Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Feb 1881, p. 2

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 Js:r^_ sroonit \DJOINGTHE^ to merit • eomu.iS| Uie past. ^Vl| J itock of latest lire ' GOOD ^^ BE PAlJ^ ^â- ooa. 'ULDINaS, EH^ n Applicai « the Fatitory, Dnjfc^ OFF I INTEB (O Dayi Suits, -« c:e3:e. IVLS, iderclothini Dry N AT SHOE [EAP. PUICES«tthe o"crs: n- BD WNJ appj New Ye l.ii» ,iy, that it I'plc .()( our Counti ivc i)con enabled ty. isijocially since si licit II share of yo jllrction ol ]| o o d 8 kp d Si TOYS^J â- "/â- 'â-  ERIES J-^li.ll %!»â- â-  ind Good. 1 â- â- V f ' ' 'lie. t r )i c'ur suits so well ^^ l«IXCJ goo: them out. ^4« 1. es, Poles, of Cordwopa' HER STANDARD. yeb. 1 8th, laejL lesbcJton. .Ge.tsHats.for 75c ^. Duudal" CA8T0BINE brabaiD f'o. 1 '"" 7J8 try Hwkett oal oil. fronJ. a* of Wittche* to the Jeweler't, 'Hfilers for "Castorine" " see that the barrel • xs^riue," as none other ^t-ord W a quarter of .,,V-twoHl. orone and ft ,;r«n^l 70a can have the ,f;rajwr- MtMiLTOS, son of Mr. John ofGIenelg.wLowenttoUie 11 ve»r8 ago is here at present I wife ou a gjjn in Uilead vi^it to their iriende to heal caeh J VtUow Oil the »ore remedy u jnJ outward ose you freely in*y an J iDflimmation you should mttivJI^xZ-\ F Fc« to W. F^ BoHi Tamono oil oSSny»i»ry an feol* luuiafaetaren of "CaMonii^ mMhiae jO. Inlrmgeiseoia wA be proMcnt^ ' AKorBKK Isx;^ shipment of tbit iplejjdid Wc. iftpan Tei^ jiut arrived »tILaraibM[i-s.IaB«hdk: 'Etj it. I«di«a'Kaid pdd^ Hootipg Cm«J ., biTBMnr iDt^ra.â€" llr. fl. ICdPftydai, ft promineBt Iftwyw md -M TPiiJ^i rf Owen Soaad. cKed v«y «nadenlT otf Sfttarofty k«t, Irom eoDgettios of ^a uuigs. moweii |ii.' '" "7 't- •ti» worth iti weight the land this great kelQ'i JV IN l»*jlJ' ItKATiT moved his Iliiy Pres- 1,1^ viilaj-'f to Shelburne on dav. H« pressed 160 tons Mttildalc. l,HiTK. of Owen SoBtoS, mill y fjiv. re Hotel, Mmk"lale. on Lliiv. '.i^"' '"'• 'I'hose dcsi- '^l jvii,^' tluir teeth insjieUod, Hit null'" J- Imiititv (f SrrinK Matresses ard' ^piie" for f^a'e clicap at J.W. yn-iii'toi: iilso, picture loiil"'" and made to order tjtjisu aiciiit lit in I lie Hieaiu JtKiut t'o weeks Kince, and ol jjeuiW!' '" made at the time E;,Mnw is j)rogre8sing favor- irarJs recovery. /,)» For:i of .Mount Itoyal •,(i CiillCl^MiiII, Nol tll-Kllst ol I iii i Sviiiiiliaiu Riii^i, has a rnf l;u!-i;iii Sj'rin;; Wlieatand I'liiUr Oiits for sale. Itoud at ill another Ccldmn. ,; 8 fc-nat Siile of Winter i,.l.|;\iace at W. J. McFar- id if veil are desirous '»f luak- nf virv advatagcons purchases Sill (iMlfi'liii). See advertise- Hiiotliir ciilunin, ami tlun't fdl to read eierij vcurd of it. (iini tiial tlio irrepressible jx'diilar is ill tins nci};librh()od WewiiiiM advise our friends MMiitry to fiijiit, sliy uf these Bull. The sliilT tliev offwi- for tciilly not worth tho thread that liii iiiukiii it up. .\ word to the biitlicieiit. â-ºicH IS usually the effort of expel some morbid matter the air absni;e8 uf tiie Juugs. iwever, proceed /roin an in- initable condition of the â- i^vi^A rash or Jiu Jior often krcei)lihle. Let the cause he Iniav, l\n: retnedy hliollld be IVctiirul I'iiWiini. A j'ure- ^Mr ial:iiiii(- tlii'oal and lung J'lT Mile h_v a 1 (iiiilirs la ' nt 'Zi cents jx r bottle. Ilaiilnii ;;nd I-Mvcock race took tlie litl' iiit., and as UMia) v' rak-d in tii.' slickles. The rHii.s very li;,'lit, as few could willint' to risk their money liiiK ai^'ains*: the " C'ana.ii'in and even those few' had to ttm^' oilds. Tliere was little or leiiiiiit on the reception- of the 1 Canada, us it was a foregone lull from the first that Hanlan liu. |wevk. while the clerks in Mr. I'sstire, Owen Sound, were I in littering three ho'shead.s cs into the cellar, tlioy Irtid tiiuo to "bust" one of them. I ymnn.' ;ents, in tlie cellar I'ligldy drenched with the nilistHiito, and took home bV.ick !.tr.\\oii their clothes to iMoiid rate boarding house »e nieiitlis. .\Ld now their f lluy are • entirelv too sweet biii^." y-tm. of the I,rtdics" Aid So- Hir M, th,.dist Cliiiich, wa^ Itiic- V.stry. on Mniday, the If't., when they re- organized tied tlic fcdbiwing otVicers for Mini;: year. Mrs. M. Arm- lir.. rr.sHhnf Mrs. C. S. Vue I'lV-ihi.; ^[,«. .J. Y. c. I, .,... ' „, M.i.,„.ii ' 1^ nt ly, |),r.,. ,j_M,.8. M'lnniii.l. (.oi^iwali, .McNoi. ' .McKee, Arkin, Hull elils. and MKTVACTCSUH of ftod tln«ftUac iorine" oiMllia* miX\»tmy oUmis »* will ont wear Itrt, Mai. or elephant, and is warraQte4 bot to gum. Ths Proton AffrioaltQral ft special meetijQf ooi ^uisadj Ist., for the purpMofaeleotingft pIuM at which to hold tlMir aanoal Fa|l Exhibition. ' Thk world should b« troMad to th« deplorable condition cf the feinatea of our laud The enfet bled frame, ib(t pale, bloodless oheeka, bellow ayea, nervous debility, and the varions 4ia tressing forms of fentale ifeakneas, are matters that everr matron in our country ahould oonaidM. Ail forms ol Debility and Inagalaritiea peculiar to the sex may be promptly remedied bv Burdock Blood Bitters. The 96 won for aogar tonking h last approaching, atid iiromiscs to be the be.»t we have had for many years. Thoee wanting sap bneketa eannot do better than call ou Hasket Bros, and leave their order They are remark- ably cheap this season. ' ' UsB "Castorme" Machine Oil, for all kinds uf machmery, it is also eX' cellent for harness and leather, mak- ing it water and weather proof. For sale by dealers. The third, and probably the last, Masquerade on the Fleslierton Skating Iti.ih Id '(i.iio!iij.;i d t'lr Weduesdjty, 23i- 1 lubt. .Vjt-. Sai'jeaut^i efforts Ut aucoujiuod^to his palroHS has beaii nuceasing, and we trust they will show their appieciation by giving him a bumper. Those of oor sahscri1er8, who hAve made arrangements to pay their sub- licriptions to the brAKDAKD in wood, will obli-je us by bringing it iu now while the roads are good. We are in want of wood and a few cords now would be just as acceptable as the cash. CfB.uN still cjntiunes to come in |)rcay freely, there being from 20 tj 25 loads daily. W? saw eight loads passing our office nt one time ou Wed nosday. There has been bought at this place, siuce the Ist Sept. up to the present time, about 100,000 bush- els. Not bad for a small Tillage. Mr. Thus. Mobkow, lots 197 and 198, Gravel Koad Artemes..., having c me to the conclusion to retire from agricultural pursuits, has instructed J.W.Morrow to sell by I^ibiic Auction, on the 2nd of March, all his farm stock, implements, c. Ten mouths' [credit ou all s-uns over $5 by furuiuh iugafjuoved joint notes. It is said that heat travels faster tliao cold, because you can easily catch cold. If you catch cold easily you cau as easily cure it iu its worst form it you use Uagyard's Pectoril Balsam, the popular throat and long remedy. It speedily cures the most troublesome coui;h, allays all irritation, dislodges tough phlegm, cures Asthma, Hoarse- nesA and Bronchitis, and all disasos leading to Pulmonary CoESumptiou. Iba H. Pexiisoe, having received antliortty for so doing-,- will offer for sale, by Pallic Auction, on Feb. 24th inst., ou the farm of Johu Adeiar, lot 28, concession 10, township ol Osprey, a number of horsss, oxen, cows, and other farm stock, together with a quantity of agricultural implements Twelve mouths' credit will be given ou all bums over $0 by furuisliiug approved papc. A cn£DiT sale, by Auction, takes places ou the farm of Johu Uagan, lot V6, coucession 18, township of Proton, when a quantity of farm stock, imple- ments, c., will be offered for sale. â€" Put chases over $5 will secure you 11 mouths' credit on, good paper beiug furnished. I[ale comes off on the 28th inst., ard J. W. Morrow does tlie ahuutiug thereat. Jonas Saudbb, lots 221 and 222, 3rd couressioii, Towship cf Proton, annouuces through posters, tJiat he has a quantity of farm stock, imple- ments, c., to disfioss of, which he- will do on the 1th of March next, with the assistance of J. W. Morrow, Auc- tioneer. He gives 12 mouth's credit on sums over $5 by the purchaser complying witli the uccessary reqnir- in. Ills. lui: Lavlits' Aiii A.») iatiou of the C M. t;hMrch. iuleud iiaviug a sociftl ill Dufferiii Hall, on Tuesday eveuiug, 22ud inst. A good programme of vociU and instrumoutal masio, read- in;;s. recitations, dialogues, c., has been iireparcd for the occasion. Ad- intssiuii â€" Double ticket, 25c smgle, 15e; children 10c. A cordial invita- tion is extended to all. r« BattOT, Amab^ VMi. la. Mat. i..iv"' «.•• to' o.»7«»at» ••• m* u.'t^ O^tm tmt^ i....^ SMha. pm pair Fewk. |Mr pair ,, Turkeys, p«r lb. Shfiepakina Wool Green App^p«.b;;£i;; Liara Tallow V.V. Dn Cord Wood .v.".*.".*.*.' 4U« H â- 7.m il.50 •• Me " 0.40 " •M '• 0.07 '• 0.75 •• T.00 " f.00 e.u 0.40 U0 (UMS %.oo 0.17 7.U 640 0.00 0.46 0.M O.0T I.U «.S5 t.40 •.00 O.S0 0.C0 0.10 0.07 •SJO DUXDALK MABKETS" FaU wheat »0c to »1.00 Sarin, wheat 90a p.*. !»». to 30. Po,k I7.M to tTlar PoSi tow per ba« 8O0 to 45e; Butter 17e to 18c- fcgt!^ l«e to lee; bef Rio Sfr. aheep kIubs l^^? 'i '^a^**'" •'•'W Vrn^ â€"4 la-oo to •ia.j; Hay I7.00 to 7.5o; wool 2:e to 38e- I teUoe; UUow 6o- Fl.j;8HERT0N. {Correeted iteeVy for the Standard y H. J. SprouU, FlfhertoK.) TucBsoAT. FcU. 17th 1881. Flcnr, perbbl lo.iO to, 16.50 Bpring Wheat per bonh. Fall Barley Data Peaa Potatoes Butter, per lb. Egn, per doz. Poik, dressed. Beef Shocpstius H II lug Hay •Jimotliy seed. Wool Lard Tallow do. do, do. ).00 to 0.96 O.lio 0.00 0.60 0.80 0.17 0.14 7.00 400 060 7.36 6.00 2.00 O.tS 0.10 0.05 i03 0.97 0.78 0.38 0.60 0.30 0.19 0.15 0.00 6JX) 1.35 0.00 9.00 2.39 0.30 0.12 0,07 ar ^r one fUxrOxxsTCai^^iU}. dtlivwed promptly m rawtpt of otd«n. SAUSAQE SkPOULTRX. 1.^: i a " always Specif Ifldubemeals to I«rge Pturabaaen 8ha| «D Mill iveatt. «Mo«te tfca •• Revere Hotel." tS^ash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep A«ain t h a nkin g you (or paat iavora lie ttuats hr (aitbhal att«Bkn to you wants to merit a eontinoanoe of your aamrt. W.B. 8AIUBANT. Ibrfcdale, Sspt. 17th ISM. 1 WOXIOE. AUj Ijaftie* indebted to tka aaAaraagaad eitber by note or bo^ account will call at my nhop and nettle without further notice, As 1 hare not time to yiait yoa all at your home*, and it is toe eipeuaive to »ead out a collector, 1 hope the above notice will be auf ficien*. JOHN NOBT£. K. Bâ€" Waminxis liercby given, that i»- ceipta are of no valoe unless sifnied by my sbU peraoiially. JOHN NOBIiE. Markdale Dec. 17, 1800. IVOTKJJE. rilUE Members of the Proton Agrienltural A. Society, U two years' staudine, are hereby requested to attend a spt-cial meeting of the SoCietT, in the Orange Hall, at tha Vilht^e of UunOalk. On Vnvm^my, the First day of IMarcii, 1881, at 9 o'clock a. m., to deoide and fix upon a place to hold the Fall Exhibition of tha Soeiaty, for the year 1»«1. THOMAS HAXBUBT. A. G. HUNTER, President. Secretary. Duudallx, Jan. 28, 1881. 23 3i 1 Bi)iv.,,ary of the dedication •leh. MnrkdaU' «ill be 1,11 Sunday, Feb. 27th. U. (D. V.) Divine Service P'tu;e ' at 10.80, and in tlie R.iO The s-rinoi.a at 0«t,l«, November 16. 1880. vices will be iH-.achtd by the ' Mr. R. C. Balmer. Dear Sir,^Xt |H«iid,iMu. B. A.. It.ct'r of affords me unqualified pleosiirctobear On Monday following testuuony to the benefit I have ex- I I'e a â- ,•1-111(1 concertin Duffer- ' perieneed fiom using Burdock Blood Tik itTirtorics at both ser- 1 Bitters. For several years I have I the proceeds of the concert, suffered from oft-recurring bilioas Headacii«s, Dyspepsia, and com- plaints i€culiar to my sex, which now I am entirely relieved from, if not cured by usiug only about half a bottle of the Bitters. I beg to reiurn you my B*neere thanks for reeemmending to me such a valuable medicine. I remain, yours sincerely, Maa. IxA MtAiBoiXAND. Qe kneeling stools for the '^en uptW remarked that f«« diiti:: better than presence 'D £,» -f accidents, and that of i»v] imt as accidents I to all. Hagyards Yellow r'j'.fs t ,.st remedvâ€" it is y^ "u -nt policy. Yel- "ffs .0 manner of Flesh '"'ns, i.,amenes3. Bums, post Jiilfs, and is for e:;temii Dal nse iu all inflammatory diseases. All medicme lit. ** agreeably surprised yester- from Mr. A. Speers, en in Manitoba for nearly Ue IS looking hale and "u appears none the worse Tina country where tie ther- ')^down to 40 and 50 ^r. Speers' visit is 000- Ussiuess as well as pleaa- piUbeseen by handbills. He °s of purchasinj; four or five 'od young workmg oxen, £at 1 one or twc^ mulea. He will ^kdale on Taeeday next, aad Inng any of the above to dis- Fill do well to be 00 hand. Da J. C. A'r^ Go., ol Lo#ell, Mass., have favored ns with a.oomplete edition of their Almana^8 fyr 1881, neatly bound in one volume. Turn- ing to its contents we find onrsalvea prepared te discuss the waatber witb oar afternoon eaiiers in Eoglisb, "'"jcWiMyawevr, t)omwu. FlMhecton. Fsb. 9, 1881' n-VL Public NotU5#p; man, Dutch, Norwegian, Sweedish, Freneb,^ Spanish, Portngaese. and Bo bemian. We have as yet only pemS' ed the Bngliah version, and to it wa are pleased to give ovr on^alified en dorsement. Though Ayer's Almana* [xT«'*^ »*s*S" .«*T" *!!lf* !^ "' has long baan reoognixed as a stand- ard Amariom woric, yet it uakae ila adTBot each year wilh aH the vigor and freshness of a first appaaranoe. and is raa#ivad wi(|»l»aiw^wA»i»ft ^.aa. Mas tha raiacio tlM aa4 by mUlibas, tavm the nugio tiag aui' We eommeB^ it nadett as a Work rapltta 8ttacttT9!Ui^9»tioB. to oir witfi in- $eed Grain for Sale. AT the Well known 8md Farm, hereafter to be known as the Moumt 7uyiiZ Farm IjOt4 117 and 118, 3ud Con., North East of Toronto and Sydenham- Koad, in tli« Town- ship of Artemesia, and County of (irey. tiiree miles from Markdile, ibe following varieties of 8ei-d(iraiu i.Te for Bale, viz: â€" Wkite Bassian SpriiiK lÂ¥hei»t, and Mtark Tartar Oats; uiher v^vrieties sold ont. The Black Tartar Oats have yielded, on an average, from GO to 70 bushels per acie, the past two .years, ou my farm. All Seed Uraiu suld by me giurauteed pure, and free from other seetls and wuuds, such as Wild Oats, Mntitard, Beil Kout, Thistles, Cuckle, Chess or any otuer pest. JOHN 1 OHO, Moiu.t Uoyal Farm, .Markdale P. O. Feb. 11, 1881. 33-3i GOLD GOJLjD $1,537,000 To lend tlinugli the i icslivrtou Agency, at 6i AND 7 REB CENT. per annum, ktraiuht loass. If yon are paying J aud 10 per ceut. iuterest 7 U you need a barn If your fences are not sufficient? If you wHut to buy more land? If yon want to clear aud improve more land It AVill l^sty ^^o« to borrow of the NORTH OF SCOTLAND Canadian iortgaga Conii'y They charge no fines they do not equ:ilize yi ur payments, nor charge you 12 per cent, ou over due payments but tkcy do give the most reasonable privileges of any Com- pany lending money, A.nci their Costs are Low! Spet^ial rutex given to parties wanting speci. ally large loiana, offering special security. I have also a Few Thonsand Dollars of Private Moneyl To invest ou very riaionable termr, aiid|at 7 per cent, interest. This is a rare chance and the amount is limited. As many EogUsb and Scotch capitalista are withdrawing their capital from the mar- ket, I bcdere a 'change in the money market may .^oon be expected. Money has reached rock bottom. IWovt' is tbe ttme f lNrroiV, and the place is Tm h'lttherton Heal KttaU, Loan and Ituurane* Afftney. INSU iTaNCE It i«ot tlie grKate-.t importance to Insurers thatthy select a iKcliaMe and Safe Uotnpany, aud that they do their bosiuesa ihmngh a reliaMe Ageat. laoipreparadto takk trnpUoationa for tha Strongeat, Safest and Best Companiee in Canada, aud for a Stock Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mutual. My Companies are tha Lancashire and Citizmt, (Stock.) Ihe WatcrlM Omnty and Gore D'utrict (Motoal aoiTCash.) CONVEYANCING. Deeds, Willi, Leases, Mortgages, Agree- ments, 4e., o.. on sh-irt notice, and work C*rcctlr and NesUly done. In this line my buainesa has inereaaed and is ir creasing, I am now doing the largest. boaiiMss in the Jfidiog. ATJCTIOIV HAL.E» Attended in either Town or Country, and Bm.s supplied free of charge also, all neces- sary Blanksand Stamps. undsforsalTandtorent. To any having lands to dispose of I oi^r a splendM eiiaac« tc^drerttso. It ddn't coat you a cent till your tana is sold, andyon caU withdraw at any time. I aleo reaUze better prices than the Proprietora them- selves. Correspondence aoiioited. In every department of my bnsinass' 1 make careflalaeaa, ewrreetaeaa, and lair dcallay the prominent «satmws,aui ehaije aa lo* ak any reliable man. BOBT. DAVIS, â-  â-  ... a B. H., John H.Heard, Manufacturer and dealer in Cotters, Sl6iglis,6ii|gies, WAGGONS, CULTIVATORS. HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS. HABROW AND All kindsof Jarmtng Implements JIanufaetnry and Depository, Durham and Hill streets. FLESHERTON. To at Patbons.â€" ilways ahead of aar ia my trslo, and having the MrgeM and most couvehient Factory in this bnaliQr, I am prepared to sell Carriages and Implements ef every descriptron in the best style of any in the market, and at prices av low aa any oe- cor J" a to the quality of tha work. Having upwards uf twenty years' experi- ence, I am confident that puroliasers will get the advantage iu having the very best made. Parties in want of a cairiitgo or Implement will do well to give mc a call, aa there ars none in the market whicli will oum|iaie with theW iu qu ality, fctyie aud fiuish for the price. 11 -Jy OYSTERS, OYSTERS. JUST RECEIVER r"^-'i$poi?9 m:mymBB "S ...,;, i. .til, .Hu-^Qo'j 11;. ;•- !-u' ;t.:'2 ' r; 'â- â€¢â-  »?-â- â€¢: ..IU .^^t -.•it...-.r Ui4|itw.: far JU ill »T- As %ij Wijdtegri CASH BUSINESS; 4e ^rW ndi=Bt; ' ^undersold by any other house, ia^towiu an It j\iti' 19^ fl-»t .Tng ... -a-. If-- »SJ ilVTjt fw ,iiVCTniatr. i â-  •1- ?i f tf^ii " i I.! :..l»! Til.' W»l:"a-- BOOTS, SBiOES A SPEGTAJiTY â-  â- â- â€¢,- T^ttaH. F'orget the X*lcU)e^ i^ REYNOLDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, 1880. " ' "" c WeiBkYi imiy: W e a V i nf rf 1 â-º .â- .. \U '-.i. t:„\'iii\ .•»•',! .B--VVr •; -.W^iii '•^ *r" lUti It:' 'u-j sc hv.: ;ti."i I 4"y psw^a hswiaji wnt todn ia tka lixftu line, ««a fdlfi-^'.W DONE WITHOUT DELAY^ " r. -vi^ Al- TfiB Fleshertott Woolen Factory. BEAD EVERY WORD. t*.^ CtTtEJLT Mid- Winter Sale! NOW GOING ON AT W;j.McFARLAND'S ♦ ;.S Every Piece of Winter Goods MARKED AWAY DOWN. AT TBK ii BELFAST HOUSE." I haye fitted np a room over my Store whera I oao supply O "ir ?9 T' E H M :rer3r St^rle 1 ny the Pkte or Can CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE IN TOWN BZG DRZVSS. Having naarW aU ordaia completed at prasant en hand, as is usual at this seasoQ ot th* year, those favoring us with worii, aiay rely upou having it promptly atleiiSed Uf EVERY BRAN6N OF THE BUSINESS Will be carried on throughout the witer. -^^"'â- â- ' ' N. FlefherlrtM, tToceW Iu, 183o Jul â-  I _iii ]| â-  ,| -^_ Campbell; 14 aea LUMBER^NDcSAWING- The sabscribar begs to iati^ata thart ha hat hia Saw Mill at Little Falfs On Lot 113 in 3rd Bange N. E Taron'.d and Sydenham Ugad, Aitcmesia, in full opera- tion, and is pre)iar xl to furnish LUMBER, UTH8 ETC., ETC., TO ORDER. GUSTO M~^A W IIN.G i*Roivf i»n 4^' 130IVE, By tha thousand or on Shares. Parties dehveriug Ixi;s csn have their lumbar for ratorm loads. The sawyer at the Mill can arrange for sawing. ALL KINDS OF SAW^ LOGS PUBCHASED. " ' Wm. HOGG. p. S. â€" Wood turner wanted to make bropm handles on a gau^s lathe, steady job if worli sati (factory. Fleshsrtun Station, Kot. 26, 1880. I-m R. J. SPROULE, 10 yarda'i'ia's T\\\ i ' .• x'.-; » 10 yarda Fan^ Flannel for S2,.'0 Men's Fine White Shirts r,0 ceiti ' Fire Wool Clbads (('c, usuaI price 91 cents. I CO pairs Ladies Corsi tii 75c, repured ti iiO^. Soo yards All Wool Twetds worth 86c, down te67j cmts ' Ladiea" Fthe CloUi Mantlea 9^7C. worth »S xtri Fine Mink Muffs M, usual price 96 10 varils h"avy BUok Tiustre for 91.60 10 yards heavy Grey Flannel 93 lOvanls black Velveteen for 94 20 yarks Liuen TowelkuK fbr41 12 yards heavy Wincey for 91 Calrad Velvs t asM for-haU prioa. ' â€" M iMStter BMti, to eeata Jfy Stock of ProYisioDs and Groceries Togthei with Wines and Liquors, ARE ViJliT CHEAP AKD ttOOD. ANY AMOUNT of POBK FOR bALE. As I do no puffing or blowing, I want the Public to give me a call and be convinced what bargains I am givhig, before yun pur- chase elsewhere. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Kot. 36 1880. 6-fy GRANT GHELLEl Cabinet Makers, â€"AND â€" rPHOLSTEBEBS a full stock of F-CLxnitVLie 1 AT^TAYS ON HAMD. FUiMITUiiEIIADETOOilKR LUMUEB Wanted. GBANT k CH£LLE1W. Markdale, Dee. 23, 1880. l-ly i roa« ofiaa tkiiw li lots M, 100. and tha townakip of Olspalg. » " propoV •*â-  ,d( not having any tiua lo »«• .k*" iinoagB aaid lota, win not b« reaposisiHa l«r tay ae- oidsnt iha« mar bappaii on saM «•««- JAMKS BBOWK. FINLAT MitclUK, CWrk. t»tf9. Towaship olCHnalc. OsL It, SBIO. M. TH08. MATHEWS, Wim, FLOWERS, EATS, SOIVETS, "W O O I^ E IV no O D S SHAWL.Sand MANTLES A special discount of 20 per cent. on all purchases exceeding §1 will be given. 60 Men's Felt Hats at 65 cents each, 15 yards Brocaded Dress Goods for $a.oo I PairGEIiT'S KID MITTS, 1 pair of Braces, and i Tie, •. -,•.:.. ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR! ^. Ladies' Kid Mitts (lined) 60 cents, .. 1 And hundreds of oUior articles EQUALLY CHEAP. Whilst wishing all A Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, And Many Returns of the Same,' Would take this opportunity cf tendering his sincere thanVg for the very liberal patronage which he has received in th past; for, whilst it is the general cry on oil "^ides of duh has been taxing our utmost ability to keep pace with our rapid incrcnse in busitiess, as I find, by reference to my Books, my cash sales and grain receipts, and business gene- rally have ALMOST DOUBLED THE PAST Y^^;^ ^H .Tf^FT'" PRECEDING ONE. In view of which I have !i i.i J for the .1 )li(la\- Season THE LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF QENERAL GEOCEKIES, DRY GOODS, OLOTHING, AND ,y â- -' .1; EVERY ONE IN WANT OF DRY GOODS •.':b .. At iftnd Below Wholesale Prices, Sbonld 0*0 *ftou ftt '• W. J. McFARLAND, " ' „ TVholeeia,Ie and Retail. Markdale, Feb. 15, 1881. .,' .l*l!jr v:; "IK BE BENIED." .« ..â- ^ii^' ./s (i f.; Wilt Fancy Holiday Presented â-  â- "' ALSO ':-"^:^' CHUISTMAS AND NE-W YEAB'S CABDS- Also, the Largest and most Complete Stock of I â-  i I Furs AND LADIES' GOATS AND MANTLES, Ever shown in this Norther Country. ALL uF "WHICH WILL BE SOLU .\T THE LOWEST REMUNERATIVE CASH PRICES. BIITTER RAE ThaMk tb9 pabUe aiid frieada in general for the liberal support they have received sin*' eaouneonng business, and will stUl stick to the rule uf doing a straightforward bnaine with all eostoawn. Mo flattery naed or baiU given to gall the public Every article lold on ita own naiita, aad fay kaapiog their stock well asaorted and fresh in all tha Enea. they nitt alnoisiTf thcix ea«toM«t« good valne fer thair miaqr. sdl -,,t â- .- WSHES to tender to his namaiwu eoatt^mers his ainoare thanks for their very Uboal (latraoace daring the 16 years Be ban hae« in tht Harpew Buiaeaa in Mark-; dale, an wonid raspeetfolty aoEeit a eOBti^n an«e of the same, fusing »n*W«2tJ«^ *• ean five fattre SUituftui^^ jt^fff^'t. anally kept ink* FlBST-CLAftS IIMCSS ESTttUSMBEIT. •Iwi^ e» kaoi, tmi »M ai l^'HeMbntaood th* keM «f MaMrlalk nM» ltekdata,lia^,M.l«v â- fTUFTT with «n.«fl«4. Let M. !» JQHM KAT, tS-tf DRY i OODS i" 21^' ^^^ '"*5- OROEMCr QLOTHINC :^ specialty. H AtB. 'a^;lPAP8, new and stylish. U full ancl SHOES, Cooper Smith's 'L„ifiltetl'^te4 make that his stood the test against • -V'-jitaUeonieKin^ styles aod oewoess. ' Md C RQCiC en Y ^11 paterns cheap and finesh«' ' â- , ^... eep your Bye on tne Placet foeâ€" ?;a .:;:.. A â- fixaue- la} i ol ifatanr a a»ocl)ai jt^i i ' .Mil â- â- jut •f »a 'sa't' Having made exteasive alterations and improvements the past season in my Grain Warehouse, at Fleshcrton and Flesherton Station, I am .prepared to pay the HIGHEST PBICE IN CASH! For any Quantity of good Grain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, Flesher- ton and the Station, all will find a READY SALE for Grain when offered I will now Cbmnnence a ' :|" GREAT CLEARING SALE Of my large and complete stock of Pall and Winter Dry Goods, _â- 'â- ' MENS* AND BOYS' CLOTHING^;..'.,,.,. -^ Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladies' Coats and "'â- â- :'â-  MILLINER Y, ' ^^^^/-:?::U And will continue to sell at a " • • â- ; Very Small Advance on Costt .. 'f:»"/l,'-5^.i'.j"... Until all is cleared out. .4.^. .... .-,,., •â-  A call is respectfully solicited to get quotations Wfiktel... purchasing ^^9frfihtxfi^f^-^:^:i;:--^--^r^ BSMEMBBB THIS PI^A^E FOR DAB^I^ATNH 18 AT ... JB.3. SPROULB'S;; » »U-t^, jii^iu i.i^SVWMWt v--Af -^'RAES. 'suuua at J. se 'C^/'.^-' r. .. •mir^M.ii* nix ..o^ycTirre ":1m-: i *:ltx»l ' ui ,t \it^*Ji.» ,«MianCSk. v'iaaty/i ,.1 ..;! Oil* â-  -• 'X ^iii *o.Jj /-:! ' .. 'Iri: a t. ,»..^i)fl^ sob.^ *â- !• y%t )•!. «!/• â-  r 1. ........ • rrt â-  ' • I-1M(.' t I H,:t ii 1 K 4- I -â- I H' !• I t » M If .-?:. j9*

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