fj i I il !• U .11 ' .1 1 '1i r;-i il^^ Jifi '•rMlt,rty ft Bract Pf. w.^oiMtb.* ia friait BommaaiMHfmMttl Oliansre of 'Plme. )« awl afUr MOKDAT, IM XOT. • Jl run aa foilawa:-^ QQINQ NORTH. TonaU,â€"Vtiem SMtaa, Dap. 7:M a. tm. UM f. m. M* p. m. (;triUNi 7j;a *A. U.Up.a. • J» ^a. ^•;-"n HJOi».m. lJltOp.m.$JK^f.m. UaaiwrSnu'tH.IOa.m. i;iOp.B.C^p«. V,.o.ibn.l|{ l.iOp^.«4ftrJii. kl«.o'urg.... ».(Ka.M. S.Up.B.^p.B. bil:Ki SMa-m. SJnr.a.«.4Sr.«. Moao Bua-l...t.Ma.B. SJIip.m. 7Mf.m. C'livlMtoB.. lOJiajB. S.60p.m. 7J0p.H. Alton lO-Ma-B. 4.0Spja. S.Oti.M. Oil(«KVIU.B â€" Arriv«....ll.tOa.B. t.U.r.m.» Papart.. .ll-SOa^. 4.4S. p.B. OnaK^il'a Jonetioii ll.ii a.». loaial U9a.a. Khen.ane M.M p^. IU'HUIk l.ISp^. I'rulun lJ« KIulir-rtonftPiic«T'a LJlSpa. Marka«le. K^rkly M'iliuuaifurJ.. Arn..U »h!U*irtb... Iluckfuni OicD Sound.. S.U p. tU p.m. S 60 pjt. 9.M p.Bi. .lo pja. 3.38 p. LVpm. CM p.m. CiMpM. •.Mp.a. 7.11 p.«. 7JSpM. •.Of p.*. 9Mf.m. «.M p.B. •.M p... tiep.a. •.M p.M. iatkendM 4.00 D.m. 10.10 p.B. GOING SOUTH. O«oii S-nail, depart 6.S0a.m. ISOOnooa. 7.00 a.m. It JO p.a. 7.20 ajD. Ii.i6 1.06 p.m. 7.48 a.m. ICcM-kturd "tLU* vortb Ariiott Vi'il'iamtd'rJ II«rUW H.ns m.m. ra'k.Ul« 9.30 a m. FW«hert'nAPriceTille 8J5.5 a.m. I'rotari 9.1.15 a.nj. Jiaudolk 9.36 a.m. Kiiplbnnii 10 15 a.m. I-anrtl 10.47 a.m. Ontnirrv^Ue Janetion 1 1.00 a.m. 0:i.' \itKxii,l.r. â€" Art. 11:15 a. m. S:SO p. m ••( 7.15 a.m. 11.M a. m. Al"in 7 Jio a.m. 11.66a.m. cbarlfslon. .7.50 a.m. 13.10p.m. .Mono Rv.vl. .8.26 a.m. 13.47 p.m H'ltin 8.45 a.m. 1.10 p.m. Kl»-iiiburft. ..9.0s a.m. IJIOp.m. M'oilbriai^..9.36a.ra. 1.60 p.m. Unmljer Sml9.4ua.m. 3.06 p.m V.V«:.,. 10.U0a.n. 3.37 p.m. farhuM.. ..10.10 a.m. S.S9 p.m. TuRoxTo, â€" Uniuo Station, Arrive. .. lO.SO a.m. S.OO p.m. 1.38 p.m. 1.48 p.m. 3.1.5 p.m. 3.4S p.m. 8 10 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 4 16 p.m. 4.50 p.m. 6.06 p.m. 1.40 p. m. 6.00 p.m. 6.18 p.m. 7.06 p.m. 7.38 p.m. 7.66 p.m 8.17 p.m. 8.8SpjD. 9.00 •.16 p.m. â- •raL Ait ia fttaaa in cmryiQaga fMt it ia fto iiupentiTr tiMbMUttiof OeTilh^icafMfj ia* poftaBM to onr pwfla. TbsdMa* iof ot ttw i tr w to bowmw, is noi all tbmi iM niiniMiiy. tb* ymtim, tmt- bautea and edlan nqvin to b* atttn- dfld to, and that right aoon. The warm w e a t ha r ia aow npdlj ap- ftomdaag, and il th« aaeomol^tad ftlth and dirt that may ba aeao ia aU ditaetkoa ia laft to lM|aetcd on bj the daily inaraaaiag haat of tfaa aoa the miaaaia aniaiag thara froaa will oairy daath and daaoialioa iato iMMiae in tha villafe. "Vtt regret to hara to naa atroog l a ngna g a bat we think the oe* eaaaon ealla for it. We eannot kwk eamly on and aee the health at tlie little onea jeopardiaed withoat hating our word to aaj in their dcfenee. Ttiere are two atreeta in oar village the equal of which we do not believe can be fonnd in any other plae« in the Dominion, we allode to Elisabeth and Qneen atreeta. Our eitixena need dOTar hope to aee mnch of an addition to oar popalmtion, nnleea better aanit- •ry mearares are apopted. We hope oareadera will take theaa remarka in the apirit tbej are meant, and act ou them. By ao doing they may aate tbemaelvea a good deal of bitter aorrow in the fntare. by Ir^^M 19, Tnaa- 9.40 p.m. THE STANDARD. t-riday, Apnl 15th, 1881. TVOTICE, rilHK Canaila Adrartiaing' AgeneT, Ni-. 39 A. Kiii^ Street Wevt, Toronto, W. W. BUTCHER. Mana-;?f. In ai tliurixed to reeeive adTertiaemauts for thii pnpcr. PRICEVILLE. hf Mr. Mr. BMUn. tta* haviac pMl tuaa M l0| ]«. to Aa Wferatha BMltaBieaaattoAa Oaaaty awr. that tha Tiwaaimba to eaaaaaail hi» â€" d aiga a l eaa if* hf tta Mil Imaa.â€" Caniad. MmwU by Mr. Mdbdla. bgr Mr. Blaek. that tha hiU of Calvin Vert far »e a BeB g er to tUi Coaaca ba Hid, aaoatmg to $8^.â€" Camad. Mevad I^Mr. Baakby, by Mr. Bbwk,ihatMM patrtion of ear tain raaep ay ara of 8. 8. No. li pray- ing to have aaid saetiaa aaitod to 8. 8. No. 8, ba allowad to lie on tha table aatil aask ma et j a g of Coaneil for fartter ooaaidflratioe. â€" Carried. Moval by Mr. Bfauk. aaeoaded by Mr. M3A1 that John Moore r«- cmw the earn of $lf. far dariation of mad ea lot 10. aoa. 19. aad that a eaaveraaee «f tha whole daviatiaa be to tha Ooaaafl bafaaa tha aaid MMdaMl that laMB Tray- P. L. 8.. ba aaaployad to make a oftha aaBiâ€" Car. ried ' Moved by Mr. Abbott, aaeoadad \ij Mr. BoeUey. that tha r^ort aabmitt- ad to the Coaneil by the Traaaorer of the CoHeelor'a rail jaatrrtomed allow- ing aaMiant of rdl %90MXn, aamant collected f886 exemptiona $119.98. be reeeiTod and eiwcroeeed in the minatea. â€" Carried. MoTed by Mr. McArdle aeoonded by Mr. Abbott, that hia Coaneil adjoam to meet in Mr. Oordon'a Hotel, Dandalk, on Friday tbe 15th AprQ, 1881.â€" Car- ried. Joax Yebt, Apnl eth, 1881. Oerk. ABOUOM ni DaaoK*. ABTEBflESU COJNClL. Si'HKCBirnoiia are roeeired at tbi* office for the following Papers and Magazine*. To onto DnilT Globe. er rear. Mail, " WECKLIRS. Toronto Weekly Globe, per year, MhiI If.iniilton •' Spe^ta'.or •• CjHiiaiU Farmrr " Scieutific American " MnSCTHMSa. Farmor-* Ailvomte, per year, AmiTirnn Agricnltnriat " ir Little Onra " tB.OO fi.llO M..-.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.30 •'.00 1.60 1.60 CofTaapondaaea to tha Srtunkmn. We held our quartet iy examination in the pablic Seoool of School Section No. 7, Artemesia, on Friday, April lat, and are aorry to aay tlierd wa4 a poor attendance of the ratepayesp. it ia aatonisbiog bow little intereat parents Uke in tbe progreas of their children. Tbe Trustee were greatly pleased with the sucoeea nf the Teacher's efforts in imparting inatraotion, and theaptneas with wbich the acholars answered all qntationsput. One of them romarked the i^ood feeling existiug between the Teacher and the Scholars. This school was very near de- populated daring nine months of last year iu eonsuquence of the fever rag ing in Priceviile and vicinity, tbougii we are glad to say only one case pruT- ed fatal in this section. There is some prospect of a school house liore to lake the place of the substautial though rustic log one, which is falling behind the timus, iu coisequence of "he rapid stride education is making ill •nr day. It is astonishing how good tne slei^liiiig keo|s u the back roads, aud it so late in the season there is fully six feet of snow some places arouud here on the roada yet. [This should have appeared last week but was crowded out.] HOLLAND 'CENTBE NEWSPAPER LAWS. I. A ixMtmkster in required to girenotiea l-y «/rr(ri-tnrning the paper daet notaasirer tlic Uw| whin a ^ul)acriler does not tike hii paix-r out of the office, and state the reasons fcr ll^ not being taken ifnr neglect to do fo Mi.'ikes the postmaster reaponsible to the piill'^li( rs fi)r payment, 'i. Any pertion who take a paper from the pixt-ofTicc, whether directed to his name • â- r another, or whether he has iuseribad or iiol, is r":ponsible for the paj. 3. If any person ordered bis papar discoo- tmii'il, he mu4t pay all arrearages, or tha iillither may continaa to send it antil pa/- in-nt i^ lunde. aud collect tha whole amoant, whether it be taken from the office or not. Tiiert-ran be no legal discontiniuoce until privmcnt in niiile. N. 11. Any parions who takaa the KitsDAHD for more than three waaki, with- out notifying ui that he does not wish to Mli!«TiU,will beheld reipontibl* far ayear'i eiibwrption. \V( Ipiirn, as we go to pre«8, that the Scott Act was defeated in Ilamil- tou yPRterday, by a majority of 1,200. Advices from England stnteiLat the health of Lord Beaconsfield ia in a very critical condition, and that very slight hopes are entertained of bis recovery. Last week's issue of the Standabd contained a sapplement presented to our readers bv the 'vell known firm of T. Milburn Co., Toronto. The various preparations of their house haye lon^ been staple productions in the market, and their medicines, to our especial knowle'lge, have gained a well deserved popularity. Their latest production ia a Tonic and Blood and System Ben«yating Compound, known as "Burdock Blook Bitters." Most of oar readers are familiar with the mediciual virtues of tLat common pasture weed Burdock, and many a Matron is wont to resort to its heal- ing virtues, and manv a cure has been performed in a simple manner ^heu medical sience and skill h ive been baffled. We are informed that during the past year there has been gathered a large supply of thi« riKt alone, affording the diggers a hand Bome remuneration. Nfany o.i; roots, herbs and btrks are likL-n-.:! gathered, and thp Ii'i'iJ.s enga;;.' i in ahe manufactur ' of ll'irdiurk B"i Bitters are pasr...! tr their «:,'u;tt in preparing tuit u«;a^.«|:vl tbe trade. Al:ht'ti.-h w "^••n that the remedy has dm scAtciily m year before the public yet thi» demand already axeeeds the supply, bat tho proprietors now infoi iq is t.Uti their facilities are perfeote«i for auy emor gency. Uoweyer prejnlioed any may be to tbe use of a patent medicine, when on« aeea tbe uuiaber ojf teati- laoaiala that have been pabliahed ther mast be foreed to aaknowladge tnea marked evi*enee of ita eorative propartiee that tbev can only wonder why aay ahoold'be aeaptieal. We woold aak tha partwalar attention of o«r readers to tiie advestiaeiaaat, aa- aaring them t'lat whatavar ia elai»ed by the propKatin of thia raiaady oiay beimpbetUyralaadapon. Thaaaaaon of bilivy oompiahsia aad blood diaaaa ea is DOW ap»» o aehiB|c aad we adviat tha alBi^ to teat tha victaaa of JKuxdook Blood From a Correspondent. A certain young man of tliis com- munity has been growing up for more than eighteen summers, but strange to a ly he has of late taken suddenly to ({rowing down â€" tbe aow.t is especi- ally to be seen on his upper lip. One of our enterprising young men was led as a victim to the maurimoni- nl altar, on Wednesday last. We wish him success. Mr. Sheins another of our foremost young men is prepar- ing to build a beautiful residence on Front Street. What is to follow tkt your correspondent sayeth not. Several of our mechanics are about to leave for fairer climes. Some are «oin« to the "Great Lone Land" and ooe to the presuming Markdai*. On the 29th ult., tbe annual Mis- sionary meeting was held in the Methodist Church here. There was a good meeting, the Rev Mr McDiar- mid, of your town was the chief speaker. The mud is not so deep here as when the young man li red, who said, "It is a mistake, the centre of the earth is not a mass of fire it is only mwt. Mr Alfred Williams is building a steam Saw Mill at Birkeley. The hens about here are doing their duty for Eaatar. m â- PROTON COUNCIL. Proton Council met as per adjourn- ment, at Hopeville, on Friday Apnl 6th, 1881, at 10 a. m. Members cf Coaneil all present. Reeve in the chair. The miautes of t ho previous meet- ings were read and confurmed. A a notified tbe trustees of school sections Nos. 4, 7 and 18 were in at- tendance. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Black, that the petition of John McLuhan and a number of others praying to be allowed to form Unions with the school sections of West Luth- er be received and that the clerk is hereby instructed to give the required notice to the trustees of sections Nos. 9 and 8 and the matter will be eoi sidered at next meeting of Coaneil. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Blaek, seeonded by Mr. Buckley, tkat the petitioa of A. Riddell aoJ others praying for the r.irinaiioii i.fa school aaetion in and nrau..d Hop vill' out of parte school sfoM'iii 7, 4 :i,^ :;t ite not granted as the ttrritiy '.f t'.vo of the aeetions purpv-.-d o lo if.ct.d is bow ho .-ni.ill thai tiuj :ui with diffiealty aiii ••Acui fOii.xils. â€" Carriud. Coaneil met in the Town Hall, Fleaherton, on Monday April 4tb. Preaentâ€" Dr. Christoe, Reeve T. Wright. Dep. Reeve Meaara. Webster, Blliott and Pedhv Coancillors. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved of as read. CommnnieationB were read as fol- lows: â€" F. Nixon, Dandalk, r# dam- ages to hnse on 190 aide-road. J. Dormer, r« refand in part of taxes on account of loss of building by fire. S. H. McKittriek, Orangeville, and O. Wilkinson k Co., Aurora, «â- « road scrapers. A. R. Fawcett, Flfsherton, r township printing. R. Myles, Reeve Euphrasia, per- sonally waited upon the council. Aocounte as follows ordered to be paid :â€" W. Richardson, stationary and telegrams, $8.09 Mrs. Thomp- son, bread for Sherwood's family $8. 25 W. M. Clark, repariring chimney on Town Hall, $1.65 R. J. Sproule, postage for three mont::s $1.17; W. R. Rombongh, for plan of McDonald's Burvey, Priceviile, $5; W.J. Bellamy, quarter salary as Clerk and Registrar, $87.50. Petitiocs as follows presented and read :â€" Police Trustees, Markdale, re commutation of stetuto labor. J. Hender-oa and others, re opening part of 180 side-road. Application of trustees of school section No. 12, received. By-law No b24, to authorise trustees of school section No. 12, to borrow money intro- duced by Mr. Webster, and read a first and second time. Mr. Webster moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that by-law No. 828 ap- pointing municipal officers for 1881, be now read a third time. â€" Carried. Mr. Elliott moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that Samuel Bowles be al- low«)d *a perform two days satule labor for Lot No. 22, Con. 14, charged against said lat in 1880, aud that upon certicfiate of pathmaster, that said work has been performed, he be re- funded $2, and that Adam Hislop, be allowed to perform stetute labor for 1881, lor lot 24, eon. 11, on new Valley road. â€" Carried. Mr. Elliott moved, seeonded by Mr. Webster, that the prayer of police truste£», of Markdale, be granted and that a by-law be introduced in accord- ance thnrewith, stetute labor to be commuted at sixty cents ptr dinn. â€" Carried. Mr. Elliott movel, seconded by Mr. Webfiter, that the Reeve and Clerk be a committee to finally audit the Au- ditors' report, and that two hundred copies b3 printed. â€" Carried. Mr. Pedlar moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that the township print ing be given to Mr. Fawcett, of Flesb- erton, and that aH- former resolutions regarding printing be rescinded. Mr. Pedlar moved, seconded by Mr. Webster, that Joeepb Dormer be re- funded $8.40, being taxes in part, on account ot loss of bams and oontente by fire. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. W. J. BiLLAJfT, April 4th, 1881. Clerk. A il«y taU hy JoMpk SlarMtla^ oi Big Isifca. Dakota, who h^ jn^aiw- acai h broak tfanagh Ifea MRpk saa» Uoekada ia that aaetiâ€" It aonatay.pvw only a fairalaMBMBt tier* dariag tha aever* wiatar. Mr Stamtto pta-anatad IM aerea of hna land in Big Lake two yaara ago, aad at oaea awvad oa it.tfith tiit faauly aad aattlad dowa to work At tbe end of tha year be waa far foraiag. and had a eabin. Hekid ia ttaqoaati^^of faal aad prepared tor winter, bat it prov- ed more aevoe than be or bis n^h- bora had ealealatad. In faet Star- rette'abottrr proparatioBa for the ri- goar af tha aeaaaa taraadoattobe tha only naaaa whidi preyantad him- aalf. faiaily, aod aavaral aoighbora from atarvug aad fraaiiag to death. In Fetoraaiy ha foaad it aeeoaaaiy to reaeaa tha eatira famihea of two aeigh- bociaf fanaeia, aot ao well hneaed, from peiiahuig by cold, by taking them into hia own boaae. 'I'he eold was ao steady and so bitter that b^re the ana ilia was half over tbe fad whieb he had gathered tohtataati] apiinc was all consamed. Then he and the men atoying with bim went oat and took down the ttncea and oot bonaea and bamed them. The heavy anow fall, « biob at tbia time blockaded the railwaya, was piled in aneb drifts about tbe house were Ster- rette and his neighbinrs were domociled as to absolutely cut off all eoinmunica tion with the outeide world. Tbe menmry fell lower than ever the winds grew fieicer, and the sarroand- ing mow eaked and solidifi^. At thia time tUey dug thair 'way â€" or rather mined it â€" through tbe block- ade to the railway near by, and dug out ties which they chooped up, took home, and bnmed to cook tbeir scanty food and aave tbeir wivea and children from freeiing. When the tiea and telegraph poles that could be raaehel werecoupumed, it was decid- ed to dig through to the cabins of those sheltered in Sterrett's boose a^d break them np for fuel. This was done. Tbe bitter cold still continued Sterrett's furniture was next sacrificed even to the beadstesds, trunks, and children's toys. While the cold im- prisoued pioneer's were upon this last supply .f fuel a consultation waa held and it was decided to make a' desper- ate attempt to drive through the dead- ly blast on the crust for relief. John Becker agreed to go. A sif ig^ was prepared, and five horses hitefaad to it, Becker started. It was a terrible undertaking, and when the brave man left there wore tears frozen upon bis cheeks. Be;ker persisted in taking a fine shepherd dog. He gave as his reason â€" "I don't know «hat may happen I would rather bury Carlo in my belly than have him freeze to death." Sterrette and his compan- ions became alarmed when at the end of two days Becker did not return, and they started out for him. 'I'liey had not gone far when tiiey came across a hole in the drift where Becker had broken through. The man was found curled up in the sleigh frozen dead.' His faithful dog was lying huddled up against his breist deat!. The five horses were standing lifeless on their feet, all frozen |Btifi. The men caniedBacker'sb^idy baok, made a coffin of tiie sleigh, nailed the corpse up 10 it, and then revently placed it iu a com crib until tbe weather shouM permit of its burial. Soon after this, and just as the party was ou the point of despair, the weather moderat- ed sufficently to break the snow block- ade, and Sterrette and friends found relief. A neighboring family daring this time bad no other food than aoup made fron an ox-pelt which happened to be in the house when the blockade began. ^»m â€"^ AVIRAGO'8 HIGH JINKS. Oa ImUm^-' w^iikhaajrMto H MaQiiraaiOho^ "â- tha 9»ftnr^ wkawta adar wafi ia tba «f GUaf Joka TavUsa and' Jfaaea Alto8io.t«rooftfaa Oka Viba. whan â- attata ware a gr aaa l i l y ariangad. Mr. Cboqaet left far hooaa last avaa- ing. Mr. MoOtrraaw Mr. Vaakoagh- aSaicaia to-day, and left lor Oka with the lodiaaa to-day. The Und •boat to be porohaaad will be adccted witiioatdelav, aad tha renoval of the begin at aa eariy day. The _j oat of tha ur saa at arrange- jto will thoa Saally aattie tha long pMduqr Oka ladiaa troabtaa. TBOBOUGEIBBED STOCK IM- P0BTATI0N8 Haui^ax. April 11 â€" Tha Doariflioa I J^ a. fattoo, ofiha vaate^ loaMondasy.lltfa » 9!^ having tiad tk* Ai af a â- hip. fVttoa waa Mfaiaded antil to- morrow, whr* Uto aaae will ba reaav- ad. aad adMioaal ttaiaBea addtead. 0PBING SHOWS. at Eaphrasia, Ifriday, April 2Sad Bocklyn. Colling wood Township, at Clarki- burg, Tborsday, S8th April. St Vinaeut. at Meaford, Friday April l»th. i â- Conntv, at Owin Sooad, Monday, te April Shelbnme. April Slat, in Shdhnma. THE MAfliCET^ «A1 MABKDALB. Sf' Wbaat Mr d Fa»a»Af(aU. 1W1 MatoUo wr ba^.aewLW tc !.«» Hpnovorâ€" Ml Jo. Am. Faas Batter, par lb. IgM, pw d«a. ' piadt. di sss Id. .. Bscf Oeasa par lb. .. Dwks, par pair .. Fowls, par pair TnriUdPS, ver Ik,. B haa p s tin a â- •«*•••« I • • «• • »•.••** BIRTHS. liaa akaamafaup Texas, from lavarpaol, wUeh anivad thia ntoming. haa the laiaaat aonaigniaont of tboroagh I red eaSa avar io^ortcd into Canada. ItwniMitefazty pwa br«d poUad Aagaa, Hereford, and aborthom bolla aad two Clydeadala atalliona for the Coehrane Banohe Co., who are about atarting a atoek farm of 10,000 head at tha foot of the Rocky Monntaina. There are alao three Oaemsey eows. imported by Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, eight Clydeedale atalliona for Beatty aad Holdemeea, Toronto; fifty Oxford Doan sheep for various parties in Onterto, and over one hundred head of tfaorooglwed polled Angus, Hereford, and shorthorn animals, male and feaMtle, ineluding a Dake ball and Barrington and Leavington heifer, and seventy-five Oxford Down sheep for Senator Coebrane's stock farm at Compton. Tbey will be abipped Uirouffh on a special train, in Itond, to Point Levis, where they will be quarantined. Prof. McEachran Ukea charge of tbe abipment. » lai I CANADIAN ITEMb. A eu'-liatd of horses will de shipped from London to Winnipeg tiiis week. Diphtheria is still prevalent among children at Ottawa, and deaths are oocuring daily. Mr. J. Salter, of London, is in cor- respondance with the Wingham auth- orities in reference to starting a oot- ton factory there. It is stated there is a detective in London, under instructions from the general manager of one of the banks, keeping an eye on the personal habiti of bank clerks. Latest advices rccicred by the De- partment of the Interior in regard to Sitting Ball were to the effect that ho was on his way to surrender to the American authorities. Death moa I'oisomino. â€" News comes from Tara of the death from poiaoning on Wednesday of last week of Mr. Samuel Mnir, a well known resident of tbe village. His wife died about three months ago, after a ling- ering illness, and he lived alone since that time. It ia not known whetlier the poisoning was accidental or intent ional. Another* family living in the same house heard his cries, and when the door had been forced open, found him beyond medical aid. expiring in a few minutes afterward. â€" (/. -S' Timet. 1â€" It of Mr. A. K. tiiatatiBat.. •fadaoih- â- tt. JfiLua-^ Moat Forast.oB thatiU tha wifa o( Mr. Wm. Mi*iar. " et twin soaa. LwxBâ€" In Artamaaia. on the llA iaat-. tha wifa of Jamae Henry Lavar, of a d^ochtar. Omttmâ€"ln Manlala, on Uia 18th iaat.. the wife of t. Cka^ar, Station Agent, M a rkd ale, of a daachtar. 01 EO. Jacaaoiiâ€" In HoUaad oa tha Mh inrt.. Cath- atuM, relict of the hrte David Jaokaoo, agnd S3 yaara. MiUABâ€" In If oant Forsat, on Monday Sv^th Mai«b, Ellaa Bobiaoa, balnvod wife of Mr. Wm. MUlar, a«ed S8 yaars and 4 OMaths. Hawh-kmiâ€" In Sydenham, on theJSth Mareh, Mr. John MamUton, a««d«S years. Doaeased waa ona of tha flrat aettlars in thia part, and wa« highly raipaatad by the neigh- Doihood. Otaaai ^U|V •â- *•••â- ••• wool •• Onsa Apptea, par. baAal.. liMV •••••as*ee XbUOW •Ae**«eaa Dtt Com wmm •••••••••• o.a4 to 1.00 0.M CM Ul O.M 9M OJO 0.00 IM tM 0.00 o.4r OlU OM IS$ 7.00 1.40 8.00 0.SO afo 0.10 0.07 «.00 0.00 •• OJO » 0.10 *• 0.1* " 7 00 •• 4.80 '• •efif '• e.«o " coo " 0.07 '• 7« ' 8.00 " 0.OO •' IM 'â- 0.« " 0.40 '• 0.10 " 0.00 •• IJO " month. MoavilUâ€" Uoodn -â€" Mooia7u ^t«oai Forest_**J2! *-*, ochmontti. GMlfbâ€" first Waa. I month. ^^] HMriatonâ€" Fri^- Fair. '*Hi Draytonâ€" 8atoid,,v^ Ikraâ€" The day biT^* Io«glaaâ€" MondsVli" Hamiltonâ€" CyrstiipJ*!* the day after oiSSt Bramnton â€" Fint •h?-^'** Ti;« FIaESHEBTON. ICamcted warily /or tA« MnMfamit hf ». /. gp raa ff Fl a a fca rO a.i TauaaaAT. AftO Ulh* lOOL Floor, per MM. Spring wheat par FUl Barlay Data Peas ia. da. »»«•••• FOB tha Apply to. a good briek- maker- ALKX. WEBSTER, PrieaTille. Ont. Prioanlle, Afiil ISth, 1881. 81 2in Batter, per lb. Egga, per dos. IVnfc, droaaod. Beef Shaepakins Hidas Hay Timothy seed, Wool Lard Tallow ae*ee** USiC to 1.00 to O.00 " 0.00 " 0.00 " 0.00 " O.80 " oa7 " 0.14 f TjOO " 4 00 '• 0.00 •• 0.M 0.10 OM UMt IM ojn 0.70 OJo 0.00 OJO 0.1f 0.16 0.00 ijoa IM 7.00 0.00 S.40 0.80 0.13 0.07 Q/~k GOOD 8T0BE PIOS, far a cheese Kjyj factory, for which highAt prioa will ba paid in caah, by weight or otherwise. To ba daliverad on tha 3nd of Maf. W. B. BABJEANT. Markdale, April Uth, 1881. 31-8in SUNDALK MABXET8. Fall wheat 90c to tl .08 8pring wheat 91 te 11.06 Barley 60c to 70c Pean 8c to S9e Oats 38« te S8c Pork 97 35 to 97 68; Pota- toes per bag 60e to60c;BulUr 17etolKe: Eggs OOe to 16e; beef 5c to 6^ iheep akuia le to 91 -oo; hides 97. oo; grasa seed 93.60 lo 93.76; Hay 97.oo to 7.6o; wool )« to 88o. lard loe; tallow Oc mondi. Liatowelâ€" First Fridiiy Facfwaâ€" Thursday Foreat. Fatamontâ€" Fifteenth ^Mil, Jnne, August, eaaaber. Priarroaeâ€" Wednesdt, (irangeville Fair Ofaagavilleâ€" The 2nj eaeh month. Fleahertonâ€" Mnndav k.*^ villa. • "^1 Dandalkâ€" Tuesday bet».r Shelbame-WedneST ville. Marahville â€" Second fl each mouth Walkortonâ€" The U^^- eadi mohth. Mildmayâ€" Last Wednesa,, â- month. 'I MARKDALE CARRIA6E_W0RKS McKENNA MASON HATIMO leased Uie Waggon and Blae](- •mith Shop owned iy John Banaon, ban to inform the Pablie, that that they are prepared to fomiith all kinda of Vehicles, saeh as BIJOOIES, DEMOCRATS, WAGOON, ETCm AMD AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, And by asiiiK the Best of Material and Good Workmanship, hope to receive d fiiir share of your patronage. Special attention girento HOBSS SHOEING AXS General Jobbing As wr Warant all our work. A call is solicit ad, and weitaarantee satisfaction. Shop on Mill street, opposite the Beverc Hotel Markdale, Mareh 3, 1881. 36 Sm. TORONTO. ;;, (fpecioi to the Standard.) ToaoKio, April 14, 1881. Wheat,faU, per bash Wheat, spring, do Barley, do Oats, ' do. Peas, do Bye, do Clover Seed do Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. Beef, hind quarters. ...... Beef fore quarters Chickens, per pair Fowls, do Ducks, per brace ueese. ea c n .............. Turkeys Batter, larpe rolls Butter, tub dairy Butter, store-packed Eggs, fresh, per dos Eggii, packed Apples, per brl Potatoes per bag o 7 « 8 o 10 1 18 91 40 67 SO o oo 8 00 7 oo 4 oo 70 4o 06n 6o 1 76 la So 30 14 00 1 6o 66 3 60 Hav. " " 8 60 to 14 86 ..91 08 to tl .. 1 10 to ,. 79 to .. 39 to .. U 63 U ,. 80 to oo to CO to. 00 to 00 to 6o to 40 to 6o to 60 to 00 to IS to 17 to 18 to IS to 00 to oo to 60 to HACYAROI PECTOR;^ BALSAM) Has no «| i^r ii. \.-z.^ waaepsM t aaga. ariar!,. Get your Howe Bi] the "Standard" Office J to clKXBe from. o o 1 Onions, per bag ' S oO to €0rv**9mi^nu9. MoncB.â€" Wa wiah it disinetly understood, that we do not hold ooiseWea reponsible for the opinions expreaaed by oar eorreapondenta. â- »â- iu;i Mo .\Iova iaamti ^jui'.nt by Mr, A i'.-, m^tmiml by Mr Ahhott, b. pacitiaaof Andrew fiiddall and otuvrs aaloag for a aehool aaation ia the migfaborhood of HopeviUaha laid u the table until next mnatliw of C Mineil and then oonaiderad. Loot. Moved by Mr. McAidle, aaeoBdad bv Mr. Bhwk, that the claim of Thoa. Taibott a«ainat this Coandl, be bid over for farther eonaiderstioa. â€" Oar- nad. Movad by Mr. Boekfey. aaaoiiM bf Mr. Abbott, that tha Chrk ba m- atoaeted to viila tha Oaaaty Treaaar- ar4o araaa Iha atroara ef taxaa oa lot 18 ooa. 1 fbr tha yaar 1678.â€" OHtiad. Movrf lyMr " bv Mr. MaAHk. that Umm ^ww ba laAsad 9U.M ift haii«pMdto4a Ciaaty Xnaaarar aad vail t» Townaltta Crflaatar for tha I by miatakyaoli for laa year 189f To tha Editor of tha SranAaD. 8m, â€" Will yon be kind snongb to give spaee in yon valtuble paper to to tbe following remarks, having saw some of yonr oorreepondents in yoor issne of the 7tb of April, about the greater want felt in Markdale, of a woolen factory. The writer has ran a custom woolen mill at the village of Markdale during the past seven years and intends to run it this season. Now if the people of this place feel the want of a one set faetorv, let them subscribe (me thousand dollars bonus to the undet signed and I will give a guarantee to pat in tbe neoessary maehinery and ran the tteiorj, and this woold give thia merchant you speak of who bov^ht such a large amount of wool, an opportunity to get it made into cloth, and thereby employ a nomber of bands, and keep tbe capital flotiug in tbe village for tha benefit of ail parties. Why not give the preferenee to the man who haa afaat twaaty-thrae years amongst yoa aod bora Hw bardaa ia the he oftha day. While I ramaia yoara, a lower of jaafee and troth, W. P. nlTuaia. Markdai*. A|dl9th. 1881. [Wa da aol Midt Iha viUaga ia m- â- Gaed to tha^iviagar biaaaaa. hat at do thiak tbara are advaatacea vhiah vo«y wanant a good fiva boai- to iaveat fla^lal ia aay of vhiah wa aod thqr are A well dref sed woman by the name of Margaret Hogg, claiming to be a sister of Martin Hogg, of Hairiston, arrived there from Leadrille, Colora- do, on Thursday, April 7th, nsmain- ing over night and next day. She undertook to view the town, and in doing so partook of an occa^ioiial drink until she became rather under the influence of liquor. While look- ing around the market she cam4 in contact with a couple of men, when a conversation took place, whieb ended m a quarel, and the woman knocked and kicked both men out of time iu short order. From this she proceeded to one of the hotels and while one James Close was trying to make a trade of some kind in the bar- room she aiproached, and making her brag of having killed several men in Lead- ville she tried her skill ou Close. Drawing from her pocket a revolver she pulled the tri^er twi'je, bat the weapon did not go off. Close asked tbe hotel-keeper if the pistol was load- ed. He replied "no," aod that she had pointed it at him several times durini; the day, and it never went off. The woman then snapped the pistol again, when it went off, the ball just grazing and burning the ebe^ of Close. Sh4 then retired and took the after noon tram which was due and left for Paisley. A massage was at once sent to Pais'ey for bar arrest, and she wes brought baok here «a Saturday morning, when ahe waa brought before the mayor, convicted and sent down for trial. Next morn- ing while in charge of tbe constable she aaked for a few minntea leave, whic'i was granted, aud she left and has not been heard of since. Tbe constables are in hot persnit after her, but have not overhaaled her yet. Bhe is a Urge mauly loooking woman, with plenty of mtmey, and seema to be pattiuK in a good time generallv Latm.â€" Tbe w nnan Hom haa bean eaptared at Chfbrd and will be broigbt baok here this evening, whaa sIm will Ukely ba mora aloaalyhwkad afkar. Wondrful Invention. THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVICE For Learning to Play CHORDS AND ACG0IIPANIIIENT8 SPE CIAL NOTICES. Mothers Mothara Mothers 1 Are yon disturbed at night and broken i f yonr redt by a sick cluld suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth I If so, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOWa SOOTHINO STBCP. It will reUere tbe poor little sufferer immedi- ately â€" ilepend upon it there is no mistake about it. Theie is not a rauthar upon earth who ha ever u«ed it, who will not tcli you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rert to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating liaa magic. It is pi.r- faetlr safe to in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of ooe of tha oldest and beat female physioians and nurses in the United SUtos. Sold ovary where at 25 o«nU a bottle. W ly BEST AMD COitFOBT to the SUFFEBINO Brawn's HoBocbold PaaacaR Uas no equal for relieTing peiii, inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Tlir.»at, Kheuinatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Aobe. "It will moat surely quicken tha Blood bnd haal, aa its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Honnehold Panneea," being acknowledged as the great Pain BttlieT- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in tbe world, should be ia every family handy for use wben wanted " as it really is the best remody in the world for (Jramps tn the Stomach, and Pains and Ache* of all kinds," and b for sale by all Druggists at 35 cents a bottle. sd-ly $.. iMItAtto^coldM. SolMff«IJ«ll. ---ilf TT IT nwl •lotâ€"trâ€". noasMisatoi..inkMHaai.Mtak D. J. SHANAiml "WAG-ON and Carriage Wort Juat opened, opposite the dnu tt-.| atreat. Hanng long experi^Dw is? Mas, we feel confident we ctu pt, tion to those favoring un with tiwr o CA£BIAGE8, 8PBIMU WJGGO.VS, LU.\1BEU WiccrtVil Horseshoeing, and all ia our line either in wood, i^ and trimming neatly au I proniMja We use nothing but good ouuril ul] ploy first elasli practical workmen. Our aun is to give the beit Tttieli least money, thus seciiriDi; t npeOL, yoor esteemed oiders and the beneiiil] inflaenoe among yonr friendn. Karkdale, Apnl Sth. 1881. REMOVE] $2 STARTLING DISCOVERYI LOST MANHOOD Avtetlm ofTosaftd tl NtrroNKo. â- Msaaaslg ' ON THE PIANO AND ORGAN bavlBg trfad In valo aracy kanw« nnadr. haa aia- aormd a sinpla aalf ena. vhieh ba wta aaad nsi to Ut annw siinsisis aiMwaa J, T •• sxasssMs ac«« x* â- • THE OKiUIDUMB. owrsBo Any person, Young or Old, whether have any Musical talent ornot, can learn to PLAY ANY- THING, in a VEEY SHOET TIME, what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., etc. Sent, pre-paid on receipt of $1. PIMPLES. 1 will mail (Free) the recipe for a simpla VanvTABLX Balk that will remove Tah FllECKLtS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leav- ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for prodneing a lux iriant growth of hair on a bald head «r smooth face. Ad- drees, enclosing a 8c. stamp, Ben. Tandelf A Co.,, 6 Beekman st., N. T. SO-ly AOBNTS WAKTBD.-Bw pay.â€" Lii^t Work. Steady Emplorment. Samples free. Addreaa, M. L. BY«N 4« Naoaaaa attMt, Mew York. 80-ly TO CONSUiPTiVES. Th* advertiser, having bean pennanently cured ot that dread diaeaae, Coaanmption, by a uuple remedy, U anxiona to make known to hia feUow sttfferers tbe means of cure To all who desire it, he will aand a eopy of tha praaeription used, (fr»e of eharge.) with tha aireetioas for prapairing and osing the aaaa which they will find a soaa Cuaa far Coa. svitmea, Asmca. Baoxcxms, Ao. Parties wishing the Praaeription, wiU plaaaa addraas, B«v. B. A, Wilaon, 14t fmam at.. Wimanubnrgfa, M. tT i^^ FROV my old Rtand opposite OfEce, bnndalk, to Mr. Deiul ware Store, where I huTe a veil %m^ stock of Gold and Silver Wat Jewellry, "Wedding andj Rings, Clocks, c. WATCHES id Carefully Repaireo| and brought to t m All .. for one year. Isb.llb»in DXJ NDAL personally every Friil..v All orders left at my store w.ll be i attended to. Thanking roy ncmCToma mars lor their very Ubersl jnirm would reapectfollT sohcit a nuiiiEO the same. W,i' MarebSrd, 1881. .OLIi ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOBNTMMAK wlM s«fl.rt«d ior v-« nma Merroos DUtLITT PI TDM DECAY. a»l aU tha Mhiu of *^ It ia anderstood that â€" irniâ€" a Mv« ban made for the tau^Jaf tibo Ok. Indies ,» Two iSSnhfai to aaothor sMtioo. Dnriiiw ih. â- JBtwoakMfcChoqoet, r Sr8«uaai7 Mthontiaa, «, â- od Mr. ThoalMtagBfariMfvoofOeiliqnrDod l«»UUd, lookTkM 081 vn. 7- Mr, ?Jlt£SrL?** •*l*«ff" to W Mid k M PIANOS sl Organs VEEY LOW PEICESI ADDRESS, J. A, CEAWPOED. 4*9* King Street East, roronto, Ont. Toronto, A|ril i^thi 1881, ftU mdiasratio. win lor tha sake ol aaSSi w«^7 fay ««iah he waa cmi, Bt^sran •*«^, JOHK B. 5odSk. __»jy 4« Cedar st. Hew Tort. CHURCH DIRECTORY. CBBIT CHDBOH. TthJftW a. «^; 14lh. lOM a.*^*.; Mat. *•â- ••** "r"' ?•*.«* p. «.! D«.»4h. Mo S7th, «:ao p. as, aaUMUh MmoI. t-Jo p, a. Ward, Ine«aib«sL OAXAJ^A METHODIST CHUBGH. HWTisasefyrrabhith St la:9s a. «„ «* "op «. SdAath 8sh«t at ksTiT £-*-J5!"^*sp***»**-*- ftw6a5: PBDarnitoTHODIST. B^wioes •miy Ut and M Sabbath at • l2fcl«^ "T^taJAlthaahhathat nssBrntBiAV -hi Wi^nin HaU â- •»a»h at 11 a. hatha at «A ^uir* UMa THE BEST Bu DisemsiftlieTiiroataiili JIVPA^ In1ise«iM'"M la I CaCC9 monary «c|W« • f ami relisl*"" invaluable '1 Chehrv Pi Rucb s reniwyj other oenii"« its llie f"" eniik fooiwss tlie iiifilH"" pies aiKl "j^. tiipioftlwM*J clieiiiii'Sl'J' ' muhr"""'" tbe prr»ie« itvof rfwl'jj at th^ fix'" pMlraonary diseases, sffonlinj P and rapid cnrea. and is Hla|OM « any ace or either sex. Britu; "^:^ the yottnffest cbildren ^»^*'^J7^ ordinary Concha, Colda, Sar» BroneMtta, Influenzaj^^f^ »••• Thraat, Asthma, t«J» t«fvh,tha eSecu of Avts* WJT^ TtNUL are sbagical. and mnlto'^t anally p rsae ii -ed from «tioii» "'J'^i tloMly and faithtui use. It "°"«{ at hand in ereiy bou«'-h'i' i« taetion it affonis in suUaea ' Wa a n ing cough and ' •M la no other remedy •tl* •oythli^and I*w prices are indiioern'ofs" the MHgr mUrurea. or syrups. BJJ and iaoffaclira Ingredients, W" wMeh. aa Uiev ronuln no c'»'*|,'5.VI can aflnni only temjiorary r*i^ J| nnorary "-^ ansa to deceive^ aad oisappptnt^ â- utt and IS*; •t 74n f. », ftw^m iUttOnf Mkj IHaoaaea of the tbroal aod -^^ active and sffacti ve treatmerpt; s^j fsMna •narinsenUng with "'Sm ehani* ladlcrnce, from tbe grc*' 'Si thaaa diaaaaes may. wbile *o^l bacoMM deeiiiy seated or i*^^) Ava«*8 Cnbwt Pttosau ^j^if rnnMaotly expect the beat t*'?^ aiawlard nodical prepust'o*J^ i ackuowledasd enratlva P^*2Ua!i ciiaap ns its rvefnl prepyrSd^C Ini^odiaMBWlU allow. K^^^ST kaosriiW ita eoasposition. P^^ ptncttok The test of bait â- ^i praran liaabaohite certaiatyw aaanuy eaaurialnta notali**^ MachofhaaiMakl. Prtt|»srad by Dr. J. C. Ajf*^ mcaical and Analr* l.owall. Maw- â- M au »•«;••»â- " •*•""" t WA £t: .tds of Prints, new spring ^Titk cents, fast colors. f X^teed 50 cents â€" worthl U of Tabic Linen, 35, 45, 5^ Tabic W*pkins, 6i cents, dij Rlac^ Broad-Cloth, $1,254 '^Jick Overalls, 50 centsj eey Shirts, 75 cents. ' STANDARD. 15th. 1881. "other l^OTICES. ^^Dg weatlier. ad sugar socials are of tbe day. ^iloox's stt'ck ' i ji'wellry â€" a st arrivc-ii. ns 16 lla. i'f•fo^' ii)H'ic- mo- wo will givr v\»u liie St* !«»- |ue vear. rill LrinR ua five doten of EsKl^r. .r »Lil. wj ^i^ Sl.OibABD ^IX m'j'lli' Tf il.'alent f'r "Ci .Umie" i\, »ud Hilt) tb.t tuo ' arrel •Ciistoriue," as ho- oUiir Askii^. C*bine» Maker and f, has arrival and o' v -^i I'g block. 11 hn HI • il hire- Giirbett, oi Ovei. oou' i, ourad tbe contr.ict of t m [fv (or th« elerit tr at T ir.-i- is beiug built f'rtb- T (i Foil and Bros. I Dr MarkI 2.80 AnJ sbipiH^ bri.ij Td ruaii| oil. arru'l SlllCt tI rriJl ' \v. .1 I 'â- oM ;(ti \vi!i aiul "I'PI iiiMH |f,..- irr-: thiJ I Vf-I- ft .• Bt having 0, fiirm t 11 lit. \wtUto leave partictil'irs iit f^ aa we know several parti(.â- ^« I get snob. JIiM Btircb's for Kiinty 1 ciuf Fringes, and all tbe i heaj \tt the season. Spring stock jire 'just opened out. ' mni Lvt been autborized ti state, "•^ Icoe found fisbing before the 'i"" sasoQ, will be prosecuteaJ j y ipect of persons. ^\^^ 38 anil Carpets give tone W. J. McFarland bas .from $1. cr pair up, etf at803, 05c, 73: aiU $1 value. 0. Iforgau, Hair Dr-s-icr, Flesbertoii on TbursJay, Parties watitiug bair done ,iii(l| Iwitches, Puffs or curls will pli the Iiefibertou Hotel. txc it know wbetbcr it wns to '" our new larber, or tliat be attending trtffv pulls, wbicii ab of our jromincnt citizens his flowing beartl. KitT on tbe IStbiust., !) (laiii^b- Francis Walker of Gieiieljr. I years of age blipped niul fell I her airm below tbe elbow it Dr Sproule. "Cftstonue" Macbine Oil, for jf machinery, it is alsu ox- I harness and leatbcr, ni:ik .^„^| Br and weather proof. I'.r ,,, Jen. 1 1, â€"Mr B. Wrigbt of Art- be ts a heifer not yet tbree years 1 l«l 'hemotiier of tbree liviuj,' i t e of tbem a year old, aiul i â- I two calved witbiu tiic past [both of wbicb give ovoryi:!- " living. We Would like ti« eateu. js.â€" Mr. G.J.Blytb place,] ^ble on Montlay. iltli inst., i Y-i laid by lii tb.'r..iif.'li bre«l i Ifil ihens on that "liiv. inrii-suring of ely. 8x6i, iii.-b ^. 79s6J. }x6| iu.M.'S. ;!â- ; • :, t.l ' 10..Z. N.^v [porsjii lltN ;.'.- ':.; ";- •. •;!â- .•' l:lt« a falr-tf;.-. â- ' .• I • •••T- lili aud ^.i..'-:. • If S..lJ :...-.. wj;l pi( h*i â- â- .•-â- • • pur drujigist fof :i t;i^. ' ii « ek 01m I Uittrs. i^ .\i uiy llO CrtUtx, uiij :i " V s I |e its eflScK'noy is :i n -h:: r.-- 1 pnic-regulHt/tr of tb' U. iv Kidneys. It isHsj'f .itic fr i es arising from iuiimre bi« i f"l iered 8«ereti( us. j ^^ Kos, recitation ai. ;i.l. s s. â- ' Pd with vocal iinl n- tru- [fflusic is a pleasant w.iv of i,| evening, but wb.:, in' jid ,.;„ trmpugnr lathr.wii i.^it b- I,; perftctly sweet." If ..i; •-. 'Vw, **â- """ Mon.ln.. v.u ., I all this for 20c. is the price of voiir i.est isked a FletAfitoM swell of out- fariand's girls. "Only one 'Aiu't yooa little dear ' fe«," she replied. "At least l« to." Kids, Ties. Sliirts, Ollars, braces. Silk and I Handkerchiefs, and under- 1 ^j^ ~ttotn prices, at McFarlands. j^^^ ing^ntlemcn ofouruaual- be must have been m tbe abl on as tbe moon the otbrr O' 8tty near full, otherwise] not have mistAkpn Grunt â-º*'• aign for a target, and ' alall as marksmen by firing »t, and disturbing tbe much "^1 of our hard working Citiz ^baiTBiidnigbt orgies. Bovi» ~»m, or you miglit be ask- ' )to the township funds. ^^^M'â€"For March, S. S. No. "ion. Marks obtainable I Class â€" Ann Jan » Brecti, Dean, 166. Senior Third Mcmtgomery, 169. eiecond fta. Thomson, 177; Jane ,174 Bicbard Breen, 169. Clasfrâ€" Maggie C^rbctt, Martin, 188 Lizzie 180. Junior First Class â€" •â- lor, 160 Geo. Wellwood, DAGaaaM, Teacher. Bou, â€" For March. S. S. [Fkotoa. Marks obtaioable, Olaaa â€" Lizzie Locblao, Loohlan, 121. Third i MsOnarrie. 172 Fred no Bobert Frazer, 116. 1 Claas Sarah Johnson. Johnson, 185 Sarah 188. Junior Second Class Ji, 182; Jane Middle- LVinkUlaas.-A. Johnson.lTT; 192 Ettie Mason, ntttndaniTfi for the -JL OaaBAK, T««eb«r. ml t!ii .ml