Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Sep 1881, p. 3

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 V I i^^ f k ^THAT AM OLD FA^^B BAiB.p«« Thk ia the airiMaf i^oUi \iM tilkd the Md te Af I MD an old man, npiNrda of Mon yattra. dnhnff two woon of wUsh I b«Te bMb rich and alk I need 4o fiot owe a dollar haT* prtn my ehil dnn a good adooataoo, and wb«n 1 am eaDad away ifaalllaaTa anoogfa to kan* th« wolf tnm the door. My axpari- ence is that â€" 1. One acre of land, weD tilled and wen yvepared, p rod o ced sore than two wlaab reoeired only the •moont of labor oaed oo ono. A One oow. borae, mule, eheep or hoc well fed is more profitable than twtt «hkhjaei«Tad floly the same »- mtmainae^ftgrT to keep one well. 8.^Ae tfm ofdof eigi Ma is wi morej^an Iro |f .«ottoa where so grMeir tiimt i^ Mi 1 wliii.fMiaadhiy. eas keep the sheriff from the door to the end. 5. The farmer who never reads the pap«ra, and sneers at book farming and improTements, always has a leaky roof, poor stock, broken down feneea, and always eomplainins of 'bad sea- sons.' 6. The farmer who is above his VvsiDeM and entrvate it to another to mange.soon has no bnsinesa to attend to. 7. The farmer wboee habitual be- verage is oooi water ia healthier .wealth- ier and wiser than be who doee not refuse to drink. HUMOROUS. After throwing eight boys over the fence from a WHtr-inelon patcb, the woman cliarged tliiiu â€" Now, see 'ere boys, you'll keep this tiling ap till yoD get me riled. A medical joamal at Manieb says that dipbtberia caught by kissing is likely to asanme much severer form than if the disease were contracted or iraparted in some other way. This Hliould be a warning to married men «nd hired girls. "My brethren," said a western mini ster, " the preaching of the gospel to some people ielike ponring water over a sponge â€" it soaks in and stays. To others it ia like the wind blowing through the chicken coop. My experi ence of this congregation is that it contains more chicken coops than apongee." A preacher, who was annoyed by the ladies of his congregation tumiog about in tbcir scats.paneed in his dis- course to say "Ladiec, if yon will giTC Bte yourattention for a few mom- ents, 1 will keep a good look out onthe door, and if anytliing worse than a man enters, I will warn you in time for yon to make your escape." « Imo tecu Dav^fio' poit maj beksbarau, Wt what doyoo-sanil whnaiMfiriialkmi ywrwifcfmd* itrwur It nay W iagre^' iw* what do yoa eall it vim three dnmk- en loaftra take poaeeMfaan of a 'aeor- shon boat aa' kaoek men down an' frit^ten wooml half to death. Take a tramp, a loafinr, adnmkard or a pat- 3 thief, tie him to a wippin' poet an' ay a rawhide on his baek for five muatee an' yon have done mo' to make dat man reapeet de power of law an' de ri^ts of odder men dan any workhonse sentence eoold do," GOODS. "CTOCERtBs. Or idUtqrdralmU can may iw^ire in DRY BOOTS and SHOES, or in fwt anything that asnaUy IS FjQ^ITD " t Tna OsBAt Tatuiin of tha 19 een- toy ia the gstal madieal dmaa. Bmi BOOB Blood BtRsaa. asna aB die- of the Uood, livar and kidaaya, Baaadganecal debUify. and ia tfaa pveat and beattonieiB taa CURIOUS FACTS. THE LIME KILN CLUB. "I woulJu't gin a cent far de man who quotes old proverbs an' adopts sccoud han' mottoes," began the old man as the crunching of harvest apples suddenly ceased. "Dis am au aige far cbcry man to hold his own plow, an'who am content to let some one eke hold it must be satis- fied wid cobs in place of co'n. £f I was 80 poo' an' low down dat I had to ick rags I would have my own max- ims an' mottoes. Instead of sayin' Donu' put off till to-morrow what can bo duu to-day, I woi'd have it 'now nK man, yuu git right up an' dust and hliiig luo" pugs diri week dan any od- der cliap kin lu a month.' 'De oder d^y 1 met Comeback Jones. You know lie am 'bout sixty y'ars old, an' 'bout as hard up as a woodchuck in a b'ur'M grip. I axed je ole man how he was kecpiu' up wid de purcesshun, an ho rophed 'Wall ize mighty hard up, but dcy say it am a long lane dat has no turn. Just finK of an ole man w.d one No. 18 in de graye waitin' fur n turn in de lane to bring him heaps to tat an' lots to w'ar 7 All frew life ho hus carried dat second han' sayin' vidhim, an' aod yet a believer in it. \V by didu't he have one of his own if he had said, 40 years ago: 'Doan' fuller any laue, but cut cross lots,' de ^volf wouldu.t bearter him today. A man who has de will to make a motto tins do pluck to make it a success. 'Ruckle down to bizuess' am a better motto dau any book kin give ye. Let me, 111' cloain' quote some of de mot- tiR'K au° maxims belongin' to members of dii club "Sir Isaac Walpole â€" 'Doan drap fifty cents in reachin' lur a dollar.' '•W'aydown Bebee â€" 'When ye can't dig frew a wall cUmb ober it.' "Ciivoadam Jones â€" 'Git dar' if it 2a!:os a leg.' "Pickles Smith â€" 'Te can't swim a fibber by sittin' on a bank.' "Samuel Shin â€" 'Sot yer alarm clock fur 6 in de momin.' "Trustee Pulback â€" 'If de road am np hill stiffen yer back bono a little mo." "Kyan Johnson â€" 'De man who w'ars his hat on hjs ear shows de empty side of his head.' "Brutus Jackson â€" 'Hoe co'n wid yer bans an' arms 'stead of er monf.' "Elder Toots â€" 'Take a job at fust sight, but doan' trade bosses till ye tlunk it ober." It ia aaid that eats with bine eyes â- ta always deaf. ShUietiea go to show that anieidea are more freqaent in hot weather than dnrins' a lower temperatore. Aoeording to Arristotle large ears are an indiaation of imbicility, while " onea anoonnee madneaa. Among the Indiana near the Ama* Eon there are no words for numbers' and a similar want of arithmetica' POWMT. It was once believed that the house leek, if grown npon the roof, wonld protect the house from hemn struck by ligbtmng. The gnanaco of Patagonia, is des- cribed as havint; the head of a camel, the bod; of a deer, wool of the sheep, and neigh of a horse. The Ashantee of Africa, like the ancient Greeks, when be drinks, spills a Uttle of the liquor on the gronnd as an offering to the gods. The bombadier beetle when touch- ed produces a noise resembling the discharge of a minature musket, while a blue smoke issues from its body. The Barbab tree of South Africa may be barked or burned without in- jury to the tree, and it continues to live and grow ior some time after it is cut down. CbinesA mandarins or governors often sentence offenders to lie on the gronnd and receive thirty strokes ot the bamboo, while for great cnmes men are strangled or beheaded. Some animals have r^ifalar cemete- ries to which they retire to die. The llama of Soute America ba its dis- trict cemeteries, in which bones are found bleeching in great numbers. During a heavy shower at Milbrook, Out., countless myriadd of small black toads fell with the rain. Shortly after the rain, next day, in some places, it was almost impossible to step on the sidewalks with}ut crushing some of these little hoppers. Those persons who are fonnd of trac- ing great events to small causes may find a strone instance in the death of the late ex Prince Imperial of France. He was very agile,and wonld unques- tionable have vaulted into bis saddle, with an excellent chance of escaping from the Zulus, but the leather of the saddle flap (probably supplied by a fraudulent contractor, whose ncfari- ousness was overlooked by 9 careless store inspector) tore in his hand, and a piece of rotton leather perhaps cbang* ed the late of empires. B. Vt. Cialbraith, In a geaeral cottatrjr siore nr Porchasieg, you should always ascertain where jrott can purchase to the best advantage, that is eet the best goods at the lowest price, and that place is BUTTERR A RAE'8 T August gth, i88i. Markdale General Agency IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET UCTIONEER/ND GENERAL LAND Acrent, Wiiliamsford Station. A' Acrent, Wiiliamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on Commisiion. Rates moderate. Pianos, Or|;ans, and Sewinf; Mnclunes also Frait and Ornamental Trees, Vines. Af^ionl- tnrsl ImplemeuU, and Maohinety of all kinds on le. Wlliamsford. Jan. 37, l»ft\. 20-Iv STRAIGHT LOANS, HO FINE S, CHARGES LOW. If you want Insuranc^atroniz^he UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. L\NC\ HIRE FIRE" and LIFE Co. r BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASOCIATIok Wanzer SeT/ving Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E B TlTORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. BOBT. ASKIN. oata Furniture UmEMHNe ESTABLISHMENT, has snnliai a wast lone ielt. in the UadetteHng Line. kJjiaam BiaHT-PAQB FAPXB Oa» at tb»lMBgmih\ WeekUesin OaiutdA. OORDIS. CASKETS, SHBOUOS, raiBUU. FIIIISIIIIS, applied ott the shottas Botiee. feSplendld BCeaarse IsrhkealsMteate ratsa. FUBNITUEEI Fhnn the Ckunmon to the Ittt ami Lattst Stylts, in aveiTthing in th« line. OaU and ses far joorjelvei. ROBT. ASKIN. wfllrssalvaa eafv, laes«Bk Book, a pSslesi* lor Sa-pU «jr^ l-^f^L' wSS is sent free. Theortr yg* g Owiada that poUfalMa a Bsaapit. ***'*»â- ' â-²ddriaa BPBOTAtOBPBnmHO 001IP4HT. Not. 11. IWO. SHOP TO RENT. TIUT Isige aiid eoMwtonstatt l«g*- iiig,(i«o Btotejn), ftlioa^ •£ Mbm ly sob's aittu s t y s»ste, ialtahle eaabehadoB iee«»t the month » tea tens of Tsats. Fati *•.. apply to BBH80K. MatWals. logast 4th, iSBlr 'â- **• MONEY to 6 AT SIX LEND Feb vtsMT. STBAIGHT LOANS, on FrMboId pnper ty. Private Fnnda. ' J. o.mvnco Uarkdsle, June 9nd, IWl. 884m. MARKDALE HOUSE. ALEX. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. r • THIS HOTEL is a large three storey brick bni'ding, recently erected and fitted up with •very modem eoDTenienee, It is f nmiBbed in FirBt-Cl«a« Style The Bar is **"" Thankful for past favors, I am determined to merit a further share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing and prompt attention. THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. FLESHEETON BK DID. Harness Shop! THB SaUeriber begs to inform the public that be has constantly on hand a large assortment of CARRI6E. BU66Y AND TEAM HARNESS. Made in good atyle and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means basineae give him an early call, as he will seU at the lowest living prioes, for cash. A good supply of D with the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and the table with all the d e Keaet e s of the season. The travelling Public may rely apon eveiv attention being paid to their earn- fort. Good Sample Roomi for ComtiwrcialTratrllert. The OStly H»tel tkat nUB* a BBS t* aasi flroHB all Tmiaa. Good Stoblei and attentive Uostlers. 18 Artemesia Warehouse FLESHEETON STATION, o Now on hand for sale, and will be constantly renewed, a complete Stock of Di7,Ms, Ready-Hade Glotliing, Boots and Shoes, HAEDWAEE, CEOCKERT, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, c. 13 All kinds ot Country Prodiice taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufactured^and for sale. Flesherton Stetion, Hay 37th. 1881. %.%i linerirt nlM 'â-  I HUiIi BBOa Would announctt to ^e Ladiei oi ^atli^i^ ing soontfy that their stock of Millinery 1| i comprising "y Tvimm^a Hate Bq OHIIiDKnr'S HATS Ain StTMSB^j,^ }mm, FLOWERS, FEATHEKS i|i ORNAlifiTS AND TKIMlim^ LADIB^ MANTi^i OUT AND MADE TO On^ Oar General Slock is well assorted in all We won't take up your time reading a long bat would solicit a call, believing we can giv^ faction to our patron? •till Thankful for past favors, we would of the same. Markdale, May 28th, 1881. soHct a CO MABKDALE Sash and Door Facti SASH, DOORS, BLINDS :^ MOULDINGS,?' ' ;^ HOLLOW BATTOK^ ' ' -^ ' .^* -.V PPii Lumber, Lath and Shiiig|| Always on Hand. Orders Promptly FQied TheSel I 3 CO (s ae o (D O o c •iH _â-  â- â- J e « CQ eg » g S I S Ix, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Alw.yiia Stock. A8lleep«lll,M,of BEPAIBS or th« Impltment. 1 soil, Fftrmera will see the advantage of dealing with ft Local Agent WM. TRAIN, S^leslxertori- Flesherton, March 24, 1881. 28^tf" C00KIN6, The foUowinr; open letter was then read Lafayzttk, lud., Aug. 3, ISSl. Bro. Gardner, â€" Did yoa, some sev- en or eight weeks since, advocate the establishment of the whipping post for petty offences Please give me a di- rect answer, in order to decide a wa- ger. Very truly. SoLOHON Whttx. "Idid,"-eaid the old man. as he arose, " an' I do now, an' I shell in de facher, onless de need of it passes away. lu de fast plaoe, does it de- grade a man any mo' to warm him np wid a rawhide dan it does to pot him in jail or sot him to poondin' stone on de street In de nez' place, kin a meH( man be degraded f In dk las' plae6' we am all awar" d*t not one petty offence in five am pnnished, be* use de law doan' tech it, or bekase its too macb trouble an' expense to pro- seeate. Sartin paMOns make a ois- nees of loafin. How many of 'ea km yon convict of vagrancy/ Bartm pussons insnlt lone woQiea o» de street. How many of *em faanre eber been jailed Dar am adozen adder of- fences dat de law doan' tackle, or if ft J^y doeajlfi 'iianders git 'cla'c YlhMt puk. ishment am it to a loafer to. go to jail for a moBth. He gite plenty to eat, an' aaf9s4 '*d to4Mep OS, ••' five poii^fl of kt Ifiakaaa wae Hot wf aa" thirty laake* J bis ba'r baek l«iU«pen bis »ya«po« flit wide. Qo^ die tihor, go oo M djrars, waik on de street, ao' jcn fiao de loafer. He ptnktf au' eiovde mtt' abaees an, msalte. WImU bio JH i^ vid bin Make eompUiBt â- â- ' (U WHIPS, TRinVKS, *c., always on hand. Scotch Collars Opoclaify, And a good fit gnaranteed. K^Bemember the stand the Post Office is opposite. N, B.â€" SUve timber wanted, J. GORDON. Flesherton. March. 1881. 16 MARKDALE CARRIAGE_fORKSn McKENNA MASON HAVntOlaawd the Waggon sad Blaek- smith Shop owned by John Benson, eg to inform the Pnblie, that that they are reparedto (nnuah idl kinds of Tahieles, qtiefa as BVChBEES, m â- â- OCBTS^ TaSWTTKTMKt. HOBSB BHOBINa U mt n A jMblngI OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. o Sqnander your money if you want to. if not, get yoorPhotographs of W. BULMER. The People's PhotogpPajphier, B^leshertofi Who is agwB prepared to take Ratnrss, and do Copying and «alar^ta« as herelofta^ FR^MSS A IS jy FRAME FIXINGS. We aiersaeivin akrge stockof MOTTOBSS and Motto and other Vrmnum â€"j w~ SSTb:^" ""•"'"•"*• â- *" •* R«n«kably iS^^-'Si^^ Bdng aloB^ yonr piotanes and bate the. ooi«ed and eolsigsd by T«mr eJd lH«d- BULME^. STOP. MARK. LEARN! And then yon will know where to ro to get the best valne for your Money at R. J. SPROULE'S GREAT ANNUAL OLEAEIG SALE, ta refnra tbankt to the people of Msrkd»le t^ n^, ".te thav. given bim in the pMt, and hopes bj cIom "~^ ' «eaBtiBeaaBe-eC*.Mase. â- â€¢â€¢^â- iii I have now mtended my bnaineM. and will in fntore keep. hJSi^ ,| PINE LUMBE ALL SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDBESSBll Ha viag st reeeiyed my first shipment of Pite Lomber and Lath irok tbl and will have another sehooner load in a few itjt. All lOnda or Plain and Fancy Ton^l Done in a first-lass manner. ' .^ THOS. McNEii Markd al e, May «7tb, 1881. AT THE POST OFFICE STOBE, FLESHEETON. Fladiartcn, Maieh 10, 1881. D. J. SHANANAR'S "WAGON and Carriage Works, Jast opened, oppoate the drag state. Mill Having laagtKpsmBS.iath.basi. w* ImI wfldit ws ean giv. â€"titfae totbaeefavatiBgMwitbthsBoadsn for OABBUiQBS. PnUlic PTotloe. NCmCB is bew^ giT.,. th.4 the n«r .». *ven thnMwk kts M, 100. and 101, on the Sfd â- â- iTTia W. T. A 8^ ta BPBINa WAOOONS. LUMBEB WAOOOm. *.. ad aOkbsAsef IB wooat Ima* We«M BotUartat Ow tim isteifve dwHbi 5S tvalaefortb. aiepatitiaB of Md tb. b«efit of yvw mufrieaa. Mb. 18U. |04^i •UsirttisiMTb xamkbUowh CIS(^ 3KLAT MidtAX in order to mdte room for heavy Spring Importations now arriving dailv, I have decided rednciDg my present large and well selected and assorted stock of G^NAERALDRY GOODS, FUR^, MILLIERY, 3E3ead.3r-^v£a.d.e Clotlxine' BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POINl POSSIBLE, and in order t« do ao. Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. CX-n-^in^r n^^r^nTs^^r *o?' ^IT^ZS^'^^tS^^^ ^«- tion.) outside our natural busine,. Vel.tions, i^Smwlo topr^T^Kr'^n^?*" not properly treated by their more; d^n a^d^^n^J?^* ' *^'J "• Ton wiU find everything that I bsU jBst m F^.iil.^lS'" "** "^â-¼â€¢ as you can possibly get for yo" money aiirwhe-r» «? Ttâ„¢ .^* **' u*^^ 8«^ *»»• dealings the only true course ,or a b^JKt*" " ' ""»?« ^^ »»•» hoBorabU My Orocerie. are aU bought for stricUy nett cask. com^quenUy I c. «,d wUI «« at Tji T?frhSr^®*^ Possible Prices I For CASH andFAEM PBODUOE 3UT ]V OT FOR O REOIT. -r^^-r J.ii"'^^"***"" '°' ' •h'«eqn«.tityof ?^^f SEED GBAINI Glasgow, Bed Caiaff, and other varieties of «.»• v f Parley. Prime OHmothnSoWSerfSi^elli?*;^*' b and every Famwr to sow dew sS^' J^.^ °*'** •BdpurobasingagoodartieteT "^**"""»"V bj I -K.^ I sm now salliag large qoantiee of LAND SALT, Sneb as White Porede^nPiiiM, -SMds Bii^s4t ). psilAiialBweantfl FOR a E M hdei Wonderful Inventii THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVK For Leaminc to Play CHORDS AND ACCOMPANIMEHll 03V THE â-  PIANOANDORGi «IMlfc««| »*b0Mbtft,aetts3fSB5Kfti,? SbTJe^iS-SZaL*^**^ ***«*« *»».««4 eel 2 I «mU also iatimate that ay SPBIN^tM^O RTATIONS HAIR CUmUfi WD SHIVIMe CM ^y TlonuM IWOrfers filUd far Tsoab lUrWale,Jiilyii.iggi^ fihnith. 1S4M, WofaeTiiiTfbBt Beet. tit Of April, IStootaevarbspo^lBtottia 9«| «f ite ia1tefaa«.a^ Any person, Young or Old, whe have any Musical talent or ii^| can learn or PLAY ANT THINQ, in a VBBY SHOET TIMBi what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., *.j Sent, pre-paid on receip ^n It twmtm ^^mS to west the early maUa. ^^\,\^t-* rorwgn and Provincial iLjjUgenoe. County Business. ^[^M«s and an Instructive i- ' issast #1.60 in three months, K*.Sto»ed untU all arreages are I di«M^^ j,,e opUon of the publish- W" ^l^rdmn pap*" without payma [P^rTitMponsible for the years sob- K^aTS they comply with the roles. r^fSS OF ADVEBTI8ING l»a»â€" ^^^ do 27 60 do do do do 16 00 8 00 4 00 50 15 76 85 8 3 Aod onder, first insertion. ^^ aabSquent insertion. I^te ten lines, first insertion. k sabMqnent insertion 1 Unas, first insertion per line _^ sabsepaent insertion J^oonber of lines to be reckoned by the looeapied measured by a scale of solW Advertisements without «P«='°? I wUl be pubUshed tiU forbid and raoeoriinglT AU t»aa«toi7 adverttee. ffliMtlMlntb. o«a. of puMle^^^l^y j^„ tl^j Th.r«di^r*""'*ff I""â€"' t). W.«JTU»W. fropil e t or. Q '^sAJ-.SO- P|A|lp80RCi tC. ^^^^i^.t•^^;^«2-T ,, «PJ|Sy LOW ei.A.i^E; aT Flesbertoa, M^rcb jo j««8j SPBOUtiB, â- t^"^:' â- M.A. GBA-WfOP' ' ..tiiiii :i^ X«ronto,Apr»i4a;88i, 'â- "^Mm King Street East, aiUSMEU DIRECTORY. Syrwale dfc Cmrter, Surgeon» Accoucheurs Ao. rtcgâ€" Medical Hall; resldaUCe at I Hoe*«- Sept 17, 1880. Xv rsrCIAN, SUBOEON, ACCOUGH- *,.. BooMi^ P. O. ^^^ feae. B. Wilke*, „,or at Law, Owen Sound. piQg, MiUers's building, over liobiu- i [store, Pool*»8""ee' ly rr«at dfc Fr»at. iBlSTEBS, AND ATTOHNKYS-AT 'j^^, Solicitors in Chann rv, Coiivty s Ac., Owen Sound, liavc ro-unii'J at on. Office open every Tlior,«ils^v, as ofore. Paost. J. t^. FnosT, LL. B. »oty Crown Attoruev. 1 Jaases .lla«»soii, ISTBBand ATTOUNliY .^T-LAW, IjfMter in Chaucerj-, Owcn Snuod. J. 17. 1880. 1 y Jani«a Latuoii, IrrOBNEY-ATLAW, .SOLICITOU IS Chanoery, Notarv Public, Vc. oney loaned at lowest rates on personal real estate. Laiid-i bought and snlil. and seller introduced free di commis- DUNDALK. ptember 21st. 1890. 1 Brit Ur| prompt oialty. (action Brown B MiU StJ Haruusa Sept.; 35-3m. I^ I, id Wm. Bro«-H, JUEB OF MAUUIAUE LIC'ESSE.S,.te., f Commissioner in H. U. A"c. •nveyancing lu all its1ianche.- |iroui|ai^' â- deJ to a:id carefully executed. [B. â€" Money to Lcuil on Eat-ite sc- INTl all I'i'iul Softe INSUI A.-rsi {l ClTIZKl kdale. Sept. 17, 1880. 1 y Alexander Brown, |U8B of Marriatfi' liinsc Kive «n.i ife lusurance A'iit. t"m- .-i..ii. i B. *c. Convey .lutvr iiiil l.;fen-..l oneer (or the County •â- ((tny. 1 iirni' r-, ants, and Land S.'ile runiiii:ili\ nt- I to and chari^vs m;ile very uitiJei iitc. eville, Sept. 17, Isstl. " ly Oeorg^ orbet, Jr., AND. LOAN AND (iENi;U\T, ACKNT Owen Sound. Monev to Lom :il low I of interest. Priueipal jviviil-le at the I of a term of years, and interest lialf year- r yearly, or principal and iistere'^l n-pay- I in instalments, "A number of desirable Improved Fr.nus fsale. 1-y S. C SinK kOltlNION AND PUOVISCIAL I.AXO Sarrayor, Drauphtsmanqanil Va4u;itir, 1 and Markdale. Haviiii: "fclLf-ed ineial Land Surveyor 'li.irl. Kiinkin's stock of original Field N't. -, I'lans, orts. Instructions, •..•( all iii- Stirv.ys within the last tifty-tivu year I am Lparod to make Suiveys in strict iu-i' h|e therewith. Profiles anl F.^timate.^ Grading Hills, Plans atiil S|K-citieatiin- Building Bridgos, fnriiislie.l mi npplie;:- Money to Loan at m" pfr c»nt !nt r.-i. aers by letter, or left with (i. i. Dl.Vril, Ikdale. will be promptlv attended to. ri't.17. 1880. â-  Iv A 1. â- .! ViIImi,-. Air-ti tr\ ni i:ill-. li .Mu. Plain i I'.-tnil' w UrntUtrs. Mr. James J. 'White, to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound, I BE AT THK BEVEUK HOfSK. Markdale, on the last Wednesduy in month, when he will lie prepared ti per- lall operations required upon tlie nioutli I ibe most satisfactory manner, and u|uu ^le terms. 1 y fEVERE HOTEL^ JVAKK0.4I.E. SPBOUIjE, Proprietor. rS\ popular Hotel lias had a Ur»;e a.1- dition added to i^, tl|orou;;lily reUTt-d. ia now second to' none lu the county. atabling and atteutivo o.-tler. Flr^t- I I aooommoJatiou for ciaiuireial travel- Terai« 91.00 per dav. niy and vicii iiii.-tl.i tilelll lit] a? aui Fth SAl the • 11 A^'.unl triitn li] tui'i It a tie I. Sar^'eanl Mnrk.lalJ MEAFORD, Out. I i. MoaiBB, laoriuLtoBB. J. •eeommodatiou (or the travelling The bar is well stocUed with Hie Wittes and Liquors and the best of Cigars. Twajn and from all trains. .17.1880. ly iOHMERCIAL HOTEL. PRICBVILiLiE. Ont. |~*'l* aud commodious Sample Hooin R* Bed Kooms, l-c. The Bar and lard, r anppliad with the best the market af ' food Stabling and attentivi' Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor r tlst, 188o. M Boot and Sboe Shop. fiinK .L the I roundrii; the pii 1 1 he Is hoi FRUIT Vai J beg to inform the public t they have opened a shoe Dtses lately occupied by 1 râ€" .M MiU street, where they are pre- *f^ tek. ovdera (or all kinds of work in hIhi, Bi|»mng done promptly. '•^** ^r«HK a Specialty. ^V^jJWjIly cash business we cm af j^j^IFfJj^^ Qottom prices. A call re- r"" W- tlfci««QB.«06. l^4M.4tt.l«8i.. 4t. of everj faettin CHOK BR supplied lu the I l-r ^!?*^ AOiNT AMU \rt4Pgft tf 'y 'â- â- ei jtoek. Waiiamjford BtatipiL W|»«0. Ol 1 supp^u moiitre iUi:

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