WOMEN GOSSIP. Meat me ia the moonlight â€" Meet me in the dell If the stars behold ui. Will they ever tell Though the mooa be bright, love. Never heed the (kies Need we gaze at heaven- Are they not your eyps Let the gentle Lreezea \Vhiaitr aX they fly Still they cannot echo All that we may sigh. Who shall ertr luten Who shall ever tell We were ia the moonlight. KiasiDg in the dell 1 dUe ot. The moooey gid has » liil|.litâ€" i of her o\m indeed, bnt it is v ilble to the few and not to the many besides, tb« son alnnya tnms his full, glowing fa:e to us, the moon is only in its fall radiance thirteen I times in the year. Lovers and poets may i dream of the moon, bnt the work of the world I mast be done in the sunshine. " Which is I very romantic, my dear Prof. Staigaae, but I not exhaoative," says Mr. Coontnp, Profes- MbAaiA O'ShMithaMiy's FoacnL IkaMTwril TSa a party There is not mush mock-solemnity abont the poor Iridunaa's fonertl. The heaxar, moomiog- coaches, and ether osaal para- phernalia give p'ace to a train of open carta, on the foremost of which is laid tke coffin the length of the whole prooeasioo varying with the popularity of the deoeaaed. But there is no want of feeling in the simplicity •TMkadattha yon dSd it lor the BWfoM. thing for a floe gtirtlswaa Un jroa Id be eoaiac orar from rilwil to rtejr off rear â- ' â- V u^ tk« MhariMs, lep- Fadh'.on Notes, Vandyke rcl is to take the place of car- dinal. Iron rust is the latest slade of briek-duit red. Yellow will again Le fa»liiinable in the apriog. Violets are the Howers of ttie passing mc- ment. Kom and drab kcrMrymeres will l« mach worn. (fingbams plaia and plaidfd will be vfoiD again. Black Uce and white lace becoming. Tlie popular burner for dark jiercales is I the dai.^y cbaio. i There will Ik.- a rim on Kotnan striped(;ools thia eprioj;. I B .nm-la are hrgi: an 1 v. ii t. projcctinj; over j the f'jretica'l. Stewart's counter.^ an- already bright aad gay with sprio^ jjofcla. -MuhUd ticbus showin.; th; throat ar- to I tak the plaLj ••! ]iu:u cAl^in. Sairriu'^* will l/ u';il to txct.s un culton â- uid linen dri-^ii uo ili auits. i No joun;; i;"" "iiould ilrtsi iu veivel'*, Ilceit, and jewtl.s lit for a d'lwager. j New cottfjn dress y vih eii iW a rep';titior. ' of the colore of the pas-iiii/ s..-as m. j Pale, invalid women i-lioull ii'it wear iiJ- iiiOD'iii nor liaihing jcwulry orr::ixfctit-f. Linen Si»t':h j.iaiil gin;^La'Me ".vill Iu the (â- optilar n'r.H-lty of tiie '-OUiin;; sia-" n. of Mathematics at Omnim /^ol'e«« M ,nd sneh a proce»8ion nsnaUy possesses a "men and womea are merely as or mmns ^^j„^ Bolemnity of its. own, as it slowly quantities, or married or single. Two minus „^^ f^,, ^liles perhaps, by mountain and quantities eqnal to one plus qiia"l'Jy~:*f moor until it rta:;he« iU destioatioo, in axiom ia mathematics, my dear .-.ir " which g^n,e lonely bnt toj often neglected barial- al-io is true, lout not ceitainly conclusive „,g„„d for take the married only, ai.d y.u niiglit." ' „erality of funeraU among well call hsa a specitic tenn for .-.11 the in- f* j^^ "^e not remarkable for an ap- •ri^'^ir^i^* *^, ^r^i'^^'h" l^'-^Jfâ„¢ I p..rcca of mock-misery. that of Michael tv, '"'.f" "*. """I* ^^' " ""'"Ik TIâ„¢ ' S Shlnghnessey the catUe dealer had none of \V hi e. Illogical a-H U may appear U»-re are ^^" jj '^^^ ^^ t^^ otter extreme many w men m my own acquaintance, with '»J chaoter of accidentsâ€" i very I all .he most striking attributes .f conven- 1 ^^^ ».*«'7 cnapier oi acoiucu-â€" j lional old mai lism most who have by .some strange hu^ba d attached. Siijnor ue la '"eâ„¢" ' r^f" :;.«„ ',„\ rxrt .t 'his cabin door. jokes OB the widdr* ptsig aakaowat oa top o' tb ^daesBtfuMteliate • tftak.' Be too, strikes in "The poets arr nearer than you all," be rrica (tne of them say, "For beauty bom of munniirini{ so ijid siiidl pas iut' her fac*-." Your good acd f lir women art gO'jd and fair because they ar- harmoni- ous your bad womeu are discords. Ever}- variety has its counterpart in music. Some wo I m arc bri;{ht and rippling little fantas- ies, fds.'inating at fint but tiresome as soon I as one has learnt^l the air. Some are .tym- .ire uuivcrsally honiesfull of deep and hidden raeanii i;, and iroinUiJ with perfect art in every pba.-.e of «ronudv marked joke at deith. though not altogether an no- freak of nXre a â- stiitable way for. ao merry a fe low to go t intia^Chrrde! his ,rav. M.Ue was dead, waked and Uy a cotHi on a cart at The for wbeace bis funeral was about to starL wido« OShaughnessy was very sad Mike, for tive-and-twenty years, had been a good husband t« her but most of her groaoini and wailin.; haJd been exhamted a- the wake; and it was with a respectable subdued grief, a sense cf proud proprietor- ship snd cjoscitus digniiy, that she took btrseat in the cart on tue top of Mike's ^^_^_ _^__ c^ ffin. Kvery face, she saw round her, she ^^^ (fiends said, they had neTer spent knew J every eye looked sympathy and the qnijgj,t i widow's frame of mind was more complacent I It' •isrr, Biddy/ aud • bystander. • Twasnt dsM for tko paipoM at alL I kMV kk HoMMr veil, aad oftM MO Um go to tbo barracks. He's a fool giotleanan. and I'll go bafl he's M rexed m jrouncU aboatit' ' Maybe,' said another, with a grin, ' hi* Hoiioar will stband the prioe ot a new coffin.' ' What would be the good of a new coffin f said the Msjjr. Ton oonldn't take him ont of the old one and pat him into it.' ' I didn't say to sthaad a new eaffio, yoar Hooonr, bnt the price of one.' The Mtjor took the hint, and Kara the widow a soveriegn, which restored pesoe. ' Long life to yon, sorr I and may it be hiany a day before yonr Honour's oeffin has tothravel, and may it never Ko graceful in the bottom of a ditch I' said one. ' And may the fox Ude in the opposite direction from your road to the cimith'rj^' cried another. gk And so on until thfeoffin was repUcei in the cart, the mad scraped off, and the wid- ow resetted on it and with many a bless, ing on the Mjor, the procession set off «4.'aia. Tbe-o was no farther accidont. Mike was baried at last and a merrier dav, Re- liad besn since Mike's death. tl.eir charjcttr. Some are like a .S otch jig, which luakes one's bones a';lie wit i weari- 'han it s/.me ni*titions and endless iterations. I «»» » hoc winter morning and the prooes^ '^omewom... are musical scales, cunscie:.- «'«^" wl^":h»«s nearly a quarter of amlej tioi., I ut mouotun us, in the i.ujor key al- log, started early, as there were fave milee wav.. on the strain of cffor:, in the minor key I to bo passed at a walking paca between the In a Okotlve Balloon. wesmae' This is almost my flrst introduction to J 1,1. U..UV,. -...J I J .. I 1 " „j Ti,« ».rf captive work, and the sensation i« most de- Kvay, .lis^olving in t.ar,. Then again we j village and the ^f "»'-f^f "^^_^„"?,/^* cidedly not too pleasant or reassuring. The may olawilv characters according to colors, bearing the body of Mike was drawn by his ^^^^ ^^ struggles, as if â€" â- " • • own liorse .SbonecD, and driven by Ij\een, e ,. ., "f .» i. .» left Thus we find blue woim^n, dra! women, a d piLk .idI white women. TUe first :ire leam- i-'l iri I'l 10 books, IJui; c'aina, an^l blue stock- iri^g; tl o S"ond are har.l-workii g nod con- â- ' i-ntioui anl th' third are fo- show and iiot f'lr u o intellect suborlinate to com- plexi'iii ujid bcaltn t't faji on. Combie ties, in varying proiJOrtioi..s and you have all kno'-ru hues of clia:auter. Tho Ladie.s Wanted Some Breakfast- sti-anici lrf w into the a lot of pa.ssen^j-rs, .\ ftw \.ai3 ago 1] buy" of ^l ij.lea witli Heavy surfioKl camcl'H hair ;,'of,id, ker- "»"""« "•""» «""' "^K' P*""*/ 'f -^weri- w-yiwres an I ser,;.j.i Hill a^^im U; 'faaliion- I -•â- "'^- 1 1" tight bad I ecu rough and tho n),!,., ' I ihi|i wa-. boliiud time. It was ten o ;lo:k a]. rea'ly, an'l no breakfatit. The stiD;;y captain i: l]ii;,' r» of one l:.-:id haii'U loidiil u.th No radical tlian:e.i an.- oligtrvabl'j in UiC n:w jilat'jH i"nt out w;'h Mpjia^ f.-i,j !s from â- * not I rnphini/ .* tiie lar^e at jiii.icri of a lilt'e two-yearoi I child witn a liruid bash ti I around it. lied or bluer woollen 3Wrd ^a.sh(•s will be worn over ii;)riii;» tlri.-ci by Hiiiall chililren ul Ijoth nexe.-i. Two line iin;.s on t'l look better than butli duhini^ diainonilx. Jcrsry--hi|.c 1 uai.-td, 1 nv I'lioiifjli in tliu tront o: the neck to xiiow lliu throat mil bi tvurn next keuon. liz-'iHi-s and clievio*:. in f;ra ilru'i, aiil tan sba i-n and niiVturi.'S are sliowit lor iMrly Mpring trav lliiij{ Kiiil-*. Tigbl I.-u.'iog :iU'l t;,4lit nli'n til" iiiOMt radiant bwjuty I:;/,*.- haflnci.HJi, rr ab^:nti: S .roe of the n'W v" 'Ii ^ll•lw l..- • .1 iiiUiL;o l.lii' witn l.u-i.t !!â- .»â- i. (ruit- Bcattt.red iVi-r tlii-m. Tiie latcii o v.-lly la l,.'ac!% kul uv»oiu| wi-if 1^ .-k I n;in;i '..-i tl • I. arui with ^obl uonls and ta n'!.4. .â- ^llB'l^-d :l lUIl' ' ., â- ll.J. .1, a'l r |.) ool'»r ruiiiiiii;; ifiron.'h .ill iim t inaiki'd fclurc .ii ii w li.,'lii wo' go. U. i ne Am-iiL-an pitit I Iuuim colors ami di«^in isoilatc the f ire i;'i to pcifci-tion, ah'l I'.ey un- .soil ai I'J J yard. TaKIOoiiies, niuon.s: .ui-., vilvi.t narf.ici.- liMinhed ani.thysts, ami [lal'!, jiink coraUaic tnt oru:uiniils I. r d'-lii-atc, pal; and slcn.ler MOIUCII. The iKtt (.'ottoii i.atti t'li.s, iiiuiiiio cloths, iiii'i pirealeu have l«.lli liL;lit and dark (.•romidM, un whicli an: lior.h ri ai..| ligurLj in Urii'iital and tloriat.-i diai:^n-. Ii.id icaoivt I to tcoubinize. A stout, quiet inaii, Willi a stout hickory Mt-ck, 'vvciit to the capta n a- d ii j^i-A fur a little coffee, at l*ast f T lii.s l.idius. The rapt.iin turmd hi.s iia k,tliit'..ril his coat tailii in the t'loe of ihe the youngest, but only son then left at home and Uaveen could not suppress a smile of triumph at t'je dignity of his post. The priicession started, and passed safely and steaddy ont of the village and steidily and sol-mnly it continued f^r something like a mile but it was the calm that comos before a storm. A gentleman of the oeigb- liourhood, one of tie raceot improvei-s, had establuhed on his tarm'a steam-plough, a centrivanoe hitherto nnkoown in that part of the worM and it 80 happened with him that ha wu inakinj a first trial of it on this • rtioular morning. It was therefore hardly ' ' c wondered at that, when our mourners cama to the lield in which the engine was at work, Shonteu should show his Uiaapproval of such a foreign institution by »hymg at it. Daveen did his Lest to "soother" his aston- ished and indignant steed but his efforts were in vain .Shoneen took frit^ht, broke into an uneasy trot, and from that into a runaway gallop. Uaveeu stojd up on the cofliu, U uel more command over him, and .stout man, and walked up his du' k. Too pulled with all hismisbt; but ic was of no toiit, quilt man f Uowcd, and still respect ' " fully l)";;:jid for Kouiethin.; for ih latins, perfectly conscijos of a hamiliatiog (tati of oaptivicy, and |!oogiog to be free. This is especiUly ttie case wheaever a gust of wind puts a considerable extra strain on the gay rope. The latter, as I have said, is fastened to the hoop above one's head. Bat it r.des against the light wicker work of the car, which creaks and groans in response in a doleful and somewhat distressing manner. Were it not for a powerful soring of india rubber, which checks the oscilliations of the gny rope, and tends to steady the balloon, the effect on ane's nerves might be much than it is. Bnt, fortunately, there is not too muoh time for noticing these matters, for there is a constast necessity for letting go ballast, to meet the oontinully incr.iasing weight of suspended guy rope below, or the ballooa would soon ceaseto rise. At iast the ballast is sll expended, and the guy rope is paid out no further. The wind has caused che balloon to drift off to a conuderable dis' "Tb lswta*" had i*» tkaswaaiHk mtt- foraaM* afev mMB^t» ia PkiladelpUa, and is WW* ouina Kudtbii. to whoa it kaa brai^t a Ut*mmt, iatasid to trjr aaa- thar miauig csaip play MXt ttltf. aamne Voltmm Oommaa ia inlsMini] aati^nitf ww* th« liokati of admivion to oirouM awl amphi- thaatrca. Thtm ar* fnqmsntly httla "aqnsfMs" of faakad alay. the matorial hariog baoB pnased iatoaoalds baaringtha effigiea appropriate to Ofrtain atages^ as tien of seats in the theatra. or nioh as were pro- per to the city to which eaoh belonged. For fTin"p" an alephant stood for one pUoe or tier, an eagle for another. Oi the back of many of these tickets are to be seen the ia- printj of the thnmba of the makers, veri- tabls signs-maoaal of olasaioal antiqaity â€" marks of thumbs that perisbod t,000 yean aga Wbat Cauaed Sotbem'a Suocaas. The late Rdward A. Sothem once that be owed his saocess on the stage chiefly to eameelness "doing as well as I knew hew," he added, " never acting on the impulse of the moment, and thoroaghly andersiandiog wbat I had to do. I owe mach of my success to the elder WaUaok and to Rachel. Wallaok showed me the necessity of conveying at a rebeanal what yon intend to do at night, and the import- ance of p ^ying strict attention to the min- utest detail. He was one of the roost thorough sUge managers I ever met. We were like a set of school-boys under discip- linck We had to give a reason for every- thing, and therefore to stndr hard." -*% ttTUMUXSO mWOKT TAL. or nn obxat BieuMH can* will ilL'stroy I'.ni; opium, n plants id i-ii.all .uk .ts iur o: till .•is 11 o!ll 1 I re a j Itii liress I I I deilt.ili; ' gu. 'il.t cents I wno were l'ai:it with fauii{er. Thou ihe cap tain tiirni'il an! ttirtatrin-il to 'Ut Mm in ii'oii-, .r. til.' Siaiiii' time railing his olUcers a '.uoil l.iui. Triu htout m.aii with the .-it.iit .\tioi. v.rv rjui'tly iirocccjlcl to thrash ih-- aptaiii. He tlirasltt-d hi II till ho cotild n..t blmii uml ttnn thra h.-d every otiicer tliut dari:d ti^ '•bow Ilia fa.'.-, as well an half â- be Clew. Then In- went down .ml male the' rook t,i-t lircakfist. Tlil-. r liiorniaii. I).ive t'o.ton, a.s c.ill liiiti np at Vrck' Of rour.-e. an act! iik that w.uj i.uuisliali'c with .Icath al nost. i 'I'iiacy 'f.i tl.r lii^j'i "cas' iiii I idl t at .sort of .ilnu..- w.ys iLar^^ .1; an. I J know not! how iii'K U Kol I it cost to li.al Ino wounded head aii'i dignity of tho ejip :tin of t-jc .^lli| Itut tlic :difurnian mutlier knew I the I .w nor eai.-.l lor th-- law. ilo ba.l a .iile parlj ..i 1 ell. s with liiii, and he v.iiiii i not i.-c tiieiii go liunoiy. lie woulii li'i.i. tliat i.ili'ec if it .;.st hiii'i bis head. I»i ir ravt: Bolton I bear be is lUad now. We lirat ^ol .I'-qtiaintcd one ni^li! in 'rr.k.% w l;il« sbootiii" ut en li " .r. use. The widow screamed, b'jt kept to her post, clinging on to the sides of tbo cart. Shoneen was tearing along bke the wind â- ! g^y^oP^. »'»a^ in a gr.cfnl carve below. The whole train of carts behind foUowed-a 'â- "•f »»' V" °" '»« baUojn for hundreds .jnart-r of a mile of them-at the top of i " 'eet, is nearly Vertical, aad that near the ibeir speed, iu chase of the runaway. Tno ' e«and ""raost horizonUL Bat of this I see hunt continued, growing koenr and more ' "'L*" One ir two timid .(jUnces are qmte eXLitiuK every minute. Those b^hini wcra Pinafore's Suooeaaor. Pinafore is to have a soccesaor. A new nautical comic opera is sooa to invade this coantry. lu title is " Billea Taylor." He P. Stevens, the writer of the libretto, is a clever man, thoagh this is his flrst sncocM. The music is by Kdward Solomons, and is Ught and catching. The story of the opera is foundered on the old song of " Billy 'Tay- lor," a well known mariner's ditty, and the anthors, in order to preserve the copyright of theii work, spelled the name diffaiencly. It now raads "Billee.' iThe time of the action is 1 SOS. when the press gang was in fall sway. The first act opens with a viaw of Sontbampton Harbor at the old ion of the itoyal George, where the villagers have met to rejoice over ths approaching wedding of Billee and Phebe, a charity girl. Two years elapie before the eecond act begins. The scene reprcsenti Portsmouth Harbor. Ships are coming anc* going, while the sad- tance borixanUUy from the toint of depart- ors and their sweethearts sit around the nre below, and she now settles into a c n- docks watcbinz fome seamej dancing the dition of approximate (quilibriam. The ' hornpipe. In Pinafc rj there are '*the s:s- height above the ground is shown by the urt, and the cousins, and the aunU j " in barometer to be aboat 1.000 feet. The k)ng i the P.rates of Pensance there are the twen- (Maw Tack IlaMs. .-- Fwteca â- »♦«â- JMra eiaarly abova tha davotie* «ith tsMok tha Ka^iak paasb ad. hara to tha aid fanM of goiwmnwmat thaa tha atory of Iha polios aystoma of Loodon. SyatcHs ia tha wocd Msd. (or th«t« are two a^arate bd dialiMt poUea foreaa for thn aatropolia of Loodca. Tha city of fxadoB. as is well knoim, constitatea bat a saaU part of tba metropolis, and in tha heart of a great commanity, swarming with paoplaaad erowded with baildiags, its faw aqaaraaaod amali popalation after baiiaaw hours, atill maintain a local goTemaasit of lord aaayor, aldermen, magiatratas, and police as well. To speak more accarately, the citv tf Lon- don, with an area of 68S acres, and a popa- lation of 74,897, (males 36,i69, females »8,- 438,) is situated in the orntre of a metropo- lis containing an area of 78,868 acres, or 123 square milea, with a popolation of 4,534,- 040. Tbeae figures are from the mntropoll- tui police district census Dec. 31,I87 Nor need we look for a comparison beyond the city of New York, which hsa drawn into lU folds towns hich lie n the county of Wtst- ebester. The subject can eadly be made plain to the reader. Suppose, as an illus- tration, that, Dotwitbitanding the growth of New York in bricks and mortar, it should still, as a corporation, remain bonnded by the East and North Rivers, the Battery, and Canal street, its limiU half a century ago. That little nucleus of the great city would hold to the whole about the same relation in extent that the city of London does t) the modern Babylon. There have been frt (juent efforts to chaoBe this anomalous condition of aff.iira, but the "city" of London, governed by its ancient charters and special acts of parliament, thus far has been able to resist succetsfally the various measures simed at uniting the corporation with the metropolis which surrounds it and joins it. In 1830, Sir Robert Poel (it is from this gentleman's connection with the constituting statute of the Loudon po ice force that the officers were nickname.-" "babbies" and "peelers" obtained the passage of an act which created the present police force of London, It does not include the city of London. An attempt wa^ made by Lord Melbourne, in 1839, to unite the city With the metropolitan system, but so powerful m opposition came from the. corporation of the city cf I/ndon tbat the measure was abandoned, and rather than accept the share which would fall to the city for the payment of its police, if in the metropolitan system, the corpoia'ioo spomed the snm (about £4U,000, or 9*200,- 000), and resolutely taxed the rate-payers to pay their own police. Under the metiopoli. tan act the British treasury, out of the con- solidated fund, defrays onc-foarth cf the cost of the inetropoht^ police, the other t^^^ther dorjiant. three-fourths being ra sed by taxation. In old l.mdon every citizen was liable to be Whethar « BOt a dawtiao totta "W^" ii a aacasMkry pndaot of BapabUcaa bhMiy u JiTaloiiil »â- rii â€" ' â€" aoUfOaa af the mSm^^mtWVfk, wWah tha tmaf frsadoai. whaa tawlad ao cawfjally aa it la aofOM tta hotdsr. ia mu* to brinf fotth in aU |Maw iw^Mll|nana» ia a qMsttoa whiahMT ha laftto th«M who are foliar of enl*i« aach diHJ iwHiaa, Batheaaaaaat any rate what it may, tha faet atOt lamaios a more than oaaalhr atabbom aad ittftiac OM, that the AmeticaaaaM iteawlTaly feed of thia pradnet of aatara, aad ia a totm,too, which, la thoae who hare net baaa "eda- eated np " to tha nqaiaito staadard of en- durance, is lure to inspire dianst and paal- tive repugnaaoe. Whether it oe a reanlt of that stato of tUaga whiah Chariaa Oiekaaa ae iagenioaaly deea rib e a when he tells na he mistook a call to dinner for the alarm of fire, and propla in their haate to "gt back to busineM " bolt their food fwith t/-.o great rapidi'y, and too little regard to the con- venience and abilitiea of tbeir s tom a eh s, and in cons eqaeooe of tbeir nnreasonable haste are driven to seek some alleviation of the nnoomfortable symptoms which by and by make tbeir appearance or whether in that eigeroois TO AMAM A rOBTUirC which is SI promiaeBt a featata W Atteri- can life at the present tim^ they are too abstemious in thtir mannef of eating and drinking, and by a similar t*»o"*» " "•• soning are led to a similar, thO^pi pot precisely the same oonrae of oondactia th* newsboy who took his suet dumpUnsr because they were " fillin " or whether the curtom be provocative cf that me- chanical ingenuity for which oar neigh- boars are so justly proud, and so is pro- longed to the faitheranoe of such praise- worthy endi or whether the custom spring simply from the natural cravmg which un- (mployed nervons energy has to expend itself on something, however triliiog or even dirty that aomething may be to enter into anything like an exhaustive discussioa of such interesting and instructive matters as these, woald require, tcjording to the prover- bial form of expression, notamorees -ay,how. ever long orshort, but an entire volume. It may be that all these slready mentioned are fao'ors in that dexterity in th i usi of tobacco for which Americans are every- where so conspicuously famous, or it may be that none of them are. It may b.. simply a sign and symbol of exuberant fretdotn, an evidence of the great doctrine that ONK MAN IS A8 OOOS AS AXOTUER, or even, in fact a great deal better if he has only impudence proportionate to his vanity, anl an earnest of the fact that every man is entitled to the utmost possible liberty of action ao long as be does not interfere with the law ot tl e land. It is a blessing to many in affor.liiig scope for tho cxerciie of okili and energy otbcr*'i-e be allowed to be al- fMit hu tvaad Was to»o fs.taway.-p^'^jWce. H,' fOTBMd the ^mths, opia^ on some ^^»^1 wai by no mean. T**- O example. The i^-^' »M3 way croes-examini"*^ '» and was plamly j «»»«w^u, perturbation, for he '«7*1 after almost ev.rv 1 " ' to be delibera'tr::^ ftX -dsojustdr.ppejH^'S^il MOBNXKa ^pgllkeeariy mails. p«Mifiaadha«iaaiBl EwtaBeaTOoaaty Baatoasa, tIfiO ia three months, of tU year. Ko pa- til •" â€" UB arrearafrea aia geoaral fund of wy carefully ,o X;"*5i 2 •toryist.ldof.hUfl'S to baunt the Kdinb.,!!"' »"'y yea's ago T'*^CJ man at that time, .t'd'^K^^ fame a, ho a terwj' "O' •' him on; dv .. I,, "'e•»^^» " uonof thepablisher ^oMora without paymg J^bU for the subaciip- r^piy*'*^"'** .T^VBBTISINO " .ISO 00 o y as Court, snd not i, » torn. "Are « n day, Jinimy V not tho day, pointing to a fig„,^ •"""T over the doorwiv " â- " ye might Uk- A..V... '"««'• C" 'in •toroach ^••'"'H'i.trouU^' r? '.I •wroach at all n,... ""*«•, from man J"T; ""â- }»' ^â- ;fthe,Uueri, .do [do rdo '*• •d' ^ai iiuef ineoi. St i: |«eat lof lines BMsn riiOB. S7 ao 15 UO 8 00 4 00 SO iir»t ins rt .^ iB«t*»J" _,. lusi rt»o« M. â- â- â- '" ^rtioe per line s insertion to bj reckoned by ai by a scale of very itoiilar n, "'V-y rt '«to striving who should c me up first. The 1 whip was laid on unsparingly. They shout ' ed, gesticuUtod, and encouraged cajh other] was. an oM j and the borsos, Kigg-jd urchins, beggars »•.â- usi-.l to â- bran.i.shing sticks, boys on donkeys, every one they came np wit.i joined in the pur- suit, and all enjoyed it. ' 'Thehoup.di are out tu-day,' cried one ' ' l.ut 'twill be a good fox that'll give them such a run as Mike O'.Shii'ghuessy's giving s dav. ' litt'e, ' soffisient, for one's head, naturally a vtry I j indifferent one whero it is a question of j I loukmg dow n from giddy heights, is not yet ' acclimitized to the situation by practice in ball, oning. .So I cannot look at the ground i utddr, or nearly under, the ballooa without i a shudder and a decidedly crespy sensatior. I Above all, one must avoid looking down the ^uy rope, for this, in its long cectenary, ex- i tending far below, reach after reach, and ending almost in a vanishing point, givci a meisnre to the eye of the giddy height ,, It ..L L J 1 » •- togothtr dorjiant. Who will d ny that the tv-fonr charming daughters of the Major- three-fourths being ra sed by taxation n ^-^^ ^^^-^^ has be. u C.up:ed iu learning to f.eneral and m " Billee -Taylor there will old l.mdon every c.tixen was liable to be ^. ^^^ .. .. -^ j,,, proper position in ba an array of charity girls and another set .ailed upon to do nolice duty in the district the mouth, so as to binder as liule »s pOtai- of peasant g.rb. It requires sixty perfons j wheie he resided. He might employ a ^,^ ^^^ j^^ ex2rci.e of the organs ofspeech, to produce the opera. person to do the work, although be became ' responsible for the deputy' misdeed;. In ' the time cf Qaeen K'i/abeth beggars and utacre OOosta. â- ;"""-,â- 1 i.« « iv,_. .1. • 1 ' And to look along it made] one's brain rei t^aith, tis moro like a dhrag-hent. cried _,,^ ^„,^_ „ l\fter»ard find, than look ""•Hurry on, b.y.,' fr,m a third â- let's bo 1 '"' ""'° '?â- " ***" ^^^ "«"' ' • "« in at the death.' 'Arrab,' from another, "tis Micky bim- 1 9t\f woul.l have liked to have been oat of his oodiu this day â€" 'twould just plase him.' And so on, as tiold aud common and hill ' Cant Do Without it let-t.-ri " oversleep bridge*, apd through the brooks liiK i.iUowiiig currespondei:uu over tho j that rsn acrois their path, a hundred times !eltplioi;e wires yesterday is a fiirlher jirooi narrowly escaping an up^et. The widow in if the fact that no oiju but a l.al I beaded terror would tt.n:; her arms about wildly, man coul 1 do without one j which tho^e behind took for signals of en- ' Hello, central ' couraxemcnt, and redoubled their efforts to I come up with them. Tbo joking continued I all the while. ' I often heard tell of a run- away wedilin" caid one 'out bedbJ, who i ever hiard tell of a runaway funeral be- iforet' trip where there ia no gny lopa. For mili- tary purposes, for reconnoitering that i' there can be no question of the value of such a suspended point of observation as this. Every detail in the innumerable bui idirgx below â€" the workman going to and fro in their work, the ships passing and repassing 1 „ .„ .. I « .i.oi. 1 „."._. »i, "u 1 I on the Tnames, the Beckton gas-works on horse, as tie uashtu over the rjugh roads, .u » .•. t j i i ^u â- • â- p ' I the further shore and lower down the tiver. j were Icfi l.chinl in turn Daveen doin^ his Iiest, 33 he could not pull in, to gn.de his agents' larlin-r Women of let-t.-r.! Ucal-e^t^jTc wives. 'r " You will lovuonly uie. timr^je, ' ouietinies," he ^a!.l. Thu Ii Mton Cuari, r ;,'ives llie wise piuco of Ailvicu to its reailerii " Never m.irry a,;;irl iinlesi you have known her at K.i.t three ilay.s auid a pienic. " Kxtraet from a I. ti.r iro:n .Au:;ilin.i â- â- D-.-ar Henry, you H...k il 1 return yoji love. Ve.-, lUiiry, i have no UiC lor ii, and return it with iimiiy tli:uiky. liy-li Uenry. " When you liu.ir a vouiin lady v.ry e.ire- full^ say "I haven't saw," jou m ly heijiiite euuli lent that .vlio is a rucout ^Tiduate iroin one of the most thorough of oar nuiiierou.s leinalo Heininariex. My wile- Won't even lieji oi niy ^ioinj; to ilio theatre with aiiotln.r l.aily,' tii'.i i: "li;i. "hor. I; :ii.'laj4 didn't .-oeiii to e .iistrue 'â- il- lagher'a reiiiaiks aright, for be .s.iil •"Won't eh? I) "lit y.iu bo t.io siwe of it. I thouyiit toy wilu wouliii't, l.ut .--li... Aui, ali.i I hj.l a fearful tliue alK.ul it," ••lle;io:' â- 'C'lumcjt mo with the signal i.uu'au.-' ".Vlliijht- tjo ahe.id." "Ileliot aiguall' "lU-llo!' " Is It ;^oiug I thaw to-day " ' •' Ves, there aro iiidioaiions." ' " H .w s the windT " •' liettiii;,' aiouiiil to the .s.)utl' ' ' j you tliiuk 1 can .safely have my hair cut I" ioU.iwiug I •' Wait a minuta until I consult the biro- bachelor â- nut' r, ihcriuoniotcr and wind-guiije." (.Sileiic • for half a minute.) •• Hello 1" "Hello!' " Ve. you can go ahead. There won't be any chaouo to spiuk of for the nc.\t twelve hours. There is .i c.d.l Wave inovini; up the Oiro Valliy, au.| a suowstorui is reported at t.'iieyenii' hut :f 1 were y.iu I'.l take my cliauees on til-! hair catting and get my iitck »h.-ivid to b Mit." ••All ri^lit^:nuch obliged." ' (.i.^otl-byc. " the artillery exercise ground on Woolwich Commons, the Herbert Hospital and other buildings further away â€" everything is seen, and in the clearest possible manner- For there is a very sensible advantage in the clearness of view from a balloon as contrast- ed with tbat obtained on the ground level, even where the latter is perfectly free and nnobstructed by obitaole-' It is well known to astronomers, and to all who. have to make i careful odservatioos of distant objects. It did not last much longer, thongh. for that the vision in a hoiizjnul, dirootioa is l.y-l.y. The Ru.sslan-f m Central Asia ll r .;.! llif I'aII .M.iII Ga/jtte./ Till* news f tbo ta;turj of (•!• will ll received With much sati tlir.'Ugh 'ut i!u4sia. The desperaiiou with wh:th the TckkcHikhnded thtir stroa'.:h.dd the cavalcade .came up with a drove of pigs, I whiu\i it conid not pass, aad then Sboneen suddenly halted, nearly jerking the widow and her deceased lord into their midst. With the recovery of htr breath, the widow mrned to D^veen. *Ah, Daveeu '^very I reproachfully â€" ' was that any way at all to be dhriving your poor mibfortnnate daifa to the grave J Suame, Davecu I If it had been au exciseman now, or a Prothesant it- 8.-lf â€" but your own d lAi ' ' Not a st^p farther,' rdplied Daveen, imi'h creitf..l.en, 'will I dhrivo Suoncen this day. The divil himself is iu him â€"so he is.' Thoy were waiting in tho road for tba I stragglers, some having been left behind in I the cQase aad even the (.rdscnos of the widow could not now check the tun among ' the people. I ' Well dene, Daveen ' said one ' you f dbrav your dada in great style. 'Tis this I Very way he'd chojse to go to glory himself .k-Tepc ' he ali«a^s had a great mind for a hunt.' â- faction I ' Tis tho way,'a»id another. 'Shoneen greatly interfered with by the unseen exhal ations from the ground, and the varying density of the lowest strata of air at and near the ground. Whereas, at a high angle, as here from the balloon, the rays of li^ht have only to traverse a very limited amount of light of theee disturbed strata, and arc consequently much more unimpeded and reli.ble. But tne day is wearing on, and 1 want to get away ai early as possible for a free run, sO I signal with a flag to lower. The drum is set in motion, aud the Sippera below apply themselves steadily to wind the talisman down. This is rather a long bnsi- We fear the ghost of the stage hag by no means the awe-inspiring effect uptn the youthful play-goer of the present day that it once had. We remember many a gear ago bow even amidst the primitive aurroundinga of Riohardaon's show the appearance of the ghost deeply moved our juvenile hearts. " There was n sort of creeping, shivering sen- ' ^j I sation combined with the expected mystery i ' that we khonld not altogether object to feel again; fo.- instance, when the ghost revisits the glimpses of the moon in '•Ham'ot," or comes toyjung De Franchi in bis Oorsican homo with that strange warning of what is taking plice iu I'ari?. The pleasant writers I of those a^rteible essays recently published ' under the title of '• Free Lii.ca " have '• some amusing speculations upon the ghost theory, and possibly they aro right in sup- posing that soma respect for ghosts yet lin- gers in the minds of a few, especially iu a lonely, remote, shaiowy, old houses with avenues of trees leading up to the front door where in the autumn shadows it would not seem unreasonable to conjure up '^ostly voices from the rustling oi the crisp wither- ing leaves, or to fancy a spectral shade floating in the evening dnst from the dim distant meadows. In many old bouses too there are leg nds and strange traditions of strange noises and unexplained tones, which a:nougst tho imagiuavive easily suggest supernatural visitations. There are vanoas degrees of gboita. Some are altogether of so shadowy a kind tbat, beyond 4i passing feeling of straogenesa when they are re- ferred to, they leave but a faint impression upon the mind but ths stage ghost is gen- erally of a substontial kind. In " Hamlet" he has a good strong voice, not at all affect- vagrants bad CO increased that beadles were appointed to assist in clearing the streets. They in tnm were succeeded by city mar- shals, who remained in power down to 1839, when the new police acts went into opera- tion in the city .f Lmdnn and metro- polis. THK I ITY OK l.u.\l)ON rOLIl.'t. The iollowing is the present organization of the city of Loud.in poliod Co' ' B. Frazer is the chief commissioner, with a salary .f £1,800 (.49,000) per annum, the Mayor Bowoia.i, chief ^up-rintendent, who receives for his services £820 83,000 per an. Tne police force of the city of L:ndoa ia under the commissioner's command, aud it consists of inspectors who receive about $18 per week on an averaee 12 detectives at 51s. :il. each (312.81). 64 sergeants, whose pay, accor.liog to tirade of service, ranees from 38 lid. each (39.97) down toSCs. lOd. ($900), acd 391 poliormen (oonsiableO. who ' '""^â- â- •'^l" receive weekly 32^. 3d. each («8.eC) 320 ' ' constables at 28*. 8i. ($7. 16) 110 constables at 24^. 7d. (36.39), making with the aervioes of an assistant superintendent at 137s. 7d. per week ($34 75), a police burgeon at £000 per anuum, ($3,000), and three clerks ar £250 per annum ($900), a totol force of 826 men, who cost the city of London, as is ' in rolling it lound iu such a wsy as to ex I tract the utmost f nuiriineot aud inspira- I tiou, while at t le same time imparting to I the countenance the r. •^jioite.xpresion of a mean between fa -seeing intelligence, and I vacuous iuibecilitv, u.l, lat but not least, iu ac{uiriug t.'i i rkiii ia piopulsion,' that^ i accurate judgment of i.istai.C;: by t)ie eye, f and steadiness of aim, w hicii is to (.tovoca- tjvc of large admiration :.nd uo'litt'e envy who will (leny tbat tbat time might have ' beeu otherwise, aud nball wo say, more in- j jur.oasly, spent? Na No!, we tay. L;t l.btrly Hourish, and letf li.iB.\IX;O.CIIEWlSii, ai an ludus'.ry aud a tine art on AineiiocU soil, never, never dte ' Wtiat visitor to the ^re.t Uepubl'c has not Wondered a: and ad- mired thu truly democratic impartiality with which the devotees of the "weed" di%lri- l.ute their attentions. Sidt walks, walls of bouse.-., windows, ceilings, floors of offices, warehoUKCs, bouses even, tenoes, |iurclies, railings, monuments, giav.- cari, omnibasas, b3ats, staaineF.-, everything is a mark and a receptacle, and if Au.erican marksmen are not the best in I the world it is from no want of consU. t I practice both by day and night. To do liis i '•gentlemen " simple justije however, it I must be said tbat tnis "diVdrsioa " is not ja utual one during f-.e hsurs of s'.umber. Tnis may be the case with the more har.d- hava mentioned HPITTOJiJ^ •^""'^â- 'O' place amount of clean '-.^ ""•"' with .11 their in. o,!t^"' 11 •o little .kill. o,t;^"'t., de«gn. are ex^.^^^^"i .cousins on the luiprtt "Uonal a f,.t,,, '^^^^^a^L, strike even the bast niL" -- '^th.urp,ise»nd'^°fe The Doctor and the No two professi^,^ to such intiiaat* nnd conj' ' a^ those to which I.CJ* the body H„.l tl... hedeV: There can l« „o a,,^, " than thatwhid.l,ri, i*^;;- tile attitHa...H will, ,5 "» other, both liavii,.- i„ """ of their felIow.,.r4 ".^"V'^- a territory always l„(,j" about between th.a, 'J. '" tiet;t8 who ncvci (,;/,, "â- the grief which k .."[N;"' their ailments. H^ ',»^\^^ accustomed iijiitii,i-' "" thinks veiaMfl^nis without will ha pablishrd till lor- Uaooidingly. All transitory snsT be» *•• *-'• "' P"**" o'ekiek on the Thnrslay ^iog tbeir poblicition. KUrLEDGE, Proprietor. IATA BUSINESr H RECTORY. Bl'lLDF.R A I Brick). I'lJ promptly attendiT cialty. F.stimatl faction goaranv Brown and Sr December '61,1 PrHcal. r8pronl Ic Carter, liSnrgeoncAccouclieara .Medical Hall; residence at 17, 1880. SUBGEON. uP. O. i-y ACCOUCH. 6tf. HAS commj fessiou experience and! and this ci'in| xatisfactiou. miration nf tbo warranted to p| diseases lurkin cattle, always procured at hi DniK Store. M^ Plain tOi Estimate^ f.i plication. Sal draceâ€" yu.'i u Markdal. Sli iefxL w] he ]ia.s nil for the di«gnosis contained in the estimate for 1S80, £I(K),- 1 i j- i .u 100, or 3500 000 to mainUin. There are "" and experienced veterans, but the vast 61 men on privato service at the postoffice, the Bmk ol. England and other banks, tele Itraph ofbces. and stores. The yearly pay is £95 a msn ($475), and the department re- c. ives £5 873 yearly for their services or ($29,365). The system of payment of pen- sions to policemen who have been rendered nntit for duty after long and honorable ter I chre, or rendeicd husky by tha warmer place, where, for a time be is supposed to I have been immured. He walks about the j 8tai(e with a firmnesa of tread altogether I different from the kind of ghosts we read of ness, and the oscillations of the ropeVh'ith i '" """f""*^' '"°y re:ider would experi- it causes give rise to sensations nhiob re- i '" •« «'ld fashioned mysterious feeing mind me very unpleasant.y ef the rollmg of 1 ?T"r 8""?!** ne.'hould real the stories of ed by the chilly atmosphere of the sepal- I "" '" ' '" force in both this and the ' â€" J .--. L.- .. .1. metropoUtan departments for many years. Tbe city chamberlain of the cerporation of London pnid to superanuated roliormen in 1880, £19 311 17s. 7d.,or $46,555. This amouot was raised by the hues for assaults on policemen, which amonntod to £121 2*,, or $605, and by the amount received by the a vessel at sea in a ground swell. It is not without much thankfulness tbat at last terra firmt ia reached. The Talisman has loet »ome considerable amount of gas in tbe captive ascent, owing to the expansion due to the diminished tiarometric pressure at 1,000 feet from the ground. Cuarlea Brockden Brown, the American novelist. They were once popular in Kag- now uttetly forgot laud, but appear to be deduction in the pay of the police for mis condnct, sickness, etc. (.'l, Frater the commissioner of tbe city po ice, was ap- pointed by the common council of the city â- lohnny c.iiii.- honn- fr..in -ilio.l tl day v.ry ninuh cxcitiMl. •' W li.-jt ilo you think, pa, .J.ki .Stew anl, oiii- of the l.k; li..\s, had an ar^unniit with Ji.i' ti.ii-!ar ..ii.out a uuestion in ;;raiiiinar ' '• What i ositi.m did .Joe lake ' ' " 1 1 is last jiusition w .i-. ;..ri«» ,\ liair. with liisi.icj down. ' " Havi« you til." Eii.l-n.aii, i.-, 15. :ic ui- lii-lo? ' ...aid a b.ly t.. a b..ok,e:l.-r.. •• V-l-»! " Hiud the ratliir |.uz/le I cl. i k, as b.- hauled â- •ut '•Kn.lyiiiion " to the luir.li.' r. '• \Va« U-ai i.nHli.ld billl^elf tho Kii.l iii.Vn " i-aid tbu iaii...i-:it lady, wh ivi.li ntly was f.iiii. ll xt with ininstrias. •' Vcs ni.i"i;iii." sai.l t..j :-lerk, iHiwing.her out. Men, Women. aoU Sulnelo Mi-n a-c ivi-rvwlnr. 1m- -oiinu;,' iiion.- weary ft th.'l'url.ii ..- Itijht .\iitli..ritii-- on s.i!d- tiiti.m aii.l vit.il Ml .ti.,ti. t.ll us that oi IhIc^ years III.., t .e av.r gr lium.iii lil.-, has I •â- .•n .-•.iisiiterably prolong'.-.! by to the im-Hiis »• pri ,rviii;; l enltU y.-' cm- i-.iir.-nl Willi this iniprovrmont, th.-r.- :iri a !/rrntr iinpatiem-.- ol hi.- itsili an. I a ;r.- t r dosin- to rscap â- ils biir.lcn. U niiM ari-Ii-.--. prono t." commit siii.uii- in Kiiri|..- tb.ii. im'.., .iii'li-xlciisive iBVi'sti^MtMii ,11 tli'-sul'ji-itha* .-onviui-id Sigiior M..r.lli ti.it iln.- tiiidi-n.y I»« Miivid in. r-.isis with a:;e mof,- slr..n;;lv th.- un;;iirii..l uu.l wi.i w.-.l ili.in otbir ' ' abn"St uuiiaralluled in the ann.^l.s of Oon- tral .Viii.-itic warf.ire, ami it is indce.l foitu- 1 at for us that the .Afghans were made o' I .lill.ri-iit sluir from the Turkotnaiis of the ' .lisjrt, over whom (!in. SkobeMl has at laat acliiiivi-.l a h:r.l-fouglit vict.ry. The nf.i.st s.tist'a.-tory feifure of tho victory ia that It all'.rits the Itussiau Cvc-rnnicut au 1 opiioriuu.ty of ab.iiidouiug tho Turkoman I cuuotiy. i Imy bavu vindicated their pns- tu.e, cap'-ured the stdTonghoid of their oup- I inii'H, ami thcji can now follow i ur exaaaple in Al'^hani-tan by abju loniuu a l?iritory w!ii.;h would be i-veii moro cisily to hold tl„iu ll c nijULT. Cr.n. .Skv.lielilT, wh'.se j I'li'iliaiit caner thi: Irish laurels, is sai.l kii :w 'twas the last time he'd be carrying the onld mastber he was jist shouini; how 'â- willing ho was to the work.' ' He knew wo were lato,' said a third • and bo wouhln't bu kap n his Kiverancs's din' er »a t ng. ' •O Micky, Micky r cried the widow, apostruphiain;{ her deceased lord, you were MX onaisy cratura iu your l.fe, and yon can't go to tho grave â€" Goil b^CiS you â€" like a JiiCcnt Christian. Here, James Barry, C'.mo an.l dhnve Mikoto the ^rave I won't thrust Daveen a^aln with thd reins.' Again tVey fril into order, and got under- way, traveling slowly.to make up for the dig- nity lost b^ tbuir latespeed. But the f atea wore ..mony agamst the widow aud Mike was nottj be vict..ry cr wus with buried wit aout another miship. They were to havt» declared tb it i awut a ini.e aud a half now from their des- the- wh.de of the Turkoman territory was j tiuation, pajsiug along a lane witi high n t w.'ith buying at tho cost of .i t-iiigle t)aDks on each side, asi]uiet as they had pre- inu"r. The LV.icuati.in may bo de'nyed, vioosly been boisterous but thu merriment, b.it I .1- tl.e sake ol llissia w. Iiopo that it!,though sub.iued, was ready to break out will o; !k) aa:iiiiplisln',l. Tho Uii.ssiau." I »i{ain on tha laust prcvocit on. Toe widow liavH too much i;.ud work hail resum^^d her seat on the Ctfli i, and t • havi- any itrengtii" to James Barry, a middle-aged man, had takei^ Uaveon's post, As th^y slowly aud peact- any I fully parsed down the long Ijne, a shrewder more biibaiians in t!ie n-motc and wed- woman than Mr' ' Shaugbnet-sy woui I iiigli inaccessible re^i.ins of (J.ntral Asia. not have pictured any near mitadventare -», â€" ,m,m â€" .â- » but it sj happened that the foxhounds wore .\ M..isT.M«..r Sit.VKR.-Thr captain of 1 ""'"' V"' 'I' ,*â- *' ' "**° 'V"" ' a wha in- ves.-ei jus' iclur ed f o n I e Arc- I â- ,"""" "r" herce-look.ng man, was nding a hiack nirsc, and ridiug hard, at a little uis .-.it.r altriitiun "I^" "'» Engli-il .n band already sjiaio for the establishiULut uf a an.l tlur. fore c-siK, government civil zsd, ovo ..... 1 1 ..... '"â- '" kc •â- ' I'-iii s-ivs that, while tho \eisri wa.s r .u r-..i ..? u n^.^ anions 'h' ma-ni; 1. ..( both aesos. lb. to!- f, ;„ ,„-.„ ,,..,y „t f.e m ...th o- ono of ^^'""' ""f '^M;*« "' ^\' "'f The land lowing t.l.le.uri.Hwly ilbis rat.s tin* fact ,.,„ -,,^.,.,.., „i,..), „„,„,,. ;. ,i,„ .,..„..„ „„ i on one side of the lane along which the fu .•\ni 'Ug a iiiilli.ni ..f |.it.uiis ..f e-a. h il.isa • Kuryijiu !,' iKTilly, in s i f.ar .is the n •-nabled him t.. o.-npir.- tli.-m, th. i,.ll. numbers ooiniiiiitid siiK-idc Marrie.l nun with children .\1 irried nun without c.il.livn. Widowers wi brlidlr.-n ' Widowers witho rt childr.-n .. Mnrriisl wom.n with chddr-ii .. Married w..men witliout chddnn. Widows with children loAS without I'ildnii i f Aljska hi' 11 i-n, went up tb*' cjast "' =* ' uihI lour "•'"S saimou. the r:v r, t .c,' comni nco I si'l. r wcro iu:;a;.;ed i orit.ri g on :••. W'hil- work, tho ' How They Loam to Cook- (Sew Tork Uotel Mali.) Tlie Australian lady of station who does not know bow to cook, one msy almost say does npt exist. Every detail of the cuisine she IS ac]aaintei with. A stjry is told by Austrian ladies of another who, having ne- glected her education, allowed, at a great dinner iarty she gave, two dishes of tbe same color to be served in succession, a fault for which she was hardly to bo forgiven. The Princesses of tbe Royal boakeholds at. tond a coorso of lectures from a chief entire- ly upon the order of sorving. Young Udiea do not learn tbe art ef cooking at oooking clubs, or from public lessons as here in Am. erio*, and they rarely learn in their own kitoben?. It is the custom to go to some great house, the house of a Princess, or at a very rich banker'*, where there are famous chefs, from whom they learn. When a chef engages to cook for a great house he stipulates that he is to have the privilege cf teaching as many young ladie« as he chooses. These yeung ladies ne^ not even know tie mistress of the house, and they make the.ir arrangements with the cook only For a oourse of lessons lasting tbrongh the winter each pupil pays the cock 30 guldeo, about ?15. Tnis includes instraccion in every particular. If a banquet is to be given, a grand breakfast, or an elaborate supper, theyouog ladies are notitied, and are there to see the dishes decorated and to leirn the order of serving. They wateh every pro- cess. Were yoB to descend to a kiicheo at such a time you would no doabc 6nd these girls Euffased with blushes for these les- Major, riding hard ;and coming to it] end, j sons always foretell marriage, and are the pral was was above the level of u.-riti wan pafcSln â- lie o( tie uia es i ,. »i i â- u- .. v the r ver to citch ' ' 8 » '"gh bank on the aide Vt th.' foot of- a bill, bord.ri g on ' next the l.ne. and only a moderate fence to- 1 â- v\ i.;i '• wards tha held. Over this land came tha this ten. Yet Mr. Wilkie Collins himself hardly i '""' '" 1863, and is considered an linyesournerves to tbe extent that Charles' "" """"" " ° "â- " ' B._ Brown does in some of his descriptions. We remember a Ec«ne in one of his novels where he describes with astonishing force the effect of hearing somebody or sometMug j pae-lng the floor cf a room overhead, where j the listener teels it impossible for any hu- I man creature to be concealed. Our modem i aovel.sts would find it oithcnlt to reaih the power displayed in this scene. But the writer has th.j advantage of being ablo to work upon the feelings and to appeal to tbe i'-.iagina-.ion of tbe reader. Tuere is not ♦ho same difficulty there is upon tbe stage to awaken an interest in the ghost. The super- natural visitation in tbe novel is only described, and-therefore, tbe reader can give It any shape or horror he pleads. But there is always tbe danger on the stsge that fam- ilantv wUI breed contempt. According to the modern plan wo are too muoh at home with the ghosts. We lose sight altogether i of their shadowy attributes. We remem sble officer. Mayor Bjwar, the assistant commissiocer, was also appointed by the common council, and has long beenconue;!t- ed with the force. He is a man of middle sge, with miiiUry bearing. George B. Childs, F. B. C. S. E., was appointed by tbe pnlice committee of the common council iu 1844. He has therefore, been connected with the department thirty-six years. The uniform of the pol ce of the city of L-indon is very nearly the same as that cf the metrop'ilitan police, save a slight vari- ance in thu formation of the helmet and the cuff-band, which is a red and white stripe iustead of the blue «nd white of the metro- politans. There are 520 public-houses and JU7 beer and wice bouses in the district. The police force of tbe city cf London is formed into six divisions. The beailquarters aro in the Old Jewry, and there are six station-bouses within the ci'y limits. The (.fficers are on duty day and ni^ht, and tbe chief office and station houses are never i"'"" tlir siu. r wen- iu:;a-.;eii i i iriis worK, tuo 'â- •â- ,"„'-â- ' v, â€" â- - ° " '"'â- '"' ^- -irO cnpt.ii:i .tn.l mate asc'.ndcd tli.i moun ain, '•"' ""' .u^ w"** "" "^^ I*"**' '" 1 1 ".* "d fi""""OB touches of a maiden's edu- .VJd i wluol. a, war-.i to be .about 400 or '00 feet r""'"""" ""*/• *»««,ween, was a lower level cation. Bat it would be abroach of etiquette I.IK'I i lii:li. AniviM.. at the t..t' thtv found what ~\ "TZJ' '"""']â- P" »« wentâ€" over, for any member of the hoosehold to treata.s f-.Uc.m .l.ol'tb -crater of an ;xinctvolca-;»"^..»"S"'^°" ••«.**â- ? °fy'«?^*'«rt, '-•"' ^--•- l."o no, ami a oiiu.l wore cvi 'ences that at ono 104 tiino there i;ad b en a terrible eruption. I. .p. ^u j. i. l j a •J3 t,.e.r.,terirs,.litlie.apt.in n ticci t atthc 1"*°' ' The widow m the ditch had flatg muoh mor.. strotislv than ro.k.s !o.s.iiiWc.l vou..oalad irn after it had '«' arms around the coffin :.nd shrieked lu i sending th] widow and the coffin flying into tho ditch. Oh, the oonfusioo of that mo Women clin^ to lif. melie.l, a-il un.lo took to knock off ilitions. A childless wi.low would appear to ' a pieee, but co'.ild not do It, a.s it bent and be far m.ire desolate in the world than a vid ""' '"" ' "•â- '•" "'-b I is r-p.«t.'il hows .»ith ower simiLirly situ.ated yet i-he In-an her I "" i cad of n I10.1 -axe. He then .strack it loneliness betterâ€" doubtU'-.s from religious re I " "h t o bla le of an axe, an 1 a t ally chop- â- itraints, or from posscssin:^ a larger measure of tbat hope which sp.inj,.^ eternal in the hu- man breast Men and Women The genders or sexes we know tre three, â€" mascuhne, feminine, an.l neuter, â€" or, as dvdney .Smith sai.l, "Men, women, and clergymen.' The m.n Chirlca Kin^aliy aptly divides inUâ€" (1| Honest men, w.^o mean to do right, aad doit CJ) knaves, who mean to do rigiit, and do it (3i fools, who wn chcver upleasintest. Tbe old women over 60. Colendge eomlusivdv [.ed it ott' Ho saw t .it t c fubst.anci' was as solt as lead, I ut it did not s'rne He de- terminoil to bring it to .*san Francisco snd have it tsvyeiL One of the natives also brought a piece of rock about 12 inches long bv 6 inch, s t.ick, which error. Jlaroitul saints I she cr.ed, ' tis tbe divil himself come for Micky I' and tha sudden appearance of the stranger 00 the black horce certainly l.okcd vuspioious. • But I won't lave yon, Mike OShaughnes- sy II: stband by you to tbe last I' Tbs widow was not the only frightened one â€" an awful whisper went from end to«nd n that department, which belongs to tha cook and his noble young pnpils. This is very much as if tbe cooks of tbe Astors and Vanderbilts were permitted to nceive a half dezin youog ladies from Fifth Avenue 03 the occasion f a very graud dinner party and explain to them the mysteries of each dish as it left their bands. Since ypon^ ladies must be in tbe dining-room themelvea on suoh occasions in their own hoaseholds, It follows that these processes they cannot wa'ch at home, never mind on how grand a scale things are. And so in Austrji of tbe procession that bis Satanaic msje'ity I »" "»*'• y°"°K ^*^' •""" t*"" things in tbe^rh«* «t^llf°»* •* "'«d too long, as â- wa. to ' another kitchen than Ifceir own. "" *°*y evaporate vsluabh particlcf. L^ ,. lit -^.sasvs**- 'baaai.a vaaawc «auv« atablUIl UUUSCB SrO never »k!« " â- ""*â- â- ^y ,l':l'e'» describing closed. There is a committee of the board the hrst represenUtion ofdonnod's " Faust • ' ' " So carefully had all the sUge been contrived that Dickens says it give him quite a weird sensation. The lurid glare we are acojs- tomed to see wbcLever the Fiend appears, was cleverly contrasted with the tender, soft, ethereal bluish color surrounding Mar- guerite, and giving the heroine sn appear- ance of delicacy that threw into str.snger re- lief the hgore of the Tempter. We wuh the sUge had preserved to a greater extent some traditions of the past. For iosUnce we have read that in Marlowe's Faustos, tbe audience was deeply impressed by the ap- pesranoe of the demon. When the modern version of Faust is played little attempt is made to give him a eupemstural character, 1-he Pr.noe of.Darkness is, in fact, a " mcd- ern gentleman." But since there are pUvs operas, and trajtedies. in which ghostly per- sonages have to appear, it might bo well for oar stage managers to consider whether thev could not make them a little lessretl ?!,». goers are willing to lend themselves to the illusion of the stage, but the stage should end itself to the imagination as well. ISate- LCt° hn â- "°' " "®" '" ^^ •""» n'W ghost business ro as to make "Hamlet" nl "^^^'^V ' ' '"'•'•'•" '"d Other g^d ^ffilti'J"Vl.'"" '^V^*^ "^S"" •PPe'r more effective than under the ordinary cond- •â- ••• â- « __ CTTLINERT OEMS. 'The stew is the great dish of the futore. i and oparkled with gold, ste'ing ihat he bud I found it near another I ill further up the riv- ' e- and that such rock w.as plenty there. I When the v s el arrive 1 at ib s port, ihe I capt.iin tol.l hi st ry to a tentl-m n living I n Oakland, and the specimens were handed I over to bim for the purpose of having proper asstvs made. This wjs done, and tb ,. __.... V. .-.^ ..â€" -â€" -Ja I leco by dividing them°alsoTutoVi:i^;. aXs-(l) ' â- ' â- -"' ^^' "P'**" c'.ioBp«l olf t.-e top of t e That dear oU so-al (21 that .Id woman (3) that old witch. But the younger and mor numerou.s portion of the communitv appeare to defy philosophy and epigram, and is gen- eraUv handed over to the ioets. who are, as a rale, not parti.ularly good at logic, and content tbciselves w th such v.igue ssser- '*??'.."• " Woman s at liest a contradiction atall, e'c, which can hardlv be said to con- clusively settle anything. 'An eminent as tronomer insi«s " that all women should be divided into (1) sunny womt-n, and (2) mooney women. " That' both classes exist there is, I think, no doubt, and the marks of tbe species are clearly recognizable. The aaany girl brightens our daily life there is a snnny warmh about her, which all, from peer to peasant, who approach her. are sea- bill wita the axo went S6 000 per ton in silver, and tbe loose rocks picked np oa the side of the hi I went as high as 9275 of silver per ton. It srems, then, that this hill is a mouoaia of silv r, and that it ia only the beginnini; of vast discoveries whi h will soon b) made in Alaa'sa which may yet lewme • he El Dorado to which thoosauiu will rash. Tno Oiklaud gentleman spoken of immedi- ately formed a partv or Company, which has chartered the whaler to takj at ipt tiie scei e (f tbe remarkable find as soon as the season opens. â€" Sjm Fruuiteo ChroMcle. R fefring to trade marks, the Carftt Trade Review tays that Guttenberg won a suit abont one, and that the Engl sh Parlia- ment anthorized them as early as tbe thir- teonth centnry. I bad sp^eired on a black horse, and was te weighed 43 p. uncfi 'l^e P*""' io-the ceremony 1 But in ano- ther minute, seeing the anfortunate M^jor irying to pick np himself and hs horse, their momentary trij[ht waj gone, and gave plaje to shoots of langhter. Tba widow all the while hugging tbe coffin in tbe diteb, kept glancing in terror at the mayor, who, covered with ifiud from head to foot, began to look hnoa?. ' 'Tisn't the divil at all, Biddy, ' cried one ' 'tis nly an army Capt'n.' ' Faif-, acd that's a raist the same,' ex- claimed aoother. Biddy started np her fear and grief were lost in indignation. 'Arrah, bad seraa to you r she cried, shaking bar fist at the Major, ' you thafe o' the world â€" you ould bUck-gaired I Oaghto't yoa be ashamed of yourselt, to le deathroyini; a poor widdy woman going paeeably with her fansbind to be baried What harmm did Mitre ever do yoo, that you should dhrive his oorp and hia widdy uto a dyke May yoaraeu fai« worse, « hen 'tie your own tarn to be baried I Oh, wim, witra t you've de- sthieyed us both V • My good womsn,' said tba Major, ohok- ing with laughter, ' I hadn't the least idea that ' It weatwiXlSlUd^lLd"â„¢ '" *»•'• mach. in yonr sto- The Poet and the Bngraver. I am reminded of what I heard yesterday anent a literary veteran and a famous old i Fiah should never be boiled bnt atiu .A artistic engraver. The literary man is Dr. i so that no floe oroDertiaa » Ji. 1^ • Holland and ths famcus artistic engraver tbe the water. disiolved u English Linton, long resident in New York. He was engairad for the illustration of Dr. Holland's " Katrine " one day be was snm- moned by the puSliabera and shown the blocks, which oouneasurcd the page, and asked to refit them. " Ob, no I ' he oonldn't do that. But he must there was no alter- natiTa. â- •Ob, yes, there was " " Wbat was that " " Cut off a few of Dr. Holland's vernu.â€" they would never be missed I" ^^ •There ws. a sUgbt oopleasantoeaa for year, between the Doctor and Mr. Linton for this and similar sUps of Mr lintrm-i It's on a of aldermen on police affairs, exercising a supervision over tbe force. That adetoched police force in tbe heart of the mstropolis IS at variance with the principle upon which the police is established in every other town in the kingdom few deny. THE MKTROPOLITAS I'OI.ICK, The metropolitiu police district extends over tho whole of the county of Middlesex (in which is tba city of London), but the metropol tan pel oe district does not include the city of London. It was established on tbe29;hof September, 1829. The metro- pi litan district also Ukes iu the surrounding parishes of Surrey, Kent. Essex, and Hert- ford, and thoaa also of which any part is not more than 15 m Ijs. in a straight line, from Channg Cross. It i' therefore, a very large li,tr ct, and is direc ly under the control of the chief commissiocer. The was acres or wiS-it'TTSfforVoSL^^ '""' -r ;j;-d. much leas nntn^^t^n'Urcoo-l^* ;2-S^pJTp^irWt^:S33^ »hows diminished vitklity, ^^ of «l!7"' °' ' 'â„¢ »»•»• •â- tke middle » (M osid winter airl tha caoaa of '-^ â- iiwirtoTitality. ' '*»«IM»« populatiou of the district, Dec. 31, 1878 4,534 010, witi an area of 439 8-23, aciv. „. 688 squsre m le* inbsbited houses. 577 839 Cob Sir E. Y. Henderson. K. C. B., u the chief cimmusioner, with a residence and £3,800 per annum ($9 000). There are also ^^"a.^'""' c )mniiasioner8 at £800 each (94,000) and a director of criminal inveslin- tion at £800 ($4,000) per annum. There is fftJJfi!*!'!!^,*"'"""^^"" '•" '~«"« iSUO (»4,000) four district superintendenU who pay IS £725 per annum ($3,625), and 2.^ iSOOper annam (»I,500) ti £475 («2,375). Six bucdred and two inspectora of tbe tirst class receive $15 62 eaoh per week 60*2 of the second cla« $13.87, and 786 serg.anU $*32 each There are 8,397 comTubl^ ^« na"" ""^\^^J^ either $5 20, $5.14. or $5. 08 per week. The authorirsd strength of the police this yearâ€" 1880â€" was 10 477 Of the.e 9,206 were'available for d",!!; the metropoliF, consisting of '21 superintendents C44 inspectors. 728 sergewits, and 7.913 conl ^r^lt^"" •" -^ d.vi«on.' ofThe f^ ?i' 5^" "'"' • '«â- *• nombering mclude the dock-yard foroe at Woolwich, rortsmouth, Devonport, Chatham, and Pem- broke, number.ng over 1,200 officers and men. Danng the past year the growth of the city has necessiUted the increase of the foroe by the appointment of 2 inspectora, 7 sergeants, and 51 coostablca. A RHUBir of oflenoca other than afrarian in Iceland in 1880. preaented to tbTHooae of ConunoBs, shows that the total nnmber ef sack oOciiesa waa XJOfU. Of theaa ni it t t ean were anrder aad forty.fonr maaalaaakter !**i "Miber of eaaea in aU iMil i^ whMA oflenden were eooTictsd waa 6M tba aamber of oasae ia whieh caaiidan^w«! made amenabU bnt not oonriotad. 420- woinber of .ffe«I,„ awaituigtrfai; 'jg' â- en»cr ooavtotad nor made amenable, l.SU. m.'jority before retiring for the night eject their pellet into vacancy, without caring very much where it may alight. This is the universal custom among them if tbe '•quid" has been exhausted of all nourishment before bedtime, aud of all those who are well to do, or extravagunt, iu any case bat of such aa are prudent and careful, whether from- ne- cessity or choice, thu usual plan is. if the mouthiul is not yet fully accounted for wh;;n bedtime comes, to remove TUB DEUCAtK MOB.SeL from tbe cheek as carefully as possible, lick it gbotly with the tongue all rouud so as not to waste any of the valuable moisture which may still adhere to its surface, press it very very carefully and not at all roughly between two pieces of blotting-paper, dry it thoroughly, and set aside till next mnming. I'hsre are unmerous variations to this plan of procedure 00 doubt, bnt this is the gene- ral rule, any departures ae dae to meiely local prejudices or traditions. This national custom IS truly democratic in tuat it ia not- confined to auv one class of society, but is widcepiead. indeed ubiquitous, in tbe influ- ence it (xer.s on all sorte and conditions of men, Smuker« are numeroiu enough, as in- deed they are everywhere, but smoking is not so exclusively an Aiiencan national custom, as chewing is and ehewers ate, as might ba expected, legion, while spitters are like the sand tbat is upon the sea-shore, or tbe stars in tbe sky, or tbe leaves of the trees, that cannot be numbered for multi- tude. Everybody chews, and everybody spite,â€" tbe august .Senator, toirible and ma- jestic in his profundity, aud Clled with en- thusiastic conceptions uf what is due to the dignity cf his own persona ity, and of the elevated order to which be has tbe honour to belong tbe 'cute aLd ISTKLHrrt-AL e-0.Sr.RE.-»M4N who, y/i Sirrte, gau bet, is fitted to run tbe mill of the wbob creation at any time when there happens to bs occasion for his services, tbe learned judge upon the bench, the lawyer pleading at the bar, and the prisoner beforb it, tbe minister of the goapel, the doctor, and the printor's diavelui, all sharpen their wite, enlighten their under- standings, steady their nerves it may be, and, -in idea," st any rate, keep up the manly exercises of archery and rifle shooting by incessant practice at butU more or less accessible and convenient, both to themselves and to others, though at the same time also to the no small detriment of their teeth and prolongatiou of their visages. These latter inconveniences however, are not for a mo- ment to be set against tne p:easuro aad de- sirableness cf producing at least tbe show ..f wisdom though the reaUty may be far enough away. Having recently some leisnre time to spend in oue of the Urgest cities of one of tbe foremost S^tos in the Union, we dropped into a court-room where a man was on trial for his life. We were mot at the door by a withered and shrivelled up old n,aii who d^d not seem to have thrived very well at hu favorite exercise, though he still clung lusUly to it with wbat few teeth he wat.^t'his""'""" """ ^^^ ^°' ' CaXDIDlTB rOR THE aiAVORALTV, asheassL-ed us be was. insUtedonour mak- ing ourway behind andamong a dense mass of men. nesrly every one of whom was either sternly at work in seeking to bring a fiesh piece of stobboi n tobaooo into due subjec- tion, or having succeeded in that desirabli pursuit, was luminating comforUbly there- upon, (iigejling tbe knotty ev.dencse. and the subjugated morsel, at tbe same time with an air which waa evidently a htartl br«ak and despair to numerous smallish boys who had oome there for IcMona in wisdom and manhood. Strange as it may appear the manner in which the " quid " is acted upon, and the ab.liiy to "squirt" ita juice both straight aad far. are in aoae circles, the («s(« by which a man U triad, and hu ,fitness to move in the innetmoat or mora remote spheres of social intercourse, reao- lutoly detottnined. One young man behind us awoke our admiration by the intense e-rneetnees with whkh be applied himaelf to the great end of life, wTw«e in some alarm for our cootinuatioM. owin^ to the deaaaly packed ataU of the room, and the neoeuity alwm laid npon esoeasive energr to rebeteUaelf. To do him juatise hoJ^. !-!Il r 1 "• â- •«â- * '« expactoratioB oaasa, he alvaya Riaaoad dowawaids before P«jp««tmj{ tke aot. Having at loogth got to tbo (root wa looked sbo2 for the iudae, tha priaooar, the Uwyer. eta. They y^ aU aaatadas m tbeonstom tharsL Tke J ndoe waatilntmiatoakforaniportar. Hawoaait- tiu at CM awl of a kmadask. and waa boay taking Mtaa. By aadly be aot iat«eated « a iMfa bookWiualiVwkcd Uka» Walkar'a dietMNiaiy, aad pteaenUy .,v ihr- eVro^j,, deeperintotl.(-l.,«.stih«^1 and got no ncut-pr the i,(^ wrist. A wiso itii.l ex|,en««j- man, coming t.i th.- )«,tiea.., not witll the lll..f.-^si.„,,l face which Kitgg.sts tiii-un,;;- the Bexton, i,m wiij, countenance and » syiBjiaty with tact, witii patieuce, the light uioinciitâ€" will ,„â- shy spirit intu a doubt, the sorrow, ij,,. morse, the terroi wl,;.i, ^^^^ the bodily 8yniiit..ir.s, ^j ^j^ dening of which iut »;„jj., inggoul is a more j'/j-u-.m^,- all the drowsy vvr.i., ,,. And, on theotiieiiiun.l.'J-, uei\oti8 and ovi-i- .si-aivii. which liave been wrf.ii.'Lii torturing spiritual x-m*» best confessor wotil 1 U-a,,^: wholesome-mindfd ).li\„iic H i)erson to have I., ,.,'u.f y- rt'ligions stimulams tliat ii to what are knuwn to 'lietrrj sanity as hallucination.'., th. Voices whisjieiinj,' biasjihe: ear^, and sec d(.-\ils â- •.ii),ii;" and thinks lie ii ^oiu^ ;., jiieces, or ti-jldcu int.. t^ {xisc thait liiH tut^QisA '..II plunging him iuli tlic !»•. it. irflkes, Law, Owen Sotmd. .ifillers's budding, over Robin- Poulet Street. ly iBS, AND ATTORSKYS-AT 1 olieitors in Chancerv. Convey Jwsn Sound, have resumed at I Offee eipeu •very Thurs.Iay. as 1 M'n kiiKi'.M ittlu I... atr.'t.i leav.- il.eg (.ulthciis ilo as tb' nuj.-i and will p,.. it I ti'Pt ITtl.ll ir\k V Mtl J. w. own Attorney. Fao-'T, LL. r. 1 A â- es nms**a, SB and ATTORNEY AT-LAW, I Chancery, Owen Snund. 1 .V tes Lamea, SY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IX I Notary Pubhc, ic. aed at loweat rates on ptrsnuul Lauds bought and sold, i Her introduced free of commis- DUNDALI^ ISUt, 1B80. 1 K.| r TlnM Anent. \\1 Salt'i attt-ii'i. (roeal) ^oll ..| riaULM. Oruflnl Fruit and Oriil tural I.m|'l. uif I'n If. Wlliams,' Wm. rrr# ti $anh |lgrttt». M oil rm. Browa, ' MARRIAGE LICE.NSK.S.ic. sioner in B. R.lc. ' ng in all its branches promptly 1 carefully executed. " ' oney to Lend on Real Estate se- r.v u, A K«Md ae'Urit\ Sept. 17, 1830. 1-y HITERE! a:; Mr. L. SnUUi. AG£NT AND DEABER IN Stock, WiUiamsford Station. IT, 18n, I Alexaader Br*wa, 1 of Marriage Licenses, Fire and laanrance Agent. Commissionei B. '*e. Conveyancer and Licensed aeer lor the County of Orey. Karmers. j)oniienc\-, at laat i.-ilm.- Lyj ban^, and Land Sales, Panctuallv m of despair, so that li-uow o.i '**?,,"=\'"8" ':*« "•^-' """"iV"" ♦.i,;„™ 1.;. ««,., rr eerllla, Bept. 17, 1880. iv taking Ills own liic, ami .!'.. himself whether it sli»ll i... a«*rve C*rbet, Jr., ' halter, or |X)ison, ai.l af:.- mMD. U)AN AND GENERAL AGENT tioningis appaii'iulv Hdi::.- mind to commit .sii,il-. a manifest case of iiiNini;., .. known as melancholin.' W.. pru'Jent physician k.-.-;) so :. under the eye of c..ii:jat »: in a dangerous stHtr .4' ;.: i-^ mental alineation.! â- Vctt;.:- act transcript of .tii-- ii;erjti| of Christian in ••i'il^qi'ji' i and ils countei-pai-t )i.is ir,rL thousantia of wii'tc.:i.-l lixv, i by the act of selt-.!t-tiiiiti..i..»l so nearly taking j.! u-h ia the allegory. New ilie ».:i.ir. from which tlii.s i-.\ nnj.-i.' i-i next to tbe Bibli- an f •â- T Thomas a Kenii-i.s '"• '-^"f i ligious work of '.kist.iid»ni- yan and his coiUfmi^ior Ar\ S had met in cnn»u'.t.i'i"n ov. of Christian at tli' tini.- *â- â- meditating self-mupiev, it â- sible that there miolit li*r,- â- â- ference of Judgment. In* would have one a.ivantarK xnsultation. Ho woii!'J Bound. Monev to Loan at low iaierest. Principal payable at the- of years, and interest half yeai or principal and interost re|ay- ments, ber of desirable Improved Farm-^ ' ly J. O. Slav, j ON AND PROVINCIAL LAND ' or. Draughtsman and Valuator. Markdale. Having purchased Land Surveyor Charles Rankin's of original Field Note-s, Plans, ' istructions, dc.af all his Survers the last lifty-tivo years, I am ' make Surveys in strict aescord- 1 iwith. I'rofiies and E.-itimates ' Hills, VifLUs and Specifications j Bridges, furiiisbed on applies- â- to Loan at H per cent iiit.-rr^t. letter, or left with G. J. BLYTH will be promptly attended to. 1880. l-v U«-l)iaft- nil joint-., ai Sept.mlj. THE Diseases ofl r\YER'-J cherJ PECTOI |.ii;iii..i .111.1 1.11 les I. irhite, Cameron, Owen Sound, taijily have rec-oiv.-.ia C.:-JP^_^^ ^T THE REVERE HOl.'SE, cl.-i â- •» mat ' tmJmTt^" u" '*•,? 1"' ^^'1"*^'1» '" â- ^- ^I^BiB, Wnen ha wit Ka nt.d,^ar...1 *.^ .....- tion, while the ably know n^t to Lii:).ii.i' or manifestations ot' iii.'!:».' disease. It elons not ^a â- " theological student n.;rj.!V for his practical .lu'..f- uiti' learned somethin^iot'tli" ""' ly derangements, auJ. -i"' liecome familiar with tbf 5^- mental disoonl in the 'i^^' sane asylum.-v-O/ir.. "â- i'r» North Avt-ri-vii H"' 1:^ '11 I' III am .1^.- ..r • Ml.- i.iiii^.- â- r.l.iiary 'ol Itt-une-iiitis, I "Hire Tliriial l.rrb, tlir ••ic*i ai I i'ia;i'|.i. »â- •;:ti«-lv .III. I .1- li.i!il 1:1 •â- ".••ll 1* WhoOliili;; I'l* f •• • :nati« 1. •I :ti.-!i- 11 ll. .1' ' ..!! .tli'.l.l • iiri- '.».i.-. when he will be prepared to per- ttions required upon tbe muuth satisfactory manner, aud upon terms. i.y J Divorces in New EM-* In Vermont in if'Jl* "^1 divorces. In tlu' «ni" " there were li 7. I" .^^*, the i-atehad inoiva.'it'Ji"'" to 240 in 1 87.-). i- M«» number had incr'*«ed fff' to 600 in 1873. In 1878 tliere wa.-; 1 i"'f ' 31 8 10 marring" *»*" to every 41 tuarriage^ 1968, 2,072 divorces. *?"â- New England, of f"""' "" Maine, 24 1 in Now H«b)J' Vermont, COO in M*f^' in Connetiout, aui 19" '" land. HOTElw, "•lARKDALE. |8PB^Ui.E, Proprietor. _fapnlar Hotel has ba.1 a Urgr a.l ' added to it, thoroughly refitted, second to none in the countv.' and attentive ostler. First- 1 lodation for eommercial travel. ' ta 91-00 per day. 17.1, j lEAFORD. Oct HRR, I'lf.IiilFT.iRF. 1 !, «ll.|. ' ' !â- • !â- »• â- ].-jl"m.-.| •!i :•.- .li*.'a- In .."11.- .1' â€" 1| .\\n: ' 1 HM n:)-l.iii.\ â- V 4!i.|;l!.l I'.. 4 kn^'^^ U-'L-. Ut-\\» .i- ' .ii-r-.li- kui-".i [T... i: .- |.i.i-'ii 1 111* i.»r ri-u' i. ..1 ,.„'« â- " 1 Prepared i'i.i« 11 $2 WMrt... SS. Imti«ti« ommodatioii iui thu tisVKihni; I bar is well stiK-keil with tb*- I and Li'iuars an.l tin bf-l TAI IC I to and from all train-. 1«80. ly " HOTEL ERClit [C^TIIiL.E, Ont, lifsu Its elev»:i 10 be" I wci i«l» â- f pit, I Vulgarity ia 1 spionous beiiui. ftar r:ch man ufe dreas circle, wh anl pot bim ir: Htted him. The natives of the Ita-' Sawaii, one of the .Sanioin 1 a Oerman aailin^ vcsix-l, without loss. Tlic ^•»'"fft then demanded a K ""'» "j ' of puuisbment, and o""" amount was rinalK,tkoiig paid. The Gerrosu Oo"",. comes ma^inanim.-juv, »â- "» to bs paid over to a iaai t" pital 10 Apia, the chief •* lalanda. At the insane »'y'" France, the other day, "J H* of 103, a patient d»i««» had been an inmate "'jT^ ever ainoe 1797. He •* the idea that bis body T^. flaar. Haunted by t'l' ,^l to have soaroely moveJ " three years be passed in»»^^ bare only opened bu "r/^t i daring that period, to ssk »» oommodious Sample Rooms l^jwns, 4c. The Bar and bu^der 1^ with tbe beet the myket af. I Stabling and attentive Hostler's- TflOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor. ,1880. 6 jkgeTwi lson7^ TrciHTER rkdale. next door to Expositor ' delivered at anv house ia town. 1880. l-y THE IS. W^«kater, iD AUCTIONEER FOB of Orey. LV ND LA..VD AG EST, loan at lowest rates of interest, in I borrowers. Agent for Farmers' ig Co. All business matters and treated as such. BUOEKIA P. O. 1»»0 141 LOST M4 A T:oum oJ yo tor*. I»tr » y LsTiSK tr.Ml in 1 ecvemi s simpt*! 10 Us fcUow-i 4S t-Jiatkan Mothers Are y..u .i.sa your r.-t I1 I cryini; w:th tl| i teeth If s. MR.S, wins! It will rcliivi ately â€" dc[" about It. 1 111 who lia.s »\« rl once tbat it give rett to tl| to tbe child, fectly safe to{ tbe taste, and! tbe oldest unq unrses in thej where at 25 TO GDI The ad ver cured ot th^t i a simple remd to his fellow 1 all who desii prescription directions fori which they wi[ SCMPTIOS. As Parties please addr St., WiUiamsb