Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Mar 1881, p. 1

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 T ^» J 'r-iI uJ. fe: PRICEVILI frot» oar Cofrexpoodent. V THE. STANDARD. Jf'riaay, March llik .18S1. TB3«^0f tia^a «9I pleasa ffisg it n«t oOan- «iM we wH) reqaira ^i-^N* t «y CMo „ .-., SiiMBK 3)ic.\ni.â€" A " 'OH-,' man Pre vill jr.L'H, moTesj ij«(l not only I h*!!" 8 io ii.:-,, nt a Very ggtli::UC r;e. T ibers xrbo agreed 1 '1. I' ^.:^••^!• 'Av ♦in II vr. W U 2j .^ f. Vhe D-.i^.:.;-^ .. .: jirori jjiieil, A«- t»' 11 â-  » • lll tliu i6U. iii-it. ' The Pruviiiciiil Ltgi-latiire was )iicirogued oii Fri-lay last, with the usr,.il cjremonic^. ' Kdwakd Hanlav tLturne?! home to Ti ronto on Fiiiljy la.-.t auJ received u rijjht roY«1 welcome. He Wits pre- s iitfctl viitii a Tea Service valued at f iMietliing in the Deiibborhood of i-iOOO, a chequ'.- for $5(X). a bronze cl tfili oiil sfeVL-ral otiier articles. The corf-iiers" jury iu the case of Mis. Pfctor ISladsalls, of Lynden, Out. r turiici' a verdict of murder against !i.-( accustd, for liiiving caused the ileath of one .Ma;,"ie iluKay, by pro- diiciijj; an abortion. It ajpearr from til' woman's own conf'.-ssiou that she lins hce-n following this diabolical Wu.iinolis f.r s-jine with siccess, 1. it lilic tiie '-iii'i.-h r tliHt goes often to the WI.11 rjtts Ijrokeu" at last, so t.iJM wicked witiien has been caught i:i her nefarious bu^iiifss, and will li.ivA to pny tin; pcnulty of her crime. »«•« Ji.M.N (joBi'O.N i'°.s(j., ufter holding the • p "Sitiou of Pnsiilcnt of tlie Toronto, N»(;icy and JJriii-f lliiihv.iy for over t«(lve j-ears. liisl vvc( k tt.nili red liis i T' i lunation, niiicii lias Ih-cm r-liictant- aui v-ill luot-saac. ^kW life sod eir- e 'v ii b^-in^ potiutabubiness mattc^rs. T.H.U are hviI cbeanly for cash. Ktog CI "ilir, the cuTbe of be farmer ia de- Mir 4icd He ha^ dr ipped bis weptn of a itiiority; be uu Iohkw lolea. The ii"';." fiiid'S tii'it iif asrea imtBenoely liy 'miyjii^.f'r i!ih or produce; be â-  pt-H«c'U ai liis bargains. Tlic '-r is rej'ic"l too, and in the Xiulierance c-f his joy commenoei in and frolic; and among the many ways of enjoyment possessed by Ihem they proceed to the curling rink; and firequentlv have games for the Oysters. Tlie following id a summary of those t'ames: GAME Ho. 1. John McIUe, Oeorfa Tr^oil, John McLeod, R. B. Orier, John McAr'bor, J, Aanmn, A. Webster, (Skip) 7. T. A.Coikey. (Skip) 6, Ko. 3. John McRae, Oeorg* Tiyon, John McL«ol, M. B. Orier, John McArthar. Joe Aosgnm, J. Webster, (Skip) 5. T A. Conker, (Skip) 9, Ko. b. John McBae. Dr. Bennett, John McLeod, V. B. Grier. John McArthar, Jos Aauom, A. Webster. (Skip) 9. T. A. Conkey, (Skip) 4, Mo. 4 T. Niebol, Joe Aassnm, John McLeod, C. McHillen, (Skip) 7, No. 6. Jf. Wait, S, Fdih. *%e, eldest soo of J(r. JuLii yifvoiwia farmer, living nekr Thornton. Iras found dead yesterday afternoon in a baru belon^ig to hia^J^heT. It is supposed that he died of heart draesse. Dr. J. W. Norris, coroner was noti- fiel, but did not consider it nec«8»U7 A. Webiter. John McArthur, T. Oonkey, Wait, (Skip) 14. T. Nichol, 11, to hold aft. inquest under the above cir-^ j^ onUxs Mi»ii3I.SteJ? "" ** P" cumstanoe. The deceased" was" tiighly' B tt e n J a io. "TOsSBbSW^ *«««««» ^0Wt*p0Ui^Ct. Notice. â€" We wish it diiinctly understood, that we do not hold onrselvux reponiible for the opinions expressed hj oar correapondents. Te the K iitor oi the Stakdasiii, Sib. â€" In perusing the 7ry Reriev of the 13th (tf Jan'y, ult., I notice in the Lucdalk items an article, over the signature of "Old Zero" in reference to municipal Electii)n of Proton, stating that funds had been posted iu the bauds of Conductor Cnambers, of the ly ntc. |it«d. W. II. 1$ .ilty Esq., the i T., G. 4. B. R.'y for the purpose of si.liejlor .f the 'uii,|.. i,v. has been betting on issue of such Election. It I. c-fcd to fill tlK. vac .v.hus caused. '"'V'""' ^«^^«» ropeate-Jly intimated to ,,. i .1 y* 1 ,.' Ill ine tuat 1 was the person referred to not Ihnili !l..(...,„pa,.y could ,^, (;. c. and there being no other li;ive made a bell, r s. Icctinn, a.s Mr. employee on the T., G. fe. B. R.'y of til' C'liiiiiai.y could 1 r s. lection, a.s Mr. l;"s Ion-,' ciinii" ctioii with tilt road in till- capncity "f S^ilieitur liiis (.imljlid liiiu to g:t llii.ron^'hly )iittil in all Tiiuttfrs ci'tnirct'd with it, and no il.ubt that Kiiiv.'til;; will be l)nt to t: I'l 1 advaiitt"!} by tin i -v I" j. jjut. JIAII. \V Mi). .\ftlrr col..- â-  ll 'â-  !• I... i numb rloss iiii wi n li .i il'ipiUuli'iis, '.. a i' • f â- ! have granted ai • tli â-  f ll .\*i.i^' i.. foads. 1. .TheOntaio Sault St.,-, .d liu Kailwny from (Irav- iliuist to Snilt Slu Malic, a di-.tiic-' id ;J(X) liiili.s lit th-' nitiu of .$2.H.»() -Ml uiilu *2 Tlio l.ric ami Huron RiiKvav from Hoiidiail, oii I.ikr \l\i' • Dies ill 11, !l distriicir of 4(( miles, at tin; late i.r !?-j!.IK)0 p.r mile. :: Th? S'rHtfiUil and Lake Huron Ruihviiy fr nil llarii^toii to Wiartou. a ilistace of ((2 nulls, ut th rate of .^*2, MK |)«T mile. 4. Tlio lirsl s rlion of the (leorgian I'.ay mill \Villiii;,';on Railway, from .Mount Fonst to Durhain, ii di.stauce ul 10 miles, ut the rate of $1,5UU per mile. There is a fi^ood deal of dissatisfac- ti'ju exprcsriid ut the government liaving diseriniimited against the ieorgian Bay and Wellington railway ill ftlViT of the otlifi roads. The foUow- ini{ from the (htyllnuir liiti the nail oi; th head exactly :- " Tosay that withholding Provincial aiil from the northern section of. the (ieoigion ray and Welhngton Railway will be disastrous to the interests of Diirli.-.m and the muuicii'iilitlos lying between I)urham iiiid Owt-n Souiid, might seem somew hat liyperboiical, but, as tilers is no jiossibility cf buldicg the northern seeli m of this lino without I'rovincul aid, it is very evident, that by withholding Provincial aid now, those inter-'sts will be seriously mjiired and gnat injustice done to the rate- payers who liave contributed towards tlic building of the road. It is pos- sible that some conni^ction may exist between this railway policy of the On- tario Govormnent and a Bill which has just passed its tnird le.idiug, to amalgamate the G. B. k W. R. and b. L. 11. R- Coinpiuiies, the new company thus formed to be henceforth known as the Grand Tniuli.Geoi^'ian Bay, and Lake Ene Railway Com- pany. These lines will virt'ially be- come the property of the Grand Trunk, and It may well suit the interest of that corporation to make Durham the terminus of the Durliaui hrancli i f the new hue, in view if the fact.- tiiat it has Bctuied Wiaiton as the tenninus of the main line. But we submit, tbat Provincial aid to railways is suppose to be given in the interests of the people and not in the interests of' railway comuaiues, and that hviwever iliu proiKised arrangments may tiuit the Grand Trunk, it is a positivemjurv to the municipalities." PiRK. â€" Last Saturday, tli â-  Rev. E Spe.-cer, lot 1, con. 5, R pp' I, met with a very tenons loss ly lire â€" his Htable and contents, together with all his stock excepting one calf, being con- Gcumeil. The disa.ster occurred winle the family were ut ii:nn"r. a ' b â- â€¢ .r it was discovered, ;i.. alal-li â- ,-;.. sheet of tlame.-. .n .i;uioi.. ,.,;.. promptly on tliu jjroi,,...i «;.,! ,,,., ,^ v,..,, found impos^ble to sa^t- the liumi :. buUding, which wu.- iir,' ail eflforts were duiei'ji to saviufj lin- latter, with succei-s. in. tire is Mip. )K6ed to have bail ir-- ' i^.n from sum.- hot ashes which h.ia '^. ji iur.wn oui bj- the children a snort time before. No iusuiance. Vs .Mr. S[)oueer is hel I in high esteem, tlie ueighuore called a meeting the following Monday, and, after espresjing their sympaihy fer his misfortune, appointed "the chairman and secretary to wait upon the rev. g^ntluraau for the purpose of asking, permission to replace some of the stock dt:stioyed. â€" EcAp. John Morden, a farmer's boy liring on tte 5th concession of London township, is a selltanght taxidermist. aodbasa colUcticu of. 1,800 speci nieas. A very large proportion of ibeae are uativa birds, vbioh he «ap- twTfd and set np darmg leienra wo- uanta after Ms regnlavfarn work was 4mm. that I am the person the subject same name, 1 very naturally suppose of Old Z's. insinuations; and now, bir, if such is the case, I emphatically deny the charge, and furthermore declare it ti. be a black falsehood. I am pre pared to prove that I was in no way coi'iiected in pools, stakes, or bets on ret^ult of sftid election. It appears to ine that O. Z. in dissimulating, want- •'1 to wiii| Kouie one else over my back â€" an ae'iou only worthy the meanest cowtrd. Wm nnm de plume was Well chosen, for, as already stated, if he tri';,i to play on me the doings of another, he is a mere cipher. From lilt) tune of l-is jialavcr all through, one would imagine be had beeniu the eiufil'jy of P. T. Baruum as chief clown, for the past decade. In con- clusi )n I would say if I am the indi- vidual he styles C. C. I demand on apology and if not let the palavering O. Z. explain. As he seems afraid to yive his name, I will not follow his example. By giving the above pub- licity in your valuable piper, you will confer a favor on, yours Respectfully W. 11. Chamber, T., G B R'y Owen bjuud, Feb, 28th, 1881. 1' b. â€" I sent a copy of the above letter on the 22nd ult., to the Editor of the Gmj llcvitw but somehow or other it failed to appear in the columns of lust w^eks issue of that tiuey little sheet.â€" W. II. C. To the Editor of the Standaso. HiK, â€" I observe in the Standard lately thnt you had been found fault with for committing a breach of po- litical neutrality by inserting Mr. Sproule's spech in Parliament on the Syndicate question. You answer that the insertion was paid for was, in it- self, complete but even supposing that it had not been so paid for, surely it is the least we can expect of a local newspaper â€" political or non polical â€" to give ns a report of our local memb- ers speeches. How otherwise are many of us to become acquainted with eur members views on public ques- tions as they come up. My own po- litical opinions and those of our sitting member do not accord on many points but that is no reason why I, or any other Reformer, should be deprived of knowing as to how Mr. Sproule's are developing on -public matters. Mr. Sproule was elected as a Conservative, chiefly by Conservatives but once elected he is member for I he whole riding, end I am sure that all really liberal Reformers will be glad at all times to jieruse Mr. Sproule's utter- ances on public questions. Yours, Reformer. Ml. Hogg, Reve of the Town of Colliugwood, has been uuseated from want of sufficent property to qualify on. Self-destruction. â€" James Gibson living on the 4th concession of Cart- wright hanged himself iu his own woads on Saturday, 26tli ult. If any of our subscribers iu the vil- lage do not get the Standard regularly they will please report to us at once, so that we can have the cause removed. Weha/eauew carrier boy, and he may have missed some. A MoDKRN Samson. â€" Wm. Brown, of Bentinck, shouldered and carried a barrel of saltoneqiiaitcr of a mile, then piiitii g tlie bairol on the ground took 11 liy the chimes ani threw it fourteen and a quarter feet. This feat took jilaco yestsrday in Bentinck, and ^as iNitnessed byJ. W. Boulden, harness maker, and several others, of this Town. â€" Hetdew. TauaeRS foe Pbi.xtino. â€" The Town- ship of Normanby at its last meeting instructed the Clerk to invite tenders for the Township Prmting in no less than three Counties. It is a wonder they did net iaoiude the City of Toronto in tVie Uat. As there ia a printing office in the Toiliship, the proprie»*j: of which pays his share of the Township expense, we think that the Council shoald get the ^printing done there witfaoai sending outside the County. Iftfaerewasa job of road makioit to let, the Coancil woald not send to another Coontj for tenders and we see no reason why a resident should not get the trifling profit of the Township printiog in prefemee to straofers. We mvsl xemeetfallj d«- eline te taader for th« pnniing of the Towiuhip of-Wwauby Pott respected. The Timnder Bay }\or{k Sur.ili-«f orges tlie estabUshment of rolling mills and blast furnaces at that place. It expresses the opinion t'lat "Thunder Bay is the one point most favourable for tJie erection of rolling mills and blast foraacefl, and capitalists eao find no better site, and no better time tluui the present for the establishnent of in- dustries of this nature. Thei i is here the necessary deposite ofore in quality and quantity, the opportunity of dis- posing of their manufacture at a large profit, and the matter of labour is also favourable, for it is generally abundant at fair wages." SupposKD PixD. â€" Some days ago Mr. J. Ferguson, of thistown, was dijiging a mell, he found about two leet below the surface a hard substance which he supposed was rock. He broke off sev- eral pieces and one of them he took to Mr. S. H. McKitrick, who melted it down in his furnace and gave it as his opinion there was a consideradle quan tity of iron ore in it, but eouid not say then whether it was really iron ore or not. It is said«his8toneisveryexten- sive hereabouts and steps will be taken by the parties owning the land on which it is found to find out exactly what it 18 composed of. â€" Orang'cUle AdvertUer, Ou3 prohssey as to the hkelyhood of having to chronicle an accident oc- curmg from children running afier farmers' sleiehs, has proved only too true. On Friday last Willie Noble, a little boy, aged between six and seven years, son of Mr. Alfred Noble, in company with two other lads were riding on a sleigh, when little Noble fell off, the other two j umped off, one falling across the prostrate lad, the other jumping on his legs, and break ing one of them half way between the knee and tlie body. The little sufferer was picked up and carried home. Dr. Carter set the broken limb and he is now doing, to use the common phrase, "as well as can be expected." Thi Illustrated Scibstific News. â€" One of the handsomest of publica- tions is the Illustrated Scientific News, published by Munn Co., New York. Every iiumlier contains thirty-two pages, full of engravings ol uoyellies in science and the usoful arts. Orna- mental wood work, pottery, vases and objects of modern and ancient art are finely shown. The March number coutaius, among various other subjects illustrated, full description of the manufacture of paper hangings, with engravings; how the deceptive curve is produced in casting the ball by the baseball pitcher, hi^ attitude, how he liolds and handles the ball, all fully illustrated. The number before us also contains engravings of Capt. Eads' proposed ship railway across the Isthmus, at-d a novel hydraulic railway locomotive. IA addition to all this it contains many valuable recipes for artisans and housekeepers. This publication will be foud instructive and entert-iininc; to all classes, but Will be best appreciated by the most intelligent. Published by Munn k Co 37 Park Row. New York, at $1.60 a year, and sold by all news dealers. Spend Your Money at Home. â€" The following excellent advice, which wc find in an exchange, we judge not to be entirely inapplicapble to ourselves: â€" It is your home you cannot improve it much bv takiuig your money awaT to spend or invest There is no way of improving a place so much as by enccuraging pood merchants, good schools, and good people it settle a- mong you, and this cannot be done un- less you spend your money at home. Spend your money at home, for "that is where you get it." Spend your money at home, because when it is necessary to get credit, it is of your own town merchants you have to get it, and they must wait for th-j money spend it at home. Spend .your money at home. It will make better busi- ness for your merchants they can and will keep better assortments and sell at lower rates than if the only bus- iness they could do is what is credited out, while the money goes to other places. Spend your money at home. Set the example now. Buy your dry goods, groceries and meats at home, and you will see a wonderful change in a short time in the business out- look of the place therefore deal with your merchants at home. Your mer ch ints are your ueiglibors and your " lends they stand by you in sicluiess â€" are your associates. Without 'your trade they cannot keep up business. No stores then, no one wanting to buy property to settle on and build upyour place. OffieeTVuidli^ tf- QNM'Hard T»tire Swifi what! hm» a waiaMorted «ockaf Jewellry. Wecldiair««ia fwm EingB, Clocks, c- 4c. W.tches «nd Clock* sarefnUf "9^^ .*»* l2^m{ht to time. An « ' '^Hfot ma yaiar. ' I»l persooally eTery Friday, IE-' TWI Q^! Bj s-;£S!y liwrally, Ot tb* men for tbeir xprj liberal petrounge. I would reHectfallT aolieit • o«(i(lotiQiM «r the »«m«. y VfOLIi. March Srd, 1881. TO RENT_OR 8ELL LOT No. 2, Toronto street, M»rkdale Now occupied by Joseph Sproule. For particolars apply to MARSHALL BEABD, Mftrkdale P. Markdalc, Mar^h 8th, 1891. 36-4in H. MEGGITT; Fashionable Tailor, FLESHERTON. Is prepared to fill all orden promptly. Cutting done vhiU evttomen are wmting. I ao«tf Rtjuaraitetd. The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. ^Bemembw the plaae opposite tUehard- â- on'a store. Fleaber ton, March »tli, 1891. 26-m8 TAILORING O. A. OWEN. Fasblonable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailovina De|»rt- ment over MeFariand'i store, wi«hes to inform the pubUe of Markaala and sbt- roonding coontiy, th«* he i« prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! C U T T"I N G Done whOe Costomfln are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES Always on band to ehoae from. A Good Fit Goaranteed â€" ATâ€" I^OW RATES. tsr Remember the Place, Over McFarland's Store. Usrkdale. Mot. 96, 1880. 11-tf Organ ^r Sale. A FIVE OCTAVE ORGAN, nearly new, one of Olough 4 Warren's (N«w York) celebrated Instruments. Cost t209.l0 will b« sold at a great reduction on aboye price. A. W. E.\TON, Markdale, March 2, 1881 Sii-S;* Auction Sale or TALrASLE Farm Property. UNDER and by Tirtne of Power of Sale coiitnined in a certain Uortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, and up- on whioh default in pa3'inent has been made, there will be sold at the MUNSH.AW HOTEL. IN THE VILLAGE or FLESHEBTON, In the County of Grey, On Thursday, the thirty -first day of March, A. D. 1881, AT TBBKE O'CLOCK IS THI ATTSBNOON, The following valuable lands and premises, viz,: â€" Lots nambers one hundred and nine- teen and one hundred and twenty, in the first concesdion South-west of the 'Toronto and Sydenham Boad, of tlie Township of Arte- mesia, in the County of Grey, containing one liunilred acres, more or less, excepting thereout a portion heretofore sold to the Toronto, Grey and Braee Railway Comjiany. On the premises there are said to be good frame building: TsBMR. â€" One tenth of the^nr9ia*e money paid down ht the iime of Kale forty per cent, in thirty days with interest at »eveii per cent. balance can be had for five years with interest at scveb per cunt per annum For further particolarR appl» to. liEYS, PEARSON 4 KINOSFORD, m, HEAR. 6fi, HEAR. OH, HEAR. o Squander yoor mooar if ?t a want to, if not, get your Photographs of W. BULiMEB. The People's Photographei*, Flesherton. Who to agaia praparM to taka Piotorea, and do Copjiag and Enlaigiag a* btretotoM. We ars receivin a Urge stock of MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and IPrame Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Bemarkably Liow Pncea, Call and â- eeore bargains. • j Brins alous yoor pictnras anil have tbaan oouiad acd enlacKM bv 'vonr old friend. BULMEf. i2.Vti Solloltors, Toronto. Sale of Valuable Farm Property UNDEBandbyvfrtueof apbtrerof sale contained in a Mortgage madb by Don aid Mclntyre, default having been made iu payment thereof, will be sold by Public Auc- tion, at the iflarktfitle inya»«.' " niarkdale. On Saturday, March 12th, j£8i, At 13 o'doek, noeu, the following Property â€"The East half of lot number 24, in the 9th con., of the Township of Glenelg, in the the County of Grey, containing 50 acres soil clay loam 25 acres cleared and iu a good state of cultivation, balance well timbered no buildings. TxBMS. â€" The purchaser shall pay a depotit of 9100 at the time of sale, the balaoice of half of the purehase mouey iu two wenks thereaf- ter; remaining half iu cash, or secured by a mortgage payable in from one to five years at the option of the purchaser. For further particulars, apply to CBERAR 4 MUIR, Vendors' Solicitor, Hamilton. February 2lst, 2881. 25-2i A NE^?7 ELECTION THE Undersigned is prepared to advance Money on First-Class Farm Property, with large margins, at 6 Per Cent, Yearly! OH tTRAMHT LOANS, This is the Lowest Kate ever offerered in the County of Grey. OFFICES :â€" Lot 36, Con. 4, EuphrasU, and MaATOED, â€" Next door to Boyal Hotel. N. B. â€" A large amount of private mone; to loan on Good Nofi* or Second \lor1gaget. E. E. KNOTT. March 3, 1881. 35-3m PffOTlcJJE, AU'i L partiw iiiitlirta io tha lotderaigned J\. attbar hj oota or book aeeoant wiD eall atotf abopandiatda wjiQiottt fattftitf oMm, As Inava not tiaa to 'vuit Ifott all at "jvmx homea. and it ii too ^zpeocivc to Mad oM a ooUeetor, i hop* tha above aotiee ^beaaf- K. B.-r-WanianJa faneby gtvan, 4M ra- W*il» .»:*i ..*, W-tf MARKDALE GARRIAGE_WORKS I McKENNA MASON HAVING leased the Waggon and Black- smith Shop owned by John Benson, beK to inform the Public, that that they are prepared to famish ati kinds of Vehicles, soch as ' B1JC}«IE«, '.., l^v.^,! ^t'^.[ BEMOCRAlrs, WAtMMJtt* BTCh AT pmbisTosiprrteTiiKs. Aad by aain« the Best of Material and Good WorluBaosbip, hope to receive a fair share o year aatnmifle. Special attention given to HOB3E SHOEllTQ General Jbbbingl As wewaiant all om-wnck. A esU is solicit- tbe Severe SS^m. Hotel Markdale, Mareb 8, 1881 ^ri*i Lirrj A CO0p_CHAIidE A GOOD MaoramTH WiNTM), to" Hu-e for a yttt, or lent the Aap aad tools. For partiealars, anilr on Hie nMi. »••. or bv letter to *^ Mtt.iaaxmcEAM§ov, L IbriiSala P. O. Us4«U. Manht, I8Bl!^^ •Mfr j Ki^" Flesherton, Maioh 10, 1881. f. V ••€€.. EDICAL HALU -â- ;:p- CHANGE of BUSINESS. o We take pleasure in announcing to the residents of Markdale and 'anrroand- ing Countrv, that we have purchased THE DRUG AND STATIONERY BUSINESS Lately carried on hy Db. SPROULE, and trnst by strict personal attention to business, and by keeping a full assortment of the BEST MATERIALS, in the above lines to merit the support of the genera^ public. o As the Holiday season is fast approaching, we have purchased a LARGE and VARIED Stock of Fancy Goods, Toys, And many otner Articles, Useful and Ornamental, for CHKISTMAS PRESENTS.' Job Lots for Chrlsfmas Trees at Reduced Rates. o • A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL B00K8..8TATI0NERY, Dyc-Stufls, Paints, Oils Tea*, and Tobaccoea, ALWAYS ON HAND. Agents for Monteal Telegraph and Vicker's Express. tS* l'l»nciant Preicriptiont and Family Recipies dispensed at all hiiure. A.TURNER CO. Markdale, Dec. 9, l^iSO. 13 tf Pianos and Orfi[ans. '«•. â- li* y. J. A. CRAWFORD DEALER l]« PIANOS AND ORGANS! nti OF Tins â- ur^"bxid.gre ^^a,rL-a^a.ctVLx©- Having a thorough knowledge of Musical Instruments I would invite those desirous of purchasing an instrument to ,1' .- â- ffi^ ^.'â- i QIYE ME A TRTAT.y f*!.^ il !•. 'â- kit '.:t.K^.T 1^ I can furnish good testimonials from parties to whoin I have sold that they will be dealt honorably with in all cases. By corresponding with me I will convince parties that I will sell cheaper than they can buv elsewhere. '„^^- .- r it: Monthly or quarterly instalments Would be accepted With a small payment down.; ' •«« i» h--isM All iMli i ip li mmma ht SIk Yiirt. i i«oi, .i^tf" AODBESS,' 4ta .4r Aj^ORAWFORD, lUCK»OX TS, 0?**** *i'.iii/*i.? ' â- â€¢i~ S .. :rf». â- U.SU ^t '" Sfi: m I)(HHIFA( I ha-** now a Lsifs aad Ty sf Ula^'iifNj Furniture in all the Latest St 100,000 raR OF COOD BottentBt, Clien7, Basi^tood, Bircb aid for whJeb ' r THE HIGHEST PRICE WTLIj BE PAID. â- A.I no SL Q-u.a33Ltlt3r of O-ood. ALL KINDS OF SASH, D^ORSi MOtfLOINaS, ETL Estimate of Supplies CIVtn on Applicatic ISr Don't forget the Warerooms are rcm^red iiaxt door to the Factory, DarhjB, Flsshsrton, December 28, IMft ' ' " f f ll S^ Fl. noopEi S Eli ING OFF! FALL AND WINTBB AT AND UNDER COST For Cash^qr 30 Dayi Grents Over-Coats and Suits, LADIES' FUR MANTLES AND SHAWLS, Ladies' andi Gems' TJnderGlot] staple and Fancy Dry (hoi OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT EOCK-BOTTOM PEICEJl BOOTS AND SHOEI In every Varietyâ€" CELEAP. Everything AT UNUSUALLiY LOW PBICESatthe " T O 15 O 3Sr T O 23C O TJ S E." ;^ Wm- BROWNJ Markdale, December 20, 1880. ' ' â-  -^ "VVE AVISH ^OU A Merry Christmas ana a Happy New I In reviewing the past year we cp-nnot but say, that itl been a year rf prosperity with the people ol our C and as others have prospered, we have been enabiecj participate with them in their prosperity. Our business has rapidly increased, especially since j moving into our new premises, and we solicit a share of ' patronage for the year i88x. i: We are now offering a fine collection ol Oil r i s t mas 6 o o d râ€" NAMBLY ' and a large variety of CHILDBEN'S' IdGTS.I OUR CWOCERIE! For the season are, as usual,' Well Selected, Fresh and Good. •'â- *$_';(â- â- ' V-^ ^^'^:fry:^^!^. 5^^^, at 459, Splendid Vaiue. f-^'^-^'"'^j'fh^Vt6ple aS(iLll asking for NEW CURRANTS, NEW PRUN sking :*;- OMlJ'flSli^DraT, nothing IY^3VOa8IQ o our suits so 1 lUnNTER DRY GOOl I /u.;4iH;At.^9W..PK.ICJH» to clear them o»l. g^gat. vtcce. Svmai. lUamakbut^ Tas«MUriirftirtk«1 teg is the ou«r of thef E|iri*V^y~^^»^M Ar».sH#ock,rf -a CASTORINR I MiHtf trom the jl »^ ffiWOrniii- and ijUH,nl^ pnHBptly. ^ga of imrcbasing a [^fill to call at this of- a nnmber of choice gives tlose who are a polite reiuiutlcr, iu i aiilees tbcy wish a cajl r, they must settle op 1 lll8t. for itome time past with I M • rMslt of ooaMtipatiun vas imiQeed to try B irdosk bieb pioveU very eflSca'ioug, adie and ouoiiti{xat:m. I 1 it to ail similarly atiliet- 8. B. liUOEUS. ' County, Ont. (dealers for "Custorine" and aee thnt the barrel 3d8toriue," as uono ctljer J jeweller is the ouly ooe I keeps Lazarus Morris' beet in the world. Call onafl' Machine Oil, for f machiner J, it is also ex- arness and leather, mak [^a weather proof. For ftik»" for ^larch is Le- seem to improve each itifuUy illustrated, aud I just suited for little ^ee !• 50 per aiinnm. the Bassial Publishing Tremont Street Bas- on for sugar mnking is ;, and promists to be %ye bad for many years. ag sap buckets cannot do on Hasket Bros, nua rda. TUfv are reujaii;- I stasoD. Timotl J ntd,' just Ledi-jal Hall.â€" A. Tb B«AD Mr. Bulmer'i uTaoother eolum, ani, gaod photo, or wish o| will know where to i Bev J. W. Savage Methodist church, morning, at half Flesherton, at G:30 HcuXB have you a yield to the lunaj reroe. not despair, bnt trj- H»_. sam the beet ooogh eurcl of this Rate aud ple««ant| up the most obstmt* dealers sell it at 2o oeatj Nothing sets a a good-fitting suit, FlesU.rtan, says hel euil you to a uicetyj Farmois, iu tli« Flesherton, tviiosc palling or Jiave thd it new ones siioul^ Mr. J. Gordon. R. J. SpaouLK, purpose of makiuu; j nniortutioD' wl' thirty days, cffer Ij ai greatly reduced in another solum: Ma. ILi., of moved his bi-atul Mr. T)iant- MunUil shov. .r ;» a .\\,-il ji.--| and .silver v..itchi| him a caU A L c'ture will bytcri: Cl.ii;\ uesdav. Marcl MtlJrum. ..Sul its hisrory und v 10 cents. Mr. .Jds.'ith .Swi!] W. Toronto a -jd auctijon, iius 1-1.14 sequeiitly ho L:i- stock, iuij-I. Vat :i; structed Mr. J pose (if tliciu on Tj Ten mouths' erdl §5. Maxy mof,t rcmf.r liavo bi-eu jK-ifoinii- the ccrtifJiMt. .if wli chirfiill_» f.n i!]-l, edy known foruU ra action â€" taliou inter ed. it curts('riu)i. ll Throat. aiidi a jH-rl iier of pain, Uuieno R. J. MeCv] tiou fr.iin \Vni.\V down all anJ '.iiJ -WJij Mr Jones, wlat in ' jâ„¢f •"'"' "'j U tiui disturbance about if-r 'i""'-/ '" I z-jtij, .at I(.t 12 1-1! atter Jokesâ€" Oil 1 a.n with the dress shiit ai d ll^T""" '"'"• knrchased at McFarland's Dd I am bound to get six I they are all sod. credit. An unrescrv- St fk 4o, iaki's (J on •hi- picmi- 1C3 iiiid H;i. -.-.r: to iind Sydi'nliail Davi nil be i.u ri'BKKs of reapers, mowers Ing machines, prefer '-Chs- chine oil to any, it »r lard, seal, or denhant, „„j ,,,j^ ,,^ ^j intod not to fored. and seKc IS THK BEST T'OLIiY.' fv.r. Credit to is Bweetest when gained hy j yard's Yellow Oil ia au houeat iiif â-  p Mt fc ing it cores more Vaina, Lameness, Sti0 Joiuts. .Bains, Scalds. Bruisi^. l.iieu- Colds. Sere Ti.roai uij.l t amy other semedy otttn d Dosehold should be wiihout it. sums ov^ir 510. Westw.vrd. -McAiiJtiv JijvKji Iloi-ilfi: li.o.'l. orntJi. r Smt'i- " 111 ir st-.c-h. ll hivi« friv.-n .1. \| ^^n to ii.i, ..11 ving puie seed grain for well to let it be known BraMDAKn. It will only T.'U uiiiftli-' ci,i one insertion iu the locid 1 vi,l, 1 m |.,^], ere evtiry reader will see j ch;iM v. r r^."). are many intjuniii" f'r 'there are also some anxious ' "' 'â- '""' "fl aaketfor the same. Try finding each other. LL for School Section No. hor. Ili-ilust number of iuable. 300. Fi»uiti Class reen, 208. Senior Third Taylor, 250: E. Monigom- ' Junior Tiiiid (lass ntgoiuery. 173; J. Lum b»Conil Ci;'..s^ â€" ]». Mc- '»V. Thosiis,,!,. '-Ha); a. 6. first CiMssâ€" M.c-.ri.. ti 1 Mh Maiki^l-. eml)j poitimity to i:| who fri.-.jr,,-;it I J i8pr-'i':i •• i ;•• 11 abli' t'-rii:-.. « i;l filltltx \vl,u-il Wll iuisli.-i)« ill li.ij gay ••I...iliiu-i ai« li's .Si amiah IJ. A.-. |. e-ii.(- I liarmbv, il:,; M. MaiMu.-IBut ,t sn-,; j B'.Lirs ah r .ula Iv.-vnnt. Iv (aucy .ir^uk ' thst â-  ,-:•.! Kidu v-. |.u: th. • i-i, :ioii IBAHAM, Tiui-hir. Wiliiara bo it, a v lun? ^ut friends 01 iduli ns, at, 1 I'm living by doin odd jii,s "izens. mot wi:n ratln a |dent on S.tturoay cv- mug. ing wood for Mr. noes It aipears liiat whilst iok the axe glanced un.; ^side of his foot intii. tin lud. Hewastakt u int.. m] houae, and hid his f Bssedby l)i. Curler. 11 I Id at i Tio; i] i»l U, .). W.S,.,.^-. to Kiircpc. cr-. •iluiun • ' |p:ii e«. A "!•â-  r-.«sl ' l..iiii-- 4!i and III X! K-i;il •' • I.N I ;lli Jl We C !• t' â- ?gr NOTI;OB: WANT^2â€"i«,ooo RiilWay ties, ffr .... Al«if a quantity of Cordwoo«j MarWale, Dfcc. av 1880. •^.TTaj III â- essing favorably, tliou^rl, me time before he will be k again. ' jC .rva.-(. •â-  '"• â€" The followihg is the gr.iom was :i ll the pupda in S. S. No. -1, dal.-. -ji.) i.-l for the month ending Feb. pleased to knv Forth Class â€" J Harriet G. "nd jione, aud, ' o^" Joseph Orr Stiu- pleuMiiv oi l.e] Jtoes F. Hutchison. TJ,ird riitijo oi \. C. Stinson, Second F. ICIiu^rnt ti Third Thomas Lyons. Iluck. r in ;:ii:l assâ€" First liobert Lyons. I even, nj:. 'iiiii lomas Taylor, Third hichard led bvH V ll irst Classâ€" Senior- Joseph lU 8 oc'o kl Second Francis Carsou, '?uests we-e i J Brown. Fust Ciasjâ€" t her of costiy Lodlow Second Mar- jhigh esteem iton. Third John Ludlow. |i!iitiee were Little, Teacher. iJiiJ ' soeial event.^ ol Sunday mormug, about ^.„j„,.^.^j j^^. ^„i m.. Mr. Gjo. Haskett, ol i,,„,;. ^.^; ,,. J xlaakett Bros., was awak- ' ^.^^,[| j^^. ^.^^ jJ his siumber by the smell of ,„„,; ^.^^y'l,^ ' X)n desc^jdiug to theshoi.. .^y^.j;,,,, ,^,j,^ some nnScreant had ""dt i j),^. j^.^j.,,y ,.,„| cellar close to the vliv.Mon i.^^^^^ s Grocery and their discovered the fire hnd Si rpuise- :h the flooring and had i Toaclur and lower shelf. With the ' o» some of their neighbor.^, •«msed by the crj'offiro, sabdaed, without ma- domicile. S| to the building. For- 1 tables groan i was so early discovered, of tea and lotes more would given it qiiahtr. Av |Vfty that nothing could have of, and all c lilding, and the stock, from I periuteudent iroom where the fire origi- 1 Mrs.~- Pedlar »1k) have beendistroyej. ' Bible, with cl W« believe is fully covered I â€" "Preseutc We have not learued a few friends suspicion rests, but we prtxiiati'ii of [wreteh will be discovered. by her to the matter more heuious With pleitsm ••ttMtt the Messers Haskett mental iuus| I store, and had Mr. G. was spent. • heavy sleejier it is family did tbj jmhahle we would have guests happy tl^D to annoBOOe the long be rem I in which mo Sa'ubrtft Sell suri'ristd tii Pedlar, bv tl «if ' '^-

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