Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jun 1881, p. 3

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 '1 .if i i 1 i I i W'l 1 IJf' 'h J -!â- ; f |« |- ' Â¥, V ,^B14A0E EXTKAORDINABy Tbfve liTM in North IkioliiM • IWuiilj u4Mb)« I or noUiiug, w t»t m ve Luov, Lut tot au idiaajnczmtic (midiit-M for U-'iiif; uiarried tu nu- l*iid oi and aLaiu-d placM. Tfa« trl«5gn4L Las jtut aoiioaii««d the V«ltli"g of tlj«i youij;;««t daashter 1*1 4 (Jift u«ar Otove creek, cue bnu- «trui KuJ fiAj foet iu IImi air. the vutce lieiiig. olJ traditioa sajH, aii 4ii«li)*u refnxe. The father aud Vio4h«r if U40 comautio yonng wo- VAu twok uiMiii (hemselveii the I10I7 Loiitln vf uiaUiujony m a a baloou, «lucli. bjr the way. beeaiae nninaD- tmvititiv befcre the britlal party eiime tu ranh. 60 that they barely trscaped »it^ tlieir lives, pawLig he bridal i^:;iit trsKU] J «boQt ia a bank uf very 'ct cioiids, the bride Ix'iiig deadly B*ra jtpk. The eldest son of the J«i;.*:Iy kopt up tLo traditions of his biiiu by Wtfduing liia bride iu a diving- bell, althoagh in taking a iH-coiid wife be eonteoted himself »ith ii iiQpl luarriagu by telegraph. A ixhIi r Hoti bore home hia blushing v-oiiAort fiuui a marriage in a railroad t'Hr aiid ^lill a third brother eou- triviid that his wedding «»hoald come lu a.' u pai t of a perfurmance of aina- K'li' thp:tt:'ica's, no one besides him- mi-W. l\m bride aiid tlie magistrate « iiu performed tl^ ceremony, being VI the H;ct'e(. What bixHrre antics tiiu urxt generation will devise ii is •lifiicull lu inugine, bat at least the fHl-cat4:Lcr need not consider his t»;;cii p a i '» gone whUe any of the ifimtly rtiu4ini at huge. indiees afliinst .. iiL;D-IiE.U£D GIliLS A liiJy Correspondent who ought to Jinow wntfs from New York to say Vhiit red-he«ded girls are all the rage. 'CIi'»e yvho have hery heads by ua- t'liu uow account them selves lucky. ][i'ia(iii Lilondes have lost their grip, aiii Ll^bli heails joiu them in envy- ;ug \ii-s reds. Led hair is uttaiuabie tail v.ith considirable trouble, fur l!( acliiug mubt be followed by dye- iii;;. ;iir.i the process requires frequent iepetiUuu. Moreover, the pccuhai complexion that usually accompanies iel hiiir cannot be simulated. It has H clear piilid hue fur a groundwork (and tliJN luiglit by itself be cuuuter- foiU'd;, Lut on it appear pale, reddish freckles, and to paint theia it would be tju (kUcute an operation to under- tal.c. Ked Lair is becoming common nil the Rtrccta and lu puLlic assem- biuges, but tlic real is tro easily dis- tii:RUished from the false that the tiisliion is nut likely to last long. In the matter of hairdressin^-, while it is no loii^'er correct to ware Llie hair '^lugli on the heal and in voluminous puiis, bi'iiiilB and frizzes, as was tusU- lon ible only a year ago, it is never- theless evident that the close, flat style of coitfurc is going out of date. C irU :i:i I Ijops are adied from week to Week, uiid gniiiualiy we are return- ing to til' elaCuiiito style of hairdress- ing, wliicii is the only one suitable for the ' iiiiplieated detaiU of the g'ii .lal t.ilet of today. When done ui red iiau' the fussmesa is effective. W'ouion wi'.h red hair are called "robja;." When attired witli taste, th*-.v iuo bc'wilchuig â€" if they have ;iii' ovduplt ctiou3 and eyes blue, gray, d;:ii., I.Tuwn or bronze-tinted they jbiiiild dress in cither very rtark or vi;ry light colors, (irays, drabs, V':ii.iws, l)ri;,'lit blue, bright green, inauve, lilac, and 1 se do not become tli-iii. 'I'liev niiiy wisely wear black, durk bill' dark voilet, pearl and trtu.i â- wiiitf, water blue and the j)ali-.-.t tints ()f Nile Green. NO SECl'.l.TS FKOM SCIENCE Tiio doct'U' arrives- at tbe hospital to ui ikc his l;iil visit of iuspoction and rti-eives lli^ ticket of a new patient, 'X, musician in German bauu pul- inoiinry consumption,' Jlo jif.coeds to Uis patient's beside, burnmiiddd by his admiriut; class. Woh, mygooi fellow, you spit blood, don t VoU ' 'Yes, doctor I â€" ' ' Tiiiii'll do we know all about it. aii.i ou liHVecold sweats at night, eh?' 'Yes, sir, and â€" ' 'I fancy now by my occupation you are H luii^^ii-iiiu ' • 'Yes, I ).iay â€" ' •Be siliiit You belong to a brass band nnu you have over exerted yourself â€" have fairlv blown your lungs away puffing mto your instru- ment. Gentlemen, you perceive that bickness as no secret from science. ^Yhat instrument do you play, my good man ' 'The cymbals, sir. UNCLE Z.\CK'S WISDOM. r The world would be more appy, and the mass of people in it just ur wise, it they would whistle more and (uguo less. Very amiable, good-natnrel are those people who can have their own way in everything,. The cvorlasting longing for soran- tlinig we have not, ought to satisfy UH that there arc great things iu store for use. There is no charity in lielpiuj a man who will not help himsflf. A man may learn inhdelty Irora books and from men, but never fiom nature. Humanity is the safest foundation to build any kind of superstructure tai. A man's heirs are sometimes his mo»t impatient creditor. 1 isli was given to man to lengthen hia reason. .Mo£t of tho unhappiness of this life comes from not knowing the true value Oi' things. Money and fame are the two things men work hardest for, and after death pue is worth just about as much as the other. Mercy is sometimes an insult to justice. Compliments are often nothing i^iore than gilt edge falshoods. Wb*t moral armies need just now is uors raiik and file and fewer bri- ijailier-genefals. U tikkes two t make a qnarrel and tv«o to keep it going it needs Wu» to end it. Jeaionsy ia simply auotliar nam« {ur N«lf loye. )i.a who i» .asliamed of bis poverty -^1 surely beariogiuikia Lis wealth. Tlieie i» hope for a inau â- â€¢ luug lui Uuslt. --,- i*8o7(Mi eujoyeb t nr visil^dia cireos, did you " inquired a young man of jiia adored one's httle •iater. '0h, yesl A^d do 70a know, wea«w a camel ^i^yli«mtyA lis inevtii and eyM Lfauai»«fel{ auid looked jeaaedj •• •« *» **»•' â-¼o" *** '••»*â- â€¢ ,i^ HIS CQM6CI£BCE SMOTE HIM. 'Wbat's the liMl'ia ia tiiie Aee aboot leadm' â- Â« a qoartW V •aked an attenoated tnuaip at the casbier'a deak of Uie Ei^le office yeetarday aftemooa 'There aieatroiif it,' retomed llrriiail 'Does it go so far as to rea«h Hsdf to a dime r inqoirad tbe sapidiaot, 'I think it reaches to tliat extent, said the easbirr. 'Yon don't i49ear to reeo(pus« ne pardner.' 'Well yoo don't refer to anything of which I bare extended iuformat- iou.*- ' 'There's a great deal of money in m«. if I'm properly worked. I only need keerfil handling.' 'Money in you, how ' asked tl cashier becoming interested. 'If I was taken where I belonged tliere'd be great wealth for us botn. I'm priceless ia tbe ptuper qaai ter.' 'Give me yoor addrdss andill send yon over,' said the cashier.' 'Make it twenty-fire cents Mad Til {rive yon the information. Fat op somethin' as a unarantee of good faith and yoa've got me. Two bits in cash invested iu me will make jour oyes hang oaL' 'I'll go a qaarter on yon,' said the caahier. handing oTer the money. ' Wbo are yon U tw's auything to be made oat of you 7' 'Stranger, said tbe grateful tramp bursting into teara 'stranger, I wen" deceive a kind hearted man like yon. 1 nanKiui nji px»i. ici..v.s., » »..•»..*.-. wâ€"~^ â€" â€" ~~i' i- I was Koing to lell you that I was r„j.ther share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing pitnugBull but 1 ain't; I'm only _, _^„„, ottPntinn. Markdale Qi IS THE BEST HoDeyattlietAW^ iJOFDJES, dURCESM If you want Insurance patronize the UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOC! ATION^ MABKDALE HO^SE AIJEK. BUTI^pOE, Proprietor. ^^^^7ir Good stables and attsi^e Uoatisra. t8 pitting liull bat 1 aiut; im oniy j ^,^^„«. -«.t^nfir.n Alexander T. Stewart's long lost, dead and prompt attention. body. MARKDALE CARRIAGE_ WORKS McKENNA MASON HAVING leased the Wai,'gon and Black- smith Shop owuud by John Benson. be« to inform the Public, that that they are prepared to furuish all kinds of Vehideii, Buch as BL'COTES, DEnOCRTS, WAGGONS, ETC., AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, Anil by niiiK the Best of Material and Oood Workman»hip, hope to receiv( a fair share of your patronage. Special attention given to HOESE SHOEING AND General Jobbing! As wrwarant all onr work. A call is solicit ed. and we cunrantee oatiHf action. Shop o:i Mill street, opposite the Revere Hotel Markdale March 3 1 881 2.5 3m. FLESHERTON Harness Shop TUB Sulerriber begs to inform the public tli:i\ he has coii^tauUy on hand a large assortment uf CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HARNESS. Mailc in good style and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means business give htm an early call, as he will sell at the lowest living prices, fur cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TRUNKS, Ac, always on hand. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good 6t saaranteed. IS"Rpmember the stand the Post Office is opposite. N, B. â€" ijtavu timber wanted, J. GORDON. Fleslierton. March. 1881. 16 R. J. McCOY, Agent for the followiuf; Implements, ".: MOWER, HARVESTER, and celebrated HAY RAKE, (Sharp's.) Wanzer Sewing KiuMnes, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H B K TY OBGAN S, Unsurpassed in bcanty of tune and power* Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past favors, I am determined to merit I;'pjSS2ifK«nirSISr oooa stakes Artemesia Warehouse! FUBSHE BTON S TATION. ]fo» aa kMrf lor nla. and vOI to coutaDtly reaewrf. • «N«ipl*U Bioek ct M(ioo(Is,ReJUly-IiuleGlotliiii|. Boots and Slioos, HAJID'W^ARB, CBOCKEJBT, SROCERIESj^ROyiSIONS, c. la All kinds 01 Conntiy Produce taken io exchange for Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufactured and tor sale. /lMlMrti« Statioa. Hay t?th. 1881. t-(f Markdale, March 29, 1881. THEOPHILUS HALL. 29-tf. MEDICALBALL COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Alwavs in Stock. As I keep all kinds of BEPAIBS for the Implements I sell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, 'leali.ertorL- Flesherton, March 24, 1881. 28- tf OH, HEAR. 0|_HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander yocr mon»y if yi n want to, if not, get yourPhotographt of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherton Wbo is again preparea to take Pictares, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. We are receivin a Urge stock of MOTTOES and Votto and other Frames, and Frame Filings, which we can, and mean to sell at Remarkably Low Prices Call and secure bargains. ' Bring along your pictares and have them copied ard enlarged by vonr old friend. BULMER. SEEJ)S FIELD SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CARROT, MANGEL WURTZEL, c, c. GARDEN A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which v/ill be sold at lowest market rates A.TURNER CO. 13 tf Markdale, Dec. 9, lHao, Flesherton, Maich 10, 1881. M THE EUSH. THE EUSH. Wilkinson's PLOUGHS, D I'clc ' S LATON PLOUGHS. ALL UNltS or Fittings and Repairs Kept constantly on hand, SEWING MACHINESAND ORGANS FOR S ALE, C HEAP. Licensed AUCTIONEER FOB THE COUIVTr. Bills provided and Sales attended to iu all parts of the Coonty. Charges Mode rate. ESTABLI SHED 35 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR A LAKUE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER â€" ONLYâ€" Per Tear. dD" One of the Largest and best 'Weeklies in. OaniKla. Mnber. Any pwtr tnUag «a tfan* aife. •eribvs wiU tM«iT* a eofy, port-yaid, •tha FkWs AMont Book, worth om ' ha ptaM ol th« «swl ' ' Tliree "Women a,iter a. Dozen Hen^ngrs. SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEABANCE, AND BUTTER RAE In order to make room for their Spring Stock, oiler all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Clouds, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, Drawers, CTerc«ts, JFUnnela, An. IS- DON'T PASS THE PLAC?"A8~WE MEAN BUSINESS. si In Tweeds, all pattcrn8..^CottonadM, Dneks, Shirtings, Oingham*, 'Denima, ' White and Uiey CottoM, £tre«^pod8, Prints, Hollands, Towellings, J^slko^ Ties, Brace*, i^ltokiAil wBiDT«ltBhirto, *°^ ' '""' "' usn^ •'A-.^ kept.'^JBats.m'^elt and liar â€" aUprioas. -^ â-  Order a Specialty. rsr Don't forget th»t COOTKR ^rSMITHB BOOTS are tttt only Boou worth buying?, and we are (be ONLY SHOP io. Town ttet keep *â„¢' CBOCKEBY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL BTYSE^^^ N B â€" Wa trust te«t all uiiat'«asTs will ramsmber that «• MlAtT havvwmy' If M- eoank«aMBOtp*idb7th*lAtkll|aMtheBailifr will daal with tltsm^ ' liwkdala, MMttk t. 1881. A Oood Chinee. To rent for on* or mora yeata. Lot iaen. 9 BaiihrMia,t6na* OMy. MaerM in gm«^ '"' *^ W. J. MoFAELAND- ' w^.1^1. Kay Mh I88I. M-« rrOTICJE. ha plMa ol tha Mwl irimiMiaa. ami • raatcardtaraM^rla Oanot o«r WmUv, whkh is aa«t ftaa. tta mtj BMrn Canada that iwWislias a AtaMht •â€" -- Her- U. MBO. Al' pasiinaoa akoya M. THOB. H. YOUNG. llteaa(aPaUs.Ma]r Mh- U-Z SAVE YOUR COMBIMBS. ICra. T. O. MoagiM, ba(s to annonnoe tt. ol li«Mala aad Tioiiuty that ^^ toi wk "Vkair aaaakiaflB into fcl Alrt il. Bi MiMs i n ni i ol Math 1 atoaala, ooparila Mr.Bowaa' _^^^^"^^^^^ ^*]^^ "W^aU ^^^^" i«m A GMct Fam 0f ISOlsrM ,FOR SALIJ, O^ Hi* lk*tn tht Viaagi^f liUtkidU. Thei e an aboat lOOaaraa elaaiad the mm* ofwhio hjain» lu|^,i^ of «il|*,«fc« ,^ *i*!ltf »*?*' '»y«o »otko«. Th«a â- â- * eb MM VMMiaaa a THnMaliiii 1 Stahia ~4 DriTin, ^STiTCiSTI bciakad ^ftmrnit v^ vroy a oowji n wnng tolnw; a good (a KirtSSffcpie 8«^lSf cftilSj C. W. BUTI.EMS. t.Madtdak.p.o"'^** STOP. MARK. LEARN! And then you will know where to go to get the best ralne for your Money at R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLBARIG SALE, AT THX POST OFFICE STORE, Wondrful Inventi FLBJr^HEETON, la order to make room for heavy Spring Importations now arriving daily. I have deeided reducing my present lai^ and well selected and assorted stock of GENAERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Gaps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE,' and in order to do so, ° Wm Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The stock is all neiv, well bougllt, and well worth the attention of the closet bnvara â- n UROCERIES yon wU find evrythinK of First-Clnss Value. As I do not pursne the course of some of our windy Merchants of our reighborine Vil lages, of sending out nnmerons samples of cheap trash (with nnserupoloos reoommenda^ tions) outside our natural businefR relations, in order to lApress the public that thev ar« not properly treated by their more hononible dealers, and draw custom from the manv You wiU find everything that I seUivstas I represent it, and as Kood vain. as you can possibly get for your money anywhere, as I have always held that honoT»U« dealina is the only true course for a business man. ""^uw My Qroceries are all bought for strictly nett cash, consequently I c«a and irlll aeU at The Lowest Possible Prices For CASH andPAEM PEODUCE BUT IVOT FOK JRErIT. o â€" I have also in stock and for sale, a Urge quantity of PUBE SEED GEAINi aa White Bomian, Glasgow, Bed Ohalf, and other varietiaa of H-^-« u CI««Peas, Oats and Barley. Prime •rimoth/^aSJ^LSi.^r^-J^r^ " .. a«U. H pays each and ^ery Farmer to^^^^=wS?i^ «^- «alewoenUextra,andpardhaaingagoodartie*ar^^^ 7«»wUI aaka mon^ fay THIS IS A MECHANICAL DE17J For Learning to P/ajr CHORDS AND AGCOMPANIMEI 03V THE utaamMif" 'Bd •atly maUa. and ProTineial Matt** aa laatraetive $UB in three nontha, â- ^Zfl tatii all arreages an ?0^^^ action of the pabliah- r~jfatli^Tt| â€" â-  without payinc ^^mgmAtt for the years snb- ^^tf aaMply with tbe rules. or ADVBBTISIKa 00s v-r »««« â- 40 87 60 16 00 8 00 4 00 r. first insertion 60 at in«ertiou first insiertion.. it insertion insertion per lino at insertion â-  of linen to be reckoned by the measured by a scale uf solid Ivartisamentg without npecific be pnbliahfd till forbid and gly. All transitory ad'ertise- i he in the office of publication by the Th urmlay morninK p i s oeed- blicalion. W. BUTLEDOE, Proprietor. lAL 4 tUSINESS DI RECTOR Y. vo G 15 75 Si; « 2 GNEni X Nursei Sept. IT BlU] Mill St., H^ruess sb ^Meai Sept. I7i gy r »nlc dfc Carter, ,Sargeon .Aocoucbears dbc. MeAieal Hail reiudenee at 1-7 8ept 17. 1880 IAN, SUBGEOS, tooaaiA P. O. ACCOUCH. 6 tf. J T..r.. prompiv u H5-3m. Wl i«0al. 9. IHaemilian. â-  and nCRHAS.) Sr-AT-LAW .- SOLlClTGU IX f, C!onveyaucT. Ac. Ofticp ovfr store, Markdale, and at Miin Flesherton, evorr Tnesdar. 2!) IX lart-.- p..... I security. inteI ts. R. Wilkes, f at Law, Owen Sound, j t»*nr -MiUerss buUding. over lUbin- '^^ I«iuts| iPoulet Street. l.\ ftt dfc Fr*)it, T5BS, AND ATTOBNF.TS-AT ^lieitorR iu C'haiic«rv. «nm y LOwen Sound, liave re-^nracl at Ofloe opon every Thur^iUay, ao J. W. Fbost.LL. B. Attornev. I â- es Mnsson, SBand ATTOUXEY AT LAW,. â-  in Chaaoery, Owen Sound. II8M. 1-v laaie* Laaoa, 5Y-AT.L\W, SOLICITOn IN iry, Notarv Public, tc. aed at lowest rates on personal ate. I^iids bought ami .soM. 1 er iutruducud free uf comiuiii J DUNDALiK. »r 21st. 1880. ' 1 i»uttv* It $«« llteiit*. Woa. Br*wn, MABBIAGE LICENSES, Ac, aioaer in B. K. dc. ng in all its braticlies promptly id carefully excrati.d. ey to Lead on Heal Eiitate se- Septrt INSUR f., CITl/l,!) Ail K nna Villsj; Aiicti4 trv.. bill Ut Varkda Piaii spt. i7. 1880. ly cancer Brou'u, Varriage Licenses, Fire and ranee ^gent. C'oiumikoiouei Conveyancer and LiceuseJ the County of Grey. Fanners, tadljand Sales. Punctually at- charges made verv uiudeiato Sept. 17,1880. ' i-v ,.1: de r»e Corbet, Jr., AN AI»D GUX.'CHAL AUnXT **d. Ifonev to Loan at 1 » â- eat. PriucipaJ pavable at tli.' of years, and interest half veai- j or principal and iutemt re|i«v. Iments, i iber of desirable Improved Fanitfi I J-v u T!,, PiANdANDORGi t. G. Sinz, ON ANp PBOVIXCI.U. LAND for, Draagbtsma'i and Valuator. i Markdale. Havinp pnreliased |_Land Sarreyor Clisrles ItHiikiii'!. " of origiaal Field X.te I'lans. j pstroctions, 4e..of all liis Suiveys 1 the last fifty-five years, I am • make Surveys in str.ct aoord- 'ith. Profiles and Estuuitos Hills, Plans and Speeitications "iges, fnrnish«4 on a|lica- ' â- Â« Loan at 8 pvr ei*ut mt. r.-st. rvi,.r or left with G. ;. ULVrH, ' JJ* 1-v Rllil T:r| iiii: t".M theui til asai Fri de'.iv SAl Dueli Pore paying I sm now selling large niintiaa d COARSE LAND Salt -ii-g£fiv.«rf -»«««s^AtSSsfSs^fc;i^s'i^ J"'i -3:^- â- Bd boiwhtlouMtt eaah at Bottom PtlL, â- o- 1 vonld alao iotiaMte that my SPKING IMPORTATIONS ABB ABRIVINa DATLY. ' And IwiU haWopMMdoat aad show On The Ist of April, 'J^«j«aa^aniarlih..^,.»«^taU^^^.^ r, u w R J. SPROUIiE. laeshcrton, March lo, i»8i ^^! Any person, Young or Old, wb^ have any Musical talent or i can learn or PLAY THING, in a VEBTj SHORT TIME,, i what would take years in the old way. ' besides a great expeBS^J for Books, Tuition, etc, Sent, pre-paid on receip '^j â- .• â- : i..,?^iv;wfe':V â€" -o â€" PIANOS ,ORCi VEBY LOW PEICES ADDRESS, J. A. CRA^WFO^ 4a9i King Street EaA Twonto* April uth* 88k " f f' tmmtm a. While. to Dr. Cameron, Oucu s..u-i.l. I»E AT THE KEVEUi: H(*rsi; T*l"de, on the last We.!ne«.l«v in when he will U- |iri'|iHriHl tuper atioBS required U|km the nioutli ' •**i«factor» tntauvT, and upon *Tm». I V A-: IMI t. iiiir .t lie lu S,-,r ' l| I -MulivdJ ##trl«. IRE HOTEL, HIAKKDiLt:. UIjE. Proprietor. Hotel has Lad a lar^e «,). 1 to it, tliorou'jhly retitt-.l, seeond to none lu the ctuti:y. and attentive u-tler. I'iit- lodation for comnieicial travel- I 9l#9 per dar. I'-ly^ J. tti/ tile :e he l Ill FRUll 3RD, Out. ' r^*^ l'BorBtf:Tnao. --Ation for the travellin- •har ia well stocked wiili th. UM Liquors and tin; best ' and from all trains. f.icturl ly yERCIAL HOTEL JBVUjIjE. Ont. f**|l9odioas Sam(le Booms J Ac, Xhc Bar aud larder VW tbe best the market af J and attentive ^ostler's lOa ATKINSON, froprielor. ',1880. CHOi 6 I V* OalkralUi, I AND GENERAL LAND UBsford Stati.u. Auction i all parts of the County. I â€" aiasiou. Bates modei«te. Sewing Machines; also atal Trees, Vines. Agricul- I and Manhinery of all kind* ' *•«â- " for sale on easy terms, '1 at bottom ratos. I ••^«7, «l. 201r BIlJIpU in the I Tsi snpplil Ulo.-t I Ma

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