BROS., ^fMilUneryl,'*^ ipnsing "*^7 AND 8ITK FEATHEtS |nD TKlMlii,!^, IDE TO OKdIhi. ^11 assorted in all I reading a long jving we ctn gi^' re would solict a !J D AIiE oor Factbi LDINGS, " [OLLOW BATTONs, rders Promptly PUlgj, to- the people of Ua:l]k]a anj yiiiji. I pi?t, and hop«s by olo«« »tt^^S^L and will in fntor* keept filfllMk tl UMBE [d and UNDBE88BD, ii.« Lambrr and Lath from dtKrikl ijooner luad in • few dayt. land ITancy Xtirniog I ]t-rlass manner. 'HOS. McNEA. Invention IS A Ial DEVIC] ig to Play iCOMPANIMEITl D ORGAI Lg or Old, whe jal talent or ifi*.^ IPLiAY ANT a VBET TIMBi luld take [e old way, jat expense Ltion, etc., e^i )u receip o* so- ts pcBuaaiEi) -f ruiDY Mowtntna ^^\ime to meet the early maUi. *!Tbe U.e.i i-oreign and Prorlndal «»ll IuwUi«ence. Coonty Boainees. »g M^Z. and an InBtrnctive F*.,!idnUthe end of the year. No M"^iinaea nntU all arre««es are P "P- "1 re/a^iBg pap-rs withoat payiM tioi l»n!2l rexponsible for the years sflb- f ' '*mS they comply with the rttles. "'I^TESOFADVEimaiHO; ,«i«i.a. one rear -150 00 ijo do «•• liio d» *^ do [jBe« and under, first iniertion.. ' tub sabieqiient insOTtion f^to ten lines, first insertion. g^b jabseqnent insertion ^„n lines, tirst insertion per line r EwU aubsepuent insertion flS aaraber of lines to be reckoned by the ' Toecapied measured by a scale of soUd ,r Advertisements without specific J^ns will be published till '"' bid ami -Mcordingly. AilUansitoryad'erUiB- J^t beTthe offlce of pUbUcaUonby U^k oa the Thurwlay mormni? preoeea- r pa M Ja rtnn O. W. RL'TLBDOB, Prupiletor. y^imm A BusiNEU '" DIRECTORY. 15 00 8 00 4 00 $0 15 75 35 8 2 wmmammmm O THB ^AMILT. VOL. I.--N0. "in?. ATIM, {action gMTMlMd. '"^11 Brown tud Bfnmi» Bt^aZ. "VJ!^,!?^ GEORGE WILSON, BilBTISHUni Mill St.. Markdata, next door to SlaDoi^ Harness shop. -^^bâ€" • ff^ Sproule Tarter, L,,iclan». SurgeonH, Accouclieurs .f^Cg. Medical Hall; rBsideiieB at fff^. Sept 17, 1880. 1-T DR. PITRDT, lr»HrsK '*-'"'• SUBOEON. ACCOUCH- IP"„, EicisiA P. 0. i«i«u hiin. R. Wilkes, lirrister at Law, Owen Sound. f,)tKI("E.â€" M'""'" building, over Boblb- L ', Poalet Street. 1-y Pr*»t Frost, lABBlSTEK.S, AND ATTORN KYS- AT J L»w, .Solicitors in Chancery, Convey f, ,tc.. Owt-u Sound, have re.-iamed at BhertuD, OiBco open every Thursday, as 10(0 re. ijiiMP FsnsT. J. •«. FaosT, LL. B. d.jiinly Crown Attomey. 1 ' Jnmes Masson, IniiBISTEltand ATTOKNKT AT-LAW, IniUwi in Chancery, Owen Snuod. 3»pt, 17, H.'*0. l-y James Lamun, I »noK.Ni;YAT-L.VW, SOLICITOR IN |ji CiiBii'-ery, Notary Public, Sc. yoD«v losned at lowest rates on personal ei real eitate. liaiid-i bnn!;lit and sold. [«r sad si'Ucr introduced free ot eommis- DUNDALK. Sfptember 21st, IH'iO. 1 Wm. Brown, IrSSIKU OF MAUUIAGE LICENSES, *c., 11 (.â- â- iiiiiii.HsioiiiT in B. U.c. Coini'Miciii(? ill all its branches promptly IBuili 1 to «nd cartfiilly executed. N 1). â€".Money to Liiul on £state se- ' SirkJaJe. Sept. i7, 1880. 1-y .4lexnnilr Brown, ISSrEK •â- f MiiirMi.(i' Lioensfs, Fire and Lfe l:i~uniiicii A^ent. Uomraisaiouei lio B. I!, -vc. Cunvi'yancer and Licensed lAiKJjom-. r the County of Orey. Farmers, Jlfnriuint^, and Laiiil Sales, Punctually at |knMt' 'till charK't's lu.-ule very moderate. i-nwvillu, S-pt. 17. 1S80. 1-T Ueorg^ orbct, Jr LiNI LOAN AND CIENEBAL AGENT Owen Sound. Monuv to Loan at low Inmof inlrnst. Principal pAvable at the Imtiufs t rill uf yi-nrs,and intereKt half year- liiorwir'.y, or principal and interest repay- liiil'in instalments, STA number of desirable Improved Farms llrule. 1-y J. C SlnK« DOMINION AND PROVINCIAI. LAND onrviiyor. DrauKhtsman and Valoator, li«ford sn'i Mitrkdale. Having purchased Prnvinciiil Land Surveyor Charles Rankin's aiire stiK-k of original Field Notes, Plana, Efprti, Instnictioiia, Ac.. of all his Surveys \i)m within the last tifty-five years, I am pn-mri'il to iniiku Surveys in strict accurd- ^e tht-rewith. Profiles and Estimates GnkliUK Hills, Plans and Specifications Baihliiii! Bri'lgos, furnished on applica- " Monev to Loan at 8 per cent interest. ^n,n by |,."iter, or left with O. J. BLYTH, Odkilsle, will be promptl^attended to. SUri't. 17. IsHlt. 1-V PrtttUtrs, itlr. James J. W^hltc, Outsat to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sonnd, I HriLr, BR AT THB REVERE HOUSE, J IT Markdale, on the last Wednesday in I *!! month, when he will be prepared to per- Iwosll o)ierations required upon the month l tht most xatisfactury manner, and npon latuusble terms. 1 y [REVERE HOTEL, nAKK.DAL.1:. I r SPROULE, Proprietor. THIS popular Hotel has had a large ad- dition added to it, thoronghly refitted, I ti IS now second to none in the oounty. (nod stabling and attentive ostler. First- ^â€"» a:cuinmodation for oommerei*! travel- I ^- Terns 91.00 per dar. l7-ly MEAFOBD, Ont. ' J. McUIRB, PmopBHToma. E»erv accommodation lor the trarelling P«llic. The bar is well stocked with the "â- oiceit Wines and Liquors snd the best ^fvidi of Cigars. f re« 'bus to and from all trsina. J?rtn. 1880. 1-J COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILLiE. Ont. ^*'ti and oommodiooa Sample Booms Bfd Kooms, *c. The Bar and Urder ?â„¢ lapphea with the best the market at "' good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TU03. ATKINSON, Proprietos OWober Slst, I880. ORC^l "'f MandSlioeSliop. PBIO *:»- sir lEAWTO*^* lg Street Eastf T*P^ THE snbseribers beg to ud«m the A 8«eraUy that they hara opened • akpe nop in the premises lately cconpied by J). r****!- on MiU street, where they are pre- J*^ to take orders for all kinds of work in ««irlme. Repairing done promptly. •ewe* Work a Speetaily. ^â-¼e do a strictly cash bosinasf we e«n ftf- 8^.17. IS* Meat deliyared at tmf 8ept.;i7, 1880. iatowa. VE TERJH AWY. John H. Haartl, ManafaetaBw and dealwio GDtter8,Slei^Boges, WAGGONS. CTJLtlVATOKB, HORSE RAKES. PLOUGHS, HAsaoW AJf» A llkindsof Jarmtnglmptenunts Mswihehiij mmi HiUatreeUi FLESH ERTO N MARKDALE, SE mA'M£?mfc«sr- R 9, 1881.. WHOLE No. 52 "A WAiy*a fomtvutw,*' "Td L«toT or GoanoM Lba." *Ci stfmL C^ radoate ot Oatwfe T Toronto. (Ms promply attended to. SS-Sm. â- ^' V lUl or Tel^mith IfATtimAT,!?, Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, DUNDALK. Money l^oaned IN large of small amonnts, at all times, on good eudotsed notes, or on eoUateral security. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Depoaits. i3*Drafts issded and Colleeiions made on all points, at lowest rates. Septembeti WM. 1880. LUCAS A Co. i-J mMt NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Orey. AaiilT for the following reliable Companies CITIZEN ' of Montreal, AGRICULTURAL, of Watertown, and TRADE COMMERCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms for sole, also Village Lots. Auction S lies conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. X'harges moderate, BUls, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Mabkdalb. May 20th, 1681. 3C-ly WM. FOX, Plain Ornamental Platlerer Estimates for stone and brickwork on ap- plication. Satisfaction Gnranteed. Resi- dence â€" Queer Street) Markdale. Morkdale, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-y Meat for All AT " W. B. Sarjent's. to irr Panon,-^4hMya thmi ot my iu SiytMda,MdlisyiMt«kelarg«M ami Meat eoBvaniMt Ktaatoty la Ma kiaaBty. I mm pnpsted to adl CMriacw-aadlaiplMMDU a Twy faes ripUu o in the beet utyUit^uin Mm aariMi, aod at priaes M lowasaoT^oe- to tko qnality of the work. ' «»1 The subserilier retams thanks to the in- habitants of MARKDALE and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, and begs to remind them that he is prepared to supply tneir wants in his line as a? any one north of Toronto. M aai Cond Meats delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Season. the Shop on Mill sreett, opposite Revere Hotel." fS'Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking yon for past favors he trusto Iv faithfjil attention toyonr wants to merit a continnance of yonr support. MoTicK. â€" Farmers having fat sheep or cat- tle to dispose of will leate their address at Sargeant's W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale, Sept. 17th 1680. 1 J. MONTGOMERY^ II is: S TK, THE Sabsoriber, in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and aor- rounding country for their patronage doring the past eight years, begs to intimate to tbem he is hoT prepared to supply the Pnbliewitti FRUIL POUND PLUM GAKE9b ather plain, or ' Iced and Ornamented, aada large Variety of Othffl? Cakes always on hand. Also. I S O TJ I T 1 of erery deaenptioa. trom the lieet mmnn- ia«tar«rs ia Oatana. Alw AlargiL^ar^ed sasortment ol t^* CNOKEST CIRFEeTlMEni BRIDES' CAKES. sapplied OB the shorteat notice, and intLal^atri* latial a aa iil a g a ai I KiraaM a FM«aaik-«aatafa willdowiaUto aeae in the maiket whieb will ooaspaiie wtth them in qoality, style aad fl«iali for Uie priee. li-iy SHOP I NOW TOO US! T.MUIiARKE'Y, QUEEN STREET, Keeps constantly on hand GNURNS, sun EN-TUBS. WASfl-'rUBS, Ac, c. Bfpairitig Done with Neatneu and hupatch. AOEATT FOB csuuKaTXit BEAPEB, MOWER, and RATTR!, Plonsns, Harrows, Oanc, Drills Etr. Ete Markdale. June 9. 1881. 119 ly that Toioato. tbk aide of IbSO, Tft mWj^y, JfOHH MOHTaOMSBX. Province Ontario Direoforr For lS8]8a, TO OE PUBUSHED IN NOVEMBEB. 'SI, Price »5.00. MB. LOVELL, at the request of several Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario, of tile City of Montreal, Ac, begs o announce |that his firm will publish a PROVINCE Ob" ONTARIO DIRECTORY, in November next, containing an llphabotical Diroctoy amd a tbobocooh OIjASSIFIBD Business Directory of the Business and Piofessional men in the Cities, Towns and Villages of Ontario, with a CI.ASS1FIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY or TBB CITY OF MONTUEAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be .-iven to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. 'Telfms ot Ad- vertising mode known upon apphcation. JOHN LOVKLL 4 SON, Publishers. Montreal, December, 1880. TH08. MATHEWS, Hay, thfa ihoaldbs bwiwi ug B .to ipt his homa^, ^og biai Ootti- ing in retom to peimit Um s Iots^'s torment, bat not a lover's pnvi]em«^ to treat him wiUi sold uid atoJlaiip-; diffetenee ontilvows iMdjoWHi 'tli^fp indirsolaUjr totstber; and IImb'U ni- «Md to bim sod to his vorld the lB|fr- Mstfol impostors ud taont bun tiiitb ^ihsme. |n)lTinf her oeir iitiga, *e B; "^^^^9^ *~Â¥W^» ^i^l^Uii9^mrmam,mlik tarn, Uttmhmg oajpe Itjtj^lwya fiat^^M i|^ lor las staehsasadad. he ast sod O^ WISHES to tender to his nnmerons custt-'mers his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 16 years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully solicit a oontinu- ance of the same, feeing eonfiident f that he can give Entire SatUfaction. Everything usoally kept in a Ft RST-CL A S NIRNESS ESTABLISHiENT, always on band, and sold ai moderate rates. I^None but good workman employed and the best of materials nsed. Markdale, Nav. 18. 188o- lo fSiieep and Jattle. f^^ FARMERS having good fat Sheep or Cattle to B«U| will find it to their advant- age to leave there names and address at Me- Cutchton's Hotel, Revere House. Markdale, as the undersigned are still on the war path, and will positively pay the highest i rioea. 0. W. A A. SPEEBS. Sept. t7th.l880. 1-T W. BENSON HAS NOW ON HAND WBICB CAiniOT •â- SaCKIASB. INGR^OERIIS! Our stock is Fresh, Laving joat been, por- ehaaed from the best dealers in the Enstetn m.irkets, Teas a, @p«^*|plliy* Indoding Lemons, Oraneaa, and rnl^ • aliaaa^jftnna. n^y be ha* eo ewy wssao. i- j- ' aUateraa. P. 8.â€" Those ioMted to *• .wrf^nw^ ' iIsCIOn a-qbm mm hkvv __^ i in tho â- as Wno el » n**^ -Wilson BcMHMm. It aeetaed to him that in the rw- ling notes there were the song of hiros, the dash of merrj wsves, the gladness of the saasbine, the butter of little ehildren. Then the gialdness grew and grew until it was Almost pain. There was a tbnlliijg iotensitr in those broken oLorda, those littie irteg- al«r pauses, thoae restless harmonies that changed ever heion their full fruition. It seemed to bim that her music was like the rapture of a human soul, imperfect as yet, but developuift ever towards perfection. At length the rapture was broken by a oraeb of discord. 'i'hen there was a storm for a while, storm and strui^gle and wild fierce ag- ouy, until the storm died away t-i sheer exbaastion, and nothing was left of it but long low moaningB. They hart bun â€" those long low moaniuRs, and once be thoogbt of pnt- ing a sprightly fantasia before ber and bidding her play it; but be changed bis mind and waited, watobing for the slue. What did it moan, this march of Uie notes, gathering strength and swelliug bader, clearer, to a burst ot exulta- tion Bbe stopped abruptly and her slender bands lay idle npon the keys. "What have you been playing t" he asked. "I have been playing my thoughts," answered Viola, with fngid composure. CH.vrTss Xil. In the Wye Valley the trees bee|tn to don their autumn livery. The weeks crept slowly by, but still Col- onel Pettitt stayed on at Burgot Grange, like an "Old Man of the Sea" astride William Burg3t's shoulders, declining to be removed. The iocuhus grew almost unbear- able, yet the unwilling host made no efifort to dislodge his guest, In occaBioual looks and tones, in allusions, prei^nant with veiled sar- casm, to their ancient intimacy in In- dia, William Burgot detected dormant suspicion and be feared to arouse a monster which might turn anc' rend him. As to the Colone he was perfectly content. The wines, the viands, the amusements, the society, were quite to bis taste, and particularly the somety. This middle-aged Mars had found m Clara Dallas a Venus to his liking, and he was madly in love with her. Clara smiled sweetly upon ber alor- cr and accepted his homage â€" when William Burgot was not present â€" most graciously. She was glad to have this recond string to hei bow, to be fitted and used, perbapf, if the first should snap. Failing William Burgot and his fifteen thousand a year, she might be glad to fall back on Colonel Pettitt and his half-pay, par- ticularly if his half pay were supple- mented by a good private fortune. She prepared many dainty lures to en- trap the Colonel into communicative- ness upon the latter point, but withoat result. He SbW tiie lures, he was conscious of the mercenary nature of his god- dess r he knew that, however sweet her smilee, however gracious her man- ner, she wonld not permit a definite declaration of his affection unless he could surround himself, like Jupiter, with a shower of gold. A charmed circle was drawn about ber, over which no one might pass but he who was ireaaore^laden. He felt that if he should bo rash enough to break through, it wonld be the prelude to a summary dismissal. For the Colonel was poor, very poor, for a man in his position and likely to remam so, unless m following op certam vague suspicions he might chance to find a royal road to fortune. He was not jealous of WilUam Bur- got tor the Squire's manner towards Clara was not one to inspire mistrust or to iifford Mrs Robert occasion to felicitate herself on the result of skill- ful diplomacy. He let the girl make court to him, ia her playful kittenisb way, whilst the Colonel smiled be- nignautly, as upon an affection of fil- ial regard. But, remembering Mrs. Robert's overtures, and noting the oontinnal eudorseqaent of them visible in Clara's little attentions, WilUam Burgot felt too disgusted to reload. It woold be time enough, he reasoned, to pluck this over-ripe plum when the chance of starying became more im- laiaant. ""What are your plans for the morn- ing, Burgot?" asked the Colonel one di^ at breakfast. "I think we might try the aovers adjoiaiac Armidale's land â€" in Caot, I ananged Isat sight that we shoald meet him at-tan sharp." ••How dflUghtful i" cried Mn. Ba) ert "It IS qmte warm to-day oat of doors. We ean bnng laaeheoa, and iiaip yon todamobifait. I do to en- joy thoee {easts in the i^en air I" So tt came to pass that ata given tiose there was a reunion beneath a noble old tne. hard by a belt of gorst. It was a piataresfae sesae- the fl»- IPCS aataaaal tmia of the folMge. we heap ot alaafffalared game. tlM wm aqi AoDti nc MN irf^««PMi»" »ay»wt peot wtww4ha ktar- An w«Dt asHty aa • aaniaca beO, •atil WiUiam B«%ai, i jliiUfil?, )i«vr' »W1 9 IWL *:/. srilh rXhess ia mmm,-U .^^ »iiiDChMid«M|i(d4nn.49riia, "Ak »vkia«i Aptjats^iiinBibtoMviotb. »g.4iiiMQiiMyjMriis.*'« "Obviai .ifM Jbdp j9« to^ 4ia« «ff jowr aoatt" «nad ••J()ear Qfa^m" Ysrjr gantlj AamtxiB/cmi^^ sng- «MtM sanriaei^noi xqiUi Jn,ik tiui .whitB plMve^ of his shiri to ^ff^rtam fUtfi^e^effgsidone. Afevprieks and aw fa tp^^ -9P^' ^^ ^^W^ 1^ k^^ijtft â- dieeo l o ta tion, m%^ scars w. W^n lie i^MM^ his soke was less load than usual, and an qniver «f eteitement ran dtfoogh it. "Only a wild eat could have given you those beauty-marks," be observed. "Onoe 1 saw a poor fallow's arm rip- ped open in a similar way, Do you remember the tiger-hiut ot Janirapore Burgot?" Did he remember William Bur- got's face turned ghastly pale. For one instant he met the speaker's glance, then his eyes sought the ground. "How ill you look I" cried llrs. Bobfrt. "Dear Clara, giye the poor fellow some brandy in a tumbler I" "I fenr its a nasty sprain â€" the pain is intense," replied William Burgot, huskily. "You must all excuse me. I shall go bouie." He did not wait for condolences or for remonstrances, but strode away. Clara hurried after him, with expires- sicns of solicitude. Colonel Pettitt watched her with eyes that were fall of triumphant amusement. He drank much champagne and made jests ss they ate the ^/*t»tot repast and he shot very wildly after- wards, missing many birds without the shghtest impairing of his joyous- nesa. When the spurt was over, and be and Lord Armidale were slowly re- turning to the Grants, they encoun- tered "dear Clara" and Viola, who had oorae to meet them. As a matter of course. Lord Armidale took posses- sion of his betrothed, and Miss Dallas and the Colonel wero left to entertain each other, They walked through the weeded ways together, and they paused for a moment in a dell where the leaves bad drifted together, to note how the great artist Nature had dashed ber colors on the trees and made them look beauti- ful. And, so strouK is the magician Love, this middle-aged soldier ^ew yotmt; a^ain all the forgotten ro- mance of his nature rame surging to his heart. All cLruugh his after-life he would remember how, at that in- stant, dead leaves rustled about his feet, the wind sighed through half- denuded bougl s, and the touch of Clara's hand upon his arm thrilled him with ecstacy. "My stay at the Grange has been a very happy one," he said; "but the happiest experiences must have au end. Tcmorow I go away." "So soon, and so suddenly ' asked Clara. Her eyes, her reproachful tones, said much more, filling him with almost delirioas joy, yet, in the height of his delirium, he recognised that he must not presume upon the tenderness they imphed. "I am called away on pressing busi- ness," he said. "1 am going to Italy." "On what errand?" asked Clara, with the most innocent and child-like directness. "To develop a gold mine." said the Colonel, with a jocose playfulness. "Until today, Miss Dallas, I have been a poor man now I see a fair prospect of becoming a rich one. I believe my gold mine will produce not less than five thousand a year. In t}-H!ase, would you like to go halves with me " He looked into her eyes eagerly. In spite of the jocosenees, he was trembling with eagerness, and he saw clearly enough that she apprehended t]e serious meaning which underlay his jest. Clara Dtdlas became sud- denly grsTe, and hesitated for many seconds ere she answered. Then, witli a beaming smile, she uttered the monoeyllaUe "Yes," and let bim withdraw the gloved hand from his arm and press his lips to it passion- ately. He hroke into jest and laughter again after that; the homeward walk was a very vnenj one. When they reached the Grange he asked for his host, and was informed that William Bargot intended to dine alone in his study, having given orders that no one should disturb him. So Colonel Pettitt, ere lie entered to oress for dinner, asked for pen and paper and wrote a brf et note, "Dear Bargott â€" I am called away hastify on pressing business, and I re- gret that, as I moat leave by early toaia to-morrow and yua are desirous of.aa lavaEdf privacy, I shall have no (^portanity to thank vou personal- ly for all your hoefitam kindness. I am, for Uie moment, vefyehociof cash can yoo conveniently inecease my indebtedness by lendug me one hiaAfa^ fronds?" "Yoars, '•M. PfettiM." "There," mnrmared the Colonel, ia triamphant solilofayâ€" "if that draws Arst Maod, aa I faei s«ra H ifia, I shall know that 1 am on flia right traek." As be was tying his eravat, flia senraat retamed, bearing an nnad- draaaed envelnpe eontabung ten ten- yoond iMUik-notrs, bearing alas ihe yeensirr that the bqnire's ana was so nabw that he eooM not hold a pen' Wt ka wis verysorry to lean that Oalaail P4tttftt was foraad to depart «D kaati^. aad be woold be plaaaad ta himi^aui at as aariy* date |)ia«i^ ««a •*« •» BiiM* Ompgo, id Chia waa saying "Oood-night:" to a aa sy bedy, in spito of the Cotonal'a die most really go and anteri 4air ittvabd ftar half an hoar. 81m fmrad him In Us alady, lyiaf badt ia an ussy ibiii bat with an iip i ' iiaw u M apoa iMffW Cms wiieh daaoted attythio^ baiaMital aaaa. Ba idt tbat the aaaa ha had pliTad ao kqg aadao abllftdlt Vai Bat there was vat lalHB whieh ought i ,him fimn nttet rain. "Oara." be said, "do yoo know that X^" '" ^^"^^ Annidala are to iwiaartM this day nionth " "Ma," she aaswand, in sotptiM. .•'jUwptaoalyc^ttledtMiar. Godld Vf o«tt,j|«aa|ra it, double wedding " Bbe nx^ied at him eamcat^t net quite sttM bt his meaninc. "OarweddiagtJtara." 'Bma taanoia^adrdflf tBVa-'liot flC BftaahgKWt, Ber m the leavea rasOed about ber feet and the wind eighed throat^ the branches, and th» aonsoioasnaas of a man's strong passions stirred her slugvirii blood a little. Certainly she should have prefer- red the Colonel but William Bargot had fifteen thonaaud a year. "Clara will you be my wife Will yoo marry me this d^ month " And "dear Clara, thinking she would take marvellously good care the engagement was not proclaimed until the Colonel had d.aprted, answered â€" "I wiU." CkaptbbXIII. The weeks crept slowly, slowly. All things are comparative, and, •hove all, the flightof time. It was a long, long month whteh preceded the day fixed for tbe double espousals -the marriage of Lord Armidale and Viola B-irgut, of William Burgot and Clara Dallas. Doubtless there were mnltitades of insolvent merchants and impecunious men of pleasore looking forward to the coming maturity of bills they could not hope to meet, to whom the month appeared tu melt away with in- credible bwiflness but lo these four bappf or unhappy lovers it seemed as though It Would never oome to an end. How uiauy mariages would take place if the contractine parties, who anticipated them with such eagerness, could throw off the glamour of soft mendacious speeches and loviug half- truths, and read with accuracy each other's hearts How very rarely do men tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" to the wo- man whom (hey profess to adore 1 Somebody once wished, in a moment of enthusiasm, that he had windows to his soul. Perhaps it never occur- red to him how very often he would need lo pot up the shutters, and to stop with ears every chink and crevice through which a warning beacon-light nright faintly glimmer. Lord Armidale had won his bride in sense but not as he won her long years before, when they had lounged amongst the wild-flowers and the weeds, beside the idle fountain, the shattered column end the headless Apollo. Then she had given herself to him utteriy. All the rich treasure of maidenly affection she had lavished ungrudgingly and without stint, with a child's innocence, witli an Italian woman's fiery enthusiasm, with burn- ing impassioned words which conceal- ed notLing for in her spotless purity and her unconventional ignorance she knew not that there was aught to con- ceal. She had shown bim every tbdught of her young heart and had made him feel that in every fibre of her being she belonged to him, and to him a' one. Now she had given herself again, promising to become his wife but as yet there was no real surrender. Long Ut»-a-tete$ bail they, as English cubtom allows, long walks, and rides and dnveS) in which sbe talked fluent- ly upon every conceivable topic with erudition which astonished him, proy- mg how indefatigably she must have ransacked the books of the mooastery and bringing to mind again and again bis jesting speech of their first inter- view "She who has access to a great hbrary may beeome the wisest woman in the world." But when he would have discussed a dearer theme, their mutual love, she was unaccountably silent and irre- sponsive. His tenderest eloquence could do no more than bring a look of inexplicable sadness into her beauti- ful eyes; and when, forgetting with a lover's impetnoiity his awe of her queenliness and of her stately unap- pi-oachability, he would have caught her to his heart, she shrank with the old cry, "Spare me for the present â€" not jot not yet t" No woader that Glaade, Lord Ar- midale, was estfer for tiie day when all reticence should be at an end and he shoal 1 ia truth poesess bis lovely bride. Nor was the girl herself leas eager. The strain upon her was so great, the eonstant necessity of self-crotrol was so imperative and so trying, it was so diffienlt and so repugnant oonstanUy to wear the mask of even passive hy- pocrisy, that she panted for the day when she might dash it to the ground, and stand fortiu her own avenger, to en^sy witt vindictive delifl^t the com- pleteness of her retaliatioD. "Dear GUta** ma act lees anxious to Be united to the laaa of ber «otce. Colonel Pettitt had started for Ititly. sbe reaaooed bat m this age of swift stoamers and express trains, saefaa joomay was a mere bagatelle, to be aoeemjpiished in an incredibly short tune, if sodi were tiie v-ill of tiio truv- dlw. How long would it take the Colonel to develop Hie gold mine, or, hi mom sober En^h, to traoaaet the I wfaidi iBtgfat make him a noh r RabaUy. thooght Clara, be bad beard *4 Ae death of a distant rebUiva of whom he was tin divaat hair so larna a fortone eoidd hardly bin to him ia am^ other wa^. »iria»sar«»4li» abat Um. I aeat aaadldf this tailli^ aad htaatH,' aaya atetyooa hmmg trisd'TiisaaiW. the osir tnaal «em.'aw«» aaat ariir- OOMTBCHsLIHO OOMTAGIOUS DISSASBBIK AMIMALSBT; VACCINATION. Dr. t S. HahMM. vatifiwary soif- yaaajiaasalaanaaaahst at laagth m Iha Aanrriraa hariemUmnattot Sept. NMOiihfcr baU^rifc «bat «• shall Terr abSb ooBBS to ep^tnl aaefa ooo- tagioos diaaaaaa aa PlMno-pneamooiat Olapdara, Aatvas. JaWss, Texas Cat- tle SWar. Cholera Bano« Hogs^owls «to by a system offaiocniation, simil ariy to human VMOUiatieB fiv amall- pox. Ha says i ""' JToi.iit. aantion other faotibeanng on tiM srtjaet, it may baaddad that theb aMMl good (vaaan .to believe that,«MflinM fmn of yiins of tha diSirent aOnttf^j iooa diaeasea, we may ba aUat not oofy towatd Mmn off by iraeeinatioo, bot that vKi ttiay eacry the iamisoep- iihatf lathaMaaipatfM*«line,«hd lij Bwiing Ibis qiielitj on aB the breeding animals. we may oreatebreeds that w2l transmit it by heredity and thus rid oorselves of the ra\-age8 caased by the animal planges. Much research, however, is still required to settie theee points, and to render tlu methods of vaecination practical and safe but with an ouuiook brighter than ever before, it is advisable to re- double our efforts in this direction, and to accomplished all that the most advanced scisLoe c f tue time canattain to. We shall doubUess meet many discouragements, and be foiled many times in our endeavors, but witii de- termination, energy, and persever- ance, success must surloy crown our efforts at kst, and this class of dis- eases which has discouraged our most advanced thinkers, and has been shrouded in the profonndest mystery for so many years, will disappear â€" conquered by that perfect science which patient work alone candevelop. BURDOCK BiiOOD BITTERS. Cures all diseases of the blood, Uver and kidneys, female oomplamts, ner* vous and general debility, and builds up the entire system when broken down by disease. ;.; PREPARING FOR THE FAIR. In the September number of the American \Agriculturist Dr. George Thurber illustrates a comon trouble at our local fairs as follows "People bring things, which,not being proper- ly exhibited, are unnoticed, and, as a consequence.they do not bring any- thing next year. It should be the bus- iness of some one at every fair to look out for these details. Many a good housewife robs her garden to make up a large decorative bouquet, and when she reaches the fair, finds no place to put it. It can only be laid down some where, probably in the sun. no one to take charge of it or care for it. It is the neglect of these little things that discourages^contributors. Take such a bouquet, for example, a proper per sou in charge, if he could not find a proper yase to hold water for it« he would take some newspapers, make a big ball of mud around the stems.bind the papers around the ball, and the bonqliet coult! ctand erect on its mud base, and remain fresh for days.. Those who in their gardens can- uas, castor oil plants, large coleuses, or other decorative plants that can be spared) can do mndi toward deco^-at- mg,but they must begiu a weekor two beforehand. Get from the store, nail- kegs, and boxes of various sizes if likely to be heavy put in rope handles Take up such plants as can be spared for the purpose, and pot them in these kegs or boxes, taking up as much earth with the roots as practicable.Do this towards night, place in shed or in other sheltered place, where the wind will not reach them, and water both B'il and foilage. The few that wilt will recover in a day or two.wlien they may be placed outside. When ready to take them to the fan-, use stakes and twine to prevent them from jolting in the wagon and getting brok- en. When the plants are set in place, cover the kogs or boxes with browu paper. If one has plenty of Arbor- vitffi can cut them judiciously and find that the twigs or branches are things of which their cannot be too many for decoration. Let who- ever goes to the fair with the intention of working, toke a paper of stout tacks another of stout pms, balls of twine, fine and coarse, several pencils, some blank cards, a stout jack knife, and above all, a cheerful spirit, that Icadit to the doing of everything that needs to be done to make all tilings show to tiieir beet â€" bring order ont of chaos." WHAT'S IN A NAME? The virtue o( the most of the pa- tent medicinee with which the market is flooded Ues in the name, but the virtues of Burdock Blooc' Bitters he iu the/i«t that they cleanse the blood of impurities, and care dyspepaia, bil- liousness and indestion. Prioe $1 00, trial bottle 10 cents. A BABY'S GRAVB*' A baby's grave at/Ofaugow.Hd., ro- esivad for nine years fhe moet caie- fol attention, flowers being eqaentiy planted on it. and Uie sod always kept in perfect order. Mr. Brown and Mrs. EUiaou, each unknown to the otlier. were doing this work of love. Each had lost an infant fjid suaposed tJiis was iU fcavie. Brown had erected a tombatone lately.and then controversy aroee. Mrs. EUUson insisted that it must be taken down. The Chnrch authorities held several Meetings of investigation withoat raaahiag any eoaclanou, aad then somebody sag- sestsd thai a neglected gears near Uie disputed one be opened. This was done, and Brown eoooedad that the eofia fi»aad tbercia vras the oae that Mdiodamd bMahiUL XkaataMwas than Nmoved. XHftOfA BEUABLK. Oaat day.wasaMtt «ith has «i* ifld sev^ ahBdreh, booud far aoaa tahMnlbaWaa,Mid%1wa Bi. Thoas- raaefctd the OMO got oat vitth aad fatlied into the eatifa^. boait, ind iMsidalp caHad fcf aoffca, bread. «N«t, eis.i aad begaa to eram hunselfsoAMthit a diapiatad De' tioiterathiseltiowiaaHy laid down a a^^ doOar on the ooaater. "tMUr-^jes -a aee^" lumhiad fbe Mn, liik im Boatb lAl f "y«tf. l^adcllat-«a»«MltthBl^^rait tot. botyoaH bat if] bivand the hel.; Yoo aoe I fcU the oM woommi aotf ehildrsn that we eonldnt gat any^ thing to eat this aide d Datfoit, aua t'tegot •» fill a^ m (Ne ot Aft tainntea arid M baek. of they U tumble to the raebei timaa naaa the moatard-^ only fifty seeooda left to fill ap. piah. ttylsethandget haakl"â€" if. Qmai. A GEKErIl ilFEATED. A Mrs. J. G. Bobertaoa writes "I was snfbrinj from general debility, â- want of appetite, oonstipittioo, etev, so that life wit boaden aftef pieUg Burdock Blood filtleni t Mt better. *han for years. I eannot praise your Bitteis too much. THE LATCH STRINGS OF HEA- VEN. • ' ,j ...•»... â- ' â- â- I That qoisntold colored man, knowii to eyery oce around the C«njtral Market asBiae Up Jerrv, will be missed (ran- tiie roonds ka l|«teled for yea^ Be xf dead. ,He was Uving wtth his .daoght^ on WUkine street, abaliad been pporly for a long time. Jerry was panf 4^0 yeatN old,, and while he had grown feeeble for a ' year or more, no one suspected that, death was near, l^be other cUy, art he sat in Ids big; rocking chaif and, after he had been dozing fur half au • hour, lie asked for his tw. grand children. They were called in, and as th( hung about nis knees the old man said "Cliill'en, dis olc frame hain't got long to hnnn on. I'se fcolin power- ful queer today, an" I wnutyeol'W' to roc. De little chill' en am de latch strings to de gates ob Ileaben." In the shade of a plum tree, with ttie birds singing above and the lireeze tompcnng the heat, tlie-ohildreu nest led down, and all three fell asleep â€" a. sleep in which the oil man's soul pas sed away so quiet that he did not move a hand, When the children awoke he had long been dead. They had gone with him across the dark valley â€" walked iu the radiance or Heaven's beacon â€" halted at th* gold- en gates and lifted the Intoh string. Softly the gat^s swung open at their childish touch, and the old man had kissed them and passed tbYongli. WIT AND HUMOB an a evcrv H HAVE YOU TRIED IT */ If no you can testify to its marvel- lous powers of healing and recommend it to your friends. We refer to Dr. I'owlerV Extract of Wild Strawberry, the grand specific for all summer oomplamts, diarrhcea, cholera morbus, dysentery, cramps, cliolic, sickuoss of tlif stomach and bowel complaints of ir funts or adulte. Let its merits bo known to all who have not used it. iKrfiiiaHlili. ay^deoese â- The imnadp tbathaatoodMftA f 4|Wfcd %i- ears J l f a a rh a ahoipqi aaorboa. and au maaoer of eram^ eholera torn of aommar obmplainta Chimnej' sweeping must be grecablc busuiess, for it soots one that tries it. " There must be punislimcht," said tlie country fihoofeastcr, as be ato the sttlbborn boys ilinner. The indications arc now that Gui- teau will be unwept, uuliouored and unswung. Model wives fOTmcrly took a sticli in time now,- with tlw aid of a sew- ing machine, they take one in no tinie. It is said that tliirty }K!rsoii8 in a small to^ni in Michigan were poi8onel recently by eating sausajjcs. Th is comes from leaving bra«s coVars on dogs* Tabic B«5ar Sold Hero, was tlij^ sign over the door of an alehouse, and a a wag, on seeing it, said that he thought the bear must be the land- lord's old bruin. Housekeeper â€" Uow can you tell an egg is bad? One w.iy to toll !• t' taste it. If it makca you sa uick yoii' want to die to get rid of the taste, you con feel pretty sure it is a bal egg- The greatest nin of luck on rcxiord is that of a Baltimore cigar dcslor, who, within the last four months, ban inherited a fortune, dniwn a big Kit tery prize, found '7,000 hurried m th6 cellar of his bouso, and loet his moth er-in-law. A newly acquire habit â€" " Look heah. Uncle Mosc, you fooled mo wid dat ar boss I buys from you last week. Hejestdrapt dead in his tracks." â€" • " He nebber dnqit dead in his tntckit or anywhar else as long as I had him.- goin' on twenty years." A hunter who had long striven to cateh a weasel asleep, was un«nqcoMH- ful imtil it occurred to him to iiivit* the watehful vermin to attend a ser- mon on biology by a iiopuLir cl r:,'y- man from Boston. The tuisumcetini{ ^^lim«l gratefully accepted the uiviia- ' tion, but deatli did not end all, a.s he entered upon a higher plane of exist- ence as a tobacco pouch. He was saying, "As the pearly column of smoke in a winter's atmos- phere rises imbroken heuvcuward, so my heart rises to thee. As the bun- fiower follows the cruel suu that gives it light, so my breast follows thee. â€" As the blue Imwk runs ite unhiadcrod course to the sea, so my soul goes to thee." Said she â€" " Henry, now that we are engaged, will your pen- knife cut corns " "Trb BsAaa n a Baasra." says a Saaint old book pabl'sbad in London bree oentariee a;^, "vtioae flesh is good for maakyuil liisr Cat is good, with laadaaaa.ibiuaCfee an ointment to hoal baldebiiided mea to reoeive the hayre agayne." we know of many "balde-h«a^ men" who woukl be glad to "reoeive the hayre agayne," but we da not desire to euooarage themin a trial of lear's fat and htud- annm. Far from it. We, however, do not hesitate to cooiiijead Dr. J, C, Ayer A Oo.'s Hair Vigor, vrhich pot only baa the efljeot kt. somo pibss of making the ban grow ou beads' onoa baUr bataiaaias'tt*sonp and rsatoretf gray and faded HcSf to its ori^al color aad vitali^, iifiparUng to it tiia. gioaaiocsf and softoc^ ql yiuif^. The " ne of its stility are t^ uum- d of too high a cimriictor to^ tf aa; doaht. It r.fair.^d' yoiM^I, «ady lad aaiaaUfl^t ea^icn- tamk ilk aa ' ai a i wpat 9ta e..«iU(K^oi(' oT uniudi efcttat w«oH ^*:u,,Ud/ what Acer's Hair Ytgea noV d^^.-T Tha btUnor;Ckbaata;m t" â- ••V. in \^-: ii