Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jun 1881, p. 2

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 John WaQj, ear* of i car tli« OUUg 1 -i sup{ iie Wttll, ao J. IBE inst., in^ oconpiaj known as t^ ' House, was alarm beiDjj^p'T soon collected ftoj dainr^the flamM^af bad beeo made, lu? i of about f 2 WM donT^k ir i gmated on the ioeij.^^ Ill what way ip iSW JoV^iba iid«g fire had not been pr control the conaeo n^' (1 ubt have bean ^J**"*! BIRTU I CiMMisosâ€" In E»,k4-, '*• ^ARR|£- LlTTT.EJoinJâ€" M»J«JU%_,. R-v. N A McD;S2^*i* ttmesia, to Mi«t M^Jf 'DIED. Fabbkllâ€" In Dundatt j infant liaoghter a/ f ***»U, -I Horse-Shoeva^ a Si ' I M irkOule, Jum a.'MM^ tU MONEY to AT HiX Qf, J VJTnAlUHTLOANa. onl ' O ty. 1*1 ivate lands. J. Mitrkdale, June 2u(l. 1881. NTYRE. ;ii ' shortly in, Sproule** "B|] ;•; ailvciiisements jnst -lioiilil you drop in. .Ni| A. MclNTYl Millinei |l eeos., I .rulits l .Af.i.aiiale and kit .Afili'nirry is nicely 'ii/j'/iM/ii,' "ats Bonii( \aTS and SUNSHADB :S, FEATHERS Al' b AxND TKIMMINGS, mantle! lAOE TO ORDER.^ wl!1 .issortcd in all brandiei I pnc load in* a long advertia luvip^ we can give entist' â-  wcv.ould soUct a contii K DALE Door Fa MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONJ tth and Shi I O^ucis PxompUy FflJi* I' "'li' t;.k- people o| Mar'iiAda i« iioi lu tli. i.a.-t, an 1 hope* by deâ€" ' isinosii, and will in fotnra hM| LUMBS ESSED AND UNPJ â- nt ot rice Lumber ajMl I^i^ uutber iiclioou^r load la • to* ^A7^ Inin ami Fanoy in a first-class manaw. THOS. Mo3 staina of interest Yards oTPti^VJ«w spriag styles, 5, 7, 8^, 9, 10, n nd 12^ «»n's, fast colors. c of Tweed 50 centsâ€" worth 70. '^vw'sof Table Linen, 35. 45. 55 and 75 cents. "'„ Table Napkins,6^cents, direct fromraanulacturers. ^^^jc Black Broad-cloth, f 1.35â€" worth ^2.50. ^^1 of Duck Overalls, 50 cents. ^P^Wincey Shirts, 75 o S T AMARD. f 2 I L^^'Sf Scissors, 10 cents, desperate cheap. 3 "^^^'fel' *5. 16, 17, *o, a4. ixd 25 ««ts. Pm vsamu ti'uui mttnfacttirers 160 Ladies Parasols, 25 cents, old price 40 cents. q6 " " 50 ' '• J^ t« ^115 •• $1.50 " 96 105 I03AI- June 6th, 1881. OTHER NOTICES. Idtissi" Council meet-, at the Town ' „„ Mi^uday, the Gth inbt. M tins.' Automatic Leal Pencils. fljcox the- Jewellcis. [Coio A. Daulop, for tbo best Ice- lu town. \i!U%^ k Electoio-l'Litcd ware suit- L,fof prosicntatious. c., at W. r. hIeabertoB. I *t^kili\e gniiige, had a cargo of 12 laud plaster dehvtred to them «u Lit. Kil'l"' across Sticlis, Croqu'jt r lialU. 4c., Ac, at W • F. k,jj,Fk»ln.itoii. I Tgj.-Liltk- Jewel" Clocks at Wil- L iare ai't""y 'he bmallcst I'eu- i(,'li)fli3 made. boo them. Uowes lost a very fiue cow »c*k. Ji-t'*^" Uoltoic llnni. Mr. ^vse, a "licit time ago. f^g'sol coal oil. CASTORINE ai oilier niHchiue oila, try ilubkett Bros. ' imintiisc â- j 1 ..'^i52!^^'**^ Win Mark dale on the yO(t inst. Tbos MoBw ^MtupptA^ fe8tetd«\ 100.000 shiiigle. tTlWl hvSrV the Canada side, oppo«te Detroik- -- Flowers in ib« house aro bofc oruamcutal and « wvt^^ of pleasure Mr Turner, fully ipifotiaiitj t!h».' has a lar^e stjek of very fine «m^ for sale at the ""^â- ""' jfeLjiii 15«3 wards. ""'^^ "V Jfr. M.;Intyrb expects to movo^i'^to the new shop now beins fitted np lor him. 8pronie Wock. He says 4h» is too busy to ehaa^te hi* a.ivertisoiiifint I until tliut taiuft place^ but na| ti» I husy to wftiC en those %fco may Tivo I him with a c»lL ' I The Show grooBtli of the East (Irev A-rienluir»l Sociaty hav«r bwu g..Ht:y ii.i.r .vcd.uLd the Fle.sberton- iaa are iuakiii.{ eKteoeivo prep'^ratitins for a grand dii on the Ist of Jul v, when horse racing athleti* sports « vUl be iLidnlged in. Mr Thibaadean, two eagles from this phice, has now 80 head of cattle on his stfck farm, which havo keen bought up this spimg, and ara iu a very tlirivint^ coudition. His faimoon- 8istiu;j of 400 aires, is well watered and especially adapted to stock rais- in" sonif! years book-keeper 10 Mr. MoFar- hxud'f establishment, will a-suist ut. iJowes. With the many ether fnenda of Mr. B. we extood to lum a car- dial welcome back, and liope his sUy among ns will be permaoeut. THE MARKETS stock of tioliJ Gold 11;,'!, from $1 up, at Doll's, rtuii iV Duudalk. Joscpii E Ijjc, (jiiP of the stud- feddiug ii •')lelutyri-, ou the 11th inst., at 2 ItiodiP-i" ItvseWr. y'""'l3. lately einployod in " %\\i.\ iliill, -Markdale, is now !UJvaiSl"t*'-*'"*^o"**' '" Toronto. We L ijjjlo ' iiiu ho is gettiu^ on well. f«t)sn oil company, arc sole JJttiiltturtr^ of ••Ciistoruie machine "Infrm.,' 'lu-'uts will bo pr isacutod 1 7ii Comity C;uucil meets in the icij (.'liiiiiiber, Owcii Houi.d, on |;aawsM. liryiioldH, h;is jnined his iicr.Wil" 111 IV'Aif.' riff C il.iiiido. |f/ard kfrdnitJ hl)te iV r..ilUili:o. rbe^t wishes i.ttiud tlii:in. IsK your di'iiltTs for "CastoriiiL ' thine oil, uiid see tJiat th'j barrt'l iraiideI â- â€¢C.istyrinc." as none otii-.r The American â-  kyricultiiritt for June is to hand. It;* ooutents ara vuri- eilaud usjfal ai usiuL Its esjKMnri- of tlie many humbugs that are »*ai- „ I ly heiiig perpertrated on. the fariBinj,' oftlifc 'outiea; M' tlii'di'itC'ollege|comm'.itity, isaiooe worth tht» price preacii ill the Mdliili^t c'.iiii'"ii of subsc-riptioii Publisnel by tlie aat Sabb.ith «vdiiiu^' at ti.^'J- Oian;,'e Jiidd Co.. 751 Brodway Njw ia^ ting, of the directors of Os- York City at $1.50 per auum. 5 X!;rii;ultural Society will bu held Exthaordixaky Eog.â€" It is i-Kro to find t.vo yolks iu an esg. but three is something extraordinary. Mr. Clias. B. riiard near li )ckwood, lias one of this kiud, the three yolks b(;in,' quite distinct and visible ou making a smaK •neision iu the egg. Its dimensions art 7} inches la circumferauce across t le bioad side, The egg is from a cuui- mon hen. â€" lionitor, Ws have received the first number of the Dominion Odd Fellow. It is, as ils nnnia would indioatc-, devoted iOthiiist., fur ihc liaiis;triiun "' to the interests of that ord.T. It is a iioat, well printud, eight page pam't. 15ii up personally acqiiaii. tod wiiii its I'uhlisliers. we feel safe in sayii.g th it tlij pi-i).ni-!es cantniuJd i:i the fi;-st nuiiiber will be fully cniTie.l out. I mil lii'artily rcomiueudod it t) t!ie ' brotliLili'iiiil. I'ublishcdat Napaiicc by 1 .Vt'ss;-s Tcmpletoii k Becman, at §1 I jicr iiunum, in lulvance. UUllli-' I b.^ ,,.,.f.T ..t. '„...,. a • ' Cut This 0;t, â€" Persons handeiiifi i.flli. l'.. t liv d;iys, has ii.i.l a ""K bills sionld be cartful not to 'i'H..'i'i.'i;tlit't i^'tiiu v'gotatii.n,.ind take ni any $2 Dominion notes from iiKJiciii 'u-. a bjuii 1 liiirvvst. MARKDALE. -â- X-^-O'Fanux. Uajr «. isu. Wow 6,0o to 5.6o Hpring Whaat per bush., mw 1.03 tt 1.08 -E»U da dM. jiio..0-9l JU» XMd Barley ;.60 Oats 0.30 •• *i»« • •• **•»«. 10.30" letter, p^ lb. ., ,, 0.18 " â- to«, psr doj. ,i .*.; Pork, dressed, .„ 7 80 *« U**' M 4J0 " OeeseperlV .rt-. .-.«.. r -O.** " Ducks, per pair 0.40" Fowls, per pair ».ao •' Turkeyn, per lb 0.07 " Sheepskins 75 " HMe* 6.00 " Grass soed S.oo '• Hay 7.00 •• Wool 0.20" Green k\tpl«», iier. bnsbel.. 0.40 " Lard O.IQ " Tallow 0.0« " DrrCordWood l.gO •• 'J U.68 U.30 0.S0 •-f» 7.I* iM 0,«0 0.44 «JU 0.07 1.35 7.00 S.40 8.00 0.00 0.60 0.10 0.07 AM CHjaC-H OmECTORY. !** McFAELMFS Cashmeres, cheap 1 New Embroideries, cheap. Graud opsoto^ A the miliinery show rooms next we^u All th: n I'/jictes ia Flj\v2r$, Silks, Bouubt^tlats, l cathefi|. Costtunes, Ribbons. Laces, c., Bee. Under the su|#evio« tendenceof a fii-st -class milliner. In fact fny premises are crowrded frum cellar to garr«i wtti^ 'goods, all at bottom figures. W. J. McFARDAND, Importer. Wholesale and Retai r AtT»^ â€" W J, McFARUMIO ftO«» tdo licA assdrted stock Nort h^cirTil ««nto- W.J. M eFarland has a resident buyer, Mr. W E.^outh- C^» *J|»*y6 M the :naxket» who gets every bargain going. *^*i «*"*• Shirting, lo, 14, 17, 2oand ajcents, very cheap, w* Yards Brillianteen Dress Lustre, ^ac, cheap at 30c. New Dress Goods, cheap New Ltneus, chea,p 1 New CHBIT CHT7BCH. -S«ft- M. Uk*) a. â- ,.; Oet s,d. fcSO p. m.; loth. 10:30 a. m.; 17th, lOMi a. m.; »4th, 6:80 p. m.; SUt, S:«0 » »j «( ytk 10:30 a. m^ Uth. lO-JO JUi. lo;So a. BJ.; 2«th, 8.3o p. b».; Dee. SUi. *•« J. m.; 13tb, lo«3o a. «.; j»tk, Jo-Ja a. ml riXh, 6:3o p. m. Sabbath «eUool. lAl Bev. James Ward, lucawbent. '"T"" CAKAIA UfiXFufilSI CBUBC^. Servieet e»ery a'lb it'i it I ,: J ^. m., and SiXo p. m. Bi«baiii 'SOtognarKmrp. n- O. 8. Bowes, Hnperintendent. PniTer Mee ^g; ^Tlui.K 4iyr BTeoinCT HJiH tt«T.. N.A- PBIVKltvS MBPI^OlJaBT. Sorvioos OTcry 1 at and 3rd (tabhalb at 8 o'«|.'*p.«. KM(7aBJ*4tkSaMal«at Io:.'k) a. m In the Orange HalL C: C ^*r- ' VBBSBTTBBIAH. SonriMs in DnCarin Hall ereiy altemato BaMath at 11 a. m., and intenreninit Sab- baths at «:3o p. m. Sabbath Heliool at 8:8o f. in. Bible Class and Prayer Meetina on Friasys at 7:3,. p. m. ISkli' FJ.E8HERT0N. [Corrected wtekly for th$ Siandard by R. J. SprmU, FUih*rtuu.} TatiKSDiT. April '28th. 1881. Flour, per bbl tS.dO to 15.50 Upriug Wheat per bush., 1.00 to 1.03 Fall do. do. do. 0.96 " 0.U7 Barley 0.60 " 0.78 Oata 0.00 " 0.3o Peas 0.60 '• 0.60 Potatoes 0.30 " 0.30 Buttfr, perlb 0.17 " 0.19 Eggs, i,er doz 0.14 '• 0.15 Poik, dressed 7.0H " 0.00 Beef 4 00 '• 5.00 Sheepskins 0.60 •' 1.25 Hides 6.00 '• 7.00 Hay 6.00 •' 9.00 Timothy seed 2.00 •• 2.10 Wo.»l 0.25 " 0.30 Lard ' 0.10 " 0.12 Talow 0.06 '• 0.07 UNDALK MAHKET8. Fjjl wheat 9'1c to 51.03 Spring whcst $1 to #l.(M); »;irley 5()c to 7l)c Peas .58c to 59c; Oats :e8c to 83c Pork 87 3.1 to 87 .50; Pota- totM per bat; 8c to 60o; BuUer 17c to 18o; Bw-iiiOeto Itia; bocf .5cto6^: sheep skins 75eld9l oo; hides 87.oo; grfiKS seed 92.50 to 82.75; Hny 87 oo to 7.5o; wool S'ic to 28c; lard luc; tal;iw 6c- ,jK •â- CHstoiiii'.-" Mai'hiiie Oil. for Ikiiiils cf iiMchiiHTV, it is nl.s) ex at fr hiiriK'.-.s an. I IJatiior. inak- j It water an 1 wtatlii-r prouf. For I by Jcalurs. fAKTiKS 111 rii -licrtoii having .^iiy f bu.-iiucss 1 1 transact will ttiid Mr. icmillaii, (if K. 1). Macuiillan's la,v fco at .M'ltishaw's hotel on Tuesday |i«li WLvk. oMNti. â€" A rumor ha just vcach- pijuf attempted i)oii..iiiiig by a ryliviiig en the Cavatiaxa r;':;d. loutfivi- luilesfroin O.vei .S niiiJ. h li Ice unable to le:irn particulars b^-- t?jiiij,' ti) press. â€" -Hittjiint' P^mits wauling F'uniiiure vvilldo: It'.call LU (iralit Cut-IIow, nest ' Br to ti 10 .^rv.NDARn office, where I â-ºy inteuil t) dispose of thoir entire' ivlaaed figures. Try ""' would-be lady-killer, [1E "Ca.'itonii â- " .Machine Oil. for kuMs (if raiieiiiiiery. it is also cx- |llent for harucss and leather, mak- R it waletiwA weather proof. For lie by dealers. f-l«/'ccjdi^"encr,,l meeting, of the pareiioMfa.s, of tl,,. T. G. B. Rail- '^^ "'IJ be htia .,j Toronto on the loUuue, t.) consider further the pMmeut with the Grand Trunk Rail- Ji large numljer of young bovs were â- uDg a teiTibl,, racket on Toronto *t. on .Siinlay evening hiat. anoy- |tho iieiglijerhood within a mile, •â- or-liss when thev might have ' '3ij), yjng their time to bettor I'st^igo, Tue noise occurei at II i, opposite thg new pump fac- F.n.- .Vifieroe fire was raging on FMliiy \st on Mr. Joseph Robin- 's lot between here and Colpoy"s i' wLich caused the destruction 'lari/e ijiiautity of cordwood beJong- ItoLim.â€" /•.V/io. fiH£ on Thursday the 26th nit., the ' and stables of Wm. Riwe. Hoi were consumed by fire, together ' l^ay, oata, wheat, bran, and other ^w. Cause ol fire nnknown.Loss '^liglit Insurance ou baildinge. "" cfl contents. "«04(HiNo Eclipse.â€" A total ecli- 'w the moon occurs on the night of 'Htli. It will begin at 12,15 a. I'each a total obscuration at 1,17, â- â€¢g the middle of tlie ephpse at ^»ud continueing until 1,89, when '"oou will Appcsir, »6dit.willb« *ly over at 8,41 a. m. If the ia l^autiful eclipse "ssedfor years. f^ LoKDs PiUTKB.â€" The loUow- « revised form "Our Father *rt in heayen, halfowedto Xhf Thy kingdom come. T^y lore as in htareh, to on tairtk.- "«» tliis day our daily bread, and i^^e our debts, as we alto have for- debton. And lead ns not Wdo •iiKr "«n»ptatiou, but deliver ua from ^i' [Omit the rcbt.] No. 145,001 to No. 115,000, nor any $1 Dominion notes from No. 365.001 to S5G,000 as the Government has Refused toredtem them,.t!i^y being part of tlie lot stolen from the Rociover Generars ofiSco ia Toronto some time ago. RiiBBERv. â€" George Clemens lot 2, 17th Con,, Keppel, went to 0\v i Sound ou Thursday of last week, .lU diaiiig his absence t^oma one broke in- to his hou?e and abstracted therefrom $50 and a doubled barrel shot gun to ;e;ii(r with /O belonging to Mrs. Ch-meus, wh was also absent at the time. Suspicion rt^sts upon certain pa: tiiM, but nothing definate has yet transpired.â€" /•-Wio. A CERT.\iN young man of our village, while out driving with a young lady of a neigh- boring village, made indecent proposals to her, which weie indignantly repuls- ed. Upon her return home she inform- ed her bi brother, who immediately armed himself wit't levolvers, dirk knives, and sundry other implements of war, dttermiiied to annihilate that young man or die in the attempt. Hearing that the man he was after had made a bee line for Markdale, he .started iu pursuit. Getting into a rig with some others that were bound hitherward, he sat down by the indi- vidual he was after, and began nar. rating to him the errand on which he was bent, showing him a revolver, fully loaded, with which he intended to cut short the career of the gay lo- thario who had so fearfully insulted hia sister. What that young gent's feelings wsie can better be imagined than described. On the road the broth- el s( led an individual. whom he took to bo his man, frou the description given by his sister, arid immediately jumped out and went for him lively. While ha was mopping the road with him the really gnilty party made good his es- cape. How the thing will terminate ^e can't say, but one thine is evident Markdale has one inhabitant the less. PERSONAL. W. F. Doii, ofFlesherton, has ^obs on a visit to the Old Country. The night previous to his departure, quite a number of the young people of the village met at Mr fiiohardsQ's, to wish him a pleasant voVagi^ and speedy mkirn. Mi. HaU will visit Birmingham, Paris, and other prom- eaent business centres, while gone, anb we believe he intends brirging clear it vnil be one of thel^'f' *^ •*«•!' «f«o^8tfoâ„¢ â„¢o«f f, â-  V. pla«es. Hu businass has been placed of tne moon ,q 4],^ 1,^0^3 ^f oompetant workman during his absence and all ocders will be promptly attended to. W. J. McFAMJtin), Esq., leaves for J£nro|M on Saturday next, lor the be* nafit of his health- No doubt however Mae will keep his eye open during his travals and we ezpeot to have t) announce op bis j^tom, thai' he lias impcitki \Y»VPij- The bnsiness dqriqg bia absence will be under the sapecvision of Mr. Bowes. Mr. B. D. Biggar, of OolcTiUe, a resident, and fjr .tuf aibS 14*' TORONTO. (ff«eiil lo the Standard.) ToBosTO, May 19, 1881. Wheat, fall, per bush 81 08 to 81 10 Wheat, spring, do 1 10 to 1 18 Barley, do 79 to OaU, do 39 to fum, do 63 tt, itye, do «0 to Clover S.'ed do o oo to I/iv.s.mM ii.igs, ier 100 lbs... 7 50 to Beef, liiiid quarters 6 OU to Beef, fore quarters H 00 to Chickens, per pair o Oo to Fowl.-i, do 40 to Ducks, per brace So to Geese, each 60 to Turkeys 1 00 to Butter, largo rolls 12 to Butter, tub dairy 17 to Butter, siore-packed 18 to Eggs, fresh, per doz o 13 to Eggs, packed o 00 to Apples, per brl 1 oo to Potatoes per bag 50 to Onions, per bog 2 oO to 91 40 67 80 o oo 8 00 7 oo 4 oo 70 4o 6o 6o 1 75 15 2( 20 14 00 1 6o 65 2 60 Hftv 8 50 to 14 25 AillJt ROBT. ASKIN, Has opened oat a Fictt-Claaa Furniture UNOERAKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long folt. especially in the Undertaking Liae. COFFIN'S. OiSKETS. 8HBOUD8. and all FUIERAL FURIISHIIIS, â- apnlied on the shortes notice. A. Hplendid Hearse for hire at moderate rates. .FURNITURE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Stytes, in everything in tti* lias. _-" ' " Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. Markdale, May 27th, 1881. 37 4w Mortgage Sale FARM PROPERTY, In the Tuicnshlp of Artemegia V SPECIAL NOTICES. Mjth-jfs! Moth3i'8!! Mothers!! Are yoa disturbed at night and broken cf your rest b.v a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth If so, go at once and gut a bottle of MBS. TvlNSLOW'rt SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve the poor little snlTerur immcdi- ately-rdepenJ Uioa it there is no nii.stake about It. Tliete is not a mother upon earth who ha-i ever useil it, who will nut tell you at ouce that it will regulate the bowels, and give re^ttQ the mother, and rehefand health to the ohild, ojierating lixe magic. It is pt,r- fectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, aud is tho prescription of oae of the oldest and host fem:\!e physicians and nurses in the United St.ite3. Sold every- where at 25 cents a buttle. 20 ly BESTaxd COIIFOBT tothf SUFFEBING Bronra's Household Panacea has u, eq^uil for relieving pain, both inter- nal aud esteru.-tl. It cores pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore TiiriMtt, Bheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kiud of a Pain or Ache. "It will most sorely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ- er, and of double the strength of any other Eliser oi Liniment in the world, should be in every family h.iudy for use when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomacli, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and ii for sale by all Drugtrists at 25 cents a bottle. 20-ly TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tietim of yooQiftil imprndeDoa cauaiDg Prema- tnre Decay, Nemnis DebiUt;, Ixxt MaolMXXI, etc. having tried In vain every known rtmady, ha* die- eoveird a simple self core, which be will send ntjg to htt MlaV'^iilBniSt.*"'"** '• â- â€¢ MXBTSM, «S CTiarfcam »t^ n.r. WXchri. Slamw1.1«nn.U. Wklto aMd HaaMuCM* ti. I mlulluu lul J ,0.«M«ll. CbMPMI •â- â- ' • tor ro«r .w» Itâ€" «p«e»l««l»» P«i â-  « â-  ».!• •taeMbM. maj. $2 PI M PLES I wjU mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vboetablb Bal* that will mnove Ta». FBECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotchks, leav- ing the skin soft, clear and beantifol also iostractious lor prodaaiaga las-inaat growth of hair on a bald bead r smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a Sc. stamp. Ban. Yantelf ft Co.,, 5 Beekman st., N. T. 20-ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. AtJENTLEMAH who gnfferred for years from Nerroas DEBILITY, PBEMA- TUI^E DECAY, and all the effects of yonth- fol indiscretion, will for the sake of anfleTing humanity, send frea to a'l who need it, tha recipe and directions for making the aiBpte r«m«dy by which he was eoiad, Bflflarm whishing to profit by th* •dvartiMr's ezpeii- enee can do so bjr addreuing In perfect oon- nder and by virtue of the provisoes and poweiH contained in two mortgages made by Hcnry liVilllams lo th« Farmers' Loan and Savings Company, and to WHHam J. IHc* Farland respectively, which will be pro. dnoed at the time of sale and subject to con- ditions which will be then read, there will be sold by Public Auction by A. 8. Vandnscn Auctioneer, at Bntledsc's Hotel, in the .Village orMarkdale, on Monday, the 6tti day of June, 1881. At Orie o'clock P. M. The foUowin:; desirable fitrm Lot number Beventeen, in the Thirteenth Conoession of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, containing one hundred aores. be the same more or less. There are about 60 acres of said land cleared. The buildings consist of a small log t-baoty. It is well watered, and within easy distance of Markdale Station. rniM of Sale.â€" One baU in cash at the time of sale, and the balance as may be agreed npon. Ihere will be a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to the Aac- tioneer, A. S. Vakdosbk, Flesberton, or to Mbssbs. Lamb A Bows, Owen Sound, the Vendor's Boliciton. LANE A BOWE, Solieitonfor the Vendor. Dated the 6th day of May. 1 881. 36-8w The Staiidardi^MHMlTUST! o â€" iO Y} atof.j«:.jnju :,n_o "11^,7 //! ,,^^ SiUMRsnbafer H, ouiy^l.SS per annum. r«rsoiu mo Mbaanb* at aaj fame. s «» Si H. "H*^?^ ' Jiist arnv^ltl the " ' BELFMTiraUSE." £rftceies, Promions, â- iVCANNED FRUIT; Bisc"cri'r s efiRFEQTHINERY, Any amoDut of Cwnberland out Si d. © s* c I ic FOR bALE. ALSO, :S OF ALL DISCBIPTIOX, tjf M and in COLORS MALT AND RYE WHISKEY, THE BEST IN TOWN. BBANDY, CIDER, ,, ALE.. ' PORTER. TEAS and -^ -.- SUGARS. CHEAP. WILSON BE K SON. MarWala, Marsh 17. 1881. S-ly Exaeatod with neatuass •t the and despateh, STANDARD O^^^ICB, MARKDALE "irrwsai,-,iwi rT--...7- • • If you want feiLL HEADS, LETTER HEAOb, C1RCULAB8, l^OTES, BURDOCK BLOOD B'TTERS The mlj gadidiM^thst waoemMDj Hood, acts v^m the Liver, Bawtiu, Skis sad lidMfib while at the mm time It alkji Nerrooa InttBllaB. Md BtrenciheBi the DeUIhted 8 jatem, peribetlj aai â-  p eed i ly ODiag Bflioasneii, JamuUoe, Djsjwpeiak OoMti- valta. Weedsche, Bhemnatiiixi, Dnqpay,H«r^ onl IktWafjf r«nale Oostplaioti, BcroAila, â- alt ttevB. and ereiy iveoiea of Ohrosie Dia eae e ajeUb^ IWftirltr *^ Ufv, n^tasji, etensdi. Bowela or Blood. IK Ktl HMS IWVVM TMM â-  TKVMUL Is. ate. rmMmk$k,$umm.mmn. â-  â- iii m i^s !_ GOLD 1 ,53 7,000 yoor fences are i ot sufficient? It a rompomd of the yirta« ot sarsaparil- la, â- tilUnjpa, maudrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, all imwerful hkiod-makinR, blood-cleansing, ami life-sus- taining elements. It is the purest, safest, and most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sci- euces of medicine and chemistry have never produced no valuable a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases resulting from impara blgoil. It cures Scrofout aU Vace-gmba, Boils, Tumors. Salt Br ooil. It cures Scrofula and alMM ll»aaicau Bnaleaias, St. Anthony's Fire, rlmplea i-«raba. Pus t ules, Blotches, Pustules, Tetter, es. Humors, Iheuin, Scald-head, Rinc-worm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, 3IercuriaI Kenralgis, Female Weak- Bgul RECEIPTS, POSTERS, SALE BILLS, SIBEAMEfi^ DODGES, Disease, nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, AflTectlons ot the Liver. Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions wbiah contaminate the blood and cause derange- ment anil decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes energy and strength, restores and preserves health, aud infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any dis- ease which arises from impurity of the blood need despair who will give Arxs's Saksaparilla a fair trial. It is foll^ to experiment with the numer- ous low.«riced mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as blood-purifiers, while disease lecomes more Urmly seated. AvEit's Sarsapakilla is a medicine of such conceutiated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most reliable blood-purifier known. Physicians know its comixisition, and prs- acrlbe it. It has been widely used for forty years, aud has won the unqualified conn- deuce of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co,, rrmcUcal and Analytical Ciiemists. Lowell, Mass. SOLO BT ALL DBCUOlSTS BVBBTWBBBB. To lend through the Flesherton Agency, at STBUOHT LOANS. If jon are paying 9 aod 10 i«r ceut. intere.*t f If }uo need a baiaf I t sufficient? If yoa want to buy more Uud? If you want to clear aB4 improve more laud to borrow of tiie North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Company They diarge no fines they do not equalize y.ur payments, nor charge von 12 per cent, on over due paymeiite b jt thejr do give the most reasonable piivUiges of any Com- pany len.liug mouey, AND THEIR COSTS ARE LOWl Special rUes given to parties wanting aieciaUy large loans, offeriug special secorit} I have also a few thousand dollars of PR I VA TE MONEY f To invest on very reasonable terms, and at 7 per cent interest. This is a rare dianoo and the amount is limited. As m.any EngUHli and Sotcli capifaliHtsare with.bawing their capital from the market. I believe a chau»;e in the money market may 'oon be expated. Money has reschedrock bottom. Now is tbe time to borrow, and tlieplaesia The Flesherton Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agency. INSURANCE It is of the gwtatestlmportanAe to Insurers thattUcy select a Reliable aud Safe Company, aud that they do their businessthrough a reliable .\t;ent. 1 am prtnare4 to takfc applications for the Strongest, Safest and Best C. mi-aii c« in Canada, nd for a Stock Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mutur.l. My Comiianice are the Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, (Mutual and Cash.) CONTETATHriNG. Deeds, WilU, Leases, Mortgagep, Acreenieiits. Ac. *c.. on Btrt notice, and work Corectly and Neaty d..ue. In this lii.e my bnsiucss baa increased and is iccreasmg, I am now doing the hirgest business in theBidiug. UCTIOHf 8A1,ES attciiued in either Town or Country, aud liill.i supplii-d free o| xX charge; elso, all uecossary UlAuks and Stamps. LANDS FOB SALE' AND TO IIE.'VT. To anv having lands to dis,Hnc of I offer a speild'd rhaucc to ailvirtise. It don't von acei.l till taim ia sold, and yon can withdraw at any time. I n!so ron! ze letti.r priti.-. than the Proprietors " themselves. Correspou.lence Bciicii«l. In evny .hpartiuent ol luv busiue-s I mako carcra nesa, correctness, and fair deaiusf the piomiueut Veaturep.and charsa as low as any reliable man. ROBT. DAVIS, Canreyaitcer, Coiiimissiuncr ift LI. 5., and General Agent Flesherton, Feb. 9, 1881' 22-tf THE BEST PAPER I TRY ITl BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTBATED. 36th YEAE. HAND BILLS. fidence, 80-It JOHN B. OODEN, 43 Cedar st. Mew loik AfJENTS WANO^BD. -Big pay.â€" Ught Wsrt. Steady JEmpligraMnt. Sampleafrae. Address, U. I^. B^BX, U JTanfcattstii|^"«ee Yorfc " 8(% -^ TO CQII80MPTIYE8. The adTartiser, having bsSn pcraianenUy eared ot that dread ditsasa, Consomption, If a simple remedy, ia aosioiis to make known to Ua fsDsw ssAwsn-UMISMas ofpnrs. Sir ^^Wao,i..A, l j iCJM'eill sstfiS eenc' of eba presariptiaa wsad, (bse ol ehaige,) with the 1" fi I j i m is h iu g iiiil iri-f^*" â€" which they wiU tod a sobs Cubs ler Coa- SDisrnoa, AsnwA. Baoacainis, Ae. Parties wiaking tb* rrss»iniino. will please addisas. Bar. B. A. mUaa, 1« Fswi I Ft. \tTnjMnshoigh.N. y. }Wjr Proviict Oslarlt Dirtdtry For ISSl-Se, TOBEPUBLISH£OIXNOV£MB£B, "SI. Price S5.00. MB. LOVELL. at the request of several Merchants and others of the Provinee of Ontario, of the Cily of Montreal, Ac., begs o announce that hia Arm will pablish a PBOVINCK OF ONTABIO DIBECTOBY, in November next, containing ast Alphtbtflcil DIrtctoy ASS A THOBOITOaB CLASSIFIBO Business Directory of the Business and Piofaesitmal men in the Cities, Towns and Villages of Ontario, with a CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRBCTOBY or Twa .. " CITY OP MONTKIAL. ' f •,'^p The same eare and attention bestoweo At the Domir-on and Pronneial Sireetoties at 1871 will be jiven to this work. Sahsarihan aamas nMpeetfolly aoUsited. Tsna»«AAl- t aUSiu g mads known apea a p s H ea ti s u JOHN liOTRLL A SON, PabUriMSS. M«ttflSi.Ss)ember, 1880. PAMPHLETS, IVOTICJE. Ooort of fssths Thsali Towatfiiv tt PsatoB, wS «M«t CsdardPs lor «« ted B«fBoB o« tks seMd T^Mdaj taJaoeieU. The OawttosMoat 10 JOan VSBT. P, Han.«5thMayteM. FARM rOR SALE, oa TO ACBKS, naa^ sB H mass 50 sadfrss« Wm. BBOWV. l|Mkdais, Afdl 4tb, 1981. PB0GBAMME9, VISITING OABDS, BUSINESS ^DABDS, ' BALL TICKETB, Ok in Cset anjtliiag in the printing lin*. don't faU to eaU at the ts fi StahdarD s-i. Toronto Street, MABKDALE HlMfe we do ffOKk ki in t Tfrm "*j" Mi «k,#it, Ideee, .M ••te't ym iMfitit-" PATENTS. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Tils ciE'i Tunc AicBaiCAN is a large Frst- Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely iUuitrated vith ipUndid engravings, repre- senting the newest Inynntions and the moat recent Advances ir the Arts and Sciences inclodmg New and Intere-ting Facts in Agri- culture, Horticulture, the Home, Health. Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, »3 20 per year, $1.60 half year, which includes postage. Discounts to Agents, Single coppies, 10c. Sold by all Newdeal- ers. Bemit by postal order, to MUNN CO., Publishers, 37 Park Bow, New York. In connec- tion with the cieatiSc American, Messrs. Mchm Jt Co. are ol ioitors of American and For- eign Patents, have had 35 years experience, «nd have the largest estabji.iliment in the world. Parents are obtained on the best term A special notice is .made in the ScientUlc Anserican of aU invenUons oatented through this Agency, with the name and residence of tbe Patentee. By the immense circulation thos ^ven. pabUo attention is durected to the merits of the naw patent, and sales or introduetic3 often easily effected. Any person who has made a new disoove- ry or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained by writing to Mesa Co. We also send free ov Hand Book about tho Patent Laws Patoola. Caveats, Trade Marks, ther eoeti and how procured, with hints how toproenre saivanoes on inventions. Address lor the pt^ier, or eonceming patents, M N CO.. Zifi *^ «7 Park Bow, New Toj*. Branch Oflee eor. f and 7th sts., \fad(- iflgton 1). C. TBNDEBS will be received upt th* 10th •f Jaoe, by Wilson Benson, for the boildlngof asolld Btiek building in Marii. Specifleations mar be seen at the WILSON BEN30X. I. May tTth, llMl. s7-:lw fht Stfmi AfffcMlii /nkt East Oi«r. wiB |B«s« io Cooveatisa hi \J the Town HaU Flauharton, oa Taae- day, i*th June, 1881. at one o'eledt p. m MasntiBS s limilsd Bsmbar el siteo- ItwswillheiaMMd; bntasilwMUhs Iss^tepoasMsto raadi sll thstah Msstsd to sttii s dw ithwrt linilMi asniii ' By otd« of the Prssidaot. WK. noWM. SssV- Mandate. May SMh. 1861, a7-«w SUBSCBIBB for the -Staodaid," lassl |Mi^ in tb« cosoty, the bast REMOVAL REMOVAL The undersigned wishes to inform the Public generally, that be has purchased the entiro control of the FURNITURE, AND SASH AND DOOR FACTORY AKD REMOVKD TO TllK F u r n i t u re Wa r c r o o m s TO TIIK NEW AND COMMODIOUS BRICK BU.'DING A'.MOING THE FACTORY, Wliere my numerous customers will always find me, or a .-oir.j.itent KHl.'i-inan • look aft«i and attend to their want* j-i'teU ities are now Snperlor to any time sine commencing business, aud I trust by hondral.le deiling to uiuiit a coutiuuanca of th patronage so liberally bestowed in the .-o I have now a Large and Varied Stock uf Furniture in all the Latest StyleSi and duriAK the Winter I rii|uir» 100,000 FEET OF GOOD Bntternnt, Cherry, Basswood, Birch and Ash IL- TT :Lv^ B E 3^ 1 for which THE HIGHEST PKICE WILL, BE PAID. -A-lso a« QiJ.a.ntit3r of G-ood. ^*ine, ILL KINDS OF SISH, DOORS, MOULQINa, TG., AS USUAL. Estimate off supplies Given on Application. fcSe" Don't forget the Warerooms are removed next door to the Factory, Durham street. Flesherton. Deoember as. 1880. x-ly Announcement! LATE IMPORTATIONS OF Sesaonable Goods, AT Reduceil Prices, Ui. AT THE TOBONTO HOUSE. Wm- BROWn^ • npA jj Mirk.lals,Agrii IS, lSi». « f .. H if I i t •^ iH it K'-l ' .t ' 1 )i H' :| ' 'tj .^ '

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