.ii t;.' f tli. r, lis of the town. }f'.itj -itujH" «.;. t'liinit near CurU-Us l-oun Iry. I jlKJr 4th, la-tl. ' .â- , Iv T. K. nvVIKi JlLDEK CON fit vC iKI'.. (Sloi,.. and Urick). Flasterin;; »u\ «'..nilr. J.. I.-. pptly 1 i... â- â€¢ii::;::;; a S|. â-  E»tima!.' cii all wurk. fii-c. Sa:i~- »n suarautfvl. *,• H. i I.-iec ro:n. r..f aud Sprouli'Stro.-»-, Ma ieiialk. ember .St. ISS.I. Ifi.v WM. VOX In Ornamental Plasterer aimates for stnii*. and 1ri*k irtirk *ion. Satisf;ielio: lim iiilevd. • â€" Queer .Slriit, Miirkl lii-. rkdale. Sipt. 17. 1«mi" I Itvai. i)otc(«. w :VERE HOTEL, [SPBOUIjE, Proprietor. IIS popniar Hotel has ha.l a lai^v ».l- Idition added to it, t! oroufjiily ciii;. i. [i» now aeoond to none lu the coii'ily. ttabiiag anil attentive osiUi. Firsi- laec4temodatioii for rouimercial trH\el- L^raM 91.(K per 4lair. 17-I.v MfiAFORD, Ont. I*. MoGLhli, I'BilFRIKTOBS. ' Meommodation for the travelliH;; The kwr is well stocked with .^bc 'Wines and Lit^uurs and the best â-  VOictrs. ^â- â€¢to and from all trains. â- JT. 1880. ly miTercial hotel7 PRiCEVILiLiE. Oiit, Jkbd •omo^Qdiqug Sample Room- •**^ms. *c. The Uar and larde LT^JUl^^VHl* the best Hie njarket af '/f*^9*J»ahUag and attentive Hostler'a T90S. AT1U^'S0^^ JVopuvtor [*iM. 188o. 8^ YQUH^OMBiNGb/ •43"?rr' **«!? t^."-ou^'oe to I HAIR CU i^8» "arkdale and vicinity that she i 'J' "J york up hair oombyigs into I ii^jij** °^"' terms muderat/ J gy*- I't. HlnoaVriier of Mfcf ^•^^B«f», Spppaitp ftr. Bowea'rj, 'ty hlnral lias iH'i'ti d:.|i*. uri Willi alii*' â- â- ! III,, fall I'lVi- f,i t.' -N .!â- . tlf I.. -ttf I M.i..i..;. SHTOP M 1. CHURNI WASI lU-fiairititj REAP] PI«»U|{M-, V.rklal.-. ^fft^^B^T"" vn/mT^j attaadnd tow ir«/.- H.v "'1 Xj,trit'ia.t. "J

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