Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Feb 1881, p. 1

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 y^ TliE STAHDARp. aeir acquaiut«d with, tkt iuto. and New EogUiiJ^ IVtti, 1881. r. Fct. 13th 1881. T "H. i.i' 29 ..i. I Wc-t. X'Tuutu, A.. \V. 3t KHKli, ^unager. X-- «i .I'lHiei to x\.fv.yi itU\erc.ii;.-iueuta lor t'i;!i M' .r. Canadlu PadiB taihra^ riUi.tviLLi:. Oil Vi. }j-s«!i V t»tU!:.t; llie Rt-v.D. Fi- Ml-. .M. ., iif 5L nut l?'i/i'tst, Icclur- vii ill l^:i x'k t. huivii, ii'ic. liis hub I IW!c a:.i (lie- C^itliiHUii Ic.tircr «;- list, iitd to s' •*:' i:i..i!, 'i.iil Sever- I 1.1 i\, iviiicii .v-f •'-b • ..i -Iv' Wril. J cl V It' » r V if.. I. 1., I la. ;• 4'i- lil. (KCL.TEBCO IX I^Ca xAWA, 2JiH j*ar«ar, I8S1, m ssrc; B1 BZQCBST.) Mr. SriocLZ. The importuie* of this naYj«et u fli^ 011I7 ctcQM wMeb I lutTrfcr ' troabliug tlii Uouse «t this late stufaof Uia Jc'bata. The c^ueatioa to oiw o( tiie ntinost importance to tlie eoantry from whmtorei point of view it ia connideritd. If we eoosider the fact that the reaVI win 1e ft great eoM- nuireinl Ihorun^bfue threagb coaptt? tiuit It 19 over 4,000 niile« loni;, that it will OMTy the trade of an area of country that coiuixti of uTer 2.'J millious of »czt» of land, «e can- not fait to regard th« sabjcct as of larpattAinf iutercst to the people of tiiia coaulxy. Viewed simply aa a financial qnostion it ia also lot poTtaut. We Lave now a national debt of »U7.0 )0,000, and when we consider that the amount which will be expended iu the uiitidtjJuiiK before it is finished will tqoal if uot excred that ainoout, we mast regtrd the I qaest.ou as one of greht importance. In ' ,â-  \i I'V b' 1, "la-, icctnrjr vieviug thi^ tabject the qoeBtion which na- i^iiirry awr liis subject more tiiH'i 9)1- 111-. Ii;tv. li(*ii iiin' How- » VI 1. t I?.r.V tbxlars t.^i (.'-cuire was ^1 .1 'â-  •' «»y Ht .r~. '-f L-; â- .. iiiaugu- J'ricvv â- !..' fiir.iils, ure fjii u u ;;i\.ut blank, ,.ocl. H r. i.i I.I- nii.i iiiiuis I J .liil U.. \u\\ turu'ly siiRKestM itself to oorminda is wether we are payins too much for the road ander this contract or not â€" whether we will get an ample return for the expenditure. As a mla it 18 only b; the compariiion of woik by work dtied tbat i '" *** '^^^ ""' deitirmiue whtther a e r •' lire iu a '"' J""^® °' "ork is too expensive. Now we ' i h«vs a load on this eoutiiieut which, I tbiuk me latlire |,y j^g gjniilmity to this, by its pasxing through a section of country very sitnilar to t: li-. .1.. i-ll jtji.TiN;;.^ f::o' m.vxwell. ;. ' '..#1-.â€" -*,- 'iii'-iil. Wkati'km. l-'iill c'.injileinfiijt bore. li'u.l-il.ui -.i.r-i; tl.inv, Hii.l now we k-.'L-t'ii /I'ti' "1 tbe f.iiiiily evi-'iiig witii I t.-li^-lit Hiitt |.i c.r of kiiiiliiii^ wuihI just » 1:1- r;.'i:i^j Jniiu t!ie embrace of wiii'-i.-. a a a ua ymWut to Um Sy^Aieat*; witlvias nViag' anytkiag of the money brmudit into tba 0000*17 by the imwignuita, and tka BMOUt tk»y win iw ii l bli H H hiii w i iI*i iiiaji j !â-  the shape of Cnatoina dotiaa. It may ba askad what are we saTing by giTiiw tUa iaa4 U, a eoin|«ny T We ara not oolr MTia« tha diileraoee batweeo what thia road wfli aoat lailroada ia the Dommioa of Canadaâ€" in otfaarvtWiR tbe4iiS«M( 8$.«»enl3MIU a mile, the Cost of the Canadian Pacific Bailway. asd fllt.llS a mile, the eoat ottha Union 'a«ifie Bailwayâ€" but â- mt aia lanDg tlia amount of iLoney to ba tomad over by tha Company to the immigration system of this coontrr. Wa hikTa had aoate; little experi- ence A ranuing raiboada in Canada, and we may ask if it eiist ua in oaa yaar ff716,o8S to mn the Inter..oki«ial Bailwsy, a road 800 miles long, passing throngb thna aattlad prorinees where there is hu^ Irada, -w^at must ba the eoat of nmaing a rood 9,7oo mites lonff, and running for nearly its wheta length through a oeontry tbat is onsattlad Upon the basis of tha eost of the Intaraotoni- al, malting no aUovaoee (or tba diffanaoe of the ooantries ttiron|^ which tha two railwars run. the Paeiflo Itaihsay would oo«tiu9S,- 416,797 a year. If we remember that hv the next ten jeara thii road most be a non pay- ing road, wad take half (the coat of mnning the road, estimated by bon. mambar for !â- Â« tfaitt* •diut â- â€¢â- lUt kid^of boiUiiigtbia road. Again, i»l»eo w« noMiaber that tba mj^ority ha5n|_ be«L tebMed in IkaPoUle they are only aeting ia eonoarft io gat up aoma aabelM thf* m^. «»*PPf whan Uiay try again to gat riaetM m All Bimo?. iilH. ielucic ' "i .;t5o HJ?B(^'9«»^W^ PiTBt-ClaM. and at RIflHT ag JBOTTLBI BIUKDT ia anaarpaaard jTaK, afMi tBOteeai' Steal :tfaA tha that luroiiBh which this paases, by tha faot West Middlesex (Mr Boat), or •,8000,000 a \V.;, ttlacL .S.llU ii'Ic-isli.]! I that inv worthy ci- •I'r. \t ' bus reiiled bis ii:b fcbop. • I'f our f ir-! bore sfc tbe ' " c; j::i. L" !i'ii"' cvsry iii^bt. Watcb i. r til..- •' cijii.i'j" boys. j A li'Piiiry \vu\ l-l.-.i!u.g Socioty, for tb.- J)'!!]' • ' i;i!".-;:il iuijir 'veiufUt by of I'u-iiii-i 'if r.nliii.'.s, r- citatioi.^, ilc- bHt( s, I .s-av.-i, lV.|^, iiii.-i bi-eti (f.tablibb- rit li(-i-, iiiii! lilts, iiift witb (;roat huc- «-.»«. .\ii (.rjiiiuiziitnn inectiiig nn-t lielil .ii tbu Till of J.i:iiii.ry. • wLicb 2.'l pi'isii!.-) Iitcuiiio iiiiiiibira, jud tbe fi,ll.\.iii;' ft.ifl'ijf i.llictr.s wtreeiistallc'il fur till ijiMittr: -I'n .li.i. iit, •!. W. H. -MiliH-, 1st, Vu:e-i'rt-»id'iut, (ieorj^c W. Alii tt 2ii.| Vu-.. d'., R. W. ilo-i- on iliil VicO d" \V liilibtei bec- IVi-a.-.. v.. J. J. l*'.-i;4ii.Si'i Couiicil- li r, \\ lio.s.-i. l!.-t;n!ar weekly meet- iiigs Iiiive Biiici' !..•• 11 bold \vitli iii- f;c-;v-iiijj pro^|).rity. Sixty names are now upon tl..- inll. Soveral lufin- beri» f iruierly bi Ion;,' d to otber .sjcie- tiffi. Two di-b;il. r. iiiivi- buen cn till' r"'.^riiniiiii' tins bist one bein..; " /,'..«. /ii-./, 'riii'.t natiris more use- ful t.. 111:111 fli:iii lit-" Dioision ill fuM-r f lb( iil'ii-miitivo. S( in ). ^orrroponbrnrr. XnTHT. â€" Wf wish it iliHiiictly un.U'r-tond, that wi- .|.. not liuld oiir»i-lvM reponAible fm- tbt-|.iiii lis •â- xjirr-i-sod by onrcorrf«pt»iJ.»ntfi. Tu in • K'l.t.T 1.1 till; SlANbAIiO. Sii:,- Will yin kiu.llv allow ue i-|':ici- ill your i:.lrnii.i.s fir a few ro IU irkn i.ii iiii.s'w.-r to a uoiuiiiuiii-:atioii in yon. isHiieortwi .v.-. ks Kinui-, si./n- »mI John Tbi-r.' arc s.iiiK-^tbingH 111 V.x. F.'m lilter wilb wlnc-b I n;,'rco, vi.: lb.' |i" -cai :;; .jf it i)r(|)erqii:ility if hlork. 'I'bi.s is vi'i-y deriirubie, as tvi-ry ;i' kiii»s tbat if tbe cuttle are not of tb- ri'^lit Lr.-ed for slangbttTiii'j; jiilr|p' .â- â- -. a :^"inl mid (r.ditiibii; yield cuillioi be li:tl. l:it wbat 1 par ic I- I Jsirly wi-^ii to ii'i'ice, is .\lr. F.inrs do- j Hire to iini'iiti! soiiH-lbiiig ti tbe local ' Lutrbers '.f wlileb lli.'V an- not ;,'llilty. lie â-  I â- â€¢-. '• [t!iiiik til. y w ml I ratbcr Mei- to !."ii..:r\ lid.jd 1.. vv;tlj roujjli, i-crnbby ra;'le, jiisl ibi- si.ri- n.^ otlur man u.'iil â-  ti.iiik of lii\i,i fi.r tbu fin i'n or iiell.-r market, and by tbat nioajis tu.-y would bavo every facility f.irV'i'i'niiX tlioy wanted for just nbont tiotbiii" and still f^ell it at ft pretty bi" fii,'ure." Now did ever any- one ever b. ar such nonsense? Mr. I-'oril i-viileotl. iloes not liiMW wbat bo is talkiii;; nbi.iit. it bedel, bo never Would pill stii b bosli. 'I'lie fact is, tbe loeal'lii is, as d' all bntcbers, wisb to pr. cin\- tbe p.'Ssible meat for tbi'ir ciist.iiuirs, ibereby Hiitisfying thoni. Mild being cteditnble to tbein Bi.'lves but so loiiLj as' tbe farmer does not fitriii.sii tbe ijuality, can it be woi;- (I.-red at tbat tbe biilcber docs not du better. l.wiiiiM recoiuiiieiid Mr. l-'ord to lb ns b( su..»'.;eKts, namely, procure better stock tbaii be docs at present, aud lie ujiiy rely ;iiou it that tbe local bntcbers will be pleased to pay the higbest price, and slionld tbcre be too niticb for local toiisuuiption, bo will liiid ready sale for it to drovers, win of course douot cuiiie bore to purcbnso from tbe fact, tliat tbey know Mr. Kord has no niiitablc cattle to dis]io(t« of. In e.inclu-ion, I woul.l say to Mr. Foi\!, inii.rovo your stock; and you may rely on a sure aud ready talc but .so^long ns you breed tbe scrubby cattlcyon.|.iatpresent,you must not rx- jM'ct biitcluis to iay uliigli jirico, aud ftiriiisb superior meal; and furtber, Mr. I'ord will be conferring a great boon cm tbo loral butcbcrs, as tbey will, when good 1 tcck cau be bad near lioiiie, cei taiuly not go a ditiiance for it, as tbey b^v6 at prci ont. Tbaiikiug you for tl-c space occupied, I rcmaiu, Mr. Kdiior, Yours, Ac. ♦ Wm. B. Sarjkant. Majkilak.Feb. 17, 1S81. T* thi KJitor of the SrANOAtP. SiR,--l n'oticed ui tbe columns of ttic ST\Nii.tnn of tb.' 4tli iust, over tbe higuaturo ol .N'cui.\ an account of an 4'ujoyable allaii wliicli took place at NLwKngbtii.l i*. M- (Jburcli ou tbe Ist iri^t., being a c'lntiiiUHtion of a Tea Meeting buUi r.t tbe stoe place tbe previ'Mii TliursilMy evening. Tiiis stateDieiit is tiuo IrUt Nemo ilso Bt:itei tbat the Tea .Meeting wh:' p*rtly a failure. Now I w,.uld liko to ask biui iu wbat 1' was a failure? It wasiul:iiut«d by a 1 tli-.t tbti Tea M.vliug w«! ill evtjy way a succesa, a .d the iiinrtv ciijnyablo of tiie two. â€" Tbe rpcMki: was f :r aijoad of tb*t |,ivcu on liie lt, ali-.I ul a bigiior ord. r, with Ibu • \ce}iiion of Cariwrijbt and 11. Ab.-rtr i::-Lu-, wbo we. e n.t {.'resent nt th« Tt .* !N' im^. Tn â-  singing also was firly 'i;U U) rendered on liiu Ist.ii ;: tb.-t:*:. T.k« failuif «ras nut 111 th' sa.!Jl..c*- cf the congrega- iio:i, for t.b.- cbarek WHS lull, any ad- intioii t .tb" utifubpr Would bave i»;aw 1' »â- â€¢:«*?-"' V-i-" '»'»â-  ffiiiso pre- '.-•1.. i'.t.Ti .iii-.j... in 1. iitiBO iMi** Haaiifl lM.V«ti.wW«aji« kna c.xi ^:*bJ---- -I '-5^ ,-â- -" .â-  that its cvudition at a certain period of its biHtury has been selected as a standard for the buililiair of this road, and by the faet that It wa built by the same class of capitalists, affords us a very fair means of compariaon. Tas Uuiou Pac.lioin onl; 1 U!i8 miles lon â€" n-.t oqe-half as kitiK as iiit Canadian Pacific ituilwayâ€" and according to a return which wa4 made to the Heeretary of the Interior, thut 'oad cost S112,^9,ilt0, or an average • 1 13, 1 10 a mile. Tbe Ceufal Pacific, whieh is alHO a road very much uiiailar to oars, cost WVK^MA per mile: and aj we can aitoertain Tnry closely what tbo Canndjaa Pacific Itsil- WHy will cost under the present scheme, we cau very easily make a comparison with these two rood.). We have another mode of arriving at a comparison. I find from a re- turn given in Trout's "Hallways of Canada,' tbat tliu average cost of railways iu the Do- minion per miXe is $54,53ti. The avaraga in the United Slates is a bttle more, 60,43a. I think when we make these cumparisons we ran easily see tbat we are getting a very good biiTKain for the country. If we take the lands at 'l per acre, eems to tbe by givieral odmibsieu a fair valuation, we nave 560,000,- I OU iu we have (2.5,000,000 in cash we have '28,000,000 for the completed road, making in all 103,li00.000. Now wbea we tind'tlmt tlie Union Paciflo, which is only 1,- VriH miles long, CO. t $112,0^)0,000, aid our road which i 2,70 J miles long, costs only $103,00'.0 K), I think it will be admitted we are getting good yalxe for our money. The average coit of railways ia the Dominion is $.i6,632 par mile; that of the Canadian Pacific lUilwny is oaly about $24,888. so that viewed in that livlit tx tlie rexnlt is the same, these are calculations which can be ea!U]rf made wa know tha amount of cash ws know the quantity of land and its valve we know what it costs ta build thoM portions to be oouipUte.1, so tbat we can consider, with rettMouable certauity that we are not ^oiog to lose the large amount of money wliicli the hon. membars of the Opposition have jireUicted. Some ban. gentlemsQ claim that tlie views of the people have never been cxjircssed upou this method of building tbe railway. It has been urged that the country has Luver endorsed thin method of building tiia road. Speaking from my own part of tlieciiuiiirr that for the last two or three elections, pcially aUur it was annoonceil that the olicy of building a through line had Im-i'Ii ahnn.l.ined, and that it had been decid- ed utilizu the water stretches, this quostioa was discussed before the aloctors. We might ask hull, members of this House who con- tend thut the electors have never had a clianco of rouounring upon tnis qaostiou, what wo-i the occasion of the groat reversal of o])iiiion that eharnctcrized the election o iM?.*!. There is no doubt that the Natioual r.ilicy had a great deal to do with it, but I can a^^ura the lion, gentlemen that iu my s.eti.m of the couutry the result was in- tlneuced by the expenditure that was being carried ou by the late Oovtrirent in refer- ence to bnildinK the Canadian Pacific Bail- way. People di.l not believe that it was in tlie interest of the country tbat the railway -lionld be built piecemeal, as the Goverment was then building it. I may ask those bon. 'entlemun why, if that question was so forci- j bly laid upon the electors, did this policy of tlie wiit.-r stretches cea^e to be attractive \Ye hear notliiiig of them to dav, although I tiiero was scarcely a supporter of the old Oovormeiit throughout the country in 1874 who was not prepared to defend that method of building the Canadian Pacific Kailway. Moreover, the people became dis listed iu reading the developements of waste and ex- tia.laKnncu in the Foster contract, the Kain- iiijstiquin job, the Fort Francis Locks, whan SIOO.IHKI, ?4n,000 and $.50;e00 were devided amongst contractors. The people finally conduced that the water stretches were only a sham. In every instace, when I have lieen able to take the •â- enses of tha people, I haye invariiilily found that it was their desire to have the railway built by a company, and not by the Goverment The history of the constiucti.n of all pubUc work. shows that they cost more whin constracted by the Goverment than when constracted by private coin I allies. Again theqiie.stion will suggest it.solf, »h-\t do we gain by iriying this con- traet t.i a private company Several calcul- ations have beeu ma.le with reference to the cost of the Pacific Railway. I find that the average coat of the railway already bnilt in the Domini. u by the Goverment is 8.56,572 per mile. But we are getting the Canadian Pacific liailway built for $28,880, therefore wc mUst save a great deal of money, i If this road was built by the Goverment at the aver- age price I iiave mentioned, it would cost $15!t,5o5, Taking from that the Gover- ment grant of land and money, $78,ooo,ooo, we find the difierence is $74,.536,4oo which is saved to the country by letting the contract to n private eomp^tny. In this estimate I value the land at ' an acre. Here, I may say, that I think tha valuation that has beeu pn^ on th:it lan.l by hon. gcnt'emcn is entire- ly anoDcons. They quote from returns maile with reference t railroads in the United States who have sold the lands after the railway is bnilt, and after tbe land has been increased in value by the building of the road. Now the Ontario Goverment has founil that the price of ladd is about $1.6o an acre, and that in a province where there are r.-iilronds every where. Consequently Innd in the far west where there are no K,ft. within hundreds or thousands of miles, can- not be worth as much as in Ontario. We cannot value tlie land after the railway is built, becavse land always advances in value. In my section of country the building of a railway has doubledf the valae of land, and it will be so lu the North -West, consequently 1 say that $1 an acre is a fair y lue to put on the land of the North West at the present time. The amount of money the Gover- ment will pay, together witb the land at $1 an acre, and the $V8,oo-':oo we will pay for tluisning that part of th« road to be giTen to the Company, will in all amoant to $7S,- 000,000. Taking this sam from the fl5S,- 600,000 that this railway will eost, if it eoata as much a^ Ui.inn Paeifio Itailway, whieh is to bo Mie ftan-lard, yon wiU find tbat there is N balance, as I said before, of $74.5i)4,4oe. I say we absolutely gain that sam by giving this sum to a Syndicate. We gain thin som because I daim the Syndioate ean never build the road for $7n,ooo,ooo. Tha hiatary of the building of railroads in the Iiominion of Canada and the Uoitad Str^es has told ns in the most unmist ikable Unguoge that it is impossible to build the road for that amonut of money, as it is a natoral conaequenoa they have to rai « lihe money. Now, wbare will tbey get tliis money They mast bring it from £uropc aud other cunntries. There- fore, by giving thia work to a private Com- pany, we not onlj; occupy the Njrlh-W*'t country virith rai'roids, bat we get tbe benefit of at least $74,530,000 which Uiey will have to bring here and spend in tha coantry. There is another subitantial beiM'fit whwb will Acer je to the country by giriag this work to a company, and that is with leapect to immigration. In looking over the hictory of i-oUxoa is, especially iu tbe Western Statea, where railway comuauiet have raoeived lame grants nf land, aud where taese comnanias have found It to ba to tbair advantaf e i^ Mt thair Ian Is settled as rapidly as poailWa. wa find that Jtey have adopted various --thamai of immi j'Ytion, and spent lar|^ »'T'"ifint of money t-i get people to setfle apoatheir laaAs aud eahkneu thdlr yalu«, and ioff.y t6« 1 a return u the proiuce eariied er 111 tr roads. Ii is esumatea that theaat lUfaqiaitiAoatTfi c«aUaa.^w.« .jm •JJ- year, we find that for tha ten years before that rocul will become self snppocting, it will (ost to run it $3o,noo,oon. If we add to that sum the$18,76o,ooo given to this eoantiy for tbe enoouragament at immigration, it will amoant to S48,ooo,ooo, neaHy equal to the amount of buid and money togisther given by tha Goverment for the building of the road. Many hon. members ask if the company will ba Ukely to build and run tbe road provided this bargain is ratified. Aeeording ta the ealoulotioii of the bon. mambar for North Norfolk (Mr. Charlton), the Company will derive profit of at least i75,ooo,ooo by boild- ing the road, and if that is the ease I think we shall have little difficulty ot persaading the peeple of this coantiy that the Syndieattf will build the road aud run it after it is built. The next question asked is, will tbe 00m- ' pony be likely to bild ihe easier sectioe of the read aud thea take the profits that accrue from that and leave the rest iu the hands of the Goverment, Some hon. gentleman op- poaite have, in the same ipeeob, tried to prove that tha eoapany wonld make millions out of tba road, and then, in the same speech, that they would only build the easier sMtioa and leave the re^t in tbe bauds of tbe Gover- ment. If I would offeradviea to hon. gentle- men oppoiita, I would aIvise them to hold one more caucus and agree on some system of argument that would at least have the merit of consiltvnoy, and not bave one section trying to prove with all thn force, energy aud eloquence they poisass that the country irill be r..inadby giving this Syndicate the boild- iog of tbe road, and another with equal force, energy and eloquence arguing that they will build only one part and then abandon tha rest of the work. I believe the conclusion the people will arrive at will le that their arguments are as equally fallacious and in- consistent on this subject as tbey bave been on other great qaestions. Again tha qaee- tion arrises Are ve giving taa much Ibud to tbe Company for building tbe road 1 Figur*8 liave bcea citd to allow the amoant is disprbportionate to tlie grants to UniteJ States rail- roads. I fail to see where hon, gen- tlemen opposite got their figures. Ou referring to the United States returns. I find tbat the Union Pacific and Central Pacific got 85,000,000 acres of land. The length of tbe one road is 1,029 miles, and tbat of the other 1,122 miles, a total of 2,140 miles, which is not equal to tbe length of the Canadian Pacific liailway, ana runs tlirough a more popuIaU»d coun- try. Yet those roads a^et 84,000,000 acres, while ours only get 15,000,000. Tbe Northern Pacific, which was uot as hard to construct or as long as ours, got 47,000,000 acres of land grant the Atlantic and Pacific re ceived 42,000,000 acres and we find that up to 1878 the United States grantei, for the bailding of railways and canals 224,056,718 acres of land. It is claimed that now a days too much laud is given tj railway com- pauies. If we look at the uuparallel- od progress wliich has characterized the States that havo lately come into tbe Union, these States which only a short tiaie ago were a wilderness, the great advancement in material wealth which they exhibit is the best evidence we can have of tbe wisdom of tha policy proposed, though wa give proportion ately a much smaller amount tlian was given by the United States. 1 believe in 1826, the first R.R. wis built in the United States, aud at the pres- ent there are 96,000 miles of railway there. Do they regret tbat they haTa given over 224,000,000 acres of eoaa- try is tbe best argnment to the con- trary. Now we have another proposed Syndicate before thb House which has been sprung on us at a very late period, nd which appears to have been sprung on us with the object of makiLg some political capital for tbe next elections. There ii evidently no sincerity ir tbe new offer. If we look at tbe names, we find that the most ot ihosa gentlemen have made money in this country, and the fact of men hav- ing made mooey is the best evidence that they are not ready to risk it with- out considerable enqnity beforehand. Is it to bo supposed tliat men who are thousands of miles apart will agree to come together aud amalgamate in a Syndicate to enter into ui enterprise that mustcost a large outlay Enowiug so'littleas these meu must know about the undertaking, I would like to ask these hon. gentlemen who throw out this Syndicate as a hurt to the eoun- try, if one man of the proposed Syndi- cate has passed over tbe line of th« proposed railway, or gone to the troa ble of any calculation as to its cost or as to what return it will give There is no evidence at all to satisfy and in- telligent public that they have eiven tbe question the consideration it would naturally demand considering tbe large investment of the moitey it wonld involve. The fiact|that they have pro- posed to pat up 8! much money bnt only after they were sore that their pro- position could uot be entertained, is the best evidence of their' want of sincerity. No company woald pre- tend to pat their money in a oojicem without scrutinising it from erary side so thai ^ey wonld see tbey wonld get a retam for their monpy. No company would throw ay th^ir money bap-hazard and aay we are going to baild the railway aithoogh we do Dot know what it will cost, or anything about it. The hon. member for Gloncester has spoken in enlof^stie terms of tbe poaonnsi of tills proposed Syndicate; and say thay are nen whom to know is bat o raapect â€" nan ineapabla of doing wrong. If I ware in need of a cl aiaclar I would Uka Io have tbat hoi^. gentleman as a friand. I ttunk ho would be verj* likely to giva na a gaad om. Uonsidanng that v« know saoae tt the aow Syndi' «ate, and that ttieir-'aetiaa n tba pwt has been so qnestionabla. apd thai very stroog ootaqienta raapaeliiif mm mombea at laaal bava baoB naao by one of tba jadgas, we WKf aaawaa tbat iiieiy are men of intafrity. fHuat a jajge Kmacked tiiat |iM9fMf/l^ .^ ad .4 •« ** I ., ...- ., ...... â- - *Vm*^" aursn,tb«p«rsat: isr HALT, the bsrt; POB- ^W ft B Mis* to Um- QoHnmii jpoliejr, aad of tbrie naaolWfaitia of MBsni*. eorreet some of Ui(B Gfpanaa iaattiaffkhtm^ beu) tboronghly p*"^*" '^^- ®°"' sided it! ^^qission and aeiio^. ' In iaj oonitifueiwy ffaring the hohdays I foood tiM opiioa prevalant among Ooosarraliyea, l8dep«ds«ta, and aUa BeibnneH aliba that it wM in the in- terest of tbe ooantry that tbe road should be handed ovar and boilc by a oom{iaBy. In tbat saetion two meet- ii:gs wara bebi, and ii wasrepreaanted tbat a nqoiititim wai handed in to tbe Uayor of Meaford, asking bim to call a pablie maatiog to disoass this question. I saw one of thosa Mqnisi- ttktions it contained tbe names of six of the mo^st iuveterata Girts to be found iu tbe East Biding of Oiey. I I teald not help snspeoting the in- tegrity of men who bad spoken of a large r«quiaition and the fleoiffqn ^j^- rived at as an inflential expression of public opinion for thay btSl only, at tbe first meetang, I am informed, about 60 pejple present, tbe speaking casiou a meetiug was 11 ^u wliere the people had had more time. What was tha raenlt Tbe resolutions in favor of the Government policy were carried by over two to one. I believe tbat if the country registered its ver- dict tbe yoto would ba two.- io one in f^vor of tlie Govefment beheaofab f For thisreaS'^n, and litilding tbesai-^wws, I lielieve it my duty Io vote against the amendment. I think that the advantage that -Koxild accrue to tbe country from the scheme of the first Syndicate, would be much greater than if the railway were bidlt as a Guvirnsnt • work. â-  AVbens i again,- would ^e new Syndicate obtaii^ \he capital to build the road We kuow they would require $75,000,000 over and above tbe Goverment grant, evon provided they were able sell their lands immediately. Co aid they go :o Europe and raise money No doabt their names are high sounding iu tha Dominion, and that tbey could misaa little nionej I'cre^ but I believe that in Europe their attempt to fioatllie bonds or their own, woald prove a sad spectacle to 'the country, that they would fail. I am couviuced tbat the connection ol the first Syndicate vitb Germany, France, England, and the United States, is another strong reason why tbey should get this con- tract. For years this country has felt a great want in reference to ii4n gratiou from Germany, virhicli we have never been able to attract, vain- atle as it would be to us. I am sure tbat if tbe scheme is carried oat, a Hystem of emigratiou would be or- ganized that will secure masses of the best emigrants from Germany and France. Not only would the Syndi- cate be able to raise all the money wanted, bat to apply in the vrarking of our road their railway experience gained in the United States, '^ey will use their infineuce to give this country the benefit of the railroads they own in the States. The argu meut of hon. gentlemen opposite, that tbey would make the Caint«liau Pacific Bailway subservient to their road ii« the Western States, reminds me nuch of Lord Duudr^ary.'s idea of the tail wagging thedog. Ifmeq ^jth only 8,000,000 acres will sink ibeir interest in 25,000,000 for the advant- age of tbo 3,000,000, and if men with 2,700 miles of rood sacrifice their in- terest in it for one of 100 miles lonir, they will act very unreasonably in- deed, all things considered we ifaoaM be jastified in voting down the amend- ment and carrying^ as speedily as possible the Goverment sdlSfiu; "Tbe member |for West Middlesex said^tbat ff we sopportei it, uu going back to our constituents we should meet witb disappointment but I' am sure we should come back, after giving such an account of our stewardship, as strong aa wo are to-day. Every argnment and epithet has beeu used to make friends ot the Goverment be- lieve that its policy is going to ruin tbe cotmtry. We liaard the same predictions as to the National P^iey. and believe we shall iiave the i^me experience in regard t9 the prassnt policy. Efforts Lava been made to delude the people, and induce them to believe tliat tbey are baiug robbed for nothing but they can see tlirough saoh statements. The member fur North Norfolk (Mr. Charlton) sMd that this was the most gigantic rail- way swindle of tbe uioeteeutb ceiituEy.. which makes me think of an aaecdo^ of a celebrated mayor lu the ^ntfaeru State" It happened to be tbe custom of tbat country, if one was telling ex- travagant stories or attributing extra- ordinarv virtues to soine raom^iS man, to aay that be was tb^ grat^afit man is tbe eoonty exoept ti^ mayifr. Tbe enstom became so prevalent. Of thus honoring the mayor, that wlieb it was neglected tbe offender was fiaad. A airangsr came to tbat piart of tba ooantry who did not nndtfntand tbe castom, and while illastrating the importance of a certain iodiyidaal he said be was the greataat man in Taa nesaee. A gentlemen present sug- gested, tliat be should (h.6tipt the mayor. The stranger rep]id tbat be made no exeeption Tbe oonsaqjJbMS was that be was broogbt be(re a â- agitate and fiaed fC. that ofioial remindiac him, at tbe sama time, of the enstom of making eomMriooL The stranger replied: "AlTTh^fi got to say is that yoa are the greataat fool in Taanaaaaa aaaepi iba Uayor." Whan the boo. gmtlamen ia|d that tbe^OQotraei #aa tba f^JUetituSmg nriniUa ifttbe .ninateivih «entaij,X Ihink te ahonld hava added a^jMk) tha awiadla ieiflfaft fiei|r S|yndisata. man ID SASH lill» D0^( 9^ othw 1881. NOTICtt. tgf J. W. Itn »; ' r. ' .0'#^â€" ..TOY MEDICAL HALL. GiMeFsnwsfNiss. We take pleasure in annonneing to the residents (rf Maritdala andjnrroond- ing Coontryy Jhajj va^ )iaf ponshaaod THE DRUG AUD STATIONERY BDSIHESS Lately carried on by Da. 8PB0ULE, and trust by 't^^f* JTJ'/T"il Jt*h°i'°° to business, and by keeping a full assortment of the BEST MAT1.K1AJjB.ui â-  rjMa ^Tf H^felo fryit tpjejsi^rt^ tLe»i|er f "V"*/-^, As the Holiday season is fast approacliiuK, we have purebaaod a LAB6E and VABJED Stock of Fancy Goods, Toys, And many otner Articles, Useful and Ornamental, for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. M Ut for Chri ttBft Trtet if RiAiicojd RiIm. PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, Dye-Stars, Painta, Oila Tcaa. and Tobaccoea, ALWAYS ON HAND. Igentt for Montoal Tolograph and Vickor'o Expross. tS" l'lii*ician$ I'rrteriptxor.s and Family IMpigt ditpeuuti at all hour*. A. TURNER CO. MarkdAle. Dec 9. l.«0. U tf Tanadfttaekol e Xjatest t« 1 â-  BntfiBE^ $k3, ipi^ M\ UK t S ^^' f\ 1 -..^_^_ ^aA* ^p •'â- ^â- a *y» • â- ^LbkWJWtUi^ A^" ^IcB WtLIj BE PAlix .tHt3r of O-oo^ m KWBS #|M.9I0IIS, HOULDIRas, ?^"tam4- lieiT^ivon on Applicat next door to the Faotorr, Dai^ IlOOPi .^^ CAfiTOBINE ,Jj!!iM«i)ik ttj' Hsakett ' ,,\ â- â- â- â-  »• ' uuoJt of "Waiohea to ttra Jeweler's, • for "Castorine" e that ihe barrel ae," aa none otber ^g « ^oartcr of wood, or one and a ^toir; «» of ' "" R^Mlg, wVo went to tbe tf* â- â‚¬ " " *^^ present OBA^aiit to their friends. ia OUead to heal eaeb ToBomo oil manafaeturen o| wL tnfraageme Axoreaa la •plandid 60c. Ji at H. Graham'sJ Ladies' solid Watcbes. from Dolls, Flesheri bCDDEN Deat a prominent lai of Owen Soand.l Saturaay kst, longs. Mjk!(X;PACTl;EE| and threshing tonne " machis will ont wear Ii and is warrant The Proton a special mcetii Ist., for the pu at which to ho Exhibition. Estimate oit fc^D'atfmvetths'Wi Fle-^hciioa, December tt. H, Get Money at 7 per Cent. Tp discharge a Mortgage bearing 8,9 or 10 percent.; to buy more land, or improve your buildings. ' Liberal Privileges of Repayment OrPDRED BY THE BRITISH CANADIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. -,^ â€" p. â- â-  'iPECIALi RATES FOB, SPECIAL SECURITIES. OF THE LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. AND British America Assurance Co. THE XTIVEC^IJAL,1^E1_ Wanzer Family Machines. Organs at Reduced Rates. .^- TJ C T I o :lt ATTENDED. Parties requiring aturthing in my lin^ will do well to call and see me.' PT^.^-^efer at improved farms for sale. ifsrkdal^, Deo. 6, 1880. 18-8m l^f OTLCJi:...^^, ALL [wisont ara^«(r«by eaitti|l«iM««kl^t porehasing two Bo«e»d H *l l n lMM«pl John Pktehaid, af UiaJ«wiir**- »'»â€"" sod sJKned sgr'Gao^ B4*. â- bip of Bnphrvik.' 8«M tat«s some time in Dsssmbw, UK^ a9aa far W doc; ia October, IS81 snd cbs for W dae in Febmuy, 1883, payable at Blaut^re P. O. in t)ie said Towaxbip of £apbr,t8iii, as I have not received rUne for tbe *aina. GEOBGE HALF.. Dated this Slit ^y^afJiM-y, 1881 31-3i* L^ltecies Pensions Bounties Parties harinft any of the above claim? to inveetii^te will please commanicate with me at ouoe. • • A. «. HlilTEfiB, Clwin Ax^it; Dimdalk P. O., County Grey. 6 O A U T I o rs: A LL parties are hereby warned Mab»t t\. purcha-ing a note drawn aboTitftaSOth ol December 1880, in favor nlThos, l^iieleiue, to the amoant of $12.(10, ami faUincdtte-akrat the 10th of Feb 1881, aa I have uot notAt- ed vataa fprtl^sfnidL .. A, DtNLOP. Uarkdala Feb. "9, VKi. 3^i fiarness Shopt THE Snbseribar haviiwNrAaswd ih«.J •iaasa latoh^aatrisf «â-  tir Mr, uaik.begs to iuli^vt tb* pobih that' REMOVED to f H£ BWtfilKtS OPPOSITE THE POST OrMOE, where he ia ptepw«d to fnmisli ALL^INDS of HARNESS ^^C^.*»»u»lly foanaia a hv^-Clms Mitablishment, A^4jnAs«« to inlt the ti:i??. and br nsing jW PEST OF MATERIAL, .^Pkd OOOD W0RKM\M8IP, hApes'ta iec«i«« a fair share of your patron ..x a^. A good supply of JQHW, T«UMil8, 4UU, • •, cansiuitly on hand. OOHiABiB A 8PECULTY. tiafy yoonteWea. ftarBemembet Drug Store is next door. GORDON. SEIj ING OFF! pall;; A»l WINM ' tUB k' in â- â€¢"•. â- AT -AND â- UNDER GOS^P? For CashVforSO Day â-  ;•â- Â» I 1 Gents Over-Ooskts a^d, Sttjts, Thk world Si deplorable con our laud TF pale, loodle nerrous debilit treasing forms matters that couotry nboul of Debility am to tlic I'ex mn lij Barducli BI The sc isoii tust approHcliii tbe »c liii Those wi:iiUu(i better tliHij call leave tlifir md nbly cb.-H| tlut, ^^F. '•C'.•l.^tl all liiii(l. (if tt of SpriDR MatresPes ard '"""*^" "•' '"" B, for sale cbeap at J.W i fesbertou; also, pict..«, j "" '.^' '^^â- *'^^'*l li^d aod made to ordvi Thi: tbiid v.'«sa. SltfTfJi, tbt j.'uijs iLJiii YiLu aci'ideut i;i lUe sieitiu tao weeks since, aud ui a was made at tiie time sMB, is progressing favur- reoovcrjr. [fallow Oil the sore remedy ia 1 ootward use yoa freely ma^ at.d inflammation yoa ahoold itty it. [^Stgoaiter. tia worth its wai«kt Jer in tbe land thia ereat I (Old. aTTT mafU bis Ha; Pr«s^ ^viilag* Sbelbiime on Ba pressed 160 tous latldale. of Owen StmiA, vi^li evere Hotel, Markdale. on St, 2brd Hist. Those dcsi iving their teeth iuspect«d, I on lund. r;i 1.-1 "I LADIES' FUR lAMTLCS WO SNAWU^ Ladies' and (^JnJ^' XJnderclotl staple and^J^ ::»';: of feYBH" DESCRIPnON AlVx« E0CK-BQ5?^0_M PEICl^l BOOTS AND SHOEl â- "'â-  In e-v^ry Varietyâ€" CHEAP. Everything AT DNUSUAIiLT £.©# PRICE Sat tbe Markdale.DeoemberaO, 1880. .:!;â- â€¢ 'A; ' â-  '"r FoBD, of .Mount Royal leoneession, Xii'tlj-K;ist ol id bydeuliaiu KoHii, has a fBttSaiaii Spring' Wiieat aud Oats for sale. licnd it in another Ci-lamn. • (T^at sale of Winter Bg ^ilace nt W. J. McFar- 1 if joo are desirous ti luak- adTStageons spin. See ndvertise- Dother column, and don't I to read «r«ry tcord of it. tliat the irrepreshibk- idlar is in this neiglibarhood fe would advise our friends itry to fight shy of The stuff they offt-i f..r Jy not worth tha tbrcbd that j H^Ticultuiul (making it up. A word to the J.W.lloirow t Scient. M:i.vjil Kl, • IS ..; 2.i. a:... aciMiuiiiiJt.t Ulici'Hsin;;, aii( hliow tlidr iiv hiui a buujpi'i TfcosK of ifiir made arrange) *cri|tiiiis ici will oliiijje us while the aaut of wood would be ju! cai-h. Gbain si ill proity freely. *25 lo'ids ,|.-,'ih p.-is-iiif; cur (tii nid;iy. Till I tln^ jilaco, siin tlie prertoiit litul els. Noi bad fi Mb. Thos. 19K, (ixilVel K( c mie t" tile c 'll Mi 'W'E AVicJH â- \rcy\J H IB usually the effort of expel some morbid matter the air passaees of the luugs. nps«ver, proceed frotn an in- irritable condition of the ht rash or Luuior often tible. Let the caute le it bSt. tbe remedy should Ik A«» fmm t I J TT â-  %T tf ard'a W«toral Rali^am. A pure- Merry Clinstmas and a Hi^y Net T8tit'"ir4":rd«,ii'";s siot, At 26 c«ut6 per bottle. lulan aud Lnycock race took be Htl' inxt., aud as usual (â- ' ruk«d in tbe sheklcs. The very light, as few could rillinv to risk their monev agains* the " Canadian Taud eyen those few had to odds. There wa*. little or leut ou tbe reception of the inada, as it wak a fr)rogonG from the first that Haulan 9. i:;-^*? In reviewng the; paSt j'ear we c?nnot but say, that it been a year cf prosperity with the people of our Couc and as others have piosperedr we have been enabled I participate with them in their prosperity. Our business has r^idiy increased, especially since moving into our new priehaises, arid we solicit a share of j patronage for the year 1 88l4., re :i on tbe 2nd ut stock, itnpieiuol credit ou nil .s-(| tug approved J ol It ir said tin tlill" cold, ill cutclicolJ. If yd ciiu lis eiisily eil it vi.ii use llajyJ tile popular Llii-j It sp.-ciliiy eui-ef C'Uirli. u'.i;.ys al tongii iililej;ui, IU» ii'.i.l I'niul leadiii-.' ti I'uli c;.ifl5 We ire now offering a fine collection of ' C ti r i 8 1 m ia 8^-C^ o d si -KAlfK^T 7m, W uj htliaVGWi i ' i'-^^-'u.J«iidi at W CaU the lfUM» neehsHoii, Dec., 1880. 16 J. MONTiMERY, rraCR 8«l;Mqb«r.iii ire^nTBing thanka to 'J. Uw inbshitaota of Uarhdale and «iir- roaoaim eonatoy for thetr patronage dariag the^aa* ei«ht years, begi to intimate to them he u how prepared to supply the Poblic with FRUIT. POUND d PLUM CAKES. y|Ofcbthei»Q;i of erary de^ftAn.- frwatha best mann- factMw. u» OafcST K). Al^ a laneandTariSd ouNCEtr ciutip 'mjMEir ~i 1 MATMItCO MePaauiraâ€" BaasMâ€" Ai-Ihe ristdiirti ih *^. N. A. IfanaraM. Mr. l^nirS er(Hsne%. "»wp« -sir *i sTUwa /*:*♦ ' lio.; Jjti 0 TO BENT, that eligible property sita- ate on Toronto Street, in the V.Uage of Msrkdale, at present occupied by Mr. Ora- hsm, shoemaker. Possession immediately. M.J, " BBOWN, Maikdale Jaa. «l, iwi. tl-Si TAILORING O. A. OWEN, FasiiioBalile Tailor, ment orer I.FarUnd' store, ^S« to inform the pnbUc of M«jkd«le iidil^ roandiug eomitry, 0x1^ Ikf fg fnguni to ' FILL ALL ORDERS "Promptly «^. T»»t*ly G Hi IiB B 13 N ' S TOYS. :ir li*i'^;'i;ii Kjj., ' ilj; io -^Y^" J For the season ar*. Isi pstjJd, r Well Sefected* Fresti nn6 Cood. ek, while tbe clerks in Mr. store, Owau Sound, were lowering three ho^sbeadb into the cellar, they had tnne to "bust" one of them. I ^oAni^ gents, in the collar uglily drenched with the stance, and took home strap on their clothes to nd rate boarding boiiAO dooths. Ard now their are '• eatirelv too sweet IO of tbe Ladies' Aid So- Mctbodist Giuich, was V«stry, on Mundny, the when tlic-y reorganized the following officers for year;â€" MrH. JI. Arm- President; Mrs. (J. 8. President; Mir. J. F. n*,»*c. Ti',.„s.; M.KK M.l{,„k '•"M^^'^^rj- Diri-ci.rs_M.-8- JliPiarmid, Cornwall. McXw. McKee, Askin, Hull, and NEW CURRANTS, ^;:v.^^;; NEW PtWU^Tj^^lf' •"'iV- cMfS-O! IoiM wbDs eMemlrt THE UTdSr TA8(U0N',^LHts tUm tern ^^^Y^: i'^AS. at-^c, Sif)lend5d VaUic. the^eople are lall a$J;ina for our 'io,:TEA DtJSi^, oothinfi: suits so well ,.. ..4: f'rf.' •- .-- â- â- ' '" 'â-  l'»W; •'J'iit.ajmc. joi â-  WI»TEKl3fBTr GOOP â- ijff'hi-/.' .-.::! ,l'S â- t -iJjj«'.;i/i .iv,. â- i-r, 'Jn.' !,v«il i.c 1- »«» •rtv.: »ai| l.[^^_, i-.^ i^ At LpW FRUCES to clear them out. J3T0H t; -Ikn attd A.-aU I- ^a. »i:.cilacfVMW«wl Ikai 11. Pes antliintv for sd Sill.' by"PuL!iJ inst., ou tiie- till 2tJ,ci)noisii'ii a niinibiT " ii othur farm qu.iutifv of HU Twtlve lui'iit ou all buuis a]provcil pHfcil .\ (T.ildit sail placet, uu the fij HG, coucebbinn when a ]usiiiiij ments. Ai Puicliasis uviil months' ci'Lait furnilifd. Sill iiiKt., a' d -I bliuutiiig tlirri I JoNAS S.\I|il| Sp' c'ncih.--i' aniioiiiji-i s lli.i Imh u ijn;iii:i;y lui'iitii, A:c., t will d« on till 1| the ji-.i?1iiii tiaiiiir. Hi- _ii ou Mllll- 'iVi I Ci!ii:iyi:iL,' v.lti. in i.i.« â-  I 1 1... L.I 11- JC M. » jhui ii. ill Diitl'i rill il. 'i'illd lu^;. vic:ll illiil instil •nuyot tbe de-licntion '"'â- â-  "â- â€¢'^•"•'""l rcb, Marhdale, «iJ| i,p j been it p.m i Sanday, Feb. 27tJi. jmisbiuii -l)..ul (D. V.) Divine S«rvice l^^*-*: ciiiiduu 1| at 10..S0, aud in H,e i^'"" '« '^ten.J. .M BO. Tbe s riimiiK nt o -» will b' priaclh 1 by tbf ' Mr. R. t'.* Uu adcrson. H. .\ 11 it r nf nffnids nie uuqc Ou Monday fullovm;.' tcKtiutiiy ti tt a grand eoncertiii Duffer- |iTieiu-fil fioin fi offertories at bc^th ftr- liitieis. Fii f^l proceeds of tbe cinicert, sviffrred from »Mling stools for tbellciululKS, i)\| i rlaiiits pctiihar -..41L. 1 3 11 i I **" cntinlv aptry remarked that .. j i .. „ ;. ' K-iU ii. ..I cured ov usiii;; »of «»deuts,und that ^,^. ^.„^^^^. ,„^„, '^l but ft.s occideuts i •„ „ ^„„,, XI 1 -.- 11 to me siicli I Utkgyardg Yellow iest remedv â€" it is i M M JL ut policy" Yel ' KD«"manuer of Fhsl^ Lameness, Bums, lea, aud is forestern'sl nae ia all inflammatory diaeMei. All medicine a V;tl I remaiuJ -«* |J-'5 t.1 -.1»rr i^l£.-\^. -.^I.W iifcB.:^i Ttf^-t tnasooaUatsAte. tn tba -.1* I." -t. sa»i«a I ,^ O I V i H WANTEb--ie,ocJa Raa â- â- - .I.1UI.-.X' " ,: ifc»li**^^1f«egrap^ Poles/* ' ATiso, a quantity of Cotfiwood. .01 M.1J. a [•ppWUB ..LX^Sfi^ â- Jj- ' itOF«'oiW "hat iMtit vA ttUmitili m A:rv- ably snrprised ycstcr- from Mr. A. Speers, ' W Manitoba fiir nearly He IB looking bale and none the worse toooiitry where fc:e ther- .dova to 40 and 50 1 8p â€" ra' Tisit ia con- I •• well aa pleaa- brhaodbills. He fVehaatof fcmr or five wockiug oien, fat p* Molea. He will Oft Tawday next, and rSB]r o the above to dis- I.VJI (ob« ooluuid. Ds J. C. Av. Mass., Jnivef.ivoi eilition of tlicir ucatly bound iu iug to itii coutt preiMtied to dl^ oar afternoon man, Dutch French, Spauish| hcmiuu. We hs ed tbe English are please*! to piv dorsemeut. Tba has long beeu rec ard American w( advent each ycsri and freshnefs ofl and is received â- \\| by milhoos, froc ting suu. We readers as a wo| fittuctiveiuforu

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