Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 May 1881, p. 1

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 •m^ irsf ft Iraet Vj, â- i »! 41 :\ •ii i i Olianjfo tit mme. :yn aa.? »Il»^r IIONDAT, Ird XOT. traini *il nut »» (olluwii: â€" GOING NORTH. Toronto, â€" Uniuu BMfion, Vep. 7;3J ft. in. lii'iO i ». 0:00 p. at. CtrUon 7.AU*J[i. Ixifip.m. 5.30 p.m. ' ^•'H-l^nn n •-, i.Up.ia. SJWv.m. Ru .ibcrSum'tHl'^ft m. M' p.m. S.M p.m. V.'.H4ln.i(ie...« 4R «.â- :. l.SAp.m.t.nfi p.m. Kl'inba.'K p.m. t.2tfm. TM'mu St.jn turn. S..47 p.m. e.4a p.m. Vc.-iH«l.. 9.^0 a.rn. S.n6p.m. 7.06 p.m. 'h«rt«-.,sa.. Ii3i«.m. Sfi(p.m. 7.^p.ia. Ahu'.i 10.59 »-m. 4.0upja. 8.'.^5 f la. .\rt.- ...ll.10a.Bi. 4.3£. p.m. 8.30 p.B. iep»ri. .11.30a.m. 4.45. p.m. 'r.i^'e Junction 1 1 .43 a.m. fi.06 pjo. T.a:]M ..11.M a.m. ft.lO p.m. S"-r'.iirn* 1S.30 p.m. CJM p m. ))a--1alk 1. 16 p.m. 6.50p.m. '"rol-.n 1.3fi p m. 7.11p.m. n., '•: '-ionikPiieev'e 1.A5 p.m. 7. So p.m. •Tark1»!e 2.15 p.m. 8.06 p.m. »â- .•••;. iy 2.35 p.m. H.2« p.m. V'l' 2 60 p.m. 8.-I6 p.m. A-riott .3.0.1 p.m. 9 OC p.m. 'iiatswifth 3.15 p.m. » 16 p.m. )li-ri.{„Til S.3a p.m. 9.3fi p.m. tivuu SuuntI 4.U0 D.m. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Ojvc^i fv', Jepurt 6.30 a.m. 12.00 Doon. i; «!.;or.i 7.00 a.m. 12..')0 p.ui. "yji'.f «orlii 7.?0 ajn. 12..'i6 p.nj. Ariiott 7.34a.iii. 1.06 p.m. W 'liiunsfurU 7.'tM a.m. 1.38pci. i'.erkiv 8v0.5 a.m. 1.48 pjii. .Mr;^la« 8..0am. 2.16 p.m. j- i'litliorl'ni! I'hccTiUe «.55 a.m. 9.4. p m. 'rut.,n 0.15 a.m. 3 10 p.m. lli' U'k 9.^5 a.Di. H.'MI p.m. tii.l!iirn 10 15 a.m. 4-15 u.m. I,3iirrl 10.47 am. 4.6«l p.m. Orsiif •Tiiip .liiaciion l'..00a.m. 5.05 p.m. 0:ii.xtrv;i.i,r â€" Arr. 11:16 a. Di. r, 20 p. m. •;!. 7.15 a.m. 11 .S6 a. m. 6.40 p. m. Ait:.-i 7.35 a.m. 11.55 a.m. C.iO p.m. 'â- 'lai •••:!. .7.50 a.m. 12.10p.m. 6.14p.m. M.-.:i-- •j:iJ..H.25 B.IU. 12.17 p.iii. 7 05 p.m. IViItD^i .8.45 a.m. 1.10 p.m. 7.H3 p.m. K!einl'-iru...!).05u.m. 1..1i»p.m. 7.56 p.m. \Voodbr!iU-o..9.25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. H.J7 p.m. M'uuIm:)' Smt [t.-kiA.m. 2.05 p.m. i^.HH p.m. \VV:-toii 10.Kln.m. 2.27 p.m. 9.itO p.m. CarlioM 10.10a.m. 2.39 p.m. 9.15 p.m. ToHoxio, â€" UuioM Station, Arriv.. ..10.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 9 JO p.m. wreol^ ajMl tif' ri 14 or t^ftaiU mho Itai tnei tneiDaelvM tpm ti\* fla«ting timber*. t^auy of mj pqHk were oo boanL • I hare bo be«itatbaa in mcftof tbn«. were from 20Q.toM0 ikw-e f»mngen on tlM) boat tluui ttioro oagltt to fwr* beoc. The exearkiouLgtn, u • mle, !;PDermlly take tLe botit bumo irhieb lesrca about Lalf-paki five, and that is tiie priucipl reason I laoey wby tlic Victoria was orerioadeil." For lee Croam go t; A. W. Eatou'a RcsideDce Brown St. ofpoaita Dr. bprooles ncv resideDce. THE STANDARD. Friday, May 27th. 1881. i;' .Str t West, 'I'l.ri.lito, \V. W. mJUHKK. y.iinayir, I^ ;ti ttioiiztxl to rvceivu itd\irtiixjm«uts fur t(ii» jtujKT. A ^.iiu. iNi .\c ii)i;m li;i'i'Oi)Cl on lu(; i.vtuiiii,' if tlic 24tli iiiHt. at liu- •ioii, Oiitari ). Tiiu Stuaiuf r Victi}ria rvtnriijii;; wi!li :u. uxcursioii i«urty fiojii )ilaco citlloJ SpriD;^buuk; wliou the Ixmt iiid'louly, aiiJ witliout appiir- ii' ciiu-vo, '.rumlilcJ l uiouus, iirL-iipi lutiii^ u'l ou board, houii: UUO human fc.iii;^.s, iiil' tliu w.iti.r. At the pruseiit tiuiL- iii v.ritii'},' iiixmt 150 boUu u liad .b I'U ri;oVi;iL\l. U was iiupossilde to t-j]\ wilii uny i-i'i-liiiiity liow luauy had "••1 i.-.iii'd. A.T luc siiudenncsa aud a\v- fiii iialnru uf tlij calamity has natural- iy t ;i"";ii LV.ry oai; in the citv into tiic i«iUle»t Htiilr oi' horrui' and cou- fiiiu!., audit, will be some days before tJ.'i; p.iopli; wiil bo sulilciLiitly calm to liiid liiit Wi.o iir«! inib.-uig. Il ticvcral cas -s uii 'Ic rituiilit'H have peiictlicd. It 1., Ntalid by ooiue that the caute of till- ace 1 lout was the ovei â- ciowdiUjj of _thc boat. A scurchiu;,' iuvesligation iili" I be li.adu, ui.d if the rumours jn'.vc li ii tlic tiovcru'jieul sliould In- tel' I ' .:tli a ^tr^llg baud to prevent th' ' .tiu u.iii xVictchcs who, i or the â- uir of a f.w d (Uurh, will permit thoir :• ..u- to b-; so ovi-r-crowdwd as to eu- ••.•ir,'er llie livt-.. of all on buaid. ' --iiico tiie above was in type fuller •• iiirii.- huvc been rcceivtii, aud the â-  t i.f tilt vutims ut'W reaeli ^17- I â- â€¢oin the Ti'iiiuto 'Slaii We clip, in a condensed form, ' TUB 8T0HY or Tli£ aCCIDEM iri cleaVlv told by Mi. VV. D. F.ckert. eead master 1 the Loudon East pub- lic school, lie says â€" "The decks of j the steamer were packed with people, principally ladies and children. I was ou th*' upper deck ;^)uriug tlie pas.sage, pud sborlly after leavine the dock at Spriutjbaiik a g»od many psHttenijcrs bei^aa keeping time with th» listing of tlie steamer, and weut as far as they iuld from side to side each time the ve^iiel surged. Many people made fun ^if it at liist. and a good ueal of halloo- ing »v;is ibne, suoli as, 'Get out your lilel.oats,' etc. While this was pro- ceciiiu^' up--tairs, the passe- "eis on the low. r d.'ck were runniu^ to and fro eiideavouriug to keep their feet fio.n gettiiii; wet, find fully fifteen iiichrs of watt r rau from gangwny to paugwav ucroi.s that portion of the hiiai. \V1.Mi she surged, the peo])le beivMV veiled and seieamed iu a terrible manner. Capt:iiu Rankin was at the wheel. \V bile Hearing the bend below the Cove bridj^e, probably two hun- dred yards west of it, a greater rush of the passengers than had I'itherto been exp 1 i"iice I toek olaco. foUcwel by a crutkliiig noise. The women scream- ed, the children yelled, and for the luomeut the faces of several men in niy vieii ity luri-ed ghastly pale. Tho scene was heightened by one man jumping overborrd, and almost ir stan- tiiutously after the posts which up- held the hurricHn-i ifeck gave way in «onsequenco of so many people bold- iug on to them to wive themselves from beiue sweut overboard, aud THE DKCK I«ELP FtLL WITH A CBASH Upon iho heads of thutsc beneath. All â- vlio could do M) grabled soiuetbmg to hold by, and very many were draTu icl^ ih.T Water by Uieir nearest ueigh- bors. Those wiio could swim were prevented from doms so. firsc by tlio crash of the deck upon their heads, and, secondly, in t'cusequcuc« of tho crowd of pSiipie who were huddled together uudnrneath the lumber. â€" Then came a general cn»«h, and tUo boat appeurtad t' break up into several pieces, piiuci^aily troia stem to steru. Thd catastrophe was but the aation of a few minutoa. I w:U caught betweeo two stanchions, aiul after flouuderfaig Hbout in thb itater for a few ruonionts. laauagctl to free myself from tlie d* *•«« aud SWMA to the shore. The cuottUng and calls for help were of th* OMMt Ueart- rending description. Tliev^iasted only a few ntnitics, how- fver. Oaa geuUeiuan, whoae dmm I If tlie jojns manni^r in which the anueversary of the luUal day of our grafiions Queen is any indication of loyalty, thou Ilarkdale must be pa gown as loyai to tlte s-ire. Fraoi »u early hour on TueaJay moruuig veh icles of all desenptioD came poanuc into the viUaga, «ud by uoon, a pretty good crowd could be seen around the streets. Hotels, and other pUeea, a hera eatables ooald be procnr iJ ftlthou^Ui the latter plases were pretty nimcroos, it was after 8 befoie all appeared to have their ap- ptities aiipeased after whica they wended their way to the grouodt where the til letic games and spoits where to be held. Although the competit- ions w^j-e not very numerous, they were all first class, aud the competi- tors for the various pris4 were close aud keen. The coinmiUee ef man- a^'emetit desi'rve greatoredit for their untiring exertions to make everything pass off smoothly and saccessfuly, which tliey succeeded. Below we give the prize list, and we think some of the scores will compare favorably, with m.-my olaces of much larger pre. teiitious than ^the unassuming village of Markdale. PBIZK LIST. lOOyard'raceâ€" A. McOougall, Msrk- dule, Ist; A. W. Senior, Artliur, 2nd. Old Mens' rase â€" Joiiu Brown, Hol- land, lut Alex. Wilson, Glenelg, 2ud. KX) yard race, boys under 16, Neil Mcfjregor, Cliatsworth, Ist; Albert Kichardson, Markdale, 2nd. Boys under 12 â€" M. Fleming Ist; O. A. Wilson 2ud. Extra Race, bovs â€" K. Benson 1st V.' Bailey 2nd. Qnarter-Mile race â€" A.Mcl^ougall Ist; Jolui Elliott, Euphrasia, 2nd. Half- Mile rtceâ€" J. Elliott 1st W. L'Hjaii, Holland, 2ud. 200 yard raceâ€" A. McDougall Ist W. Ii. Johnston, Ti.ronto. 2i.d. Standing Jumi) â€" A MoDougall Ist, II ft. llj iu. A. W. Senior 2nd, 11 ft. 7J. Staudiiig .Jump, boys uudrr 10 â€" N. McGregor 1st, 10 ft.. 3 iu. IJ. Sproule Slid, 9 ft. 9 i:i. 3 Stamhng Jaiups â€" A. McDougall 1st, 80 ft. in. !•' C. Johnston 2nd, 31 ft. 6 in. liunuiug Hop, step and Juinp-r-A. MeDongftU Ist, 41 ft. E. H, Speers 2ud,41 ft. Standing Jump, bo^s under 12 â€" R. Benson 1st, 8 It. OJ in. E. Sproule 2ad, Sit. 8 in. KuLuing .Long Jump â€" A. McDoug- all Ibt, 19ft. lOi in. A. W. Senior 2ud, 19 ft. 8 in. Standing High Jump â€" W. H. Jolin- ston, 4 ft. 8i iu.; 2ud, a tie be- tween A. W. Senior F. C. Johnston. Runuing High Jump â€" A. McDoug- all Is, 5 It. W. H. Johnston 2nd, 4l"t 10 in. Vaultingâ€" A McDougall Ist, 9 ft. 8 in. l' C. Johnston 2iid, 9 ft. 8zn. Puttiii- 11 lb. Sliotâ€" J. Campbell, Walters Falls. Ist, 40 It. 10 in. J. Mclutyre, Priceville, 2nd, 39 ft. 2 in. Putting 21 lb. Shotâ€" J. Campbell l^t, 31 ft. 7 iu. J. Mclutyre 2ud, 27 ft. 7 in. Be5,t Step Dancer â€" R. Sproule 1st D. McCanua 2nd. Horizontal Bar Performance â€" A tie between E. Sproule, A. Richard- son, R. Sproule, aud R. Benson. The Neck-Tie Social announced for Friday evening, 20th iust., by the L. A. A., Presbyterian church here, was aomethwg" new and rich, which fi- uauvially and otherwise, proTod a suc- cess teyoud anticipation. The very fine eveniui; and sood roads brought out quite a number from the vicinity aud neighboring village, who weut home fully satisfied that thcv had spent a very enjoyable evening. The first thing on the procrammo was the Fi-'h Poud, which seemed to be the chief attraction. After the Tien were all mutclied, aud we must say, some of them very satisfactorilv, the fiohing commenced. Two good lines were provided, aud fcr nearly an liour, were cast in ttie pond with wonderful rapid- ity. Some were fisliing Ihnt evening that had not fished for years, young and old had a haul going home. The laugh occasioned by the above sport was worth the admission alonet After the fruit was passed round Man's Dread was introduced to the notice of those who wished to see it. Some of our young gents would not believe that such a small tliiug would be the dread of any man. 'Tis plainly seen they imve uotexperienced it yet,or their opinions would be different. We hope none of the young Indies of Markdale will be compelled to resort to the use of such a dreadful little thing. The comical Reading orMessrs. McDaugal aud Irwiu met with hearty applause. The String Band was called ou sever- al times and did credit to the name. The proceeds, we understand, amc^ont* ed to something over (22. TEMPEPANCE IN WILLIAMS- FOKD STATION. At the regular meeting of Holland Centre Lodge, No. 228, UniUid Tem- perance Order, held May 6th, the fol- lowing were initiated as oAoers for tie ensuing term Prstdent â€" Geo, Skoce, re-eleoted. Vice- Pros. â€" Jno. W. Bmoe. Sacâ€" tWm. Stevenson, re-elected. Treas.^ister M. A. Sargent. Junior Counseror â€" Sister C. I'rioa. Sen. CouQsellw â€" Sistor H. ll«Kay. Fiuancier â€" Bro. B. Carter. Recorder â€" Sister C. B. Saq^ant Marshal- Bro. P. McKennit. Dep. Marshalâ€" Sister E. CrOwtber. Guard- too. W. Sterentoa. Fast Pres. â€" ^Bro. A. J. Arison. TUis Lodge, in apite of maoy diffi- culties aud obstacles, is steadily ad- vancing. It now numbers upwards of 40 members in good sf jdia«, new names are eonatantly bciog added to the roll, and many of the young peo* pie of this place, tboagh â- aRoiuided nr temptatim8 in the sliape of ** grog are'earwMtiSi bers and wprkets in ib^ gqoi lie regelar held evarr TbBsdaT the MeUiofict Clmvik(^tiaSiT9nia%U by that body for the a^e of «ie Socie- ty), are well attended, nod after Lodgd boainess is j mne e n t ed .an sttnctive aiWittainiBeut eo nsirting of Jeiwtra, veadKnus, natttiKu^ As., ia gebvanSr hM, in tbieblwUr ofUan and members alike eucisvticaOy pv- tiopate. SoemUy and nuBtally the Lodge b doing a good work, and ita members Iiave joat reaaoD to be pl aeae d at the resolt at tbair efforta, in the noble work M reekoamg tbe Amakard and raiM tbe fallen and by thehr banding tbeoMelTes tof^etber, fonaiaf a more effeetaal aafB-amaid agaiaat (be eom- ing approach of that s t ea lthy and aidnoQs viee, whiefa baa peoved sneh a deadly enemy to the happineaa and pinmeiitr of ea homee m oar fiur OomioBion. and to so manny homea even in oar own villdfie and neighboring eoontiy. Yoaia,*e.,fi. W. FLESHEBTON. From a Conaspoadaat. A MAii eame np tbe atraet the other day seeking help to g«t his b o raea oat (,t tbe swale below »iie tannery, the eroaaing ia in such a bad eouditiou that his team fdl ttaroagh the holes. Tlie other roads in the neighborbuud sre m almoet an im passable condition. What do we pay a council for if they do not look after the roads. If things remain as taey are we migh( as well be without one altogether. We have a new printing,oSoe here. They have a notice posted 1ip in their office which reads as follows â€" "No- Ticx. â€" A'o loaftra aUoicrd." We have no loafers iu our village, and I think he had better send that ohl foggy uo- tice to where be brought it from. The 24tta passed off very quietly with us. The day was chiefly taken np with pic-uio parties, some going U Bruster's lake aud others to Eugenia, the remainder stayed at home and walked in the Park. An nnusual aroma was discovered on Monday and people commenced searching around their stables aud out- buildings to find out the cause, after a time it was ascertained to arise firom a dead cow that had been left to rot in the sun. The question was asked why our city fathers, who are supposed to look after such matters, had per- mitted such a Duitance to exist when lo and behold, it turned out that the cow bad been tae property of one of them and that another had drawn it there with his team. The boys of our village are perse- cuting the "sparrows very much. H our licavenly Father takes notice of one sparrow, what will he thmk of these boys who are committing whtde- salo slaiigl'ter among them. We warn them that if they don't desist, they will be apt to take an excursion to our county town. KIMBERLEY AND VICINITY To the Editorof the STAXSAsn. Sir a-;cepting thecordi-U, invitation you extended iu last weeks issue, and being assured that you would correct bad grammar and spelling. I ven- ture the following, Dare was some ox citemeut at dot steam sawmill, to- morrow dot Mr. Sawyer vas walk ou creek, dat vas cross der log, apd he vas slip into de vater iieeU over der head, and der school shmall poys vas laff ,und laff, und laff, till' dot creek shnst got up out of Mr. Sawyer und say 'by tam' you school poys you laff some much more you will not have pome much face to wash mit your mother, it vas all month. A picnic to Keak's lake is the pro- grame for the 24 inst., about 85 have biguified their intention to go. Building is going on very extensive- ly in the valley nearly every farmer that has not got a barn is builduig his summer. The Queens Hotel is doing a rush- ing business, lots of Methodist preach- ers seeking repose and pleasure iu wielding the fly for the uuwary finny tribe. In short business is geod al- through the town (if you will allow the term). The saw mill 'shingle mill are running to their full capacity, ten hours per diem. The blacksmith and waggon maker are doing quite a trade iu new rigs, waggons, buggies spring boards. We expect another blacksmith to start in a few weeks in the person of Horace Horlburt. If ttie weather keeps fair till Sunday I will w rite again. JOHNNY SN0DGRA8S. DUNDALK. From a CorrespoDdent. A L.^cK}8SE Match was played here on Friday afternoon the 20th inst., between the "Grays" of Sbelburne and the "Gametts" of Dnndalk, which resulted in favor of the "Grays," they winning three straight games. The games throughout wore closely con- tested, and kept np for a oonsiderable length of time, and have no doubt that if both olnbs devote more time to practice they will show a good record this season. The concert in the evening ander the directorship of Mr. Parsons was a decided success, and reflects credit to all parties who took part therein. Tbe following programme was rendered which was heartily applauded â€" In- strumental, by Mr. W. P. Bondell Recitation, Bernardo Del Carpio, Mr. J. J. Crombie Soug, Castles in the Air, Miss'Lamon Daett, The Moon- I't Sea, Misses Graham and Ruudell Comet Solo, Mr. Ketchnm Dia](^ne, Troublesome Servant, Messrs. Shaw and Sutton Song, Beautiful Day of the Past, Miss C.PfaiUips; Becitation, Mr. Black Song, lattleFann well Tilled, Meears. Bynungton, Atkinsmi, and Ruudell â€" accompanied by Mrs. Atkinson on tbe organ • Beei t a t i o n, Heesn. Straeban and Crombie Da- ett, Comet and Organ, itx. and Mrs, Ketchum Song. What are the Wild Wavee saying, Mrs. Atkinaod and Mr. Bunddl Saag, Minute Gun at Sea, Mrs. Atkinson and Mn. Gardner; In- atnimental Doett, Mnako Oalb^, Mlae Graham^ and Miaa Bundeil Choroa i^ney Wooda, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Gardner, Mr. Bondell and Mr. Sym ingion. Tbe Blaak Statoe, Gharae- ters, Mesvs. Atkinaon, Shaw, Button, Crombie, Whitby, and MeQoarrie. Prooeeda, aboat twenty-five doLara. a i^ Saj.â€" Mr. Wm. Wilaoo ^tinek baried hia ddeat daughter this week, thia being the foartt at Ua UmSj wfakfa have. dbMd oC aonsamptioa within th* peat two 7eaq.â€".ff«aM«r Vntt- m\ Udocaaa»flftaaJ«rt«B Ifcat the UtUtmiOhkt egraa «e •ajjpm»n», l«i dkr *â-  good deal •r4«w#iQM oo Ibe »«t of both tlMT ai^HM 9^^ to te««i«read opMi whfUt k«Mf« do widi tbe ToTOBto Ony sad^Braf* raU sm,. AteBali-»«W3rfrta*41aM iw it Utb* Otanl JriJ aft ai^her ther thouht «ha^lf9«ben m«ht to get itZa MnHtf) aayit A(«kLbe woritad by tiw «oavw7» f^M dwendient road. 'j ,.," No dosfa* ft would be a ^MbiUa thinff if the company eoold hold MM woA the hne. Bat, onfortaetely for the cnn^aay. that ia the ooa thing it ia not able to do. Tbe moaay of tba ahare and bondhiMerB, of the â- inniripaliHsa and of the goreminent. to the«mowitflf f4.000k000. haabe« expended ou oui ietn iet i oo and •V^ ment. More money waa needed Mr reaewalaand rapaira, forehangingthe gauge, tba paying off tbe floating debt arreara of in te ee at oo tho bonds â€" bat whan WM it to eooa bom f Themnnieipal grant waa ^966.000. tbebaoibolderaadvaaeed $1,788,4«4, and government gavea aabaidy of fS60 000. Tbe aonieiplftHyee and tbe govanuoeot when appealed to refisae to give any further aid, and the hood- boldei? were growing re atie sa and or- gert. Every projeet of the old board reorganinng tbe road and widuinc the gauge hadCuled, and than tbe oontnil o( the road and iu affairs was banded overto the bondholders. Tbi* was in June of last year! Tbe new board reapaned negotitat- ions With tbe municipalities, aoirgaat- ing an arranitemeut by which the Grand Trunk might operate the hue, if considered deairable in the interest of all parties. The directors believed that this could be accomplished, from interviews had with the general man- ager of the Grand Trunk, and at a oonveutiou ot delegates from tbe mnnicapalities the suggestion was ap- proved. The schemo was to raise $1, 000,000 hy preference debenture stock and aidditional municipal aid, change the line to the standard gauge, re-lay it with steel rails, pay off its liabilities and arrange with tiio Grand Trunk to work it, Tho tdrms of the proposed lease wei-e rejected by Mr. Hiekson as ex- travagant, but were accepted by the directors of his company iu London, much to the surprise of evsrybody. Legislation was required, and a bill was introduce last session authorizing the Tronto, Grey aud Bruce board to lease tlie road to any other railway company. But t} this proposal vigor- ousobjectiions were urgedby en or twelve members whose concititntents were interested in the road. They remembered that the Hamilton and Northwestern had recieved large bonuses from the mnniciphties on the understanding that it was to be a competiting line to the North- ern.^but that when it suited their purpose the directors of the for- mer road handed it Over to the latter. They were willing that the read should be leaV)d to the Grand Trunk, but un- der DO circumstances to the Northern partly because tlie lattar would be given monopoly of the trade of the northern and northwestern counties, and partly because it was not itself financially able lo give a guarantee of operating the line. Finnaly it was agreed that the line might be leased to the Grand Trunk, or, vrith the assent of the governor in ooucil, to the Great Western or Northern. Meantime the bondholders wore making their arrajgeineuts for improv- ing the track, and the prospscts of the road were brightening every day. Capitalists no longer looked askance a' the securities, but showed their on- fidence by offers of 96 for the new prefeienoe bonds. This was not because the business of the Tronto, Grey and Bruce was improved â€" for it was not â€" but simply and solely because it was about to pass into the hands of the Grand Trunk. Then Mr. Hendria, of Hamilton, moved by a de- sire to benfit his own city and the Hamiltou and Northwestern road, procured aiu^fer from thti Northern Company; Kcnw all the present agi- tation. This recitation of facts is necessary to show how tho Toronto, Grey and Bruce came to possess any value iu the eyes of rail way men and capitftlists. The municipalities when appealed to last year voted $85,000. and if the bondholders proposed to operate the road themselres their securities would go a begging in the market. If tbe Grand Truuk offer was withdrawn now their condiMon would be as help- less aud hopeless as a year ago. It is consequently the sheerest folly to advise them â€" as the Globe and Hail are doing â€" to reject the offer of both the Grand Trunk and Northern and operate the road as an indepondient linei â€" Toronto World. Forall purposes of a family medicine Haotabo's Yellow On. will be found invaluable. Immediate relief will follow its use. It relieves pain, cures chilblains, iVostbites, scalds burns, corns, rheumatism, neuralgia, e., g. For interna], use it is none the less wonderful. One or two doses fre- quently cure sore throat. It will cute croup in a few minutes. A few bottles has often cured ssthma. Ccho has been cored in fifteen minotes by a teaspoonfnl dose. It cores with tho utmost rapidity. It is really a wonderful medicine. COUNTY ITEMS. Laat Saturday evening we were visited by a severe atorm of lightning and rain. Mr. Jamea Sulliyao, of the fiftli con. Glenelg. bad a ealf struck by tbe liffhtoing. It waa paralyied foraboot twenty-four bonra, but strange to aay, ia now doing weU. â€" Rmriem. The new Congregation of 'Kno« Presbyteriao Chiueh held their flat aervice in the Town Hall, on Sabbath htat A large oongregation aaaambU ed both nKtming aad avening, ood listened very attentivdy to the tt- eoorae of Hot. Mr. Smith, who eon. ducted the aerviee.â€" fissMa. Tn cateh of troat i» tUe locality has been so far remartaUr good, a fact tbat ia visible on ^e radiant iaoec of the devoteee of tbe piecalotial art Aa an inotanee of thia wa mi^ mention that, on Monday, Meaara. I. P. Belfrv, F. A. Campbell, Thomaa Jenninga and J. MeLaehhui, went np to Beid'a pond, m Mdonettdn, and ean^t about thirty troot. Thia ia a true story. On ThoradajT aftemooa hut, bom the dnmaerr of fMtofyhar. initod tke aroona an acgoioii^ woaldao^oohaM baei tbe fttf oodiiol bMo do«an apeehled Am UowincatsaeO Cri-|«. of Brant T«]JiJ«^;»^^ neootly retoroed ood bruogM nwifewithhn. w^ hadbemi tM ta another man aemal ago. On Friday k^t, «»• "" hiaband made hiaappearanoeat t^ iwUenee otCri-nin. and deiB»ded bi8wi£eand child; bat "h* ^»^«M iD go with him. We nnderatand that he left again, and whether he wJB naka oay taiUbm effort to obtain die wmaaa. ia nit known. Criapin nod the woman have been Unng Unetiwr for foor or fiva year*.â€" P«s Oorma ^avaa.â€" Tbe Meeara Kaediel employed a man to feed tbe machine for eatting atavae, in tlioir faetory here andle went 'e work with great confidence having bad aonie expenenoe in tbe boaineaa In a ahort time he got hia finge^a too eloee and loat a pieee of one of them, be tied it ap an 1 and went on with hia work aa before but very aoon the aame tiling happened again and tbe finger waa nearly all taken M. Thia obliged hira to giro vp. Having no one elae that wrs able or wdling to do thia wort. Mr. P. Kneehtel went at it himeelf and out tbe wliole atook of aUve boIU. without meeting with a aeraccb. The work is excedingly difficult and dangeroas and very few men can be found willing to engage in it. As a rule, it will be found that slave cuttera are abort of aome of their fingers, and perhaps a hand. â€" Post. APH0BI8MS ON THE OULTUBE OF CHILDREN. IT na. p. â- . OHAVAsax, r.B.a.8., arc., BUOLAliO. 'None baa yet penetrated into the myatery of a mother's influence over her child. Science is beginning to show how all important is this influ- ence before birth, but soieoee hai not yet found oot what germs of charac- ter are earliest developed and fostered by tbe magneium of a mother's love, in its direct bearing on tbe physical and mental growth. 'A Uttle child can only judge of you by your action. It is no use preach- ^ig at or to him. Your actions to- ward him speak uiore volubly, forcibly and effectually than words. 'Boys ought never to be allowed to sleep with (female) sdrvants. Many a pure, innocent boy has had his body weakened and his mind corrupted for Ufe by this practice being allowed. 'When a child is unusually naughty and cross, the chauces are that he is not well Let him have a run and a romp out of doors, aud, ifrpossible, iu the green fields. Never deceive your child. If you ones do, he will never believe you again; aod mischief will be done which years will not repair. 'The best physicians for many com- plaints are â€" Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, aud Dr Merrymau â€" diet, rest and cheer- fulness. 'Every child ought to have his flow- er garden â€" a plot of ground that he might call his own â€" that he might, to hia heart's conteut, dig and delve, plant and sow. 'A quncking mother (one who is al- ways dosing her children) is a misfor- tune to her child, ami makes plenty of wotk for the doctoi s. 'Some mothers de8;rve a whipping more than do their children she hav- ing eucouraged a fault ly bad manage- ment, is the real offender. Temperance, early rising aud spong- ing the whole of the body every moru- ing, either with tepid or cold, are pre- ventives of cold, provocatives of health, helps to longevity and sharpeners of the intellect. "The method by which." says Sur Astley Cooper, "I preserve my own hialth, are tcmperaijce, early rising and sponging the hotly eveiy morning with cold wat«r immediately after getting out of bed, a nractice which 1 have adopted for thirty years, and although I go from the hot thea- tre into the wards of the hospital on the severest winter nights with mere- ly silk stockings on my leits, I scarcely ever bad a ooid.' â€" Canada Health Journal. Wf .T,J )KBS wffl tw Meefvednpt) lb* lOtii WUaoa Baoaoa, for ibs BriA baiUU^ ia Mark- â- av be sew at tba rriKKDKBSwil X of Jaaa. Iv kaikUiMOaa«M \ntaafK wmMBom. IC«kdals,IUyS7th.l««. •»••• Rurdoi' Bitters BIRTH. SrABunoâ€" At Yandeleur, on th« llch iost., the wife of Mr. Jsmas P.Uparling, of s sou BuBincTT â€" In Hukdsle, oo the 18th inst, tbe wife of Mr, Bnmett, of • daughter. New rTestament. BZVI3ED EDIT^- A itock luit resaivad mt tUp^ i lie il H 1 11 A. 'rUBKEB,Ac. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Durham â€" Third Tuoaday in each month. Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forestrâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. Goelph â€" ^Fiist Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€" Friday before the Goelpb Fair. Draytonâ€" Saturday before Goelph. Eloraâ€" The day before Goelph. Douglas â€" Monday before Elora Pair. Hamiltonâ€" Cyratal PahMse Oroonda, the day after Godph. Berlinâ€" Frat Thoraday in eaeh month. Bramptonâ€" Firat Tbondayin eaoh moq^. Liatowelâ€" Firat Friday in each month. Fergusâ€" Thoraday following Mount Forest. Bosemontâ€" Fifteenth of Fdmary, April, Jane, Angost, October and Oe- eember. Frimroeeâ€" Wedneaday preeeding the Orangeville Fair. OraogeviQaâ€" The Snd Thorad^ ip eaoh month. FledMrtonâ€" Mood«y befora Omota- â-¼iUe. Sl"^~"^?^y before Orangerille. Shelbonieâ€" Wedneaday lefarOraoge. viDe. MarAvilbâ€" Second WediMaAty in each month. Walkertonâ€" The Uat Wedneaday ia eaeh month. Ifildmayâ€" Laet Wedneedi^ of month. ThaaJJMuaadeortorBevWea. Itett* *â€" "r '-Ml BitMiw m III tataoaUK. The Oaartte. lel Ua. ••• m Um^ ftiB^a,a5thii«yiiM. WBiifm, EOBT. ASBXN, Has opanad out a rirst-Claas Furniture UNOERAKING ESTABLISIMIENT, And therefore has nippliad a want Umg felt, espMaUjr in the Uadartaking Line. OOFFIKS, ' OiSKETS, SHBOUDS, andall FVIERIL FURIISNIHaS, supplied ou the abortes notioe. A. Splendid Hearse for hire at moderate rates. ock of Millinery is ,551 comprlMOg ^***J Trimmed-Sats chujDBBN'S hats and suk RIBBOHS, FLOfERS, FEATHERS ORNAMENTS AND TKIMMIIl Oâ€" LADIES' MANT^ CUT AND MADE TO ORo, Oar General Stock is well assxted in all We won't take up your time reading a lortg but would solicit a call, believiug we can gjy^ faction to our patrons. Thankful for past favors, we would solict a of the same. Markdale, May 28th, 1881. FUENITUKEI From tbe Common to the Best and Latest Stylatr in everj' thing in the line. Call ai^ MO for yoaraelres. ROBT. ASKIN. MarJcdiUe, May 27th, 1881. 87 4w Mortgage Sale OK FARM PROPERTY, In tJu TownAtp of hrtemetia Under aad by virtue ol the provisoes snd powaig contained in two mortgages made by Heary WiilianiS lo the Farmera' I^aa aad SavlBgs Coiapauty, and Ut William J. mo Farlaad reapectivelr, which will be pro- diiwd at the tiuje of sale and sahject tu con- ditioas which will bo then rend, there will be sold by Public AuRtiou by A. A. Yaudasea Anotinncor, at Katiedire's IIotel« in the Tillage of REarkdalcon Monday, tlie 6th day of June, 1881. At One o'clock P. M. Xhe foUowio; desirable (arm Lot nnmlier S^ratf«a, iu the Thirttenth Concession of the Township f Artcmeaia, in the Cotinty of Grey, contiuulng one hundred acres be the Bame more or leso. Thprc are aboat 60 acres of said land cleared. Tbe boildings consist of a small log "hanty. It i« well watered, and within easy distance of Markdale SUtion. Termt of Snle. â€" One half in eash at the time of sels, aud the bolauce 06 may be agreed upon. There will be a reserve bid. For farther particaUrs apply to tho Aao- tionoer, A. S. VAHDrsEN, Flesberton. or to Mbssbs. Laxb dc Bowk, Owen Sound, the Vendor' Sohcitors. LANE A BOWE, Bolicitonfor the Vendor. Dated the 6th day of May 1 8S1 35-8w Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The snbacriber retoms thanks to the in- habitants of MABKDAIjE and vieinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, and begs to remind theia that he is prepared to supply their wants in hia line as av any one north olf Toronto. M ui kd Mi delivwed proaqtly on reeeipt of ordsn. SAUSAGE ft POULTRY slways kept in tbair SeaMii. Shop en Mill sreett, oppoaiU the " Beven Hotel." iS'Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep A«ain thanUagyoa (or pMt fovora be tnuta bj (aithAiI attention to your waaU to merit a oontinnance of your aopport. Konca. â€" Fannara having (at sheep ot eat- tie to diapoae of will leave their addreaa at gargeaat'a W. B. SABJEANT. MitUah, 8M. 17tt U90. i Artemesia Warehom FIiESHE BTON S TATlpsI How en band (or â- aio, aad wfll be oonataatly renewed, a oonn^ I Di7(iOO(ls,R(!ady'HaileClotluiig,6oots]]ii HABD'WABS, CROCKERY GROCERIE S, PROV ISIONS tSL All kinds ot Country Produce taken io exch Goods. Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufaciwTe^j sale FlcaherUoi Station, May STth. 1881. r MARKDALE Sash and Door Facti SASH, V. ° DOORS, â-  MOULDINGS, â-  :j;- HOLLOW BOTTOU^i • • â- - â-  ;-^- m Lumber, Lath and Sliiii[ Always on Bland. Orders Promptly Filledl The Subscriber wishes t j retorn thanks to the poop\o at Umli^Ule anA v\eu very libettU patronage thave given him in tbe part, aud hopes by close atteul^ a continuance of the same. I have now extended my-busin.dss. and will in futur* Tte*? a full Si«.^ P I N E L U M B E ALL SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDRESS^ Having just rceeircd my first shipment of Pir.e Lumber and Lath froic ii- aud will have another schooner load in a few da,v«. A.11 I£inclgi oi* Plain and Fanoy Tur Done in a first elaaa maonar. THOS. McNi MarkdtJe, May 27lb, 1881.' EST A B L I SHED 35 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR A LKlUiE EIGHT-PAGE PAf EB â€" ONLYâ€" Per Tear. (II)' Per T One of the Largest and best "Weeklies in Canada^ Agmta reeaive 36 Centa (nr every yeixty rab- soriber. ijiy purtv sending oa thraa sab- •erib^ will reoeive a eaiiy, poat-paid, ot tit« Pannw's AMoont Book, worth one doliar. in piaee of the nsoal eommiaaioo a post card (or Sample Copy ot our VfttUy, which ia sent (rea. The only paper ia Canada that pabliabaa a Drao^t iMoian. AMmt SPBCTATOa PBCnriNO COMPOTT. Hamilton, Ont. Nor. 11, IMO. A Qood Chaneo, Wgf«-a.t«,. a^. ««« b. W. J. MoFABLAND MatkUM. May Mt IMl. "'^^*' WrOTTICJE. AB]partiaa,tMbanbrwMMda«atat «rt». "~~" OB ahora lot. «.-. „^H08- H. TOUKO. Mb.lbgr Mb. m^ SAVE YOUR COMWHeS. ..^' T*0.1l(Msaa. but toauMoaaa ta Afdto ifr-JtoWimi. MarbfaU, INa |«fc. liBo. \^ PrtflMt^Oihtitliracltry F*r Ittl^SS, TOBBPDBUSHBOIKNOVSMBER, â- Â«1. Price 9J0O. Mm«bMU aad oaMH of tba PM*iM* of Ontaiio, of tba OitT o MimUimI. Aa., bwa o annoaaee tbat Ut Ara win pnUisk a PBOYIHOK OP ONTABIO DIBECTOBT. b Mow nrt K ant, ««-*«*»«^g an AlphaMltal lirtcftf OZiASSIFIBD Business D irec iry of tbaBotiiteM aad FinliMiniwI an in tbe Cities, Towna and Tin^M o( Ontario, with a BXTSINBSS DIBSCTOBT am OP woKTaatkL. The eâ€"e eaw mi ttmatum bie t owe d e* Am DooiiBiaa aad Pnmaeial DiMeieriee of IsriwOlbeW^ntotbiswcrt. SnIaeraeN naaeB tu t fM aUj soUaited. Terma «f A^ TwtkiBimaiekiiowa.apdnenili ' JOHN LOTKIiL 8^ ,i0ao. TK KST PAPER! BBAUTIFULLY ILLU 36tji TEAR. THE SCfENTIFic M Tai ciasTinc .K«^»icax is i i Class Weeklr N«irspaper ii( Suia., printed in tlie mojt besaiitol «Kit J Otmtrated vith tplendtd fugnraA aaatiag the newest InvfutioD! uif leeMlt Advances ir the Arti tu i toeilllliim New and Intere^tiDj: Fii eahaie, Uorticultiuv, th tiinl Keiiaal PrsKrcss, Socitl SckssJ Hialorv, Gealop-, Astrouciar i* ^aebVi prac'^cal pspen, b; eaii^ ia aB Ae^^ertmeots of Naenoe, raf fa 1h* B«ientilic Amenoa. TeriQs, $3 20 ier jev. .*i «' wbieb iaelndes posuet- ftw""*-' SiaRle eoppies. Me- ioUbjil .v •w. Beaut bj i»«' °^" i CO.. PabUahert. S P«» »»« ^**l PATENTS./' A Co. ere ol ic;iors o! Aw"" eicn Patents, hsTe bid 3i !«"• -a« bare the Urjiest ti^^ worid. Parents sre obUii«i"l trenn. A spwial not* â-  Jf ctaatiflc AmetUaB**] oataated tUrou^'h this A(e^' â- aae and resideuce of tin T tba immense circolstion tfcu • â- MMition is directed to tk i" aaw patent, and sales or i eaaily effected. Any person who hs« â- â- â€¢" j, ry or invention, can »«*f?J- whether a patent can V^^j by writing to MrKS*Co, free our Hand Book »l«of ' Patenta. Caveats. Trsde **», aad how procured, witii '""J^ aadvanees on inventiooi' num. or ooncernin!" ?**"»/ Branch Offlee cor. F •* iagtenD. C. K^OTIOK- A^Jp**imktuimto tbe aadet^ed «*."â- ' r'M«»r boat aeeeaataffleail a* » ahopaad eeMe wUMQt (aitber aetfee, iIba*eaalltaM t» virit yoa all atyoar Mi it k «oe eqpeaeiV* to aead eata r, X bapb tbe abore aotioe afilbe enf- roH» MOBLK. lUK^WaiataKto bmhgrflraa. tbat la- w« i nmllr JOffiTSoaLf ' lurUaleTXNM. 17, IfliO. ll.^ Court of_ TOWNSHIP Oti Tbe Court of Bevi»io«'*rI eUand,for the eun«»';rji ia Vogan's d»^ aaSatnrday, the 2*^ ' of wbioh aa p r"«* " take notice, and gove" Ut^. Tbe Court «ii|^ Holland Centre, U7 ThalUfftni OF East Grev. 'T^Si*! tbe Town BtUngTj day, 14th Juna, ijl^ p. a Meantime -IJ^,* tre wiUb* issued; e^^i iMtly impossible to^j^ f •( Belom throafbe* 1^ 4aeeleat«atte^«^^ Byorf«o(thePr*J^ tprinU, new »pnng st ' cents, fast :olors. -pa^a ff^fft* â€" ^worth /ableXinen. 35, 45, 55 j Vible Napkins, 6^ cents, du ' Black Broad-cloth, $1.25- of tt**^ Overalls, 50 cents. " Shirts, 75 cents. STAUDARD. Itoy 27th. 1881. rHER NOTICES. I fairly brUk. dry weather. b« Jewelery, has the new IHTmn Books for sale. 'Democrat Waggon go Si Mason. Ig 18 TPry extensive this the country around, houses, ^litomrnthnniTt ko to. Cloeka. k Jewelery iu lety and at tbe right prices, want the nobbieut lre8s Town, call at Beyuolds \o. I coal oil. CASTORINE machine oils, try Haskett Ithemometor on Thursday mariced lOG in the sun, at mid over 90 to tho shado at 4lB company, are sole lof '•Castoriue machine pmauts will be pr sscutcd thousand tons of steel rails lada Pasifij Uailw.iy ar- Cootieal on I'riday. »r dealers for "Castoriue" oil, and see that the barrel "Cistoriue," as none other Oraot Cuellew, whose l^sed last week, have rented ^building next to tho St^nd- ,and will be in full operation ,{ew days. me" Machine Oil, for Tu felt in theea to our Askiu, George J ment, Mb tnrebi building making McDoul of 128 Wal for th^ the grtj rious I judgcdl boy wif niai\e I side t^ Ml please made] recoiB ing w| Mil BuJ whisi to paa the il lifegf Sccrt Bow Kidu^ the Bottll Larg| II th« broiig havir roboii evid' the lubo^ the b -oiij tn;ltl ef aacbinery, it is also ex- 1 1-, 'barncss and leatlier, luak- jniovl BLC er aud wcatlier praof. For lealers. IDS. M.:Noa, aun ounces, iu wor| I of the Stakoabd, tiiat he has kpply of sash, doors^ mould- I, ou hand a^.m nine luniber I and lath, tiec advcrtiscniout es column. ICtitorinu ' Machine Oil, for of michincry, it is nisi ex- ior harucss aud luatlicr. ^ak- er and weather projf. Fur Balers. uâ€" 10.000 ilozen Ej,'s, and PIn of Butter, fir nliich the L;e will be |uiid. Beynolds poi hu Br A SiAi.i.iJ.\. â€" Richard killed by a kick from a af wh:ch he was groom, on i 21sl inst., at Beddickvillc, of Mehincthou. lis t^ be a Mectiug nf the Bo- ciation iu Flcshcrton Towr i Sp Tuesday, June 14th. A full j rn is requested. or Revision. â€" Tho (^urt of y tor the Township of nolland. Bid ill Vogan's H.ill, ou f. May 28th. G. MoKOAs, Hiiir l)resor, 1 Dundulk ou Thursday, Juuc IcCulloughs liotcl. Orders Qy soliciked. [Hill Bros advertis-'mout, the oold read it careiully, as it ting to tliem. T..I 11 .III \V(. lal I'il i'Ul IS I 'â- "'I ill J [til. t iJ C"ll [lhi ti aoasand dozen of egRs were N. 3. McFarland to a Toron- â-  .^t tiiat beiug the jfathoriug lu I till I in exohaoge for goods during i i^l rioas fiye days. This is un- *b'e •Tidmee of a large buisi- fm. Hogg, of Flesberton Sta- 1 he has any quantity of Dry iroooriesc, to xcbaiiijo fur 0' farm produce. Read his Bl aent. mj ^- â€" Mr. Hugh Cameron ' r Balaklava on tbe town I '^j Vincent has a cow that has " ves within elerco moctiis (iu| ays, having had twins each reckon our ^friend must ill that line of husineHe. concert given' by the ^d of the MethoJut. Church »ery respects success. The of this society buve toiled Qonstaut, and arc doing a j fk ia liquidating tho debt on ;e. ' spondent from Euphrasia ^t parties are in the Ids neighborhoo 1 of tbe Sabbath by fishinp iJB* also wishes us to inform lat e intehds prose- 'â- â- Mnl'emay find bo en- "' this date. A word to the I be sufficient. iltk renewer Burdock Blood '• like a charm. Iu Mai- Complaints, Scrofula I of the Blood, Liver fa, this great combinati on Medicines proves a cer- A few doses regulate I And aa a restorative Tonic » .aqnal. Trial Bottles 10 GaAniAii, of our town, kylast brouglit before • Elliott, Struthers and J^ P'a., on a charge of boiuebreaking, made by Laird, of Artemesia, and the evidenoo the case wkfa oosU. Mi. D. J, Appeared for the defence.

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