Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Apr 1881, p. 4

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 TT rLEDOi »vbriekb«-'«J'J rate«« Gt^' Subles i and^Happy er is at hnnd, I wi»h to Htock of [D GOODS, Ctl A!a jing Fixst-Class, H T P R I nrpasBcJ OLD BYE. the imi .11(1 the nne»t stocK lf Drmft i to Champagne. of »bove UcMxis A* Mi ALE E DS EDS, INXLUDING "V KEOT, WUBTZEL,, »,.^ r. i )it;]- S".[...vTlON, A. rURNEl ^lAEK. LE. l«;sl valii' for yo PROUL iREAT ANNUAL RIG sal: AT THK FPICE STI li,«vT Spring Iniportntionn now arnTUlf dailT. I writ lur^e nud well ^clectcil aud " " I i ir GOODS, FURS, Mil •-I^sia.e Clo1 500TS AND SHOES, laps and Groc( |e lowest point possible,^ auil in order to do so, at and Under H£XT THlRTf OA^ ^1 botlKlll. find well worth "' "JJ^IjjL- 1 In will timi evrythiiiK of FirMj^*^. lirso of some of our wiudy Mcrchi***^^^ [inn samples of cheap trash '"** ' Tf ^^^^ lii-inci's relations, in order to iinpw**' Ir more lionorfhle dealers, ""^^^^^i ItK that I !*U JHill as I '*?'**'*?!li, lour moixy anywhere, »• 1 ••'• ^^ i»o for 1 liasmess m.iu. V'.t f"r -trictly "«tt cash. con»«l««°*v /est Possible Pi andFABMPB( o J.I iu »t.H-k Hud for sale, :• '^â- 'â- 'â- gp S3ED G MRow, U»-' 1 Imff, and other -nrietie« iirlev. i'riu Timothy J.iid Clover tJ« 1 id «,\. ly Farmer to sow clean se**. f^ Bd purcitasiDis k good articlo. 1 !n now cenins; largt qu.'Uitiet â-  B LAN K. I V IV 1_T H ' File D ' T»: *rr7i' rii# idcteU *^ •eal-y»' " • h'^.riiii} TowT!»b^^«J^ 1 loi» a- ih L*n-r«l Tbj* r ^?*? l srs, aiidbi-iicitttui t.m c*'h »* B""*J 1 woul.*!*; •' ;:!iimate that my IMPOrtTA' ,E ARRIVING IAI1»1 .Vnd 1 wUl U-^ opened â- '«» " ••*^ he 1st of ' B«8t AsBort«l Stock* •â-¼Â« ' liberal patronage in ll» pa«*» ' r obidient lervant, B J. SPi inch 10, i*8i. |M«|iMl 2/ -St. to J0«^ \^ i»4 ^wfiarfrt yj n»wâ€" ^^^ gj^, 5ft;^«.doftb.y-r. MH .. l.-No. 84. 'vGETWILSON, '^nsSrfor the y«ar. .*- •"'SJ'Ai'VF:B'nsw»-=_ do, io fi Ml imertJoa.. PSCliJOB. .-; ae 27 60 16 «.â-  8 00 4 OOi 55 a 95 8 3 HarnM* ahop John H..Neanl, I Mannfartmat im4 ilaalnr is 4]Ciitten,S]#s,6iiggies, jO. L WAGGONS, CUbTIVATQBS. MfflBt.,Ma*Uia,n«l4nirt«*0.^.. ftORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS, inf«« »W Alfl» ill Uimu. M*^^e .;.r.;tlttson.o.: P'iiinei-: .niej'Joc-- â- â€¢â- â€¢ i^Sr-t ias-rtio-j vor hue LtTof U..e. rcckcjeO by --he •wW AU*raE.-i'"Ty»J " "Ti n tte ThaT'day "*^â„¢" " W. BtJTLEIKiE. Profrietor^ tsnmnA ^aswiss )jRECTOKy_^_. %pronlc carter, '.surgeon .AccoucneuiB c- ,, MeJic^l Hall: resi^onee *t l^-Meat 8 ft. 17. ^^ jTTirwe i i m a c, LltTEH8lii --"^^^ ^^ "NKB* FOB THSj I County of iT ^u^ LI/AS M /.^VO AOKS'l, •Joney to loan ai ioweal ratee o( iiitareit,Jn t lini W» enit borrowera. Agent tor Vatmm' ~- •- AB ba»ina»H ma»ti a d'll^bi4sof y arming Implements i(aKaIaetaTykM^'4epoaitoi7, Dorhaa and L.»ia ana Sanng w.. ... priTate. ana iraated aa aaeh. ' EUUKMIA P. O Sopt. 17th 1««J '-â- *k B riLDSB 4 CONTttACTOR, (Stone i;T:rk). Plastering and Goautry Job ' tiklail t«. fltonceattiog a R»tinat«* oflflin fork free tia»4«- t.iomptlT Otendad t«. flton •;4Uj. R»tirat«* ofiflill t'v ' 'u^ki-iu :? iraotuKd. *,* Uc^iJeaoe eomer i Brown ai Hpronla Btrasts, Uuiai.b. Ta M« Pa-taoits. â€" Uwaya abaod of aar iu ny Inda, and harin^ the largeat and moat eonTeniant Factory m this loeality, I am prepared to sell Carnageaaud faspleiiMirta of avuiy dcderiptroD iu the beat style of any in the market, and at prieei as luw as asiy oe- oordiag tu the qoality of the work. BaTtng npwarda of twenty years' experi- aaee, I am eonA4eot that MMfaaaara will get I tin a^Tantac^ in kavinn Qtm very beat aaade. "Partiee la want al a eai I'fc na oa Imftrnmrntt ' do well to give me a eall, aa there are fione in the market whieh wilt compare with 11 -IT '"""^pt 17.1890. 1-y 'nB. Pl'BDT, ^^.^J Sl-BOEON. ACCunCH- 6-tl. WM. Ft)X, Plain t OraaiMiM Plittanr 1 Eatiraatea for atone and briekwotk uu ap- nlieatioo. Satiafftction Ouranteod. Beai' deneaâ€" Qneer Street, Markdale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1880. -v MEQGITT, Sheep and J«Attie. Cegal* £. 0. Macmlllan. f*i«iiiK and DcnnxM.) ^isEY-AT.LAW. SOLICITOB IN^ " Conveyancer, Ac. Office over jV.lo,e, Markdale. Money to^loan ft««s- Ckaa. R. Wlltees, j»tLa^. Owen Sound. I .-MiUera's building, over Bobin- ^fuulet Street. ' ff««t Frost, ,*WSTl-^ AND ATTOBNTCYS-AT KvS^' in Chancery. Convey ^Z' On' Soon'l' have re«nmed at "• â-  ftlcc open every Thnrsday, aa fiofT. •• â-  'W • F»08T, LI*. B. miT Crown Attorney^ I 'jaaie» Masson, UsTEUand ATTORNEY^AT-LAW. 5iirt«r in Chancer). Owen S«und. 1,17,1880. \2â€" James l,ani»«, ORi!KY-AT-IiA.W, SOLICITOB IS li(iii-ery. Notary Public, Ac. Iv loaned at lowest ratus on personal tleTate. land^ bought and -oia. '^ud I^Uer introduced free of commi. XHJNDAliIC aWT2lt.l8*0. FABMEBS haTinf good fat Sheep or Cattle to aell. will find it to their advant- age to leave there name* ivnd aJdresa at Mo- Cntehton'f Hotel, Bevare Bouse, Markdale. as the underaigned are itiUon the war pi tni will poaitively pay the^ugbeet rices C. WfkA.SPEEBf 8ept.l7th.ia«0. B. n* Garmltli, AUCTIONEER AND pBr"" A«eut, Wiiliamsfora St 8ale« attended in all parti Goods sold on Commisaiou. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing; Fruit and Ornamental Tree^ tural implements, and Mac on le. Wlliamsford, Jan. 27 AND uction 'oanty. ite^dei-ate. jee; also Agricul- 'all kindk 301y Wm. Brown, OF MAKltlAGE I,ICESSES,4e., tmiMioncr in B. R. Ac. ,„„„4,_ »uciiur ill «" "â- ' I'ranthes promptly r»o and carpfiillv cxecutea.^ -Moiiev to Lend ..n H^" -.^tatp bnle. Sept â- " !;.\T. • I'l'S' ' "â-  4lexa ,i :l I." • ..-, â-  :-bi •â-  'â-  ;r.- Wm. Ln( BAN IoTie: Is large or smallj good oocniifcy. IMTEREs/ ^^* ^^"T. vings Depoaita. .RKDALE. at all times, on L4}n eollataral d and CoUectiona made oa St rates. WM. LUCAS ft Co. t for All George InD I.O.t.N AN |l)*«n Sonud .( hiterf«t '"â-  f «term ofyei" knarW. or priic I? nrtalments I'.unber of d' 3-y J. «. â- S105 ASP 1' •!' â- v.Mar.Draughtv ' ' Inrilmitl Sukdale. Hjv Kncial Land Sutvi yor 'â- ' le stock of original Field Not' ^rts, Instrnctions, Ac. of all hi within the last fifty-five yea bared to make Surveys in strig' tiicreirith. Profiles and jOnamg Hills, Plans and Sp llMding BridRcg, furnished Money to Loan at 8 per |fr« by letter, or left with kilnle.will he promptly atl/" M 17. 1880. 9«ttti«t bn Sonnd, Jp. lame* ♦„ rw. Ca/E HOUSE, jkut to vt. cac ' jjj BE AT 'â- Jgaued to per- Markdale, ^„ »,„ „„aaih jBonlh.whenh^ 4 npen f IU operations/^ j __ I most satis' able terms, JOTEL, Proprietor. I bas had a Urge ad- Ithoroughly refitted, pne in the eoonty. btive ostler. Firat- r commercial tiaTel- ' per day* 17-ly the traTriting witk the and tha beat i tiaina. 1-7 ,^ 'L HOTEL uons TheBaiand hmtm he b^t the ^tfket af and attantiTe HoaOar'a ' ATKINSON, ProixMar. r tke -BtaaJUrd," the beat "â- atewrtf. B. Sarjent's i'-.rir-cj rclurnu thanks .o ilie iu- lia'ritwM of M-AKKDAliE *i palronB^c dnr- ;.l begs to inmind 'â- Â»â€¢! in "upply their i.'.i aa i,ny one north of Toronto. red prom J- ti' on r.^ccipt of orders. SA as AGE S: POUiyi RY liwBv. kftpt in t/ieir Smsyn, Special induce meots to large Purchasers -«, 13" Shop on Mill sreett, oppodte the "Bevere Hotel." JS'Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking you for past favors he trusts by faithful attention to your wants to merit a continnance of your support W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 sbionable Tailor, FLESHERTON. r prepared to fill all orders promptly. dou0 tchiU euftcmenare waiting. Sood Fii^uaranteei. /he Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. i^Jtemember the place opposite Biehard- aon'a store. Flesherton. Mar«h 9th. 1881. 36-mS E. J. McCOY, Agent for the fallowing Implemebts, fte.: \£OWEB, HABTESTER. and celebrated e- HAT RAKE, (Sharp's.) Wilkinson's PLOnGHS, ALTOU PLOUGIISa China TEA Store General dealer in GROCEMES PROVISIONS, Next to Haaketfs Hardware Store. Keepa constantly on hand every thng usual to such an establiahmeiit. He woa\d draw special attention to hia Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Whieh for qualitr and Lowneaa of Piiee CANNOT BE^URPASSED. Aa puffing it no part of my deaire, I merely ask intoiding purebaaars to gira me a eall and be oonrineed that I MEAN BUSINESS, Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I have purchased for cash, and have had a good discoont allowed, I am is a poaitioa te M my eastomera have the boMfit d my inreatmento. I^Bemamlnr tbe jdaee. nest to Haakett Brea. Vaikdala, Oet. 7. UM. SAVE YOUR COIiBiNGS. Mrs. T. O. Marfan, bega to aaniMnee to the Isidiaa of Markdale and rieini^ that aha ia prapand towtrt iqliair eemlitBgs into switdMs. pafls and emto. tetma irtdsritn AeaUisaalintod. B ea i daB na eatnar af Mark and Q«aen atiaela, woaUa Mr. Bo««a' reai- Dae. IMk. IMa. :1fooanuT iBZT. ALL KixDS or Fittings and Repairs Kept constantly on hand. SEWING MACHINESAND ORGANS FOR SALE, CHEAP. Licensed ADCTIONEER FOB THE covrrrr. Bills provided and Sales attended to in all parts of the County. Charges Moderate. B. J. JIcCOY Mar^ale, March 17th, LSSl. 27-m3 GRANT CHELLEI, Cabinet Makers, â€" ARD IJPHOLSTEBEBS a full stock of 1 E^-vixaa-itVLie 'A1.WAT8 ON HAND. FURNITURE iADE TO ORDER LUMBEB Wanted. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale, Deo. 33, 1880. 1-ly THOS. MATHEWS, WSHES to tender to his numerous customers hia sincere thanks for th«r â-¼ery Uberal patronage during the 16 jem be has been in the Harness Business m Mark- dale, an would respectfuUy solicil a oonfc-u. anoe of the same, feeing eonfiident 'that he ean give Entire Stlti^f action. Kverything asoally kept in a FIBST -CE.A8 NANNESS ESTARUSNiENT. always on hand, an sokt ai moderate rates. BTNone but good workman employed and the best of materials used. Markdale, Vttv, 18, 188o- lo A UlMict Fam til ISO Acres A FOB BALE, Ont Ua* from tkt VUlagt of Markdal*. There are about IWaerea cleared, the most of whidi ia in ahigk state of enltivation and fit for a Baaper or Mower to work on. There â- I* on iha vceniaea a Frame Hooae bricked iBaida;a MiHi Houa briekadinada; a Frame Stable and DftringBevse, and Iiof Bam a ToangOrdtard eammenaiig tohaar; a good WaO, beaide the hooae; a ne*er-laaing Straaat rons aeroaa the farm Cedar vtOti- ent forfaneing. balaaee ef b^k haidvood. (a F]rat.aiaaa Mr.|le Bagw B«h ol mom MQ treaa). Tha farm ia vaH fweed, in a good state of repair, and in a ekstea loeatity, be- ing wttkin a aafle a gadi ' " ' ^^" sikaal kMMiih Mid iJB BORiBDOK. MaelaLaalFau.. yu ' ^1- n ^\ Only the II i i M^l-fdaandatin Looks ia an te dpaolata plaaa; Only the mssal^kfs cold white kaad Is tniiHMi)gk^«nd idutofaea And tbeatoaii^g hiauu a a qmiat sihw bv« 'AeroflH the brohan floor. And is peeing in at the attie leaf And eteqMig in atthectenr. There's only a broken table aod chair. And a tamp Uiat has fliekertd ont Whfla fteeohwdM swing fcoa the Uaekaaed And t1 'thadows fligjit aboat. Bnt the t^bwebs bang in the myatie ti^t Fait} cast tot of obrery UireaJ, Aiul the shadows slip away fnan sight At the nooubeam's silent tread. Something they give of its girtlsU To tlie f raiL worn form uu the bs4. And touch with wonderoaa beauty the The haggard face of the dead, 'Tis a beauty akim to that it wore In the years that tetiuit ao kmg. Whoa tba fatare haM «Bt" And life waa a baaatifol Dead and atone â€" ^witta no hwnan eye Dead and alone â€" with no kindly hatkd To smooth tte tangled hair. A glint of goU ia bulding still For all tne years of woe, And it catches the gleam of the moonlight ohOl, Aa it falla to the floor below. What is it the moon's white fingeri touch As they grope o'er the dingy floors A bookâ€" and open, just as it dropted From the hand that can «loae no more. Only one sentence is «b"'"e forth Rat it ^eams iu letten ot light â€" ' " Thottgk thy tiiu thaU be like searM, At w^I I will malte Hum white." DTESHSm. By tht Author of " Hidden Quusk$4tndM, "A ReUntiat Foe," "Magfi* O'Con nor'» Fortune*," de., de. 'For yoar sake any one voald dure it,' be auswered then, startled at bis own presomption, b e blushed and turned away, forgetting politeness in his confasion aud passing throo^iithe door before the lady. » 'Any one would Uiink^I was a ban- shee,' she said to herself with a smile but she would not notice her companion's confusion and ihey parted amicably at the door of the nortb room. Her remark however about the difficulties of escape rather haunted him. Wonld it be well to provide against it But Aere was no hurry at preaseut. That ovsning he reul ak)ad to them one of thooe marveMus fict ions which still Jeligted mk world^ and they forgot in it the WhttebQy't warnings and even the fate of San v' Rourke. The IdiioWing r/i«moon Captain Leicester called, and they walkeff-n] the grounds, the tutor seeing little of iua bei a*»fu} ^gsiiUiiSSM: " The next day Tim {TBtte^^tmla at dinner-time, and remainMltill the short day 'nas drawing in. As he was leaving by the avenue, he met the tutor retarning from th» lodge, where he ban been to see if any news- papers had arrived, as they sometime did in the afternoon. At Tim's re- quest, he turned wid walked back up the avenue with him. 'Surridge,' said CPriens pansidir, 'there is a rn mar in the to iv a that 0' Elourke is condemned Have you heard of it ' No indeed, I have not I I hope yiiu said nothing of it in the hoiite â- No, I tbouebt it best yot to do so. I Kur the peopfe will jje Afuriated by it. It was Coghlan's testimony that hung him.' v^. 'I suppose so bnt itwiwin evitable. ' 'I don't think you are rate,' said Tim. 'Would yon like me to come up and sleep at the Priorjj to be a secondhand?' ' 'Thank you for the ofiffer, but I think is is not necessary,' replied the tutor. He had a repugnance to the mat:. 'It would onlv alarm the ladies-' Tim O'Baien looked rather admir- ingly at the tutor. 'By the powers, Sarridge,' he said vrith his strong Irish accent, 'you have pluck enough for ft man twice yuur size I It is a bold thmg to live with only an old man and a boy in the danger you are tJl in.' The tutor only smiled: 'I wish the women were safe,' add- ed Tim. 'If Coghlan c h iin if fc t o be shot, why, let him but lam awful anxious for the ladies.' 'And indeed so am I,' replied James; 'and 1 trust he will take them away on his return.' ' Urge it upon him,' exclaimed Tim wtth energy. 'Let them leavi e ven before his return if possible. The tutor readily promised that he wonld advise it, and added â€" 'I heard at the lodge just now that yonr father has actually paid the sum formerly demanded by the Whit^- boys. Is it true ' Tim flushed a little. •Well, yes, it is,' he replied reluot- autiy. 'You see thore had been another warning or two contradicting Captain Rock's denial my mother got fright- ehed, aud mtde him do it. Bnt we shall be obhgcd to go to Dublin after all, I think.' •It was a mistake to pay,' said the tn^or. 'Mr, Coghlaa would not have allowed Mr. O'Brien to do bo if be had been at home. Bat here is the lodge I inust wish yon good- by, and thank you for your offer.' They parted, and O'Brien went on alone. He bad reached the narrow- est and darkest part of the road lead- ing towards his home, when a tall powerful man spiang suddenly from the hedge aud stood before him. ,Captain,' exclaimed Tim in alow yoioe 'who would have thought' of see- ing yon here ' ' ' 'Not joo, I believe ' waa tbe xe- p]j â-  lor yon would not have been at yoor dirty tricks again, Mistiier O' Brien. So you have got ahandr«i poundfl from T 'it father, haVe yon, for tiie eood of tLj oaow? Yon lying goeaoon?' Tun stood eoofoaei aad aflant •Now look iwaa.- eeo Book 'we are up for a „ aad te vomanoe bat ^Mrt t) TlMiIveB! BooMt ft oa» l( w. e /id ywi%iagimi to tlMrt la eaay ia ay BauR), or â€" And Im dim inad to hit hreaot, where be a pfatoh C^itaii^' raaaoiieafaniled Tim, ' mn ojni Sa'Jber I've tMod. toece figoM. maaâ€" )3at a l»t rt lMxfa^3 •Arrak, It's â- â€¢ UocUnt natter t' exefakimed the Wbitebo^. 'Yoor jeat will prove of 4m grimmeet. Send back tbe t]ia mifey at ooe^ or Migtor O'Brien Haaj ;«baoee to aee his dear son loiigibg from ttie oak be- fore l^i2iDn^room wuidow, with tfae word 'Uuf pinuad on his bnast Tim was tktDagbly lightened.; witli all hie brdp, he was at keart a coward. f 'I willgive vjuik all I can he said dogitedly "b«t I have spent twenty pounds irfit.' 'It's a ucfle for mooey to mn thtoagh you/aro/ replied the other seomfullf 'Bat tell me, have jou done tho job you undertook Your fall hindered it to long, as it is.' 'I/have.' muttered Tim 'and It's aecvted I am for Iho deed. Bat yonYlremember yonr promise?' •tagpare the colleen Ay, that will be m ber own sake Bat this mouey Yon will put the whole on jyour fath- er's brelkfast table with this p%per to- morrow morning, or meet your due.' 'ImpoBRible !,' exckimed Tim. 'I shall hftVc to get the twenty pounds sotoeniiere â€" ' •I'll lend it to you,' said the outlaw; 'and you'll pay me, I know, iu time, for yoQ value your Ufe aitove that sua or any other. Here it is' â€"open- ing a leather bag he drew from his pocket and couutmg ont the guinons 'and let it be your last actoftliat nature, Ittisther Tim, in yoar name. And now for your report «r.' The two men then walked slowely on, io low and erueot conversation. Tim was entirely subjected the will of the, tall rough-looking mmi, who was tfia-Whiteboys' Chief. Ho loved Glorvina in his fashion; and he meant, in the event of danger from his con- federates, with whom he was of conrse personally secure, • to appear as her chivalrous rescuer. Mr. Coghlau' death would relieve hi n from all debts owiug to him; for I'im knew wel wJiere the 1 U's he had given were kept, and he would anstirddly be able to secure them at tbe time ol confus- ion. At length as the road oieQed and houses appeared, the pair stopping for an instant. 'Yon will not forgfit?' said the Wbiteboy tbreateuingiy. U will not. And â€" aud yoa haye not hMrd about O'Rourke ' 'I have, and the other martyrs to our cause. We will have Ufe for- life, forhimjmd for the: "apaBfOML VH n\PTKH. IX. '•irywrtptoagey sorr,' said Murphy the next day to the tutor, as he was starting with TedJy f9r his morning walk, 'is it by the farm you'll be gomg this morning ' 'We can go that way if you like, Murphjs' was the reply. 'Theu if you just would, sorr, and order Naucy Bryant to send us down a pair of fowlH for to-mori'o v's dinner I'd be obliged.' 'We will doeo. Murphy;' anl they started on their wnik, in which the laaies did not that day join them. It was a Hue morning, fresh and bright, with just a touch of frost in e air. The mcidow through which ihey {lassed was no longer dangerous on account of the bull, which had been B^'cnred and Todd} ran on fearlessly in front of his tutor. On the way they met Captain L3ice8ier walking briskly towards the Priory. 'This is much the shorter road from the biirracks,' he said, after they had exchanged greetings, 'and I have al- ways taken it as it is a straight path as a crow ^ics, only there are sundry gates to leap.' 'And in dirty weather plenty of mud by the pig-sties,' put iu Teddy. Leicester liiughed, nodded, and went on. They saw no one about as they ap- proached the f%rm but, a? they drew near the door, they heard Nancy Bry- ant's voice raised to a high pitch. 'It's a sin and a shame,' she said and it's not true Irish they are that will side with the vile Sassenach, that ought to be driven every one on 'em into the sea. It's revenge the boys will give you, Sarah mavoumeen, for the wronR they've done ye.' The tutor advanced to the door and called Mrs. Bryant. In a moment 'the woman appeared, looking very anren. The tutor dcUvered his mensage, aud then said â€" 'Who is the poor woman within whose sobs I hear ' 'It's Sarah O'Rourke,' was the re- ply 'Dan O'Rourke's sister, sorr. It's tbe iU news she has this day.' •I am sorry for her,' said the tutor gently â€" 'poor soul I' 'She is a poor soul indeed 1' matter- ed the woman. 'Her brother's mur- ered, or as good, and ehe with those eight fatherless babes to feed 1' The tutor put his hand in his pocket then paused. '1 should like to speak' to her,, he â-  said. The woman who bad notieed tiie aetion, made way for Eim to enter the kitehen' where Sarah. 0'Rturke sat roeking herself in a chair, Kathleen, with r^ eyes standing by. •My poor girl,' said Je mes approaeb- ing her. and patting bis hand kindly OB her shoulder, 'I am truely sorry for you.' There was snch tender symytby in his tone, that the girl raised her bow- ed hMd and looked at him with her tear-swollen eyes. 'They are Koing to hang him, sn: â€" to han^ my brothrr 1' shd cried with a wail. •It is a hftd trial to yoa, Sarntb. Will it eotafnrt yoa to know that yoor foot brotbsr bas had the best poaaibte. debaw T •No rHalJie iiiiT' iiHM|i| 'X, have only MHrd wbaiM Bridget ca-|nite, be Mitberrwa sha'd "etodo UMr. wbat be b^d eeaa Dan do, eofSKod tba beat eomtsel to be bad for hia, aad booed tbat the elevsr lavyv. migbt ando tbe bana. be eooldat bdp doiog him.' 'And £d be tbsa, sardy f ehed tbe girl. 'Au' a power of money that oeat, daa't it sir r •A greftt deal; bpt Mia Desmond will pay anjUiiaft for him aad yoa, thoa«t it i« right Iiihonld ten yoa that Dan naa «Ume wiekedly.' She hang her bead. 'I know.' she aQowed 'h« kilkd poor Paraey O'More. I was heart broken to hear his wife ory for him. Bot we forget aQ they had done when oor dear one's ai« in trouble,* she said Inttlietieally. 'We do indeedl And, Sftrab, I am sure ,if aav effort can save yoor bro- ther, it will bemadoby Mr. Onghlan. His wife heard from him to day, and ho ays he is starring in town over the tr'al to try what he ean do to save him â€" to get liim respited.' •Tbe Tugin bless Lim !* sobbed Sarah' 'And, if he doeg not saeeeed, it will not be his faolt, renMmber,' addec^ the tutor. Then he took a guinea from his pocket. 'Yna mtist qm this to feed the children, Sarah,' he said, giving it to her. 'And I will speak to Miss Des- mond about tliem. She will be sore to take care that they would not want. Sarah was eloqueni in thanks for the clergyman's kiudueu. He aw that she was greatly consoled by the fact that a 'great lawyer' had ban employed fur her broUier's defence. Mcnroovar a hope of pardon had dswn on ber. The cler$;yinjin glad to have let tlie people know that Mr. Coghlan had done his best for them, theu left the farm with Teddy, who was looking very grave and puxeled. 'Aa' there goes a heretic that ought to be saved, if it's by a miracle ' ex- claimed old Nancy, a devout Roman Catholic. 'And saved he will bS by couvarsion by-and-by, you may de- pend I' 'It's h' tbat saved my life from the bull,' said Kathleen. "Then it s lucky he is aud mny his wordscome true ' ejaculated Sarah as she rose to return to her httle charges. Surridi^e hastonod on his return to inform Glorvma of his interview with O'Romkn's sister. He found her en- gaged cLatting to Captain Leicester, with Eva aud Mrs. Coghlaud but, at a hint that he wished to speak to her, she came out au^ led tbe way to the study. She listened to his accoant with eyes brimful of tears. 'The poor soul 1' I am sorry for them 1 Bat yoa gave Sarah jqst the mfoirt tbe needed, Mr. Surridge. How god â- "j"L fix-;.' We must send the aid again, but ydur generous holp^ will suffice for tbepreant. That evening Glorvina was more than gracious to the tutor. She mode lum draw into their family circle and by dint of gooi-humoared teasing found out that he could sing, and at once pressed him into her service for duets, Captain Leicester being evident- ly to engrossed by Eva to lend the aid of his baritone voice and James, as it proved, sang admirably. He had a fine voice, and, as he interpreted some of the tender old ballads of the country, Glorvina was fascinated by bis expression and pathos. 'Now we have found out that we have caged a singing bird, we shall not let it be silent,' she said playfully. 'Why, Mr Sumdge, we don't know what we may develop in yon next I' She met his eyes as sbe spoke, and a sudden blush burned on her cueek. She put aside her work aud went to the fire, where the others were sittmg. That night, 'when the girls went up to bed, Eva put her arms around Glorvina and led her into her bed- room. 'I want to speak to ytUL warm you I' ^r 'About what?' â€" with rathi siouR plush. 'Oh, I think yoa guess That poot little titor !, 'Mr. Surridge I Why do you call him httle He is ns tail as your fath- er.' (To b« eoHtinued. HE WASN'T DBCIEIVED. A praauaoBt Detraitec was yectar day toiling op Woodward aveaaa with his baioa tbe baekof his bead and bis'handfcerehicf in his habd, when be was halted by a stranger who seemed to have shared the qoartcrs (J tlie groaod-hog f^r tbe last montb of wintor. "Yin live in the eity, I take it f queried tiie staranger. "Yes, sir." "Are you pooled mi tbe weather " '•I praame M." "Do you thmk we'll hafiluiy more sleighing this spring " "No, of oonra not." "Any ^ow for any mere Uinards?*' ••I don't think so." "I) it yonr candid opinioa that spring is here " "Why, ya," "May have one more snow storm, eh?" "I don't think so. Everything in- dieatM that spring ia at hand. Bat why are yon so interested in the wea- ther " "Well, tbe case with me i-r jnst this: My partner ahd I travel throu^^h tlie •oimtry and -iceud tinware snd sell peppeimint essence during the sum mer. He's been down in the poor- house for the last month, and Fve been scraping alone on an iuoome of twen- tv-seveu ceate per day. If you are a cihiien of stauding. and yon seem to be, aad if yon know anything about the wather, aad you appear to. I'll drop a postal card to my pard to ocme up and join me and we'll head for the c^untry. Do you guarrantoe tliat it won't snow hke blaca in lea than twenty-four hours?" "No. shr No. sir I No, rli 1" shouted the indicant citizen, as he_ started on. 'â- . .^ • "You won't, eh " • "No, sir I No, sir!" "Theu, sir, it is pkun that you mant to deceive me I But you can't do it- no, sir. I'll at once invest m two more snow-shovels and another pair of mittens, and before .night I'll have contracts to ta^e care of about 600 feet of the next blizzard I Let 'er come, sir â€" let 'er wliooo nght along 1" â€" Detroit Free Vreu. » -ncu, and Ibelr syju^m? ^«s ^f-y oaoM tbe shaw whMi iltelf mat was tao great for their vital fun r twoa Raoently a si'ailar bat »^ -i â- acioBS ealamity ogtnrreu at B«g.Ue)b- bor. A Brooklyn lad who bad takai part in ft padatriftit eonlril. Wblii t%^ moved frHa a tntrk. (Sdt do%rii dead; He bad prepared himself for watkii^ and nmning, aad depleted his vital or- gaits to boild op bis Uteha. WbmT tbe strain eame tba tapoverisbed and most importent parti^tve way. Thg avere mmaalar etofcfte of ao)i«t« ftthleta ha earned off mftoy fine yoong men with oonsaiiiption, bearl disease, and otiier disorders, dtreetiy traoeable to tlie abenrd overwdrit re- quired of their b^die^. I'here ia a limit to huinan endnranoe. Thait lim- it is renchod when the body is MMair- ed in one qoarter to benefit spcoiaJ or-, gant. Tbe averity of the toat b^. which athlete prita tin woo seems' designed rather to award tha lanrela' to him who is the lalt healthy, be- oaom more aoevenly developed, than to Uie rally best man.â€" Batoa ./»•"•• Chtm. e»a A RsALNscassnt. â€" No house should. b w.thout ftbottle of Haotakos YklutW Oil, in eaa of accident. There JJO^ preparation offeroJ to suffering h^ mauity tliat has made so many per* maneut cures, or relieved so much pain Rud misery. It is called by some the Good Samaritan, by others the Cure-all aud by the afflicted an AngeT of Mercy. V "i TOBACCO SMOKE, "Where fiava yoa benu fir iho week back?" enquired a man of his neigh- bor "I have not a weak back," re- torted he, "you misunderstaud me," remarked his friend " but if you ever get a weak back try Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures all debility arising from disordered Kidneys, Liver or Blood, and «s tbe best purifying Tonic in the world. All medicine d.'alers supply Sample Bottla at IQ Gents, Begnlar Sisef 1. 00. ' -: DOES WEALTH BRING HAPPI- to ler a con- TO PUBLIC SPEAKERS. Public speakers and singers who would possea a clear voice, freedom from hoarseness and sore throat should na Hagyard's Pectoral balsam, a afe, pleasant and certain healer for the throat and lungs it speedily breaks up a cold and cures all pul- monary oomplainto, that so often lead to incurable Consumption. On one of tbe last days of his ear- thly existence Mr. John Hopkins, of Baltimore, called his devoted gardener to him and said "I am beginning to hate this pjace because it does' not bring in money. Did you ever feed hogs Have yon not observed that the strong animals bear away the ears of corn and that the weaker ones pursue i them squealinglv, iu hopes that some or all of the treasure, will be lost or dropped " The gardener replied that the sketch was a true one. "WeU, then," said j^^^opkins, "I am that strong hog. i nave that big ear of corn, and^^y piggish rascal in Baltimore is intent upon stealing it or wresting it from me Sir," he said, turning brusquely lo the gardener, "do you think a very rich man is happy?" The gardener answered, '•The extreme of poverty is asad thing. The extreme of wealth, no doubt bears withitmany tribalatioue." Mr. Hop- kins rejoined "You are right, my friend next to tbe belief being utter ly bereft of money is the purgatory of possessing a vast amount of it. I have a mission, and under its shad- ow I have accumulated wealth, but not happiness." » In further research on this subjeet' Dd. LeBon finds that colodine, the ' new alkaloid existing in tobacco smoka (aith othur aromatic principles, aud prussic acid, as well as nicotine) is ft' liquid of agreeable aud very penetra- ting odor, and as poisonous as nico- tine, the twentieth part of one drop* sufficing to paralyze aud kill a frog; It is the prussic acid and various aro- matic prinoiole« that cause headache,' giddiness and nausea m smoking oer* tain tiibocoos that contain little nico- tine. Uiher tobaccos, rich ii nioo- tina, nave no sacli cffeotJ" The to-? bacc ' C'ltainiu^ most pvus^io acid' ani •"â- it-line are tuosj of Havan*. and tiv ij.jvaut. Tne dark ami- liqui't. piii'.ujr which cfuidenses in. pipes aii'i cigar holderii contains all the «u)i-t,iaco8 just num'-d, as well as carh nate of amonia, tarry and color- ing matter, o. It is very poisonous, two or three drops of it will kill a small animal. The camia!tion of tobacco destroys but a small portion of the nic(}tine, and most nf these ap- pear in the smoke. The proportions absorbed bv smokers varies according to circumstances, bnt h^ly evtr fallo^ below 5o centigramn^ per 100 grammes of tobacco burnt. About the same amount of ammonia is ab-, inrhed_atthe.*atufi timj^ Naturally more ot^c poismjcMia^Kaciples are absorbed where tli»i«j|He li breathed (as in a room) less iu th' opou air. A frog placed iu an open roceiveE.C()u- taioing a sulutiou of nicotine, with' about one drop of tliat substance to a little water, secumbs iu a few iiours. Tobacco smoke contains about 8 mil- liters of carbonic oxide per 100 gram- mes of tobacco burnt. The poisons' proiHjrties of tobacco are uot duo to thif gas, as has been inaiutaiujd iu Gbtmtkny.^â€"Sdientitir kmrrican. ' IT WAS ALL RIGHT. pur- One of the ground on which an Ohio wife demands a divora is that her husband habitoaUy sleeps with a pistol in his hand. The following is from an adver- tiament published at Bristol, Conn.: "Lost, strayed, or 6toleu from his bermved hoaabold, one red-headed man five fat and eight meha tell, fall at of fala teeth on upper jaw, and one realone ^n lower jaw. Please oaua said man to be arrested and re- turned to his bereaved wife.*' AxoKT wife (time, 2AM â€" •• is that yon. Char la?" Jolly fansbaniâ€" "Zuh me." Angry wife â€" "Here have J ban standing at the head of the stairs thae two hours. Oh, Charla, how can you T' Jolly husbftiid (brae ing np) â€" "Shtandm' on yoor head on t'^tairs Jenny, I'm shprised How can I? By Jove oan'tl Two boars too 'Stronary w«m-un I" A Cmcnman young womsa killed ber baby by staUnng it thirteen ttma with a knife. Tbe only witneoa of the erte* was ber lover. Ohio law doa not eom|^ a husband to tatiff ligainst bis wife ia » erimiaal triaC rftnd tberafore tbe marriage of a sore way of Tbe aatboritia the union, bat yigika^tat a mf^ Several people were making chases in a Woodward Avenue groce- ry yesterday, ahen an old man with a cane in one hand and baldle in the othei stood in the door and asked -.j- " Did any of you drive up here ia a sleigli " " Yes, I did," replied one. \o " Was it an old white boss 'V^:' "Yes." 'k " And |an old woman in the ter?" •' Yes." "And can she mannage that boss " " I gpea sbe can." •• Then it's all right," said the man of the cane and bundle. " The old' boss has run away, and the old wo man wa banging to the dashboard and yelling marder with all her m but if sbe can manage him there'M no ase in any body getting excited. Let me inquire what the price of eran- berria is to-day." â€" Detroit Prea. Free •You P iiiT.AngT.p ina dentist's sign never inia the toothache tUI the root comes ont." A drunken manean'Maioely walk in a straight line. He's more uad to a rye-tougle. A young lady wa hevrd to remark in regard to her father's snoring, that "the neighbors all at cut their waah- tobs, thinking that a thunder-storm WM coming ap." An Irish gentleman bearing of a friend having a stone coffin made for himalf, exclaimed; 'By me sowl, aod that's a good idea I sara an' a stone one 'odbutaman ft lifetime t" "Oeh," sftid ft love sick Hibemiftn, ••what a reereatioQ it ia to be dying of love.' It sets tbe heart aching so deli cate ly there's no taking a wink rf sleaa foa4he pleasore^of tba pain P' "Uracioas me t" said an M. ladj in a wit naa -box, ••what cnrioas ent' teiMroalawangMt Dojoaa'poael ean Ml foa cvMTtlung abowl'iwtfaa^ I ddn'ibaoir wtbiB' aboot f if a Woman were to cliange her s:?x.' of what religion would she be A he- then (heathen). Good partners At cards â€" a chimney sweep and a bugler. Olie c\n follow soot, and the other cau trumpet. The fool seeKCih to pick a fly frcm a mule's hind leg the wi'u'e man' let- teth tbe job out tu the lowest bidder. A young lady, iutouding to paint her cbaks with rogue, p'uV all tbe paint on her noa, atd did not dis- cover her error until requested to sign "the pledge " The Liver, the Skin, the Kidneys and the Bowels, are the natural clean- ars of the system s?cure their healthy action by nature's gran 1 re- medy, BuKoocK Blood Bittebs., It cures Scrofula â€" It cures Liver Com* plaintâ€" It cures Dyspepsia â€" It cilTa Female Complaints aud puriffcs' the Blood while it restore^ strength and' vitality to the shattered system. Trial Bottles 10 CeuU. In a little town iu Missouri a hw^y teacher was exercising a class' of juve-' niles in mentel arithmetic. She com- menced the questiou "If you buy a cow for $10â€" "wiien np came a little hand. "What is it. lohnuy " " Why,' you can't buy no kind cf a cow for $10. Father sold one for $60, die other day. and she wa a rcguhir old* arub at that." Vi â- -*? All torros of Nervous Debihty so' t commonly prevalent yield to the vi- ^*â„¢^|tahziug powers of Burdock Blood' •r _„ [Bitters. It is the best reguktor of tbe Lhntr. Bowebi and Kidneys, thar' most perfect Blood Purifiw end fki- manentTonic known. Purely vego^ table, safe and pleasant to take, uid unUtj'inK in its efi'ects m a health re- storative. Sample Bottlei 10 Cts. "Uiveu't Igotaletter nndersfairt' thau this! it's spUt clear down tbs' back," is what a Tipton man anariad; at his wife on Sunday nwvninii. Aaf when tiie lady look.^ in and sew liar indignant husbadd standing with hia arms run down tbe legs of his draw-, ers, aud looking forame {^aoeto pttt' Lis head throagli, abe shrieked and ran out of the room to oouoeal ber' emotion. Hagyard's Yellow UU is » pscfaat pftnacea caritag by external and .in- temal na all inflammation, pain aod' sorenea Bbeumatism, Stiff Joints^ Deafiiea. Colds, Kidney eoaalaiate.' Boms, Frost Bita, and Flash Woooda oi every variety. For sale by alt daalcvs. i A very refined yovag vahool nia giva it w ber opinion not it is im-. -gmfti to oall tboa aborigiDid ^aad- tains Sjpotted Tsil aad Siitiag Bali. it would be better, slie t^i»ka, (i*tv "Fr«!kl^ NftrrativB" atrl'l«iM«iNnU iWflUv.

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