Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Feb 1881, p. 1

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 M Iv* idi â- r?r5 i! We StAHDARD. Friday, Feb. U5th 1881. worlds. 1 Bro. W. Trimble iiiimil kix N. Chair Bro. U. U Cbftir, the other took their reepeetive peftriog is thor reK^li*. After singing th« a very eUboratS addnes of weleoae, Ihankiug the asaeuiblyvfor Uw-inao ncr in which the} had reepooded to the iyto \olSm' rpBIS C«n«d» Ad^ertlsinc Ageaer, Hi. 99 L King Street Wmt. Toronto, W. W. BCTCBEB. Mancfer. I ai diciTited to nrcive adTertiieinent* for tbU paper. The pdople of the Cvanty will place a proper valnc ou the adrice given them by the Tbornbarj paper, when they take into cousideratiou that all tlte ab««« of Owen Bonud and its High iichool ariseti from the f^t, tliat tlie proprietur did not get the adver- tiiemeut aunouncing the le-openiug of the aeliDoi, amouiiting to the large mm of otu dollar and fifty unU. Tliere has bceii koCbiag done as jet abcat cleanini; those filthy closets be- luuglng to the public bcliool, and wj •uppoee oothiug will bo done until •ome epidemic break} out among the children, and carries off a score or so of them. They ar« simply a disgrnoe to a civilized people, and the smell •rising therefrom during the thaw was quite perceptibU from the road. Think of nearly 200 children being com- ]!e. ed to breath sneli an atmosphere for si;, ojurs every day. mYTtattoMMOIoot. AW WMB i Uw ' ydhmton mmtk. WtaatStltlrf W'b laat week published a speech delivered by Dr. Sproule, the member fur the East Kidirij? of Grey, on the j ^?*" "^1. '"t Sabbath afternoon company engaged in variooa games and sports provided fnr tbair amuse- ment. The Quartette Band euUvened th6 ^nttntB^ tt ntarvftB wlut choice selections of mosie. At 10.80 o'clock a sumptuous repast was served after which a well prepared program- me was verv sreJitably reuJered. Songs were given by the IGsaes W. and J. Trimble, Christoe and Pliilps. Readings by B. Davu and H. Hoofter, and last, bat not least, the song and recitation of Duiwoody Broa. The prcgramme was brought to a close by all siiniing God Save the Q-ieen. I' would tot b« too much to note the very orderly way in which everything wss conducted, and amoDg those most assiduons in making tha company nt home, we would meation Messrs, Wright. Trimble, Hooper, Doll, Flesher, Campell, Davis Blaek- bum, Spronls and Snlhvan. Baavims. â€" Spring is eoming Mr. Uarjeant is " laying in" a good supply of ice for the summer The Social held at Mr. Anderson's, on the 11th inst., under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sabbath School, was a success. The amonut realized $18.85. The Social given by the C H. Ladies Aid Associaiion in the base- ment of the ehureh last Friday even- ing was obo a success. The proceeds at the door amounting to $18.60 Rev. Mr. Wilson (Presbyterian) preach- ed a very eloqueqi serraon in the pHcific Kailway coutract, and have given gi eat offence for so doing. The speeo 1 was iie:it t' lis with a request that wo w luld fiiiU iv piacd for it in our columns, hikI told to s. nd m the b.ll aud we ikjuI I bu piii i f^r it the same as for any 'tiiL-r aJvciliKciUcut. Had our mciubci bceu u li"rriujr, anJ h:s speech a:;:ii]ii;t the^ been offered to U3 'ju the naiue tt-rm:*, we shouM liitvt [iiiliiidhcd ii.»itiiout the slightest hebitiiiioii. if those parties who are grumbliug, are desiroun of having any'purticular speech, opposing the onein que luiu, publisiiud, and arc willing to pay 6c per line for the fiivelege, tliity will find us acfoin- tuodatiiig. We publish tlie bTA-soABO to beuefit ourtrlcet, as well u the public, ami as lou{,' as we are paid fur the crtionofau article it will al- ways find a place iu our columus, provide it does not trench on private ciiaracter, or is nut "f au imiuirai nature aud as long tit wu make no comments either for or ut^aiust, we do not consider we arc compromising our position of neutrality. His text was the "Prodigal Sou The Flesherton Choir Methodist) has two alto singers second to none in ti.e Couuty Hooper's Furniture Ware Rooms are well worth inspect- ing. Any person having a few min- uttft to spare, while in the Village, shoul 1 pay them a visit. At the last meeting of the Connty Cujuci! a motion was made to have the County Treasurer advertise all lands, liable to be sold for taxes, iu the papers published in the immediate locality of such lauds, m addition to that required by law. The mover gave as his reason fur making the motion, that as the law sow stood Utt tax sales were ordered to be advertised iu one pitper only, and the consequence was that very may of those, whose lauds were advertised, were not aware of it, from the fact of Aheir never seeing the paper contain- ing the advertisement. Had they been published in the local papers hs felt atsure.l that much of the laud now sold would be redeemed by thier own- ars. The motion, however, was thrown out on the ground that, as the law aniy authorized the oneadvertiss- meut, the extra cost of such gjiblica- tion would have to be borne by the Countr, as it couli not legally be charged against the lota so advertised. No doubt this is true, but we can't a«e why, iastead of sendioe the lands to be sold to one particular paper, for publication, tbey are not «tnt to the papers where the parties interested would be most likely to see them. If the law as it now stands prevents this method, it is time people were moving io have it remedie.l. if it is the duty of the Couuty Council to make the move, aud they neglect doing so, the people should see to it at the next elec- tion of Reeves and Deputies, that men are sent who will. Undoubtedly a great deal of hardship is caused by the present, system and the soouer a change is made the hetter. JOTTINGS FUGAi .U.\.X.\VELL. Vroai a Correnponilent. Beautiful weather a^^aiu. Sleigh inggood. The Literary aud Delating Society intend giviiig au eniertaiumeut soon. May it be a success. The last meet- ing of the society was quite a success. Among the noteworthy points of ths programme, were the excellent recita- tion of Mr. W. Xj. B. Hamlin, sr.. aud the amusiug reading of Mr. W. L. fi. Hamlin, jr. A very interesting spell- ing match slso took place. After a keenly contested combat, one side was vanquished, the other having four still on the floor. The snbjset of the next debate is '• R'wUnl, That the the Negro ^as sustained more injury from the hands of ths white man, ".ban the Indian." Oar worthy Counsellor. Mr. Ross. baa, during the passt week, entered upoQ the matrimonial state of lif« â€" Urhas the Society's best wishes. â€" Now that the ice is broken, a e may axpaat sovaral othan t« ioUow llr. Bms' axampla. Sense. fLESHEBTON.. â- i-.i Ami ow OifMspoo^Mii. Social..â€" Tbfl greatsct event of tbe MMoawttstba Odd FaUows Soml, wbiek was Itold in tbair OiUl on Wwl- ussdar eveniug, tbe 19«h mst. Orer a hanaaad penons at,awer«d tbe in- Titatioiu wfiioh. w*fâ€" wit oat. JihM» sal^m bss» â€" r food tortnns t» w'd-, uses soefa-a gayftWl «iqo^alil« wotn* ThebiOlhiw Utt^ U^ rv'cvMt*! and yMwtM.M iutpifmk f^ f 100, and frfaaBiesit»iw«ty Jf^sManM. tkf " 0;minr 00* f^'ibt OH«f.^ ^hnitB mtktd tb»^ OSPREY COUNCIL. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Osprey held its second meet- ing in the Orange Hall, Feversbam. at noon, 7th February. Members all preseut. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communications from Town Clerk, Bomauville, respecting the Assessment Act of* 1880, relating to Incorporate Companies; from J. Gillies, asking fay for keeping widow McDougall, an idigent; two from Couuty Treasurer, respecting lot 40 in 2nd S. D. R., and lot 73, 2nd N. D. R., the first ue not havingbeen return- ed, and tbe latter as having been re turned on uon-resident roll from Pellatt ii Osier re lot 29, con. IS.from S. R. E-Jwards, declaration as Audi- tor for 1B81 from Neil A. McLean, resignation as Auditor for 1881 from W. Long, J. M. Bark and W. Hicks, npplicaticn for office of Assessor; from E. Stewart, for the position of Township Surveyor and Engineer; from W. Milne, bill for flour to 0. Mil- ler, an indigent, $6.50, election ex- penses $4.87, and requirements tor ottice $7.00 from W. Winters, ask- ing remuneration for expenses incur- rod in connection with last illness, death and burial of Robert Noble, an indigent from Canada Publishing Company, bill for stationery, $10.81 from John McRac, Pathmaster, ask- ing Council to pay W. Percy $2.60 fur repairing road scraper from A. Sinclair, asking exemption from school taxes iu sectiou No. 10, he having had to pay iu No. 6. Collingwood froiu D. Clark and 67 others, petition to open 20th side road between 4th coLcession and gravel road fron J. ClarK and 27 others, petition for new school section from W. Suggitt and 4 others, settiug forth that Thomas Bullock's family arc in a stale of act- ual starvation, and require immediate relief from John Stinson and Dun- cau Mclnnis with 4 and 8 others, re- spectively, asking to have the town- slap divived into wards. By-law 196 to appoint S. R. Edwards and Neil A. McLean Auditors' by-law 197 to ap- point C. McLean Auditor in place of N. A McLean bylaw 198, to appoint Neil A. McLean Assessor for 1881, passed. Mr. Mclntyre moved, second- etl by Mr. Taylor, that the Auditors' Report be received and read, â€" Carri- ed. Auditors' Report rtad. â-  Mr. Sing moved, seconded by Mr. Mclntyre, that J. R. Sing be allowed to correct a mistake in respest to orders to Fletcher, iu Ward No. 4 acoounts^ior 1880, if he finds he has mad«i-«MMtfi8- take in respect to said order. â€" Carri- ed. Mr. Sing moved, seconded by Mr. Mclntyre, that the resignation of Neil A. McLean, as Auditor for 1881, be accepted. â€" Carried. Mr. Sing moved, 2od bv Mr. Mclntyre, tliat C. McLean be appinted Auditor for 1881, in the place of Neil A. McLean, resigned aud that a bylaw be pre- pared to confirm such appointment. â€" Carried. Council adjourned at 4 p. m. Council resumed at 6:30. Mr. Mclntire moved, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that report No. 2 of Road aud Bridge Committee, be received and adopted. â€" Carried. (youNcn. Room, FsvaasaAX, Feb, 7, 1881. â€" We, the Committee on Roads and Bridges in the Township of Os- prey, ou viewing the petition of David Clark, Jackson Reid, Robert Kinner and others, beg to report, that where- as several parties have volui^teered a certain amount of gratis work, the Council do grant an amonut in ao- cordauce with the funds of the Ward to the gratis work performed on 20 side road, between 6th and 4th. â€" Josara Tatlos, Chairman. Report No. 2 of Fmnauoe Commit- tee, presented aud read as follows â€" Yeur Committee, to whom was refer- red the several aooouois and petitions beg to report as follows 1st. That your Committee reeommend the pay- ment of W. Milne's aeeoout of $5,60 for flour furnished 0. Miller, and sdao the sum of $8 for Wilaoo's Br-laws, and $4.67 for ballot papers, telegram, aud distribution of ballot boxes and your Committee cannot reeommend the payment of the asoMat of W. Winters, for boiral ol Robert Noble, as there was ample time to hsTa daim- ed tiie amount lhm the Cooaeil ot last year that jov CooEtAuMea i»- aotamecdtba a ee a mt for ot tbe Oaaada PriilWUiift amoQDtiof to flftA, h»MiL That /bar Comoittee mlgimiai] tha rifBatace of petitioB ky4h* Clsik. ^tbe LegisletiO OaHria. rt Aa se es a r f^. sm. low respMtfUly sabmit^ ChMTmaa. Ifr MOnifn Veived, Vy Mr. Taylor, that Report No. S of Fi- nance and Assessment Committee be received and adopted.â€" Carried. Mr. Mclntyre. that W. Percy be paid tbe sum of $2.60 for repairing road scra- per, Reeve to issue order. â€" Carried Mr. flfaig^ woni, Mclntyre, that the (Serk be instruet- ed to communicate with the Secretary vi school sectioo Na. 10, Osprey. and again ask the Trustees to refund the amount of school taxes levied by said section a^rauMt A. Biaelair, he having to pay rate Inll ia another scelieii Mr. Sing moved, seconded by Mr. Mclntyre, that the snm of $S be granted to W. Soggitt aad Joseph Maxwell ead^ for atteading the meeting of the Oomeil on ae count at the Agricultural Commission in 1680; the Beeve to iasoe order.â€" Carried. Mr. Sing moved, seeooded by Mr. Tsylor, that tbe petition of J. Clark and others, for new school sse- tion be taken into eoaaideration at the next meeting; Clerk to noufr all Trustees inte r seted. inelndmr No. 1 â€"Carried. Mr. Taylor mowd, se conded by Mr. Johnsten, that N. A McLean be paid the sum of $8 for his services as Auditor, and 8. B. fid- wardt the sum of $10 for 1881. and that the Reeve issue ordei. â€" Carried. The Council adjourned at 8 p. m.. and resumed at 9. Mr. Sing moved, ee- conded by Mr. Mclntyre, that N. A. McLean be appointed Assessor for the municipality for the current year and that a by-law be prepared to confim such appointment. â€" Carried. Ex- Coucillor Speers asked leave to ad dress the Council. Leave granted, aud Council addressed. Mr. Sing moved, seconded by Mr. Mclntyre, that tlie Clerk be instructed to have the Minutes and Auditors' Report erinted in pamphlet f)rm to the num Br of COO by John Rutherford â€" terms to be tte same as last year. Mr. Johnston moved, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that this Council 'adjourn, to meet at Mclntyre on the 1st Monday in March. â€" Carried. W. MiLsa, Clerk. GLENELG COUNCIL. Council met pursuant to adjourn ment. Presentâ€" The Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillors Neil and Glen- cross. Minute of lost meeting read and confirmed. Mr. Glencross moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the follow ing accounts be paid â€" C. W. Rut- ledge, printing, $8.89 T. J. Brown mending road scrapers, $8 J. Shew- ell, chair for Town Hall, $1.60.â€" Mr. Neil moved, seconded by Mr GlencrosH, that tbe following claims be paid â€" Hasket Bros, account, $2 Joseph Lamb, Irons for tbe door of the Hall, 50c John Orr, repairing bridge, $2. â€" Carried. A By-law was passed appointing Poundkeeps, Fence- viewers and patbmasters. Mr. Neil Moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Duncan Mcluues be refunded $f for statute labor charged iu error. Car- ried. Mr. Glencross moved, second- ed By Mr. Hall, that Alexander Mc- Arthur be allowed to do work on the roads in Ward No. 2, under the Com- missioner of said Ward, for the amount of taxes for 1880 against lot 36, sons 2 and 8, N. D. R.â€" Carried The Auditors Report was laid before the Council. Mr. Hall moved, second- ed by Mr. Glencross, that the account of Messrs. Rowsell Hutchison, amounting to $15,20, be paid. â€" Car- ried. Mr. Glencross moved, seconded by Mr. Neil, that the Reeye, Deputy Reeve, and Councillor McMillan, be appointed a committee to examine and report on tbe Treaiurer's sureties. â€" Carried, Mr. Glencross moved se- conded by Mr.Hali, that tbe Auditors' Report be adopted, and that they be paid $6 each. â€" Carried. Mr. Neil moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Clerk be authorized to get 200 copies of the Auditors' Report print- ed in pamphlet form. â€" Carried. Coun- cil adjouru to meet at the same plaoe on the 6th day of June. iS0vvt*9^ii^nut, NoTicB. â€" Mfe wish it disinetly understood that we do not hold oaraelTeH repooiiMe for the opinions expressed by our eorrsepoodenta. Oqateitfee reeouttttMl j«nr CoumI t»|i cw t w ftitiui% mAtimemtk « af tba ?J t, fo To tbe Editor of tks Standasd. Matsvuxx, Golorada, Jan., 1881. Maysville is a smart mining town in Chaffee Couuty, located at the mouth of tbe North Fork, of tbe South Ar- kansas River, in an open sunny spot, making it a desirable winter residence. The pioneer settler of the tswn is Amasa Feathers, upon whose ranch the place was laid out. The town has bad a steady growth during the past season, and notwithstanding the nn favorable weather, new buildings are still in courseof erection. The census for 1880 gives the population at 600, but that hardly furnishes an accurate idea of the actual population from which the place derives its support, as there are hundreds of miners m the gulches and hills above who get their supplies at Maysville. The capitalist seeking to invest in the minus of the district, also makes this his head- quarters. The railroad, Denver ft Rio Grande, is praetieally completed to this point, and will probably make it a terminus tor one year or more. The prineipal firm in Maysville is the h«avy grocenr and supply house of Johnston k nondol, who also have a banking office, and supply the oitiseus with needed faeihtiee in the way of exchange. They are shrewd business men, always foremost in eyerything ?srtaining to the welfare of the town, he hardware ttaide ia represoDtad by SoUivan Bros. Ttwy carry a larga aiA complete stock. Maysville has foar hotels, six restanraota, and ewht saloons, two blacksmith shops. The Uvery,fsed and sale hrade iare p rseeat Ithe boat tti^y dull ai ttiie Tba mines of tbe tiefaei»i^ the fitmoos Odnmboa nkmf «Imb^ a rather at«p trail 4s mSit^U #i*b rap^iee ap and ore do wi; the mm n a f W MiM Bi r i gt al ' IIW fWk Company for flOO.OQp, now to the aqMmnt The manager. Mr. O. K. 3»bm, is an old time Colorado miner a boarding house 14x8S. has bean erected; fUttm house 14x60, and getting the mine in shape to take oat SO tons ^^^jfH^i Tbe mine if Mar the top o f qpy the biffh peaks in ttie lange. Tb^lpok Tiger is an other fitmoos mink- ^old" for $60,000; tbe BrigbiQO for $100.- 000, Men that are pooT'^Mre made rich in less than an hoar bat not all of tham. Proepectiag u a.lnide, M when yoo strike it yoa are nxscl ttiat: ii a flommim saying amiaig the bey*^ There are hondndsof miaaa Ibava not spokoi of or have any idea of doing so. I left Mandate in February 1680, and drove to Maysville in 60 days, arriv- ing here last April, a distance of over 2,000 miles. Shortly after settling here, I met a Mr. Charles Richardson, brother of Mr. George itiohardson, of Euphrasia, who also strayed to the "West" The weather here is warm, no suow in the immediate vicinity. Once this winter the thermometer stood 14 below sero. Mn.0 N. BamouMi. Gbobch OpamMO. â€" Tbe new Cana- da Methodist Chnrcli at Thorubory, the corner stone of which wss laid by our worthy M. P., Dr. T. B. Spronle, was opened on Sunday, 20th inst. Tbe dedicatory services being conducted by the Rev. N.R.Willongh- by, president of the Toronto Confer- ence, assisted by the Revs.Starr.Mayn aud ElUott. An eloquent and practi- eal sermon, from the text â€" " Beoanse Thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of Tuy wmgs will I re. joice," Psalm LXUI, 3, was dehver- ed by Mr. Willoughby to a very large cooKregation, iu fact a number vers obliged to stand durmg the services, tbe church being so crowded. â€" The church is a handsome brick buildirg, with all modern improve mentA, a credit to the people of Thorn- bury and Clarksburg, who have errec- ted aud carried to completion such a handsome edifice. A very successful tea meeting was held the following evening, the church beina; litterally packed, and many havuig to go away for want of room. The balance of the cost of building ($8,000) was ful- ly provided for by subscription at the tea m«otine. The Presbyterian church between Tnornbury aud Clarksburg, wuiflji is similar to and erected «t the same time as the C. M. Church, was dedicated the Sunday prencus. â€" Com 1 â- â- ! i OUR CHAMPION. BY WILLIAM CLAXK. EnffUn J whose Mm m Isn^ bfS brtt^d. The battle and -thelnvea^, -â€" -â-  As mhtreas of ths seas. â-  • ' While tin ihb Tyoe and Mtasi* Thams*, Her sturdy sons long bore, A reputation andenied, As champion ot tb« oar. Till far AastrbLa, as her best, ' Sent Triekett o'er the mains. From brave old Sadler's grasp- to wrest. The aaiverssl nsiae. Tbe glory thus mw not trsnsferred. To foe or foreign power Bat Englaod'H daaghter lair, lind eome To cliira it as her dower. Ijo in tbe west a star appears, No riTal can withstand, As Hanlan, his Canadian oar, Phes with a master's hand. Louden and Plaisted vainly try. His powers to confine At Burlington and on the bay, He brought them both to time. He sweeps Canadian waters fair. He sweeps Columbia's streams Though Rieley, Boss and C-ourtney dare. To test his honest claims. Hawden and Elliott on the Tyne, Essay to pall him down These contest* all unite to prove His well deserved renown. Wben from AnstraUa's distant shore. The Sydney giant came. With half a million gold, or more. To vindicate his eUim. Our Hanlan took the gauntlet ap. In true r^itnt^isn s^le i Thronithoat tke ceuHe be lad the war. And eeeiy drew tbo pile. Then, jealous of his country's name. Brave Layoock takej the track. And fondly courts another chance To win ber honors back. Benignly Hanlan grants him^thix, Tet camly hold* the field, While mtuele, nerve, and will remain, Hia place h« cannot yield. Now o'er the Atlantic' wave be eomes, To greet his native shore, Witli universal honors crown'd As momtnh of the oar. We'll Ught the torch, we'll hoist the flag. In honor of the day When on the Thames he proved his right. To universal sway. Long may he Uve to bravely hold. The ptace so bravely won. And in declining years may pcaee, Barrottod bis setting son. And when bii day is past and gone, And only known to fame. Canadian hands shall bind a wreath Bound Edward Hanlan'i naaM. FlMbertou, Feb. I5th, 1881. 2r ^AXi I BXMLQY, nm. imm t«- Get your Hotiday'a sapyly d above Goods Markdale. Dae. 1«. 1880. ?JSSiMtMM A. MclNTYRE.^ MEDICAL HALL. aflo'J il^ ID SASH ^0 1881.' ' Aiai^ IK Haakett Pm #«4tMM Wa r e r^ 4ili i Nfw ANO«mom»«mQc 6ii!D»a aojoing the fa •^••auaioi, " any I aad'sMsaJ osiaa baitosa^ aad I««M *y _h ob ^M^ d» i Mng U aserit a eo iaftapadt. Tmsdfttoeknf T. CHANGE of BUSINESS. -flt t t. ai â-  • « Wo take pleasure in announcing to the residento of Markdale and Isnrround- ing Conntrr, that we have purchased m MDG AMP STATIOSERY Lately^fiar^ ooV t)Ki *l6ULEiadd W;*!*^ «*^ to biuiness. and by keeping 'a full assorfmenfonhe BEBI the above Unes to merit the support of the genera' pabbo. As the Holiday season is fast approacbioK, wo have purchased a LARGE and VARIED Stock of Fancy Coocfs, Toys, And m£Uiy other Articles, Useful and Or^rvmentaL for CHiiiaTMAS I«B6ENTa Job Loft for Chrisfnat Trooi af Mmi Rafts. A FULL A880BTMENT OF PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, Dye-StaflTs, Paiata, Oils Teas, aasi Tobaccaes, ALWAYS ON HAND. Igoaft ftr Monfoal Tolograph aad Vickor't Exprttt* 13* Flu tician$ Preicriptiok* *nd Family Rfcipies di*ptnt*d at all hours. A. TURNER CO. Markdale. Iee. 9. IMA. 1' tf Get Money at 7 per Cent. To discharge a Mor^o^e bearing 8,9 or xo percent.; to buy more land, or improve your buildings. Liberal Privileges of Repayment OrrORED BT THE BIRTHS. FiaTHâ€" Id Olanalg, ob the U laat., tbe vile of Mr. Geoi«e Firth, of a dai^ter. DIED. FoTifcâ€" In a r t w iia an «h» tMi WiKaM Jaaaa. ]««â- â- â€¢â€¢Â« aokcddokaPoatec. Mid "H""" "" '**- •» «hs 17th inat., Idl. Weri«^. ealy aoa •! Mr. WedsT BvBaan.â€" Ia MschWs. «a Ihs JasM« Mums*, egad « ywaa.* ed by Oiiggs Meyors, and stable fay Shorey A Beynolds. the lattelr betof iroat Haikdala. It«aaU.~ be impoesiwe in the laaika of a short ne ws yaaeg artsele ieraaa' ta vrite wfi the boanMt* of a town fik« Maysriflfi. To any ud dll «ho think ofiawntiiif^ I iliis laot to KWie. abilaluAAed byagoiad (Blase of padpte. We boa4 ofM tm «h«s«k. koMRi as tke Ui^sa Caich. of H e y s J le AmmmMj il\yrm maatbear ia quad oar 9rd. Tow Docyak Mrtearaoia. io sa iij aai aealfcsr MARRIED CoorsB â€" McDoKAiD â€" In PMtoa, on tbe 7th inst-.b/Bev. J. Moniaoa, Mr. Wia. Oeoper, of Maaiafawsja to Mias Anas m.i^â€" .u of Protoa. Bflaaâ€" OsManiâ€" On Feb. 16th, IMl. at the reodntoe a tae hrideTi iithsc hr the Bot. Mr. SnowdMi. Mr. J. W. Boaa to Miaa. Anaia Osbona, sU ef ths TtmmUf d BRITISH CANADIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. -o IPECIAL. RATES FOR SPECIAL SECURITIES. AliElVCY OF^ THE LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, AND British America Assurance Co. THE X71VEQIJAL.L,Er Wanzer Fsmiily Machines. Organs at Reduced Rates. Parties requiring anything in my line, will do well to call and see me. P. S. â€" Several improved /arms for sale. Markdale, Deo. 9, 1880. lS-8a J. MONTGOMERY, THE Subecnber, in retoming thanks tu the inhabitants of Nfarkdale and «nr- roanding con ntr; for their patronage doriup the paxt eight .Tears, begs to intimate to them he is bow prepared to sapply tbe Public with FRUIT. POUND fS PLiHH CAKES, either plaimor Iced and Ornamented, Variety ofOtlier Cakea.. always m h^i^d, ' A^ '-r.-f^oc BIS OTX:X^i of every doaaription. from tke ban dummi- faotnrers in Ontano. Ako, alar^ aad «aned •BMrtrnftBt of iVe CHOICEST CSHfECTIOIIiEinrt BRIDES' CAmi â- nppUed on the shortaet aoii^.aiid got n^ in the best ttjle that is doae this uda of Toronto. Tea Me%, Sodils, OTELB3 sPAiVTIXiS, supplied on the sboctoat natiea mtist raaaonahle terms. JOHN MONiabSCEBT. Markdale. Nar. 18, at, 1880. lo4y ' PLESHERTON Harness Shop THE Snbseriher having purchased ihe ba- siness lately osmM on by Mr. R. la- mnde,begs to inform Ae pnblie that he ha* REMOVED TO THE BUILDING OPPOSITE THE POST orriCE, wher»l»e ia p wp ar e d to famish â€" ALL KINDS ofHARNH§^ vpqalfcrtwMiB'a vtrst-CIms Establishment, Add at prioee to aoit tha timea.-aiii-tT Tinjir THE BEST OF MATE'SiaC^ A»D QOOD^OBKMAWJHIP, ^^ hopM to receive a Mr elifcre of ycmt inliiji" ' â- ' ' a «e." AfdvAtupilrof ctmaiantly «« faaad.; *- COttABS A. SPECIALTY.' .. FwiiijM^v^^B^ Si /J9P,^ ^WT OF oood" ijkx HIGFHB8T P^j^^i^B WXLLi BE p^H) imo a. QvL aaaLti^' of Q -ooa. s»^ AU ims OF ym^%, louLDmas, mi i .!.â- .•;; AS DSUAU :8t(mate o^^'iSptq^flAvtn on Applicat tSTDont tacet tha Trii«iiiii lil wijIlUpil il to the Faotory, Dnr^ Fleshaiton, DwwmbMr 18. 180C S'-V'-TC f selinP^ off FALL AND_W[NrER! AT AND UNDER COSlr For Cashi^for SQUDayi Gents Over-Coats and Suits, UDIES' FUR â- MTl.Et fKL SIAWLS, Ladies' and GtenU' Underclotl 'i.t staple andPancy'lDry ' OF EVEEY DESCBIPnON AT '• EOCK-BOTTOM PEICEI BOOTS AND SHOE! In every Varietyâ€" CHEAP. Bverything AT TJKlTSUAIiIiT liOW PRICES at tbe " T O S2 O XT X O EC O TJ S Ej Wm- BO Wi Markdale, December M, 1060. .tha New t«*r' came too -tCartby.'Brtiirter. of Ibr "Castorine" eee tiiat tlie barrel rj^e," W nm« other m^ ai-lMV^ces, Me- "^g^nggr* hataeeU with 'J^JJrted direct. Try r r- jed with iBotber cold er marking zero on ' Borolog, aod 9 below on tjing. Banlttt Cuutts, wac r. Bartlett at Louiiou, ou aak Tlie marriage was a very few teiug preseu*-. an is approaching when »nta will bfl viaitinj? the in their apring stock, Mc ^t on Taeaday laat. foor iubBoribera who agreed wood for their aubscrip bring it now other raqoire ilem to pay cofib. le" Machine Oil, for of osaehuiery, it is also ex- liarnees and leather, male uid weather proof. For Jars. I who are startled at the hour of ttnX osninons hoarse oongh of what would yoa not give for a lenus of relief from that of your children. Croup? «on may have for the trifliug itt. It is Hagyard's Yellow Oil. lold remidy for all iiiflam- disea4e Io not tkA without it. on for sugar making i.-. Iiing, and promises to h«^ I have bad for mauy years. â- ting sap buckets cannot do call on Hasket hros, nnq order. Tliev are remark- Ip this season. 3V O "W" eeouoinically iuciiued, our inaora your patronage. is prepared to exhibit lines goods at such low prices, I sore to be surprised. Busy Timet â€" "One of the speratin^ly humiltftiut mu I a mau'b life comes at abuiu khen he gets on his front of. luji I his night key is in L;s other ^We would like to know wliat Ttmowro oA\ mantifacttireni oiL Icfrmgem« A Choice as best authors fr^ side Libraries Hall, A. Turn'e Rev D. Willi been advised bj linpuish bis wa health becoin-'i The amount! J. Ashdown il mouths foot u^ of $36,000. Ms A. Sr iiead of catt within the tends taking; M'.xcrAcrrl And tlircsLiug torine" macl will out wear I and is warrar Pkhsokal. Illinois, was o 1 a visit to Mr. il Mrs. also been lual in Markdale J Ma. AKxr^ rented his furl stock. iin]l .Mjrcli 7th Hi lo the lioiinrl gX)d joint i)(f One nf till inf pasfsof ii'ir th«' |H:.M,n:ii.; il|xin tlif liui, oertiiiti til full., thi- ftr.'iioliiHl i llHl.-UtIl. tllr 1,-rd Sul.l b\ iiU lit We h;ivc tl len death, ill Ir. Tuck, (ill talkiii;.' t'l .1 in rol)ii'f li.-i mill niitwiti of the nu-iit in, h' 1)1. atlj of uii hour. AcCIDKNT WAV. â€" .\.s t| coining finn "lay, cro.Nsini enpine jiiiuw cars with it, I iilmost over. I man jum]M'il The pa'enfl worso than IJ. niHT 1 1 itiitli'iiu.ij ij lot No. i:iii,\ anl .Sy,i, nli;i on .Miinii :i| tlioruU'fli li'J pkment doing on the front door stop „„t „,,,, Uour, Wes? Shouldn't '"give i ,.r,.djt ,,1, ,1 away" like thai. L'j^, ^^.^j;,, I beenreil in five minntei hr ram- ' slaoliJd li (of Hagjard'n I'«ct rHl liaihau auj Indeed, Yellow Oil is ia it»elf a 1 internally tind applied outwardly and strenfjtiion tlielune^ the iit-r- am uiay be used with great succ^* s. I these matchieiis remedies kUuuU lie every house. To be obtaiiteil of all VE "WISH YOW AHerryGhristfflas and a BiM Neif« In reviewing the past year we c»nnot but say, that it i been a year of prosperity with the people oi our Com and as others have prospered, we have been enabldl participate with them in their prosperity. Our bu^Jlness has rapidly increased, especially since! moving into our new premises, and we solicit a share of j patronage for ihe year 1881. Ji;. 'â- u^ We are now 'offering a tine collection of Christmcis Good â€" Maiai.T- i r Call and satisfy joanielves. t^Bemeailm the atMMl, the ifrtiff etore ia next door. 5. QOItDON. neshertoa. Sac, 1880. 16 China TEA Store A MECE (« ttOUND ADVICE lat ltoa;t temrw apoa^y, U toa do yoa «« te uAar a som^ttaMat. and ««i(£j asâ€" *â-  M* kind ar« espMUdtobe pSt Teas, TAILORING C. A. OWEN, ^iiioDtble Tailor, 7m, kii' ui tpBa's (iapi ill and a large variety of CHILDREN'S TOY^. ^. "'" "" MaJartMd-a staM.liMhM tofhfonn the pnbUc of MarkdaU and snr- raoadiug aoontry, that ha ia ptmfnM to FILL OUR CROCERrEI .,..; For the season are, as usual, and Cood.{ NEW CURRANTSr-^-^*^fc^' "' .; tf^ a, NEW PRUNED, ^^v'";- •"^v "^Uyti. ?^?^ ^^» a* 45c, Splendid Value. ii 8=;^2liTbc Pec^le aye all asking for our kBLE Gathbbino. â€"At tilt- Ir. Peter Dodsworth, now a fthe township of Euphriiala, tble gathering took jili;ij;i ago. A family, fiatnLii'i;.' sons assembled, uli.l mit i-i irkable ni-ic se tu wirc twin.- kteswere not ja-. f-L.t «nii the ro were own twins. Il there i?. family can show a bijttcr r. fiiir luultiplicntion, w'e would to report at once, assemble [will visit und publish statistics. BGED MURIEBIM BeNTISCK. ig satisfied With the result' of inquest, John Miller was on the clnirge 'f inurderitj« t, and the body of Mrs. Miller inmed and a /jost unrtem ex- ion n:ade by Drs. Cook and of Chesley, assisted by Drs. tin and Light body of Jiauo- %t accused was brou;ht before Campbell and (jotwalis, ai er. the trial lasted four days, I number of witnesses were The prisoner w;8 cotninit- und his trial at Oweu bouu(|. '• â€" While the mixed train, on Monday evening li:ul ithin a short distance of Station, an axle broke. The the broken axle, alonjj with I ken fragments, got under tlie behind, tearing the running and throwing the van oflTtlii Some of the pa88en;ers, who I the van jumped off, und otii- 1 were bound to have the worth money stayed on. The tr.tin 1 alt untUitreaclietl the Station, of about sixty rod. For- j person vras injured. Tlic I datained here nnlil seven o' 1 leliowing morning. T. Milbnm A Co, Dear Sirs -I tronbled with Dyspppsia for srV.ii more, and was so bad that I had up in the night and dsiaolve i«Kia l£ll')11118t]^ I ami olisiiiiikte j but it ha Ih-4 iiiviiH' liif reitil fXti.Timl himI cation iH I! I I aiiU luttaii.niiil 1 1" r« ii.i.r ,t siiff.r /i. ji. I i 'illi I" Il a». i, l.ii "ih.r iiiy V.X ju-t ut •tis'iitl VVn-i 'IcF.lli: 1'uK nil LavH occii; there b(l!.j k-hs tlii'iii 14 out w â-  trul!i i.i of lite u iuijir- -^ 111 so livin;; tiJ be r.iiiuJ, \i wanting." Wiut a m\ Hfidxln! form Th. di4u.ll, r,. i S| diK-k m.i niio., •. ' d.,...-. ti.iii! (•lll:i:i-. ti- Il Kvstira. Si:J li.. Ihk lir.^l Ladies .\iil Church. Ta bia\ • e\eiy 1. -jv lUellls :ii(' reiukli J iier lfc.11.i4 thnl til. A:i^'ub 111 MI^» .Ma.f Mi;hi I. W. .\kl).I Wiiinili' il;»s li Slieecli, M| L)atch Ilia A iiotic. Ill Burdock blooi Ditters ailvertisi-,1 ,1;^, bottle and took one t«aepo„u/ul ' ""â- "'Jce- a day the first .tay.Hii.l it did ut hao I took tUren tabltspouiiKfu; a day for four davK. anil that ^avn I have takf 11 uuf Imtllt hii'I isot4erte taOTwtlMvaiidvffliaMkat wwilb ___ ••'boMwurli R. ASKiJ^i. ,,;.-}-, ""'ihAy- ORDEp IROGEtlES I NSVISHNiS, n tt T^n«^itt^v.i NexttoHaUatftHardwanSton. ^^ ^J JtCO*! Ji A.'VI %!â-¡ Keep. «|.t»tiy « \mA^^ntmM .Ml 'â€" ^«-«*et» « waituf. to sneh an establidttaMt. ' â-  â-  l I i..i ifl^.,A -T^-^-'^tiUfr.i ' Alwa/smbaadtoehosefroai'^* **»* Tobaccos Tt^fcjt ,; ^â- ' ' Sugars, Wkiib (or ^oaBtf atoC LothMM of Priaa p«Sng ia no part askiatendinc ZMTi «i.f-i«.-a«i"i^XEA^ptJST»iiothing suits*" Mi ..'oeB* twdJi" .ird .i-ji-.iiwi v(it-f- p "^A Aii'l ui:.iru7 ,iai .L r; '•u I bt-.- .V^t^Z htxm :\ui mVSaSKBSS .••il « rJ-: l:-.\ ir« im'n â-  „,,! ;iai( t'liiw^nrWk r 5^M.' i60Mb#1lQINIlM« Imtntj 1 â- Â«. .1 ~i..fiVj. â€" ITâ€" I-.Oi;\' RATES. • Stoz* tt^mitl iet Air. 1 lir Mr. Iteyuc Lrskine, •Mr. Alex. Ijeynoldb, C. W. Annstl rarluiiil.HI Lakeki. Social Willi ' the abjvc Ju WtJ. a CMTV 'JSRirrl* •lOlT ifrvXlAXt u d;":w*"L.A* t-O'^^PItjfC^S j^ cJekrthem out. '^au'C ea.u tAAita -Ml 4UMMkv1 j. Mar. M. IMP. "i 'U I 'i I* AIXAa .;i .T 5 Telegraph Poles, i gvyyi^ of CordwooI- larfcdale, Dt^'kjl ^f: xt i ot Dyspepsia or four Sc hum. !i ' Dee called. I wsh also tr.ii)il'd lattaet of iiiflanimatiou of lUv 1 I think thr UurJook Blood Uit 1 |of that. If I coulil i."t Hiioilirr ' tt would core me of that x»t- 1 ay baek, but can't fet il herr. 1 I for tha benefit already recived lin, jroora, Jonathan Tiu-cu. AKNtTEKsaBV. â€" Glenclg ' The an| »N«. 664, held its forth anui- l"ack Ki W#ie.kjay evenmg. ytli ""U""i;= regular monthly meeting i " ^^"""" â- Â»^be afternoon, and alter lUainutiui^ baiag disposed of the bieth- i»J ••'•'" i prepared the ball for the l"»^i ""'.l of their guests. About seven i^"" Ivui^'li I^Am hall was filled to Its Utmost the cnncl Witt the Grangers and their Aidk-, of although the weather was Maater ivorable ami the roads almost I vilJe, Dvp\ ble. The wants of the inner J- C. Irisl, then attended toaud ample jJohn WlJ as had been toa e oy the hi i 1» h' ' Jolil ^Uiiapart of theeuteriainiuent, iK^^as. Ai »ihj of good things being ^- l-'e«;'"H eaoogh and the quality of j ^^i^d, C. (j. Tbe eitair waa then taken 1 0ruugcvilL fWarOiy Mast^, Bro. Chas. HunUr. 01 who called the company to sor; J. C| entertained them with a C ii. Sis ^aecb. •3'ter which the tUD ap till a late hour with jtMidiog^reeitatioBs. dialogues, it enjoyed' themselves iMddeektreditwas the best I ti^t MMon. â€" CktonicU Orang(.vai| er. B. SUlVULit. Thos. F. Smith, £1 lille Wi m i^ti II -JiiiflniTi

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