I« rei ptm i^ TMHH N laxoH ^^ •w^ ni 3q» nodn poiraliaj T2i^ ^9b 'tii tayo jM w I |)notjioads _?"« snry 'i [7UH3 pu» B9fBOiJ bju %oii%a ut â- .(aAjiig _,»_^ fl '»nos P19TJ proi/jo ^jL, ktiwa ssjj^q^ ioXoAang J7' Haana aaiAWH -aj^p^nj^ ^â- ' p 'IVIOKL\tld (IKY ittn' -»â- It li J pdAOjdmi o^quisap ;»«^«jt| i )l«Il »«J9»in P0» '«-«./ 0B«,,« k» 01.l»Alrf l^BWU^ TifcaiBIfflj fY avH3Ma9aKTST(n'ail .)ir| pil« ja3U«A3AU0g '3y ;{ l| |iiviiiiuin;) -iiioSv wapniq *p.»ir "•» ifnjv»Twapnr9(| â- 3T "ft 'il u' "»^* â- tr I'M!* •jnvQNQa •.•)]. ".IJ p.l.ltirnUII! Wlt" â- •'•V "^iri".! AJ'iV'M 'ij*"" ^Oll.M'IOS 'AWllViaSHOl â- til »awwr [•1 j.v'a'i.shoxiyp" Ha M -iniix a'jsa.t ui?*) WJK) â- i •.•.uin|-) II' saimJiloS '**U \..i\:i«»iiv any •BaiisfJ' • loans WJ ' „„„ ov -aooaiAMOoa B ♦|B«a$ â- 0 • ""^fi (T.».-)V 'NOHfWI.lS S" |»HiJaIt |twiari ,B pCBUSHBD ,-v r III »V** "*â- **' W^'rSlVue^ comply wUhthe rules. R.TE3 OF ADVEimSlXG ^(olamu.onc'^ear J'j do • Cf^,„e. »nd uuder. fir»t in^rt.on.. ** K„b .•lb^«la»•nt inxerUou.. 'F»,b sabeeqnent m«erti«n • • ' iJuu l.DeB. l5r.t "-rtion V^r bne « 1-^.^ccapie.l inea.urel 1' « ^* .p^.jfio r?,^nYl.e TT«r«*y "onmK precuoJ- "• C ' lil TLKDGE, Pr.pTiet..r. ^^SIONAL BUSINESS ""'directory. •27 50 15 Oti 8 00 4 00 50 15 BDILDEB A COHTBaCTQB, (StoM rti Brick). PUrterii^ wid %antry JoU VTMDpUy altoatel to. v "t iji^i a SmI oMltj. EstiButMon kUvociTee tiSi "**â„¢ "^i'S!?!^ •.*B«^ineeoor»etol ^I^.I* Sitiiii^ GNEBAL AGiJTr AND BEAFEi T NurBey Stock, WUliMMl,^ SUti Sept. 17, 1W% G ttfjmn^ medical. e= nr». ••pr«»ule tarter, .Mans surfe'eon-.AccoucHeurB ptjvw*" ace. Medical Hail .ItirtO. resideuce at 1-y DK, PIKDY, uVsKlAN SI KGKON, ACCOUCH £c0al. E. I*. Ilarinilittii. |»,l-.IChM.B Hllil I.IBIIaM.) I TTOUSKV M-I.AW, SoLlCITOr. IN I 4rij«nc^rv, Coiiv.-vancer, ito. Office orw li^irliuKi st..ie. .Vlarkdal e, _29 " t'hao* K. Wiikos, j^aterat li.iw, Owen Soand. iiVFI"' Milris"s building, o^tT lUbiu- Frost Fro««t, |ntSRisn;r.s, and ArronxKYs at J KjjiK, S..I ii.ir in CliaiHiiv, (on\iy I mart. 't" " â- " " -U!"!. l""" -it-uel at Jf«ijrrl"n. Olfico opt u .v.r.v Tliur.sd.-iy, as \iiiuf Fr'~t. J. W- Ik '.ST, LL. B. Coniity Orowii Atlom^'V^ 1 Inmvt TIstsHon, B- iIlUlSli;K ;,.,.! A rrouNKY atlaw, M«-lir ri t'hanutr.v, Uwcu Smiiid. â- sipt, 17, *s8o. 1-y "-^-Jwiiios I,:«')lTJi, iiTTtiuNKv Ai-i.-vw, s.ii.icrroii IN |j I iniii"-ry, Niiliirv I'ublif, Ar. Kcn^v I.KinVd at io-.». l rati "M pr-.iiiil re;il i-tit.-. l^vi.l^ lMMij.'iit iiiid «iM. vr :iiiil si-Ui r i!iliiKlii,-.ii tr« i- ff corauii-i DUlIDALIf. [ilt.-nil.. r -Jl I. I " 1 tyaitrrra ^au^ ^grut«. Will.. It ro It'll, rssfjiRii!' M^iUii w.:: r.icENsri.s.Ac., i.'onmt'^ioiit-r 111 }i. Jt..^'c. I Caanraiu'iii;.' in all it- lr.knciuv. rompt!y 1 1" iiii.l 'uii;fiiilv I 'i' ittuii. X. B.â€" Mou. V to l.tud •,;i Uc-al i'.-t:itc se- â- it;. !(ifka»li, S.-i.t. IT, Hi 1-y GEOapE WILJON, BTUITI CI Sepl.;i7, 1880 MiU St.. Markdak, xttJI ^i HanMM shop. sB^ VE TERIN ARY- Veteriuai-y Surgtun C' radoate of Ontario Veterinarr CoUepe, T Toronto. CalU by Mmil or Telegraph promply attended to. 35-3m. BcBiBasoB, DcaoAU Win. Lucas Co. BANKERS, MARKDALE. IoTiey L.oaii*?4. • IN large or small amonnts, at all tifties, oil good endorsed uotea, or on cotttttitld secnrivy. ' INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. l:a*Drafts issufil and Collections made on all points, at luwest rates. WM. LUCAS i- Co. September. 1880. 2-y llrsaiiider Brown, rSSrKU â- â- ( M:\rri;i'i' I/rcensos, Tiro and .Life liHuni:!!!' .\ ;,-Ml. C'lHiimiiisiouoi ill. li. .v.' t"IIVi ..llli.T Hllil liicuusuj rtio)t«^T fur t!; • •â- â- iii!!ty "f (Iri'v. riiriiR'r!, ^v\l aiiil I..ni-.l S,il.'-i, I'liiictimlly iit- tifi to ami cli ir„' â- -. iu.ilf vtry mudi-mto. |hu:ville.S.|.t. 17, JfJsiO. " l-y tii'ors*' forJM'l. Jr., ASP, I,o\N ANjM,i;NKi;\Ti AGKXT I Owen S Ilia 1 M •!!â- v to Liniu iit low io( int«T.st. I'r iKipnl ptivablu at the lolttcrm iilyar-.mul interest half year- lorjMtlv. .ir riiii||ial .iiul interest repay- VcDMiita'.m, iit I 'a^iiiiiinlji-f of I'.i^irulilr Improved Farms J. a. Mnfc, \0)nxiiiN AMI r;;(viN(i.\i. land .vir\K\,ir. I'r.mchtsniau and Valuator, kafitianil .M.irkialc. Having purclinsed rrn»uici»l L;,n,l Siirv.vtir Clinrles Rnnkin's Fif!VOfko( ,.r;„'mai Field Notes, Plan», (•PTU, lastmctioiis. Ac. of all his Surveys w «illi:ii til." la-t tifty-tivc years, I am *wr«d to atKc Siirvi'vs in striet accorii- tW«iil,. I'lofiies ami Estimates ' JJf*tliisBil riuiis and Specilications "iHinj Bril^-cs, fiiruished on applica- *â- â- Jfcofy to lAjan at 8 per cent interest. fJrri t, iVlter. or left with O. J. BLYTH, ke. Tiij 1^ promptly attended to. l^tntMvu. GE0R6E NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Couuty of Grey. .Agent for thu followiuR reliable Comi^.iuit. CITIZENS' of Montreal, AClUICULTUBAIi, of Watertowi^ and TK-VDE A COM^f kRCE, (Mutual) of Torrnj*i». A nniuoor of Choice FartlW for s^e. also Villa;,'e l,ot^ .^iicdoii S lies coudiicted in Town or Coun- try ou ^^luMAwt Jiotida- CUaifieaAod «r»tii Bills, Blank NotcJ, au,l Stamps provided. GEO. NOLLE. Mmikiai.e, May 20t!i. 18^1. 3C 'y Plain Ornanissiial Plasterer Estimates for stone and brickwork on ap- plieatioi). Satisfaetloii Giiranteed. Husi- deaccâ€" Queer Street, Mirkdale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1S80. Iv •ao^l^rt ;,jd aninjom '"P^^^JStH oaI« Aao»isa»J1 iTT r^ lis jnoHl'J^ b:,u,â€" ^. -g^ .•nu!,wunsa9tSi-^a ""ii":,^Cp«f-' â- no;v"»"I ' .* op I ;â- .â- â- ."'•.• o» Z» ::::::,JV»'^^ jpu»al»?WOjl^^j, 'Qr. Jiimcs J. IWiiitp, ant to Vr. Cameron, Ow«n Sound, L'ILI. HE AT THE REVEHE HOUSE, M^irkdale, un the last Wednesday in 'Snntli. when he will be prepared to per- '»Uu|Tations required upon the mouth l^'tni'i-t satisfactory manner, and \ipon *!«• terms. 1 y Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The suliscrib-r returns tliiiuts to the in- habitant-s-of MARKDALE andvieiiiiiv for theirliber.il iHitronn;,'0 dur- iu" the past live years, and U-;;s to remind them that he is'prepared to BU'iply th. ir wiip's in his line as a? any one north of Toronto. \\A ui Conei Meats deUvered promptly on receipt of orders, SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Season. 13- SlGp on Mill Breett, opposite the " K^re Hotel." iS-Casli paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking yon for past favors he trusts by faithful attention to your wants to merit a continnance of your support. jjoTic^.â€" Farmers having fat sheep or cat- tle to dispose of will leave their address at Sargeaut's ,,„ W. B. SARJEANT. I Markdale, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 •tohn H. HNird, ll*B*l*eliirer Mid dMler iit Gutters, Sliiigiis,Biiggifis, "WAGGONS, CULTIYAT0R8. HORSE RAKES. PLOUOiU, JiABB«W Al«». â- liTJ A Itkindsof Jarmtng Imptements MannXaetoiy and Depoaitoiy, Dnrham knd HiUstTMta. FLESH ERT ON, Tto m PAtBoxa.â€" Always ab««d«fuiTin my trade, and haying the large«t aad laast eonymuent Factory ih this locality^ i. «m prepared to leH Csniagea and ImplMaiMUo â- iiiBfftiLiii intbai^eat style orny ia anoe, I sm mnflilil thai the advantage in bavinnA* Tary bwisadc^ Parties iA want of a oarriage or Implasent will do well to give me a call, aa there are Done in the market which will compaje with them in quality, style and finjah for the price. ll-iT BOW TO OBT BIOHe iweraaompoMd SHTOP! HOW YOU VIS! T.iMULABKE'X, QUEEN 8TBEET, Keeps constantly on hand CHURNS, BUn EN-TUBS WASH-TUBS, c., «:c. Repairing Done with }ieatne*» and Dispatch. AaE.NT FOB CELBBBATZD ftEAPER, MOWEE, and BAKE, â€" ALSO Plongns, Harrow^s, GanK, Drills Ktr. Etc. \Iark1ale, June 9,1881. 39 ly Province i Ontario Directory For ISSI^Sa, TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBEB, '81, Price S5.00. ^TB. LOVELXi, at the request of several IjJ. Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario, of the City of Montreal, fec., begs n announce 'that his firm will publish a PBOVINCE Ob" ONT.AHIO DIBECTOBY, in November next, containing an Aipiiabettcal Oirectoy AND A TnOBOUOOB CIjASSIFIED Business Directory of the Business and Pi ofessional men in the Cities, Towns and ViUnties of Ontario, with a CLASSIFIED BUSINESS "DIRECTORY Cl.Y OF MONTHE.^L. Tlie same care aud attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will bo iJiveu to this work. Subocribers names respectfully soUcited. Terms of Ad- vertising made knovrn upon application. JOHN IjOVELL 80N,PubUshers. Montreal, December, 1880. [TheMlawiag yonngla^ytunhir â- * ti 8olMlol^-] • â- • »T!i- .-. /a ;.j^.^.i P«t on Om «^ at i»^b£%iliii^.-^- 1/ you're cn]y a panoywlilatic^ edj sr"t' Pan where ynn eaaldr a nM[i1i4 llM.il J' H' If you're only i rrnlriirllittWr ^t -:^^. Blow whenever yon VLem yoor ham. So people vffi onderBtand, That yoa may be sharp, bat yon won't fi flat In (ociatyli great braaa %*â- PaM the iMate or bat in diaidh, " With tb« usual Sabbath air; 6nt more with a mild, religiona aquGak â- r T^t people may know you're tbere. |^f«»eaBT»iipM liz inebea leog, â€" %aatiliatBaoareabft longer â€" Iw4lhejwigi» ii Ja *ta atnater. JBlfit if IB Mtf order of nasal tubes .. ^ooT organ i* brief in measure, Then tafevity being the eool of wit. Coondaryour png a treasnrer. I«ve your neighbour, but mark the force Of the Gospel rule of graee The aiore jon admire yourself ray friend. The higher your neighbor's place. Cliik yotu dime in the deaeon's faee, Aa if yoa were throwing gold. And give with an eye to the bosineaa hope Of reaping a hundredfold. Whether your reading is Uttle or great. Quote rightly or nerer quote Polish your uppers though down at the hee' And never endorse a note. Always advance best hand, best foot, (Best hand, best foot your own). And thus yonmay fetston the fat of the land. While others enjoy the bone. Wudfl of j» dwwfnc-nom w 'Vliiih. «T(Bn ia jtligd^tli of winter, no ^^ vsa kindled, were in tboroofh j:*t|ping with tjio stem character and •oat tb« fifth drawer and pt«8s a apriaf Inti If i iPiyi oB of ^0fttn Btirgot «€ BMcot'OMBm^. â- 'â- *. ^^. i dtk'Bj\»xiU waaliAikAkmpliuQ of tiJKXyMk. rMe-leaTM.' ^Tfca.alieeta^f luab«d. tliough white as dnren snow, were of coarse textore, and the fire to rj 1 bi^^obscrvcd in the gt 'aU ti yraa a cod- eebsion. not to Uio isqairemants of ili- nns, bat to the prejudices of the tAilcaej It wati the nuraa. whom Sqairo Ik^ot was calling now in a voice bjakj and broken, and ritrangbly un- like iiis old trompet-toucs. 'llfrikBl«ad."lieniiirmaredâ€" •*ll«. Oaadr it£2?*-5«teS '-^A THOS. MATHEWS, â- t^T'ISHES to tender to his numerous V cust.mcrs his sincere thanks for their very lilieral patronage durinK the 15 years he has been in the Harnosa Business in Mark- dtle. an would respectfully solieil a continn- ance of the same, feeing confiident !that he can give Entire Stiti.tfaction. 'Everything usually kept in a FIRST-CLAS HARNESS ESTABLISHilENT. always on hand, and sold aj moderate rates. fci"None but good workman employed and the best of materials used. Markdale, Nav. 18, I88o- lo Slieep and Ja.trtie. gotH*. SEVERE HOTEL, :t|%KKD.4£rE. SPR0UIjE7- Proprietor. popular Hotel has had a large ad- Wion iuliii ,i to it, thoroughly refitted, "now Mcoiid to none in the county. ' "«l'liii;; Mil. I attentive ostler. First- "•.^"mm.ilit.on for couiraeroial travel- •»rm* idil.OO per dar. 17-Iy ^^" A. I^ iiOTEl.., iCEAFORD, Ont. "'ttJlim, Pbopbistobs. IMeummodation |or .the travelling Thi' liar m well stocked with the ^iuei and Liquors and the best ' "1 Cigirs. " "w to and from all trains. L!^_l^i*-li. 1-y 'NeTcial hotel. PRlCEVILLiE, Ont. ilLj*"' :ommodious Sample Booms: I to 1 '*^â„¢^ *e. The Bar and larder fc^T^ "itbthe best the market af â- tood Stabhng and attentive dostlcr's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor. ;^"*f 31st, 188o. B. !»I. Oalbraitb, ""'lONEER AND GENEBAL LAND ,;r°' "•'"^sford Stotijn. AoetioD *ioU A" ^^ P"** °' *^ County. XI on Commisaion. Rates moder^* 'tail'?,*""' ""' ^«'i°K Machine. also 4U 1 "'»™«o'a' Trees, Vine.. Agrionl- »"*njf uts. and Machinery of all kinda • •fcoiee farms for saU on eaay tama. B '°^ »' bottom ral«w. '^ti. Jan. 27, I*)l. a04T FABMEBS having good fat Sheep or Cattle to sell, will find it to their advant- age to leave there names and address at Mc- Cutchton's Hotel, licvere House, Markdale, as the tuidersigued are still on the war path, and will positively pay the highest i rices. C. W. k A. SPEEB8. Sept. 17th, 1880. 1-y HQiillEATLAST! J. MONTGOMERY, 13 Iv £: fc THE Subscriber, in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and sur- loundinfi country for their patronage during the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared tojsupply the Pubhowith FRUIT. POUND PLUM CAKES, either plain, or Iced and Ornamented, and a large Variety of Other Cakes always on hand,- Alao. B I S O -CT I T 1 of every description, from the best mann- factuArtin Ontario. Also, a large and va 'ed ^â- ^Jf assortment of the CHOICEST CGNrECTIDNEITl BRIDES~CAKE;! â- applied oa the shortoat notioe, tmi ep^ "P in the beat style that is done thia aids of Toroato. h Msi^ Socials, OTHER PARTIES, supplied on the shortest notice and on tha most reasonable tanna. SEEDS I SEEDS J Jnst arrived at the "BELFAST HOUSE." Also a fresh stock of Groceies, Provisions, CANfED FRUIT, BI SCTJITS Mark^kfHoT, ,18,8" iS T^ CONFECTIONERY, Any amount of Cnmberlacd oat Sid.G I=»cx3s- FOR SALE. ALSO. I=»OT'-A.'rOBS. MALT AND "rye WHISKEY. THB BKST JX TOWX BRANDY, ALE, ^^' POBTEB, TEAS and 8U0ABS, OHBAP. WUiSON BEN80V. ItekdaK Uaieh 17. IMl. S-1t VIOU'S KE7EIE. By the kutJwr of "Mr Ladt'b Secbet," "A Waif's Fobtuots," "Thb Laot of Gobuon Lea." iic. "But for all that, Yiola â€" Viola my darling," he coutiuued, "1 caimol giye you up. What ueed of priestly bless- ing to riyet our inania?e vows Come with me to my own land, where the heavens are not so blue, nor the earth so fair as in your sunny Ita'.v, but where men love truly and cleave faith- fully to those whom they adore. Sity thatyuu will not send me thitlier com- panionless, Viulu my beloved " She understood now. Light, daz- xling and pitiks:), had broken in upon her. He could not qnito read tho expres sion of that gray "^nv face which locked towards hiu. lU such stead- fastness under the whi.^e moon. He was troubled by a presentiment that it augured ill for the success of his so^k lieituti'tiis but, having put his hand to the plough, he could uot turn back. "Our life sliall bo a dream of do- light, Viola every moment that I can spare from my duties chall be dcvDfed to you. All that be'.ouRS to me shall be yours, to the half of mj kingdom, i'ou shall have masters for flll you care to Irarn I will teach you myself as much as I can. But, above all, dear, that magnificent voice of yours shall be trained and developed. So far as I can judge, organs far inferior and beauty much less striking have commanded a fortune in a week upon the English stage. Your future shall be my care but â€" " Hsr eyes had been upon him all the time â€" those wonderful lustrous eyes, deep-friuged, burning as though aflame. He had felt ihat his pleadings grew weaker and weaker, anil at that "but" he stopped. "Have you finished ' said Viok in English. '•Ye C8," replied the .vouns? noMe- man, too astounded at lieanug tom her lips the accents of his native tongue to remember that there wero arguments he had not yet advanced. "Then go I" said tho girl, pointing to the path by which he had ascend- ed. The attitude, the gesture, the in- tonation were, he thought simply sub- lime. In spite of himself he fell back a pace or two ere he could collect bis thoughts sufciently even to com- mence a protest. "But, Viola " "Never dare to call me by that name again "ehe burst forth, with vehemence which told of fierceness repressed "Go your way Lord Arm- idale, without another word, and ask of Heaven the forgiveness that I will never grant. The last week has taught you, I think, how an Italian girl can love you have yet to learn how she can hate. Her love you know some day â€" maybe m the long, long future â€" yon shall experience her revenge meanwhile I would spare you an exhibition of her scorn Again I hid ou go " With laggard pteps, urged still by that pointing finger, he retreated from her, past the choked-up fountain which had been idle for five hnndred years, past the stone eolnmn over- thrown and shattered centariee before. Where tlie path began he (taused and looked wistfully, but vainly, lor some sign of relentmg. The next instant she was alone. • Alone, «onchbg at the foot of the Apollo, with two demons whispering in her earâ€" the one of love, the other oi revenge. Was it poesible that it was only a week smooths stranger entenid her life Alone; and she had never known loneliness before I Cbaprx UL Without the room, » Cair Hereford- shire landscape, a section of the Val- ley cf the Wye, and all it so fer as the !?yo could reach, from^e trim gardens below to the distant hills, the proper- ty ot one man. Within the room, a faint and awfhy smell â€" a bed where- on the ownec lay dying. It was a ahamhwr of goodly mopor- tiona, bat oneaipeted and nnadcnied. No soldier in barraeks, or monk in mD. eoold pomt to a oontrast, in neat- lumt deaolioess, and general di«oom- fort, betwe«P his own sleqpiiig eoa- Tonimioea and those of this wwltby English gentleman. To alMp opon a hard matress stretched npoc a narrow iron bedstead, to emerge from th« moctaing plnBg* into ioe-«h» '^f and eMM Â¥ba»If Uk» ft dog np^ ttM .aidtfitfllifiMyliil and crdtsfldtheroom withlastep the noiselessnes^ of which mosat-haVe been acquired by continual practice. He passed louiiU the matress, until he could see the patient's face and he started perceptibly as he noted how ashen was its hue, how pinched and drawn were the featores. The sick man's eyes opened angry recognition lighted up the sunken orbs. "Oh, yon are Mrs. Bland 1" he said, with feeble sarcasm. "Why on earth docs not the nurse come when she is called " "I sent her oul of the room. What can I do for you, Burgct " "Nothing there never yet was a doctor who did anything but bungle in trying to assist Dame Nature. I will tell you something more for your ei'ification, Preece. Mis. Blaud is here to wait upon me not to run er- rands lor you." "She will bo back presently." "Then why, in the uatDe of wonder, do yon not hand me some stuff to gargle my throat, or sometliiug A pretty doctor, not to see that his pa- tieut can hardly speak " "Try another dose ot your medicine." "I won't! Faintly I won't! I'll see you in the warmest region on earth before I swallow auother drop of your filthy compound It ia my belief wUm whida led e n e «i t« M e irtiele hedtoom- That netoiMpaHhan of fimiitar* iaay|^ is right i DOW take ou the right m the reoesa. H»ve jom lone it Do vo« see my irill t" '1 ihoaght that your will, beqnaatfa. log everything t* Mir*- ii«b«rt 3«iXot and her dwpighlar Qimn, idth the ex* oeption of a handred a yox to Wd- liam and Jve tboasand pounds to his daughter Viola, ma duly exeeoted long a^e," said Deelor Preeee, who began to thmk his patient's mind wm wandering. "Just soâ€" joat so a dnmnqr will, executed to atop lira. Bohgri^ Muath, and destc^yed immediaMij.' IT^'vill madeb] kin ibaase "Don't exert yourself quite so much talking, Burgot." "It is my belief," continued the sick man, with malicious satisfactiou in his own disobedience, "that you are trying to poison me by inches, that yon may come into the hundred or two you think I may have left yon for acting as my executor. Gloriously sold you will be ' But, I tell you, Preece I will write you n cheque for five hundred pounds within lialfan hour if you will help mo to dress, and let mc walk down stairs to do it." A sad smile was tlie Doctors only response. "You will not? A nice confession a pretty pass jou have brought mc to, Piter five weeks of bolusing. 1 will tell you pluinly my opiuiou. Dr. Prceci\ It is thut ycu are no better than a quack, sir â€" a quack." Uiiinistakable was the acrimony of that discourteous speech bat it evok- ed no retort. After one keen glance at the other's face, the sick luuu spoke again but this time the auger left his voice, aud his uttci-aace was hardly louder than a whispet. "Preece," he said. "What is it, old friend "' "Forty years," said tho dying man, "we have argued, and wrangled, and quarrelled aud I liked you all the better because you wire the one man in the neighborhood who was uot afraid of my rough tongue, and who dii not shun the crossing of swords with me in a dispute. Why yon likod me Hcayen alore knows." "I saw the gold beueaih the iron," was the reply. "That cannot bo it yet the fact that you like mo remaius, I hope and b'^liave. But, Proece, I never said the like to you that I have said to day without a row and I think it would have been a subject for a real duel, not a verbal one, had I called you a quack before. Am I eo ill as that im- plies, old friend T' Doctor Preece's eyes filled with sud- den tears but he did not answer. The dying man's eyes were not ao dimmed that he could not see them. Into those clianped feeble tones of bis there came an affectionate gentleness, of which few people would have be- lieved Squire Burgot capable. "Nay, do not tear to tell the truth, Preece. I had thought, myself good for fifteen years as yet but I am no coward â€" to be afraid of the leap ev- ery man must take. When will it be?" '"To-night," said the doctor aoleii-n- ly. ^. "So soon No time to fetch Wil- liam then I should like J to have «een William. I fancy I have not be- haved quite well to him, Doctor, first and last." Yoa know beet," replied Doctor Preece. For ten years he had at odd times dinned tliis tardily admitted truth into unwaiiiigears bat he would not say so now. "I was nearly twenty years his sen- ior," pursued the Squire feebly. "I do not ramembe" sowing many wild oat." in my youth, aud it was natural perhaps that, when the boy went to the bad, I should be rather hard upon his follies. When lio sold his com- nuBsion, married tliat Italian woman, and let me into the unpleasant duty of paying a few thousands to square his tarf loesee and save the family name, I thought I did well to be augry. WtiefiJ settled a hundred a year^npou him, on Uie sole condition that be «honld not retom to England withont my sanction, I considered I had done as maoh as josLioe rnqoired. The lad must be a tnie Boq^, Dootpi, for he has never offered to eat hnmble-pie to be restored to favor. Oflatelhaye been wishing for a reeonciliation. I shoold like to see William again." Doctor Freeoe was silent What oonld he say f In his h«*rt he was repeating the UMNunfal refraiu which 80 often answers sodi longings â€" "Too late â€" too later "Bat loan make amends to Idip, ' ooatinned the Squire, witfi njinng, nnH»»*Hnn "Take mV keys. Doetor, ali4 nnlqek the old cabinet in the ear- jur: Oft«n latte Mrs. Bobcrt a#d 'D«ar Ghn' vfoderad at the abf»ixt,e thollauia' p0tti( the income from the estate tiiniilhis death, when it reverts to Viola and Viola's childMu, or, ia th*ev«ntof her death, to Mrs. Ilobertand Clara. Call in two of the servants, Preece, and let me sigh at once." "But Clara " "Clara ia amply provided for, or will be, at H^rs. Eobert's death, ' said the Squire, with a touch ol his old arOi- trarinesR. "Will you ring, or musk I get out of bed and do it myself 9 Do not thwart me, old- friend I feel that my time is getting short." Thus adjured, Doctor Preeee obeyed. In a few minutes the will was signed and attested with all legal formalities. The Squire lay back upon his mat- tress, keeping tnat last solemn vig' which so rarely seem" too lmg â€" wait- ing f«r death. He waited patiently, almost cheer- fully, acceptiug the inevitable with a composure the Doctor had nardly an ticipated. Very bright aui clear was the sick ,man's mind towards the latft but he would not admit his sister in- law and Miss Dallas to a partmg in- terview. "I am weary of their falsehood, tlicir submission, their fuleome flattery " he cried. "Ever since Bobeit died, poor fellow, and they came to live at the Grange, they have been awaiting this hour .and speculating upou the advantage they might reap from it. Preece, old man, I would give some- thing to see their faces when the will is read." Then the Doctor tried to turn the dying man's thoughts into a more so- lemn cliauuel, but with indifferent success. "Let me alone," was the impatient rejoinder. "Do you think a few min- utes at the last is going to weigh a mau's life I stand or fall by what has been done already, and by the help of One wlio has promised to pull me throujrh. But, Proeoe, say 'good-bye' to Willie for me. I should have liked to see the boy again." Willie? The bjy? Dr. Preece umiled sadly, thinking that "the boy" must be now forty years of age. "Doctor, I should like to die at peace with all my friends. There is uoth â- ing, I hope of tho daily bickerings of forty years?" "Nothing, Burgot â€" ^nothing." "That i» well, lou might give an eye to niece Viola â€" the niece I have never seen â€" for my sake. Wilhe would be sure to let the fiirl run wild. And, Preece, I feel drowsy, as though I might get a wink or two of sleep. Where is your hand " Upon that hand the fingers of tho dying man tightened as he sank in a peaceful Blumber. The friend of forty years, who had eaten almost daily at his table, and had wrangled as often as he had dined, who knew butter than any man living his virtues â€" which were hidden â€" and his faults â€" which were patent to all the world â€" who loved the stern old Sqnire like a bpther â€" ay, better than ever a Burgot had loved his own near kinli-el, sat by him at the last, and held his hand, until that peaceful slumber was merged iu the sleep that knows no w-akiiig â€" the sleep of death. Chapteb IV. In « vino-wrcatlniJ ardour, upon a sunny hill-slope, sat William Burgot reading tlie announcement of his brother's death. There was no fraternal sorrow in his face that was hardly to be ex- pected, seeing that the dead man had severed aP ties of kindred and had doomed him to exile for many years Nor was there elation which would have be»n natural at the unexpected change ui his own fortune- -neither sorrow nor elation, but stupid troubled surprise â€" Biirprine which verged upon dismay â€" was written upon bis hand- some features aud he repeated vague- ly a phrase from tlio lawyer's letter which lay upon his knee â€" "The rent roll of your estate W close upon fifteen thousand pounds." Fifteen thousand a year 1 A hand- some competence truly a magnificent bribe for the commission of a wrong. When much roflectionhad mitigat- ed William Burgot's surprise, perplex- ity, not unmixed with fear, remained. »'If I only dared," he mutteredâ€" "If I only dared I" He sat there thinking, until it was time for the evening meal. "If Viola were in the plot. If I oonld make a eonfidante of Viola t" was the point to which, from time to time, his meditatioxfi trought him. After some such exclamation, he heard her voice calling â€" "Papa, papa where are yon " And be answered â€" "la the arbonr, ehild." The rustle of a dress, a firm and stately step upon the rocky aoil, and she stood before him. "Viola, ' he said, "Dnke Bargotâ€" yonr uncle Duke â€" is dead." "Yea," rcpUed the girl in a tone of indiffezenee. "I suppose 1 ou^'Ut to say that I am eorry but that would hardly be tbe trath. I never saw â- BoIe Duke, and I have no great love tat Bagiland or for EngUab people." "Yet you are atmtiDaally talking of going amongst them." "Beeaose the great pw)^ of my life edls me thither." ^%m^ may ahaodoa li, Tiola. wm%KflP aetdforfouto earn ft»tgii%M jl(n stage a ready OMplaoee. B â- a wkioh btiag flfl^tpit|OHinu4Biiglinh meril^ oT ^aa toj^ giri ipffly •atf wtad to tha OU Tcatai^ Ur«rM(. |Ma: LooVinr atflliiMliirfraai aa nuprtjndiee*! a4iN#Vii*.'ve mb hut r«ard the Haw 1ataB»rnt vja^ r aadtian amoag Au«l( Ghria* iaiaey #1% Mt r^vrded aa the Old MM»lNt M*«ii9a| the Jew*. Hm JMt laajatH o^ Chriataina raedy n^ w!Sab ttiat tbe Na«F Tegument la a ^reak book, and tliat ttie vemioit they iaiaia U biUa rfitdetiag f-om another TextatalarUiaism and differ- of interppatetioa, tb* ralatiTe aofiieotieity td ^Iftraut rcadinge, are of /.which they have ig. Tbaoew Tcvisiop totheaalheaMayi of Mm bo(A (hey had^wayi wweti^ ped. It wlUplaee itbofere Ihem. in .fhe eaoM poinion as any ntbtf IlteHn^:. work of f o e i a o r tiaaa. It will'Iia«fM, upon tiieir oonvietiaas theXart tfaak tt' requires ttfatmnnt like otber aae^C la, antiibBm and 6m«u4At«}|f ' that th^re .aw.-Wr. ona aud irraaooAilaUa that ther« ai% HMM' itti'idiaittadi hat* been left have a good eUim to be ' marry an Englfah lord?" laugh ed iMr fatbrr. "Is that tha seeret of yoqr continual borrowiqga from the ^Pbaary of the monastry.? Is that why ^00 and old Spezzio are always exercising that wonderful voice of yours 7 Has that been yoor ambition all these years?" "Ask no questions, papa. Let us go in to supper." "There is something I want to tell you first," said William Burgot, des- perately. His finders were ornmbling and twisting the lawyer's letter. With an effort he raised his eyes to his daugh- ter's face, so frauk aud ingenious in 'ts brilliaut dark loveliness. Again he said to himself, "If I only dared I" "Yes Whatis it ' "I have forgotten," said William Burgot. "No matter I may remem- ber it perhaps by-and by." As he rose from his seat something fluttered to the ground it was a dtafi. for two hundred and fifty pounds, sent by the the lawyers, who had taken the liberty to assume that their esteemed client would be glad to have a little ready money. As his uneasy fingers closed upon the first fruits of his good fortune, sud- den resolution strengtheucd the cor- ners of his mouth and he registered a silent yow that only in dire extrem- ity should that treacherous memory of his be quickened. «44i4i*ei»«*e In an oriel window at Burgot Grange two women were standing. They might have been "two aistara of one race," sojuyenile wore they both iu appearance. Mrs. Bobert Burgot, who must have been very near her fortieth birthday, delighted to remem- ber that within the last eighteen montliB she had twice been reminded of "that charming waltz you gave me at the Hunt Ball, Miss Dallas," the waltz in question having beeu accord- ed by the other lady, Clara Dallas, the daughter of her first marriage. They possessed certain points in common which conduced to their marked resemblance and helped to mitigate the elder's seniority. Both dyed their hair the fashionable golden tmt, and called the process "bleaching. " Both had shm, giaoefiil figures. Both had good complexions, tiny features, pale, •vashed-out eyes, and were insipidly but decidedly pret- ty. Both had very small hands, which were generally well glov«d, aud very email feet, which were generally shod to perfection. Both spoke in voices which never rose above an in- telligible murmur. Both prided them- selves upon their excessive good breed- ing, and twth would rather have vio iated one of the Ten Commandments Ihau have been guilty of a social sole- cism, or transgressed one of the un- written ordinances of English society. Both were caressingly affectionate iu manner, aud both were hypocritical. "It is twelve minutes," said Mrs. Robert, consulting a diminutive gold watch, "since we saw the white ismoke of the tram wTeathiug through the valley. In three minutes the travel^ lers will arrive. Dear Clara, I do hope we shall be able to make a favor- able impresiiion upon them." [To be Contimied. THE LONDON JEWISH PRESS ON THE REVISED VERSION. The Jrtfii/t ChronicU regards the New Testament in a measure as a branch of Jewish Literature worthy of study equally with the Apocrypha and Philo. And all the great Jewish scholars of Germany are accustomed to deal with it in this manner using it as an authority for the customs and thoughts of Jews in the times inwhich it was written, l^ut, as a matter 01 coarse, the New TeeUmeut luts a fur- ther and more direct interest as the documentary fonndatim of the Chris- tain religion, which claims to be a continuation and consummation of our own. From this point of view it IS of interest to observe that tho chief changes which a necessarily hasty perusal has brought to light tell iu favor of Judaism in a longoontmn- ed stmggle between church and syna- gogue. Thus, tbe evidonee for the Rasurrectiou of Jesus is considerably weakened by the admission made in tlie marginal notes of the new version that the concluding verses of the Goe pel of Mark are abeent m the two old- est Greek manuseripta. The passage m John's Gospel about the three wit- neaaee is wisely omitted, and a strong text for the doctrine of the Trinity thus removed. The Broad Church will be embarrassed to find the doc- trine of a personal spirity of evil admit- ted into the Lord's Piayar, Ona 9f tbe most obarmiog anecdotes about Jeans â€" His treatment of the woman taken in adnhety â€" is now recognized to be a late interM^atioa, and this lends aoBM atreofita to the coavietiea that many of the New Teatamaa* aar- rativea are hen trtxMti. Throughout tbe additum of "Ohriat" to the name Jeans ia said to ba abaant io the most traetVOTlbT aatboritiM, aad. tha ato origin of hiadpiM.tD dwiniliy is tbo« ehowu. Tbailav varmi ia m many an â- dditwa^f~Tr*rmB*i" of tha Jew* 1M« idwayt taken up in th« «lkirafi«aat dtioaoT tha ofjaaua. TU youtli and age, JC7 and snfttiagr pfaraaca thai bav^ imbedded fhem- aa):rag in their Uteratnre aappoaed utterances of Jetraa himself, are not tfven found in authoritative conies of, the OrigmaL The revision wilT nusa| vagne doubta, distractions and nnoomr^ fortable notions which can never again be allayed. In brief, tbe book hithec-. to surrounded m l7,ft haIcMf divinity is reduced, by flie mere fact that it admits of criticism, to tho level of an ordinary work compared and revised and amended. 1 ROPE OP WOMAN8 HAIB, In his detail of Indian horrors that came under his notice, Mr. Markley, the New Mexico Iudtai kiUeis stated that in 1867 he gave au Iiidian'ualf a, d3llar for a hair|rope ten feetiu length, and about the sise of his little finger. He untwisted the end and found that it was made of red, anbnm and black hair, which, from ttie length of each hair, was evidently tliat of a woman. He questioned the Indian, who told him the rope was made from tho h^'ir of tho women and girl wlioe were slain iu tho Mountain Meadows massacre for complicity with which murder Jno. D. Ler, the Mormon wa' tried aud ehV»|' a few years ago. The place where lie purchased the rope was at Palerona- gote, sixty five miles from Mountain Meadow, where the most harrowing and brutal massacre of modern limes ' occurred. â€" St. Lomw liepnblictm^ THE HUMAN TAIL. Tt is intimated thatthe missing link between the man and tlie monkey has at length been tound, and that there is in prepnration for the museum at Rio de Januro, a human skeleton belonging to a race long siuce pas- sed away, possessing peciliarilics of structure not found in any race now living. What is most extraordinary about it is the prolongation of tho spinal column into a tail t-wtnty inches in length. This docs not provo' that the human species originally had tails, but it tends that way- What la wanted is something that will afford the world positive proof of what at present it has only prnsumptive evi- dence, and thon^li the fact* may pos- sibly be against the theory that at some remote pcrio'l of the world's history men had tails, the p?»bftl)ili- ties all tend to show tliat they were so favoured; and that tails were aa mneh a portion of Jie human anatomy as arms an logs are now. Tl'e raoe't distinguished scientists vrliohayo gone into this question readilv admit that the human frame in lackins is one es- sential feature on account of the spinal column coming to au abrupt, premature and impotent concln^i'm. TTiey clsim that the hnmnn figure cannot bo considered p»»rfcet ao long as it lacks a tail. At what particular period in the history of the world tails first began to disappear we have no means of diacovering. Every af-^ tempt to make that j)oint clear has met with failnre and vexntions disap- pointment. It may bo looked upon- as being more than nmply probable, however, thst tails becan to d'sappear from the human form shortly after chairs were invented, the constant friction of the tail with tbe ^air grad- ually wearing the lees brittle' of the two snbatAoeoa down to (he stub. Thia stub finally disappeared altogether, leaving hardly a vestige bf^hind. Thern are those who take a sliirbtly different view, while still retaining the eiiair theory, and attribute the Ioas of the human tail to the natural procipitanoy and care18Rnes of mankind when about to sit down. They hold in brief that the hnnmn fiail wn« not worn off by friction bat was broken off by sud- den contact. Thus, through tbe care- lessness Of their primary progenitors tbe people of tbe pr8ent aco are com- pelled to go through life without evrn the semblanee of a tail. â€" Toronto TfU^ g'om. A $10,000 BOBBEBY. BA0L MADE BT THBKE THIEVXt RW YOKKBAILWAT PEPOT. AT tf New Tobk, July 15.â€" At l.flO tlia afternoon an alarm was reoeived at poUoe head-quarters announoing thoi fact that three men, apparently ped- dlers, had stolen $10,000 in bills. Later it was ascertained that tbe money belonged to Jacob Rippnrt, a brewer. His clerk, diaries Meaner- smidt, drove in a light w iggon front tbe brewery, on 92nd street, to de- posit the money in down town banks. With him was the office boy. Thef carried $9,800 in bills done up ia a package aod a bag illied with silver dolhuv. At 4tnd strec their wsggoa was ron into by a vesdor'e waggon, is which three men were aeated. T1i9 â- ^ffpoeal peddlers apraog fram tli9 waggon two attacked the clerk; while the third cut the reins of tha horse. In an inatarit they seized tbe paekasa of bills, jnnpadback intiv tbeir wa«goa. wbippad apthair her^ea. and drove incvaiuy away. Tbe bay bfail^ar laU in the ahnat. Miwnr â- Btdt ran after the r«lreatlngrobbaia. tmt waa eoatpaned to giva up tha Ibiame draea'C iM^ WW tmt waa eemi â- •- etaaaa. aa tha 1 i f^l. 'f -4 'w: