**»- â- III \^ )\ t *: .f Coiueil m«t M At the Town fiali, Aognst 2aod, paqnuuii to mS^aaatr looDt. 'Xli Ui« iiMBben prewDt. Mr, OlencruM moved, acooBdil by i llr. Hall, Tb«t Uia following McomitB be pAid:â€" S. H. McKitrMk, road Msrmpen. $16 W. Hail, fsi^^t on road •ermpera, 96« J. Eldei; repair iitK Mrapert, $8.2i-r-csrried. llorad ly Mr. Hull, t-econded by Ur. Neil, tbat the tollowiiig amoants be paid for contracts on new road to ilarvdale, vix.: â€" Donald O'Uauley, (44 JoLn Wilaon. 86 6S JoLn Black, 81.60 r John White, |17.26 Patrick Connor, $6.80 i%m^ Fardjn (6 Ileory Bojce, $8. â€" carried. lloved by Mr. McMillau, seconded by Mr. Keii, tbat the aceuant of C. yi, Kntiedge, for printiog, amoautiug to f 87.bO, and the account of tLe Be- piitrur of SoatL Orey for feeo, $7.45, be paid â€" earned. A eommnnication from i. C. Glen- croM, clauDing damaces for an aeei- fiaot on tlie approach to tlie bridge at lot 6, con. 8, was read. Moved bj Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Glencroee, that a committee be appointed cousiBting of the Iteeve, Mr. Hall and Mr. Neil, to iuTeatigate into the cause of the accident at the ^ridge at lot 6, con 8, and alao to riavo power to repair the bridge and Approaches, if ueccesary, and tliat Mr, tiM HiMMnt of macegrB in his poMcwnion Cor road improrementa to tbe MMM-of 4ba jqn^iN^â€" «*' ried- â- â- Mt. MeAzdlB nwrod, aogandfd hj Mr. Abbott, tlMt a g^ant df fW be made to erossway the 87tb ndaSBad at con. 9, the road bainf inna«ibl^ provided the people interested gbe 35 days gratia wofk, and this grant wiH cover all claiins on account of arrears of back statnte labor on that road di- vision â€" carried. llr. Buckley moved, seconded by Mr. McArdle, that a grant of $5 be given io the erossway between lots 8 and 10, cm the 2nd end 8rd cons., providing the parties interested give 5 days gratis work â€" carried. Mr. Buckley moved, seconded by Mr. Black tJbat the Collector be paid aiJary for 1860. and the sum of $12.- 60 for loss of money which depreciat- ed by bftnk fiularc, and $2.60 to cov* er disbursement whfle Ccdlectorâ€" car- ried. Mr. MeArdle moved, seeotoded by Mr. Abott, that SkeffingUm Bell be appointed Collector for this township, to collect all the rates of the township for the sum of $85 and that he give good and sufficient bonds, with good parties as socorieties to the amount of $16,000, and the sureties to be ap- proved of by this council, and the Clerk draft a By-law to this effect â€" Glencross- commissioner for Ward carried No. 4, snpenntend the work in the Mr. Abbott moved, seconded by Mr. event of a contract being let â€" carried; Black, that By-law No. 81, for the Bylar No. 204, levyiug rates for ' purpose of levying a rate on the Police the current year, was introduced and village of Dnnd^, read a first and read a first and second times. I second time, be now read a third Moved by Mr. McMillaa, seconded time, sealed, signed, and engrossed in toy Mr. Neil, that $20 be granted to the minutes and that By-law 282, 44hi8t G leuel^ A^jncultural Society â€" I defining the boundaries of School Sec- Moved by Mr. .McMillan, seconded ' tion No. 14, read a first and second by Mr. Glencross, tiiat By-law No. j time, be now read a third time, and 204 be now rciiJ » iliiid time, signed, signed, sealed and engrossed in the sealed and engrcssed in the minutes minutes â€" carried. -*=^arried. Mr. Black moved, seconded by Mr. Moved by .Mr, McMillan, seconded Buckley, that tlie account of John by Mr. ll-alLtJut the I'.eeve be refund- Vodden, for $2.50, for mending scra- od $4.50 being the amount ex|)euded pers, be paid and also25cts for same by bim in prjcuring a title to a load purpose to F. F. Teeple â€" caiTied. on lots 66 and 6C, E. G. R., and that Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by he le authorized to employ a survey- Mr. Black, that tlie account of John ^T to make a survey and pluu of said Vert, for tJOc for express account, be roa«l â€" carried. I paid^can-ied. SI'oved by Mr, Hall, seconded by Mr. Mc.\rJle moved, seconded by Mr. Neil, that N. Hobson bejpaid $8 Mr. Abott, that an order be drawn in fcr work on cons. 4 and 6 â€" carried, j favor of Thomas Hanbury for 80c, M'cfted By Mr. Hall, seconded by due as interest on sinking fund for Mr. Neil, that $10 be grant id to re- 1 school debeiiture-^-carried. j^ai^ approaches to bri'lge on th'j town Mr. Abbott moved, seconded by Mr. line of Glenelg and Arterais a, pro- 1 Bl.ick, that the bill of Creaser Mor- vidiLg Artemesia grant an equal rison, amounting to $G.03, be paid, amountâ€" carried. and Isaac Trayuor's bill, to the amt. Moved by Mr. Glencro.s8, seconded of $12.50, for senieos as surveyor on Mr. McMillan, that Y\. .Motley be deviation of John Mon's, and on line paid $5 for a road scrnper â€" carried, between the old and new survey, be «Urt tPECmC MEMML M« farftai«ia4 WaakMM. aDda»*nMW *•* fal'e* MA MMKDW erU-AlNiM; M lanaCUaauNar.tliiivMNI j» a VicioB, riD ilii w ^M ace, iMd naay oUior DiMMwea that iMd to InMattr or Conanmptkn vnd • Pre- nuUore Orare. tS'Fall partieaUtr* in our pamiiiiilet. which we desire to Mnd tree by mmil toerarr one. The Speeifie Medi n ae i. told by «l mtSJSSj~ •1.00 per 'p«*ii#J^or-|ft' packages for •6.00, or will to tent mail on reefcipt of the money bj "â- * THE MAT MEDICME CO^ 14t Taiomg;wB.' c »aiii Vemr't Pr«li€lllMi$1 For thi« month' We»th«r, fH|Mre4 e«MMS' ly lor STOD»AB«?8 BCTIEW. Sample con t»aii^for 3 fen* *to^P- J, M. Stoddabt, Pub." New tork, PhiL, or Chicago. NT. FORET NIIM SC OOL. ItE-OF»ETVS SEPTEMBER Ist, 1881. Nineteen Papila puMed the Intermediate Examination, Joly 13, 1881. JOS. BEID, B. A.. Head Master. IS* Board can be had firom $2 np. Mt. Forest, Ang. K, 1881. 49-2-in. THE KEY TO HEALTH. BURDOCK binOD Council adjourned to mt.i t at the aame place on Srd October next. ClIOttRA INFANTI Irf. That tirrbfe .foitTge among child- ren niay be .speedily cuied by Dr. j'owlei.s l'..xtiuct of Wild Strawberry. All forms of bjwel complaints, nausea (irid vomiting, from an ordinary liarrha-a to the most severe attack iif Ciiiiadian cholera, can be subdued by itii prompt use. It is the best re- mt'i)}- known for children or adults swieriiit; from tnmmcr comphiints. PBOTON COUNCIL. Tin; ".â- ii'-il met as per ailjoiirn- ni'iil at Duii'l.ilk, on Tuesdaj' Aug. IC.tli, IHMl, ill 10 a. m. The luembiTs of Council wore all pri'STMit, tlio Uecve ui the chair. 'I'lie iniiiiitos of previous mectin?; at Ht'll's Comers read and confirmed. .Several communications, bills of iic^:unts, (to., received and read by th.' Clerk. Miiveil liy Mr. Buckley, seconded by Mr. .\lntt, that a grant of $( each *o widows I'rveo and Davis be made, boTJi liciiii,' indi^'ent and intirm. .Mr. Me.\rdli moved, seconded by Mr. I'.iiekley, that the passa;,'e of By- li»v;;iNin^ a portion of School Sec- tion No. i\ to a section in the oppo.-iito iDWiislM' be allowed to remain until .i\t ni(etiii.%' of the Council, and that •ln-('li-rk be reiiiicsted to notify both «rtii-s interested of tlic imjiort of this iiiolioil â€" carried. Mr. Mc.\rille moved, seconded by ?»Ir. .\l)lott, that the arrears of tuxes .:.OitM't 1 t 14 in the first coneessiou, ' cra-io l.iis there is evidence .suthcieut 'mt the saiuo Invs been returned in -rror ninounting to $3.71 â€" carried. Mr. McArdle moved, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that that a grant of §;» ,â- ;ici to improvo the erossway on •â- hi- '-Kh side road at con 9 and 10, on .jonlition that those intereste.l give 10 days gratis work â€" carried. Mr. Abbott moved, seconded by Mr. Blufk. tli.it a grant of $50 be" made to ini;irivo the 12th con., from the 27th side road to to the line of the old sur- â- v,y, tliiit a bridge be erected over the stream crossing the 10th concession, opjHisite lot 34 that $25 be expend- j (^lou the 14th and Ifith concessions I resiHH; lively, in lUrisions Nos. 4 and 3 east of the '22iul side road and that $100 be granted to the 5th division for improvements of roads in conside- ration of that division having had no spr-cial grants during the year; that $2.5 be ^raiiti'd to improve the 2'2nd side road in the 7th, 8th, and !)th cons. that $10 be granted to aid in gravelling tlie 4tli con., between Cc- darville Hotel aud town line of Egre- montâ€" caiTied. Mr. McArdle moved, seconded by Mr. Black, tliat the Councillor of Di- vision No. 1 be empowered to let and iiispect a road job opposite lot No. 8, in the second con., to improve the road, and also to draw water off the said lot now dammed in it â€" carried. Mr. Black moved, seconded by Mr. Mo.\rdle, that a refund of $14 be make to Henry Gr.^ham for taxes col- lated in 1881. through an error in assesshig the portion" of his property au the non-reaidaQt zoU ia 1877 oon- iMjy to request â€" carried. tir. Mb.irvUe moved, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that the Clerk bring the pothmasters schedules for th« present year to the next meeting of the Coon- oil for examination by tue council, and that he alsj report to the Coancil the nuues of all pathmastors in default, so ae to ,Ki dwdt with- by the Covncfl Mr. Bl^ck movod, sacoti^ed by Mr. B^ckloy, that C. W. Rntled^ be paid W' «CilnTUit of hii bill, ^iij(f9S1.06, 'r printiu' voters' List, Anditort^ Bo' l^ji-b. o., â€" j.uried. 1ft:.' Ab'iiLb mvod, seconded by iti. Baek4oy. (h tM6c SyJ»w regot*- iht exi-3utlttur.i of jt itute labor which uityar.u'.io I'l tkxos, re*d a fir^it aud 111 J ti0'^, bj ao./ road a tkiBd^time M^3.^d in- tha paid â€" carried. A By-law, after going through a regular coxusc of three readings, to establish a union school section com- prising portion.^ of the townships of Arthur and West Luther in the coun- ty of Wellington, and the township of Proton in the county of Grey, and comjirising the aiTangomeuts mivde by the school referees of the said town- ships aud the Public School Li.spectors of North Welhngtou and South Grey, was ])as.scd by Proton Coimcil, signed, sealed and nuinbere 1 2.S5. Moved by Mr. McArdle, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that tliis Council ad- journ to meet on the 3rd Tuesday in September next, beuig the 20th, at Ilopeville, Scarlett's Hotel â€" carried. John VtitT, Clerk. Clerk's Office. Au'i. 18, 1881. U:"cks all the clogiied avenoei of the Bowels, KidneyB and LiTer. canyinf off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions at the same time Cotrec tl M Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili^ onsness, DrspepBia, Hesoaches, Dix- ziness, Haartbnm, Constipatioii. Ilryiiess of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness ofVision. Jaandice, Salt Uienm. Bry^ptias, SeroAila. Flnttaring of the Heart, NeiToiiaaeas and Oenenl Debility all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the hap^ infloencs Of BDBDOOK BLOOD BITTEBS. Sample Bottles 10c Begnlar sixe $L For sale by all dealers. V. mSMMUMM C*. UOW TO GET SICK- Expose your self day and night, eat too much without exercise work too hard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the Vile nostrums advertised and then you will wautto knew How To Get Weli-, which is answered in three words â€" Take Hop Bitters â€" E.rpress. R. m, Ciialbrailh, AUCTIONEER AND (JENERAL LAND AKBot, Wiiliamsfonl Statijn. Anction Salu! attfiidej in all parti o( the Conuty. liuols sold on Commissiou. liAtes moderate. Pianos, OrRftns, and SnwinR Machines also Fruit and Ornamental Tree^i, Vines. Agricnl- tqnil Implements, and Machinery of all kiudb n le. WJUainsford. Jan. 27. 2881. 20-lv Cures Choleru,Cholera MoH)us,Dji- aentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sich' nesa and Summer Complaint alao Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCIST8. T. MILBURN CO., Proorietorsa Toronto. MARKDALE FLESHEETON Harness Shop i Marble Works Monnments, Tombstones And every description of Cemetery executed in work Bftijvbl seeonJo^ Ky Bi. rilHE Sal«criber h«(?8 to Inform the pnblie _L that he has constantly on hand a large a'^xortmcnt of CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM IIARIVESS. MiUc in good sljle and of tho THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means bnsineas give him an early call, as he will sell at the lowest living prieea, for cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TRUNKS, *Cm always on hand. Scotch Collars I SpoeiaKy, And a good fit guaranteed. ta^Remember the stand the Post OlCee ia opposite. N, B.â€" SUve timber waQ'.ed, J. GORDON. PleshflTtoa. March. 1881. 16 MARKDALE CARRIAGEjyORKS McKENNA MASON HAVING leaaed :he Waggon and BUek- gmith Shop owned by John Benaon, •R to infonn the Pnblie, that that they are repared to fomLih all kiuda of Vehlelea, oeii •â- BVCSCSIKS, D EnOCRTS. " WAaOd.'VS, JETC. It prices to surr the tmes. Vnd Uy u^iiii; the Beat of If aterial and Oood A'orkwnihii), boja to ««â- *â- » »- 4air- afaare p yaor v^Uiim:Affi»i »tt»tioB giruito \.»W. waraiS Uf nor •I jtfi^we FIRST-CLASS STYLE I and at reanonable rates. Orders loft at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to Revere Hotel, W.I. JOHNSTON, Prop. Markdale Aug. 10th, 1881. 48-ly iNnttiH,€imjt(o dIal]r7tii.UWi. ing CQuritiy standard ° ' compnnng Trimmed Hats Bonnets, J. f ♦ -^ !H1MM!H8 BATS AMD aUNBBABM. BestI-^PaperiiB(fflS, FLO«^ IS TBI nr THE oouMTy. Sabaotibolor ii, oidjf 1 JS p«r •nnom. PersonB ean rabaeribe at Miy time. OF ALL DISOBIFnON, PLAIH aod in COLORS, Executed wiih neatuess aod despatch, *- at the STOP. MARE. LEABN. S And then you wiil know where to go to net the best Tidne for TOW Mon^,»» R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, STANDAItD OS^E^ICB, MABKDALE. If yoa want BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADb, CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, POSTERS SALE BILLS, STREAMERS, DODGERS, HAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES. YISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS, Or in fact anything in th* printing line, don't fail to eall at the Standard OFFICE, Toronto Street, MARKDALE „ y-,'.. ,• .. S .-,1 .-ir »â- â- «f.: ;-m ^,^- Whwe we do work in *â€" t rlâ€" aMe HILli BBOS., ^,.-!" ORN AMKt SSI AND TiwiWttip^ LADIES' MANTLES OUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Our General Stock is well assorted in all branches. We won't take up your time reading a long advertisement, but would soUcit a call, believing we can give entire satis- faction to our patrons. Thankful for past favors, we would solict a continuance of the same. Markdale, May 28th, 1881. 89-tf AT TBS POST OFFICE STORE, FLESHEETON. " " â€" In order to make room for heavy Spring Imp^.rtotioos now arriving dailv. I h*ve decided redncing my preaent l»i^ and well selected and assorted stock of GENAERLDRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Gaps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and iu order to do so, Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. he stock \* all new, well bonglit, and well worth the attention of the closet buyers. In OROCEKIES yuu will find evry^thinfr orFirst-Ciass Value. As 1 do not parsue the conrse of some of our wiudy Merchants of onr neighboring Vil- hgt'S, of sending ont numeroas samples of cheap trash (with uuscrapolou.^recommcnda- â- â- ' â- â- ' â€" 'â- 't-^s relations, in order to iaipress the public that they are .. 1 ui_ j.-i â€" ^yj draw custom from the many. tt Thankful for past favors, I am determined t;ei further share of public patronage by fair antl hossi tions) outside our oataral bnsines-s relations, in order to iaipress the public that they are and prOHipt attention.- not properly treated ly tlieir more honorable dealers, aud draw custom from the many. THEOPHiLt"F(i You will find everything that I sell jHst as I represent It, and as good valn» ., 1 AT Vi or^ tRRt as you can possibly get for your money any where, aa I have alwa.VB held that honorable MarKQale, JMarcn 2y, lool. dealinc is the only true course for a businessman. My Qroccrios are all buUijht for strictly uett cash, consequently I can and will sell at The Lowest Possible Prices! For CASH and FARM PRODUCE jaiJT. ii£X Foit c;reiit. " o r« ...r- 1- b*v««LioJa'it««k and for sale, a hirge quantity of PUilE SE E D G BAIN 9iidn*\Â¥bTt«ratj*rtan, Glasgow, Beff Chaff, and other varieties of Spring wheat. Also PotB Clean PeaS, Oats and Bartej. I^ime Timothy wid Cloyer Seed aUo Kresh Garden Seeils, and as it pays each aud ttviiy Farmer to sow dean seed, you will iuak« money by |g^j^4l(cw CMits cxtf a, WMlj^vdMiuiig a good article. i-'o." â- .(....â- . --â- -.,. -X »»â- »•' •tiling large qnanties of poAHsli jijAnd salt, fef-r .;- ..;3r-;b^i^ III A IV u R E --- -â- -â- -~^i â- â- • • â- â- â- ' ' Which wiU pay every Fannw Mve holier, for every one idteeted in it, and as I am anxions that every l-armOT ;hi« Iccaltty and neighboring Townships shall try it, have decided in ^^J^^^" '•^"^eUotsatthelHJwestCasUPHce Uid down bj the car f|yyteyi.lto Afsn \it MtW a w »wLhouiihtfor nett ca;^! at Bottom Prioea, l.WM^afco intimate that my SPKING IMPO RTATIONS f: ABE ABErVTNQ DAILY, 3^d I will have opened oat and show On The Ist of April, °~"Jy""^~**«^^»t Assorted Stooto ever brooght into thi. p«t of tho pJ^^^^eTwWef ' " """" "" "" P-*' «"•*""« •" ^Ve^n belor I un, yonr obsdient servant, R J. SPROULE, Flesherton, March lo i*8 1 i^.,y I beg to inform my nunyfriendj tk, removed into my new premises in tvT I W Brick Block. To^_^sy to gi*^;,^' this weelc; but migfit say I hav^ JS^ living rates for cash. ** lo*j_ Harkdale, Angtut Srd, IMl. :^ McINT^vj Artemesia uWafeh^ ETiESHE BTON S TATiJ How OB hsad lor Mto, snd will ba conatantly renewed,*,,^ Diy Goods, Ready-lade GlottuDg, BoiS' ' HABD^WAEB, CROCKEKY GROCERIES. PROVlSlox^ 1^ All kinds ot Country Produce taken io Goods. • ^/ "a Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufact sale. Pleahertvn Station, May 37th. 18B1. Markdale General A^ IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET Money atthe Lowes STRA10IIL0AHS,H0niES, .If you want Insurance patronize the UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. LVNIJVHIRE FIRE and LIFE Cc. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE^ CONFEDERATION LIFE ASOClAlJ Wanzer Sewing Macl Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of mob DOHEBTY OKGAIil Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wa MAEKDAIiE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, U.«a- ...•-♦V;--S;^-.. 7v*" • â€" ' -t'yi iSâ€" ^,tt «« ..ait*. ««s BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, itoreTsoaHand. Order. Promptly pujed. r;--»r Tha Babwribtr iMmU •^%«ll«ir«.;^rSL;:^£S*tki2ir^ lor tlu. liNE LUJIBER ' â- '•?â- â- â- **W^HiW«nVH|l. 09 jl COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX S^ Alwa?« in Stock. As I keep aH kinds of Tib" PAIRS for tk A sell, Farmers will see the advantage of denim j with a Local A,*J WiVf. STRAIN, ^iQBhf Flesherton, Marob 24, 1881^ OH, HEAR. O^HEAR Squander your money if ycu want to. if not, gclyourPlioi W. BULMEE^ The People's W i Photograpberi Who ia again pi«|Mred to take PietiiiM, and do Corying tni B»l'«»*' FR^MKS AISI FRAME Fl V^\t^^^ •'â- ^ •*°*"' MOTTOES and Motto ana o*"' •wSfu^SaT* ****••" ** •*" ' Remarkably t-o*" ftmg aloog your pietOM atkd hare them coj^ied ar d enlargedbj « FlMhezion,lCMeh 10, 1881. ?^ "WAGON flffid £*I!!*fif« Work*, BHitottiMeilfWningiuwithth«tt««der» for snuERo winiMJtiii. *- LUMBKB WAOOOVa, tt. f a4 aO ki«da of NOTICE i» -r-Lk *S road oi«i. f«5.f. the township of OM*" tablished. jtWt^ Xbe corpora" ^» elg not bavmK •n/j' .aid lots. 'fiU"^!! aident that â- n^jj'*^' JAMES BBOWN Clwk. Township otGUfflrti 0*' MONEY «• AT SIX H, •' '.. '^.' "" ' la FDBLI8BKD ^g-mt reiD Y mobwiw© In time to meet the early maile- .^mtaiat the la^»t roreinn and Provincial • Tooal Intelligenc-. County Busin-s, ^««ial Mittara and an Instructive Rff^^'advwiee. »1.5n in three mouths, iMbo« paid tUl the end of the year. .\.. diaeontitaned until all arreapes arp Moept at the option of the publi^li- *M,(i partiea refusing pap»rs without paymu ' Ml be held re»pon.-.ible for tli' years Kub- ?.p^ai nntil they comply «itl. the raks. BAJJS OF ADVEUTISIKG I oolOWi "" ^^â- " (Io do irter do do *» do „ do Unea and nuder, first iuvortion. Each gabsequeut iimerlion om "ix (o ^^ iiiK-K. lirst iici'rti-m. Each 8ubsenieiit iU-t-rlii.u ir ten lines, tirr^t insertion c-r line • Eieb in!)sepii-nt instcrtion tibe numbL-r of lines tn Iw rei-kniu-d by the oe oceufiel Tiiea-i'in-il bv a Hc«le of solid ^viar. AJvertisemeuU without â-ºixjcilie •tionc will be publishhu till forbid aod Oie accordingly. All transitoi y ad^ertiee- p.at8 must be iu the office of publication bv [o'cRckon th.- Tu'irsdiiy moruiuKprectjed- their pabhcation. C W. Kt'TLEPOK, rropriftor. 27 50 1." Ol» 8 IK) 4 0(i 50 15 7;' 2' 8 2 lOF SSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. V Pr*. S|»roiile Ac (nricr, ibicians, Surgeon .Accoucheurs dec. ^KICE Medical llaU »iJale Hou-e. »rkdale. Sept 17, ISSfl. DK. Pt KOV, _I8IC1AN, Sii'.iiiiON, ACa)l\ll (a, EciiEMA i' u. •; if. resideuo' al 1-v £rsal. rrister at Law, Owen Sound. )FFICE.â€" Mill.r^V huiUiiiK. ..v, r li.bi:- i'« store, Poiilel S:;-. it. i »A.BRisrEU.s. AMI .\ t r.iij:c.:\ \! Law, Sol c'iti'i ill I..1... :v. « .!, ,\' era.Ac. 0»e'i S..iti1, 1,^.,. i...n,„,' ..,. ' Liberton, Office open cWry 1 li.i,-. J.,v, as etofore. I rRKn FaoRT, â- ' ^^. 'â- . -i I.! I: County Crown At!. .III. I. i »ABBISTKUa;i.l vnuKNiIV AT \.\\\, â- Master in Ciiau..vi\ .Owiii 'vi.nj.l. ept, 17, lct»0. |.y Jaiiico l.:iii|»M. TTORNh;V-Ar-L\U. S iiLlCITOl: IN chancery. X.itiiri I'.ilili.-, .v.-. g_l foney loaned at lowu-i r.it « i.ii r-.'iini feal estate. I..^iiil.^ Iii;;lit n-,.t -Kfr I and Bcllcr iniroj iced l.t-v -t k .ii.iu.r. DQNDALK. BeptemWr 21 -t, li.O. 1 SSCEU OF MAaniAi.i; :.i' i:.\-?f-...Ac;. Cuminissiouir ill i!. i;..v ' onveyanciniK' in a.i il~ li i4i.-'j*-^ ri!ii)t!y j ndej to and ean f.illv xfiiicl, j (. ii. â€" JXuUr\ Io i.vlll.'ll .;...ii ^-i.tli ~,.- 1 rity. â- larklale. S.| 1. i7. 1^- 1. ly I Ai(\:ii:d."i' tSi'oi«i. SSUEU.f Mai ia-.. I.ieeu.- J" l:vA \L.le lusura-ije .V;.'.-ul. Lmi'ii ;•.:,• I }. R. iiom C iivfya;ifi.r aii'i ••.•••ii-, itioneer fo'rth.*Oiu!iiv .ilti-.y. I .i-u. r-. I Its, and liU'l Sii.s. iii:K-::iiH .,;- i ' to au.l ell ii;.--s ;:i., |.. », iv ia.,i. l.it.^ ' rieeviUe, Sci«t. 17. !•.â- ' â- â- Ccargi* oru.-t, .Ir.. AND. LOAN AXl't.KNKil.M, A'iK.M Owen Sound M..11 v i.. I,.,,,, ;,i i.,a Bs of intert s:. l*iiii.-i|'al 'i:iii«. :•â- t'-i,' 1 lof a term ofye:ir~,«ii I mi.T.-t j.,' v ^i. ^r yearly, or priiic^ial u:iU iii..j|. i:.;... I in instalments. 'Annmberuf ik's!r.iM. I.u;.i.v,-i ra.iu.- f (aio. I -y J. ii. Niii;;. kOMIMOX AMI I'll'UiN' IU. I.AM. ourvoyor, Diii'i-.'bi-iiia'i .t ji Vaini.r. iford and Mnrk'la!.' ii:iiri,.- 1 uf.-in -• .1 iil.iii' I l'l..ii-. Piii I ii ^vincial Land S'.irvy.r Clsni! i re stock of ori|;inal h';.!.r Ni-!- orts. Instructions, .Vc.of ail Li- ke within the last tiflytivr ,• j pared to make S^ir^tAs in t:..-i therevrit'i. I'liiJiii- :â- .::{ i' Gralinj; Hills, I'laiis itiil .S;. .•â- . tBuilJiug BHU'.s, f;;rii-" i • Money toL.ia-i at s 1. 1 .-. â- I ii- -1. I lers by letter, or l..ft wk:: t.. .1. I.i.i Hi. rkdale. will te prouij.Uv atten.ii .1 1... 'evt. IT. l«8n. Iv I i-ai. '»â- •â- i. i. PcutinttM. -â€" L Ul: I IWr. Mttntvn J. \% liiii-. â- ittant to'lir. Caiiu rn, Uwi n Sound. TILL BE Af xiii:it!;vi:iii: iimi si;. Mark.Iah-, "..11 tll.lal We.iii. -.la; in I lUODth, wlun lie will In- ir.|.a!-. .J t..j» r- laUoparali.ins li^in-l himhi li.- ii .ii'lt- ne moit Balif.iil.rj iuhiikt, anl ii|-.::i â- enable tcnu^. ' ' .^ i SEVERE HOTEL, .Yi vi{!^i) At.::. SPROULiB, Pi'Oiniolor. â- 'HIS popular H.t.l lias 14:1. 1 a 1 ir/.. ^â- ^. ,,,' dition ad.b .1 t it^ t;.or.ii;,'lily r- :;t^â- •l. j ,„ is now r",:i'l t,i 11. m.- im iiu* c- inti. ., Blalihll).' nil I ::!V.i.;i.. i.-ll-.r. I il!-J. I .| arvoinm-. i-ii.'.:i 1 »r .â- â- iriinnicmi ii :(\,-J. ' ^.' TcrsM* 'ji.OO !»«••• tiav. J 7-1. "" toA'.vi. Hi. 'i'i:i., -.7..: Mii A I OHD. Out, J. MculiiK, i'ii..i'kii.i..i..,. ^â-¼erv acc.i;uiii •lali.iii f-'r liw- tia» :;:ii;f Uc. Tbe bar 1- w.il sl' ..e I willi lii- est Wilier a.iU l..-, -I-- .-'"I »i" i" « is of Cij^ar^. I 'bus to and {ii.u ai! tr.iii ept. 17, 18S(). 1 V lb. |.. t| J. i ri^.iK 1 .U. IOMMERCIAl HUTEL ,„,„-., pRiciiviLiijS, Oi.;. rliUlll 'Ke aud cnuui'iliou- Situj !•â- !t.-":ur I Bed U00UI-. \r. Till l:il aat 'at b 1 •applied «ilb til. la-t t'l.- um.:,. I :.f "â- i good Stabi:n^ ttii'l a:'..'iilu' II • li.-.'.. TUOS. AlKlNiiuN, In. .:.i;ui raist, 1-80. ivBoot and Shoe Shop. ' anbaeribers beg tn iuf.nm the public Ktoerally that they ba\e o|hiiim1 a ^Ii.m. •in the premises lai.Iv ce.-ii|uc-.l L.v l "•00. on Mill street, where tli y are pn â- I to take ord-rs f.ir aal kind- f woii in f line. Bepairiug done prum;.tlv. 'ewe* ITork a Sp««i:ilt). .*• " • strictly cash busiiu =s ». ,.iu af â- Lf i7°"' ** bottom pric..-. A call 1. â- '«ttjly aohcited. No S;,;it Lai:.a u-.d ae Baop. W. McLEOI) A O. f2g^; 'Bg.4tb. lSfil. 4t. I -^ •• *f Oalbraf th, "^ONEEB AND GENEKAL L.^XD â- Z^^i W uhamsford Station. Aiiti..u ,^35"»* 'â- all parts of the County. .^y " Coimuii4»ion. Rates modeiii'.e. •*J»fl»a, and 8ewmg Machim s also â„¢^W»a°»ental Trees, Vines. Agricul- ~ott, and Machinery of all kiudk Jm. 27. iMl. 301t faiui; CHOK BR s.l|.|.u. Ill llu i"1 Tea supi'Ur most rejt ' lluki