'r. '^^f^flfij-y' ;-i THE NATIVE MICHIOANDEB. I Iiave bcPnetatljiBgluinfjrBWMk. .Wit 7 o'clock ereiy pvt-uiqg Le x ici K ui frr m bis farm and takes a « 111 ' si]o nM ou tle yerandah of tLe couutry Lutel. Noooe Uitroduc ed ns. He came stuutjiitig alous tlie ht^t eveiiinf;, floug dowu liia old straw Lat and exclaimed: 'DurD my hido if i^ isu't dare Lot !â- 1 bad been roosting hi1 day, and bo I Btruck Imnda witb bun at oiic«. He lias never abked irbttber I was tbe Duke of Sutberland or a railroad jelotulj guarded her a«cret from tbe neighbOTs, feanng that steps vpoH be taken to tear the boy airay from her. When ahe died, tbe iatber attempted to folio ff her example, bat wm not eqnal to tbe task. Yonng Uairiogton baa been remoycd totbeiasaoeaiylam at Cranston, E. I.â€" i^o»to^ Jour- anl. Sen Spots. â€" Not sirce tbe great snn storms of last fall .-as tbe snn's disk been so speckled as it is this week. Not far from tbe c«ntere are two en^rmoas gronps of spots, each inclading one vast ca vemons hole sor- kZa rounded by many sma'.lpr ones. East twitchinan. anrl 1 have iieyer abacn ^, 7i j- i i, j *,,,,' " â- ' 1 ^„„ „fl- of tbese gronps tbe disk, OTcr a broad why be ili'lu t cut bis bair, sljave on 1 *» ^^ ... ii._.i ,._ bis matted w uieker rne tbe and fix a tiu saace is covered with scattered spots rr- ^. „f u:^ .,.,u L of all sizea and intermingled with tbe -jiottt m one comer oi bid moiitn ioi .,,,,. ., _i i i j •ftccommodate J. e. Tbe native Micbigander is a good fellow al beart, but be has bis eccen- tricities. fl â„¢ „f ,„i„„^ I cnnkled Imes of faculae, which showed How ol tobacco I ^^ J- I I tuat tremendous disturbing forces are at work. Comets it is suspected some- times throw tbe -sun into a state of excitement bo stoning him with the meteors that belong to their trains •Yes, I struck this State over fifty; Wbetberjthe preseut comet has been jeurs ajjo," be said to me the other making a target of the sun remains to evening, as be buiited in bis hind \^ learned. But evidently it is not pocket for bis ping tobacco, "I've i the kind of eomet to refrain from such benrd tbe wolves bowl, and b'ars roar, I gport out of respect toJtheBun, judgicg and tbo pantl.ern scream." j from tbe way tbe Albany astromers ••Y(/u liiive,eli " I saw it whisking its tail in the face of ••You bet I have.' Yes. sir, and the North star I'vo lived ull winter on acorns, slept ;^ all huinmcr on a tree top, and walked forty two luiles through tbe woods to • prayirui'-eting." "Then you must be pious?" "I'ioua? Darn my old hide to bailjliiick and gosh ail the fish hook. to tliiinder, but 1 luyther recou I am! Pious? Why, bow in thunder and liluzeri and tea kettles cjuld I have borne iiD if I hadn't bocn pious! Say, (I'll you ver live in the woods forty iniie.'i from the nearest human hyena, black or white?" "Ntvcr." "Did you ever have to go barefoot- ed in biiow four feet deep ' -No." "Kvcr sliakfi witli the ager rii;bt viloji;,' for 2Hl dav-s, Sundays includ- ed?" ".No.- '•Dod rjt your pampered countcn mice, of course you ueyi.T did What did you i.ver do towards innking Michi- I'/.iu till- great uiid gloriaus Stato bbe now 1.. "" "Well, I've run a law mower." "Klin !i tliundor to biazis! How in;:iiy iu:r--s .if fore.-it doyou 'sjitisel've cut down " ••'Iw.,.' "Two! Why. you onrry hyena, my oM wonian lia-t hliisln J dnwii over forty licrsi If, undblie'u left baoiled at •JMt! I ciilkerlate, fir â€" I solemnly -alk'rIiiti: that I've chared olF :itle i»t r.M) jii-res of the tol'i;^h ♦ kind offoiest. All I --ir, lint yoii jutted and [lauifer- »i| cliil'lrtn of luxury little dreuin of wliiit us i:;itiveK bail toiiidiiro. llow lui.cli li :i i|ii you siipposo I bad in niv Ir.;i--i- tl. • fir t ten years of our imnmr life'"' •â- 'rivi. 11 ly-C VI.- chests." "I' w -Mty live Thunders!" he roar- MARKDALE ,CARRIA6E_W0RK8 McKENNA MASON HAVING leased the Waggon snd Black- smith Shop owned by John Beniton, lies to iufona the Public, that that they are prepared to (uriiiAL ail kinds of Vehicles, such aa BL'GGIES, D EMOCRTS, WAGOO:VS, ETC., AMD AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. And by asinpt the BeBt of Material and Good Workmansliip, hope to rec«'ivo a fair share f yciur patronat" Special attention ^ivinto HORSE SHOEING AND General Jobbing! As wi\viir;iiit all otir Work. K cail !: siJicit ftl, nnil wi'irimraiitcc satiffaction. Sliup o: Mill Hlruet, opposite the Revere Ilot.-l MarkJale. March 3, 1881. 2.-| 3m. KEarkdale General Ak IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET STRAIGHT LOANS, NO FINES, CHARGES WW. MABKDAIiB HOU^E. ALEX. BUTLEPGE, Proprietor. the season. The travellmg PuWio ™»y ' °P?,° Irn^^ o«ly e«tel tfc«t «â- • JoA Go«i^««2[',^friSiTSS ao^^^ " If you want InsoranceSpatronize the _* :i 4a3. UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. â€" BRITISH AMERICA^ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E R TY ORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past iavors, I am. determined to merit a further share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing and prompt attention. TIIEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale. March 29, 1881. 29-tf. Artemesia_ Warehouse I 'FnESHE BTQN S TATION. N«. » hMHl lor «!., ui will b. ~ul«.llJ "«"•«. ' "â„¢**« =~' •' Diy Goods, Ready-Made ClotUng, Boots and Shoes, HARDWARE, CROCKEEY, GEOCERIES^ROVISIONS, c. 13. All kinds 01 Country Produce taken in exchange for Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufactured and for Kesherton SUtion, May 27th. 1881. ' FLESHERTON I'M i. Ill' liiniti'il fur lUDfii pliij^, "wo 3i »il jii.t Iwi) liriiwiiijj.i uiiJ III) uiore I" "'..III tii"t y.iii gi-t tvu,ti'il lit tlic curiH r L^rnoi-ry "" ••lii-t trii.it.-l! Ciriier grocoryl WiiV. V'lii lull null yiiunt; Itiiiatio, v\;t^ii t I III.' ill il f.rtv imlcd fruiu the ;;ii Ol ry rfiiit ri *vli;it J vo bicu •i;!liiii: Villi ill! iiloii';. Ohl pioiioors ciiiiliii I Hit' 'I'l si(;)i iiixurie^j us ibiit. Iliw iiiiu:!i ilii Villi '.-^jioso our uullit .••â- ^l II- I'-r li'iiisi' kn'iiiuy "" "/â- limps :?5.t'j, liut tLat'tiKCCord- WK. \.i t!i-- «l.vli; I'f yiiur carjx-tK, jiiaiio an I â- p.iiuliiit:-;. \hA you have hici; .-111 ;.ii;i Iiiui;; III! Ji'ili -i " II ' jiiiipii'il u| ;uid Jownlike a man v.LU :i I'll (V of liri I'.-itciili ill hid wind |.ipi' ii:id I thiiiiglit liu was a guuur. Iliiwi-vi-r. iilli'r n lii;,'lior jniiip thiin hi i-riiiiki'il did l('i,' setinod capable i.f hi bhirl d ciil "Villi iufiTiial durnod fool, but wc ili.li. h.ivo niithiiiK that wo couldn't eairv "ii niirback-i. Ioyou'spose wd was :i l'i'4i:r ar lUiiil with piauors uut there ill till vMr;,'iu wilderness. Lace cur- tain;. Iiuii'.; on poles. Not much If I'd liad a Kpurii shirt ou a pule I'U liavi- b.iii pvil'tctly satistied. Nonj of vou .-^pile-l children of luxury kin liave niiy idea of how wo had to get uloiit; III theiu old days." "l presume not. "One winter when tLe old womaii wanMi'k i had iiothini^ to feed her but r,.ilt f.ioii and corn dodgers." "yst*;r soup would have boon nice." "OvMter thui.dor I Who knew sny- tliin^' about oystt^rs fifty years ago? l)n t I keep telliuK yoa that I was fifty ladis in the woods?" "Yes but why didn't you get out ' "(lit out what fur?" "NVhy you might hav got out and lived on your mother-in-law and bad II tn ttiiig horse, a plug hat, a dia- •11. 1 pill and hi^'h living You were •lish to t-tay iu the woods, where :i liad no ward caucuses, or military rades, or circus processions, or .u:gtr beer or banana puddings." Wt! generally end here. The old native chokes and gasps and jumps up and down and kicks his hat into the street and goes away Myin£' "Them durned pampered idiots of luxury wouldn't keer two cents if the Jiiill State was growed up to jack- pines so thick that a rabbit cuuld't cijiieeze through " Hut next night lie comes again to •wrestle me for the championship. â€" Harness Shop A MOTHERS DEVOTION. /{- A very peculiar case of a mother's devotion to her son, a manic, baa just come to light. About eighteen years ago a family named Uarriugton moved to Portsmouth, R. 1. Nearly four fears aft«r, a son, William, then about ten jcaro of age, Mtddenlj dis- appeared. ' About thxee weeks ago the mother of the boy died. iSome of the people at her funeral heard » strange noise, snd, on going to a soiall, dark room in tbe attic, found there a yonng man.havig scarco^y anyclotli- ing, covered with bair. The husband of t'a« woman told t.befoUowiag story: The yonng man, he said, was hid son, who bad mysteriously disappeared so many years ago. When about two years old the boy became insaae, and soon was a raving maniac. The mother refused to lot him be taken from ber, but placed hiua in aq attic room, where at times she was com- Iiellodto tie him. During ail tbeK years he had been confined there, and the ufother was the only Uytpf per- •Vib Jvbom Ijr wn b»4 ^%b^ lihs was accustomed to Tisit him and UnA. him, with bsv OWB band, and had THE Sul«oriber bej;s to inform tlie rullic tlii; lie lias cuubtau^ly ou hautl a large a.^sortiiK-ut of CARRiGE, BUGGY AND TEAM IIAICiESS. riiilo in good slvlu liud nf tllO THE BEST OF MATERIAL, Anil ». ho means luuim • jrive him an fiirly cnll, aslii.- will fiell at tlu- lowost living prices, for cash. A piml Mii'i'ly uf WHIPS, TIll'.M^S, Ac, always on liaiul. Scoich Ocliars A Specialiy, And a good fit snarauteed. t=r"r.i'meralipr tlie sliiml the Post OiTiec is oiniiisitc. N,li. â€" Staw tiiuljir wanted, Fli J. GORDON. slu'ilon. March. 18S1. 16 ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR A;I^K(iE EIGHT-PAGE TAPER â€"ONLY-. Pvr Var. $1 Por Year. One of the Largest and best Weeklies in Canada. Agents receive 25 Cents for every ye.irly snb- Hcribcr. Any party scudiug lis three oub- scribcrs will receive a copy, post-paid, of the Parranr's Aci-onut Dook, worth one dollar, in place of the usual commission. Send a post card for Siimi'le Copy of our W'l'ckly. which is sent free. The only paper iu Canada that publishes o Draught Column. Address S1'ECT.\T0R PRINTING COMPANY. Hamilton, Ost. Noy. 11, 1880. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture â€" KSltâ€" UNDERAKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore haa supplied a want long felt, e8peoi.iUy ia the Uudertakiug Liae. COFFIKS, CASKETS, SHBOUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNlSHIHaS, sQj^lied on the shortes notiee. A. fe^plendid Heai^se Idr hire at laoderste rates. FUENITURE! From the Common to the iMlMi UtMt Styitt, in sfCTTtluzig ia iha liw.. 3U ttlMiforyaniMlTW. f ROBT. ASKIN. J-' _.4S)tt o» 6 (S m ^^^^B M 09 C8 P4 rt «o UJ .r^ m 1 z S S S •5 ijj c Co 1 § 'â- i 1 'Es^ hi RAL wing Miills :s o dp^ 1-; W UD -J Pi ep a v^^^^P*^ AGRI Fan COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always ia Stock. As I keep ^11 kinds of REPAIRS for the Imploineats I sell, Farmers will see the advautuge of dealiug with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN. ZFleslZLertorL. Flesherton, March 21, 1681. 28 tf MEDICAL BALL S E E D S FIELD SEEDS, INCLUDING J CLOVER, TIMOTHY, • CARROT, MANQEL WURTZEL, c, Sec, A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which v/ill be sold at lowest market rates. OH, HEAR. OH^HEAR, OH, HEAR. Squander your monsy if ycu waut to. if uot, get yourPhoto-'raphs of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take PictnreE, and do Copying and £ulargiiig as heretofore. We are receivin a large stock of MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, and mean to scU at Remarkably Low Prices Call and secure liirniiius. ' Ijring along yonr pictures and have them copied ard enlarged In- vour old friend. BULMER Flesherton, Maicli 10, 1881. ^0 ' :Jajkdalc, Dec. 9, 1^80. A.TURNER CO. 13tf STOP. MARK. LEARN! THE BUSH. THE EtfSHr Tlireo AVoHien after a, Tozeii Kerringfs. SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE In order tamakc room for their Spring Stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Clonds, Shawls, Mens Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Overcoats, Flannels, 4«. CS-DONT PASe TtlE PLAcfTslvE MEAN BUSINESS, .si In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonades, Ducks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims White and Giey Cotton.s, Dress (ioo-ls. Prints, Holland.. Towellings CoUaTs Ties Braces, Colore.1 and Dress Shirts, and aU smaU ware usuallv kept. Hats m Felt and -^râ€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. K^ Don't forget that COOPER SMITHS BOOTS are the or.!;, Boou worth buying, and we are the ONLY SHOP in Town that keen them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STYSES N. B.â€" We tmst teat all cnstomers will remember that we MTIST .oco t. counU are not paid by the IStll iM«., the Bailiff will deal with them X"rha7d«to HUTTER RaeI 1 Markdale, March 3, 1881. D. J. SHANAHAN'S "WAQON and Carriage Works, Jost opened, opposite' the drug store. Mill street. H«viig long experience in the bnai- nees, we feel confident we can giTe aatlBfae- tioD to thow {aToring ns withtheir orders for CABBUGK8. ' SFBf^a WAGGONS. ^:i ?- '" LUMBEB WAGGONS, *c. Horseshoeing, and all kinds of repairing n our line either in wood, iron, painting, aad trimanng neatlr and promptly ezeented. W« â- â- • DOtUnr bot good material and em- ploy ftnt-«Usi practical workmen. « OoT aim is to give the beat Talna for the laaat mooay. thus aeearing a repetition of ToarjfteaDwd osders and the benefit of your a Ul a ^m amoagyoar frienda. lfaftM%if*il«Ui.ie«]. so-«i9 Fnblic IVotice. ATOTICE is hereby given that the new The corporation of the township of Olen JAMES BBOWN^ FINLAY Slfi^E, Township of Gleneig, Oct. 19, i880. ^*' SAVE YOUUOMBINGS. ' 1» prepared to work up hair tovMtt^^ .witches, pnffs «d curls, terms^3S.£^ A^Uusohoted. Beaidenoeoornw^Tl^ And then you wii! kuow where to ko to get the best value for your Money, at \. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL GLEARIG SALE, AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, FLEyHEETON. In order to make room for heavy Rprl)i;Tlraiv.rtat:ocis now arriving' diiilv, I have decided reducing my piosuut large nnd w.U seU'Cted aud assorted stock of GENAERALDRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and in order to do bo. Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. "^In r ROr VHTi.'^*" **?1!'^!**' ""' w^" "°^"' "'" »»'«"«°° °' t" "°«et buyers. In .ROCl:.KIl.^ you will hud cvrythinR ofFirsi-Class Talue. AS 1 do not pursue the course of some of our wiudy Merchants of our reiKhU^rinir VU ti^n!;n rf"""""r'",T""'^P'"" °' "^^^ '""'^^ (*"»' unscru^lou?re^Smenda tions) outside oar na ural business relations, in order to impress the ^bUc tW^h^v Kr« X^^^^ul '"" ^VilV ""T '""""""' '^•'""â- -- """l '"' custom from the maiiy iouwill find everything: that I k-11 just as I rporesent it ...^ .= j " as you oan possibly get for your money any «h" re, a^^have "ways' hdd that^^^or^ T deahnir is the only true course for a biisme's man *^** honorable My Groceries are aU bought for strictly nett cash, consequently I can and will aeU at The Lowest Possible Prices! For CASH andFAEM PBODUCE BUT IVOT FOIt JRErIT. â€" o- I have also in stock and for sale, a hirge quantity of PUEE SEED GBA.INI o I am now selling large qnantiea of COABSE LAND SALT, FOR M A ]V XJR E, «elhng m five and .i barrel U.^at the ITw^sYcSSS^LSb"!*^ '*.' ^»' '^•«*ded in direct from the Manufacturers, andboug^f^rt^tSS?* f^ ^*»« by »»« car 1 would also infimate th^ my SPRING IMPORTATI^y ._,:__ ABE ABBIVING TJATl^:'""' "' And I will have op«Md ont «»ia,Ai^. J.S'i;. v?» i â€" " ""' " T il BU out MM^h^ir'^.o .II.-. -.. i^:r If On The im of ApHft I aa. year obsdiant servant. Flesherton, March 10 ;«8i -«*,t,. \f E o O 5- i /HbooTj oar tn .00. Oliord Ink Wonderful Inventii THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVI( y ' r V For Learning to Play CHORDS AND AGGGMPANIIIEIIII OIV THE f PIANO AN DORGi Any person, Young or Old, wbfl have any Musical talent or " can learn or PLAY ANl '.-. THING, -in a VEBI' S H O E T T I MB. whaf would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Ti^ition, etc., f^ Sent, pre-paid on receip o^' ^t^NOBORCAl ,â- '.;;'..• irOR SALE aT â- •-;â- 'vJEEY IiQW PBICBS' ADDRESS, • ' ?a '^v J. a: cEAwroB» â- ' 429 King Street East, Tfl^l Tofonto, ^jvil 14th. 88|^ #; â- | '.-r:-' 18/ Is [bhimo thalAtect roi«ljn»nd Provincial -â- • A/Coiaty Buiinees, ^B Inatmetive /{sOtKthne months, end at the year. No oatil aH arreaget are ir ""TXinvf* the opti«m of nie"PTlblish- -J #\?Ji!2Vefn8ing pap-rs without paym« w»»r\jA responsible lor the years sub- !«b5i they comply with the rules. ^dT^ «»W ,^ io IfiOO V( B ni ao do do 8 00 4 00 SO 15 75 25 6 2 jjBCrs t"** ""«ter. first ineertion.. ' B»«ii aobsequent insertion •m«mtitto t«n lines, first insertion '^?j»,|l vnbMquent insertion «t«alme«. first insertion per line I- »«|i iubsepnent insertion Lh. ,«nber of lines to be reckoned by the ooMipied measured by a scale of solid Advertisements without fti»ete 1 .wiU be publishfA tiU forbid and M*M«M4ii«l7- Alltranaitorya^ertiae- ithairBaklieatioB. DIRECTORY^ yU^ttxU promptly cialty. faction i Brown i Bejn. B tCill Uames jfr*- Spro«le A Carter, j rfciciaoB, Surgeons Accoucheurs UFFICK Medical HaU residence at '"^^V^^:^^- 'â- • ^_t. PUBDY, rSIClW. SURGEON, ACCOUCH- *.,.E«oMtAP.O. ^^^ C'V radd J Tol prom|)y| 35-3ra. wl $r0al. I. (.•ii.,ii Kiruriiv. E. D. MacBiillaM. (llAKZIll.B and DUKDAM.) TTOBNET AT-LAW. SOLICITOU IN lUTrd LChancvy, Conveyancer. Ac. Oflicc ov. r i i" â- fcl Parland't atote, Markdale, 29 i x'M ClHftS« B Wilk««, I â- rilBter at Law, Owen Sound. DFFICE.â€" MillersB buildnig. over lUbin- »«*ira^ fi store, Poulet Street. 1-y all f.-iiu-. Frost A Fro«i, IABB18TEBS, AND ATTORXF.YS-AT Sipf^Tnil JiSW, Solicitors 111 hinitrv, (orm v Jte., Owen SouHd, have returned at Office open every Thurhday, as I FaosT. J. \V. Fbost, LL. U. FCotinty Crown At torney. 1 Jatncct nasoH, ^ABBISTEK and .ATTORNEY AT LAW, Master in Chancery, Owen Sound. 17, 1880. ' 1-y James Lamon, [TTOBNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Channery, Notary Public, Ac. oney loaned at lowest ratfs ou personal real estate. Lands bought ami ^-old. and seller introduced free uf comuiis DUNDALiK. ptember 21=:. 1"*^. 1 INSURAl Ai.r.NT for 1 CITIZF.NS AGllII Tl t»«j{anrrr« ii i'dui ^grttt*. liTm. Browau SUEB OF MARRIAGE LICENSES^., CommiHsiouer in B. R. Ac. Qveyancing in all its branches promptly 1 to and oarefuUy extK^uted. [B. â€" Honey to Lend on Itaal Estate se- irkdale. Sept. 17, 1860. ly Alexander Br*u~a. BCEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and ie Insurance Agent. (Jomuiissiouei B. fte. Conveyancer and Licensed tioneer for the County of Grey. Farinrrs, Qts, and Land Sales, Punctually at- I to and charges made very modi rate. eville, Sept. 17, ISo.l. 1-v George Corbet, Jr„ IND, LOAN AND GENKRAL A(;F.NT I Owen Sound. Monc-v to I,iii at I'.w I of interest. Principal pavalli- at iIm- bf a term of years, and inti-ust lialf ycar- yearly, or principal and interest re|iay. |in instalments, *A number of desirable Improved Farms Je. 1 y M. G. Sin;;. DMINION AND PUOVlS lAI. L.iNP Surveyor, Draughtsman rimI V.iluKt'ir. M-d and Markdale. Having piinljn-.-d neial Land Surveyor Ciiarlts J{:;:ikin' " stock of original Field N.t. I'lmis. ts, Ingtmctions, Ac. of all bis Surv.v!. Lwithin the last fifty-live y.-ar-, I am l»*d to make Surveys iu .-trict nov-rJ- therewith. Protiies au.l KsiuiMti s ding Hills, Plans and Spcciticatimi- â- Uin( Bridgee, iuruiahed ou apjtlica- MoAej to Loan at 8 er cent inunst. â- ^Viler, or left with G. J. JJLVTH. 1V*«VM to promptly attended to. t-i?. IND. 1-T A nitmlx Village Lot| Auction ' trvin Sliol BiU.s, Biunf MvnKDAI.E.I Plain I Etlllljlttr^ I'licMi'.li. drUf. ifdf Mark.l:il.' Ml w. The sail- and vicin • V ill,- tli 1' c't j till m th.il hi c a? any o| Frd deliver. 1 |i| SAUSi tlie i;. vel Mr. Xames J. White, to Dr. Cameron. Ow«ii Sound, 1 BE AT THE REVERE Hor.SE, Markd«le, on the last Wednekdnv in nth, when he will le prepared to er- I operations n-quind upon tbe rauth ' most satisfactory maimer, and ii^iou de terms. 1 y StitU, EERE HOTEL, iPROULE, Proprietor. popalar Hotel has had a Ur^e ad- btion added to it, thoroutrlily ritittid, BOW aeeond to none in the coniilv. ***Wing and attentive o^tlrr. Fnt- IMeomBiodation for commercial travel- â- « •l.tNl per dar. 17-ly â-ºYA.L HOTKl^, ICEAFORD. Ont. 1 • MiaiB, PaopwCToBS. ' mi â- â- â- iition for the travellmj; J-- gie bar i» well stocked with tin ' JV **•" wd liiirwirs and the best D**4« sod from ail traik«. ^MMO; l^y_ fUERCIAL HOTEL i*aiCBVILtjE. Ont. ' Mid eommodious Sample RoomR â- ^ Boons, 4c. The Bar and larder .U*d with tbe best tbe market af • ••od Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor r»l rt.l88o. • M. Galbmitli, ^NKIB AND GENERAL LAND l^i-»j^^Uli«n»aford SUtija. Auction L~3J***^ aU parte of tue County. t, rH-f C owmisi ion. Batee modeiate. rVflJM, and Sewing Maohjies also [l^^^«««»ental Trees, Vines. Agrieul- I, and Machinery of all kinds i^Uir"rt '" **^ °° ••«' terms, L?**y •» bottom rates. in. tl. i»8l. 20-Jt HI Achiii I triL-is lv f.iitll nnrit .-i c'litiii Norirr. K( tl.- t.. .i Sar,-.iiiii Mark'la:. It rpilK S..l-.;i| I tire itiliaU r'luiidiiii.' roiinl tlie |i.1-t •It'llt jl he ilnj*- jir. \J FRUIT, P0( Iced 1 Variet3 S I of i-vpry (ieHcl liclurtTP 111 Ol choicest! BRID snpplieil on tb in the best styl h m OTH] suppUedon tin most reasonabf MarkdsK v :^^-