Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Apr 1881, p. 3

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 m 5-?^ !»• i f' ' i ' C .1 â- !^" .! I It t .. I N J W« wiA it diriOMlfy I ve do ttot beU o«nalre* rijte tiu,-^P«ruiit me most respeotfidl^ IV' t!ir»ngh ttM mediiiB of ^m t.i •â- Â£er a fi'TT sug|;e6tion8 to fumen. l(«Tiii! hail auple opportonitv for obscrricff Ute CTatoai of farmiog, or rather went of •ystein, prseUeed ibroli{;lMct IL^M northern coontiaB. I tistter myself on being eapftble of pring a few eommon sensa bints of â-  Vrflcliciil nature that if adopted, would add very materially to tlie prosperity and comfort oflbe farming commnnity. "I will ftpcak aiit' wiM men, let them jndge wbatluy." m the first place farmers Bbonld f DCTtr go beyond their meana, that ia. ' k««-p out of dtbt, except wbea there ia a good prospect of nnmiatalcen gain le ware of store bills, little fuxes spoil tho vines, pay as yon (go, and when yon liavo nothing to pay with, go witboat. If year moans aie •mall exercixe tbe greater economy. 'â-  K«niemb'r to save the eenta, tbe dollars will taie cire of themselvea. Yonr borne mav be an bnmble one, bot make it na comfortable and attrac- tive as your circnmstanccs will per- mit. Tbeii there will be no occasion for seeking viciona enjoyment at the card table, or m tbe bar-room. The farmers motto tboold be,/a litilc well filled, a little wife well willed, lasilti found, and, a farm wall tilled, yes, neh tilted. Don't undertake- to cultivate more than yon can do-V(li. Fow acres well tilled, will produce more than twenty acres dc'iie in a lazy, slovenly manner. PYfmerd summer-fallow your land, by pII meuns, have at least a few acres yearlyjiu this condition. Asa substi- tute for mauure, sow clover, and when it is twelve ot^ sixteen inches high, -])lon;h it uDdcr, it is an excellent fertilizer and will be the means of filling your barn. with grain, try it. Now for block tLia branch of hus- bandry is being regarded in different pHrts of the Province as tbe only nieauB of resting the exhausted soil. Slid replenishing empty roffers, and I think there is no section of country better adapted for raising stock, nor more needed than here. But farmers I opi'Oal to you, for your own sukes, dii raiee belter stock, get rideif thi6e caricuturei that stagger about your barnyards, I wonder you are not ashamed of them, they look as if they liad liiado a codicil to their will, and were makicg a last effort to get to tbe tanv.ird, and as to hog8, well all that can be e;ipcetcd of some of them is a grunt. Surely where peas can be raised in such quantity and quality â€" pork of the very bu.-t fibre might be- come a profitable article for exporta- tion, try it. Then a nice flock of sheep â€" tliry are meat, driuk, diet and lotlgiug, to farruerg six good ewes will stoek a farm iu two yturs, pro- duce four hundred per cent, with but little trouble and h bs expense. Then n span of good riares will do the work of nu ordiMry farm, hud raise two colt»i cvRry year, worth at least §80, this I know for a fact. I would say don't purchase more /iiruiiug implcmcutB than you abso- lutely r;inir(; and when required, go to the manufacturer direct, and you irill save moiiiy. Keep from passing your notes to pedlars, and endorse for no man, â€" neTcr. Ilavo a siic d for all your farm im- pli'iiients, and don't have them out iu the tieM!4, and behind fences, when you have dune with tbem. I have often seen ploughs frozen in the fields and tho handles protruding through the snow like elk's horns reaping machines, harrows and waggons, iu like manner. \\'ell, now, we will not bpcak evil of our neighbor but would you not agree with me that the farm- er, (save the mark) who acts in this earless, lazy manner, shonld have a dosa of eat o' nine faiTilaid on his pos- teriors Don't wince, if the cap don't fit dou't wear it. Fun aside, â€" do please, do have a place for everything, and overythiug iu its place habitu- ate yourself to economy and neatness, and yon will find it both pleasant and profitable. I have thrown out a few hints with honesty of purpose, and a sincere de- sire for tbe prosperity of those for whom they are intended and if they should tenefit orit, by practical adop- tion, I will feel repaid a tbousanrl fold for my trouble. I am satisfied yes, confident, that the few sugeestions I have made, if carried out systematic ally, would produce Jje fruits of wealth and comfort, ai)d that the do- mestic and social condition of tbe farming community would undergo a radical change, so that squalid pover- ty and discontent wonld be supplant- ed by the fear of God, love of country, and general prosperity. Thanking yon for your valuable, Yvurs truly, James A. Blair. 1l»^' » iMTOtlMC of Um ouB^ BUI «lio«it Mr. Staotay. had •a ear «at off is th» a h epi M B g iMuh. A ratfier eloae shave. ir« a«riideli«Oo the kdtirtiMr^ tlw 0T« HEBLAST BIDE. COUNTY ITEMS. "Oh, B?»nini* is it uurmiag 7" "Yea, daiimg it has jost begun." "Isn't it oiee. autisiiu; JM know I want to live to bear tke aUt^ Mk agam." "Bosh my child, aniBflia will nei let yon die. Ko, darling, you diaU bare many slei^ rides yet before yuo die." No, not miUiy, mamma; tf I eoaldhiiye jost ma it veold ba ao nice." A little gni who bad seen tbe snow come and go nine times lay dying in bar bnmble home on 8t. Aiitaina atretft. Weeks and waaka tbe fever bad burned within her and its fierce fir» showed itself in the deep blue eyes aid the lovely, innoMoi 1$m. The mother, an ever constant wateher at the sufferer's pillow, Itad never given ap hope, bnt tbe child, with that know- ledge which seems to come to all before death knew that she woold never join her merry playmatea over on the sshool ground. Day by day as the fever homed she bad wished for the snow to eome, and when the white flakea tell the other day the loving mother changed tbe ebild'a position that she might, nnvnuned, catch the first glimpae at the fleecy â- now. The child gased oat into the flurried air long and earnestly, and then when the pain made her writhe, she turned an appealing look to the sad-faeed mother' add said: "Bnt mamma, I don't believe I sball ever have another sleigh ride. Now prom- ise me that if tbe snow is on the gronnd when I die you'll have my 3of- fin carried to the giave on a sleigh." "Why my sweet ehild, why do yon make such a request I Yon shall not die â€" yon will grow better to morrow." "But, mamma, promise me will yon? Please, mamma, please." "Yes dar- ling, yes." "OhJtbankyou. mamma; that's ao nice. See, it is growing dark outside. J'all the bed near the window, mamma, so that I can see the street lamp. There, see â€" the flakes â€" they glisten Jnst^like â€" dia- monds. It will bo sleighing in the morning' mamma, and I shall hear tbe bells" Lke the snowflake that falls upan the warm earth she melted away, and no one knows whether she woke to bear music and bells on that morning we sball one day open our eyes upon. A few days after passers by turnetl to look at a small funeral proecp ion, and wondered w'ly the undert iker had put his hearse upon runners so early ia ^he season. â€" Dt- droit Free I'rtst. A FATHEKLEBS COUNTBY. A man recently received a woodcut pictire of George Washington, and pinned it to the wall near bis office door. One day whilr at work his little girl came into bis room, and espying the picture, started the follow- ing dialogue â€" "Who is that a picture of, pcpa " "Washington." "Who was Washington " "Father of this country." "Why was he called father of this country, papa " "Because he fought for its independ- ence, and was a great good man." "Is be alive now, papa " "No." "When did be die " "December 14. 1799." "Who is the father of this country now, papa " "No one it's fatherless." Tbe littlo one was silent for a few moments, and then inquired â€" "Was he the little boy who could not tell a lie " "The same." "Well, this country will never have another father, will it, papa " And tbe conversalion was conclud- ed with tbe emphatic remark â€" "Never uoteveu a step father I" COLLISION ON THE NORTHEEN BAIL WAY ILAUUJBIU A Itvaaoaeofti^b. aebe'a BaamBlj Hair it dwH ba ^m hfcwally tiling, r^Unlftvetf iafto Jost balon b^nbt to bai that tbe maa bqj^tef^tii^ back door, M^^ np m eat in the ba aoppoaad to babia bur Artdiaar, bamoapedit all over thaaealpaad â- tirrad it wall aaooad tbe voota of tbe little badge of hair at the iiaek of bis neek. f 'fhegtae bottle, by aa aMartUy eooseidaBM, vaa aeaiiv th« same is â- taapeaiid sise aa the faair sap bottle. He watt to bad. ••Geofge/' aOd hit wib, \maog ber faef ta tbepall, " Ibat atnff voa're patting on yosr bair smella as bad as a pan ol soaa cfease." "Peibape 1 bad better go op stairs and sleep." snarled Geocga. "Yoa're mighty sensitive I on woaldn'to xpeet that a mw ean ^t atoff ta bia bead that will make bia hair grow, and bav« it smell like tbe aasanes of vntor- green, would yon f " They went to bed as mad aa tn^. This particular bali-beaded man like a good many other baid-beadad flten, b«d to' get np aM boild Ae fire% Wbea he arose, aikt monung the son peeped ir at tfie window and saw tbe pillow aling to tbe baek of his head like a great white ebignon. At first he did not realise bis condition be tbooght it most have eaoght on a pin or shirt button. It looked ridieo- Ions, and he wonld throw it bade on the bead beforehis wife saw it, so be eangbt it qaieklv by one band and " yankisd." "Oh Oh Damation fishhooks whats'been going on hear f Thundra an' lightnin't" and he began to elaw at hu scalp hke a lunatic. His wife sprang np from her eoach and begvi to sob hysterically. Oh, don't, George I What is it f What is the matter V George was dancing about tbe room, tbe pillow dangling bv a few hairs, his scalp covered with something that looked Uke sheet copper, while the air was redolent of war like exp- letives, a sif a dictionary had exploded With a womans instinct the poor wife took in the situation at a glance and exclaimed r "Itistheglne." The- bald headed man sat down in a chair and looked at ber a moment in silence and then uttered the one ex- pressive « ord: "Glue!" Now began a series of process and experience nubeard of in the annals of chemistry. "Jane, you must soak it off with warm water. I've got to go to Utiea to-day." "I can't, George," she retomed in agnilty tone: "it's water-proof." "Y*s I might have known it; and I suppose it's fire-proof too, ain.t it " He scratched over the smoothe plat- ing with bis finger naUs. "It's as bard as iron." "Yes â€" be said it was glae,"replied she inocently, "can't yon skin it off with your razor, Geoi'ge " "Don't be a bigger fool than you are, Jane. Get me that coarse file in the woodshed." It may be imagmed what followed, and nowjas the bald-beaded man sits in his office he never removes his bat, for his entire skull is a bowling waste of blistered desert, relieved here and there by cases of black court-plaster ff £;lij nCihe "â- ELFASTHOUSE.' Als»Afr«liB|odkof Groceies, PnvisioBS CANNED FRUIT, aBisc-criTS Vv CBNFEfnSIElY, Any aaoonl of Camberland eat FOR SALE. ALSO. MALT AND RYE WHISKEY. TH« BBBT VX TOWK. BBANDT. CWER, ALE, PORTER,- TEAS and SUGARS. CHEAP. WILSON BENSON. Xaifelale, Kareh 17. ISM. ' i-^ IN ABTEMBSIA. TOFTT TTOnT aoM otlaod. Lot S5, loatli of JD DsriiaK Boa4, IS â- em at olear«d Und witli log booae. and well taneed. Inquire of Bobcrt OUvw, opuoaite tba lot, or JOHK KAT, Bentiaek, Durham P. Jan. ISth, laet. 18-tf In Chancery DEWSOS VS. WILSON. A MISTAKE. It is a great and often fatal mistake to take repealed drastic purgatives for constipation of tbe bowles, they induce piles ond cause debdity of tbe bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters is a safe and perfect regulator of tbe bowels, arous- ing the torpid Liver and all the se- cretions to a healthy action; acting on the Kidneys, and renovating and ton- ing tbe system in the most perfect manner. STRANGE HALLUCINATION. CHATSWOBTH On Monday evening Ust tlie tenders for erectiug the new grain uarehouse here were opened and tbe contract nwarden to Messrs. J. k W. Tavlor for $1,G90. The budding is to be' 40 feet by 70 feet with 24 foot wall and of a capacity of 40,000 bushels. It will have four parallel stone walls 70 feet loni; mider it, and will be' filled from the second floor, which will be apprcMched bv a bridge. The ware- bouse willbe bullion the modem plank principle and will be one of the best and most convenient north of Toronto, and a credit to the place. â€" Adv. ^^ WUXIAMSrOBD On Saturday last a son of Mr. Mo- Can was kiokc(? iu the thigh by a horse. Same day Mr. George Stanley was patting an addition to bis barn, on turning one of the logs the man at the •wrner stmck hu axe into the log in- tondiag to- help to turn it, in doing it be cut Mr. Stanley's fore finger clean off above, the npper joint, and the â- econd flayer was also eat to the bone. How the thnmb, in faot ttie whole hand, ceeaped. ia a miracle. Dr. Dan- nard, who had jost retumod from Mr. McCan's, borried to the spot and drea- aed the wound. Joihn DongbiB, Jr., entblilag witb the-«xe iHule hewing. A sen of Mr. Bossmim's managed to cat two toea df bis yoonger bn^ cr'vtooi. Mr. Bristniati is rather on- fltctoato. One of bis daogfaters a tnr days ago wbUe amnnog hnwiU with bar tBhaalaaatee Cell and broke About 6.80 on the morning of the 8th inst, as the Hamilton train was backing in here before starting on her regular trip a freight special collided with ber about half way between Al- landale and here, killing one man and injuring others. The man who was killed is a mecbauical en(,inoer in tbe railway's employ named Thomto, who came up from Toronto last night to mako some repairs. He worked all night and before starting for home said he would take a run over and see Barne. He was just entering the baggage-car from tbe platform when the trains met, killhig him instantly tbe back of bis bead being completely jammed in. It is reported he leaves a wife and large family. The engine on tbe freight train was rnnning back- wards, pulling the train, and she struck witb such force that tbe tender was driven completely into tbe pas- senger coach, and the cab of the en- gine was smashed very badly. The fireman jumped without receving in- jury, but the engineer stood, at his post, receving only a Hligbtcuton the of side tba head. His escape from death was most miraculous, as the cab of bis engine is a complete wreck. One of the trainmen got his feet crushed but escaped otherwise, II is reported that a man was in the paspenger-ooacd when the train left Allendale, and has not been seen since. It is feared he is under the engino-tonder, which is still buried m the passenger-coach. The eollison has wrecked an engine, '»8g»*e-e»' pasaenger-coach, and some flats. The track has been clear- ed, and trains are now passing as nsnal. There are a great many the- ories advance as to the oanse ot the accident, bnt it is hard to say who is to blame or how it happened. There was a heavy fog at tbe time, and the passengers at Barrie station coold not see tho train at a quarter of a mile off. At 6.80 this afternoon an inquost was held (^ the body of David Thorn- ton, who was killed by the railway eollison this morning. After hearing evidence the jury returned a verdict blam both conductors and both fire men for negligenee, and expresemgtheir belief that Uie company shoald see that the rules are strictly enforced. The young mui who lo^t his toes is Bntler. dot Dedfiard. aa statedin the morsmg report. If ynn sofler from •rising firom A curious case came up in the court of Chancery April 1st before Vice- Chancellor Blake, being an ap- plication by Mrs. John Albangb, a handsome woman of Garafraxa, coun- ty Wellington' for a commission of lunacy for her husband, who is a wealthy man. Mrs. Albauith testified that they were married 80 years ago, and that be had been insane for 18 years. One of his balluciations was that his family were all devils and it would be no crime to kill them. For 16 years he had lived in a room by himself, which hekept locked when he occupied itand did bis own cooking He had raved about calling meetings of tbe people to get up a raid on tho banks in order to get gold and silver to pave the streets of New Jerasalem, which was to be located on his /arm. He bad threatened ber life frequently He bad been in the asylum twice. He had told ber that he had fasted for forty days, because no (me that had a dirty stomach conld enter New Jerusalem. He had often threatened to roast the house and all the devils m it. -He labored under tbe hallucin- ation that she was to be Qneen of the new city and ride on a scarlet horse and marr; the Pope, which was to be the last wedding in tbe world. He huA given-j^r 1, 600 which she spent in jaisingher family. Tbe argumenU in the case will bo beard on Friday. â€" Spectator. PUBSUANT to an order of the Coort of Chaneery, made in this eaaae, th^ will be sold with the approbation of T. W. TATLOB, EQ OIBB, M aater in Ordinarr of this Ckart, -if 8. Mccking, Usqaire, Anctioneer. at McDEEMOTT'S HOTEL, In toe VILLAGE OF BOND HEAD, At the hour of T wdve o'clock, no«n, oa Tbt 9tli da of April 1881, The following biiids and premises, in one pareel namely: Broken Lot namber three, iu tbe first C3onoe88ion, ol the Township of West ^wiilimbory, in the Countjof imooe containing fifteen acres more or less. Also, pnrsnant to the above mentioned order, there will be sold by Uobert Davis, Esqoiie, at the MUNSHA^W HOTEL, In the VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on The12thdayof April, A. D., 1881, the following lands and pramisee, in two parcels, namely PABCEL I. The Sonth west part of Lot namber two hnndred and twenty, in the second eoncea- sion fonth of the Tcronto and ydenham Boitd, in the Township of Proton, in the Coanty of Orey, containing fifty acres more or less. PABCEL n. « Lot namber one hondred and twenty-one, in the first oonoession soath-west of the Toron- to and ydeoham Itoad, in the Township of Artemesia, in the Co..nty of Grey, contain- ing fifty acres, more or less. Do not let jnrejndiee stand in the way of relief if yon snfler from any lingering disease, Bnrdoek Blood Bitters cure others, why shoald it not beaeflt yoQ? It is a speeifio foe all forms of Blood, Liver, and Kidney Complainte, Nwvous Headache, Gen- eral Debility. Bo^fnla and all diseases of the Secretory system. Trial Bottles lOoente. EitTSBHoks.â€" Just to show the en- terprise of oar fellow- townsman, I^n- lay MaeRea, Esq.. ex- Warden of this coanty, we may mention that he in company with Mr. Robert Ball, car- penter and boilder, witb seyen wwk- men, went into tbe Township A Ole- nelg, thirteen mflee from Doroam, on Monday )aet^ttnith inst, and erreet- ed Ma«rstoij andb half 6aiaeddw«U- ing Hooae, 16x^0, and bad almoel completed before dark, it otnly taking a Jew bews wocb foria tivo men to fluob it next morning mdy for oe- enpatkn. Who says there is no life in jDnrbna after tbia r All the work mm be*^ two tmm barttaihirhaia OB Mondagrai^U.â€" Aesisn. ^^^AowOilvMr sKsCtoiMtbe la. seedy far Pidn,' tsMnenese, Bneaaw- Aoiy aMAm 4whr «ii fl^aiali It tepi.m:s or sale. One tenth of the purchase money to be paid in cash at the time of sale, and a sufficient amonnt within one month thereafter, with- out interest to make together with the cash payment one quarter of said purchase mouiy, the balance to be secured by mortgage on tho premises, at six per cent per annmn, payable in three equal yearly payments. Ea«h pareel will be svld subject to a reserv- ed bid fixed by the raid master. Tbe other oonditions of sale are the stand- ing cjuditious of the Court of Chancery. Further particulars can be bad from DENI KdMACKLEM. 15 Toronto street- •; t Ij 5 V f C £ if HOKIN, ' j Ul\ ' ftCBEELSIAM, olidtor*, Toronto. Dated at Twonto this 16th day of March, A. D., 1881. igned, 8*»w. T. W. TATLOB. Money! Money! THE nndersigned has a large amount of private funds to lend, at from 6 to 7 per cent, aooording to amount raqntred and seeority offered. ANDBEW BEATTT, Lot ISO, lit west T. A 8. B. Artemesia. Flesnerton P. O Wareh 33, 1881. 38-tf AUCTION SALE VALUABLE FARMS, In the Townships of Glenelg and Hollandfin the County of Grey. Tbet4 will be sold on, Thurtday. the Ufh day of lfN-11,1881, At one o'doak in the afternoon, at RUTLEDGE'S HOTEL, In the ^TILLAGE OF ^./^RKDALE. By virtue of powers of sale eontafaied in cer- tain SCortgacies which will ba prodaeed at the sale, the following property PARCEL L Under Uortgage from Angn* MeMillan, Lot namber 38, in the 2nd ooneension north of the Durham Road, ot the said township of Olenehr, containing by admeaanremant SO acres more or less. The foUowing improre- nienta are said to be en the premise*:â€" tO •ores cleared- PARCEL n. Under M o t tga gw litna Samnal Tonng, Lot S7, in the iai eaneeeaion, North-eaat of the Toronto and Sydanbam Boad, in the Township of Hollaad, in the Coanty o{ Urey, containing SO eerea aiore or less. The fol- lowing improremeats are said to be on tne pieauM* â€" 46 aena oiaered, a geod dwelling boose, hem and ftalile. TKBIf S â€" One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down on tba day of sale. Far bel- enoe, terms will b* made known at ths aala. tm further partitaUrs qply to JONKS BBOa. MeKENZIE, Solieitan, Meaosiie HaH. Tonalo. Or to JOHN LYONS, tomtio, Mareh, 16, 1861. 18.91 IVOTIOJE. Alitwaitte* iad^ted to 'm^moimlfaU mtme* by aota or boaJr aaMMo* wiUtaU at way abop and aattle wUbeet ftwthar aotiea, 1 1 Bare not tiSM to visit yoe ail at yow •ad it U toe azpeoam to a«ad oat a •oOeetor, i hope tha above notiae will be aof- --_ *««â-  HOBUB. ^•â- -Wanalaitis hw s b j )| m ttat •#• a« of »» wOiieTnSaTSaZrj B^Uinet i as MTTiTi And ]. Who from long expeneace m tne AffiUinery uu^mc enabled lo give our friends ENTIRE SATISFACTION W4?have partially opened, and will be fully prepared, the season advances with all the ^^ LATEST NOVELTIES. Remember oor goods will be We respcctfuUy solicit a fair share from our friends ?nd th« public generaUy. We don't du any button-hoUng, but wiU treat all courteously when making purchases, and tust our prices will be right. Our general stock will be found "Well Assorted as usual. We would invite an early inspection whether ybu want to buy or not. hhjL bbos. Markdale, March 30th, 1881. ^9-tf- tat%. aa0d Sma^ii Seomujor C Oeod Stables t^j len? Happy Re» Now that the aaeson of Good Cheer if atbaiMl, I â- ted of wuh to Markds^e. General Agency IS THEBEST PLACE TO GET STRAIGHT LOANS, HO FIHE S, CHARGES LOW. If you Y«int Insurance patronize the U:riON FIRE INSURANCE Co. -^^ %i-" LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. DOHEKTY ORGANS, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past tavors, I am determined to merit a further share of public patronage by fair and hohest dealing and prompt attention. THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. ' 29-tf. CO c8 1 OQ CO C8 tt =3 A 1 Qi ft O o a EH Etc Si a cd COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds of BEPAIR8 for the Ilnplemeuts I sell, larmers will see the advantage of deahng with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, EUeela.eitorL. Flesherton, March 24, 1881. OH, HEAR. OHj_gAR. OH, HEAlT P^o^n^ef yonr monBy if yen want to. if not, get yonrPhotographa of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Who Fleshertoij. Who M .gain p«p.r«i t. tdie Pfataw,. «,d do Oepyta, «Ml EnU^g H,^j^. FRwA^MES AND FRAlVfJE FIXUVC^S WaanreeeiTin FRUITB,MIMEDtOOB8,eoil| AMD LZQI70R Sverytliizig First-Class, an^at^ i:s-R|GHT PRiCCi Kxi»«., which wa'eiK^ "K Re^rfa^lv' P«mee. ft«, MOOT, bargaiaa. ^^ KemartEBbly Low Pnoes, OaU and Brb^ long year pictera. M,a har. Um, oo,4*i «^ anta.^ bT TOM old frfeiA Fl«aherton,}Iatahl0.1881. BIlLMER. LUMBER AND SAWING. ™« *â- '»«*« kegite intimate thai he hat hi. S^L^iSiU a* Little Falls ,___^._^ •^â- ^I'prepMedtolWBiah " "WW*, UmjTO^CTB., TO OIKR. CUSTOM SAWIING By the 14-tf ♦K?^o7®^ Howe mUm at the •^Standard" OftcTJcnS to Aoo« ftoJi. â- **^ '^^^^ ALL or OB Shjtaa. »««,* datreriag Lo« »e«da n»«awy«ra*theMl KIND" SAW Mj BOTTLED BBANDT ia onaarpaaaed OLD KTE, t„. pxum w ' TisB, equal toOinnesa' Stoot and tho fineatatoes of Draft 'â-  ^^ •eetioD. OMC««cre«a«lt*ChMBi»a«Be. er Get yonr HoUday's nvpljr of abore Good* A. Markdale, Dae. li, 1880. Mcli micAL a ^i=^ 4â€"i^'â€"^ SEE_p FIELD SEED! • INCLUDING CLOVBE, TIMOTHY/ CAEROT, MANGEL WURTZEL, ^. o- m' GARDEN -:/%A CHOICE^ELECTION, All of which v/ill b^ sold at lowest market! A.'TURNER Markdalf' Dec. 9, inOL STOP. MARK LE And then you will know whora to go to get the beit value (tir your R J, SPROUL GREAT ANNUAL L E A R I.G S A II AT TBS POST OFFICE STi PIiEfcJHBETON In order to make room (or heavy Spring Importat:n..M now r.« /i redacing my present lattie aad wall aelaotc-d a."' â- 'â- ^vi.- ' i' GENERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, mi 3E5e^a.3r-i^4: a.d.e C^"'r*. BOOTS AND SBtC 1- Hats, Caps aud u TO THE LOWEST PQiNT POSSia^i^ and in tvaer to do so, WiU Sell at and "Under FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DA] The stock is all aew, well k*«ckti aud well wortli Hit utouliuu ol liied la GBOCEBIE8 yon will Bnd «Tr]rthiBK of First-CI«M Vi As 1 do not pnrsne the caurse of some of our wiudy Meit-Lints of oar r lages, of sandiug out nomerous samples of cheep trash (with vuitoajoto tious) oatsida our natural bnsinerH relations, in order to i.nprM* tbe p»*i not properly treated by their man honomUe dealpr«. and drsw ont» f*! Yon wiU find ewcr|rtUtev that I sell JaiM «â-  â-  repre«ral U, •' f aa you eaapoaaibly get for yonr money aajrw^herv, as 1 have alwsy" »1 dealine ia the only true ooarae for a bosinea* man. My Oxoeeriaa are all booght for strictly nett eeah, consequently I i The Lowest Possible PrU For CASH and FARM TBO\ BUT :N0T F-OK JRETI1 I heiw alee ia atodk and for sale, a Urce qnantitjof PUBE SEED G f^ " ^W*« *n«laa, CHaagow, B»A ChalT. and other varieties ol Pera Oaaa Paaa. Oata and Barley. Prime Timothy tJid Clover Seed J" 1 "'•*! eed aa it pa^ aach and every Fkimar to auw clean seed, J •* ftftDg a faw eanta extra, aad porehaainc a good article. ' I am now aelling large qnanties of OOABSE LAND IFOR MAPflJRE' Whieh wiB pay every FfersM JWm DoOenfrr twerw one idveeted in iM that every «eima ;hia leeaUty «nd a^^hkeria/ Townships sli»" j sailing in five aad .1 barrel loto at the JSwimtCmaM Prlec j«fj diraet from the MaantMtwera, and boe^foc watt ea.'Oi at Bottom ft^ 1 wenld alio intimate that my SPRING IMPORT ATI' ABE A^uBIVlXta DAILT. Aad IwQl hareopvaedeot and show CM JaaTtt iheir liuubei for retnn SA3BI Woed turner w»i MOOCe MM,ataid7)«lbifM On The Ist of A| ^of tbe Ijttrgect KQd Btat Aeaorted Stooka ever broagb' ' eomtrr, IfWiag oaa ttd an lor Kberal petfenage la the past, and soU^^ r^^rning ahaeluHi. • I am, yoBT obedient aervant, R J. SPBOl ^Crton. March m. tPSj. »SIilll« vol h^i^ wmAM. af^ayeUiah. wttbea»P«y»»« /lhafMnaab- Witt the ralea. BIHO: ___ inaartioa liaaertion flrat insertioii _1 iasartion i iasertion per liaa â- t inaertioo rSr Unaa ta be rai anred bye MaaU wit UjuhMT*- " tiU l^the^Sue of pd^kMt^nW I Thoradejr â- Â«Â«â€¢*«« P«'"~- Bi lOlBOlid ICI ' yr rT.gDQK. Proprietor. a mmcss |aeoTO xc St Carter, m ,AcootJC^?^â- â- e • j..-r c, â- * B^il promptj eialty. factiou I Brown 11 flrtJriAP. O. |r$a». t, Mactrt .IImm LB aiid -.i vm^ t-AT LAW, SOLU IT( ' IN anveyanoer, Ac. Oflioi' o la.^tarkdale. Monuv to loai 29.1-. U. Wilkre. Ig^XjAW, Owe 3'unJl I's baitcliug.'OTer iVUin- kttreet. 1-y r* Frovt, BCD ATTOKKT-.YS. A i in Chsncen .r--i ^„_ Soand, have reum-l -.t Otkut open every Thur'.J iv.' iif^ J. W. FaosT, LL. B. Attomev. 1 Plai K.tJ liCktl| dene llIaae*B, landATTGRN'Ey AT-L.4.W, ria Chanoery, Owen Snund. two. Jy [JaHiea Eittiaoa, iY-AT-L\W, SOLICITOR IN ary, Notarv Public, *c. I at lowest rat»s on personal l^nim booghi *ad aold. r iatrodoeed free of commis "Al Sed SaJea^ DTTNDAXiK. 1 gas^ Jlgriitft. ^P MABRUOE LICENSES. Ac, in B. R. Ac. ia all its branches promptly afnlly executed, r to Lead on Real EsUU m- Sept. i7, 1880. ly r. L. Satith, lAOiSNT AND DEAFER IN ' Meek. Williamsford SUtiun. I1»M, 1 exaader Br*ira, |el Marriage Licenses, Fire and nee Agent. (Jomtniwiionei Conveyaucer aud Licensed t lor the Connty of rray. Farmers, aad I«nd Sales, Punctually at- oharges made verv moderate. I, Sapt. 17, 1880. 1-T C*rket, Jr.., |UAH AND GENERAL AGENT llonev to Loan at low Principal pavsble at tlic I of years, and interest (lalf ycwr ar ptfateipal and interest repay r of deairab'.e Improved FannK " V all ION .\SI PU. .v: TOT. Drwightcia' • MarkdaU. H.i • I Land ^orveyor '..•' of ori^iaal Kield N .1 â- Â«tnietioQs. * all â-  ♦he last fiftyfive 1 'n\\cv Snrveys in • '-t" P-o^'.es .Ti- ns .1 .P'sts ati' H! fir !j,».4 :irai»-.. •-•» to 1.,'jui at :• j f !•«•,. or left with O. I will l« prumptlvatt ' ISRit \1. rJ- ai y^vtitftrx- â€" -^ tij Jmnce J. M'ttitr. I to Dr. Cameron, 0«eii Soniid. I BE AT THE REVERE HOUSE, on tbe last Weduesday II tWiiaa ha will be prepared to "T- required up.'U the ni ath afaetory maui.... and ipon tarma. I y Ms fwiTHOTEL, ([DALE. )TJIjE, Proprietor. Q kl has had a larf;e ad- Iteit, tborooghly retittei, ' to none in the eoonty. attentive ostler. First- on for eommereial travel- 1 91«*« rer '^T- 17-lj lltBAFOBD, Ont. PaoraiBTOBa. for tbe tnvalUng wall atoeked witb the aa4 Liqoars and the best 1 aU trains. ly lEfiCIAL HOTEL B. Ont^ Sempla Booms: The Ber aad larder baet tba maikat af IttMliTi Hoatlar'a IBON, Profriator. All

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