Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Sep 1881, p. 4

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 o ^EE ME. P^cINTt^ ON^TATlou |e Clothing," • ' IE, CROCKBBagr [y Produce taken io*'"' [cspectfully invited. »mhandles manufact^^. •*" ^-i â- .^» 1 ir^L-,; _FINES, CHABGESi trance patronize the' 'CE Co. and LIFE Co. ICA ASSURANCBCo, ION LIFE ASOCUTK [ing Machinj work and ease of motfoa ' |Y OKGANI ity of tune and powtr. .nd More 'Vfant I am determined to meril lagc by fair and honesfc THEOPHILUSH4U (4 so f in C H h5 â- â- 8 i| I INO BOX S' o{ KEPAIRS for the (killing with a Local AjB* :ain. HEAR. OH, to e's .1 do CopTing and â- Fl.A.lVf E ES »nd Motto »»^ ' __ Remarkably IjOW»^ 3covied4ra«)»lwH,"" I»llll ic if not, gel yoarPbotoltt*'*^ lotograpbiMt, 'OTICE i» *ff?!!iJ rotd open ' »9rdc Ublishad. .i Xbe oofyo»*»* elg not IWSfl ^Ji »»idlot«. wffl »*«^t cident th«« â€" JAMBS BBO^^ TowTuhiprfO moneV, AT •!» STKU' ^5V*- ]g rCBUBBZS *rBR* rBI» Y MOBlfll'rO In tiiii« '0 '"'-•«* **"« •^'â- ' '"•" .uias til" l»tost ronrfgn »ni Provin-Ul "•" rncal luteUigeace, County Ba*ine«», pcS M^tt^. and an In^tmetira "T^Tnadvanea. »1.50 in three month^ •;, ai^^tiht"" nntil all arr.ages a» P^' eic«pt at the option of the publwh- 'r,5ntfi»^» refuBinKpap"" without paym« " -ul U'-U responsible for the yeara lak- " rinii autil they comply with the rule*. BAlES OP AliVEBTlSlKG (wcolumu, one year 550 00 Half J" \° gurtrr a do ^^tb do do Oui ^° ...........â- â€¢â€¢ g^ lineii and under, firnt initertion.. tiK'n ^ubseijuent iiu«rtion.. ftom '!â- â-  '" iiije*. first insertion.. E tcii r(iibseiuent in^'ertion ...... Over ten lines, tirut innertion per line Eich Bulisepnent insertion 5! •flie number of lines to be reckoned by the .1 measured by a scale of solid !.--No. 1. 27 50 15 00 a 00 4 OO 50 15 75 25 8 ,M xocuple. tai^ier. A-lvertisements without specUic toKtjons will be publishha tiU forbid and -huve accordingly. All trausitoiy ad»erti«e- «,LU must be in the olSce of publication by 11 octhck ..n the Tu.irsdiiymoruiuKpreceed- ag their pobhcalinn. C. W. RCTLEDGE, Proprietor. leowlH« U. 4i8». a Sf*. Sati*. J eomezoi â- i KiaxsaLB. â- I- U-j GEpR G^y iLsoN, ^5B MARKDALE, SEPTEMBER 16, 18QL WHOLE No. 53 BiHlTjOiHIETR »- Me*t deU»«ed a M, hoQ., in SepL X7. U80. »-y HOF SS10NAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Di-4. S|i-oiile dc Carter, pi,yj,ician8,Sargeon- .Accouclieurs O/UCi; Medical Hall; residence at uu.liik- Houe. ]i»-ka»lf, Sept 17,1880. 1-T DK. PL'RDV, fjSlClAN. SUllUEON, ACCOUCH. IB, Elok.nia p. O. 6 tf. ' VEltRlNARY. â-  'Trtvrinary Surgeon /graduate of OnUrio Veterinary CoUe e, promply •tteodml to. 35-3m. Bsaiamai, lakgrapl DVXOALX "WAOOONS. CULTIVATORS. HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS, HASKOW AlfO AUkmdsof jfarmtrng Implements IfMn i t yta t y and DepoaUaqr. Dmriiam^ HillatreeU. FL ESHERTON. nWHTP K W. LoMi rt W. K. (BiiU. To n pATBMji.â€" Uwi^t aliMa of mt in I^T ira^ iod hiniag Um largwt and maat «0BT«Bieat Faetoij ia tUia Ipeality, I aa pravaMd to idl Carriagea and InuiaiaooU of •â-¼â€¢ty daaeriptnm in the beat itjUofany In the markat, and at prioea as low a* a«* oe- eording to the qnaUty of the work. H«Tinc npwards of twenty yeara' aipari- MMa, I ai^ confident thai porehasera will gat tbadTaatage in having tte very bostnada. Partiee in want of a carriage or Implaiaani will do well to give me a call, aa thare ai« none in the market which will eodipaje with them in qoality, style and finish for the price. n.i^ UABKDALE {rgal. U-u-,. H. %V ilkes. Barrister at Law, Owen Sound OFrK'i- â€" ""•^â- 'â- â- ' •â- * building, over Kobin- WDSSl""' I'loiiit Street. l-y Frott A Frost, B\lllllS.;:ilS. AND ATTORNRTS-AT I..HV. Soi rilors in CLaiiivry, Convey Iners. .*'• B« li-;r:"u \t!tUhrv. 1 iunKi. Ftt wT. J. W. Fbosi, LL. B. Cni'ity 'niwn Attorney. 1 ilors Ovu'i Uuand, have resnmel at Oilico open every Thursday, as Wm. Lucas ft Co., BANKERS, DUNDALK. Money I^oaxied IN large or small amormts, at all times good eildoneU notes, or on seeiiruy. n eollat«raI BAKIUrM.llaiul .VrrOliNKV AT-LAAS, .\t..-i. r ill Cimncery, Uwuu Souud. ypi. l'7, l-*iO. l-y J:iiiic L:tiauii, Liia:iierj-, N'ota.-'v I'ublic, Ac. Mouiy luaucd ut lowest rates ou personal uij re.U i'^t;tte. Liiiids lion);lit and sold. imt uu'l mlIIuf iiilruj icuJ free uf couimis- DUNDALK. Siptiu;«r 21st. l^iO. 1 \%'ui. ISfowii, TSSfKl; Ol- MAi!l;lA(.i:i,lCEXSES,ic., I l'.iiiiiui..s;out'r ill H. '..tkc. CumeVHiieiiiK in all its lirano'jes promptly I KteO'li I to nnd can fully ciuinited. .S. i;. â€" .vluuej to Lend ou Ue;il ti^stiite se- I t^itv. Mark Ule. Sept. i7, ISSil. ly TSSL'K iL.fe AJj'\:ti:il:'r B/ot»ii, iL'Kliiif iii^'i- Mcousi's, Fire and lo-.ur;»Mji; A^'i-ut. Cuiniui.ssionei liiU. It. d^OM C'liiveviiiK-er and Ijicen.sed iwuoufer for the Cminiy of Oroy. Fanners, UnK^it^. and L 111 1 Sales, Punctually at- temWli .lul r!nr;.s ia«lo very moderate. PriWv.llH, S-pt. 17, I860. " l-y LASH. I.O Om.'II Sn i4'4»rB orbtft, Jr., LOAN AM) GENEKAL AGENT I Souiil Monev to Loau at low nttr-of m;. ri St. I'liueipal pavabJe at the «udof s li-rm of ye:»rs,aii,l interest half year- Ijor yearly. ir principal and iuluredt repay- I |U« in iii4,iIiMt'iits. ts*AiiiiiiiU-r of desirable Improved Farms I for sail' l-y J. â- . sins, DOMINION AND PUOVIN'CIAL LAND .•)iirvi'n liimj;htsuiau a;id Valu:\tor, VIeifiiril III! i Mirk'lale. Having â- pnfcha.sed I hoviunnl Liihl .Surveyor (Charles Bankiu'a I nn'if st.iek of original field Notes, Plans, E«pi)rls. Iiis:riidii)ns, ifec.of ail his Surveys I ione witni:i tlie hist fifty-iive years, I am ireuiin-l In make Surveys iu strict accord- isci- th.-n V iMi. I'nitiies ftiid Estimates fir lira |]iu- hills. Plans and Specifications 1 1): liu.l l:i.- l;.il„Ts, furiSslicl on applica- I lio.i. M..riv t.i J,.:iti at H per cent interest, llirlrsl.y, or left with G. J. BLYTU, Sliiklitli will lie promptly attended to. Sfit. 17. IH.^0. 1-T I'rutiotrji. .Ilr. Jnincs J. MThite, l^i«»ni to' Dr. Cameron, Owen Sonnd, AVILL liii .vr THE REVEKE HOUSE, I '1 M«i k'lale, on the last Wednesday in '"S iii"Oiii. when he will be prepared to per- Dia,.),.... j;.;,,„j reij'jired upou the mouth I "â-  tlie niu.t salisfactorv manner, and upon r»wy,!,, ,,.,.m^_ • ly {EVERE HOTEL, .1|AKkU.\L,E. ir. sproule7 Proprietor. rills |..,|,ular H.iti'l has had a Krge ad- 'liluiii added to it, thoroughly refitted, I'"' I- now second to none iu the couuty. I*"*! stabling and attentive ostler. First- lifcs 'i.'iMniniodation f.)r eoaimereial travel- Ik 'rrriUH $I.OO per aav. 17-ly MBAFOKD, Ont. I' 4 J. McUlltR, Pbopbiktoes. Er.Tv at-commoilation for the travelUng I Wk-. The bar is well stocked with the -â- â-  â- ^t Wines and Liquors and the best "Uiis i.f (â- ;4ars. f'w liii.- lo and from all trains. 'pt. 17, 1S80. l-y COMMERCIAL HOTEL FKICEVIIjLiB. Ont. L«r..e ail 1 c.immodious Sample Rooms: " Ud li.ioms, Ac. The Bar and larder **•' mplli. .1 with the best the market af "^iBuu.! â- â- stabling and attentive HosQer's „ IHOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor "^^aist, i;8o. §Boot and Shoe Shop. pHE subscribers be^ to inform the pnUie I J^ Wnorally that they have opened a shoe u P '" the preinises lately occupied by D. tu.l"' "" '" 'Street, where they are pre- I jwn to uko ord rs for all kinds of work in I "liue. liepairiug done promptly. **»«.* Work a S^eetalty. I tj'f " strictlv cash business we can af • kJ,r ,.""'â- " ' IxJttom prices. A eaU re- l7^ J; ""«:"ed. No SpUt Leather need w* we sliop. 1I.,H 1 " M -??iy»le. Ang. 4th. 1881 W. McLEOD k CO. 4t. !«*.. A •â- . Bl. Oalftraltk, "CTIONEER AND GENEKAL LAND AKfcnt, Wuliamsford Htst Anetiaa I Sii*wid'i!:'/.°^'^. J*^ ^*^ c««ti. "" Commisaion. Bate* moderate. â-  "Tgans, and hewing Maohinea '"lit kn.) n""' ....s,""" UrnamenUI Trees, Vinea. A^iaot- aeuts, and MachiiMBj of all kia^ INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Depoaita. ^PDrafts issued and Collections made ou all points, at lowest rates. â€" ^â€" ^Sr. LUCAS 4 Co. September. 18S0. 2-y GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Orey. Agent for the following reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AjRIOULTURAL, of Watertown, and TRADE A COMVfuBCE, (Matnal) of Toronto. A number of Choic« Farms for Bale, also Village Lots Auetiou .S lies conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Nolice. Charges moderate, BUis, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Markoals. Mav 20th. 1881. 36-lv WM. FOX, ' Plain Ornaintntal Plaslerar Estimates for stoue and brickwork on ap- plication. SatisfaolioD Gorauteed. Besi- deace â€" Queer Street, Morkdale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1880. l-y Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The subscriber returns tlianks to the in- habitants cf MAKKDALE and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, and begs to remind them that be is prepared to supply theii wants in his line as af any one nortti of Toronto. M d M Meats delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Season. IS* Shop ou Mill Breett, opposite the " Revere Hotel." IS" Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Slieep Again thanking yon for past favors he trusts by faithful attention toyour wants to merit a coutiunanoe of your support. Notice. â€" Farmers having fat sheep or cat- tle to disjiose of will leave their address at Sargeant's W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 SRTOFI HOW YOU VASI T.MULARKE'Y, QUEEN STREET, Eeepa eonstantly on hand CIURNS, BOnER-TUBS. WASH-TUBS, Sec, c. Repairivg Bone wiA Neaineti tmi DitptUek. Igreit tfaea nwakoMaofavloT^d vitk ideaanre I fcaw longedin my alwwa, fty .pirea to aea. **y menorieahaw yieida« ae jay wittMwl meaeara. Thy iotaraata an aiaa, ia OOB Ilore thee, fair U.aj-i.. arthoaa. Whethenase o tha tte adma AnidBily wa wJtMaad thelofwt nwding. Theaaaahtnapofpcccnaa «aa iiMid in aadiattoke, Tm tha (wift looonotiw die ox4eam mw- AGEM FOB CXI.eBIUTXS REAPEB, MOWER, and BAKB, I Ittre Bought distant elimea for amusement and pleasure Bat ne'er for one moment forgetfol of thee Where is all I hold deareat, my beat earthly treasure, jPI«iiy g, H arrows, C auy. D ri|i« I When foo t-so re and w eary. xheittTer I "kM. 1.1-1- T n -laoi ttn 1â€" -^ " Varklale. Jane 9. 1881. a9ly J. MONTGOMERY, 13 k: E n. THE Subscriber, in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and sar- rounding country for their patronage during the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared to supply the Public with FRUIT, POUND PLUM CAKES. either plain, or loed and Ornamented, anda Jarga^" Variety of Other Cakes always on hand, Alao. B I s cxr I Tl of every description, tromthe best mann- factarers in Ontario. Also, a large and Ta-*ed CHMGESTCaNrECTIONEn^ BRfi)ES~CAKES: BuppnUoifthe raortaat hotiee, and got ny in tbabaatatyle tha* ia done thia aUa of Tocoato. I it OTHER PABTTBS, nnpUadoathaabflrtMl uctim mad. oa Aa iioT.iii.sia8 »^ Province Ontario DiroctofY For 18§1^89, TO BE PUBLISHED EC NOVEMBEB. 'SI, Price $5.00. ly^Q. LOVELL, at the reqnest of aeTeral IjlL Merchants and others of the Prorinoe of Ontario, of tke City of Montreal, Ac, begs o announce that his firm will publish a PBOVINOE OF ONTARIO DUIECTOBY, in November next, containing an Alphabetical Direcfoy JlSD a thobouogh CLiASSIPIEP Business Directory of the Business ,^nd P' of cswional men in the Cities, Town* %ud Villages of Ontario, with a CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care an. I attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be -iven to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known npon application. JOHN LOVELL 4 S0N,PubU8hers. Montreal, December, 1880. Tba MiBaiu pMnwa -â€"fliii ^NtiigB to oome, Whidi hare feU U thy poitioo, Uii MmAr dale, my hooM. Tboagfa we boat of no leniaoe of oare Saxon blood; Though we point to no eaatles l^ Norman eraoted, 7et htK oommaoe ao« flowa «b«a Ike for- eet oooe atood And Borprised at the efaange a few yean have effected: We gaze at bright viaaioDa of ptoepeets to oome; Tea, M a rkda l e I love thee, becaoae thoa art home. I la«Te wandered aar, o'er the ^ep rolling THOS. MATHEWS, WSHES to tender to his nnmerons custi-mers his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 15 years be has bet a in the HarneKs Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully solicit a eontinu. ance of the same, feeing confiident 'that he can give Entire Satisfaction. Everything usually kept in a Fl R8T-CLA 8 HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. always on band, and sold ai moderate rates. tat'None but good workman employed and the best cf materials used. Markdale, Nav, 18. 18do- lo Sbeep and Ja.ttie. In my dreams of the nic^t I am reeting at As I ranged o'er fair Erin, my own native iale, la beauty sorpaaai]^ the isle's of the ocean. Ihoagh dominant reigns diaeontentment, the while; Thongh thy peace may be marred by inter- nal commotion While I trnat in thy fatore, there's bright days to oome, â€" â€" Yet I would not exchange for thee, M^k--^ dale, my home. Mid Briuiin's vast rains, whose ivy clad walls Have for centuries their grand legends been keeping; Her temples of learning, her abbies and halls, Where the dust of the great for ages been sleeping. While I stand neath the arch of St. Paul's mighty dome, Eren there restive memory fliea back to my home. Aa I pass o'er the channel to 'bright, sonny France, Ani mix in the festive enjoyment of Paris^ Where each purpose of life seems its joys to enhance And its cares, as thongh never permitted to harrass While there, amid scenes all .enchanting I roam, Full of^cn my mind wanders back to iny homj. Sweet home t There's a c'larm for the soul in that word. Which distance but serves to intensify, raUicr Than 'miniah its powers whenever 'ti^ heard, Sweet memories redolent of lore round it gather. Whatever our pleasures wherever we roam, Tiiore's nothing so sweet as the memories of home. Markdale, Sept. Gth, 1831. impcoDDstioo, ifte legd |«nlttior Vliidi'k* did not ka»«r'v^Mka«aMBn• vbNkh* u«d IffOB^aN. So IM M»epM A^ mtspcnM, beamg ii •• ^eet b« migfat He bfleame Unvt- iahly hopefbl, m weDmcfeTcnahly m- xioiu, aa the momeutaona •*«nt inm ater. Tlw mcmth was ulnoat «t u nA tjo^ ED t few flayta, 1i« wenld b* Mfe for Calanel PettiUhad nad* no " fl-t»li»aMdiigrf(*yiBa»to thallz- ad for the dooUe marria«8, aad Lord Axuidale' bad tiddui over to apecd a few hoan of 'li witli bis b«)oTed. The boose was a bosy ' one, and nobodf fonnd leiniu-e to attend to him. For tweuty miiiates he had been oooliug his heels in the drawing-room, await- ing ber appearance. ^What maoqiterade was this? Into that Inxnrioas apartment stole a bed- gar-maid, whose tattered habiliments were in ill- keeping with its magnifi- cence â€" a girl iu shabby brown dress, ereased with long and csrefal preser- Tation. He recognized the fignts and the robe, and he recalled the scene in which he first saw tbem â€" the fierce heat, the intense blue ol the sky and of the bay, the shattered colnmn, the headless Apollo, the idle foantaiu. "Viola I" be cried wonderingiy. "Yes, I am Viola and this is the hour oi my revenge I" sba answered. He did not understaud. sare that she was masqaorading, and that it be- hoved him to piatiently await an ex- ^**'°?--. ^.^sLmk WM,^' so mnch from her since the day she soDsented to beoome his wife, that, after the first shock of sarpnse, he was not greatly afltonished. 7I0U'S BE7EilQE. By the Author of "My Lady's Secbst,' "A Waif's FoaTDOTS," "Tmi Last or Qokmom Lka." c. FARMERS having good fat Sheep or Cattle to sell, will find it to their advant- age to leave there names and address at Mc- Cutcheon's Hotel, Revere House, Markdale, as the undersigned are still on the war path, and will positively pay the highest riees. C. W. A. SBBER8. Sept. 17th. 1880. 1-T W. BENSON HAS MOW HAND wnica CAXHOT bb xxcillbb. INGROOERtES! Dor stock is Fresh, Laring jojit been poT' chased from the best dealers iu the Eastern ' â-  markets. rf^eats a Specialty. .-. 0'0-..U.^\; Uscelaneoiis .esi*i I laelading Lsnons, Onogea, aad Fruits of aU daaedpttans, may be had oa vary rss s an- ableterma. P. â€" Those indebted ta tha ««Q to aetda at- trMbiaaalaM i WA bniMiac aad raqnire Oa Wito#n BMSom uat. if' A few interviews with lawyers, and the matter wonld be sufliciently set- tled to admit of his return, to explain fully his windfall and to claim her promise to share it. In such a case her engagement to that very cool and matter-of-fact wooer William Burgot would cuitainly be broken off, whilst the Coloiiel could hardly be expected to forgive and marry a gurl who had played fast and loose with him in so unprincipled a manner. Between the two stools "Dear CUra*' would come to the ground, t)e affair wonld be a piquant object of gossip for Harefordahire scandalmongers, and her tl], matrimonially considered, would be about as fatal as that of one 'Humpty Dompty," vbo bad an equally awkwturd tnmble, with results wh'ch "all the kiof's horses and all the king's men" ooold not rectify. William Borgot was perhaps the moat impatient of than all. HekQSW, as well as thongh the faot bad been told him in so many words, that the ught of the "beauty-marks' upon his arm had quickened Colouel Pettitt's aiambeciag recollections. The Cokmers spsedi about th« *tq^-hnntof Jungapore-' proved that he bad discovered his bott's identity -with the zeal WiUimd Busv^'s servant. Pnxsled at first to aooottot far tiie (kit Gael's andJaB ^spartan, a sasaal re- mark from 'dear Chnra" that their late caeet had been sommoned hastily to It^y, bohfirmed his worst appre- hensioiM. Toboat upevideBee «liiek might brand him -am aa in^oeior was tiie nstore of Oolonel Pettitt's bnei- neas. Tbe false WiDiank Bwvoi woald Juv giwB five 7«ttr» ef loa lito -tto an- nihiln*" time and to ainDre Aiuiiaii whiob «o«Hriwi caJy e«istita)i^ him. the inasftar aT'^aar taWs^fh* tte*- s^ povpdhh M «fi4d nake i$to of A Very calm and strong and grand â€" a lover of whom a queen might be proud â€" he looked as he stood before her, awaiting her pleasure. "My lord," she continued, "when you insulted me years ago and we parted in anger, I vowed to be reveng- ed. To fulfil that vow became the aim of my life. No matter how 1 hoped to aocompli^h it. When Dake Burgot died, and William Burgot suc- ceeded to his inheritance. I knew that the way was being made easy. When yon and I mot fuoe to face, I said to myaeif-ilMt- the hour of my revenge was at hanil." She was cruelly pale her lovely eyes shone with feverish light, her voice trembled with repressed but bit- ter energy. Lord ArraiJale began to fael that he stood ou tlie brink of sime strange revelation, but he only bowed in token of his attention. "My plan was very simple â€" to fas- cinate you with such poor beauty, wit, and accomplishments as I possessed, to wm you back to the old alleglince without visible effoit, and most of all, without the old response, and after wards to reject with scorn and con- tumely your proffered hand. On the very eve of succeos I learned from him whom you suppose to be my father that hir real name is Charles Siugletcn, the piay-mate, foster-broth- er, servant, and inend of the dead William Burgot, whose illegitimate child lam." "Illegitimate 1" cried Lord Armi- dale. ••Even so, my brd. Then I knew th«t if the imposture were eventually discovered, you would rejoice at your fortunate escape. A better scheme of vengeance occnrred ti me. It was to accept and marry yon, then tell yon all the truth and taunt you with yonr shame." "Go on â€" go ou," said Lord Armi- dale, brokenly. "I'he project would have snocoedsd, had not my own firmness given away. My lord, for the second time, I have changed my projert. Viola's revenge is now aceomphshed." From under the ragged kerchief about her throat she unclasped a ohaio he had given to ber. with a portrait- loeket hanging to it. From one of her white fingers she drew the engage- ment-ring, and added it to the flitter- ing iieap. The diamonds flashed back the fireli^t as she poshed the jewels towards him. "I release yoa from our engagement; all is at an end between us. My lord, I am so hamble now that I see, even more dearly than yon did in the old days, how wide a gulf separates an Eoclish peer from a poor Italian beg- glar-nkaid, the child of shame." H«r voice broke, her head was bowed she eonld not see tbrongh the weiling tears what infinite compassion and love gbn'ified bar eorapankm's noUfi ooontenanee. 'I have only to aak ibrcheoces," she went on, after a pause, "before we part tot ever, for tbe great wrong I have done yoo, so fax exceeding that I soSned at yoax hands. Year good- Idadnesa. patient forbearaitoe, taoffbt M a tritb I tuOj am- peeted beM* that t^ love 1 ^ve yoo on the Italian hill-slopes u immortal and ouiaoi die. Fierce hatred aad tbe bonuBg dedra tai hatflMne oTitâ€" «iiNi^panf7 vbiali eoDstea andjhae paasad away." BUnded bf lMrtaan,aba eoaldDoi Bat inbis^ta she know that he had stirred frjm thai attifade of gtvif ittteation which heat fiwtawamed "Love yoal Oh, my lord (Biajfa my briored, I woidd I ndght die for yoo a thpn s and deaths t I woidd to Heaven it were posaitdel m^ght for â- ver Mna yon, be yoor handmaiden and yoor slave, though I «aa never beeome yonr wifo." „. fie had dntwn hertato fak eiabraee. For the first time um thefr betrothal, th^'hMU hand foU apoa s ahoolder and the ripe xed lips were all his own. He was whispering to her that by that iyxit ott tbe morrew prieatlj blessing woaldhave hallowed t|^ union â€" that nothing but death shoold stand be- tween them thenoeforwanLy j CHAraa Xiy., AMD Last. Church bells were ringing uerrily, many-ooloured flags streamed from the windows of the booses of the vil- lage, and the little station in the hol- low was gaily decorated with flowers and evergreens. "What is tbe meanmg of aU this fusa?" asked Colonel Pettitt, alight- ing from an early train and addressing the etaqaity to a porter who touched his cap tobim. "Double wedding, sir. Lord Armi- dale and Miss Viola â€" Mr. William Burgot and Miss Dallas." "What " almost screamed the Col- onel. "The Squire and Miss Clara Dallas '"•'Vfa' tf t W(y »cgg 'itopi « iai i Aju "ponm8r Pettitt turned away and went to his old quarters at tbe iuu. More than ever like a stage- Mepbistopbeles was the Colonol, as Le listened to the land- lord's Corroboration of the talc. Then' be aRko 1 tor a private room and ordered breakfast. In tbe by- gone limes be was wont to inspire tbo landlord's respect by tbe nicety of his taste, almost amounting to squeamish- ness, in matters of eating and drink- ing. But on this particular morning be made no demand for a bill of fare and answered hastily, "Anything â€" anything," when they offered him a choice of dishes. "There is somethiu;; wrong with the Colonel," commented the landlord to his better half and his buxom help- mate answered â€" so many a true word being spoken in jest â€" "Poor gentleman he looks as though he had been crossed in love I" Colonel Pettitt was not a g-ood man, a pattern man, or a man with chival- rous ideas of honour but at le.tst be might be accorded this faint meed of praise, that tha foolish love of his mid- dle-age was a strong, genuine, uusol- fish passion, aud worthy of a better return. He saw the folly of it now, as he sat in mine host's sand-stiewed par- lor and awaited the scryiiig of the meal. The idol he sot up in tlie tem- ple of his heart had fallen from its pe- destal and was hopeljssly shattered. The sight of the fragments angered him he could never piece tbem to- gether again and rcinetate it. Never agam could bend tbe 1 ' at "Dear Clara's" shrine, although he knew full well that a dozen sentences spoken in her ear would induce her to discard the suitor she was marrymg iu such unseemly haste and implore him, Colonel Pettitt, to pardon her and be reconciled. No; tbe tidings of her perfidy had slaia Lis love and awakened a fierce thirst for vengeance. He aeked him- self whether it did not behove him to stop this marriage, arranged with such guilty precipitation during his brief absence. He smiled once or twice as he re- volved the question aud miue host, encountering his fixed preoccupied stare and his joyless smile, shuddered mvoluntarily, wondering what made the Colonel look so strange. There was yet time. He might drive to tbe (irange, ask to see "dear Clara" or Mrs, Kobert, and import in- formation which would deaden the dangour of the bells and change the merry sonnd of wedding festivities in to weeping and wailine and gnashing of teeth. But, instead of taking this eourse, the Colond ate a few moathfnls of breakfost, drank a few glasses of wine, and sauntered down to the church. An evil face, white, hard, and deter- mined, was Colonel Pettitt's as he se- lected a pew to his jiking. William Bnfgot peteeiTed it iu the midst of the ceremony and dropped thexiog ha was abeat to place on hia bado!« ftogar. His trembling bands afanost refJ BS od their teak each mo- ment he expected to hear hi.s accnsrr'e voice forbid the marriage hot he was happily disappmnted. He and "dear Clara" and Lord Armidale and Viola were duly joined toget'ier in the bonds of Holy Matrimony, whilst the evil fsoe looked oa lumoved. Tbe Colonel joinad the gtcap pree- eotiy, and aranmrad s t a i e otyp edeon- ^latalaliimi VOr aofiM yoa «a jqiaw al Inak- foatr a^ WiUiaai BunM haskay and the Ookmsl answered grinl^ that mtk waa jartaialy hia iBteatJaai. At tha bcaaUast, unid the pe^i^ of champagne eoiiB and the sound of â- aeny lao^ter. henaa to hiafoet, and an ezpootaat haA feU upon the "Madau," aaidtlte Ooknel atenOy, addreeauig "dear CWa," permit me to Oder i^y congratulations opcoi your marriage with a man in every respect worthy otyoa. I allude to the in^KM- tor iHio Itas hitherto been known as William Buzgot,but whom we majnow begin to address as Chariea Singkton. and who has bo more ri^t to Burgot Oi«Dge and to th% princely inoome he derives therefrtm than I have. There was a strange confusion of tongaee and aa hysterical shriek from Hn- Bobort. "Dear Oara" turned white to the very lips. Had she sold herself for nothing to a man whom she did not love Had the Colonel sui^iressed information which might have saved her, in revenge for her Mtblessness? She knew now the meaning of his sudden journey to It- aly. This secret was the gold mine he thought to develop; Lord Armidale was rising to his feet, and the confusion of tongues ceased. "Permit me to say," he observed, "In justice to Mr. Charles Singleton, that he was the deceased WiUiam Bur- got's foster-brother and friend, that he asssnmed his name aud the guardian- ship of hia daughter, my dear wife, by William Burgot's dying request and that, although he had certainly no right until to-day, to Btirgot Grange â- aixt,* ht e' ' " i » awjU^y wc qiihe rf-sgcA' ngut by his marriage with Miss Clara Dallas, their lawful owner." "Nonsense!" cried Colonel Pettitt sharply, "'the lawfiil owner is your wife, my lord." "The lawful owner is my ward, Viola," testified the false William Bur- got. "I deceived her" once by repre- senting thttt her father's marriage with her Italian mother was not, by Eng- lish law, legal but the statement was untrue. I have been iu a manner forced to speak and act fttlsely but I am glad to think that nobody has real- ly suffered in consequence." "Except one, who richly deserves her punishment â€" Clara Singleton, your wife " growled the Colonel vin- dictively. But "dear Clara" had fainted. ****** â- ; H' ♦ "Dear Clara" andChailes Singleton are making the best of their loveless union, hving on the interest of Char- les Singleton's little fortune, eked out by an allowance from Lord Armidale. Strange to say, Mrs. Piobert has mar- ried Colonel Pettitt, and report s.iys they are very happy. Be that as it may, there is one couple about whose wedded bhss there can be jio shade of doubt Lord and Lady Armidale bless daily the joyful consummation of "Viola's Ke\x.\ge." â€" â€" [the end] â€" :â€" i"**-. Is rr POSSIBLE.â€" That u remedy made of ol such common, simple plants as Hops, Bucliu, Mandrake, Dandelion, c., make so many anl such marvelous and wontlortui curct as Hop Bitters do It must bo, for when old and young, rich and poor. Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer aud Editor, all testify to having been cured by them, we must beheve and doubt no longer. â€" I'ott. .J;;J A CURIOUS PERSON. A cnricus person died rccieutly iu Paris at the age of 72 years.^he Gount Napoleon Bortrand, son of the com- panion of Nspelon I. at St. Helena. The Count every year used to hu-e a room in a hotel and go to bed for three months, after having given orders for food to be brought to him once a day and not a word be spoken by the ser- vent. He was asleep during the scige of Paris. One day tbe bread was t.o abominable that he flew iuto a rage and forced the waiter to tell him the reason was thatthecity was besieged by the Prussians. Connt Betrand wsf stapefieid for a moment. At last he got up and wondered about the hotel for a time, saying to himself, "Paris besieged t besieced I what ought a Bertrand to do " Aad after a few minutes' reflection, he said I will go to bed." Aud he went to bed and slept out the sioge. â-  ' Tax Saodsst or Had Siobts.â€" The grey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to the erave is now, we are glai to think, becoming rarer every year as tiie use of Oiagateee Hair Re- storer becomes more general. By its use the scanty locks of age once more resume their former color and tlie hair becomes thick and luxunant as ever with its aid we can now defy the change of years, resting assured that* no Grey Hair at any rate will come toaaddenna. SddbyallDmg- gists. 60 cents a bottle. 8CHNEIDBB-9 TOliiJIOES. Behoeider is very fond of tomatoes. Sefauider has a frinid in the eonatiT who rpuse* "gardm saaa aad aieh. Sehaider had an isTitation to vilit iiM friend last wask, and regaU bim- seli on hut faT»aite vegetable. His friend Peifier b«ng boey negotiatmg wHh a dly ptodaaa laalar, oo hia ar- rival. Bahaidwr tfaeo^ he wooU take 8 dtrefl in the ^gaadan aad see soma i his fisToritea m thair prisstiae beavty. We irflllethiai tell the nal ofhisltaiirihleowBlaBgaM*. ' VmSt vuia «i 4m 4ar. »Vtf I falka Aaat hdak Is «^ tookii,^ i Mt mm w-^^ammm^f ^m m â€" a i^ POoty goe* We «f dot, nat ves ch««mx ' I o^^e'of rtd^ot ».«•» ia akiaa i*alh,;ar aaa aLo^iiag uj. dwo er dhrre bspecsef aea^i**^ ttno I felt ao pad. alnw^J ot mio« c^r% vas Totd )/ deua, aad I aaade^ vpr •: •U oaken kaafcat tok 1 see hMtfi. 4iS..feUia. as I vas goomia' a]s«i ' '"Mhaat den mine v.-iend Wiiiffe: fMB ap und aA me Totaade mcvet. eo padi^td if any off mine vamily va 4«M. X WdlhisI Tasdett*;^ vd rthenaitty dii saa a^ aiahMHl d«B I asked Mm Â¥o«kbd^4avmaUiX dose vax troi I hd shust boen bfekiiig Bad, mine eraciotla, how dot ^ad^ man langhed.ond said dose vas r«3 brppers dot he whm rasia' vor bebbe- •ess. Ton bet mine life I v^s madl. I mder you ifif me fifty tui'drs as t eat some of d •so bepper MCk 4aF"^t ere. •; v^^ THE YANKEE AND THE DBUG GWT » ____ "Beyon thedruggerfj "Well, I a'pose so I sell drugs." "Wall, have you got any of tl;; sintin' stuff as tbe gals put oo tht i' hanke' cbers f" "Oh yes," n nlied tbe dfnggist, "W.kll our gil's gwine to te mari ed. and she gin me » quarter and t- i me to invest tlie hull 'monut in see: in' stuff, so's to make ber sweet, i! f eonld find some to suit so if yo\ \t a miad I'll jiiet smell round." "The Yankee smelled round wilt ont being suited, nntil the druggis gut tu-od of,bim and raking dowa a bo tie of hanohjru, said " I've fiot a bottle of s entiu' s'i. t'lat will suit you. A single drop oi: handkerchief will stay for weeks, a you can't wash it out but to get tL strength of it, you must take a gooi sraolj." "The hartshorn knocked the Yank "down. Do you suppose he got i and smelt strain. Not he but ro! ing up his sluevts, he said "Yoti made me amcll that everlus iu' stuff, mistct and now Ih ma' you smell my fist I" NOTHING MEAN ABOUT THE ' A giutleman who was yesferu K^n iliji g iu, Ui« Oiuir.i H..ii.. cd to have tears m nis eyes as said "Say, mister, my wife is dyin(»,Rn* I waul to get twcutr-fiye cents to bu; some medicine.^' Before any answer could be mad a second tramp came from the othe direction and haulted and asked "Say, mister, can't you lend me quarter I've got to get somethir for my coufihorl'll be dead before t!: snow flies." '•Here you are â€" one wants a quar er t save his dying wife, and t! other wants a quarter to cure 1 coup;li. Now what shall Idoabout if '•Is your cough very bad " a-^k tramp No. 1 of No 2. "T terri'»»le " cmgheJ No. 2 in i ply. "Well, There's nothiug mean a' me," coutinueJ No. 1. "Tliis is i second, wifo, and no great shaken that, audmaybethu medicine woulJi help her aii'y. Ill wave all claim u he may baud. you the qufirte;-.' "Oh, I c couldn't t-fli'uk ofi. coughed llie other. ••Miiybe I'll i over this, while your p-poor wife c( tainly needs medicine." "Well, here's a quarter for each v you," said the citizen as he witncs- their unselfishness, and while he bs ed on the next corner to tell a fn- that the wrU w is growui^ bat' the philsiithropists lialtjj on bicck the other way to play pijc hole for the d.inks. â€" M tad. [?.i^J A considerate dau;.'htoi,: "I do:.' See how I'J got alji.g without Ma nohow," ^[^s. Bluolier obser.- ,* pausing t) wijie the p-r^iir.ition fi- â-  .» her a_?cd f.jatures utiJ put an')t':v ladle of Jjjft soap into thy e'-oat-' ::â-  suds, while h-r daii;^h!cr's voicea' t-. piano could-be di.slinctly reco^ti..-l tl atiiig out frim tlie aljoiuiux p."' ' '" "I don't 6';e how I'd ;;-t a'oiig ii' out that gal Loliow. A'ays on i: -^ days when I have tho tir ingest v\r!, she just picks out her niceat pi^'j -:^ like 'Sweet rest Ly-and by,' jii' 'Mjtlier's growing old,' and sing "' for me afore she gets out on the ;. • to play croquet with the other y' .:.â-  folk. 'Taint every ^al ai uJ b, t.^ thoughtfil, I kin tell Now, h. • ' of 'em would jest bang away with 'J dan ia a hard road to truvel 'Whoop 'cm up, Eliza Jane,' bu' .-•. aiL't none of that sort. Shu's u p:i o' corafoit to me â€" a pile o' coiufo: ' and Mrs, I'lucher fan'.ie 1 herself •. .;; orously witli her Knil..-.l apron, prc|'.ir ftt.ory to running the clothes thro'.:;' thei second water A NElGilBOP.r.Y FAMILY A family from down in tn.i'aU!- mc/Ved into ah'tuee ou Sjcond avi.i."' last Avco';, and before uir-ht had ii Twed t«a, wigar, eggs, rnilk, and .r osenu hs many different ur. :ii boi's. After three or four days ii new family ceased t) borrow pn i is cousl}' Slid settiud down ou one i-ti- tieular neighbor. At an early in the rooraiug a small boy a)pcai ed aud said. "Say, we are ont of tacks and .^ *; t to put down our carpet. Ma wai.^^tj know if she can b^iriowa few?" A hunt was made and the req::-L. granted, butia ten minutes the t ij returned and said â-  'Say, we've mislaid oar tackha.i.- mt!, and n a wanlc t borrow yonrt. He got it, aud thi^ tiins it ir; twenty minutes before he retumct aW said: "Say, ma'a i-ulled all Ler te«h cut Enllin;; at that vaiuot. She wants to now if you wcn't lend her one of your boys " One td the boys waa sent over, Iu' it was a very obstiuato carpet, end back came t le boy with â- 'Say oiu't yonr bnsbaud home 7" "Yes what do yon want?' "Wslt ma's mislaid her basbaud eomewhare, and she lyaota to borrow yours to pn'U one eud of that cerjxt tbrotigu two doors aid acr ss a lial'l. " The line had U) be '.^r.o' som^^wl^ra aud it was fixed kcte.â€" Dmm* Ntict. Ostri^ Carm'mg-ia a asw aai ap- pacetitly a very pr«tabte iathufry aowbeiag pim-xtt^A hi Natal, a, eompany whieb set a'i-ittbe eultivat- ieo o( birds ikr«t,. v«ar ago,' baa prorod mulx a wwa ea s' ftat-ifc Aartat a^ arthor at «10 (VMtriao'.r 4 \- •

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