Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Sep 1881, p. 2

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 iHlei ft Inve IS A JAL ntio, ing to Pla, CCOMPARlHl,. IDORGAi ig or Old. Whet 3al talent oj PLAY Am; a a VEEY ' TIME, • uld take leold way,'^^:- 3 at expense tion, etc., etc. n receip of Kar ORGAN! .1^ ^T PRICES! AWFORD. Street East, Toronto,! RIVE i; house; AL oT or J SHOEI :er Trade! i:.i) AT Attract i^niiiir .V V' â- rviti .?MTS£tfXOK lEW ADVERTISEMENT -1 *4 '.?.? i^ra f?.- :rt ,.-â- ..:*' ;:V'-r^. U portly. ' *^^ °^^«^^ »°°i^^e bemg d.^^te Ma^ M,. *-*:.^: THE STANDARD^ '^^j, S aptemberQ. 1881 localITother^notices. jllittle rain is badly needed at the |pfe«nt time. Kauy of theweys in the village are |,i.jut dry. Tue heat the pist futrdays has been I ii»use. Veaaor'a forecasts of the weatlier iLo paat mouth, and date, has [,a aujrtluiJg but accurate. •j-;ic Standabd and Weikly Islail for k^oVjtone year il W. J^ParlMd anfiiwd on Wed- neadtytram. tog^lUr wilL hi. wife aud family who met him at BeUenlie and were inet »t the tnun by a largi nnmbPr of firtftidt. They were con- veyed to their wsidence where a num- ber ol their warm IriendH gathered to give him and Mr» Me. a welcome after his trip to BnUsh Isleu. and to enjoy "a cosy eupo' tea." The bova r^t fli/1 villoma olcu^ *.^U 1^' â-  Standabd and Globe well TjaoNT) oil Company, are sole I ^afacturt-rBof "Ciistorine macbiue Irfmi"Hients will bepr -secuted, ijaJIeii change in the weather HtdijOi iiiv, 1 10 thermometer fell l^jep=«""'"S the day. Ba«Ii fires are raging in many LlKMinUntario, and an iiicaliilahle jjcnt of ilaiuago has boeu done, i,j your dealers for "Castirino" Bvbiut! ""• "" '^^ ""' "® barrel ifiriJ-d 'C.iijtoriuo," as none other '^unt ^^ny it's tho nicest thing I L;f uiit! for tlie teeth and breath," L, jvcrvdiio h.ivii'.g tried'TEABERiiv,' »lBe« tuikt g'lm. Get a 5 cent sam- Ir^E'Castorme" Machine Oil, for IkiaJsof niiicliiiicry, it is also ex- riitfor hariK.-ss and leather, mak- itiiiter aiid.vcathor proof. Jj'or ebTili-'sli'r^. I L; Fa) '«â-  r'.i MrocaU for Sept. is .-.:,tU.' Thi-* is a valuable pe- L.tudsiiull he supported by our ItciMril ici-:tilH, Hubicriptiou re- ut lliis fllice. |;t Wni^"o, General Manager of ..t II. li:»iKvHy, will recievi' tend kf.rtli'j erection of snow fencing, â- tue liim of tho above road, up Ivpt. 17th. boo advertiseuieiit in i'jKf column. '•Castonno" Machine Oil, for ISiii'l^ of luachincry, it is also cx- li;iriieS3 anil leatlier, mak- wiit'T and weather proof. For i Lv ill illers. |ue A'lifciVrtrt .\ for Sept. •11 rtcievud. Tlie niire wo sec Ij valuable .M;yiuiiie the more :il. We will I'urnisli it in con- tvviw.l" tu'j .SrvNDAiiu or Uebald j\yr iiiinuiu. I.Vr.J !iii Ikiison, who has been rc- a I'lionto for souie time past, vill;i;,'e a visit last week, for ij .:;i.isi/ of rrmoviug liis fam^' to Thin- lift yestenlav, in- 'i.foriULil that a lady not -ami iiiiltK from Markdalt, was wl that (iabriel's trumpet was i r^ s iiiu.l t!iat a n.'isjhbor h;id .;iuili;i't ii'r a glass of brandy Ij'.aiiy liir liervts. piK Staxkaiiii for one year for the isaiu of $1. The above price ^tljo strictly in i»"lvance, or the old ejl/i'i will tie ciiarijci' bend in riKiiui- ;it ijiici and get the host niiiliu i-nuiitv. Audrcss, Stan- ^UlScr Miiii.aiile. our m- goods and pn*j BROWC HOUSBl Proprietor-' ntlv erected »ndflttj'2jj ,.l-,»s. Style WT**^^ 1 e table witb •^^^ J5***- 1 :UTTING 'and SfliWHIfi' TUom»« orsSneaioiToc^*'** e, J»Jjr »l. l««ttv^,--^ /£ YOUR C0«BI*' G. Morgan, begj ol MurkdiOe *»d ' 1,1 to work ap h»ir vafls and corl». .UcitaJ. V^^^, u strMU, tpr*** Ur-i^ by M»U prowptJy ,le, 8«pt- l'^*** vartMar. ha'J' Pifi'X. the J. wcllcr, is prepared Vtf- y.iiir • ars fioc of clinrge, and iiif v.ry l.itfst kind of an car fttr wiiiili |ir.'i,iruis tho woik ft t- irtick ris cliani lightening, and 'â- jpiuu. l)oirt fail to see tho ^rwd then invest in a pair of « wsfiiii.K. â€" That u remedy "t jI such common, simple Â¥â-  M Uops, Buchn, Mandrake, â-ºJiliQii. ic.^ make so many and I ourre/dus (ind wonderful cures "P Wfti'ts ilo It must be, for •J :ind young, rich and poor, «*nJ n.xt or, liftwyerand Editor, p'iv tn huviiig been cured by '^^fuiiist believe and doubt no Desday next will be a grand [roroiito. All tho Granges in ofipci' are to attend tbo Indus* luhibiiion on that day. A liltui will leave Markdale station Nctk a. m., arriving in Toronto [Ms. m. Tickets good to the ffirt :?2.20. •Sju)i)K(iT or Bad SioHTi. The "•ITS of iigc being brought with 't' tho uravo is now, we are ^tliiuk. becoming rarer every l^tlie use of Cingalese Hair Re- "Ciirais more general. By its â- ^«iity locks of age once more tliur former col'r and tl'e 'womes thick and luxuriant as 'tli its iiul we can now defy "J^of yi-;irs, resting assured I"' Gtcv llrtir at any rale will f •? sadilcn ut. bold by all Drug- '""^l«a bottle. [."""Tff going to press oe V ffeniuj. last we omitted to "nthatthe liev. A. Wilson was pciating minister at a " that took place "ly- We regret this as it^as the first couple [J'fon bad married since he was ^Hch mistakes, though very ' *fe hkch to oocuj in th« l*"at€d offices. We do not [J one who known na, would P^ient harbor the thought that ^Pnrposely with tho direct 'of insulting Mr. Wilson, or ^able body over which he of the village also paid him a comple- meut by Jiavmg an immense bonfire on the square. Mr. Mc. fe«ls and 18 much improved in bealtli. Oi^ Monday afternoon many perrons were under the impression that the oft repeated prophesy of the ending of all things was abont to take place. At 2 p. m. the sun had a Dlood red appearance, and at 4 o'clock it conid not be «oen at all, and lamps Imd to be lighted The sky overhead pres- ented a Wdir d and lurid glare. How- ever it was asceriaiu»d that the pUe- nomenon arose from dense smokecaus- ed by bufih fires, and the timid agaiu breathf d freely. At 6 o'clock it was as dark as midnight, and people go- ing about the street had to carry lan- terns. Ashes and burnt leaves fell ia quantities and at times was almost blinding. Still Akotheb.- We are pleased ti) chrouicle the raarriaifo of one of our prominent citizens, Tlios. 8. Spioule, Esq.. M. D., M. P., to Miss Maty Alice Flesher, second daughter of W. K. Flesher, Esq.. ex M. P. for East Grey. The int«-restiug ceremony was performed at seyen o'clock en Wednes- day morning by llevs. Messrs, Philps and Galbway. The biide looked handsome, richly and artistically dress- ed and splendidly veiled. Wo are not accustomed to describe ladies' dresses, in fact we go to church on other busi- ness, so our lady readers will pardon the omission this time. When wc get a little older in the Editorship we ma* try our hand. After the usual hand shaking and joy-wishing were over, the pjirty repairexl to tho long diuiug- hall and did ample justice to a most sumptuous breakfast. The party then formed a procession and accompanied t'.ie h»ipy couple to Flesherton Sta- tion, where they boarded the train for a somewhat extended bridul tour. Wo wish Dr. and Mrs. Sproule long life and much happiness. Mr. W. F. Campbell held meetings ill the several stations belonging to the Shcllmnic Mission, imder charge of Itcv. M. TurnbuU, on the 13th mst. At the liiot meeting held iii Dimdulk tho Incumbent ' opened the meeting with pi-iiyor iind a shori address. Rev. Mr. C';iuiil)oll dwelt np n the import- ance of erich one contributing, as God had itfospered him, towards those '•Viist lields of missionary bibor lying beyond oiir ov.ii immediate boimds," which were to a great extent po-vcr- less froLii want of means. The collec- tion (Si 11. 'Jo) may be considered ex- tremely good, as the majority of the iuhabit;uits ai'e by no means well olf the country being compiiratively n^w. At Shelbume tlie meeting proved to bo a very interesting one, there being four clergymen jToscnt â€" Rev. Mr. Roonoy, (Toronto Diocese), Rev. R. S. Rudcliffe, (Niagara Diocese). Each of the above named gentle spoke, and Mr. Campbell then gave a very cleai- statement of Diocesan and North-west Mission work. At Inistioge Mr. Campbell was met by the Rev. Mr. Ward of Markdale, who kindly took piu-t ill the proceedings with Mr. C'anipbcll. Several people afterwards rem;u-kod that much light had been thrown on mission work, which had hitherto been very improperly under- stood by them. DUNDALK. From a Corresponilint. Mr. Robert Gordon* shipped a car loal of first-class horses, to the City of New York, we wish Mr. Gordon a profitable return. Mr. Samuel Mossop.the young man who was nearly killed by the falling ct one of the plates, at the raising of W. J. Hicks grain storehouse, on last Saturday, is able to be around. Mr. Thos. Cloghley is making ex- tensive improvements to his flouring mill by adding machmery for the Manufacture of Oatmeal, and w^ill soon be ready for operation. On Sabbath last, the funeral of C. Abbott, took place at his fathers residence A discourse was delivered by tho Rev. Mr. Eakin ot Dundalk. After which the funeral cortege wended its way to tLe Frazer burial ground, whcro the cirpse was laid in its laEt restirg place. An imiwrtact Auction bale will take place at McCollongh's Hotel, Dundalk.on Tuesday.Sept. 13th inst., when a quantity of cattle, implements Ac, will be fifered for sale by .T. W. Morrow, Auctioneer. Three months' credit on furnishiug good paper, or eight per cent ofl for cash. As a family Medicine Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters are rapidly takins the place of pills, they aro equally effectual, do not grije weaken, or produce nausea and purely vegetable. In large 8 oi ties at 50 cents, A. Tubnbb special agents for Markdale. A Sad and Fatal accidknt.â€" On Friday evening, the 22nd inst., Clras. Abbott, son of John Abkott, Esq., Dep. Reeve of ProtoE, while o« baa way home from Duudalk, in eocnpanT witli two other young men. was thrown off the wapgon, receiving injaries which eaased bis death at 6 o'clock the foilowing mDrning. The deceas- ed had been fitting himself for School Teaehins. and had obtained » life cer- tificate a few days previona to the His parents have the sin- are bot- Ck)., ,ir« it. b« «* r^uaO ^-^ 1 oMd, (b or vr*r»ii on Med. l*"" •^•S C^ for r«i*'**fJi 0»* " sad evsut. *;v.o never claimed for his cere sympathy of the entire commun ity. .^. Azrivad per 8. E. drtauuMM, AUen Line MaU Steinicr. several ea«* of dry aooils, ccmp rising Gents, leady- made elothiug. TweeJa, with a Ursje assottmefct of L»dies' Gernaan Md EuKhsh Jacketa, teJ, and other liaU guuda.lor W. ».lIewateM,«f Iii»«« Uoose, Pott^aUb .-.^^-.Constipation Bitt«s any i, "'fowEK OF Hkauho, but ,,f^" consnousncFs ef their J^es be prescribes them " '0 suffer from derange^ 'O'^maoh, Bowels Liver '*• la Uige 8 OS. boUle* A. Tva-NEB Co., "^iiile. special Those who are subject to Bilions ness.Constipation, Dy8pepsia,Indiges- tion or any Kidney Affection, should take the advise of an able physieian and use Dr. Carson's Btomaoh /md Constipation Bitters. Li large botdes at 50 conts. A. Titrnu ACoh p«cial ageotstor Markdale. Thb Methodiat Chnroh at Dtfndrfk, which has been undergoing repairs and otherwise improved, is to be re- opened on Sunday, 18th inst. Rev. C. Fish, of Owen Sound, Chairman of the district, preaches morning and evening, and Rev. Mr. Eakine, Pres- byterian Minister, Dundalk, preaches in the afternoon. There will be a Harvest Home ITestival, held iu con- nection with the xe-of ening on Mon day, I9th. Admission 26ct8. children under 10 years 16 cts. Dundalk Division Sons of Temper- ance No 410. held an open Lodge in the Orange Hall, on the evening of Friday last, which was well attended •he Lali beinj? filled. Eev.,J. S.Eakius, W. P., prosiding. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. A. Potter. Excellent addresse" were given by Rev. J. B.Eakins, Rev. A. Potterond J. J. Middleton also a Recitatiou by M. Jennings, llie fol- lowing Ladies and guntlemencontiib- nted much to the evening's entertain- ment in singing, viz.:â€" Miss. Rundle, Miss. C. Philips, Mrs. Gar- diner, and Mrs. Atkiu3on Mr Sy miuxton, and Mr. W. Rondle. We think the Temperance Division iu this place is deserving of moro support. payer. Also that I will be challenged for my name. Mr. Editw, my mtnd IS rjady when he gives his. and if I bear any more from hiii I will pttbhfh bis name, per my coonciL Thanks for space in your valuable paper. ' Y Yoy COUKSPOKDEKT. ®0rrr«p«ii»(tir(. MarkdaJe^ Anguft 84, 1861. Messrs. A. Turner k Co., Qent»â€" I take much pleasure m certifying to tlie benefit I have expe- rienced from the use o B. B. Bitters. I have suffered much for jears bnck from Dispepsia and eonBtlpaUaD.-r Last spring I used fonr bottka of B. B. Bitters, purchased Irotn yod, and am happy to s.iy have enjoyed perf«»ct health since. Yours titily, his ' • JAXBBxBKATry. mark CHATSWOBTH. (By Teleiiraph to ihe Uerald.) An accident occurcd on the (arm of John Atkinson on the first iust.,which will likely proye fatal to a man nam* ed John Morrison. While rnnning a steam threshing machine, the engine did not seem to make enough speed lor the machinery and he turned the steam on suddenly, tirhich broke the knuckle next the engine. The end of the tumbling shalt went np iu the air 10 or 12 feet, and fell on tho head of Morrison, dealing him a fiarfol blow. He iias remained unconscious over since, and will probably die Since the above was I'l type wn learn that Morrison died in about an hour and a half atter the accident. To the Editor of the Staxdasd. Deab Sot, â€" I see the Adranee of the 11th of August contains a jlong article from "Crusoe" of the Canibal Islands upon the ehow bnsiness. But it is his native element and would perhaps make a better showman than a reeve or warden, because when there is township matters of any importance to adjust Mr. Creasor has to be feed by the township. He is famous for personalities and ridicnling a man's best efforts to do good. A nice way for a local brother and a class leader to hold a man up before a Sabbath school, and when ho fancied he was wToug in the man he triumphed over it. See how John BnU treats his brother .lud the irreverent quotations fi-om tho Bibleâ€" punning upon scrip- ture, c. Now, Mr. Editor, I waited to see if that person that was so basely abused, innocently with others, would retaliate, but in vain they treat him with silent contempt; and as he is so far beneath theii- notice I will disdain to have anything more to say to him except ask him if the reeve shines to any better advantage suice he made an exhibition of him to the public. Not many will dream that the reeve wrote those letters himself. The man that would wrile and oppose what would be a boon to tbo public of this locality would, in my estimation, have a poor chance to go to Parliament, when he would oppose improvements of such imiortance at home, what would he he worth as an M. P. The will never be launched. In re- gard to the town hall â€" no one said it Was not right to build it. But why not build it out of township money and take credit for such, and let the grant go to the roads â€" $2,000 iu the bank at 3 per cent, and such roods But lO say anymore about the roads would be like digging in the ashes as the roads are iu a scadalous condition and to bo seen by every person. I will let the people be judges. He has ceased to speak of township matters perhaps the best policy, because ho was gener- ally committed himself. Now, Mr. Editor, I will give him a text for the next time he preachesâ€" 1st Kings ix, 2 â€" "Bo tliou strong therefore and show thyself a man." These words were si^oken by David to Solomon just on the eve of Solomon's accession to the throne of his father David.' A man who is so full of himself that he can hold nothing else would have said "Why, I have nothing to do with man- hood 1 am a king." But Solomon's wish was to be a true 'and noble man rather than a king which was far bet- ter. There are many reeves and war- dens who have not been true men they are citlier forgotten or only re- membered with contempt and hatred, and there have been men who have sprung from even as low rank as that of a grain buyer that will shine for ever. Now, Mr. Editor, if this rate- payer will go into his best room and introduce himsdf to himself he will not like hifl companion and if the old man's vision was clearer he would see my name on the roll, and if he has a de.sire to look into my moral and financial character he will find no. blurs in the shape of church trials or church cloaks, or fifty cents on the dollar. And to you, Mr. Atlrane if your last pcpper-aauce was too hot it served you right. Take a lesson not to intci-fcre in behaif of a self-consti- tuted, infalihle council again, bat "folk maim do somfitiang for th«ir bread and sae maun death." He sagrs now that he lias attained a certain knowledcre he will turn to his atten- tion to matters of more importaace, vix A boy dresseil in woman's clothes in Markdale. But, Mr. Editor, the unthankful always existed. If it bad not bceu for Correspondent and the Statoabd he would have had nothing of importance to print now that the stream has dried up I am at a loss to know what he will do bnt fsaffom lik* pw rest of the royal CHafly^itt the ^4g W after baviag dank -wB quietly kick the backet. Veni^â€" Fred Leitoh's emaah op not â- Â«. Wba* way then? Tell his story No. 2. Strang* to aaj it oeeured in the Terr cat that Cmsoe's tenant had the road job and the one that never waa tboo^ to be property fin!ah*d, but how the rent was paid that year ia only known to Cmsoe, Jack Smith and the lamp post, leae ilte b«todtlM*Il^ instrootofs. I hareTBy tfm.' BXT' none but took cjui agree with rato Those in want of fruit should read Mclntyre's new adv. in another oolomn. THE MARKETS MARKDALE. Fbioat, June 10, 1881. Flour 5,25 to 5.75 8priug Wheat per bash., iiew 1.10 tc 1.6 du. • •••••â- â€¢â€¢ ^. Fall Barley Oatg Peas Totatoes. Butt«r, per lb. Eggs, per dox. I'ork, drbssed, Be^ Geese per lb. Ducks, psr pair Fowls, per pair Turkeys, per lb.. Sheepskmt UiJdg seed, Hay Wool Orcen App/os, i^i. baxhel Lard Tallow DryCordWood do. do. 1.10 to 1.15 •«*4*B*e*» J.60 0.8U 0.60 U.80 0.17 0.13 7.00 4.50 0.06 0.40 ' 0.80 0,07 50 6.00 ' S.oo ' 10 00 ' 0.23 ' 0.50 0.10 O.Ofi 1.80 ' 0.M 0.38 O.CO 0.S6 0.00 0.00 7.25 6.00 0.00 0.4t 0.25 0.07 O.fiO 7.00 2.40 l-J.OO 0.00 0. 0.10 0.07 0.00 Horse- Shoeing a Specialty Markdale, JnneS, 18 1. 14 tf SPECIAL NOTICES. Mothara I Iffotbere I Motheca 1 1 Are yoo disturbed at night and broken cf yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of Dotting teeth If so. go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WIHSLOW'S 8JOTHINO 8YBUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend apon it there is no mistake about it Tlieie is not a mother upon earth who imt ever used it, who will not tell yon at ODoethatit wfll reg-'ate tlte bowels, and give ref t to tke mother, and rdicf aad health to the ehild, operating liKe magic. It is ^^- fbctly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the state, and is the prescriptioa of ne rf the oldest and best {emale physieians aod nvaes in tW United Statoa. Said ev^- wkereataSanUsVitaa. 9(Hr BEST AHB COMFOBT to xm SUFFEBINO has DO eqnal for reUeving pain, both inter- nal and extemaL It oon» pain in the Side. Baek or Boweta, Sore Thr.i»», TthemnataMi. Tootkaeha, Lanhai^ aitd any kind of • Pun or Aohe. "It wiU WMt aoraly qidekeo Ike Blo»d and h«a. aa ito •«»»â- Â« P"*^*" **^ deriaL" -l»f»w«*« a aaiA e l d ^aay." being aeknowJedgrfae the great Pain Balijw er. «nd of dcaiUatleAliM||tk.4 Klivr or UitetVit ia lll| "â- " ia •Mrj famiQr hai 'i«»lr«alty« far Cnmps ns the 9 __»_,_ ,. ' -â€" •! an kw-to," aa* to*f a* ^•U STARTUilG DiaCOVERYl im» Depart »»*â-  â-  »â€" 'J A*^ "".â-  â- â- â- â- ^y tsMi ;^^,J BiSt! A. M'lNTYRe TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MINTYRB ST-otoj:, F 1o%3 j:» EUovlx. McINTYBE'8 UQIORS l_UQUORt t McINTYBE'6 cigars, Cigars. MoINTYRE'8 Coffee, Coffee. And eveiything kept in in a fint-class Qroceiy and Liquor Store always on hand, cbsat nb cabs. MolNTYBE'B MULIIKALI MCALI MdN'lTBfi'B Pork, Pork. Pork. MclNTYBE'B T*ea,s, T'ecis. 9'V|I'|^4 Bobt. S. Bae, TAIL OR, Svdenhthl Street, MAKKDALE. Markdale, Jnly 7,1 as:. 43-6m A NOTICE. 1'^HG fnbsrrihci in rettirning thanks to their nnmeruus odstomers wish to in- timate tliat tliey Have A LARGE STOCK OF LEATHER ot all kinds from cowhide to the fine'^t Mo- rocco on hand, suitable for tlie Fall trade, and customers will fimi it to their advantage to give us a call. We have no specialty, all kinds will receive the same attention. P. S. â€" AU parties having got boots from UK during the Sammer teasou, not giving xatiFfiictiou, will get them renaind free of char.:e. as it was the fault of a bad, nnprin- i-ipalled yi'iiug maii we had wcrkiug witli ns duriii j that time. KAY TNOMAS. Markdale. Aug 18th, 1881. iV-U. Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FROM MARKDALE. LOT 1 19. Concession 1, Artemesia, East side T. A S. Boad, containing 50 acres â€" 46 of which is under cal.ivation, and tlie balance liard timber. The above farm is a very desirable property and will be foU cheap, A good frame barm and log house is on the place. Possecsiovi given this fall. For farther par- ticulars apply to WM. LITTLE JOHNS, On the premises, or to C. W. BcTLKi)« Markdale. Sept. 2nd, 1881. 6J-tf. Parni for Sale. LOT No. 9, Conoession 10, Olenelg, con- taining 100 acresâ€" 80 of which ib cleared and under enltivation, the bahtnoe well timbered, chiefly hardwood. On tha premises is a bam 60x24, a house and out- boiidin^, and a yonng orchard, is wcU wat- ered aud well fenced with cedar rails. It is situated miles from the thriving village of Markdale, Title good pos.sesKJon given at once. Will be sold at • raerifice, as the pro- prietor IB going Wott. Aptly to JOHN BLACK, Traveraton P.O. or to C. W. BOTi.ioB, MarkdaU. September 3nd, 1881. 61-8t* NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby givtn that promise sory note for •150.26, purporting to be made bv me in favor nl the "Globe Light* ning Bod Co.," was obtained from me by one D. Butherford, who represented him^f to be an agent of said Company, as, and for an a.knowledgement for the leoeipt of lightning rod material, I having previonaly agreed to act as the CoBipany's local agent. As I •ever jMLrehas^ aaid BMterial and nerer in- tendbdto give tmfMokt ttieasbr, jpaynant of said note U refdsM. (Signed). THOMAS UiMHT. Markdale, Aug. 18th, 188l. 61-tl. ^a^wtt^t* â-  !â-  iwsi w wi« PIMPI^ES Balm Iwmmaa(Fr«a)tk« noir* iar a aiaipl^ VBOBTAau Balm that viH tamon Tax' FBECKiaiS. PIlirLBS mmA k«K!na,iaaT luf the Skin aofk, «laa»,aod k ii ^f al;eJM ^itnMtiHMf ar nalaaiag a lor olaat fiMrtk of hair on a bald head or Baaooth iaaa. Ad- iitm. tmikmint a U. «amp,Ben. Ymaim YOUTH. far vsar. PBBMA- TERROR OF A IrtMa Kwow DKBEUTT, TDSBDBCAT.aalaBtk*i«Bato of yo«tk lal ia toM »4faw. wM fartte sake ct la gih il hoaeaBflf, mUwrnVamra aBevesa eseayaM iOaX S. OOOBH. 4iC«dar st-MewToik ao-iv THE BEST REMkUf roR Diseases of the Tbroat anl Lous. J^^V I9'!s " disaases ot the pnU «al E«ni^ monary organs a safe and reliable re«iely Ib invalitable. Atbb'b CHeUMV PcnoKAL ia Btich a remctly. and no otheraoenlllienfly mero its the rolifld^nce ot the rniblic. It ib a Bcl entiflc combtnatioo of the medicinal princi- ple« and ctmtive vir (lies uf the flnest drtiga. chemically united, of audi powf f as to insiir* tlte greatest peMtible rfflfiettry and iiinform- DC/'TY\OirT~ ity of Jesuits. It strikes rtX) 1 \JKt\L. g, the toundatioa of all pnlioonary disease*, alTdrdine prompt relief and rapid rnres, and i* adajni^ to patients of •njr age or cither sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordinarr Coaghs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronenitis, Influenza, Clergi-nian'a Sore Throat, Aatbma, Croup, and Ca- tarrh, the effects of .Avfh'a Chbbrv Par. TOBAL are magical, and roultitudoa aie an- nually preserved from wrlOtis illness by its timely and (aithdil use. It should be kept at hand la rveiy boiisehald (or the pro* tection It affords in suddeu attacks. Id Whooping •rough aud Consumption there is no other remedy to efflcaoious, soothing, and bplpfiil. Low prioM are iiuiurements to try some of the many lulxutres, or ^ynips. made of cheap and ineffective Ingredients, now offerwi. can afford only temporary relief, and are ante todrrcivc and di»appoiut the patient, niseaaes of the tliroat and lungs demand active ami elTective treatment; and Itiadan- geroiu experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseasea may, While so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Us« Aykk's ChbrbV Pbctoual, aod yon may conlidently expect the best results. It is a stamlanl medical premration, of knoWn and. avkiiowletlged curative power, aud is as' 9hea| IU Its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its roinposition. prescribe it in thtir practice. The tcit of half a centurv Ins proven its absolute certainty to cure all pfl\- monary complaints not already beyond tko reach of human aid. Prepared by Or. J. C. Aydr tt C6.,' rractlcat and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Matt. SM.» BT ALL DBUUiltsTa BVBBTWBBaa. TAILORING C. A. OWEN. Fasbionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depait- ment over McFarland's store, wishes to inform the pubUc of Markdale and the stfrroAuding country, that he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly arid Tastily CUTTING! Done n- il eustomers are waiting. MUDICAIffim 2bw£ ^a. 2S 3C 12 .^i. X^ £3 • â-  " -,..â- .. • :,â-  ' V^-^- â-  A FULL ABSOBtMENT IM %^ FOLLOWING LIMBS KSPT COIISTAKtK/ OH H4M0 Dye Stuffe, M'-^iM^( Paints and Oils, f- Pa-tent Medicines/ Schoo Boooks, Stationeryv' Fan6y Gtood^f Toilet Ai'ticl^, Pure iStugs and Chemicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos*- ' »•"' â-  ' '*.-â- ,-â-  Agents fcrr Vicktsr*? E*pfeB«r and KfoVrtreat 'f^it^'ipii Companies; â- :;• A. TURNER CO. Markdale, Aug. 3rd. i88l. .* • ;\ U THE UTE8T FASHION PLATES Always on hand to obnse from. J A Good Fit Gaaranteed -AT- LOAV R^XESa iS'Remember the Place, Over McFajlana'a Stt)re. Markdale June IC. 1681 40-if ROBT. ASKIN, ]Vf ^RKD A E^K, Has opaaedont B l%tt-ClBts Furniture â€" ABD UNDERAKING ESTAaLiSHMENL Andtbvriotehaa laappi er iMoMy in Ike Ui lUad a'«aat long Ml, ndertaking Lina. OOFTIKB. C5 SHBOnDS,. ^aD fiKUL Fniisiiiaiit THE TEN p Insurance Gomtnaiidments i. Thou shalt irfsiire thy reaf and personal efefat'e and alf that thou h'ast against fire, for â€" Defending thyself from miBfortiine netil old age, " Thy happtness shall equal thy wisdom. 2. Thou shalt not insure more than thou dost possess, for insurarrce is a business wherein thou canst not make money; This is simply thy dirty in order to pieserve what thou hast acquiTed. Freservo that wbicli fliou '^lialt ab([uird, " ' Whoso ia prudent gunrUeth his goods. 6: Thou stiailt not insure less than thou -iost posaess â€" for what thou dofll not insure, witl not bo paid in case of loss. Though poverty is not a vi^e ' To lose all is not a pleasure. 4. Thoa shalt not ma^e excessive dedai^tionB of value respecting thy prop, erty in case of fire; but thou sliall state truly that which belongs to tliiee, thai tLoQ mayest nok hove a lawriit or gain a bad reputation As we make our bed so must we lie. 5. Tbon shalt aiso exhort thy neighbors, thy friends,' an3 tfay rolati'oiis to^ insure themselves, thiat they may eBcape lo^s, tmd that poverty Utrough ti loss by fire be not laid to thy char^^e. That which com^s by ib'i rule C^es by the d'niia. 'i' 6. Thoa shalt not backslide, nor hinder' thy neighbor from makitijg Stt these insurances, fur tlioso who are so nn'provideut hs not to insute are thoait who are must visited with losses no one pities their condition. Those that are beaten pay the fine. 7. Thoa shalt not search for evasion to G;et rid of the exp«nRi6 of insnranoe, for it is low in proportion to thy position -, thou canst put by hh mneii aa th.O talae of the bottles oi wine thou driukest, and then wilt then have ra^« cient for all thy insurance. The pitchef that goes often to the well mnst iu the end be filled. 8. Thoa shalt regard the expense of iu«uiancc like the exponsn of thy meat and drink and as thou canst not do without these, because thou haxt linuger and thisrt tbon shalt not trfore hesitate about insurance, bccaiiao it ilrill siya^ thee security, repose, consolation^ aut ^. â-  v-.^" ' In thirst and mtyforttine ,. •, ' ' A pear in renrve is a pleasure. 9. Thoa shal l«e earefol when thotLinsaresi that thou seleeteel a rellaVU aad salB«lt^ panv and that Ihe a^nt la an honei't one, bocaase in so doing in ease of a loss thv mavttf shall not hav« ten paid for nonght, and if thou lose tliy property and not gat Ihy laa^r- aaee th(Aiwill b^bepoorar than a chtlreh rat. Tf thou fallest into poverty Peoplewill care but little for thee. â- -.:*.- 10. Thou ahalt do all thy in8aranr with Robert Davlfl, the OonTaranoat mi Land and Insurance Agent at Flesherton, for â€" He representa only the best companies, and B« guards well his patrons' interests. ROBT. DAVIS, ConVeyaneef, Cmnmissivner in B. 11.. Bcal Estate, Loan, aud Katate Agant. FleshsrtoiJ Branch office, Butledge's Hotel, Markdale, evary Thnraday; Flesherton, Febi 8, 1881' H-tf GOLD Or its equivalent, can purchase any thing yod may require in DRY GOODS, GHOCEKIfis, BOOTS and SHOES, or in fact anything that is usually rouuD In a general country store ZXT V M cassrra wahtbd. -Big ftr.â€" FtrfiNtTtrBBI ROBT. ASKIK. PurchasMi^ you should always ascertaiu where yod can purckflise to the best advantage, that is get the best £ood« at the lowest price, and that ,,i..;3;.i^irTi f ' '• place is :!/.,, .*^;:, .^,-7,,,- ;.•.-. BUUTTER A RArsT August gth, i88ii 'i ..; I fcr m

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