Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Sep 1881, p. 3

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 II •I tf 'il -I 1. I » r ./• k •T't t 5 I i. I X in' l!l ' "' t \f\ \\\ li:, ^ta N«OPAlfDWBTflE tiSASON. TBS rauiT OABOm. Th« advantages of a frail gmrden are many, and all farmers shonld bare 000. Now IS a eood time to cbcose a place and prepare it for raising frnit of the smaller Borts. The soil shoald ht! welFdrnn«4 aadrieh. Sirawberrr |.lBot« may be art oat until the com uu( of the rrsbta, after which the soil of the beds fhoald be oovered with litter, patting it slightly over the plants. Ihore is no great gain, as to the froit, in planting strawberneu late; but the soil isiu better condition no.v 'ban in apriug, and work is not ao pressing. No crop can be expected !ie next season anlees potted plants are set. Two feet between the rows \rtll be the dibtanca most suitable fcr working a small cultivator amoug the plants. Blackberry and Ka-iber:y piaots liud better be set ont m the fill, aa they start gruwing so early in the spring. Blackberries should be (J to 8 feet apart in row.s, and the liaspber- ries aouut 4 by 4 feet, lu picking the Grapes for market it is best to use the grspe sciss'^rs, wliioh niluw the bnnch to be removed witLouthandlingandde facing the bloom. The thlu-skiuned Varieties, like the Concord, will not keep leug, but the tough skiuned kiuda, aa the Catavba, lona, and Diana, may be preserved in good shape UDtil the holiidays. To thus keep tht:'m the grapes mnst be well ripened, picked with cure, and left in a cool r^iom for a few (Ihjs until the skin gets tongh. Ph -k clum afterwards in small boxes (U to Oibs.), putting the fruit in from tli bo;tiu, uud putting on tiic covir {h IVau), with some jprcssurr, mni tacuin.g lust. Lat)el the uthtr side, xxliicli is the one to be op.ned. K-.|: II. II d.y and cool place until Hilt t» iijii:l;'jt. â€" /« AnierUan AifiicutlurUt (•" 'V.'ui«r. kiTCBXN AH0 MABKeT }ABTE!«. *rhereia but little regular garlcn Vork after tliis month, except caring for tlic cropd and preparing for thos cf early spriiij;. The rubbish that inny hnvc accuiuulatodbhould beclear- til away ujaniire and p'ow or spade ii'i uiikIi of til'-- trardt'ii as possible, Culd liamtb should be ready for the ' trlt-y lettuce, cabbui,"' etc. It is a miij le matter to construct one of ri.uijii Ixjiinls, the rear part to ff I lie foot liii'h, front eight inclies, h;iiLd to posts set to give a width ei)irl to the ssisli used. It i.s best to ]i It tho frarncs in a s'laltereJ place I i.;int; til' M mtli. The olijeot of the j cold frame is to kecii tho plants fnim b iildeu changes of wiaihcr â€" not for gi.iwlli. Till- .s.islics hliuiild not be put (I Piekerd of on9~io ia The joanglmkfUk her banga ataj vvam leid bAving a bot time oiit fiob InireraoU ia letting hia hair grow. Probal ly hi intecda topaaa LimMlf off for "Baffalo Bill." The old simile.' ascMj M roDnfl cff a log." is supplanted by "aa eugr as falling off,a bicycle," Wonder what Joha Wesley would say eouU he hear a tneeting of his followers called **Tbe Imperial Cam- ference " There can be nothing under the son in the way of weather more enjoyable thau oar Canadian antomo. The politest young man going is resident of Dandaa. He txk off bis hat to talk to a young lady thioogfa the telefhone. Reporlk from the back country stat* that deer are very plabtifal, bews ate too nnmeroos to mention, whilst ducks are as abaad«at as good adnce. The saiLrs are looking foi-ward to an advance iu wages soon, as the fait season wdl set in shortly and the de- mand for first class s amen will be brisk. A woman of 46 married a man uf 2] ' at Aurora, Ind.,batLije union brongbt her so Uttle happiness that i^he drown- ed herself four days afterwards. Bismarck lias got ft mm grand- daughter, and has growi^ so big that Germany wUl be obliged to ani,ex a country or two to give him breathing room. "What's the caase of the increase of crime lately " we ask a civic func tionary to-day. "Wages too high and whiskey too cheap." was the reply. "The liberation of httent heat caus- ed by the approach of storms' ^s the reason for the superheated breezes that seem fanned by the inferno or wafted from the hottest corner of Uiulea. French religions communities own real estate hi France worth over $140, 000,000 indeed, it is averred that they own much more under cover of private individuals' names. VIRTUifl ACKNOWLEDGED. Mrs. Ira Mullholland, Oakville, writes "For several years I have BuTt-rcd irom oft-recurring billious bedaches, dyspepsia, and complaints peculiar to vay sex. Since using your Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely MfJM.i^ A^wt 84. 1861. iu Tamer }e., â- Itaka maeh ^ktumn t^ tifyln g to the b«iefi» I b«ve tfnaed from tbe we ot B. B. " -ItewMSved nmeh fcr 7«i born Dispspaia and eoM^niataeo.â€" Last ^rii^ I aaad km bottles of B. B. Bitters. pwwiUsad from 70a. and fajHSpytoaaybaieei^ejrwl periset sidM. Yewa taij, bas Jiaut xBadtT. mark }^' WHOLEBALB AND BETAIL. A J)eirsb7 liMlMiipl Airt stonin Ghatbaoi'^Mrfl^jMar iay, 4ad tfaas aceosted tbe .^ji^slgriMor ;, ••jBay. saUtcr, doToa.MteilaUito '.•Ym, my sou, we have tbem to flt JOB aifiv* sbiUioga Ipieeeâ€" vesj niee «oae«." ^b, Uaies, I doat waat a .-wbole OM. BntlseedoD jfMit sign.vhbrts retail and wholesale, and I thought yoa ought re- tail mine for it waots it bad; a dog got hrld of it.and wooldn't let go if I'd killed him." "Wby don't your mother mend yonr dotbes ' "Well, tbar I do yoa tbink I'to a mother? I ain't i(ot a metfaer nor ever bad that â€" as I know on ' " "taa had beet go to that man orer Uie way. ^e ean't retail }oar old one for you." A SAFE BEBiEDY. Uany medioioes eheok too soddenly attacks' of Bowel Complaints, iadaeing dangeroos inflammation. Dr. Fowler's Kxtraetrf ^ild Strawberry, cleanses, strengthens and heals the di^^^«a8ed and weakened mucuous surfac;8 of the Stomach and Bowels, and safely enres every form of Summer Com- phuats. A. TEA! TEA! TEA! A, HI'INTYIME MoOmcBE'B McINTYBE'B lIcINTYBE'S Cigars, Cigars. MoINTYBE'S And eratTtluiw kept in in a twt alai 0«wy aa lOiiays OB hand. â- â- Â»Â» »«a o»««- KALlMfALiaiaLI McINTYBB'B Pork* Pofk. Pork. MoDiTYBEb rreas. Tea*. li^aoc Steal. ftffftti MAEKDABE Sash andDoor Factory SASI^ DOORS, NIL DESPERASDUM. relieved. While small proprietors are to be the salvation of Ireland, in Bavaria 8, 789 farms vere sold last year because the small proprietors could not keep their heads above water. Hop pickers are very busy just now gatUoniif? the- harvest of that "poler" flKAfS SPECIFIC MEDICINL rriHE OBEAT ENGLISH 1 BEMEDY, an unfa liiut cure for Seminal Weaknesa, Speruatorrhea, Iiapotency, and all diseases that fol'ow aa a seqncnce of Self- Abase aa kMs of Memoiy, Univeraal BefiM Tllkill^ Ijos iitade, Pain in the Baek, Uimnei^a of Virion, Prematnre old ago, and many otncr Dueasee that lead to Insanity or Consiiinpticn »nd a Pre- mature Grare. MEDICALBALL A I, lv :Lv^.^« A FULL ABSOUtMENT IM THE FOLLOWraO ON HIND LINES KEPT C0N8TAHTLV until the cold Weather demands j vine. The work is said to be whole- it. i somo, and tales' arc told of marvellous BettH iiiil '" irrots aio iujured by j cures effected in these fields, fro.zint? .Hid ill uld til. r. lore be d-iif J. W. RiW kis a peom on "The so.4,.,iiiis« 1 ara- 1 j^^.t j^,^ n,. joyt ^^^^ jj nipH a... h::ls:ly aiv impr-ved b» pj^^j,, ^^ j^ j^^^^, j^^. j^^^ -^^ ^^^ -^ -^ f:,.st, and 01...^ enough of th -se for ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ -^^^ ^^^ â- â-  sfiit u.-» M. ej bu (lu{^ tliey may be J' I "-.e.l iji dry earth iii boxtn, and ^5*Fiill particulars in onr pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every ona. The Specific Medicine is Fold by aU Dragg'sts at tl.OO per package, or six After Taking. pacLagei for tS.OO, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the montv by addressing. THE fiRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Toronto, Out., Cauad;*- Agents for Companies. loo a just iu tiiiic to eateh Lim at it. t th 'â- rv iu 111 r II IIS.' cuncituiitly r â-  collar. It iH objection !;ir,-f ijr;:i:]titlrs â-  f r"'it ciillir loil -1, -ni- t tuukin;,' tlio air it.ili •itatul to the iu- nintes. ':ibhui,'i all iu:.l Oe t;»ken up b. '/rotli •,'rouiid fr.'-zeH and sored ill tri'iielres. Tli â- â€¢-!! iu:iy be mflde by jilow'i!!-^' :i drop furrow. The cabbaircs are hiMpcd. Ix.'iid dnwiiuiini, in the tn ncli, iiiid CO' rod wjlli .straw and earth. .\ oiini'iei \v ly is to Sft tho cabb:ig).s on their hen I.s in !iiii;le rowj and c;)VL.r thoin Willi ii low inch.s of ciirth. CiM-irv nut yet eartlifd np, hlioiiM l)i- utteiiiled to. l-ir-.t brinj,' ♦he Ir jivis ti" ,-rllier^(iiid thi'ii drivw the eirtli up. lit Aiii-rican Aijr.cullurist J r ()c!"l I WoKiu..Ess STUFF. â€" Not so fast my fri' 11 1 it yi.u could sec the strong, \« i'oiil giises are htiilthy, blooming men, women and ilie hou-so,.' children that have bseii raised from ' lieds of sickness, suffering and almost death, by the use of Hop Bitters, yon would say "Glorious and invaluably! rem e Jy " â€" I'/UlaJtIjihia Pirsa. Money was given the Rev. Moses Broyldd to p.iy the debt of the -Second Baptust Church at luJianap- olis, hue the money instead of the debt has disappeared, and the pastor is called upon to explain. l;r. I'KKl'.VUKI). Maiiv iif the KovAi attacks of cl rra lumbii.-i. eriiiiips, dysentery DELAYS ABE DANGEROUS. A'.id none luo) so tliaa to neglect thD incipient stasea of bowel Com- pliiiiits in infiiuts or adults. Dr. fowler's Extract of W"d Strawberry is the most prompt and pleasant re- jjujI j niedy to administer, and is always re- liable to cure cholera infantum, dy- TUfgtnt Voallwh Irefthsboweha tkal I DandeSionr^ •8«S«^!£^ Ht* pmMitiM of aU othv Btttni, • gnata* Bieod PurHI«r, LhTM :opBttUn ants' l«atlnib ' Ro maav wiMtyoori u* what the iII«mm or »fl' tm. Dent watt nntUjoai only (Ml tad or mlaeialde,! It msy mn your too win be pidd tor a rareorhelp. Do Dot lofl Raar,hatiiaeaiMiaia» tli B«aeaiher,nap BItttn Is Inmkea Bostraia, Imt th* Uetae erer BMde i the ipoalHylcac siM whael^ ' Ta(lsdaadpefe**anthir adTlfertottetitdudiiim. iteeeaae lm(alarl' orsaoa, or who r*- ^Toaie aiMl mtlit Sthnnlailt, na«ls, Wlttiout IntOlp bHop re dek bat It roal ,iMethem at oBoe-l |iaTed lniuireds.1 lie they wiu L orlet your tils .laase Hop U\ m or nMrit r" â-  braaiUe c ai,li*Mai p.l(0.lsaaalisaM torDnnksDMm ass o narootloeL AUeS I torCtreolv. Uf Jlofitissler.TIT mat THE KEY TO HEALTH. I seutery, choiic, cramps and all sucn- cholic come sn1(Ii'i:ly in the nigiitt, and thcnioit and iiMiui't means, _, „ must b,- ns'-l t.; eumlat their .Ino ef- â„¢"' complaints. For sole by a" deal- feets. Dr. Fv.wler Extract of Wild Strawberry is tho remedy. • Keep it at iiaiid fir eiiii'r ' â- iieics. It nfi-r fails to cure or relieve. ers. WORTH KNOWING AND REMEM- BERING. ,uuiT i):iYi:ns and "evapor- ators." Those who4iave hotbed sashes can dry fr.iii- by the heat of tiiu san iii II uiiinuer viiftly superior to the or-\ method. A box should be \\x.\Ai like a hot-bed frame, but with a bott'iiu, and it ahonld have legs t ' roibe It II l.w inches from the ground. the sasiics should ht sutlioieutly close to keep out dust and insects. In the front of the bos, nt the bottom, make openings under the middle ot each sash, and at the rear, at the top make similar openings. We do r.ot recollect the exact size we used, but probubly 12 inches long by three wide will answer. These openings should be covered with wire cloth, though in its adsence mosquito netting or a sim- ilar stutT will answer. Tho fruit, or other article to be dried, should be upon trays or frames covered with some coarse fabric, aud raised a few inches from the bottom of the box. The sa!li being so plased as to catch the full heat of the sun, the drying â- will go on in a surprisingly rapid man- ner. The air passing iu at the lower openiugB will become quickly heated, and going ont at the upper ojienings H current wi'l be established, carry- ing off the moisture from the fruit, etc.. in the most satisfactory manner. The product will not be so white as When dried by artifical het, but for home use just as good, aud it wUl be free from dust aud the soiling by in- aecta. We have dried the finest sweet com imaginable with a contrivance hke this, and have no doubt of its efficacy iu drying fruit. â€" liaurican Agrieulturitt j'ur Uctuher. A distinguished American physician wiites to the D tri it Si-ut It is not fienerally understood by the mass of people that persons fainting, either I from heart disease, apoplexy or sun- I btroke, should nit he rai»ed to a titling fiiiture even, but^should lieflat ou the back 'jr side, with sometimes (cot al- ways) the head slightly raised upon a pillow. An uprigi.t or semisitting posture IB, in this class of case*, if long continued, almost sure death. The heart is already ctileebled in its action tho brain poorly supplied with blood (ill nee ths fainting condition) and ,10 upright position of the body only adds to a dangerous oonditiju already pre- seat. In casos of exhausting and loiig continued diseases, are other ca«e8 where lie upriglit posture ihnuld nut he allowed. Heart-clots form easier under these conditions aud hence sudden diath is liable there- form. The condition of patients labor- ing under any of the aboye, and many other diseases, should positively pre- clude the use of coupes or carriages tor their tranapoi-t.ition. Ikei/ thould lie at full le^tgth, either in an ambn- lance or an ordinary express wai^gon with a sunshade of some sort over them. Unlocks all the clc^eed avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys r "d LiT«r. carrying off gradually witho, .weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the Mcretions at the same time OoRVCtinc Acidity of the Stomach, curing Ku- onsness, DTspepsia, Headaches, Dii- liness. Heartbnm, Constipation, DryneM of the Skin, DroMT, Dim- BMi of Vision, Jaondice, Saltieam. 3rripelas, Scroftala, Fluttering of uie Heart^erronaness and Qeneral Debility all these and many other simi- lar Com plaints yield to the happy influence of BUKDOOK BLOOD BITTEBS. Sample Bottles 10c Begnlar sise $L For sale by all dealers. 9t IMCTW CO.. Proprietora, T*r*«l* Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Patent Medicines, Schoo Boooks, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Toilet Articles, Pure Drugs and Cheinicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Vicker's Express and Montreal Telegraph A.TURNER CO. Markda la. Aog. 8rd, ^m\. I» Artemesia Warehouse PLESHEETON~STATION. o Now on hand for sale, and will be constantly renewed, a complete StocV of Dry Goods, Ready-Made GlotMng, Boots and Sboes, HAED"WAEE, CBOCKEiET, GEOCEMES, PROVISIONS, c. o 13 All kinds ol Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Lr.ths and Broomhandles manufactured and for sale. Flesbertnn Station, May 2'*th iHfll. BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAIfES. Lmnber, Latli ant^Slun^ea •' " Always on B!aa4- Orders Promptly SUled. ^SuSSiS^i^S^^*^^*^*^*^^^ aad hop- by cloee sttontion to men* 1^1 NE LUMBER ^T.T. SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED. ' wâ€" •«- .t naaiTeA BW 4rit thiaatmi of Pine Lmab* and Lsth tram the NorU BbsM Xhe 81 rf:C-! t.. IS TBI MidwfllkareaiiotiMri All Kind* orPlaln and Fancy rrnrnfiiff ,inain*'«iaai -;j»--'.^,' r-..-' • 'i- -r -THOS. McNBA. JUST ARRIVED -AT THE- 'TOBONTO HOUSE,' ARKDALE, A SPSENDID LOT OP BOOTS and SHOES Best Local' SBbwsribofor it, only|i^ Penons oan "•«enU,j "^^ OF ALL WSCRIPH)^" PLAIN aod in CI Exeeoted wit] neatneti^j atik* SUITABLE FOf Fall and 'Winter Trade I WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT Prices tbat Cannot Fail to Attract Attention. Intending purchasers should see our goods and prices, before buying ' ' Wm- BROWN MarkJale, Angnst, 3rd, 1881. i--.- STANDAI ornc^ MAEKDA] If Tonnat CANADIAN CHOLERA. This terrible disease is bnt little less fatal tbau real Asiatic cholera, and •ejuires equally prompt treatment. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry will care it as well as all other f rms ol bowel complaints of iafants or adults if used m proper time. M Ph EH CZ3 CO c (8 tUD c8 P O o •1 1 w hi hi H â- a d c cs c6 d EH STOP. MARK. LEARN. And then yon viil know where to kg to get the best value tor ronr Money, at R. J. SPROULE'S CRA T /NNUAL CLEABia SALE, BILL HEADS, LETTER flEiD^ AT THS POST OFFICE STORE, fIjEsheeton, -: 09 Cures Ohotera, Cholera Morbu$,Du- aentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea 8iok- ness and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, and all Com* plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will bo found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY AU DROCfilSTl T. MILBURN a. CO, Prooriatora. Toronto. mmSi. PARLOR AND BOX STOVSS AlwavB in Stock. As Ikecp all kinds of RFPAtro â-  n. seU. Farmers will see the J^.n^otlS^.'^Z wf lg'e"f """^^ ' WM. STRAIN, Z^les-K e,i4.^*^ Fleaherton, Mar«h 21, 1881. -=^ J-eSJ^eitOaa^ 28- tf MARKDALE THE FIRST STEP. 8alf-r«8]ect is the first step in all reformations and when your blood Is laden with imparities aad yon are an '• fering from billionsness or dy8pep8i ' 'ftho first step to a radical cure is to take Boidock Blood Bitters. Price $1 00, trial nxe 10 cents. TEA TABLE GOSSIP. P^er barrela laak week now it ia fttpar oofina. The lataat form rfUiioring reported w tba alaaJiog «f poutoea from tha kOUatnigfat **'^I^j««waBtto got ridi moont • sal* baeanae when joo an 00 a nolo ' and is abaatei «itfi. twa jwiiMbtttMoff. wood. Har ooit » «7$»000. An experienced stabloman says that the best livery borse is not one too heavy, that will steadly travel five or six miles an Lour without urging. A "free traveller" cannot stand livery work and if he goes from eight to ten nules an bonr wilTbe in very poor eoudition and will soon be osed ap. A ragged tramp, who was trying to sell jewellery on the streets of Chica- go, was acreated beeaose the articles offered were of real valoa, and it waa Bormised tbat they bad bean atolen. The prisioner proved to be a girl in disgoisev aai ||li« innOma jraa W own. ""'^.U:,- •" "'^^ Tha OrowB TtiBo e ia 'o^ Oarman waa pccaeBtattbalarooU of th e s t e a l eof- vatto Gaaadft froaa .Sastammth 4aA- juti and 1 T I i «h» ^waaL Um new war vaaaal katasfi to Iba Ooaoiaa elasa. 9ha is Im^glfta^.HMl ho^ P OH, HEAR. OH^lAR. H; Hm ^and^your monsy if yen wantl. if n~ot. get yourPhotographs of w. bulmer, The People's Pbotographef, Flesherton ij In order to make room for heavy Spring Iraportatiooa now arriving dailv, I have decided redacing my present large and well selected and assorted stock of GENAERLDRY GOODS, FURS, MILUERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, V Hats, Gaps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE. And in order to do to, " ' '• Will Sell at and Under CbST, FOR THE MEXT THIRTY DAYS. 8 1 do not pursue the eouru o£ some of our windy Merehants of our reiahborinff Vil. CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPIS, MarbleWorks lonianentsJoiDMones And evny dassriytion ol Cemetery •zeented ia •work raST.MiSS STTU I MtJ â- ! râ€" nniMn zsiaa. Otd«skft«t the A09 or Mat br maa will be pmatptly at- ' " to. saenre bargaina. Bring along your pictures and h«ve tbem glesherton. Mttd ip, igei. " D. J. SKANAHAfS WAGON and Carriage Works, S^°P^ °PP«»»« the drug store. MiU tioTtoUiS-S^S^* we can give satUf^j. Hon JO uioae favocing oa withtheir oid«H for CABIAOBB. Pricea, OaU and ^^td acd enlarged by vonr old friend BULMER. M The stock il all II 1.^ ^.«° not pursue the course of some of our wiidy Merehants of our reighboring Vfl. t?S^;nnrf'"^°""f'"°.T"*~"P" °' "^••P *^^ ^^^ nnscrupolon. recommenda- tions) oat«ae our natural busiiMWs reUtions. in order to impre«, the ^bUe that the^are vri'm J r'l^^'w."' ".r »'«"«"•"• dealer., aad d^w custoii from^e m^j as von In ^t^*7?""' "** -U J«.g«, â-  re.t«Mat It, and a. go^ue TJu^^ K^^^F' '" y°" '"""•y aaywhere, asl have alway* held that honoraUe deaUnirittheonlytruecourMfora buainMeman «« «i»» nonorawe My Groceries are aU bought for itrietly nett oath, oonseqaentiv I cam and wUI sell at The Lowest Possible Prices I For CASH andFAKM PROPUCE BUT IVOT FOl* JRETIT. O *=*«:---, I have alM in Stock and for sale, a krge qnantity Of PURE SEED GRAIN I g^ae^^iL^-ciraid^Xi'^.ss^a.?^ POSTERS, SALE BILLS, StiiEAUEBS, D0DGEB8, HASDBllil PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES. VISITING CABI^ EUSLNESS BALL' Or in fact anything"" paying a few eaataastBa,aa4 a good article. O- laBiMVMmac large «aaati«aof COABSE WBINO WAQOONS, LUMBEBWAQK)K8,*». Satisfaction Guaranteed. H9 matieor to- BtMTt BottL W. L iMHSTOI, Pttp. Bg. 10th. 1881, ifi.1, H a oarlina a^ rfl kinds of repairing Pt^fest- el es aiw uhala m^; ;;;^ -**»- Ow afai iattf give the beat valae krifca UuM McariBg «»"• srepetltldai of â€" «.»., war wLli* **^' "" I*iibnc IVotlce. N°^lil.*2?^'« *hat the n«r fiiiss!^ «'«-«•«. i.^*p;^5-i ^^»MWP •! Oleaelg. Oet 19. i«80, ^*" ••ONEY^Liii^ g^grLOAKS. LAND SALT, line, don't fail to tuM FOR tdLA.THXJTt IE ^*^ '*°J5S!r^ SSTLfJ!* ^*?»^/" ••^.f^ «••«« ta It, ai^ thateveiy •aOiagiaflvaaad diiaat teon tk» aaAboaghtfor natt oaah at Bottom Prieea. -O â€" -^ .c;.-. IvwOdalaaiatiautethat^ SPRING IMPORTATtONS ABU ABBIviKQ DAXLY, 4^ A*4IvfflhaTOopwiado«taadi MakUala, fv»tUi,im iiQ.mnm One of the l8t of April, Standi OFFICE Torontd Sti* MAB Whare wedowwk"" Mid at city P!«* J at »a-ay«*oii of the ^I^Mll^RspT" Without payios It fft^ommUAe for the yean sab- f oBtfi they eoasply with th» nX«t, LtBS Of ADVEBTI8INO ...»6000 ... 87 60 ... 16 00 ... 8 00 ... 4 00 60 »......,•â-  4c ••.#•••• 40 qO ....•.•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢*.* 1 ODdot, first insertion. yi$tfm9i insertton I ton liflea, first insertion. I sabaeqnent inswtion. ..... fli«t iDsertioQ per line I aobsapuent iuiwrtion otiioes to be reckoned bv the surej by a aoale of solid ements without specific will be pttblisliea till forbid and ingly. A.11 transitory advertise- I b« in tb« offica of pmbtioation by I the Tiiorsday Moroine prMMd- ttioa. W. BUTLBDOB, P roprietot. omecTORY. Cwrter, o«oli«iira S«rMOBx»AAO Sec. Medical Hall; re8id«uce at 1 V â- se. 8enl 17,1860 ifial. I. Wilkea, ^fttLiaw^, Oiwen Sound. I â€" Millers's building, over Itulin- ' Poolet Street. "t-y â€" FlwM Frost, SfRBt. AND ATTORXKTSAT rit6e*or» •» ChancriT, Couvey L Owen Sound, liave .e^mned nt Office open e»-Bry Tlir-»Jay, aa J. \V. PaosT, LL. JJ. r Crown Attorncv. I Jmaiea Maaaoa, 3TEBandATT01£NEy AT LAW ' in Chanee.y Owen Sound. 188*. l-y 9tmti*tvu» flBp laaaea J. White, to lr. Cameron. Owen Sonnd, |BE AT THE LEVEHE HOI SK. rl(d«le, on the last \Ve1 uefsaay in when he will Iw prepaml to |«"i erations req-jirpj ii|ion tlie moiitli St satisfactory manner, and npou I terms. 1 %- |ii#crUattC0««J W. L. Safth, AL AGiiNT AND DE.^FEB IN y Stock, WUliam-ford Statiun. 18S0. I W^ai. Bi-owu, OF MAUni.VOE MCE.NSES.Ac, sioner in B. It.itr. ciog in all i.x braacheii prumptly and cart'fully executed. oney to Lend on Ileal Estate ««- Sept. i7, 1880. 1-v (o{ Marriage Iiicense-" Fire and snrance Agent. L.uuuii^simu.r [Ac. Convevancr am) I."enKcil r for the County of Grry. Kinmcr!., aad Land Sale*, I'linctu'lly at- hi' c"a*'|»eB made verv iuode,iii.e. Sent. 17,1380. " )-v eorve Corket, Jr.. I-OAN ANDtiENEiiAL .\fiENT I Sonud. Monov to Loan at ).« Itterest. P. iuci)al pavabic at the I of years, and iutrrest liaKviar- or principal aud interest repay, alments, aber of desirable Improved FartUK 1 » R. IM. Oalkraif h, lOKEKB AND GEXEK.iL LAND Wiiliaotsford Statijii. Aiit'tion nded in all parts of tlit-^^rHiuty. Ion CommiNsion. B.itc^ m.iJ'i^te. gans, and Sowing MHcliiuoH al^i [Ornamental Trees, Vmos. A^,â- ri••ll|. aents,and Machinery of all kiud^ iford. Jan. 27. liftl. M, G. SlMir, ON AND PKOVIXCIAL LAND lyor, DrauKbtsman and VnliiHlor. d Markdale. Having imrcliH^'d [Land Surveyor C'harie. Itankinx of original Field Noto, Tianw. struetious, *c..of all Iii« SurM-yn the last fifty-tivi- yiars, I am make Surveys iu strict acci.rd- ith. Profiles and F.Htimates Hills, Plans and SpeciflrationH Bridges, ♦uruislu'J on applica- .» to Loan at 8 per cent intir. -l. iter, or left with (i. J. I'.I.VfH. I will be promptly attended to. 1880. l-v I" sectirityd INTI all point DnDd« INSUf Lid AOBNT fa CITIZK? Alil'J A iitiiu^ VilJat.-e 1. 1 Aucti" trv .iti ^i ItilU. illiiJ "AKMF L atli. a,fe t" l.'iivl I Si.r..iil.-'« I I an til- !iii.i| I «nJ uUi j 1 1: Jol Guttei \V.\G| HORSI Allkimi Mauufartul 1- L To M\ I'l inV tta.i. I eoiiv. lii.iit prepar .j io| rver.v li.' tll IIIHI i.' t J 001 ini;' t' l| 11.0 lllc' III eiii-e, I aui the u.lvH'.t.l I'jrii. 111 will .lit u, s nom 111 tii.j tlofu 111 4| price THOI I A\' I-III1 â- â- 1 -t.[ v.ry 111., !.il j \\H% Ik-iu in) dale. »ll Ao( I aiK f III' I can gix.' y-.l T. E. DAVrS EB CONTRACTOU. (Stone and Plastering and Coiiiiiiv Jili. tended to. Stoneoulting u Sin... tituatea on all work. fn^e. S.i. teed. *,* Be^idence co'Uerof Sproole Stieets, MiaEDAi.E. 31. 1880. IC-v M. FOX, [Omaniental Plasterer for Atone aod brickwork un ap- Satisfaction (tiirantecd. Uesi- er Street, Markdale. Sept. 17.18«*0. J v l|9tcU. ERE HOTEL, IBAKKDALE. lOULiE, Proprietor. opular Hotel has had a lar^e ad- added to it, thoroii^-lily retitted. sanond to none iu the county. and attentive ostler. Firit- attoo for ooDunercial travel ai-OO |»rr 4ar. 17-Iy [ICBAFORD, Ont. PaopaixTOBS. NARNEJ ilway ..Il lij l!*"N' .110 1 tb iH'vf.f 1 Mark! I' SHTOP T.Ml CNURNl wa: III InlilliiJ Bodation for the travelling ' b«r ia well stocked with the I'Uiea and LiquorK and the beet [Ciga^ I to and from all trains. law. ly ERCIAL HOTEtr tOBVIIjLiE. Ont. eoounodious Sample Booms 'â- â- â€¢â-  A«. The Bar and larder «ith th« batit the market af 1 Stabling and attentive Hostle.'s Taos. ATKINSON. Prouruiior rU*t.USo. SUniNG AND SHAVING «5:^.sisi!°**"*- cJ .iisr b'.^\ Fleriiciton, Maivh lo « aiuf SiUurdayt, omaa Smith, ^^ 4b« Toonb Stonea. 1 I| REAPJ l*i0U(fU«. Mhrkiul.' Provinct I' TO BE I'llill i M.rcl of (liit.trio. (J O HIIII'llllK-QJ PBOVIXCK in Nov^ llphal Businl of theHu'-ind Cities, Tuwui BysiNJ en The same the Doraiiiioij 1H71 will be I names rvapeo virtismg ma Mojitrual, t» 14

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