Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jun 1881, p. 2

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 4 OOOOl TAILOj c. A. 6" Fasbionable ttAVINO ranted a -^jxX oTer MePa to inform tn^ onblio q| Biuroaading coanwj t||^' FILL ALL OROt^^ Promptly uad 1»| C U TTIN Done while euatooun THE LATEST FASHION Always on h^nd to ^aaa^^J" A Good Fit Gi ii«*Reniember the ^^1 i Over McFeirlaxid'8 aiora^^ MarkJ ale Jane IC. IWl. _J STUAVKD from the 1 â€" mlWijJg.,'iiei, on Monday ni^btilfh^ arflili-h colored cow, 5 yean oU.72^ Iwlly. hi.riia turnea in, and «ifc ZJS" both liorus. Any person giviMn^^jf matioii uH wilt leaj to ker tim. *~ siiiuHv rewaiJed. '"'^Il Dunialk, Jniic 9th. lS8t. I (ii-hip o( Uleuelg, toa« |Mfi^* I'liblic Notic* NOTICE is hereby gH^ ^^ r.M.l op u tUroanh Wta »» lOO i I 101 on " -^"' noiiceflaSonlB m V L ^^ ' thii tow I Ulli~l"-.l. TIk' -ur|ioration of the towaiMy •! elK not liavinu any title to the i« gaiil li't-. will not be reaponiiMe cil«iit tlint lusv liappen on â- aidraadT" JAMKSlJUUWN, FIMiATlUriUl, Clirk. In Township of Oleut-lg. Oct. 19. laW. iThuml) and ' • F..r Lveiyb..ilj will be tooalalte Ithurbury novelty ma irilfiK SrHSCr.IHKU wiahea I* ti^ I I. ih • faruKTs of iny and Bnaa, 1 hits lioiiglit the rii'lit cf the abof* ' coiintK's til muku and sell Dillinchaa^l tiiit.d Thumb and FinRer Barlij w)r.-h is proiii'iiMccJ ly all whe bavea to in- till- U -t 1' irl.y Fork oat. I* I li.ii.ltJiri-.-l"i'it to t.To against tay I'.Hrli'V Furk. I nm iliu) tnrnin^j ooIibI tr I lot of the Mastin Givdn Cradles Npiniiing It'heels, Tliii* wvi.son. 'oxl Fork and Uoe 1 can 1' â- â-  l"iii;lit here from 5c to lOe t^' I iivf lue a call, and I .riU| -M'ti'o satisfaction. J. H. BAMILTOI. Thoi Tli.'ntbory. Juno 16, 1881. Millinery BROS., idics of MarktI.Je and surrodad-l of Millinery is nicely assorted] Impii^iuu' ats BonnetJ [ts and sunshades, FEATHERS AND W, AND TKIMMINGS, mantles] DE TO ORDER. kll -assorted in all branches readme; a long advertisem«ti Ic villi; we can give entire sat». we \v ould soHct a conunnj 29-tf^ IDS lULDlNGS, JOLLOW BATTONS, FRA! h and Shim Orders Promptly Fill**. o- tothe pp. .pi,, of Markdale *^J^Bt»* the pa^t, iiuU hopes by oloee W*^ ^s. and wfll in futnie keep» *»^**' â-  U Wl B E^ iSED AND UNDB^SS***^ tb« t of rite Lumber and Lath .or schooner load in a few daja- m and FetXkcy IHETEING lif ZNTERBrr AT W. â- ; of prints, new spnng styles, 5, 7, 8^, g, 10, 11 " a'J^j cents, fast colors ^^ tweed'so centsâ€" worth 70^ ' f Table Linen, 35. 45. 55 «nd 75 cents. L? ]e Mapkins,6icente,direot frommanniactners. ' Broad-cloth, $i.«5â€" #orth $2.50. ' Suck Oversdls, 50 c^nts. ^liDcey Shirts. 75 cen^u 20 Mew^ack Bfoad-Cioth Coats, $5u)o-worth 98. 200 l-airs L^ge Scissors, 10 cents, d^perate cheap. 5 Bales of Dock, laj, 15, 16, 17, ao.^, and as cents. chased from manfacturers. 160 Ladies Parasols, « cents, old pneftnAo corts. 96 " « 50 " " ^T " 105 " •• $1.15 " fl.50 " Pur- fiS^-^U stock Keeps ttie best asaorted stock North of ToroatOv W. MePariand has a resident buyer, Mr. W. E. Sbuth- gate, ahrays in tiie market, who gets every bargain going. 3761! Yavds Skiitsifi 10, X4, i7,8ouid»3cefits, Tefy d^eap. 600 Yards BHlkanteen Dress Lnkre, 22c, cheap at 30c. New Dress Goods, cheap I New Linens, cheap New pflSMRD. '^^e 24th, 1881. I ffi« » report of the qnarter j proceediuga of t h e yaal next week, coal oil. CA8T0RINE finaclime oils, try H^kett aticr Btill continues cold, was'li slight frost on Tues- We have not heard that I damage. claaa Gold or Silver ],j^-Jf Wilcox. returned from St. '§ed up with dumb ague iever. However we are to say he is recovering McFiLRLMFS Cashotew, cheap 1 New Embroideries, dteap^^ ^. Gfand qKning of the miUinery shownont text pkMfe*' All the novelties in Flowers, Silks, Bonnets. Hats, Featktr Costumes, Ribbons. Laces, Ac., Ac Under tbe ««f«r» tnkdence of a firat-dbite nalliBer ^rk In ct my p r emiaes are cronrdedlrom cdlar to gurm vnl goods, all at bottom figures. W. J. McFARIiAND, Importer. Wholesale and B^tid A Pano «â-  PuxBALK.â€" )ir. D. Davidson, wbo liMbeaa eMsykigoa aa extensive bnsiiMiB in ^mlalfc f ^^ number ofyears.Mgtnacalature kaep- er has woand np hi* fcnrfaim ^p^j suddenly, and phtced hia Meonnta in a lawver's hands for colleetion. Sever- al hundred of these aowants war* rec dered a few days since, with a d^. mand for payment at oncaâ€" rich and poor are eerved alike. season of the year 120 pain womaasfine batton shoea at W. J. MoVarhnd's, worth |a.60 â- aUing for $1,60 par pur, a rMl bar- gain. Taa picnic held yesterday at the Ixiab L«ke was io ercry re^eet a aoeeeaa. The weather was eloody and oool. Over 800 persons were on the gnwod. The dinner which coat only 10, cents, was more like a fifty cent one, com- It b.7iw "tk« ' P"«ng an abondance of tha best the when Boney iA^e Grant i Chellew have diR- ership. The busiiiPss J wLc carried on by Mr. inr dealers for "Castorine" ,1 und sec that the barrel ••CAstoriue," as none other («w for tooth-ache is an ,p/foId slecl, and tUe man i,o«r to make the apphca- Hhite, who w'll be at the iel on Wednesday next, cil company, are sole vof "Castorine machine [tEeuts will bepr isecuted lljjs. week a sermon by t.v^jooklyn on the new AVible, which will be, no leiUajU) all our readers. ,,,i4joi the "Standard" Ijt^-office for five ct. a/, ha.lii's dress poods, It iv. J. McFarlana's, be i'Jem. ftlie Word's writiiiR is let'l pens, rstcibrnok's tJ frum any sUitioner, from Brown' Dros., Wixmerltad ofpinelnm- I arrived this week at T. Ibii yard. Idf ronil ji'bs wore let by \IiiiII and Scii, in tlio \Und iniils; on Mou- iiK to be cumpletLvl in priiie'" Mai'liiiio Oil, fur iitiiinery, it is nlso ex mess .iiiil kiitlior, luiik- Slid weather proof. For tf. [the Track.â€" On Thurs- on?ing fo M' JIcFaddoB and liillcil by a train iu |A\V siijjgt'st that it wculd »y Company bettor to a cows and horses, loues. â€" O S. Adrettlser DALE oor Factory a first-elaas manner. THOS. MclT^ being scarce among farmers, and no mercy shown on the part of Mr. D., the people are panic stricken. Mr. D. himself, resides in Torontoâ€" just about as xafe at this time we would judge. It is not bis eircmnBtsote^s that drives him to sach harsh measar- cs for he is wealthy. The liver is ttie grand poiiiying ogan "f the fjyHtem when inactive or obstructed bad blood and ill health arre crtain results. Burdock blood Bitters cure all diseases arising from disordered Liver, Stomach, Bowels or Kidneys, purifying, reetoiri g and strengthening. It regulate. th Howels, cleanses and enncbas tlie Blood, and impartr tone to erare yrgan of the body. Trial Bottlea 10 Cents. We learn from the Adranet that n melancholy accident took place iu Flesherton on Saturday, 11th inst. We immediately sent our reporter to aa- ccrtain the fects, and learned that a smart young dorg ran over a man â€" uo,'that's not it; we mean a smart youn^ man ran over a sulky riding on a diig. No; we have not gotii right yet. A dbrg was run over by a smart young man, now we liave it. Belf*w wc give a sketch of the accident, mne Machine Oil, for Imachinory, it is ex- ess and leather, mak Jffcatlicr proof. For jSMje I'll the Northern \k to Mtriford and Pcn- »as ciiuiplitt;d by ten nday morning. Ouo of loMliis chance is that ell left Hamilton at 6.45 'itli passengers for ' a ckar run through to e»d ot \ia\ing to tran- ^gwood as formerly. • Jeveller li«s ^ot a fine papmeut aud Wedding ^n't !/"U fvnitt it. 'ofQuopiivs Grecnnway. ft* wm, tiygj j^^ jyiio^a • ?13 fine ind ;?-16 costs, payiJlOfiiHi an^ $40 ttit-'Utli in r;aol each. !â-  was find $2 without fpaid. The other two w like a good wife can- P'J priced. Haskett Bros. I witli the Scythe. Try rug the night •' Wed- oat meal mill of Mr. *a3 broken into and neal stolen, together tools taken from a F"«Tt9 brought a light ^li6 a to carry their " â- . Xdrertiser. '"effi-Rtthe crops^bnt «nt Haskett Bros, irom 'nd other harvest l*an a-jy other house "J.tJrcrtisement, in •'"./. (; Xrviug wants "ffering with a cold do Haovard's Pictorai. *ilv rtlieving its hun- 't our Dominion. It 'Bfclatable. "bouIJ read advertise- ' »unted for the ereo- |«ory hrick building. ^cations can be seen I'serable man in the PP«ptic, and dyspepsia ^ost troublesome dif- but BURDOCK E*-HS always conquer the secretions, re- â-º*elg, acts upon the *tion, and tones up Trial Bottle* 10 "es $1.00. ooontry conld afford, and the cooking reflected great era lit on the ladies. â€" The mnsic, by Allan Park and brother â€"violin and fifeâ€" was excellent, and the yoang people enjoyed themselves to the foil m tripping the light fantas- tic tM. The prises for athletje sports were as follows â€" Btandins jump 1st, James HoDotigall, Markdale: 2nd, |John Qiliespie. Foot Race- Fred. Tanner. Markdale Snd. J. Hc- Dongall. Patting the Stoneâ€" Ist, A..lieMiUan, GletelK: 8nd. D.Eay. Markdale. Eyerything passed off in a moat orderly and satisfactory man- ner. The total absence of intoxicating liquor on the grounds was a notewor- thy eireumstaiice, for wbich Father Caabeu deserves great praise. Farmers should remember that Rixford's Urass Scythes, are the only reliable articla of the kind now made. Each one folly warranted, Haskett Bros, have them. Call and get one aud don't you forget it. AcoDEirr. â€" Mrs. D. McLeod Sr., ac- cidcntl.T fell into the cellar yesterday breaking eome ribs and receiving other injuries, but we hope not serious. THE MARKETS MARKDALE. Fbioat, Jane 10, 1881 Flonr 5,0o to 5.5o Spring Wheat per bash., new 1.0 etc 1.08 BPEOIAL HOnOEB. ^8_ kotboM ICothenl Kotkwali ICotboMll Are 70a distaibad at ai^ sad trolcaa al joaz rest by a d«k diU i i ff fi li^ «â- ! OTing with the ezanuiatiiig pain of â- â- 1Im taethl U ao, go at oMt and aal a boMeei MBS. WIMSLOWS SOOTHIMO STBDP. It will â€" " â€" "â€" T" "**' mffirif imaiiJi at s^ d epend npon it th«« fa a* wiriikii about it. Tbeie is not a «»«"th«r apon Midi who ha eTar osed it, who will not tell 70a at ooee that it will regnlata tk« bowels, aad give rectto the mother and nUataod haattk to the ehild, opanrting luM magi*, tt fa pa*- taetly lafe to om in a eases, and plwiMat ta the ta ats and is the ptaseription cf ooa at the oldest and bast female pbyawfaaa mmi noraea in the Unttsd Btatas. Bold every. whara at 36 eanfa a bottle. WMj BSBT an OOMrOBX xona SU7FKBINO hasAe^fearfor leHsTiacpate, nal and extemaL It eotas yaia is tha Bide, Baek or Bowals, Bote Throat, lliiaiaalfaiii. Toothache, Lumbago and anj ^ad of a I'atai or Ache. "It will most aniely ^ofaken tha Blood sad heal, as it* aaliag pewar fa wm. derfol." "Brown's Howehaid PeMsaa,' being ackoowledged as the great Pain BdieT' er, uid of doable the strength of any othar Elixer or Liniment in the world, shoold be in every family handy for nse when wanted " a* it really i: the best remady in the w^d for (Jramps m the Stomaeh, and Paina aad Aehei of all kinds," and fa tor sals by all Druggists at iS cents a bottle. SO-|y The Standard IB THE Best tjooal Paper 19 tHS OQUXTYa SnbMnbalor i^ «^ $1 .tt per aaanm. Petsoos flSB mibMrib* at any tiaie. V;a.r.% S TARTU NG DI8COVERYI LO0T MAWHOOO ATMimarjaa tan Decay, Ifsrw „ bsTlii^tiled taialB ervy known asTcnd a simple aalf eon, wUA be wB • Us. MBow-«ftnn,adiess A â- . â- â€¢ â- ItTOKBD. $2 wutoa ts. iBluOoa loMM. SolMfoMtUL for ro«r »WB Ma or «ac«l«D itosvbM. taainwa«a..ia PIMPLES do. do. 1.00 to 1.06 Don't fail to see the Thumb and Fhiger Barley Fork beiore makinij your purchase and we know you will buy no jther. To be had from any of our local dealers. Do Botdru? the system with nauseous purgatives that only debilitate. Burdock Blocd Bitters is n. uures own Cachavtic, it acts at once upon t\ie I'owels, the Skin, the Liver and I ^le Kidneys, arousing all the secre- tiiiiif to ft hoalthy action. It purifies the Blood and cures all Ilumors, even tlie Worst form of Scrofula, and tones up the Nervous aud Debilitated. Attempted Suiciob. â€" On Friday j last, a young woman who gave her nanieas Jlrs. Biown, and Ler resi- (diiuce New York, arrived at Niagara Falls by the New York Central raii- I way, aud registered at one of the hotels. After breakfa'it she sauntered out aud viewed various points of in terest. About 2 p. m. she found her- self ou Luna Island, near the brink of the Falls, aud tlirew her paiasol into the water, which was quickly swept over the great cataract. At this junc- uro lior estrange motions were noticed by Mr. Fcrloug .a carriage driver, and Mr. Perry, a commercial traveler, rhey hastened to tlie spot aud grasp- ed her just as she was gathering her skirts uronud her to make a plung in- t the w^ter. She was at once con- veyed to file Sjeucor House, and a decetive was engaged to keep track of her movements. He showed her a telcfrram he was about to send to the chief of police. New York, fully des- cribing her, sue relaxed, andthenTtold the wtfe of the clerk of the hotel that she had been brought up in the Ursa- line Convent aud married her guar- dian, with whom she had trouble about some property. She is at pres- ent under strick survUIance. â€" Hamil- ton Spectator. Reader have you tried every known remedy for Chronic disease. Impure Blood, disordered Liver or Kidneys, Nervous and General Debility, Con- stipation of the Bowels, with the manifold sufferings pertaining thereto? Have you j»iven up in despair Try Burdock Blood Bitters; it will not fail yo.i. A Trial Bottle only costs 10 Cents, Reaular size $1.00. Any dealer in medicine can supply yon. A Warnisq. â€" There is a class of people who, when they pay their fare, suppose while on beard a steamer they can act as they please without regard to the safety or comfort of others. The recent calamity at Lon- don jas had no effect npon them,, but it has on the steamboat captains of this port, and they seem determined to enforce their authority. Capt. Tturner, of the Lnella, has made the first move in the matter and yester- day charged a yonag man named Robert Moffalt with a breach ol the Marine Act- On the fourth of June last Moffatt »nd a companion were on the upper deck of the steamer, and both were reQoested to go below by the captain. Tho first refused, and was thrown down the stairway, bat Mofibtt interfered, saying that their were not men enough in the crew to put him down. It only took abaat one minute for him to find oat his mistake, bat in the meactime his struggles created quite a panic among the lady passengers and children on board. On hearing the evidence the Magistrate informed Mofbttt that be was liable to be fined $100, bat as this was the first case he woold only inflict a fine of $6 and costs or 80 days. In any other case that might come before him, however, he woold make it heavier. Captain Tamer de- serves credit for foUowing the matter ap after his anralTP'upM'gec ha d b aa n qeetad.â€" Hast. Fall do. Barley J.60 " 0.80 Oats 0.80 " 0.81 I'eas 0.60 •' 0.62 Potatofls. 0.30 " 0.30 Butter, per lb 0.14" O.U E(?gs, per doz 0.10" 0.00 Tork, drbssed, 7.00" 7.26 Beef 4.60 " 6.50 Geese per lb 0.06" 0.00 Doeks, per pair 0.40 0.4e Fowls, per pair JO " 0.35 Turkeys, per lt 0.07 " 0.07 Sheepskins 0.7% 1.25 Hides 6.00" 7.00 Orass seed, 2.00 " 2.40 Hay 7.00 " 8.00 Wool 0.22" 0.00 Green Appfes, per. bashel.. 0.40 " 0.50 Lard 0.10 " 0.10 Tallow 0.06 " 0.07 Dry Cord Wood 1.80 •' 0.00 FJjESHERTON. [Corrected weekly for the Standard by R. J. SprouU, Flesherton.) TauasDAT. Jane 9th. 1H81. I'lcnr, per bbl Spring \VLoat per ba.^h., Fall do. do. do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoes Bntter, per lb Eggs, per doz. S5.00 to 15.61 1.03 to i.Ol 0.96 0.60 0.60 0.30 0.14 0.10 Poik, dressed 7.00 ijeef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy seed. Wool Lard Tallow 400 0.60 5.00 6.00 2.00 0.22 0.10 0.05 0.97 0.78 0.3o 0.60 0,30 0.14 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.25 7.00 ».00 2.40 0.22 0.12 0.07 DUNDALK MAKKET8. Fall wheat 90c to SI. 03; Spring wheat 91 to SI. 06 Barley 50c to 70c Peas 58c to 59c Oats 23c to 33c Pork S7.25 to S7.50; Pota- toes per bag 60c to 60c Butter 17e to 18c Rgg!! 00c to 18c; beef 5c to 5^: sheep skins 75c to SI. 00; hides t7.oo; grass seed S2.50 to S2.75; Hay 17.00 to 7.60; wool 25o to 28o; lard loc; tallow 6o- TORONTO. (fascial to the Stahdard.) ToBONTO, Jane 9, 1881. Whcat,raU, per bush SI 10 to 91 la Wheat, spring, do 1 12 to 1 18 Barley, do ' 65 to Oats, do. 40 to Peas, do 66 to Bye, do. 00 to Clover Seed do o 00 to Dressed bogs, per 100 lbs. 8 00 to Beef bind qoartera 6 00 to Beef, fore quarters 00 to Chickens, per pair o 60 to Fowls, do 00 to Ducks, per brace •. Oo to Geese, each •• .00 to Turkeys 00 to Bntter, large rolls 00 to Butter, t\»b dairy 13 to Batter, store-packed ........ 00 to Eggs, fresh, per dos o 18 to Eggs, packed oOOto .\pplc3, per brl 2 00 to Potatoes per bag 40 to Onions, per bag 1 60 to HaT. ... .7. 6 00 to 10 00 60 41 73 00 o 00 8 50 7 00 00 066 Oo Oo Oo 00 00 15 00 14 00 3 60 45 2 Oo MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Tuesday in each I will mail (Free) tha recipe for a aimple VaoiTABLB Balm that will remore Taw, FBECKLK8, PIMPLES and BuTcaKs, iear- ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a lux .iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth faoe. Ad- dress, enclo!iiDg a 3o. stamp, Ben. VaudeU Co.,, 6 Beekman st., N. Y. «0-ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who sufferred for years from Nervous DEBILrrT, PBBtfA- TULE DECAY, and all the efieets of youth- ful indiscretion, will for the sake of altering homanity, send free to all who need it, the raoipe and directions for making the aimpla remedy by which ha was eared, Snfleran wniStiinef.Tf. 7. ne adyertiser's experi- ence cando so oy addressing in perfeet eon- fidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 20-lv 42 Cedar st. New York te*. OF ALL DlflCBIFTIQlf ^- PLAIN and in COLORS m KIT PAKII TCf m THE SGI^finC AMERICAN. Taa 01 aaxma Aâ€"aiaAa b a laqge Tnt- Oaaa Weakly Kewapapar o Sixtaaa Paflw, â- raeadia dM nnst heaatifal st]de,fr^w«r aimttrmud with ql«a«d ^miimf*, MfM- aaati^ the aeiwest InTwtfams aad the awat leeanl Adraaoaa iv tha Art- aad Ssasaeaei' iaBinding New and latarestting Facta in Agtl- ealture, Hartieolture, the Hom«, Has^. Madiaal Pnxcreas, Booial B s i a a ea. Matnral Hiatorr, Oeidogy, Astronaesy. The aost valaahie praatieal papers, by ewinsiit wtttan IB all departments of Beianee, will he tmmA intheSciaatiflc Amwiwi. Terma, 93.20 pear year, 91.M half year, whioh tBennea poata^a. DiaaoeatatoA^iatSs Single eoppiaa, lOe. Bold by aQ Hawsdaal- ers. Bemit by postal order, to MUNN CO.. PubUshars. 97 Park Bow, Mew To^ PATENTS, tf^xr. clestlA c Awaericaa, Measn. Mnrn A Co. ar J ol ioitora of Amariean and Fe eign Patents, have had 85 years experienee, and have the largest eatablijltnient in the world. Parents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made jba the ScieatMc AHaerican of all wventiona oatented through this Agency, with the name and reaidenoe of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, pnblie attention is directed to the mignta ot the new patent, and salsa or intarodaetica often easily eileeted. Aa^ person who has made a new diseove- ry or invantion, can ascertam, free of eKarge, whether a pcAeut can probably be obtained fay writing to Mnaa A Co. We also send /rf« our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Fatonta. CaveatsT Trade-Marks, ther eoetc. and how procured.^th hints how to procure andvanoes on inventions. Addreas for the payer, or concerning patents, MUNN CO.. 87 Park Bow, Mew York. Branch OfBoe eor. F and 7th sts., Wash- ington D. C. :s â- \^' Exeeniad mth neafnew aacf despatch, If" • AaENa;3 wanted. -Big pay.â€" Lis;ht Werk. Steady Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, 46 Naussau street. New York. 20-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot that dread disease. Consumption, hy a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sullerent the means of core. To' all who desire it, he will send a copy of tha prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for picpairing and using the same which they will flu J a sons Ccas for Coji- SCMPTIOJI, ASTUMA, BbONCBITIB, 0. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please address, Bev. E. A, Wilaon, 149 Penn St.. William:iburgh, N. Y. 20-ly CHURCH DIRECT CRY, CHBI3T CHUBCH. Services -Sept. 26, 10:30 a. m.; Oet. 3rd, 6:30 p. m.; 10th. 10:30 a. m.; 17th, 10:30 a. m.; 24th, 6:30 p. m.; 31«t, 6:30 p. «.; Nov. 7th, 10:30 a. m,; 14th, 10:30 a. m.; 21st, lo;3o a. m.; 28th, 6.3o p. m.; Dec. 5th, 6:3o p, m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.; 19th, io:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:3o p. m, Sabbath School, 2:3o p, m. B«v. JameaWord, Incumbeut. CANADA METFODIST CHUBCH. Services every abb^th *t I :3o a. m., and 6:3o p. m. Sabbath Sciiool at 2:3o G. S. Bowes, Soperinteudeiit. Prayer ing, Thuisday Evenings at 7:3o, McDiarmid, Pastor. m. 'eet- B«v. M.A- PBIMATIVE METHODIST, Services every Ist and 3rd Sabbath at 8 o'clock p. m. Every 2nJ 4th Sabbath at lo:.1o a. m., in the Orange Hall, nett. Pastor. 0. C. Oar- PBESBYTEBIAN. Services in Duflerin Hall every Sabbath at 6.30 a. m. Sabbath Bcliool at 2:3o p.m. Prayer Meeting at 6:3o p. m. Bibla Class on Fridays at 7:3o p. m. MAGYAR DS PECTORAL BALSAM H«f DO equal (or the t ii j iâ€" nwi tgur« ct C*a«h.. raids, SareTaraat. asBta|si Wha«*lM «:»iwa.J»rs«raMls, ar Kv«fv boKle fuarmjyed to fiw T. MfLBURN ft Ca, PravnMon T( Durham â€" Third month. Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanover â€" Monday before Ihirham. Mount Forestr-Third Wednesday in each month. Guelphâ€" First Wednesday ua each month. Harristonâ€" Friday before the Guelph Fahr. Drayton â€" Saturday before Guelph. Elora â€" The day before Guelph. Donglas-rMouday before Elora Fan:, Hamilton â€" Cyrstal Palace Groonds- the day after Guelph. Berlin â€" ^Frst Thursday in each month. Brampton â€" First Thursday in each month. Listowel â€" First Friday in each monih. Fergus â€" Thursday following Mount Forest BoMMOBtâ€" Fifteenth of Fehraary, April, Jane, August, October and De- cember. Primroseâ€" Wednesday preceding the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€" The 2nd Thursday in each month. Fleahertouâ€" Mondaj bafcro Oranfa- ville. Dondalkâ€" Tmaday befortOrangenlle. Shelbnmeâ€" Wedneadi^ helwOnHiga. vilU. Marshvilleâ€" Seeond Wednesday in each month. Walkertwaâ€" The .lut Wedoeedaj » each mootfi. .• 'CI MiMflMy La»t Wedaeiday of waiii*^ tnoath. Prof iict Oitarii Mracttri F*r 18«l-t*« TO BE PUBLI8HBD nrNOVBHBEB, 'M, ' Prloe tS-OO. MB. LOVBLL, at tha request d several Merchants and othera of tha Proviae* of Ontario, of the Cily of Montreal, 4e., begs annonnoenhat his firm will publish a PBOVINCK OF ONTABIO DIBECTOBY. io November next, coni Alphabttical BIrteity Un A TBOBOnOOH CliASSIFIBD BusifieM Directory of the Baaineaa and Piofeaaioiial men ia Oe Citiaa, Towns and dlagea of OiOerio, wiA a CLASSIFIEO BUSINESS DUtESCTOBT or TBB CITT OF MONTJSSAXi. Tha nme aare and attwitiwa ha atu w eg ib» Doarinioo aod HuimsiBl Pliualurl ea m 18f71 wiU b* given to this wo A_ Bah einhaw nanes reapertfally solieitad. Tly a of Ad- wtiaiM Made know* ape* apolieatua. Hantreal, DMamhK. 1880. MONEY to LEND AT SIX A TAAIGdiir LOAMS, oa FraaheU lVKB cbht. MAEKDALB. -â- â€¢Â»-. «li»!« •J^ If you want BILL HEADS. LETTEB HEAD», OIBOULABS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, P0STEK8, SALE BlLtSa STBEAMSBS. DODOEB. HAliD BILLS. PAMFHI£TS, FBOOBAMME3, TiprnNO OABDS, BUSINESS OABDS, BiHLL TICKETS, Or ia IM fmjtinng in fiia pdatiBg line»JiitiiiitoMU«tth* It StnagarO OJE^IOJB, Tonmlf^ ,v AUm olp UL i )r!Xi fV. M AilEDAL E ifyle •aa ai iitf Vr. U-*^^' Jane lad. iM- J.O. MM pnysr â- â- â-  â- Â» i •t A. McINTYEE. Will move into my new premises shortly iS Sfxrotde'^s BIo^ ' ,5^.' shortly. No time to write advertisements just now, al- though ready to wait on you should yoa drop m. No staw goods in my establiabmei^t. AKVKAaWB^V^ M^^Nts "^^ a^^^H^^ yoa drop A. MelNTYIIi ' Biinlot'A $1,53 7,000 To lend throogh the Fleahertoa Afaney, at Oi AlVr y I»E1* CEIVT. PEl^ ^IVIVUBC. STajkiOHT LOAKs. If you are paying 9 and 10 per oeat. hi te t a at t If yoa aeed a Maia t 1 your feneae ara not iuifieient? If yoa want to bay more laadt If yo« want tedssr Mi improve more land f to botrov of tha North of Scotland Ganadiaa Mortgage Goii^a]!]^ They oliarge no fines f they do not equalize your paymenta, nor aharga yoa 11 ftt aMt.' on overdo* payments; bat they ilo give the most reasonable privikgw ot any OeMk pany lending money, AND THEIR COSTS ARE LOWf Special rates given to partiea -wanting speeially large loans, offering spasial aannriiy I have also a fe-^ thousand dollars of PRIVATEMONEY r Bitters PECTOR The Reform Aeeoelaflon OF East Orey, will meet in Convention in the Town Hall Flesherton, on IHies- day, 14th June, 1881, at cue o'clock p. m Meantime a limited number ot circu- lars will be issued but aa it would be mani- festly impossible to reach all thereby, friends of Beform throughout the Biding are re- quested to attend without farther notioe. By order of the President, WM. BBOWN. Seo'y. )Cark4al*. May 35th, 1881. S7-3w THE BEST REMbUI liuuM Of tlic Tlnat ail liifs. Jtvj^ F^Vj Id diseases of the pnl. iial £*aiLO monar.v organs a safe and reliable remedy is invaluable. Araa'i Chedrv Pectobai. is such a romely, and no othersoemiuently mer- its tlie confldence of the public. It is a sci entitle combination ot the medicinal princi- ples and ctirative vir- tues of the finest drugs, chemically united, of such power as to ioanra the greatest possible efficiency and unlform- itjof le-sults. Itstrikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affonlius prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, the youugeat children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, BroDcnltla, Influenza, Clergymaa'a Sore Throat, Asthiua, Croup, and Ca tarrh,'the effects of AVer's Cherhv Pac- TOKAL are magical, and multitudas are ao- nually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should be kept at huid in eveiy household for the pro- tection it affords la sudden attacks. In Wbeeping- cough and Consumptioa there is no other remedy so effica:ious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try some of the many mixtures, or s.vrups, made of cheap antl Ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curative qualitiea, can afford only temporary relief, aud are sure to deceive' and di»ap|oint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demaud activeand effective treatment; and it isdan- gwoua ex|)erimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trilled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Uaa Area's CaaaBV Pcctokai., and yon may confidently expect the beat reaults. It is a atandard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap aa its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a ce.ntury has proven Its absolute certainty to cure all pul- monary complaints not already beyond the teach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Fimetical and Aaalrtieal C h a Ml s t s, Lowell, Matt. agaa ar au. DauooisTa svaarwaBaa. To invest on very reasonable termc and at 7 per cent, interest. This ia a rare i and the amount is limited. As many English and Scotch capitaKstsare withdrawing thair capital from the market, I beUere a change iii the money market laay aooa be *«p slat. Money has reachedrock bottom. fVomr la tbe tiSiC t« T r» W aa4 the piase is "^he Flesherton Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agency. INSURANCE It is of the greatest importance to Insurers that they select a BellstMc aad flalj Company, and that they do their busiuessthrough a reliable AfeBC I amprepai«4 to take applications for the Strongest, Safsat and Best Companies in Canada, »4 for a Stook Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mattial. My Companica art the Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, (Matual and Cash.) ^il .-.; ' COlVTETATVCmO. Deeds, Wills, Leases. Mortgagee, AgrannenU. Aa., fte.. a« short notice, and work Gorectly and IVeat jr done. In tUs line my business 1 OlVTETATVCmO. Deeds, WiUs, Leases, short notice, and work Gorectly and IVea increased and is Ircreaaing, I am now doing the largest business in thePiduig. A VC'TIOnr SALES attended in either Town or Country, and Bills snppUed free ef xa. charge; bIso, all necessary Blanks and Stamps. I AMDS FOR 9AI.E AND TO WtKNT. To any having lands to dispose of I _J offer a sp end'd chancp to advertise. It don't cost you a cent till yuur fara ia sold, and yoa ean withdraw at any time. I also realize better prices than the ProprieiCO^ themselves. Correspondence sclicited. In every department of my business Wmtt c arcfuness, corrcctneas, and fair deain^ the prominent featuros, lai'iltggi aa low as any reliable man. ROBTa DAVIS, Conreyaneer, (Jommittioner in U, H., and Qentrtt hftnt Flesherton, Feb. 9, 1881* St-U RE MO VAL RE MO VAL Q 9 « I U P I Horee-Shoein a £iecialty. JansSiK I. liM -VICTORIA- 3uCHU^iJvAURSI 7HL- CR£/JT SPECIFIC U'SCAC-ES â-  â- -• K I D NEV SAVE YOUfl COMBINGS. iGa. T. O. Morsan, bega toaanoanw* U. Ihi leiiie rf MmW.1i eai iikfaHj that slii ia pnafarad Io work aphair aji)ii|ia fiito switabss. imC« and eoria, tavas SMdaiateâ€" AeaUMaaHdted, Berideaee eomsr of MaA, aad Qaaea ^nfkt, eypoaite XfiBowas'raal The undersigned wishes to inform the Public generally, that ha has pnrebaaed the control of the FDRNITDRE, AND SASH AND DOOR FACTORY AKD BKMOVED TO THE T â- ; ' Furniture Ware rooms TO THE NEW AND COMMODIOUS BRICK BUIDING A'JJOING THE FACTORY, Where my numerous customers will always find me, or a coinieteut salesman to look aft* and attend to their wants j Tt ilities are now Superior to any time sine commencing bosincss, snd I trust by honorable dealing to merit a eontinnaaea ol th patronage so liberally bestowed in the past. â€"O- I have now a Large and Varied Stock of Furniture in all the Latest Styled, and during tba Winter I require iOO.OOO FEET OF GOOD Bntternut, Cherry, Bassi ood, Bircb and Ash X- TJ"^j£ IB E3 13 1 for which ' THE HIGHEST PRICE "WTLLi BE PAID. Aig*^ SI Q-a.a.ritlt3r of G-ood. I=*lii.^. ALL KINDS OF SASH, DOORS, MOULDINa, Erc., AS USUAL. Estimate of supplies Given on Application tsr Don't forget the WarerooiM are removed next door to the Faetory, Durham atraat. H. IIOOFEH. Flesher'or, Deeember 28, 18^0. l-lj Announcement! LATE IMPORTATIONS OP Sesaonabie GoodSf :« iiKiti- ;( li hi' i ATTliB •*« ":•• TORONTO HOUSE. -y l(hAis\0(a 1« 1taMMU,^faU,\Ui, â- â€¢ i Tii II

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