Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Apr 1881, p. 4

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 pALE ^TTLEDl re* (toray brick bai'diiig. It in famished in Pin_ Liqoors and 'igan, »ai l)lic iu«.v rrly nptni cTe imtMrciui TraveUert. rraiUit. Uood SUble sand Happy L'Leer is lit band, I stock of wish u. :D GOODS, COI AM) uo mg First-Claas. ana H T P R I o .Itt; rin.,t...„oKof Drart*^; f ale A I â-  • A. Mcli CALS .D SEEDS: IXCLCDIN'G VBEOT, WUETZEIj^;] 'in "'SEEI iioifi-: si:li:ction, 1 I'C S'-Kl at lowest marfc^lj a.turne! fIi\EK. LE. v.ili.; f.)r TOUT ' 1 J A r I G 3 A L IXiE HEPTOJSf 00 OS, F "ss, ^m â-  V • -^ti^ia .. ^J -X urooa 7 ,^J .r .^03Siat.L jd iJnder 6 r THIRTY DA LO.Vj. clt) C JS3EX' itOH^llI. I v. ,, ^v,„t]i the »M«nt»ou ol Ul«l ;. Ml v\ ryiliiHtf efFirst-CtaM* â-¼â€¢ â- ( M iiir 1 i.iir iMi.iU Men-bants ol owi ':iiii|l«"' i.( triisli (with xkBienfukm* iiti.-, r- !.iu..ii-. in i.nler to i.njireM the poiS" I'lL.r. li,.u..iTliif li'iilHr And draw enatoa f til t I .. ii iiiHi .,H â-  represent it» *i ' â-  mull. n%»y \\ lici-o, as 1 have aiway* t "'^* 'â- : a li.i~.i„-, iu,,|. r -trii-t.'v lutt im1i. consequently I OM Irest Possible Prii and FARM PB( -o- •k 'iul (or sale, a lurge qoantityof SEED G lU-.i t'liaff, and other varietie* ol I'riiu.' TimotliT i.ud Clover Seed; I ry Karmtr to f-ew clean «c«d, Jo*' ualiMsiu^ a p,„,a article. »I»*!i£rCoant7 Baring. iDstraetiT* r.^-r; anl w 11.50 in *!"•• montha. Mo ,r I'hl end o' the yew an til of the pabliah- Tihe option ol mo pi tA^tpSr" without pvui. rS^fortheyeMiiub- »6000 87 60 15 00 8 00 4 00 50 15 75 25 8 L'^btepaent inaertion 2 â-  of lines t« be reckoned by the measured by a scale of solid AdTertisements without specific «ill be published till forbid and dinlfly. All transitory ad-ertise- be ii "!• o*«« "' publication by r^ thft Thursday momiuK preceed^ „yie»lion. MtflUUia. tm, Uth. ISOo lltbi FARM FOR SALE/ «•«* VOL. I.--N0. GEORGE WILSON, BIUITICIHIE^. Mia St., UaAiU», next Ofliea. io ia ^r, first insertion.. ^n«nt insertion r ^o1jd*s. first insertion.. ' ^k«»)aent insertion SMS first insertion per line t^ Meat dalireted at any Sept. 17, 1880. 1-y X. M. Wekstcr, LICENSED AUOnOMEEB FOB County at Orey. THE Money tP lo^n t* lowMt ratM of iotarMt, in sums to suit borrowera. Ajiant tot Faimara' Loan and Saring Co. All baaineat mattera strictly private, and tr«at«d aa t«Mh. EUGENIA P. O. 8«pt. 17th 1880 i^f T af BUTLEDOE, Proprietor. tlONAL A BUSINESS V'ttOTDI^ 'spr«al« Carter, T. E. DATIS, BDILDEB A COMTBaCTOB, (Ston. uid Urjok) Plaatwtng and Country Jobs. promptly attended to. Stonecuttiug a Spe- cialty. EstiPiates on all work free Satis faction RiiaranteM. •,• Ue.,ideuce comer of Brown and B|iToale Streets. U^^KOAtM. Dej^mber 31, 1880. ic.y John H. Heard. Maaafaetnrer and daakrin WAGOONfl. CULTIVATOBB. HORSE RAKES. PLOUSHt HAKB^W AN» A Ukindso/ Jatmtng Implements DvhaB a»d TON. Hill ttrefts.' FL ESH E R MARKDALE, APRIL 22, 1881. nTEEnsBrorFaiL WEK)LE No. 32 To ITT PaTBO..-41^(i7. ahaad of aar ta »y tiad«, and having the largest and maat ' eonvenient Factory in thia locality. I am pr^ared to sell Carriage* and Implemaots of w«7 dMoriptron in the best style of any in th Biarfcet. and at priees aa low aa any oo- eoriingtotbeqnaUtyoftbawo^ Having npwarda of twmty jmn* anari. smoe, I am eonfldeat that wuwhaeers wjffiat the advantage in havinx die vtery beat made. Parties in want of a eanriags or ImplMaent wfll do well to five me a call, as there are none in the market which wil^eompaje with them in qu ality, style and finisk. for the P™«- 11-lT J. ;i.\. '• • ' • '•'• i.i E. U 'l.trvt II;*!* ijri -i; iii,.H • â-  -i • )i;M.iM-l.AW. StU.IvITi ' IN ..r.l'oiiveyaneer, Ac. Otlice c- j'jiioie, .Markilale. Moner to loan 291-. Ckai- R. fVilke«, ijittLaw, Owen Sound [.â€" V.jl»r" building. oTer itoJiii- roii«*""^*t. l.y ffH k Fro«»t, tSlHTBBS. ASV ATTOKNF.ys-.M â- ^SoltitoTf in Chancfi\. Convey tc^Ona iSuuiid, have reum«' at Offlcs oion evtiv ThursJ ly, us IT. J. W. FaosT, LL. B. p Crown Attorney. 1 VE TERI NARY BLOOMFIELD, Veterinary Surgeon HAS cnmni-nced the practice of hia pro. ft in Ma.'k^itic, and from his long ' \i-j le-oe .i:j.i xliiisn*- prcrtir-; in K.iiqlan.i a-. th..s joucr; is eD!'ilBd to ^narunte -aHS'.U!ti;c. Kf.iiiUiitp Powdprs, tlic a3- â- uiriitJog of (iouaaiu'.n thut have Ueed them, w;,rraii;'d to purify the blood by removing loesses lu.-kiiig ii the 'vstetn of horses and ••Hi -If, »lwiys on Laud. Medicines may be •.y.'yxir I .-it hi office, over Dr. Spraula'a â- .t ,sr-. Markdale. l-y WM. FOX, Plain OrnanaBtal Platitrer Estimates (or stone and brickwork un ap- (dicatiou. Satisfaction Coranteed. Besi- dence â€" Queer Street, Mari.dale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1880. Lv Klieep a,nl Oattle. H/ MEGGITT, â- : jSk' .: â-  WSt â-  '-â- â-  Fashionable Tailor /anie« nasaon, USTEUaml ATTOUNEY AT-L.\.W, •r in Chancery, Owen Sound. 1880. 1-v Jmibcs L.ttinoii, [)R.VEV-AT-L.V\V, SOLICITOB IN -ery, Notarv Public, t. ^loaned at lowest rates on personal 1 sitata. I^'ids boofrlit and sold. L seller introduced free of commis DUNDALK. :riARMEBS having (;ood fat Sheep or Ff Wm. Brown, I of MAIiRIAtiE LICENSES, Ac, Iraissioiier in I). R. tc. BDcini; in sll its branches promptly I and carefully fxecutod. iMouey to Lend uu Iteal Estate se- Sept. i7, 1880. ly IT. L. Smith, jlRAL AOrlNT AND DEAFER IN •y Stock, Williamsford Station. 18'«0. 1 Aleiaatier Brown, fBof Marriage Licenses, Fire and Ivarance .4g«nt. Coinmissionei 4e. Conveyancer and Licensed nr for the County of flrey. Farmers, Slid Land Sales, Punctually at- 9 nl charges made verv moderate. Sept. 17, 1880. l-y Oc^rfe Corbet, Jr,, |D.I,O.V.N AND GENERAL AGENT i8ouu4 Moiiev to Loan at low I inttrest Principal puvabJe at tUc I ofyear-i.aiid iiiteret half year "Ij. or friucipal and interest rcpav uittlja'tnts. ^amiber i.f Jesirab'.e Improved Farms â-  y I. «. SI 11^ sn P;.iV. "a"-, '/.iri.isle. H.. ' pnr ;a • krwi UaJ snrv.-vor 'â- . .I:- U-inkl-.-, 'i-' ii-iioiis ,*•., ol all â- HI iie list miv-iire " "•â- â€¢ â- lrvevs i:i â-  'â- " "â- .ii;ea iM- attle to sell, will find it to their advaut ii^'e to leave there names and address at Mc- Cutcheon's Hotel, Revere Houte, Markdale, as the nnd3rsign«d are still on the war path, %nd will potiitively pay the highest rices. C. W. A A. SPEEBS. Sept. 17tU. 1880. l-y B4 RI. Galbraith, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL L.KND Ai;ent, Wiiliamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County, (iiiods sold on Commission. Bates modeivte. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines also-K Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines. Agricul- tural Implements, and Machiucry of all kinds on le. Wlliamsford, Jan. 27. 1881. 20-ly Wm. Lncas Go. J BANKERS, MARKDALE. Ioney L.oanocl TN large or small amounts, at all tinea, tin good seciuity. endorsed notes, or on oollateral INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. J FLESHERTON. It prepared to fill all orders promptly. Cutftng doue while CHStomer* art waiting. I 6ood Fittortiiieftd. The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. 1 tS*Bemember the place opposite Biehard- son's store. Flasherton. March 9th. 1881. 26-mS R. J. McCOY, Agent for the following Implements, ic.: VIOWER, HARVESTER, and celebrated HAY RAKE, (Sharps.) Williinsoii's PLOUGHS, DICK'S ALTON PLOUGHS. By tkt AuUm^ "A B^Mim Fo,," -UmgptViJm^ nor'M toruum," de.. 4e. Some pnvknu hint* o( htthan had perhaps deeidod Mr. Co^blao'a broUMf in hia eiMie* of tha ai^, qoiat looiong dergyaan 'â€"tn nwHagn tMti- â- Moiala wan ao good and vfaoaa Iaan^ B«r waa ao nnattraativc. Mn, Ci^btan's eatimata of the tator'sretitiugdiapbsilion waaeonfinn- ed by hia conduct that eventug, whan the gantlemen joinad them. He Mat- ed himaalf at a distant table and amoaed hianalf with kxAing at tha book ofengraTings. whilo Tim O'Brien coaxed Bva to take ner harp and br- and-by wae waging wtyi-.her aad Glorvina Both girls sang delightfully and Tim had a fine rich barytone voice. They sang aatiooal songs to gather admirwble, while seated nn- notised and under no constraint, the young clergyman gaied and listened, feeling as if be ware in Paradise The mnaie wfnt on tiU lataâ€" till "asked O'Baien, glancing np at him go- Aix USDS or Fittings and Repairs Kept c^ustautly on hand. tS^ Drafts issued and Collections made on all points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS k Co. September. 1880. a-y â-  N .•J- WVi r.. â-  •'.M • rd- Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The snlncriber returns thanks to the in- habitants of MARKDALE Mti â- â- â€¢ !• iiity fur tiieir liberal patronage dur- •iii; tbi- last five years, and begs to remind .hein ihftt he is prepared to Hupply their wants in bis line as SEWING MACHINESAND ORGANS FOR SALE, CHEAP. Licensed AUCTIONEER FOR THE COVNTr. Bills provided and Sales attended to in all parte of the County. Charges Moderate. B. J. McCOY. Markdale, March 17th, 1881. 27-m3 GRANT CHELLEW, vt. â- â€¢ le. Will l« • vuii 'iiir'Ir.. ^Lvru to. 9enti«tvx- •Vr. iainea J. IVIUte, at to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sonnd. i: AT THE REVERE HOUSE, ^i%le, on the last Wednesday in «iiiu, when he will be prepared to per- ' o^ratious required uptu the mouth t saci:ifactorv mann.,' and upon '•â- â- tiTHis. ' l-y -o- liiii;,' Iarf.' quantie* of E LAND I .V :X IT R E i; I lirf li,i;c-xf,r rvfry one idveettd in i* "'i!y aii.l n.-iK-liborinn Townships shall I I ts at th" LoweM f asb Prl«« ' and Uiiclit for uelt ca-.h at Uotto» J â€" 1 wouU al-o intimate that my IXPORTA' ii ARRIVING DATLT* I I will have opened out and show le 1st of S8t Asso.tef I Stocks everbroa^' e-^" patronage in the, and" ^^ utsenari:, E J. 10, i»8i. SP! â- Â£RE HOTEL, V41IKD.4LE. f^BOULE. Proprietor. ' Popnlar Hotel has had a Urge ad- »n»ddedtoit, thoroughly refitted, ' »«cond to none in the eoanty. "ng and attentive ostler. Firat- "^odation for commercial travel- "^•"â- s 91.0O iper 4m.j. 17-Iy ICBAPOBD, Ont. "tOIBB, PaontROBs. 'jjeeommodatioB for tha tsatailing ^* bar is well stocked with the \Ji^ and Liqnwa and tba baa* "•Cigars. " to and from aU trains. i*30. l-y IMlRCIAr HOTEL ItlCBVIIiljB. Ont. «o w i w odia ma Baapla Bosbs: ,««. Tha Bar and l««ar la. u..**" fc-»»ha.ap*i» U latakliac aadattantiva "â€" frr'r *HOS. ATKUaON. TtnMJelw L!!!k»««a. 8 a? any one north of Toronto. Fresh asi U Meats delivered promptly on receipt of orders. S. \U SAGE POULTRY .Iways lsc"t in their Season. Special inducements to -large Purchasers Shop en Mill sreett, ojyposite Revere Hotel." Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Aijain thanking you for past favor* he trusts by faithful attention toyour wanU to marit a continuance of your support W. B. SARJEANT. MaAdale. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 Cabinet Makers, â€" AKD 1JPHOL8TEREB8 a full stock of the • lor the **8taadai4,' f la Urn eeaatf.- thehaet China TEA Store General dealer in SROCERIES ft PROVISIONS, next to Haakett's Hardware Store. Keapa eonstaatly od hand eveiyth'ng nsoal to soah aa eataUishmer.t. Ha wooU draw apeeial attention to hia Teas, TolDaccos Sugars, Whiah for «uUtT and LovBsai of Prioe CANNOT BEJUflPASSED. As poflag is so part of my deain, I mwaly aak tatsiiding porehaaente give ma a call and be cMSviaead that I MEAN BUSINESS, r Al.Â¥rAÂ¥8 ON HAND. FURNITURE iADE TO ORDER LUMBEB Wanted. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale, Dee. 33, 1880. 1-ly THOS. MATHEWS, Sell Lower than the Lowest, M I ki«« parahasad far flash, aad have had a do^ diaaeaat aOowad, I aas ia a poaitioa to rr- ^^...^ •-â€" odt « mj leNkeM 4-tf WISHES to tander to his nnmerona en8tmera his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage daring the 15 years he has been in the Hamef's Business in Mark- dale, an wonld refipeetfully solicit a eontinn anee oi the same, feeing confiident 'that he can give Entire Satitfaction. Everything aaoally kept in a FIKST -CI. A 8 HARNESS ESTARUSNIEHT, always on band, and acid at moderate rates. i^None but good workman enptloyed and the Seat of mat^riaU naed. Markdale, Nav, 18, 188o- lo Organ ^r Sale. AnVE OCTAVE OBOAN, nearty new, •ne of Oldngh Jt Warren's (New York) edaknted InatrameiiU. Cost 9309.00 will be sold at agreat redaction on above sriee. A. W. EATON. Markdale. MMditlWl- U-M' Public Notice. NOnCB ia htnkr stTM that tite new lead ofMB tteM^^ Iota M, 100. and m, an tha Sid eoaeaanea W. T. « 8. B., in af OlMMlff.iaBa* propwty aa- efthatown^ip of Ofati- «)(â-  tai;^fa« aiv tiOa t» tha read aaidMa, wfll afPt he laagiMflikli tat any ^AXUBBOWir. Tew»ahi» si niiaa%. OHL U, imjtr MadUK. Mnrphy, tba old battler, brought io the htt water gCusee, and whisker for the usual brew of toddy then Tim O'Brien declared he mast be ing. "NaT," Bald the hospitable Squire, "not to-night, The times are not fit for solitary night- walks. Lily will have a bed got ready for you." "It is not I that will refuse such an offer," laughed O'Brien, pretending to speak with a stronger accent than usual. "I will only too thankfully accept the chance of a breakiiist with these ladies on the morrow." So it was decided that their young neighbor should sleep atthePiiory, and Mrs. Coghlan gave the need^al orders for his bed-room to be prepar- ed. Chaptbb IU. ' St. Kevin's Priory wrs a laixe build- ing of an oblong form, with a centre court of great size. The front faced the south, and there were turrets at some height at each end of the greatest facade, though there were none at the other two comers of tlie house, The eastern turret was a tall tower, at the top of which was suspended an alarm the western one was full of smali chambers used as bachlors roomswheu the house was fuUof guests during the shoutiug-Keason for the et^irs leading to the upper story from the south corridor were so remark- ably steep that few ladies would have cared t o uscend o r deceod them. They had in fact been built froati a door made in the wall of the tower to connect its rooms with the family apartment!*, and thus save the guests from ascending tlie corkscrew ptair- case from the ground floor to their rooms. The family slept in the corridor from which iLe staircase ascended, and there was no slight put upon the tutor by fixing his room in the turret, where O'Brien also was to be domicil- ed that night. There were other guest chambers on ♦.he west side, but not Connected with the inhabited part of the house. The servants slept in the east wing, in which were the officies. The north side was uninhabited, though still left furnished. It was said lo be naunted, and was carefully avoided by the servants. The room in which tutor now found himself was even on threb sides, and rounded on that of the tower, where there was a long window command- ing, as he percieved, a glorous view over the paik, now softly defined in the clear moonlight. The room was well fitted up, and had a bookcase and a writing-table. To his own surprise, for he had^bad a lon(, and fatiguing coach journey, and was wont to slumber profoundly every ni^ht the young tutor could not sleep for thinking of the match- less eyes and of the thrilling voice wuich had called back the past as Glorvioa sang, 'The harps that once through Tara's Halls." How the air and the words haunted him How those eyes smiled at him t'urough the darkness and 'murdered sleep," t The stable-yard clock was beneath his window. He heard twelve, one, two, three, strike, yet no slumber came to his eyes. Presently there was a sound â€" a mufiQed tread outside bis door. The tutor's heanng was quick. He sat op in bed and liitened. Yes, there was certainly a step outside. Who could be moving at that hour Suddenly he heard a tremendous crash, and then a faint groan. The tutor sprang out of bed, lighted his candle by tiie rnshliffht which, in those days of steel and flint, was usual ly kept in bed- rooms, and hastened out of bis room, There was no one outaide, as be could see plainly, the circular landing, surrounded by four chambers, being • -illiantly illuminat- ed by the moonbeams fallmg through a sky light. He advanced to the head of the stairs, and saw, lying at the bottom of the flight, a buman form motionless. He harried down at once bat be- fore he reached the bottom, Mr. Go^- lan's door was opened, and be also appeared with a li^ht, followed by hia wife. What had happened waa pfatio enoagh, Tim O'Brien lay itoned at the bottom of the stair case. Mr. Gogblan and the totor were soon bend- mg over hun they raised bim xent- ly in tbeir arms, and be nttM'Xl a groan, but by-and-bv opened his ^yea and then exelaimed, "My arm I" â€" glancinitat hia right arm, whiah hnng nseleaa at his right aide. "It is true he baa broken hia ann," •aid Mr. Gogblao. "Help me to ean7 him into thia ebamber, Sorridge, pleaae. It ia a merey it it not has Beskreeeiog the diatanee fae hasj Call- en. Between them th^ rabed aad aop- pettod O'Brien mto a lam ebamber ' c JB wywMy mUm girla, while O'Biks waapiaaadaKtbabed. "Yi* rinmi aasd off Tom far the 4oet«rataBM."rMM;ikadMr. Ooch. ko. "H yooâ€" if Mr. O'Briea Kkad," Jamea Sanidga difidentty, "I aa* tba arm. I etodiedeufery when I waattunkia^ of goua oak aa a "By ail BoaM," ninkiaal Mr Caghhm, "ttmk ia I aappioe jtm would he ^ad to have it dlna, !Km, at oao« t And meanwhile aaad for the doctor to aee it 18 all right" After amoment'e heaitatioo.O'BrieB rallealy aaaeated, and, with aatoniah* ing afcUl, eoaaidering be waa only aa amstear^sargeon, the tutor eat the bone, his hand seemed tobeatitxig wad tender. At the end af the opera- tion O'Brien thanked him graoionaly. "It feaU aH right," he aaid. "NeveriamI ahaU teU the groom to ride over for Doctor Maenamaia at onee," decided Ce^hlan. "Will you send ate a sponge aod some vinegar?" aaked the tutor. "The arm must be painful, aod wetting the bandage will releave the pain*" "Do you mean: to stay with me f" td tvo itosM «k«l«« Yes certainly till the doetor comes " and Surraidge quietly drew a chair to the side of the bod and sat down. "Yon are a good fellow," aaid Tim greatfally. The young clergyman sat beeide the safler till daylight, when the doc- tor came. Doctor Macuamara ex- amined the arm, declared he could not have set the bone better, and ask ed how the accident happened. "I tboaght," replied Tim, "Uiat I heard a slight noise in the lious?, so 1 got up and went out to nee what caus- ed it. I had no caudle the m«on was sufiBcieut, I thought. I stile soft- ly down stairs but nu the third or foarth step, I tripped over somethiLg â€" i fancy a strong string â€" and fell at the bottom of the stairs, as you know." "A flight of forty steeps, fully I" exclaimed Mr. CughUn. "He means the bachelors siaircaHc. which leads to the turret cliambi^rs." The doctor shook his head. "I wonder he did not break his neck I" he said. "I remember Low steep the staircase is. Well, you must keep quiet now, Mr. O'Urien, and it will soon be all right. But was their any one in the house " "Not a soul and there has been no visible atteniiit either at the enter- aiice," replied Mr. Cu'^hlau, "Then it must have been some sound from the stublc-yord I heard," said Tim. "Like enough t I am sorry your kind tolaaMMt to defend us ahoold have cost you so dearly, Tim" con- tinued his host "but we are obliged to you just as much as if you had caught an army ot luvadurit.' "We had better leave O'Brien now," observed the doctor, "nnd go and ex- amine the string of which he speaks. I hope this is not «. b't of mistake of Master Teddy's." "I will send one of the 'w^man-ser ants to relieve yoa in ,a few minutes, Surridge," said Mr. Goghlan to the tutor "and you had better go and make up your loss of sleep." Then the doetor mounted tlie steep stairs to see how the accident had oo- cured, and found that a skipping-roie bad been ingeniouitly tied from balust- er to baluster. It bung loose after the mischief had been done, forced by O'Briens fall. "What a shameful trick I" exclaim- ed the master, angrily. "I will whip muter Ted for tbitt it mutt be his doing." "It might have caused even a worse misfortune," stiid tlie doctor grayely, "than it has-" Then they descended the stairs to- gether, the doctor consented to 8^ly for breakfast, and Mr. Coghlan pro- ceeded at once to the nursery to find Teddy. The boy was sleeping a happy smile on his face â€" Teddy Cogh- lan was a leautiful child â€" but his father, seriously angry, was by no means mollified by the pretty picture. He awoke his ?on at once. "Teddy," be said sternly, as the blue eyes opened, "what is tbis-you have done Did you t i e a string acrose the bachelors stair-case]?" "Papa" exclaimed Teddy, "what is it?" "What is it You naughty boy, you have nearly broken Tim O'Briens neck I" "Tim O'Briens I" "Yes sir he has fallen down the bachlors stairs- tripped u p b y a akipping roap." "Ob, papa" aaid Teddy "I am aonyl I meant it for the new tutor." "The new tutor and why should yoa want to break his neck " "I didn't want to break bis neck I" whimpered Teddy. "I only wanted to play tnck because Norab aaid that he waa a muff and that Glorvioa bat- ed bimi" "Norab is a wicked child to tell aneb falaebooda 1 Bat yoa had n o right to play saeb a triek aa that. How did you manage it?" "I listened till 1 heard a new step go by?" aobbed Teddy "then I ^ot op and went ont. Nurse bad not eome np from her aapper, ao I tied the sldpping-roap. I thought I would get up eariy and see him tumble." "Too wen a veryerual wicked boy Yoa might have killed him." ••Ob. to, ao I" eried Teddy. "It doeent MH one to have a tomble." •*Soma tamblee do," aaid his father driljr- "^^ ui7 " "" ' broken Tim O'Brien'a arm so prepare iiar a wbipptng maater Teddy." Ajid tibe pnoiahmeot fallowed io dneeooraa. aBtkeiwdandhMar from Mai kaata. Wa. bltOWlt. â- alf,*tofcwy^Mlmri8« fool if he doe* not eaie tor tham. I wiU paaah Keta'ahaadforher." Tha tukr fbond time to viat O' Brien vary aAea ttiat moruing, and to do all he eoald far the yooag man's reUeC 'My father bM been %eat lor I anp- poeeiT'eaid Tim, on one of tbeoe viaita. "Yaa Mr. Cochlao hM sent to him; hnt Tom hnmght word that yovr fa- ther had gone to BaOinara and woald aothebadctill^et There sraa a paaae and "Woidd yoa aiind domg aemsthing for me Yoa wiU walk oat, I sappooe to-day?" "I am gocBg oat with my pupil pra- suitly." "Tlien woald yoa mind gomg over to oar plaee and telling the game- keeper What has happened to me Be will be expecting me to go oat prith hia aad so me frModfl aa I had«pp«n' ed aod be oao go to them aod ex- piaia my abeenee." "I shall be very happy." replied the tator. " Where dball I go? " "ToPohrarth. Oh. Teddy nows the way He haa often riden over there on his pony with Coghlan." "It is not to long a walk for the boy, I suppose " asked James. "No te could walk twice as far, the young scamp I I will give it to him for the trick he has playMl me I" Surridge promised to do as O'Brien asked uid soon afterwards set out with Teddy for bis walk. "Is Tim better?" asked the boy penitently. "Yes he seems free from pain." "It must hurt very much to break bee's arm," observed Teddy. I am glad it was not yoa but I didn't mean to hurt Tim. "Can you show me the way to bis heme " asked the tutor. 'Of course I can; but it's a joUy long way." 'Too long for your little legs ' {To be continued. Gaanniy. Teddy'a fiint intiodiwtiea to hia tutor waa aa a peuteBt, wlw hhd to ap4igiae for intending miediief and Jamea fannd it aee dfa l to point ont to the boy tha gneater danger of praatjaal jokea. Ted^ was maoh impreeoed W tlMganfla reproof of his tator, in wlwa he saw none oT the stopidity to him b^ IKrak. *a jast 1^ girf' ha said to hia* A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER. A most amusing book is "The ad- ventures of Mick Gallighan, M. P.," just published in London. Mick, on theiveuic^ before leiviug his paternal roof to seek his fortune, goes to the room of his tutor, Father McQuade, whom he found enveloped in a cap- acious night robe, surmounted by a night cap of the ancient extinguisher shape, tied aiound hia bead with a red cotton haudkcruhief af a wonderful pattern. "An' now," said he, "kneal (?own till I give ye me blessin' I'm not in me cauonicalB, but all the pictberr. I've seen of the blessed Saint Petber repreeenta him wid bare lege â€" seein,' I sappoee, bein* a fisherman, he had frequently to wade in the salt wather: an' aa for dries, I never seen more aa him, nor I've an meself this blessed iPionit. It's nat the vistmints makes the praste, Mick, nor the ginileman aytiier, as may be ye'll foind to your cost." In tfaecourse of events Mick gives assistance t o a man driving pigs o market. Both being hungry, they 'go into an eating house, and one of them takes up a dirty newspaper, which is well marked with mustard. "Musthard " said Larry "fegf that minds me av Mick Murphy an' Dan Collins, two frins av moine that come over to England for the rapin' av the harvist, an' was walkin' on the quays in this town an' mind ye, now, Danny had been over before, but Micky had niver been out o' the car-radjns o' the town o' Tipperary. they wor that hungry after the voige they didn't what to do at all, at all. When Danny sees 'Ristorant' wrut up over a shop, 'See now,' sez be, 'that's a place to ate an' in they both goes an' thin snr, they sees the waitber wid a tovl over his arm, and sez Dan- ny, sez he, 'What can we get to ate?' 'Anything at all,' sez the waither. 'thin bring me a plate of mate,' ses Danny, So in comes the waither wid a plate of mate an' a large bowl of musthard an' moind ye, now, nay- ther Micky nor Danny had iyer seen mtuthard before in all their born days. 'What's thn pay for the mate?' sez Danny. 'A shillin, snr,' sez tne waitber. 'An' what's that ' sez be, pointin' to the bowl, 'that's must- hard,' cez the waither. 'An' what do yon do wid it ' 'Yez ates it wid tlie mate, to be sure.' sez be, 'An' what the pay for it ' .Nothin*. sur,' sez the waither. Thin Df nuy looks at Micky, an' Micky looks at Danny, an' they both winks. Whin the waitber turned bis back, sez Danny, 'See here, now, Micky,' sez he 'I'll tell ye wbat we'll d'^, we'll pocket the mate for the journey, an' atie the stuff he gives for nothin" an' wid that Micky rowls up the mate in his hand- kereher an' puts it in the crown av bis bat an' Danny be kep' stirrin' op the mastbard an' after a while be opens bis month an' takes a great dollop av it. Down goes bis head, an' the tears kep' runnin' down out ay bu eyes. 'Danny, lad, sez Mi sky, 'what does be the matter wid ye ' Danny wouldn't let on at all, at all. 'But,' sez be, 'whiniver I think o'tbe death o'me great-grandfather, that wor kilt at the battle o'tbe Boyne, I can't kape from crym' at alL' Don't take on wid ye like that.' sei Micky. 'Here, now, we're dver in England, an' we'll make a power o' money at the-rapin' before the harvest's over.' AD this toime Dannv be was stirrin' the mastbard, an' h* hands the spoon to Mieky. be takes a bigepomifal too, an' the tears eome mDnin down bis nooe. Danny wakea up, an' sez be. •Mieky.' sex he, 'what dees be the matther wid ye r 'Fegs,' ses Mieky, 'I'm eryin beeaose ye wem't killed along wid year great-graiidfalber at tba bnitle of tbo Boyne r Ha, ha, ba? Begorra, he gave lam a rovrimt for an illiphint that toime. "Their name ia legion" â€" the fi» who 'praise that matehloas aina, Qpanooc Buion Btmaa. it aeto at onee open the SeeretiOTs, Am Bowels, the Livnr. tha akin aod the Kidneya. It porifiea the Blood, dia- peb all bal hnmon; aad straiigtbene tiie aarroos and debilitated Qratem. Mo kaowa t erns iy oao do more. 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