Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Apr 1881, p. 2

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 o O ^^w4 '^i ii'i 1 SC;" â- '.•21 •••.- " U:;-. :-" Ik rt rful Inventii TJ/JS IS A NICAL DETj Learning to Ptay INC AEQKFANrMEN' »• Tiii RG ^Ixis^'Tt.i .dent v»' r o y fc V. aid talie in the oici way; a graat expei 3, Tuition, ec, paid on rfeceip â€" A.L,.SOâ€" SOR R SALE AT LOW PRio: r. A. CRA 439* King Street 1881. n^ 12* cents, fart colors " f X^e**^ 5° centsâ€" iworm 7 '^^u^of Table Linen, 35, 4^. '^^ Table J'*?^^*'^**^^" n*au] b*e^ rL* Broad-Cloth, $i.25--wortli #3.50. ^rds t'J^ck Overalls, 50 cents. ^^'^WiDcey Shirts, 75 cents. naauis STAN DARD. ^^^^ riTaeth. 1881. ^^^fo THER'wd TIGES I -«. il to »«• Wilcox's stock .jr.BLrtH baa sold his re« J0 Xr. Lucas, Esq., Banker. Burch offers special bargains rich Featheis, Gloves, lace, ,B Porks' SpooM, *«., *». "» tariety st Wilcox's. E, Son of James Larider, of taa porchasod W. i of lot "5 for $800. IjJcIntvbk will remoT* in a few [icross the street to Dr. Sproul's Uock. Mxo o'l compjijy. are sole icturr- â- ' '^Jii'torir. JiiachiDe lifriD!,"' • â- 'â- '•â- " b,'j[,i;-'3bvited. 5,1 .:.l vi!. 'ASTfiiJ.NS ;*.. •• ••i!:3, try fl.6kelt 111. 'Rb Grand DaVe â- Nir.i,«i» Bossia, has be«c ,£ eomplieity in iba pians 01 Um Wflji- lists' sod seats a a ed br the Cxar prisiooment fqr lift With the approMh at ^riag, m. liary Complaiots pre?afl that ottea lead to serious results. Goard against their attack in tioso bf using Burdook Blood Bitters: the beat Li««r ioTigor- ator. Kidney Corrector, Begohttor of the I3owels and Secrstiona, and the purest, most permanent Tonic in tha world. For sale by all dealers. A YouKo bride being aaked hotr her husband tamed out, replied that he " turned out very late in the mom- log, and turned in vallate at nighk." Mr. J. W. MaefarBiid turned oat proinptly this week. T/vm Wedding Outfitsâ€" SdK Dreeacfl. Parasols, Be«l ijaoes, Hats, Orange Bluasjms, L.ioe Veils. Kid Qlovsa. ka. The iiridaf looltei charming. 0»t your wadding fixings at lifoFarlattd's. OWIN HOUND The Standard IS THE Best Local Paper IN THE COUNTY. Babscnbofor tt, oidyf 1.K pwiiiiiam. Persons can snbaariba tA any time. i-aaUc' ' X Oli, tl ijri'is. ll i iiw.ff' ati â- â€¢ .-, Hii:T is m;ii:!j im Tii.ifO. %Â¥"• wis'i' tb- 'v "Ci-".rl:;,-." •• !lir*t ihv 'narr;-i eJ.i1 ••C'.!-)' 'lilt' " 'S ucn-.- 't}n-r SSTLEMAiN fiOlJ Dl-.-.L, • li. Sat. list, a(?id ahoiit 70. wii s-i*ta iijljis w.iy h'l-.a- wiLi a cradle. rcall'd ti ill! acoouut, lie ex I'Jiat his wife h:id mot with au ;_('JIm/(7/ Kiiti-r)rint. i'ttcO-coALi, aru making Sralioiisl"""""' their brick block, will, when couiplct.'d, be the kiiJing in town. They will iiuce t'le mason work in a few .vrrACTURERS ot rcnpors, mowers ircsliiug machines, prefer '-Cast. mKchiue oil to any oilier, i- wear lard, seal, «r elephant, I warranted not to (nim. Iny of the village yarJs are he AcfliDKNT. â€" .James Horn working in Camorin i McLeods factory, had the Sr.l finger o« his left baud taken •fFttitli tt circular saw on Saturday last, and tha trtbor finger ou the same hajud niore or lesd damaged. The Elevatcb. â€" Ae iutimatod last week, the direeti^rs of 4he T. G. A B. R. came mi by spocijii train laat Wediiecday evening. The object of the visit was to make arrange lueuts for building oper»t'.Oii8, etc. The con- tract for buildLi» the elevator will be 1.-: next week, nttc; nhich the bnild- tH'i Will iiueaitaly bo procooJcl with. U is to be built directly opposite the .try dock, and a dock frontage is to be t)uik from the present railway station to the elevator. Di'scHAHGED WITH ciUTios.â€" The girl C .uufcly, who was up the ma- tiiatrata last week, was discharged witli a stDH? cautiou, and upon a promise that she would not bteal attain. â€" T tiLwu. OBANGEVILLE Police Cottbt. â€" Jno. Tweedy, of Oarafraxa, was up before the Mayor and Juo. Gillespie. J. P., on M^^nday last, eliargrfd with tha theftof a watch, OF ALL DISCBIPTION, PLAIN ni in COLORS, Executed with neatness and despatch, atttw STANDARD O^'S^ICB, aned both front and back. We 1 but as n one appeared against him tsay keep at it, there is room for /he was di8cimr:;ed. ^enei)4 jet. season of the year is at hand '.anting of shade trees, »nd as Bge has not been behind in this lats years, we hope to see a ^er number than usual set out iag. 'Castonne" Machine Oil, for Ids of machinery, it is also ex- I for harness and leather, mak- »ater and weather proof. For ' dealers. 1 May Quarterly Meeting of the dist Church, Markdale Circuit, i h«ld in Markdale on Sabbath Rev. W. T. Hicks, of Williams- 1 preach the Quarterly Sermon. nuL,. â€" Mr. Black, who has siding in Toronto, during the inter, has returned to Markdale. glad to see the old gentleman 80 well. Dr. Carter has re- to bis duties, after a short m. rd's Pectoral Balsam is a vegetable healing balsam. It by loosening the phlegm and matter from the Lunjs and g ii from tha system. Croup, k. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and total diseases yield to it promp- It costs 45 cents per bottle. Bs Owen Sotmd kdrertiser, in •ng of tije ret iisal of the License missioners f. .rrHut » lie us" to Ektesprisk. â€" Messrs Stev.'art Bennett will ship for England on the first week of May 200 head of cattle. The greater p^rt of these* animals are now in their possession, and the bal- ance will be obtainad in the neighbor- hood. Sebiocs Accident. â€" On Thursday of last week, as Mr. Jno. Ferguson, of this town, was passing through the yard at the rear of Dean's Hotel, stumbled asainst some obstruction and fell, breaking his leg. Medical attendance was at once procured, and the injured man is now progressing as farorably as can be expected nnder the circumstances. Accident. â€" Cn Sunday afternoon last, a two year old boy of Mr. Wm. Byan, of Mill Street, followed its father mto the stable, where he hd gone to attend to hi) horses. The child walked up against one of them, and the horse kicked him in the fore- head, making a very severe wound. We are happy to be able to state that the child is rapidly reooyaring from the effects of the \Aow.â€" OaxtUt. â- â- â- %- MARKDALE If you want vv. o. iM.uj.^jwi it\wut xiupuibt^r. vviiolesaleanu xwt^utuA, THE RUSH. THE RUSH. COlS "'l*llf©e "Women alt^r* a Tozon TTerxlnsf*- i eiMica Fm of ISO Icffit FOB BALE, 0»a ViU fromtht VHtagt «f MvridmU. Th«e are about 106 mstm elwzad, tlu moat of whioh is in a faic;h lUto of enitivattaai sod fitfara^Bea^a'arMowwtowflrkoa. Thmn Mabia aiul Driring Hmuw, and Log Bmi a \vaai OrehMd eommeamng to bear; a good W«U, beaide tti« tioOM a nerer-fallist SteMnruMMMsstiMfaim; Cedar rOBci- antfor laaoiac tMlaaoe tA biuh haidwood, Mfast^^MfHple Sa«ar B««h of soimM) trsM). Tba farm u weU femad. in • Mcd â- tote ot repair, and in • oluiiea hseamyTba. in« within • nule of good market, oboiehea â- obool hotuea. and aU naeeaaarr ooBveni ene«a. c. w. BTmjn(». MaolaUaf Farm, Markdab P.a '"' ProviBC«% Oitarif Mrtctsry Far 1881.8a, TO BE PUBLISHED IK NOVBMBBB. "8^7 Prica S5.00. MB. LOVELL,at thareqtieat of „ Merchants and others of tha Prorinea rf Ontario, of tlie Cily rf Montreal, ko., bega to annoQDoe that his firm will paUiah a PBOyiNCK OF ONTAIUO DIBECTOBT, la November next, oontaining an llphabeticti Direclty AX9 A TBOBOtMMH OIjASSIFIBD Business Directory of thn Bnsineaa and Piofeasional men in the Cities, Towns and Tillages ol Ontario, with a CliASaiFlSD BUSINESS DIRECTOET CITY OP MONTBE-IlL. Tha aame care and attetition beatowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be iven to thi8 work. Sabeoribers names reapeothiUy solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made knqvn npon application. JOHN LOVKLL SON, PuUiahers. Montreal, December, ISUO. 8AVE YOUR COMBINGS. Mrs. T. O. Morgan, begs to annconee to the Ladies ot Markdale and vioinity that she is pi epared to work np hair oomUaca isla switches. inffs and curls, terma mod ulat e A call is solicited. Bexidance comer of Mark and Queen streets, opposite Mr. Bowea' reai- deoe. Markdale, Dm. USth, 188o. Uml Riiiiard ;ii r it. •; Jv,it. 'l.t/i I BOCKLYN. Prom a Correspondent. The Euphrasia Agricultural Soci- ety's Spnog Show came off, as ad- vertistil, on the 22ua inst. The day ' was nil tliat cruld be desired, and tlie ;^^ it: llRl.ily sp'.ri so^ •n.-. oi Ow-n i turn out of spt tators wa.s large. The iterli* r:!ght )ow of horse.s w«i3 up to the ;iVi"rage bulls good, but few in number. We had no imported draught horses. "PEX2E LIST. tiwm Willi ;» ".ih it. The niioiif. mixiug y, thy take it iMi A iacly irsi» ai'pli- Canadian Drought Honn â€" Ist, Watson 2nd, Ed. Shaw.' S'fHfiaL Pur^ 'Si SfuliMTu â€" 1st. rm. Fauson. G. A. ^i'MATEl,T Vruall far. lily. A^a ,, .»..♦ WT. (.1,, Ii ' Utnwnoore: 2n I ' T r t r mI^ T'V- i^^'â„¢- '^b^hcrdson; 2nd. none entered, m .h^ Toronto .Lux.. Lady «w 4,/i„„^j^, A.lex. Mitchell. kged Pf4igtu Bullâ€"Ut, R. Clark. I'tdu/rtt But talced in 1880â€" Ist, L. Clark; 2nd Wm. McConaell. [! What next? li tlas is a'-X litrfcnif height of codfish ari.-t ,will some picaae ttfll as what is. h-sume the next thing will be-*- »nied Immediately â€" A Qetalt»an I thoroughly uuuersta'ids the care fsts. |w great marvel of healing â€" the VUlimax of medical discoveries prdock Blood Bitters. It cmres eases of the Blood, Liver, Stom- ^BoR-i« Skin and Kidneys, Fe- CompTaints, Scrofula, General Nervous Debihty, and is a reliable 'mail broken dowL conditions system. Sample Bottlee 10 SappUed by all dealers in I^£TL\G was held at the Bevere on Wednesday evening, for of making arrangements celebration of the Qneen's day. Jodgiof from the interest -^oae prasent, a good time expected. The meeting was ed to meet next Monday even- the Markdale Hooaa, at 8 o'e A full attendauM im nqnefllad.i luttne is legioa" â€" tba p«o- praise that matohlees medi- BuuooE Buooo Bnmis. Vt onoe upon tlie 8eeretiooa, tiia the Liver, the akin and tin pwiftae the Blood, dia- lon, and straagthea* debflitatad ayatoa. ramedy oaa do IMM. Try MeoBnaeed. DURHAM. The FAiB.-pThe usual monthly Fau WHS held hereon Tuesday last. Tne number of cattle on the ground was not lanre. Mr. George Moore, of Nor- man by. tmld a eow for $5£. Milk cows sold firom f 22 to $85. Steers sold firom $26 to $52 each, or fat cat- tle from 4i to 6| cents live weight. Considerable business was done, and some good bo'aea were Mid at taxx prices. BKsioiisn.â€" The Bev. Hr- "Wray, Incumbent of Trinity Church, in this town, has resided bis charge. Since Mr. Wray has reaidedin Durham, from tho e ktholioity of spirit, and so- ciable qral ties he baa become very popular wit'i the ministers of the dif- ferent denominations, and many of their adherents, who will be aonj to aee him lea^a. â€" Btiem. A £m^t tiun armed »i ttie Dw- luuB station on Friday iMt, abont nooD, brmgiiis ssrand ear lofida of aalt and otbar finoght. The train left •boat two o'dock an tha tetoni trip, taking a oar load of ii 1 m fear Mr. Parker, of WooMadk,MaMT«nd AM euswbiakwara hacoafi ' *«r. k- lb rnai! is not Vet bI^asM^u only ' BILL HEADS, LETTEB HEADb, V ^«- .. CIBCULABS, ;• NOTES. ::?' RECEIPTS, I ' ^Tt*^-: FARM FOR SALE, OB TO REirr for a TEB!*! of TEARS. Kf\ ACKES, nearly all cleared and free of tJ\J Btnmps, 1^ milea from Markdale. Wm. BBOWN. Ma rkdale, Aprfl 4th, i881. 30-8i iporTsatTei One span of driving bones 1 span of work ing horaes 1 set at donble harness 1 naw waggon 1 hght Sulky. Will be sold cheap for cash, or good note, an short time. Dr. 8PB0ULE. Markdale, March, 1881. 8C-:iin SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEABANCB, AND BUTTER RAE la order to make Tooa for ill eii 8te*.aCarriltbSir WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME 70 GET BARGAINS In Dmm Oooda, clonda. Shawls, Mw'a Ci^m. Shifts, Ita^wws, Cvunwto. FlaniieU. Ad. DON'T PASS THE PUCt AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. iTeT^T- Q-ooa^ -A-xxlTT-iixg: IDSLll3r. In Tweeds, aUpatianis. Cotionad«a, Doeks. Bhiztings. Oin^nms, Danima, White and Oiay Cottons, Drestf Goods, Prints. HoUands, Towellings, Collars, Tiea, Braces, Colored and Dreoa Shirts, and all small ware nsoally kept. Hata la Pelt and ]• or â€" aU phees. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. tap Don't forget that COOPEB k SMITH'S BOOTS are th* only Bo»u worth bujring, and we are the ONLT SHOP in Town that keep them. CBOCKEBY AND GLA8SWABE IN ALLL STY8E8. N. B.â€" We tnMt teat all i/iMt'miors will remember that we rfOBT have money If ae- eoouto are not paid by the Iftdl in«t., the lUUiiT wiU deal with.tiiem after that date. BUTTER A ItJLE, Markdala, Maroh 3, 1881. i Announcement! $1,5,3 7,000 To lead throogh tba FlaahextOB Ageney, at oi Aivi T rjEWL ciiiivT. i».v::tc aivnum, mtuawtutun. It y«a sn paying • and 10 per oeat. interest r IffMiMsdakai^f I- yonr taoeaa at* not saflUantT If yoa icast^to bnymoreland? It yoa waat ta«laisf aaA iaiprove more laad T ' to borrow of the North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Goipan; They eliarge no flaM T titey do not aqnaliaa your paymotta, nor ehar^yoa 1 par aaat^ OBOVK dns payvsntst bat ttiey • giv« the Most isasonafala {sivikfss td any Osas- pany leading mooay, AND THEIE COSTS AEE LOW J t^eeial xatea giran to partMS waatiag spedaHy laiga loana, oOaring speeial aaoority I have also a few thousand dollars of PEIVATE MONEY!., To invaat on very icasonaUe terms, and at 7 per oent. interest. This is a rare rhsnsa and the amount ia Umitad. As many English and Sooti^ eapitalistsars witbdrawjag tkttt capital from the market, I believe a chaim* in the money market may sooo be'exp-elad. Monay has maehedrook bottom. If»W la tlie tlaa« to b«rr»iv, and thapiaaa U The Fleshertoi^ Real Estate, Loan and I nsu ranee Agency. IN S.U RANGE It is of the greatest unportanoe to Insurers that they select a BeUaiMe and flalte Company, aud that they do their businessthrongh a rclteMc Ag^tUt. I am prepaia^ to take applications for the Strongest, Safest and Beat Compauiaa ia Canada, and tor a Stock Company, at rat^i aa low as any reiiahle Mutual. My Companici ars tlM Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District/ â- ^S -?--â- Â»â- ' (Mutual and Cash.) '• COIfTETAlfCUfOt Deeds, Willn, Leases, Mortgage!' AgreemenU, it., ks., oa Bh.wt notiea, and work'C«f«Ctl]r aad Neatly dooa. In this hue my bntinass has iaeraaaad and ia iceteaaing, I am now doing the Uigeat buainaas In theBidiag. LATE IMPOETATIONS OF Sesaonable Goodii'" AT â- j»!lwtS,:--TT-T*'^.'.i:;'J^.jT^. Greapj Reducei Prices, AT THE TORONTO HOUSE. AITCTIOlf 8AI.E8 attended in either Town or Country, acd Bills snppMad fras «l charge; slao, all neeeaaaty Blanks and Stamps. LANDS FOB SAUB AND TO BENT. To any having Unds to dispose «( I ofier a aplCB^M CkaiBCC to advertise. It don't cost you a cent till yoiir tarn is sold, aud you can withdraw at any time. I also realize better prices than the Proprietora themselves. Oorrespondenee solicited. In every department of my busiuasa I maka, carofWaeaa, c«npecnieaa, and lair deallBf the prominent featurm, anl eharga aa kW aa any laliaUe man. Flaaharton. Fab. 9, 1881' ROBT. DAVIS, Conreyaneer, tJommutioner in li. H., and General Agent 33-tf EEMOVAL I EEMOVAL " ;-. ""â-  Wm- BROWN. Markdale,lpru IS, IS/S. Mv POSTEBS, " SALE BILLS, f^ ' STBEAMEBS, DODGES, HAND BILLS. â- Â«*** PAMPHLETS, PBOGBAMMES, VISITING CABDS, BUSINESS OABDS, BALL TICKETS. Or in faot ^ything in the printing line, dmi't CaO to e»]l at the StandarD OJPFICB, Toronto Street, MARKDALE, Money Money THE undersigned has a large amount of private funds to lend, at from 6 to 7 per cent, according to amount required and security o£Fered. ANDBEW BEATTT, Lot ISO, 1st west T, A S- B. Artemesia, Flesbarton P. O. Wareh 33. 1881. 88-tf BEMOVED FtOM my old Staad opposite the Post Offiee, Dundalk, to Mr. Deans' Hard- ware Store, where I hare a well assorted stock ot Gold and Silver Watches, Jew^ellry, Wedding and Jem Bings, Clocks, c.. Sec. Carefully Bepaired and brought to time. All work guarantee far-one year. I shall be in dundalk:, personally every Friday. All orders Mt at my store wiD^ke promptly attended to. Thanking my nimuf««s ensta^ mars for thair Tery Uberal patronage. I would reapaotfnllT solieit a eoBtiosaee of tba tBu/ W. F. DOLL. MarebJ^-d, 1881. M-Vm MBAFOBD.Ont. J. A J. McOIB B, PaosMMoaa. g^^ a m â- â- nilstfain fsv Hm tsavaOtag nAiU. Th« bar â-  â- mA ataaksd wi tha J^Moaet 'WnnsB aad Liqwrs and tba bast bnadaofCigMS.^^ ma -bos t* aad from aB tafca. Sept. It. MflO. ' }2_ COII«EP'^»»» «nTF! PBXC FLESHERTON Harness Shop THE Subscriber begs to inform the pubUc ths^ lie has constantly on hand a large aaaortment of GARRiGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HABNES Made in good style and ot the THE BEST OF 1MATERIAW. And as he means business give him an early call, as be will sell at the lowest living prices, tor cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TBUNKS, dkc^ always oo hand. Scotcb Collars I SptelaHy, And a good fit guaranteed. l^rBemember the stand the Poet Office is opposite. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted, J. GORDON. FleshartAB. Mareb. 1881. 16 W} t^clacs style J. â- ONTeOIERY, u k: £: r£, THB Bubaeriber, in ratuminc thsaks to the inhahitanta ot MaAdala and sor- roonding country (or thair patrsnaf* daring th» past eight yeara.boga to intimate to them ha is how pr^red to sapply tha FaUie with FRUIT, POUND ft PLUM CAKES. either ^ain, or loed and Omsonented. aada large Variety of Other Cakes. always on hand, of erery deaoription. frtMiths bast manii- faetmrers in Ontario. Alao. a Isiga aad varied aasortmaat ol t^e CMICEtr CONFECTIMKIf I BRIDES~CAIES! aupptiad oa tba ahottsat ndliee. aad got n, iatbaba^atyla that ia dosM tUa aid* od Tomato. Ai JUafi, Sodali, 'Aii'XiJii» t ndise aaj ati the IT I Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARMS, In the Townthipt of Artemesia and Pro- ton in the Conntt/ of Orey. There will be So*d. on Friikiy, the ISfh day Of April, I.D. issn At one o'clock hi the afternoon, at ths McCUIiIiOUG S HOTEL. In the ^TILLAGE OF ZDUNDALK. BT virtue of Powers of Sale oontained in certain Mortgages, whicb will be pro- duced at the Sale, tho following Properties: FABCEL L Under Mortgage from Bobert Gordon, Lot' No, 87, in the 3rd Concession, Sonth of the Durham Boad, of the TownnViip of Artemesia, County of Grey, contaii. agS aoree, more or l«'s. The following imp ttvementd are said to be on the prcmiseii About 10 acres partly cleared. The property is situated about 10 milea from ths Village of Dundalk. PABCELIL Uadsr Mortgage from Hugh MoGuron, Lot 17, in the 17 Conoeaaion of the Township of I^oton, in the County ef Grey, eontaiaing 100 acres, more or less. The following im- provements are said to be on tha premises About 30 acres cleared and under cultivation, with a log house and ham erected thereon. TBBMS â€" One-tenth vl^ the purchase monqr to be paid down on the day of sale. For balanae, terms will be made known at tha sale. For farther partisalars aj^y to JONES BBOS. A MACKENZIE. Solicitors. Vasonie Hall, Toronto. Or to JOSEPH MoABDLE, Esq., Hopevilla. Toronto, 14th March, 1881. 88-4w TAILORING O. A. OWEN, FasMonalile Tailor, HAVING rratad the Tailoriac I^ait- ment over MeFariaad's store, wiahea to inform the public of Markdale aad sor- roondhig eoontry, that he ia p rep med to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! CUTTING Done while Cuatomen an waiting. THE UTE8T FASHION PUTE8 Always an hand to dieso from. A 6Md FFeaaraiteed -AT^ The undersigned wishes to inform the Public generally, that he has purchased thaoattrtf control of tha FLESHKR,TO:X STEAM! FURHITDRE, ASD SASH AND DOOR FACTORY aia BKXovKn to trk Furniture Wareroonis to the NEW AND COMMODIOUS BRICK BUIDING ADJOING THE FACTORY/. Where my numerous cUstomprs will always find me, or a competent Bslcsmau to look aftar and^tienJ to their wants Afy facilities arc no%T ISupcrior to any time siaaa commencinK business, and I trust by tionnra'ule dt iling to merit a continoauoa of tho patronage so liberally b«stowed in the pa.«it. â€" O â- 2 I have now a Large and Varied Stock of Furniture in all the Latest Styles, and daring tlie Win(T I require 100,000 FEET OF GOOD Bntternflt, Cherry, Basswood, Birch and sir X- TT 3ivd: IB e: 3:^ 1 for which THE HIGHEST PRICfci WILL BE PAID. .A-lso SL QTa.a.nLtit3r of G-ood. ^lan.©. AU KINDS OF SASH, DOORS, MOULDINa, ETC., AS USUAL. Estimate off supplies Given on Application* tar'Don'i forgot the Warerooms arc removed next door to the Factory, Durham straat.^ Flasharton, December 23, 1880. .f- H. noor»Eit. l-ly LUMBER AND SAWING. o Hie nfhsAiber begs to intimate that be Lathis Saw Mill at Little Falls On Lot 143 in Srd Bange N. E., Toronto and Sydenham Boad, Aiiamesia, in full opora- tion, and is preparod to famish LUMBER, LATHS ETC., ETC., TO ORDER. CUSTOL^^AWI.NG i:»jaoMF»Ti r^ roivE, By ths thousand or on Shares. Partixs deUvering Logs can have their lumber for ratana. loads. The sawyer at the Mill can arrange for sawing. ' ALL KINDS OF SAW^ LOGS PUBCHASF.I)/.. Wm. HOGG/ ;; p. S. â€" Wood tamer wanted to make broom handles on a gauf a lathe, steady job if work mtiafaetory. Fleaherton Station, Kor. M, 1880. ' S-|| OH, HEAR. OHJAR. OH, HEAR. Sqaattda jocr monar if Tcn want to. if not, get jourPbotographs o( W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again preparea to take Pietorcs, aad do Copying Ad Enlarging aa keretofera. FRAMES AlSJy FRAME FIX:rFfi^8. FWngB, which wa aaa, aaoai ii Hargaina. Rring along yoor pietaraa aad have tltsBt eupiad ard naahorton, Maidi 10, 1881. Waai«reeeiviaaUig«atoekot MOTTOES aad MoMo aad athsr f^MSSM, and FraaM and maan to seU at Bemarkably Low Prloaa, OaH aaA br vonr oldfnoDd. BULMCf. MARKDALE HOUSE, ALEX. RUTLEDGB, Pjciwprietor. HOnLis a Isni^ threoMonyMsk W;din i00 a *ei n e n ee, Tt U fiiniiiiliid in 1 tsdWisaa.T [Fnl •C d np wiik i :7i s

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