Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Sep 1881, p. 1

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 w r ^(H r ' » r I Oliansre o# Time. On anU After XOHDAT.ari SOT. I «il raa â- â-  toilowa: â€" GOING NORTH. Tovoato, â€" CaioB flftiiwi. Dvp- 7:10 a. m. UiM p. a. CeM ». a. Caritnn 7 JS aJB. IS.Mp a. S.M ^.m. Wertoo il.O$a.m. IJI»p.a t.aCp.s. HamfasT Sam't «.Wa.a 1 JM p.m. S JO p.B. Woo4bnice...H.45a.B. lJ0p^.6U»(p.a. Kleiaborg 9i) a.m. 2.U p.m. 6.4p.B. BoUon 93-:a.a. SJr7 p.m. 6.4S p.B. MoaoBomi...iJiO».m. 3.ntp.m. 7J0if.m. Charleitoa.. 10J«.m. •.Mp.a. 7J0p.a. Alton 10.£0a-B. B.Ufpja. Obavoctillx â€" Arrire lt.lOa.iB. 4.M. p JB. 8 JO p.ak I«piit.. 4.46. p.a. OraaR«iiI'eJaiietionlI.4»aji. (J16 p^a. laarnl 11.(9 a.B. fi^flOp.a. BaelbanM It^SO p.m. tJOO p m. I'aodalk 1.16 p.m. 4.50 p.m. Proton l.Up.ia. 7.11 p-B. T]imbettimAPne*r% \Mp.m. 7 J5 p.m. Markaale S.LI p.m. R.OS p.m. li«rkJjr iMf.m. 8.28 p.m. WUliamilord 3 SO pjn. 8.48 p.m. Arnott 3.05 p.m. 9.06 p.m. Chataworth S.15 pjn. 9.18 p.m. B/'CktoN 3.3)p.m. 9.M p.m. Owen Soand 4.00 cjn. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Oven Sonod, depart 8.30 a.m. 11.00 noon. Koektord 7.00 a.m. 13..V) p.m. 'â- hattworth 7.30 ajB. 13.M p.m. Amott 1.08 p. m WJitamsfiird. 7.48 a.m. h^kij 8.05 a.m. Mirkdale 8.30 a m. Fle^hert'oAPrieerille ft^i a.m. Proton 9.15 a.m. IanUlk 9..3« a.m. Kh:lbarn 10.15 a.m. I.aartl 10 47 am. OraiUfevillo Janction I l.OOa.m. Oa/SOCTILLE â€" Arr. ll:lia. m. ' 20 p. m Dep. 7.1Sa.M. 11.15 a.m. Alton 7..V. r, m. 11. •i.' a.m. ClivrioiitAn. .THO a.m. li.lOp.m. M'r, B'.a.J. H.2.' am. H.47 p m B^'ltn; S.J vnj. Ml p m. KIinbarR ..'.t.ii' i.rn. LHO p. m VrrxMi)jnilef.At ir, M rn. l.SO p.m Riimber 8mt 'J. tja.m. 3.0.' p.m. Wenrm 10.00 a.m. 2.27 p.m r»rI;on 10.10 a.m. 3.39 p.m T'ao»To. â€" Union Station. .\rTiTe... 10.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 1.28 p.m. 1.48 p.m. 3.15 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 8 10 p.m. S.30 p.m. 4.W o.m. 4 £0 p.m. â- 'SOS p.m. S.40p. m. 8.00 p.m. 6.18 p.m. 7.06 p.m. 7.33 p.m. 7.55 p.m. «.17 p.m. 8.^3 p.m. 9.W p.m. 9.15 p.m. Xr. TkooM Walfcar. s I Om Udmttn mM wiUi «a meiiSmt, on A«^ ITtk, wliieh profsd kUL m a Toy Aatt time. It •ppMifaiW«wlaBfiaKa« fidd for hbbHB with ftlMd of â- ad in fwing s piaee «f tiie mad load feU off and frifhtsMd Um hones. Mr. Walker, who waa nttiog near Uie fr««k «r the load, waa ttuovn off and feU oo hia face, the wbee • of the wMftgoo paMing oYcr hia body Icogth- wiae, eompletely leparating the ziba from the Tc rtib rae, and cmahiDg the right arm at the aboolder. He eof- fered iLteoae pain for about an boor and forty minatea and then expired â€" wa trast in peace. Mr. Walker waa laaaied only fire weeke prenooa to thia sad aeddent, and therefore leavea a yotmg widow to moam hia loas; alao an aged and in- firm btther, and a brother who is not capable of working the farm on aa- eoont ofdefeetire eyedgbt. Tbe members of the bereared fami ly baTe the sjmiiatby uf all their neighbors and friends. Harresting thioo^oat the town- ship 16 in an advaneed stage, and in the coarse of another week it will be securely hooMd or stacked. All crops this year are far abore the aTerage and raatly superior to any retoms they have ever had in this part of the conn try. tosrta I lUtk Oeo. Onftihanks aott paeonia/7 hMhUitj tar bam 3nl line, aod Um Clerk to the EUGENIA. Ike Bae«« waa illiisiSBi t» 0rt S and 4. aoB. 1, iayrofad. Ismw BtoaflMH, Ba« raiena OB aaioB aeho Hi. GJliay waa anthonaed ta maota mad* on iidehaa S and 4, aoo. 7. A claim (or lUmacw to a n aMmi oa road, made by John Daris, waa laid Council and laid aside for farther tion. The Baera'a odea Mora iaraed oa Traaamer to pv as foUlvs, Tis: To W. H. Hail. Ut, tot wort oa laada; John Keil, tlO, lor do. Joaepb Dobaitr, •86. for do.; Jobs Blain, 938, for do. Chaa. Bovard, 13. fcr do J. Lawnosa, •19.30, taaea cbarsad in error 8. Biaidnar, 60 eta. lot plank for icad; J(du Qagitoa, $4, for graTei for road; Andrew Gricr, •99, tafi aaioant being ovdand hj Wm. Xsrr, eon- tnetor, tor hmTding ajipfaaelMa to aew bridess: Bokart Garimt. •». far road work: Robert Hatberiu^ton, 936, part pajiuiat for rcpainnx ball; Uaorga Grahaai, •9, tor lumber lor bridgea: D. UcArtbnr, SO eaota, for repairiaf road tenper, i. B. Fsweett, 50 eeata, for repairing road setaper, Wm. Eaton, #6, for ploogb bixikea oa raadi, being eartifiad to by Mr. Oardoar. pathmaater; i. Plewij, •68.43, being an aqaiTalant to grabs labor oa 4th Una near KimbaHy. On motion being made rod leeondeJ, the Cooneil adjonmed until tLe laat Satorday in Angnat nest. BOBEBT DCSLOP. Tp. Clark. 9.40 p.m. THE STANDARD. I'ridav. September 2, 1881 THP. Ku If; Cana-U A'lT*rt.flintf AgencT, Nc. 39 Cmg HlrK»t W»-8i. Tor-into, W. W. bCTCHKK. MaiMj«r. I" «i (nor;z«:l to r-;c-.'ive advert. srmeata fo til.* i-aper. 5' iJSi I. i-:i'.-;i »r rr'.c;v.l at thi« office fo the {/A't-axrij fapi M an-l MagaxiQe*. f'AlLIKS. 'i 1 .rit'j D»iljr 'il'.b' p.r ve»r, Mail. •• WKEELIE.4. Toronto W#kl7 'A'Htn, per year, •• " .M»il Harii.Iton " Sp'.talor " Ciri;vl.i Kurmfer " Mo.tTItLIFS. F.^-n r Alvotl... iK.r year, A••^••r. :ir .V/riTUlttiri-'t 'â-  " .: I. ttl' :,.â-  From cm own Correspondent. BoAD CoM]fis«ioxKas. â€" We have ba- toT6 pointed oat some of their ineon- sisteacifes of Municipal Cooncils ap- pointing themselyes Road Cooimis- Bionera. Why not fill all the other offices, Tit. â€" Asaessora, Collectors, Patbmasters, Poondkeepers, kc, kc. No thanks â€" no moiiey in short. We don't mean to say that all andertake tbe doty eimplv for the pecuniary ben- fit tJiey are above that. Look at tbe minutes of the August meeting of tbe Arteibesia couucil. It was moved b^ Mr. I'edlar, seconded by Mr. Wright, that Mr. PoUar see to repairing a cer- tain portion ot road that was unsafe I for public travel. If all monies were j vot*d in tbifl way it would be all right. This is what you call eating the cow I and cbokinjf on the tail. That's where the f^in is. Did the Commis 07 00 I sioner want to make believe that he 7.00 j was extrtmely anxious to have tins road repaired, but could not without •|^^ the consent of t!.3 council. No, that i.f)ip is too thin. No sace man could be ^20 '^^ believe that the council would vote down such a motion, ihe •l 00 road being in the Coom ...ssioner's 1K0vxt«rmv^tn te. NortCB. â€" We wish it disinetly nnderstood. that ' do not bold oanelreii reponsible for theo,. "'na expressed by oar corresTKndenta. MK.\KjI;D UOAD. .orr'^poniienl. Ix.eii anytJiing very 1 .50 '"" '^*y """ °°' i'l-erf^'e with it. Let us read the motion in its true bearing. Moved by theCommissicner er for Ward No. r.-,,.-: our oxn ...„.^,,.,„...o.. ^, j^^ ^y^^^ j^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ I »u:^. has .iot l.,e.i anything very j.airing of certain portions of road in «..:itiM- taken pinco hero lately. All j the Commi.ssioner for Ward No 4's 1.:..: I, h, .„jj hnsy cn-aged takinj; care jurisdiction, the same being unsafe r II.. harvest products for which the for travel. What in the name of Ju- •,..rhuH hern all that coulJ bo de-j,, iter is the duty of these self-made I ho crop., have been fcood and i.ommi38ioner8. We would be very ..M saved in good condition, lutle surprised after this to hear of in;d -.villi a fow cicti.tions are all se- cured. ;-iri il h:tvi. I such motions as "I nwve, seconded by myself, that I he lieeve, or Warden I h. re ha.H not bcon mnch thrr .shing j f^r the ensuing y^ar-carried." Tbe â-  I unj h(ro yet, but»what li^s been tlif" -h' Imi turned out well 'â- r-i •. liii; viild ha.s been t'rf-at. Mr. Wm. Sofiurs thrrshed thrw acres of motion of the Commissioner for Ward in some o. .j jy the best unintentional vote of ccnbure and condemnation against the system that could have been made, ...t. l.y j.oid.d ovcr-V) bushri „,,j ,,,,,,,. ^^^ „f^„^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ to til. api. T ills beats the case not 'I I'.- tho STAMAitii s'irn time a'.»o. M. r.. .1 l;ou an.l Wm. Bi, Ihy ^..^..^^ f„, ^^ j inspecting if urn ".io,.' forn lour i.f ii;f jxction fo ju-'i'ei.uug^, ii »h-i.M-it lone land. We wihh K.i|i'C ^:-. .••tartm: How long will the people of Artemesia I tolerate this system The pay they lone land. We wihh theui j 1"'=*^'^^^ *^^^ ^^ ^^^ Overseers ill thi ir niio.sion, tliey intend ' '^^ ^^'flJH^ wuuld be expended in in ubont two w( eks. I worl|^^Bhepairs on the roads, and .^fr. 'riiomii.s( a thre«hiug ' the^^^Bl he iii.icliitio 111 the harn of Mr. Warn«r, )• irricl by lic'litninR sonio time a(,'0. no need of hringing Council. They are the know in: III ttilloii t| mi .Mr. 0,;L.rt ha.i I.e. n unf jrtiiiiute, this i "•" """ ^°^^ ^^^"e t^^e unsafe â- t'j ilip second machine he has lost ' "'"" "®' '^°^ "« wUling to work that way yet ho or his sons are i w'len money is being expended, and ir war path, having a thresh- {at the proper seasof. Perhaps more iiii: iii.icNine that is equal to the best of this another time of ih'in. They can do as bit; a day s wui 111 do it as well and us cheap â-  •." 'I llier machine. The c.rresj.ondent of the Advance •hoeuifd tiv iliiiik tiiat it was somettiing wonderful that hu had to cominuni- EUPHKASIA COUNCIL. A meeting of the Township Council of the â-  Towuship of Euphrasia was held parsnant rate about when ho said tliat the t adjournmeut, on tbe 30th day of July, liKhtiiiliK ud Vandusen were after ' Hsl. Members aU present. Minutes of Mr. Oilberl: perhaps bo is ono of tbe I la«t session of Court of Revision, and last ' "" ** *^® h\\\%, aod scientific investi- To tbe Editor of the Stakdabd. biB, â€" Apparently there is no depth of meanness too low for some ereaturea to reach, or no height of idiotic folly to which they cannot soar. Of the truth of this we have had abundant evidence in our yillage during the past week, and that in quarters where bet* ter things were looked for. It is no secret that eertain foolish parents were very angry their child- ren did not succeed as well as some others at the late examination at Ow- en Sound. I undentand some of these bump- kins have gone so far as to charge our worthy teacher with corrupting the Board of Exammers by purcbasiog examination papers beforehand and assisting some of his pupils to work them the night before they wrote. Now, Mr. Editor, this is a serious matter. Put into plain English it stauds thus Our teachor has been charged with having, for a considera- tion, induced the Board of Examiners, at the head of which stands the Pi^iV. Canon Mulhollsnd, to do an act com- Eared with whicJi Uorao-at^AlJQir pr ighwsy robbery would te huttrivial oflfences. Your readers will naturally aek "Why all this fuss, and splutter and ebullition of childish wrath " Let us try and explain. Mean-eouled people are always envious and jealous, they cannot endure to see their neigh- bor prosper equally with themselyes. This meanness ofsonlisa sure iadi- cation of mental weakness and inca- pacity. Weak-minded persons are, as a rule, vain and full of self-conceit, licartless and disiucenuous â€" wholly incapable of performing a generous, large-hearted and disinterested act. Ibis class of persons, though they may possess a certain amount oi "smartness,"' which they themselves are apt to mistake fcrcleverality, yet, in intellectual capacity, they are al- weakliugs â€" utterly incapable of grasp- ing a subject which rises S3inewhai above tlieir owu mediocre natures. These people, in their self conceit and ignorance, never think to blame themselves for any failure whicli they or theirs may suffer, l nder these cir- cumstaoces a little Irieadly counsel and enlightenment may serve a good purpose. Sir. there is no fact ia tbe natural world more clearly demonstrated than the hereditary transmission of quality â€" "like begets like" is an adsge as ttai their ealM by O^Miaa. bat hata ipM thaiiii filr fans tf gor- Miwent mA V^ *^ mmixa», â- ambar adt qaaU^ of he* dEflV*. aa ia thewdiaaiy aftainirtr mtian of anca doi^ to tfM ApoalofiB tbaa any other Inneh of Uw CSuiatian Cbfrdi a siaaa afcoat tlifr d^ of^ auata i j. Tha voad P ia abyfa riaa â-  to ba on- dentood as expmBTt, aotaoaaadiof a partiealar creed or artadaa of fcith, bnt of that peeoliar form crfr^abtisan goTemmcnt whiab obtains in that church â€" in this aense only shall we dJocBM Um faeatioB at tbe preaant We bold that "whataoerer ianui eleariy taogfat or fairly dadaeible from the woad ot Uod" ia not to be reeeiTed aa an article of faith or followed ii. praetiee. We find bat two oidos of ehnreh officers in ft* Apoctcdie Chareh Til Bishop or Elder, called also Presbyter or Paster and Deaeon. See Acta xi. 80; nv. tt; xx. 17. Titna i, 6. Jamea t, 14 Ac.. Ac. The elders of Epbesns wei« over- seers or bisfaopa, as the word indicates, by appointment of the Holy Ghost the eldeis of Crete were to possess all the qnalificatioos raqoired in bishops, and Paul commands the elders to act as bishops by "feeding the flock, e." Acts XX, 28 Titos i, 6-9 1 Timothy iii, 1-7 1 Peter y, 1-4. There was a piarahty of elders in eveiy congrega- tion or company of behevers. It was so in Jemsalem, Epliesos, PhiUppi. in tbe churches ol Asia Minor, and Crete, Acts xv, 2 xiv, 28 xx. 17. Sec also 1 Tim., Srd cliap. tbronghost where but two classes jf rulers are meationed in the chorcb. The Priest bas no place in tbe Christian cburcb, seeing he bas no BHcrifice to offer, for "Christ our great High priest." offered the sacrifice of binisdif "once for all,' Heb. lOtb cbap., e. For the origin ofthecfBce of Dea- Dnialk. PltlHnIloâ€" yat ^oKOoaatv b«ktvoal!f.t » WWII laf^l nfabn^ ft«a Mi^dak. Of t)» iiwiifnT flan«Mto» laadatstaad lat^imm wwaftwft *• Om ^ud HiSk BdMMl. tUa VoaU cave baTtre to ba diahribated Um other towna, villagM tm Cm abo«ii« iiMttainljr ViTfwadit- lUa, and lafloda Um higbeat praiM af^aU eaacamed and oaAUokbot haaecoptad aaaa ample Tmdicatioo of tta aadiShtad pohcy paraoad bj tiki Tna*Mamaceani«tb«aBnria« «C • IhanmgUy ooapeteot aod tcaioad Mtier for tbe bead Mastership. Ihe rising generation at leaat owe a deep debt ot gratitode to thoee who promoted and anccesafaily carried oat the anion of tbo Schools, thioaffh which alone reaalts ao pronooBOod eoold poanbhf have been attainad. From the abore it is dear that Marfcdale School has beeome far-**- iMene* tbe training School of the Coontyâ€" afeat which yoong people tlaaagfa the aarroondrng townships preparing for tbe teaching profession woold do wdl to bear in mind. Sn, It ia gratifying to know that the efforts of tbe teaebera are appre- ciated both by parents and pnpils, for never before in the history of tbe School was aaeh a successful ex- amination aa that held immediately before tbe late vacation. The lively interest of the parents was apparent from the number wbo attended aod the general expression of satisfaction which sat on evary conntenanoe,togetber with the words of eceouragement ,8yrap8thy spoken by many, bore ample teoumooy to their approval afkd the goodwill and cordiality existing between teacher aud popi!s were apparent to tbe most casual observer. Perhaps tbe most pleasing feature of the eveaing'3 proceedings was tbe presentation of a valuable gold chain an andaddress to thd master by the UMir kneW Jnade of ooarae Hidgi««a^i^ rtofll wbHh tbair Their teea iMptHw their petti-eoata^ being, a mbttxaai gram and yellow. Iiam mp^ to Parnt oa^ oaoapiaa a ran of aibv feAua «â-  v* "" ^ppoioted can, ki^ at a madi slover apeed than in Englaad. Oa oar tray «e paaa to bdaad, bat anUlw Ireland UMpeople aia eootanted, and appar- ently bappy aa..two meals a dajc. azK* dioaeiiotofttabaat. I doiTt think oar r-wnâ€" **«* voold care to life «o two meals daily and not grmable...- TLairfarm booaea are not scattwed over the eoaatiy aadi aa oora are, bot are baddkd together generally in one long atreet, in many cases some two or foor milea from their iiarma. The boaaes are low. thatched, one story, whitewaahfld boildings, and as near alike as two peaa. As in England, wheat, rye, oaU, and along tbe slopes of the hills vineyards are cultivated. Grope are good and are mostly boaaed, or, rather, stacked, as they have no bams, or at leaat not what we in Ca- nada would eaU a bam, to put tbeir grain into. Of Paris, the metropolis of Prance. It is diffictJt to give a description at all aatiaCactH7 in the abort compass of a letter. In pomt of actual sixe and popniation it is far inferior m London, and in point of wealth aud business transaetioDS London is far ahead; but as regards the enjoyments and gaieties of life, the Parisiaus must cartainly carry off tbe palm. The in- habitants pnde themselves upon being accounted the most fashionable, gay and polished people m tue world, and Dotliing pleases a JTreochman more than to bear yon praise their city. It contains a population of 2,000,000, and has a oircnmfereoce of nearly 22 miles, and no city lo the work! bus such splendid wide and clean streets- and bou'evards, which ran through it from one end lo the other. Go each side of the boulevards ttees are plant- R E M O VT? 'a 1 beg to inform my many friends tha* » removed into my new premises in Dr q ^**e Brick Block- Too busy to gi^e p^p^l«'s this week; bfit might say I have fre^'*^" arriving daily, which I will dispose of » 5?*^ living X^tifA feca^. "Ofceji A. McINrjJift lOtdale, Aiwoot *rA, Ittl tbeir esteem aud regard and slight recoguitious of his service lu their ccn see Acts 6th chap. Besides these behalf. I most not fail to mention tvco classes of officers, viz Birhop, Elder, Presbyter, or Pantor. for all the-se different are applied to one and the same officer, and Deacon, we can find no other tn the Seic Testament Church. It rests therefore with thoee who hold to Episcopacy to point oat upon what portions of scripture they base tbeir tripartite form of church government. Will Mr. Ward there- fore have the goodness to tell us whero he finds Bishops, Priests and Deiicons associated in tbe government of the Apostolic Church Mr. W. asks how we account for the silence of history in reference to the change from Presbvtary to Epis- copacy Well, to begin, ire do not mnck'e better thau major tones regard tbe argument as of the slieht- esr importance, it is one that has done duty for the thousandth time, it figur- ed largely in the Globe last winter, it was one of Mr. Laugtry's special pil- lars. What does it arioant to Will it bear the scrutiny of iuteihgcnt criti- cism Stripped of all superfluous graduating class as an expression ofjed, principally elm, which are trim- med up in inch a insnner as to "orm an arch over head for miles,and noth- ing can be more delightful one hoi nm- mer's day tbau a drive throngii and along the boulevards. They are wide, and at intervhis adorned with ainuu- menta of noted men, obloilcs, Ao. Tl;ey are always gay and brilliant. the strawberry festival provideil by ttie young lady pupils â€"in fact a sum- p'..iou3 eutertaiument to which both pupils aud visitors did ample justice. Sliort speeches by some of the clergy of the villai(e and others followed, ai'lcr which pruceebiiigs closed about Seven o'clock p. m. Tliis tormiaated the spring session of the Markdale PabUc School for 1881. W'm. Bbown. Markdale Au;r. 22, 1881. To tbe EJ'toT ol tbe SrAxomD. Sib, â€" i was niair than astonixhe'l to see s eorresprti.leu, o" yours that ca's himsel' "M" stiekiu' up forsingin' minor tones in Kirks, an' ay I ' that minor tones siir .lit- saul sae Noo, I'm sure that ony "i-dv iLat hsars iuc;ng in oor KIi\s, rauualmt «1k-o ihai inicr lauc- only are sung, an' as for ilie»o (-tiriug the si:r.I, tbcy wadna stir .• inroae. "M" maun surely be lev when he speaks o' sic thiaa. or el-e he doesna ondei-stan' English. Ony man wha kens onytbiug aboot siiigiug. wad say I'uat it's major tuiies we ne»l 8;ing iu oor Kirksâ€" stronB, michiy, powcrfu' leadin, an â-  ., I °" ironiu' awa at humdrum minor tunt-i verbiage the question stands thus The great want i. precentors. whalTg Do we bud Episcopacy in tbe Apos- we vir, an' pit some We in't. Failin' that, tolic Church We are constrained to ^^^ nei»t b«»t thing's an organ that will toot .uob who receives no such fortunate visits. There has been quite an improve- ment gcii'y on hero in the shape of II. w buildings being put up. This shows that the times arc improving. DUNi^ALK. From our own Correspondent. Crops are excellont, and will be all reaped and gatliered in this week. Kov. Mr. Potter gave an eloquent address to a full church last Sabbath evening. Mr. William Nelson, wbo bas been confined to bis bed for 'some weeks pist, 'i« on tbe mend, and is now con- sidered out of danger. Stormy Qarrett arrived by morning train from (^ ven Sound gaol, where he has been serving an apprenticeship for abusing his wife and family. Serv- ed him right. Mr. W. J. Hicks will raise his large grain warehouse this week. Sad Accidknt. â€" A very sad accident happened on the T. O. k B. Railway, near Williamsfurd Station, last week. Alex. Essai:, 'wn of tbe contractor of stona bridges and ealverta on this end of the above hue), while attending to business for his father was on a stoue train, and accidently fell between two ears while in motion, aevbral of which pMaed over hia body, killing him in •Untly. We avderMand Mr. Bsa«o By-lew No, W«, to becRNr MOO, sei8iun of Council, read and approved. A pL'tition, uumeroasly signed, asking for repairs on 81th and 25th sidehnes, Uid be- fore Council and accepted, and the Deputy Ri-eve appointed to attend to the matter. Messra. Boyd aod f awcett were appointed to ascertain the eircumstances of Mrs. Micks and to authorize the Beeve to take action in her case if necessary. Tbe statute labor charged against James McOce, struck off road liat. The request of Charles Fawcett not complied with, on ac- ount of the state of finances. Th« Reeve, Deputy-Deeve, and Mr. Longhead were ap- pointed a committee to examine the asset* and liabihtiea of tlie lownship, and ascer- tain what rate must be levied Ur tbe enirent year. The report of tbe Financial committee showing that on* cent in the dollar will b« required, laid before Cooneil, and a by-law carried through the different stages levying â- aid rate. Bicbard Sndjrore, pathnaiter, was ixAn- •d to get all f»n«M removed irom road allow- anoe in bis division, on S7th and Mth lide- lina. J. D, Crabtrse, Bq., John Berrr, and Christopher Ketley were appointed a com- nuttee to carry out C«ninty by-laws estab- Uahing a quarterly fair at Bocklyn. William McConnel, Esq., and Oeorge Viekara, Ejq.. ware ^poiatwl to value eer- tain work perfomad on S4 and S6 sidenad. J. D. Oraktoee, Tr«wiir«r, asthorised to aaeapt tlfllM, taaaa ehacgad against B. half lot IS, ean. 7, and tha Ceanty TNasonrra- qnestad te withdraw laid kad for Mie. Tka TrwMorer inrtraetod to taariva WUSO^, the balance by Jobs ClaiiBlaa. OafcalBr, and lo five Mr. Clngstoa a pnpvNoaipl. if the eoatraetor who buiU the Unioo Btrtian at Teronto, earned tbxtii^ n» Beeve aad Traa^pcr !• be^«w ' gation^bas in these later a^cs clearly demonstrated its trutli. Physiology and psycology conjointly with com- prehensive investigation have e8ta) lisbed beyond doubt that if a certain trait of character, either mental, moral or physical, be largely developed io the parent, the same trait of character will genfrally be found in the child. In sonfoimity with this universnl law, can we reaoonably expect that tbe children of these mean-souled, weak- minded people should be crowned with the same degree of success which might naturally and reasonably be looked for in others After all, Mr. Editor, there must be some truth in the "Darwinian" the- ory, viz 'I'hat man is but an eman- ation of tbe monkey. Some people, even at this laie age of the world's history, exhibit traits ol character wonderfully illnslnUiva of tbe unmistakable trace of the Baboon element which still pervades their natures. The prevalence of this Monkey element in human nature mauifesta itaelf in pride, vain glory, self-eooeeit, jeakmay, envy, aelfiahnesa and all ttie baser passions whiefa de- form and disfigure oor fraU humanity. Tnuting that thoee for wteaa bene- fit these linea are penned will receive them in the true spirit of meeknaaa and contrition befittinc the oeeaaian whereby permanent benefit may ac- crue to tbemaelvee, 1 beg to take my leave for the waa sot ZOONOMT. y^HMi^ Aw. 90, 1891. answer "No!" Do we find Episco- pacy in the present day We reply •Yes, rampant, in the Roman, the Greek, aud the Auj,licau churches. It therefore must have arisen at sjme iutermediate period between the pres- ent and the New Testament ages whether hjstoriaus noted the fact or not. To argue from ihe silence of history tliat the chaiige never occur- red would be simply preposterous. We regard Mr. Ward's sweeping as- sertion "Every person who knows anything cf Church history, knows that the Presbyterian form cf church government was unknown to the world until the sixteenth century," as of a piece with the rest rtspect for tbe gentleman and for the position he oc- cupies restraius me from characteriz- ing this assertion as it merits. Permit me to say, for the informa- tion of that gentleman, that there are many people wbo know tomethimj of church history and other history wbo differ from him as wide as the poles on that question. Perhaps the most laughable part nf Mr. Ward's article is to be fouud in the closing sentence â€" we note "'the Catholic and Apostolic Church of Eng- land" of which King Harry, th^ wife- killer, was the first Pope. Now, as everybody knows, the word "Catholic" means uuiverial. By what stretch of imagination can the Pkcy. gentleman apply tbe term to one of the smallest Protestant denomioa- tions iu tbe world If his church's claim to Apostolicity has uo better foundation than the claim to Cathol- city, le may just aa well give up, ho IS simply beating tbe air. WM. BROWN. M*aaiti.a,..^ug. 28, 1881. oud eneuch an' keep time to a T, sae that a body ciu join in wi't. There's uae use in mi'caiug organs. If we can mak orfans to Jae the wark better than the organs made by by thdAlmichty, I dinna see for why we shooUaa use them. We aie tould in the «a!d Dook to '-mak a loul noisf, jojfiilly " an' if major tune.s au organs will h.'lp us tap dac tliat, then doon wi' the minor times •M" surely canna hae muekle rnmgoraption aboot music, or he wad-ia hae spoken ffe alont majo' aadmmi.r tunes bnt inch I'ity I wad say that he made a mista e, an' pit ma- jor for minor, an' veety \ursy. Yours tae command, TaUAS TlCKLI, and crowded wit'i fa^hiooabie well dressed people. Tiie cafes, or eating anddiiuking stands, are great iustitu- tions, peculiar to Par^a, having er;:.*!!- ei I'lr oyer a century and half. Tliey are to be found in every Quarter of the city, and generally decorated with much ttate aud splendor. Wuei lighted up at night it is difficult to describe auytliing so perfectly eu'.;hita- ting. Here it is the Freuclimeii itud women are seen iu all their glory, seated near a small table in front of the cafe out ou the side- walk, enjoy- in- ibeir dinner, their lunch or their wice. Nollnng can be morsj jolly or delightful looking. Eveiy scat gem- rally occupied, both inside »nd outside, by men, women and children, all either eating, driukin;?, smoking or talk it, g. The blaza of thousands of by all that money ooold purchase, and detected by his people. Uis paUc^e and grounds weie the mott magnifi- cent in the world, and simply defy desaiption suffice it to saj, that the palae aud grounds cost the en(tf mona sum of two bnndred million dollars, and yet all this did not make him hap- py, as he died a miserable death- Many other plaoea of equal note was vuiited, snob as the tomb of Na- poleon I, on tbe banks ol the Sein, where be wished his body to he buried aa he said, in the midst of his belov- ed people whom he loyed ao well. Art is particularly well represented iu Paris in all its various branche«-r statuary, oil- p/^hitiiifj, painted glass drawing, engraving, wat^r color draw- ing, 4e. The Botanic Garden i» admirably arranged, and contnins some 18,000 different species: Mx. Bowee would no doubt hngertliere for hoprs. The iianaqerie, though containing many more specimens, is much infe- rior to tbe one in London, as are alao the geological specimens. i'eariug I have wearied the pait^nce of your readers, I nnst halt. 1 had intended giving yon a short skrlch of my trip tbrouKb Scotland aud Ire- land, bnt will have to defer it to my next. W. J. McFAEiJi.xr NIL DESPF.Rj^^^ wmsPEcine al lrs«of\ Befigie Taldng, i-u ..mj, ^-^,0 Dimne.a of .,i,^, Prea^T" '« tlatu!"« ^J • P». 'i 1 y otuer li-.^avee or CoDsompti' n »j,j jv mature Grave. KS-FuU partner, rars in-,, pMiphlet. wL;ch w, 4J7 to send fiee by n,»„ j^^^ is s^d by all l.rn,.,i„r^ »1.00 per ).ack.,,-e. " packagci; f maii on ri ;, f •). BIRTHS. Flehino â€" In Markdale, on Uie 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Win. Fleming, of a son. Ford â€" On tbe 29tb ult., the wife of J. W. Ford, (miller), of a daughter. MrxsHAW â€" In Flesherton, on the 24th ult., the wife of A. Munshaw, Esq., of a daughter. StnxrvAS â€" In Flesherton. on the 24tL ult., the wife of Mr. Jas. Sullivan, of a dauijbter. MARRIED Gbeooby â€" .^RMSTRONo. â€" On tbe 23rd ult., at tha residence of t'la' brides, father, by tbe Rjv. N. A. McDia:- mid, Mr. Charles Gregory, of To rento, to Miss Elizabofii, eldtst daughter of Mr. Wm. Armstrong, of Markdale. Gbaham â€" LJrowx â€" On Tursdav, 80:h of Aug., at thp P. M. Parsonage, Markilale. by the Rev. J. S. Cor- coran, -i'hos. .J:tg. Graliam.of Sind- field Township, Manitoulm Island, to Siirnl! Ann Brown, daught- er ofEdwar 1 Brown, Holland Town- ship, BL.^cKBrRN â€" SiM.MONs â€" At tlic Pres^v. teriaii Maose, Markdale, on tfi" 8Ist ult., Mr. Gcr,. H. Biackbu.-n, ti Mis.s Francis C. Simmons. All of .\i-tcniesia. Cures Cholera, Cholera Ku tentery, Cramps, Colic, SeTi, nesa and Summer Como/ajit •, Cholera Infantum, and ajji, plaints peculiar to childmSl ing, and will bo found ml\ beneficial for adults or ak^l FOB SALE BY AU DIKen T. MILBURNAm' PnjorietooiV MARKDALE NOTICE. Au.! tvc-rv itSjOH ue. cripti'.n of (aaq mi| Finsi .â- (.; j.t rea-on-." .• i.i- â- ;. OrA-rsieliSlI Liip-orauu: Uv I 'C.i -..iJl Le pn^4ll teu I Id to. ^^OTICE is htreby piven • prom'"!-- i.1 sory note for ^iSO.'Jo, p-inxn-tijij' t-; be ma.le bv tee iu favcr of tb.- "au b Lil-Jjt- niug Kod Co.." wa.? obtainc-U from fce bj".i.» j D. Kuthcrford. «ho represented hir.-ise:: lo fancy colored trns liTlit^ fii rpfl,.7 '^i"" "f"' "' •"'â- ' Company. a.i. an l f..r air iaiii.j Loiorea gns J guts, t.lo relicc- a knowMppmc-u for theifcfipt oMi,fUr n- „ lion of mirrors, the chnking of glasses, ro.l material, I bavins rrevionsly «.'r.,a tT, Satisfaction t;ie rattle of knives aud f:;rks. and tlie "' •"" *be Com.Danv's lo!»l a^.nt. As 1 1 chattering of thecharuiii" iadie-; iid """ purc!,as[-a s-aid mat. rial an 1 n. viriii- i the merry laugh of innocent children. ' ^^^ trloZT' *^^"""' •*- ""' ' 1 ij very pleasing and enchantiug. All (sign.d). ' THOMAS K.Nir.KT. â-  ^iS STMl S/i»jt SUrkdule. Aug. !«th, l«ii. 51-tl. FROM THE OULD SOD. To the Editor of the SrASDABD. Dear Sib,â€" My last loft me in Ould Ireland, where I HtiH am travelhng round sight seeing and gaiuing health; but before commencing to talk this country, let me say a few words about Pans and some other places I have visited. From London to Paris is 240 miles, via Newbaven and Dippe, and usually occupies twelve hours. In journeying fiom Louden to Now- Parisians drink wine, from the tod- dling child to the crey haired old luan, and drink it in abundance, and siiign- ChOlCG Farm fOr SaSO. lar to say during my stay in Pans 1 1 never saw a drunken man or woman, I O '^^^•" FKO.M .V.\KKDAI.E. LOTI19. excepting on the eight of the irreat 'tj^""""""'" " "•^â- """â- ^- ""' »'•» T. 4 National Fete they hold ou the ^14t!. ifsu^I^.Sr.ln' ^iLr^^"' " "^^"' " July to celebrate the birth of the new Republic, and then oily a few vduii" who had imbibed rather freely of the free wine which the government dis- tributed all over Paris in tbou;!aud8 of gallons. Oa that night 1 attended the grand review of some 100,000 men of tbe French army held at Long- ci.ams. The day was excessively hot and some 60 of tfie soldiers had to be carried oflf the field from the effacis of sun stroke. The French soldiers did not impress mo very favorab'y. They were dressed very slovenly â€" wide red tlie k- iance bard timber. 1 ue aK.v.r farm is a verv de»i^abje property aud will be Kold cheap" A t^Of«i frame binn and lo-/ ho^n-c in on tbe place PosKe»sion given this fall. For fortlier Tar- ticulars apply to Wil. LITTLEJOFiNS, .^ On the jr.miAes. or to C. W. RriLEDOE, Markdale. Sept. 2ud, 1881, Guarantd HtJrt lii-ur to r.rrtnEM. W. A. jan:^STOI, Pif I Mark.^alp. .».rr. :•• li, l*"!. THE KEY TO HEALTll BURDOCK BL( Farm for Sale. LOT No. 9, Conoes.-iiou 10, Glene!)? eon- taming 100 rcresâ€" 80 of which is cleared and under cultivation, the balance trousers, blue jaJket and\ gre^at hi.:: Prlu^u "'bUt^i^^'Tt'::^- .J2^„t boiidiags. hn\ a young orchard, i cap, a cross betweeu a grenideer's and a cavalryman's cap. In size and soldier appearance they are much in- ferior to the British soldier, in speak mg about tbe size to a Frenchman, he said all their largest aud " „ best men haven vnn »,,»» .1 1 " '^^'" "'iie^ Ju"ng the Franc) German haven, you trave. through one of tbe war, significantly added they would finest agricultural sections of England ^^t have their revenge, aud march To the Editor of the 8TAnAai Sir. â€" Tbe sncoens which tlie pupils of the Markdale School achieved at the late examination deeervos more than a passing notice. As reported by tbe Adctrtimr we find that of one hundred and forty odd pupib wbo wrote at OWsn Sound hot twente- three were saooaasful, ol whom *foiir or over one-sixth,were from Markdale and of tbe fbort'en^two.or oneeeventh were from our school. The aigoifioanee of thia sueoeaa wOl be more appacent b^a ibe following oompaziMns. The County ol Grey contains three eonsiderable towns Owen Soond. Dmhaa, Meafbrd, ud nsiDg ambition* wlagee^ifcjia^ig The farms ara large, fields well culti- vated, and beautifully enclosed with hawthorn hedges, kept in excellent trim. Wheat, oats, barley, and gar- den stuff are chiefly culti'vated, and everything looked flonrisLing. The farmers throughout Eugland are m excellent spirits about tbe crops, as they are much superior to what they have been accustomed to for the past three years. From Newbaven, a smaU watering pisce 00 the south cost of EngUnd I took passage in a neat, trim htUe boat, which takes you across the En- ghsb Channel, some 60 miles, to Dip- pe m France, and it was just here that my troubles began, as my knowledge of I; Much is very imperfect, my edu- cation having been neglected in mv youth. leoaldeulymakethanativi; ondersiand what. I wanted hy going «-ou«hap.utomine.^.nd ge.L„lat "HJhke a circus clown. Dippe nas a populaUon 0(22.000. chieflvengeaeJ ""*« «••»». ivory earving,^. '"g wme. and fleecmg those wâ„¢ through Berlin as the Germans did through Pans. I think tJiey wiU have to wait a long time before that takes place. Tbe sight* of Pari, are many aud grand. I shall only men- tion a few. First, the theatres are egion,and upon them millions are lavished. They sre open every day, SuEd-iy and Saturday, indeed Paris knows no Sabbath, -shops, theatres concerts, saloons, eafes and all tiie rest, are in full bhtst on that day. and If possible gayer than on week days. Ibe Tulleires, tbe former residence of Napoleon is io ruins, and stands facmg tbe Cham de Ellise, a moau- naent to the Communists who destroy- edit after the fall of Sedan. PurS jdouKto the right PUceVendomra beantifol Conothian piUar 220 feet ^gh mad. out of tbe^unonscaptw with Buss* and Austria in 1806 U the battles he fought and won (Water 1^ "tbT*.?*"" ToUienStst hae the magnificent church of the -, is wen wat- ered a-jd well feneed with cedar rails. ft 1- sitnated SJ mUet from the Uirivinn vilWe of ' Markdale, Title good possession eiTen at I once. Will be sold at a racrifice, as tbe pro- prietor is going Wast. Apply to 1 JOHN BLACK, Traver«ton P.O. ' or to C. W. EcTusBOK, Markdale. September 2n d, 1861. 6I-8t* NOTICE. ryHE gnbscribei in returning thanks to tiLt^'rhM rerha";;"""'" '^^ •« »- A URGE STOCK OF LEATHER ' ' We have no specialty, aU Unlocks all the clonrri jransoffcl nrela, Kidneys and Livtr. am on gradually wuho-Ji we.ikeningthtij** all the impurities ari foul hoaonrffc deletions at the s-ime timt Cmdlf Acidity of the Stomach, ciinii{K onaness. Dyspepsia. Headscialli ^eea, Heartburn. CoBstiiriia DiTness of tbe Skin. Drqprmr Bees of^Tision. Jaundice. Ssftlk* fcyaipelas, Scrofula. FlnttaiifJ tte Heart, Nervoosaess udS" Debility; ail these sr.d iranyote* lar Com plaints vie'l " -he happy i^ Of BURDOCK BLOOD BXTTBI â- uBpie Bottles 10c,BesiiIar«l^ ' ' For sale iiy s}l dnlen. 9, MOMntn A to.. Proprlrlort. T^ THE MOST POPULAR ^^ W A. t â€" ' or Aui-« SEWING maehine; re tl^e to gire us a '"I1 "p's'^A^'If- ""?â- *•"« ttention. ^^.^ latKL* â„¢OIIAS. 01 ^^ D* 49 tf. are nd ^^°* r„i""" ""'""-- BtX » tw. tbey Ww g,Ml IHri, -«^ white, pSSlS^tbSllJK lobnUd. We next come to the^ Lon- vre the -moat be«itifnlly d«»»tod buddmg jn Paris, u «u bereft Lorn. XIV, Oh«l„ IX. nnd otS hiT ,J°?**"°^» "'«^- »»«! from 5«d that wow a crown. It wm ol ^.XkXr.hrii.i sXte^^-tsiSi^^s b^'^ih.tLoni.^ffiim^ A SMART, STODT'BOT. ABOUl 18 jA^ie year, old, to learn tha ali^ JCar^^e, Ap^j. 5fd. 1^1 ^^ ^^4^ V.^ r^?t Samplf J. M. 8iew**i, Pub.. Mew* • ',â-  CS4eage. 4^ Bxa mitia tioa. Jnly i«]l AU^ tiM^btarn JOS. BEID, B. A., Ited ^Hatter. K3^Bo«r4 eul be ha*loQi $8:«p. b 6-1 )i?so#aFllW 30 UNION Sa NEW HM^AGOILL MABfl- c-**^ Orange •pe^ejt.-alijjo** ^j ♦J* ^: In the meanti] n-yii 9 STANDARD.!., Use kindtj of tn| eelleut fur h ;n w»«mb«3. 1881 j^'g »;â- ':.',,. Ot^ER NOTICES. I Apoodyonij ^^HCKâ€" â€" =5^5-55^!= Apply to HI Meatb^ CatUeFair next p. O. 6tb Inat. Tjatm Orr is having hie house i 8k. vaneereJ with brick. WaioBT has returned from I. Marie, where be has been ^ring. il hew in Sault 8te. and is working np a good a eaU ftrom Mr. Faweett, ,A^»ic«, and Mr. Watson, cf f, last week. _Bdent bas taken a turn for r the past few days, and un- takes place there are pMt of hi« recovery. il'reeerve Jars a speBial- h Son. j » \lfilaon will preach in the L ihaKh,^arkdale, next Sab- g, at 6.80. [ies' Aid Association of the Church, Markdale, will r on Wedncsdsy, Oct. 6th, of the Glenelg Fall Show. I An e::teD6ij lie auction ntj Monday, 6th farms in another coUu A L^BGE rh| Mr. Richard phrasia, -ipit-dl suit of Lis ~h| d^sappeafed Ano S" I.I. Orr H'as on ii dale, nbout 11 the road 1:1 half milc.H w, is our sports Let u/lioar game as nb^ve The hJ pens it iii'-iilc^ bos cf y.i-i lir Tbo stiiti'iiii 1- supplied by Iii For all Liv. and «fTLCti"iis| BoWil- 11~. tl; dv. l»r. ',irs' Ii jplete assortment of AcintB- jiiition I'.in.r fflooL Books at the Medical J confjiiimu' Ti Xosvaa Co. jcnt*; a l...t'l.-. b eewMOcing to come iu. j "=;' "J"""" " "' st purchase made lior.? was by I •1"' â- '^ccimil fiotbera, last week at $1.10 for K. C. [and $1.05 for fall wheat. The bol:«'d ;it \\\i W. d'lrslny, will he .\tl. Ii I were not of the beat. ,.. oil company, nre snl»«( jtorers of "Castorine luticliitie vc. liiii'r.u| cements will be pr '8t'c,ULtod, proceedinrs of Protoa and fTownriiip Councils crowded Vith several communi to the j.'l .1';: So.-- bilN "â-  fi^rl i-~i\ tuning ace 'r iiiij son'o StIil:l!l and items of intc-rest. \VillU(,,^_ Tn-v i-r r next week. J powers mid ' In l:ir'„'p w .â- /.. 'â-  salr I'V .\. Tl i-.vl your Preserve Jars from Rey- I Sod, cheapest iu town. Corcoran, P. M. Minister, will I preach in the Oraui^c Hall, kle, on Sabbath next, at .S o" l.m. All are kindly invited. fir Marl; la Mr. .Sa It 1 â-  ol this jlaee, to.i'iu iot II iiiiij ca'l ou Sirt I! lieie )ll tilt 1' BR has just received a fine ^eut of apples, peaches, p'u jp, .land. 1!' ii.f i 8, -jnions, c., and will litive'i?' a l'"" lr..iu lafewdays. Liook out f r j l'""' 'â- â€¢.' ertisement next week, too hn- it this week. if tit J 1 lyoer dealers for "Ca^iorine" oil, and see that the lmii.1 ' mtrt* winc'i w. rej Bed •'Castoriue,' as Qone other jijjO tu 'JO' ci uH U°e. Ucu ruined I.. iJ ^TiL.â€" Mr. Gr:i:i» hr'.s 1 -in'ov "n nil li.a^ ml Brfiiturebueiiess, to IWnsou' 1 w:i! lc «.eii It pckhnrtdrng, opposite i:n«lett j which aJ'-...ria ^bere he will be g!iil to uu. "p tw I't AiH !e by customers. j-iii. 'it ca!!S- lanv boanti-l 1""' ' " .t you see so ma.._. worn now-a days l'.i-:ui" • '•'•"• *â- """ '" sells a geuuioe nrticle at h .^ 'l'"-*"" '"•" " "de priofr. He has a Ur-e ""'â-  "' '"" ' ck now. i 'v:g"r:.l.- it-. iiiva iiil !y be ^^ r. McFarland landed in V'lrbec ilo n«ij i.ii.'.- :i eJrv, together with W. F. Doll ' c:illel pi!; .. • n [i-= Richardson of Fl.^hcrfun. j "" ""^^; ••^_, ttertwo are expected L«nic to- ' =•- ' ' ' MeParland will arrive next I i'"' I'l'"^- "' I injr |)jb'.- i:i ff'iiil avy rain storm passed over this j '"" '• """' " [just as we were going to pris. I ""*- l"""' ' • =1- »niid by the severest thunder vohienc for j- ' Ig we have witnessed in 06. It was of short duration vohienc a ccobsiii;4 t • i,l order til ' !ir« -^-liue \\'.. «,f li.iviii-.^ .il Lav â- na for the SrAXDARn the best •per in Uiis section of the '•"• ^•r"»'"' ' To the end of the year from ' me cliai.l '*®"°*»' ' Ili,rv..t ..:.!... I 'Craduno.â€" On Tuesday Au;;- at Ka^t ;n. .1 tiij •1 Mr. David Lewie cradled 7 the weather li:i rods ol barley ou lot 2, j iiiijly vvann, • lEnphrasia, from 7.30 a. m, I liave b«i 11 hoiis.-i [tt., we would live to know if 1 The l.-it- i)iiii,' w tcan boat, if such tliere I Nrderable. but wit out. Uield will^ic "hov "Castonne" Machine Oil, for j ets aie 01; the ri~, of machinery, it is also ex- 1 high through the br harness and leather, uiik j^j „o,v th-? oriK 1 ., fMer and weather proof. For 1 ,,„.,.j, ,^„^ â-º dealers. i "' ,, J I they not. J liero [• first-class Carriage cr Wag- \^^^^ l,u,kiileaetit to D. J. 'ShanabaHS, be is i^^, j^ ;„ ii,c mid-t tbe balance of bis stock at f teduoed prices' to make room We stock of cutlers ajid sleigl-.s, .-.».« |**r tbe place, opposite the I ;:!-il 'â- ' """•"' "" •.Mill Stn^t, .Markdale. l-\^"'""^l"'l"' storii bi-ot;i s ii; chance for a good bar- 1„^^. .,,^.^,,,,,v 1,„- " " restiuie theit l"i «k Work on Messrs. Uoid 4 •':••'â-  ^^c--'»^" 'â- " »'• Work is completed, and is *-*.""â-  '""' ""' '"' "• finest building so far iu ' Wock is 82 feet front by 60 ' ^ee story high, and seven loader the whole size. I ofiBee, is now being J»4 ^1 be eompletod noQth, the proprietor has TiiK. S.u.t-;;-! grey liau's "I ;;;_â-  sorrow to t'!. i.'i:i.V tile clldli;.;" of .-.i| that no «iry II come to sa Mi 11 n- gists, 6Ueei:t^a li Aei-lDEXT.â€" .\*. ajed nl plnjnug ill tlioyarJ of broken glhss, iij f *o have It bmli larger than i inch iu depth it I OftUed for, and has there- 1 sevc-ng a-i arterv. '**tj|flik) tlic length. I Dr. Sfronk- was SacamcB ok the Hymen- ' c^*^^'*^^' "• '"I'l"" '•^La** week Mr. C. Greg- «f Toronto, took to him- r'eetecmed yoang nate) 5nss Eliza "*^»ng. eldest daughter o t^ -Amasttu .. â-  .-. oqg. of this place. *•« » lotg and liappy hfe. cotuprcs.sioii, i:s pick up the an ly] the wound. This to jK)ople to be a \i to where they tliro The litllo kilow but will have to la three or four wed TW^-

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