»l M T I! I t. «ik 'ihE STAND ADR. Friday, Dec. 10th, 1880. rpiIK f'aiivla AjM-rt;ii J K -...IS '..• W. t. T 29 tininx Afctncv. Ki t. Toror'o. •\V W. rrTCITKl:. Var.autr. I- D^liurizeJ to rpcc'.e ad'trti£omcntg for f la[.-r. TO ALIVEKTISERS. ^Vi: I avf- d^r'^d to pritit a *np- jdtmfnt in coniK^ction with the Stand- Aku ii v.f.el: Lfeforf the HohluTs, as there i» an extra amonnt of advortis- \: 'J lo:ir at th.nt season of Hie year, aii'l \ri; ]â- ) not r.aii; t' (leorca'^p the rrdiuK matter, we will give those wlio w:-li extra Bpace, liberal terms, by means of a half shoot supplement, parties wi^ihing t)io iirranqemejit -y/.U pieass let Q* know ID good time. From oar CoTreapooden^ Sad kccTDzyr. â€" Mr. Kinfbcrn.wbo lives a few miles from Uiis, wm fiuddouly killed, on Um 7th iasi., to the limb of a tre« falling oubim, wbilA chopping wood ai a bee at Mr. Jlicb- reqaiaite or alnaaUe â- ix.«ieht or kown daily sapfoaed that Ikttj to apply their yi dailff Hie/ttnaBtdolt, barbarism to attempt to make them ardEon's. There ia little donbt bat three boon CoNORT.â€" Elder H*«kiii*juMlJM4^.aPStv'^.4NU.«tteBd»nce woold company gave a concert in the Meth- odist Church, of this Tii\age, on Wed- nesday evening last. The house was well fiiletk TIm proeeede aawMwUd to about $40. BcASS Band. â€" The band appeared in full regalia on the skatiog rink, on Satnrday uight. The music for Uie occasion was very good. A nomber of performers on the ice appeared to appreciate any tune played on the key of "b flat." Bbevitizs. â€" Very cold weather... Tlie monthly cattle fair waa rery poorly attended, on Monday Gthinst., very few cattle on tha market ..People are Legiuniug to talk alxmt who is going to sit ronuJ the "green table" The in the town hall during 1881.. a.i snooi ""rP'"'" ^^arterly examination of the Flesher- totake advantage of ^^^ public school (senior department will be h«ld on the 17tfa inst....The annnal school meeting is on tho 39th inst....'Who pa3rfl the 'gvard of honor,' who waits at church doors on Sabbath euening until the congregation passes out 7 They are geuerallr drawn up in two lines. In another column will be fonnd a C'linmu licition from Mr. RoberUon t^'iching the propriety of sending child- ren to school at too early an age, and also rei»arding th'j wis lorn of kefc'i'ing the little ones f r six weary lionrs in closely jmckr-d and ill-vcnti- lat«J school houses. The question has \ii-r r '-ivi!;/ considerable attention f.flate in all the l.irge cities in Cana- da and the Inited KtitcB. Many of (•ur rur.st eii-iiiC'iit iiibdical men have br.th ritt(ii and gp'ktn strongly n^iiiurt it. It is the geu* ral opinion of th«se men that a child should nevi-r h'.- si-iit to SL-honl before reacli- iiit' the aj,**' of ev.n years nor shoulii tli(-y be k'l^t at study for a longer I»ri.Ml tliaii thr^e hours oacli day, un 111 they !i:e tf n fr tv.flve years of ajre. The pre.iirnt systf m of spniling child rm to Bcliool at the oarly aije of five years, and not uiifrofjiieiilly at an earlier a*,'© is, in our oiiui-n a down ri"lit ciiioltv, when the mental facul trjs are advaiicid too rapidly it is al- ways don(; at the expense of the phyw- rnl power-:, if the bodily hea'th is not afFfftcd the mind is, and vrliatpromis od, in ojrly yonti: tobj a brij»ht and i-liinini; li:.'lit will, in nine cases out of ton, turn out to be little better than a fool b-fure ar.ivin" at* tho ace of inatiiiity. We would strongly urge upon iill -oncriied to think of this maUi-r s •riously and see if some i inuth 1 (•:iiiiiot !).• adopted, whrnfby our httli: on-s can bo educated with- out the (i.icrifiuo of thelrjludily health, ()r sent t) niitiiuely graves. I.et the Krowtli of tho body keep pace with the i^T nth of the mind, and take our woid fir it, it will bo bettor for the childnri, better f'f tho iiMrintH, and give the at I'l-..'.-' nt over taxed teacher a bitter chance of doing his duty to Ilia piipil.s. EUPHP.ASIA COUNCIL. Faiii pressure of other matters and rush ol job work «ihave been com- j)i 111 1 to oinit a full iintice of the fan-- v. II siijipi r â- ,'ivin to Messrs C. W. and A. Si'trs j.riivi.ris to ♦dieir depaoluro "for Manitd,t. The supper took place tiTitli • 24tli lilt, wlien between oO and 40 sit down to an e\ecllent spread, pre- pared by the new proprietor of the Rc- veii- ibittl, Mr. T. .Sproule. This being liis fsr.^t i-ITort in tat'-ring to the piibiic. of c iiii ij ht put forili his best til- in- to plasf and thc^ rapid manner in wiiich tliQ eatablffa disappeared was a K ifticient guarantee that h^ succeeded. A pleasing feature in in the alT.iir'was the total absence of intoxicating drinks, nothing stronger than ginger ale was on tho tablu. The ' chair was occupied by Dr Sproule M. P. and tlie vice chair by Geo. J.BIyth Ks-j. .After aiuplojust.'c â- had boen done to tho viands the Chairman gave 'The Queen' God save the Qjeou by tho Comp:inv. The A'icu then gave The Governer Goucral and Princess Louise Tho Chair â€" Army Navy, llcspond- rd to by Dr Sproule. The Vi«o -The Dominion Parliuieiit and Provincial I Ijcgislaturc. Dr Sproule resnonded. I The Chair â€" Health .-ind prosperity of! our Guests. Responded to by C. W. and .v.. Speers in loy il and grateful terms. Mr. Rlyth spoko in high terms of tlie Messrs. Spears, and considered thriT departiiro from among ns was a serious lo?* to tho community. Mr. Walker also Kpoke in glc wing terms of them and said ho had sold them nearly $1,700 worth of cattle, aud altli jUj^h ho Wiilkir) was a hard case, he had only ijood to say of tho boys. Mr. Joseph McCutcheon stated that tho Messrii. Sieeis, h.id shipped from Markdale alone about $100,000 worth of cattle during tho past season. The learned professions, coupled with the names of l)r. Sprnul" Wm. Lucas and Jidiii I^yons. Responded to by all three Commercial lutercot of the Dominion, coupled with the names of Messrs. Duttor, Rae, .Vskiu, Saijcaut, Mclutyrc and McDougall who all re- sponded iu fitting terms. Agricullm: al Interests â€" responded to by Walker, McCoy and Armstrong, -nlio spoke in flattering terms of the prosperity aud progrc.-s ot our country. The Press â€" coupled with the names of C. W. Butledge aud G. J. BIyth who re- sponded. Manufacturers â€" Kyle, Han- bury, Bprs aud Welsh respjnued. The Ladiisâ€" God Bless them. To this toast quite a number responded, and all vied wiHi each other in trying te â- say tho bcht v.oid for the dear creatures wlio rule oni tli^tiuics. Mr. McD.ugall gave the dutchmanin love â€" "K+tiiua hkes me breity vail." -A very pleasant evening was brought to eiusj bv drinking the health of the ilost aul Hostess, which was duly responded iJ. The Council met pursuant to ad- journmeut on tLe 27th Nov. 1880. Members all present. Minutes of last two meetings of council rgad and con- firmed. Tlie clerk was ordered to notify the Holland Council, that this Council intends to detach lots 11 12, iu concessions 12 of this township, from union S. 8. No. 2, and add, said lots to union S. S. No. 3, and that John Boyd Esq., is appointed referee m behalf of Euphrasia, George Dick- sou and Thomas Qainton having stated before Council, that Holland Council has made alterations m union S. S. No. 1, Euphrasia and Holland, the ckrk was ordered to obtain fui;ther information frDm Holland Council in this affair so that the matter may be properly adjusted. The Reeve and Mr. Ellis wore appointed a committee to examine tl.c collectors roll for 1879, ' and ascertain if any changes be re- quired, or any errors found before handing it ovor to the Treasurer. Ths Reeve was autliorized to let a job at Griffith's hill 24 and 25 side line, con. 3, the amount not to exceed J 100. The Township Treas-uer was author- ized to receive from Robert Mathers $4.90 being taxes for the current year against the southerly 32 acres of E. i of let 15, con. 9. Moved by Mr. Fttwcelt, seconded by Mr. Boyd, that as it is made to appear G. Bath thiw year performed the statute labor for J S. i of lot 11 in the 8rd con. of this Township (6 days) that ho now be permitted to p.iy the taxes against said land amounting to $16.08 to the Township Treasurer, and that the Clerk be ordered to request the Coun- ty Troa'^urer to strike olT liis books, all taxes against said land for the current year. â€" Carried. Taxes am't- iiig to §15.40 charged in er'or against John Ward for N. W. j of lot 10, con. 4, ordered to be struck off the collec- tors roll for 1B80. Tho resignation of Robert Mylcs Esq. as assessor was laid before Council and a resolution passed aicepting said resignation. Tho resignation of James Kerr Esq., as auditor was laid before Council aud a resolution passed accopti..g said res- ignation. A petition signed by Alex. Murdock, and others in reference to H. McKinnon, S. S. No. 8, regarding attcndonco at union S. S. No. 8, laid aside at present. A satemcutof Wm. Blackwell, regarding injury done to a horse o 4th line laid aside. The I'reasnrer ordered to pay J. Farewell Knq., §8.98, being amount of his ac- count frr printing up to date. And to A. H. Watson Co., tho sum of yield better resalts edncafaoniillyr physically, and peenniarily, to all parties concerned. Let as take school. thalt,i4 £V over^xiwded.lC^ iK.ltiQ-I9ai9A,Qf j^er^toAting ^q seventy, eighty or ninety children, lor name and lame of his immortal an- six mortal hoars every day. We may suppose the trastees are politdy som maoded to famish a new Khool. â€" In view of the prospeativs **'**•" they hesitate to do so bat ths threat of with drawal of Govenment supp ot t is a very effective weapon iraeo properly handled. Trastees may wri^le for a time, bat in doe ooorse they snoeomb, and the taxpayer is saddled ^th the expense of a new building, which in reahty may not be reqaired. If it was allowable, or if it was the law that children of tender years should only attend sebool for three hoars daUy, then one half, as might be arran^isd, ooold aitaod in tha ferenooa tk» other half in the alterooon â€" mneh ta the comfort of the teacher â€" mach to the benefit of children, and much to the relief of the taxpayer. I understand that in some towns and cities, certain schools, by special permission, have their yoanger pupils on half time something in this way â€" one half attending from 9 to 10:80 o'clock a.m.; and from 1 to 2:80 o'clock p.m. The other half from 10;S0 to IS o'clock a. m. and 2:30 to 4 p. m. This, of course, nee cessitates the attendance of all the pupils part of the forenoon and part of the afternoon, and may suit very well in cities or t^wns but in rural sec- tions such as we have for the most part in this quarter, it will be easily seen that the half time sjwtem arraug ed so, that one half the younger cbildreu attend three hoars in the foreuoon, and the other half three hours in the atteruoon, would suit best, from the fact that many of the pupils have to walk to school say one, two, or even three miles. In this way the school that would be over crowded with 70, 80, or 90 pupils, would have abundant accomodation for half that number. The new building would not be required, tho ttacber could teach much more cf- fectualy, and the tax-payer would re- joice. There is much to be said in every way in favor of the scheme, but I will not at present seek to tres- pass further on your space. Yours truly, RoBxaT BoBEsrsoN. Dec. 1, 1880. §15.75, amount oi their account for printing up to date. Tho Reeves orders were issued ou the Treasurer to pay several other accounts. On motion being made and seconded the Council adjourned until Friday the 24th day of December next. Robert Dcirt.op, Tp. Clerk. ^tvvttpttibtntt. I^oTiCE. â€" We wisli it disinctlf understood, that we do not hold onrsclrcs reponsible for tlic opiciuus expressed by our corrtsspoddeDts. To tho Editor of the Sta;da«p. Sir, â€" We have had a good deal of bonus for some weeks back aud al- though the discussion of tlio question ig far from being exliaustcd, we have to tliauk an intelligent and far seeing council with afforduig us plenty of tim* in the future to lay line upon line, and precept upon precept in re- gard to its advisibility. In the meantime, a little variety may not be out of place. UnueccssniT taxation i.-; not a desirable thing, and is by all mcaiis to be avoided, while at tho same time a "penny wise and pound foolish," policy inny bo equally obnoxious. OccaBious will arise wheu an extra tax will pay all parties con- cerned. At other limes, the necessity of extra tnx.^tiou may bo inccured wiiich proves of no geueial benefit, and is only so much public money wasted. This may be the CAse at times iu some of our school scetions under onr present system. A school house gets too small for the children attending, aud while iho school may be sufiicient every other way but that of size, yet a new school room must be built so that all tho childdrec, large and small, must be accommo- dated for six hours daily. While we have compulsory education thus far. To tb* Editor of the Bta.hdabd. Sir, â€" I am a farmer, a resident near Fiesherttou for the past nine- teen years and have hewed oat a home for myself from the woods. I claim we farmers know, or ought to ku-jw, the benefits ansiug from the iutreduction ol the railroad. The wealth and improvements of this part must, in a measure, be attributed to the industry of tho people, but at least one half must bo credited to the rail- road. When we visit Flesherton and Markdale, aud see the amonnt of money daily paid out for sheep, cattle and farm produce, certainly we must say the railroad has brought in indus- try, "wealth and civiliiation. Sir, we Know the iron rails on the Toronto, Grey and Bruce are getting pretty well worn out, and the cattle guards, bridges and other structures are becoming rotten. These things require to be renewed with more sub- stantial material. The Directors say they have not the means to make these improvements, neither are they willing to do so without assistanee from the municipalities interested. â€" The amount asked from Artomesia is not large, and many of us farmers think by helping to improve the road we are really helping ourselves. Sir, allusion was made a week or two since to the 70 who signed the petition to submit the By-law, aud that they lived in the upper Ward towards Markdale. I should say the farmers in that Ward view things in their tme light, vis.: by helping to improve the read, that while it takes four cents out of one pocket it will put eight cents in the other. Some of the knowing men about Flesherton advise the fai mere to yote down the By-law, telling them that if carried it will double their taxes aud also farther state they have no faith in the Company, hence their opposition to tho measure. â€" Your correspondent of two weeks ago stated th-'.t he had not lived m Canada for forty years and not know wheu a coon was treed, yet he cannot see the advantage arrising from the change ofgaage. I should say such men ought to get a free ride to-morrow to Toronto, and see the cars at the Great Western and Grand Trunk depots, and see the number of American cars that are there. They cau easily be detected from the' Canadian cars by their color and the large lettering on them. These roads are of the stand- ard gauge, hence the interchange of cars. Sir, I am of the opinion that, wore our road of the standard gauge at the present moment, we would have seen, for some weeks past, empty cars come all the way fron: Albany and Oswego to Flesherton and Markdale stations, to be loaded with barley aud forwarded to its destination. We should also have cars belonging to the Grand Trunk to be loaded with wiieat aud peas aud sent right through to Montreal, where peas realize 90 cents per bushel. To say that the farmers would not be benefitted by way ernaoe is very likaly the proper tarm aftar all, and it is probable thaf !.°?i:t*'li!°- ".!i^J*^?M^l?^*! i- ^.""^^e spectacles, and takes a squint simply utter bosh. Not wishing to trespass to much on your space I will close, but will return to the subject again. With thanks for yoor kind- that children arrived at a certain age ness, I am yours, Ac., A Fabmsx. must b** sent to school for at least a stated period, we have nothing -to compel parents to keep their children at home until they arrive at years sUiBcicut to know how to behave themselves, aud to learn their little lessons with some measure of iutelli- gence. Oa the contrary, we have parents, especially about villages, so keen to get tlteir little ones out of theii way that they paok thein off to school at an ago wheu they are only a nuisance to their teacher and school mates, without benefitting themselves The long suffering teacher belcg made a sort of Lursecy maid to those pre cocious infants, and their worse than sdfish parents. This is one way in. which school room accomodation may be and often is unuicoc^isarilv impaired. Another aud mere effociual wa^- i the foolieh eystemof six hours daily s^' To the Editor of the Staxdako. Sm, â€" The great Chemical Labrato- ry at Flesherton is once more in fall blast. Drastic dosea of Paregoric are being componnded. Somehow or other they don't produce the etfact de- sired. Perha^is the reason is that they sre not properly administered. The Doctor has got doctored lately, apd the best (^ it is tlia thing has been done entirely with his own physic â€" material furnished solely in his own letters. There has been no need to follow his example to go oatside of this correspondence, sjid rake in the mud far staff to make a concootien. He wmee and grinaoes Uke a whip- ped car, howls aboat maltraatmant, and don't seem to enjoy the working of of his own physic at all, whaa it a»mptm»iob»*ffti»ii» propria ptr- cestor, h«, irlisB Bhrist«â€"d, i^onld re- ottve the appeUatiob of Bobinaon. Thus his fall dasignation wonld be Bobinson Crasoe, and aa W fi i psr s to hava a weekneas for a handle nobo- dy will much object to his affixing the Dr., especially seeing tiiat he Jiim- self is evioiently self-conscious that a little maretricioas dignity is aeeessa- 17 ia his own case. The only draw- iMck to this happy coincidence of names is, that we always associite the idea of Crusoe with his man Fiiday. Bat there is tima enough yet. -« Cra- soe lived quie a while before he tmnd Friday, and doubtlcM Dr. Bobinson Crnsoa will, in da* tim*. prodocs the reqoiaiia shadow. 8«ma people thought that Friday Lad appeared • few weeks ago, bot it most have been a mistake, as the bellowa appears te have barst. I'he poerilities of the Doctor are amusing, if they are not edifying. Last week be is at his old school-boy bosiaess of makine butlc8 of hb own concoction. He pricks them, and lo they burst. Wc can imagine him iu the depths of his great Labratory shouting, "Hurrah t for Dr. Crusoe." I never referred spe- cially to grading, knowing that the read was already graded, lly refer- ence was to the general work required to complete the line as a broad gauge road. He nays "the greater part of the exi)enditure will be performed by skilled railroad hands," atjd be "don't suppose that §106 would be spent in AritemMia-" I convicted tiw Doctor sometime ago of wilful misleading tlie farmers in the matter of the box cars. I charge him naw with either wilful misrepresentation or gross ig- noranse in the matter of the expendi- ture. Considerable over two thou- sand ties are required to each mile of road. {There are some ten miles with- in Artemesia. It is a well known fact, that a large part of the coantry through which the line runs eannot supply timber for ties, consequently Artemesia, or any other township pos- sessed of the requisite timber, would have the opportunity of supplying tnree times the amount of ties than that required for local use. Allowing for say a fourth of the ties being late- ly renewed, here is at once more than half the bonus. Agaiu, there arc cedar posts required in large quanti- ties for snow and other fences. Then, if the road is to be wiaened aud com- pleted, there is the |iroper ballasting of the ror,d to be done. Altogether the work required would comprehend at least a foil winter aud summer's work for a la ge number of hands, aud fully bear^ out my contention, that employment could bo afforded to all the young men who have been re- cently flocking to the Slates from this quarter. The Dr. says, "a R. R, might pass through the most careful- ly drawn lease." Does it not strike him that a B. B. as owner as well as a leaseholder, might, on the same grounds, as easily pass through the most carefully drawn conditions. â€" Just as I said at the outset of this cor- respondence, the Reeve of Artemesia seems to have no faith in anything or anybody. Then he says, "tho road can help iUelf." Some weeks ago I controverted some of the Doctor s fig- ures as to the Company being able to do the work themselves, and proved bis contentions to be (in his own euphonious language) a baseless rition. But what is the use so far as he is concerned, of overturning anything be says or does That the road is not ablo to help itself te at once w ider. the guage wi'hout assistanco, is what is generally believed. That it is evi?u able to help itself to keep tlie road running in its present condition, seems doubtfnl. But allowing, for argument sake, tliat it is able of itself to do the latter; admitting that it can carry on at ail it may ultimately, af ter a considerable lapse of timo and after much struggling, patcliiug and fixing, emerge as a broad gauge still I contend, on reasons previously giv en, and others equally sound, that it would pay us now, aud pay us well, to assist the Company to at o»fe put the road in thorough order, and have done with the discredit, inconvenience and loss pertaining all round to the present sUte of matters. The D.jc- tor seems to be quite puzzled about principle of common justice. NotwitL- standing that he has been viewing me an lit in "spectacles an eyery other possible form," he has not yet aariv- edat its proper anderstaading. A spur to Flesherton, or a deflection of the road to somewhere near the re- nowned Labratory, would uo doubt be common justice in his estimation. A bonus for this purpose would have a greatmany sound reasons to sappert It no donbt! aud although ordinary people like myself might ventnrs to think it uncommon justice, the spec- tacles would be turned uiion us, and wo wauld be told tliat evcrythiug be- sides the spur or deflection was mere- ly "a side issue to divert attention " Just imagiue the duck in spectacles What a divertmg spectacle Q jack ^T ' f.® congratulates himself on his noUble device of covering up the box cars, and having now|ota Urge quantity of ties, posts and bal- ?on«S?'^^'*?' *^"' l^e' '"surely dons the spectacles, and tak»( through "every possible form' of mud at_ tne |reat principle of common in,. Ye gods! what a spectacle I lours truly, EOBKBT ROBMXSOH. Dec. 6, 1880. ' â- » » ' t â- a 0^Mh,;8 BIRTHS. B. Hfll, Ifwfhvit. ef a eon. ,,„ ,„,a^ Bobctt lUBrid* of a daagbtoi. MARRIED. --j I.,; Sa dale Bpum,. M#45». opD* !» J«ft .*?•, John Vuia^ otlk i »iy «s i a..t» js p«Wf** HopfM, (4 Eqfltnia, ..»,; ...^ .;(. ;i On tlM«tk tM*., ky tka lUr. W. T: gi t lp at Mm TU9t»%s^ Mr. Thos. Abltott. t» EmOv, daotflrtOT of lUik Abbtf Es^j. aB sf HotlMi ' ;. â- / 1. â- •- â- â- â- ' ' â- .. â- DIEiJ* '• a;r,ic r»- :•. at D»naii UcDonald, tei 1 year, t meattu taA 20 day*. Ja Oleodc. •• *BlHUi«B.^{D«asaB. sao d Dmuii MaDooaM, sfea i yn., • aMatbt. In Glencht. on (ha a9ih'iiit., SoafSk, sob cf Neil Campbell, afsd 9 jsar*. TO THB iDdependent Electors! OF THE Township of Euphrasia. GnrrLKxriK â€" I again offer myscll ai a Candidate fur the oSSce ol CoaocUJur for the T.«nriiip Sbonld yoQ again honor Ine with your coufl- drnce, 1 ^halI endsaror to aete yoo to the beat of mr ability. Come to the nomination where I shall giTe my views on Monieipal mattan. I am, gentlemen, Yoor obedient sarrant, V. B. BLLIS. Satr Vtffor, a:TO'XICB- THE BubteribcT wishes to ratam thana* t« the inhabitants of Markdale aad vi- duity for tneir hberal support and -patron- age ia the past, and to say that ha has now tnrned orer the Drox aud Stationery busi- necs, with all other hues in connection therewith, to Messrs A. Turner t Co., for whom he wishes to lespeak a continoance of the patronage of his old customers and the pubhc at large. Also, that the Account Books will remaia at the Drugg Store in the bands of A. Tum*^, who is authorized to reeaive all moneys due, and to gire receipts for the same, or Bobert Davis of Fleslierton, in whose posession the accounts are for col- lection. An early sottlemeiU Will mach oblige. T. S. SPBOULE. Uarkdala, Dee. 8, 18S0. 18-31 AUCTION SALE! OF VAl.T'ASLB FARM PROPERTY. UNDER and by Tirtne of Power of Sale contained in a certain .Mortgage, which will be nrottiicod at the time of Sale, and up- on which default in payment has been made, there wiU b« sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THE MAEKDALE HOUSE, Tillngo or .Unrkdale, iu tbe County of iirey, on Monday, the loth day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1881, J at THBEE O'CLOCK in the Aft«tnoon, thtf follDwinf; land and preniiaea. vfr.. r Lot Number T'orty, in the Fourteei.ih Concession of the Township ot Artemesia, in tho County ol Orey, containing One Hundred and Ton Acr-s more ir leg. The following improTomnnts .ira said to be on the premises, viz. A Log Dwalling and Frame Barn nnd .Stable. TKlt.\IS.â€" One Tenth of the p:rc"i.is. mney mnst b« paiil down at time of sale. For balance, term^ lilwral, an.l will be mide kaown at tlic sale. For fitrtlmr particnlarit appiv to LEYS. PEAU.SO.V dt Ki N.iSFOriI), IS 5 ill â- Soli.-;iors, Toronto. MATUML MimuPhum etiM. T I» It y meat a gi asa M s â- dasssiaKf' ^*A is at once harmless aad effected, M" jf- Serving tbe hair. It restores, with th« 1^ sad freshncstf.of jraatb, fad»d or gr^t light, and red kail, to a xieb bro.wn, or dasB bUck, as may badesind. By Us OSS this hair U ibickencd, sod baldnsss c|taa tkoo^ mn a' wajs cure^ It ths Ja l a l l i t ol tbehair Isimadiataly, Sad aaaasaa^MW Crowth tt'air nsea n fces s H^tfimM m su»t decayed; while to brasbj, waak, or tttbenclse (Haeased balr, it tap^ vitality and.^ianclk, s n 4.m nrt efa Ufl^^o. 1(li« V)o«B eleiiM^ IM MiJt^ cnea and pNsanys tha i e rm s t taa al daadipg; mi, properties, ft keato moat tf Ml all of the hnmoM sad diseases pecnUar lothaaealp^ keeping K '«ool, clean, aad aefl, aader wLlch couiBUiJto disease! of the scalp sad hair aJre impoeslble. As a Dressing tct JJadies* Hair Tbe Vko» ts Incomparable. It Is color- less, contains neither oil nor dye, and wHl not soU white cambric. It imparts an agreeatric and htetlng perfome, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed ia its excellence. Prs^ared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., taaUcal aad Aaalvttoai ObaBysls. Lowed, Mass. SOU) BT AU. BaooauTS BvaaTwasaa. â- V- CASH 8f oil ift'i^ i^rr "â- â- OTHER NOTICES. Ac^npwJ^the front with a CMnpIete stock of ^^ 'BOOTS ASFD SHOES ms^m, mmi susswabs' Which for QUALITY and LOW PRICES cannot b, passed. Give us a call and try some of our MEW SEASOHED. JAPAN. T£A, 31b. 3 T -•MLUi-^.t HAND Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. BUTTER, POULTRY ANP EGGS TAKEN iNi CHANGE FOR GOODS. ' f BEYNOLDS SON Markdale, Nov. 11, 1880. " were 18.618 bnshels of Qma in Markdale last weM* 1881 for $2-M- â- « ^larins the session and Tea Meeting in VI, Church, town line. Mid Euph«*««»' "' Sabbath day next. See posters. leading citiren" will aoon he- make himself more than ordin- V .greable. Municipal elections u. the near future r Cooar.â€" The Conuty Cour*J lutyofOrev is to he iipl.l at i'Uise, Owen Sound on Tue 14th iuRt. ' Daily (flf^ frojn tJie njieuirj| «icse of tbe DotniuiuJi Parlia-I for •nig Ota dullar. kJubserip-{ ken at tuis oflBoe. IS lio EDICAL HALL OYSTERS, OYSTERS, JIST RECEITEK AT THS ii BELFAST HOUSE.' I have fitted up a room over my Btora where 1 ran si^pplj^ â€" niâ€" E-rer3r St37"lel 3y the Plate or Can CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE W. TOTKK .V. My^Stock of tice. MARKDALE. Flonr '"°*" ^•»- 10»1^ 1*80. 8pnn,wha.tp;r-i.n.k::;aw|:2S!:L?s Fall Provisions and Groceries Togthei with Wines and Liquors, ARE VKBT CHEAP AND QOOD, ANT AMOUNT of POKK FOR SALE. wJiat bargain. I am giving, hef6re ou pu?: chase elaewbore. X. v., V WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Nov. 25 1880. sj, THtO thqpptaiEW.ioI'the «ndwa)«u'crf, X«t «r ILP??- y*' Towi^^'iP ol Glenehj, on PARTIES dehvering logs al the Steam Saw MUl, If arkdrie, will please eaU and leave their iiame«,and gat a nymher to stanp on their lops, otherwite the proprietor wiU not held himself reEpontible for logi vrhieh maybe deUvered. Lumber, after being sawetl three days and notpilad.tbe " KiU Proprietor" irill proceed te pile out of bis way, and charge owner for time for doiu^ so, and for space oooapiad. The Highest Prica In Caih Paid for ButttintU, Clum/ and Large Birth. A Plainer and Matoiier ia being pnt into hif Mill a^J will be in mnning order by 1st April. JAVBS CHAPMAN, FaoraisMB. Markdale, Nov. 18, I880. Jo-3i jTmontgomery^ o A k: E n, THE Subspnber. iu returaaig tbanka to the inhabitants of Markdale and inr- reundiug coantry for their patronage daring the past eight ycirs. be^s to intimate to them he is how prepared te supply the Public with FRUIT. POUND PLUM CAKES, 'ieither plain, or lead and Ornamented, and a large Variety of Other Cakes. always on hand, Aiao^. S'fl^^-tS' "X" I ot uvery dsec! ip'.ion. from tho best manu- faetarcrs in Ontario. Also, a large and varied ssBortmeiit of t}*e CKOICESTCONFECTSONERTI BRIDHS~CAKESi^ 8U;ipliod OU X'l.t shnnest notice, nnd (.ot np 1 in ihebc»t sty.? thai is done this tide of Toronto. ' Tea Meeliifs, Sotii, OTHEE PARTIES, lapplied on ths sbartest notice aad da the Bcit rsaaonabls tanss. JOHN MONTGOMKKT. Markdsle, Nov, 18, st, 1880. lo-ly ., Jj----. PURE GOLDEN SYRUP ALWAYS ON ,^ ___ CaaiavoK lift* heeiJ cicrviutr o of words wttli tilt' tJiL* Murk Ja! fciipnt the n"w r-iilwRV Ixiuuvei letiigns liJK I«tt*r8 " Dr. Chri Dr." is not his oliriktia it. â€" Monitor. AND Supper. â€" The Omiiijl Britons, of Dundalk, intt-ni a bull and suiijiur on the •'it| Tli.-.y promise a gmd lime inav fiivor tlieiii witli tl „y. Tickets SI l»er cup;.*. Alex. Sinclair, hrotii^i ..f gll^d Siuchiir, M. 1*. 1' ;i J 6cd was a mail of cxcclknt hu qualities, aud for muijy v« u d on a very extiJ8ivfmirLaL.t ^m^css in Soathaui]ton. MECTiito of the Euphrasia Ai rill Society was hchl nt II rl CHANGE of BUSINEs:3itr.Kcr'r.,r:^'" ' ffgfri'al Hall. That of Mr. 1. dahtrce was accoptid, hLiir.; o [all is to be .40x80. INTO 'ity Council jias.s 1 .1 r. on Tuesday nij,'htt" c .n.^i m of the city npon Har.hm 111^ turn to Toronto an 1 al-.i 1 1 bis rreperty~at tlic J --Imj 1 iif\ a:id tasatiou f»r ihii iv^t lA ral life is said to be the intention of ajiers of the N'ortlicrn Hiiilwiyp ge the Ragiii- of tho r 'ud dnrs resent winter, iind ilm-s r ;ii| eccssity for a elifliiu'" •!' cm into. It is a wis.; fnr.s"n\.- â- ] f the frinipiciv. a!i'l i ' Id Jiave been ad.'ptei l.ii,' •â- liavs t'le G ue'pii IIt.Vi; kound to:^ot rv.-n wi'Ii iis in For Deceuib.r •.i2:i 1 ho pr low storm fiat will !« f,ir t- hours. 1".; â- dejit 1 ff sii w is to fall i.s "i'\.';i a 'd ivii. half s.ivs. WlJ We take pleasure in annonncing to the residents of Markdale and ing Conntrv, that we have purchased THE DRDG AND STATIONERY BUSI Lately carried on by Db. SPROULE, and tmst by strict persr ii,il a-;, to business, and by keeping a full aseortment of tho BEST MATII;i tbe above lines to merit the support of the genera.) puLlic, o As tbe Holiday season is fast approachinir, we have purchased 'a Ii^ and VABI£D Stock of Fancy Goods, Tovi And many otner Articles, Useful and Ornamenie CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Job Lofs for Chrisfmas Trees af Reduced Rates â€" o- A FULL ASSOBTJIENT OF PATENT MEDICINES, AUTUORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS, ST-'JiC Dyo-StuOs, Paints, Oils Tons, 'â- mk aud Tobartds, ALWAYS ON HAND. AgenUfor EWonfroal Telegraph and VIcekcr's Exw!^* " ' " " t^^hl,ncian,.VrtKription$andFatnihjnaiin,ii;,}H,,..,.n\Uk^ *^" Mektin.;.â€" Tii.-n.- i:* t.. h .-:'".*:',:.â- A TTTrx'r-Ti-r _.!•• lUP'^ti'ig •â- it \ViniHinsf..r.l. on I .;.:--.«.; :^ A. lUKiM:,K_ Gfcwt.. m aid of the cliarch f.ti •4:r;l KuV. ;jriitlLiUCU ii.-il mi Markdale, Dec. 9, ISSO. McINTYRE'S F(.r nil ki';.!- of to «\1re*:s t'.ie nnHtin(;. tierved at (•::•â- ' Ail:ii.-.-i':i 2'i\.. ren \Ttc. Wo hope iiuinh'-r^ congri»f»ati»u will see t â- uihi; 1: bUCCi•6^=/ Groceries, ProvisiODS, Liquors, Cajined 'Get TKr.RK is to h" a va iiv«l in EuJienia, nr. Cliri-tni.-i* Kvo. ^v| CONFEC7.ONERY. SPICES. TOBACCOS. BUISCUITs ^r^^^'^J^^L aVi^r 'VIVJ .A 1^1. Ci^OIS Ciiristnm^ live. Thj pr. cc.d u •J.. â- rally kept iu ft First-('T"'» Grocery. Provision ajid Liiquor Tt;-^ apiiicd in payiuij' tile lomis ^^ ^^ ^^ *â- * •"live And aUbrooerie*, the very CleSUieM aud FreabesU I seU {or CVu Lr. ^fa customer that giTee lue a caII is sure t« eomc back, as I uM sood (^-.cai C^^ I never pay mora than the Goods arc worth, aud KivJmv .-u .•.i^m.rc.^?*â„¢^' " " ' "'♦• """" wil! '.wft.vg fiivi rae in the *am. plaoel aJw.rs r.'.i./fc'fic.M .i.R SHV^ a l.r.- ic-h ..f I' npon\-^u None bnt the Best Onusds of i^ ;. i ,1, „ ;. ], 'ill 'my IU •Ti- ll iii.^- t;ijr v.i!. fiitri :il T I'l'iijilii, W r h lU-e. fit of the barcains I get None bot the Best Onusds uf ^um» ' 1 t' t RYE, MALT, BRANDY, ALE, PORTER, OTHER LIQUORS iH'3Ej' cinX'n.'lu',. a nose wh'itsi'.^' rii-r..«; i:| â- n-ii __ |»|^»/â€" p*^" ••"•â- " â- '•-•â- •â- ' --"t '•=.»:;•• •- IMC I Wit RE well k:!' v.'i:r--.n-' i ^mii.ti ,:..:â- * u aOHtii «r:i!'.i, • i.I Ih.! nlU'ii: .-: ' """"""""^â- â- """""•ge he la tiu-.'K' r "Uf j' -li 44 lo b; .ll'.Ul ;s-"«.ii.»0. â€" "c '.; ^drerltn'r. Kept in Htock. iit tare yon uut' "^fckdale. No*. 95. .18ki, Get Money at 7 per Cen.* on •Be "ppted red and white, one dark red with top on one horn. The owner is reqaesicd to prove property, pay expenses and take them •*•». • U.K.. Olenel^, Kor. 19, 1880. ll-8i do. tendance for cb^Ateti of «n ng^r. mmt. Byt-Vt»-b^, -whit is reaUj ttw Will a^j OQ3 mh^ I^bws anTthini;|»aB^e d^fiiJis.^eeT'b of oars? I have ahout tho matter saj thaf- it it .eit^her Ifinn iiigr'rfnfli AAd^ob$i4j .MBsms 4o, Barley Oats Peat rotatees. B«tt«r, per lb. *(tff«, per dos, Pork, dr«ia«d. Beef Oesse, perlh. « ' P*^ PS* ••••«••••• ' owk, pM iMir T«rt»yrvrL.:. fflMniri lis ' Hidei^ "'• n ••••••♦•4« wii ::: â€" Taltaw "" 'â- '••=; prTg«dw.i.7::.7:rr» do. 0.«0 to 0.80 P.W /•, 0.93 0.89 « 0.1T â- • 0.1* " «.«0« 4.0O" QJ06 •• OM V (Lift' o:6s 0.86 «w 0.15 5.80 ».oe U10 949 1*119 *5* Prsniises of t^e sabicriber. Lot n Boad^ Artemesia, about the let October a Spring Heifer Calf, red and white. The crnner u requested to prove property, pay *»rget. and take her away. ' ' A^ „ ROBEBTBLAIB i Artemesia. Not. 26. 1880. imV* TAILORING O. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the T»ibrint -B^rart- •ment over J(»Farfa»id's. 4itore, wifhee to inform the pubhc of Markdale and sur- rounding country, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! CUTTI NG I^opo while Customers are Kftitiug. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES •- ,-A^UlB on,Jiand tft sitofo frem. A Good Fit Gaaranteed To discharge a Mortgage bearing 8,9 or 10 percent.; ^0* more .land, or improve your buildings. jMaxwki.i,.â€" The uii::ul rs nI] S^'j's Church. jii\woII. fjs Lnurcii. .-wu^woii. |itii liAtruig a »'cial and lu iiic:il evei 0-1 the 14:li inst., at the i.;ii..oi hi Liberal Privileges of Repayment L^^:^"' '"""' ""' aul OFFDRED Bt THE ale, are to us^k dogbt a pleasiiut evening m li.i.;sed. T]he proco^ds to ho h to ih i -.^rovoiuoiit of thw ci LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMFAI-^'--"'.--^^^^ .^S' .Vy. BRITISH CANADIAN 3peciaij rates for special secueiti AOEIVCY Or^ THE Ham. s V.\!:;eUhlc Siriliaii lj:u| newer liiis ths hearty coiutnii'l of tlioiisaiids wlio*e "t'lrniiiij LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COm'IrZ'i'i'^f^'T â- ""'" 18. in tact, a luinicle iii its, i»av, .**.-.â- â- •;'.*?•':.â- •. in tho sge «f wondrous iiuprov^ Britis'h"" America Assurance Cciast'n*'Iiuvrrlu?iatost'wiii THE T7]NIi:QlJ^Li^El â€" ATâ€" J-.O'W I^ATJES. Remember the Place. Over McFarland's Store. M a rkd a le NpT. ^, Xg80, •• Jl-tf NS"C=,I« â„¢REBT GIVEN, that the Toronto.Grcy and Bruce HaQway Com- pany wUl apply to tho Legislature of the ProYinas of Ontario, at its next session, for •Jn Act to amend the several Acts relating to the said Company and for power to ctImU • preference issue of Bonds or Debenture Utoek to re-arrante their Bonded Debt • to aathOTua them to enter into and eomplate Wanzer Family MachiiK Organs at Reduced Eafe S j^ -ATTENDED, -o- The pniiinotf.rs, II. p. |{;,ii ij are uiiu 'if liheralitv aud (mkitI who glvo 1... h.'iicfit of their disq to tbe wiir'.d al lar^,'.-, aud li«v. iilo tlio h:uils of every drug^/ij the'eonntry, lint its henefitK m^ extended ahk to all. If there iyfik su8piciuof '^r-y huir 8h»wii â- rfTnpoii your huad, ;;â- » at ouccl pvMare a bottle ••( I'ais cukd AAir Rentwar. â€" Curih.nt, S. dican. Parties requiring anything in my line, will do well t and see me, v^ ^-; Markdikle. Deo. 9. 1880. DONALD McLEOD, L jt X, ..- â€" â€".»- autor laio ana eomplata T BLOOMFIELD, Vl?S^y^l\^^ ^« working oTSeir Une Veterinart Surgeon !! Railway to eonflrm 4nd decUre ralid aU nr.«i,-^ « u- " ' By-Uwf Toted npon, an^ ' " â- •W XX fe«uon in lCarkd;i."'g^ £Lt T""' 5^-*»^W«W "' «3 IJ» «Kperienee and extewdre wSi-^» J~f S' »?'T*^ «?X^5S5iip Ma â- tW. oonn_^. Sr^^JSX'^^!!??' M«iidp2;u.. p«tm. id to ,^iTBt»IWl«» I* to larkiac n â- twsys en *?p^SWbE5v!SS ke BprsoU'a 1-T •ny MtmisipaU- ItanioipalitT, or jjjtgrot^t therein: an7lor^W W. SUTHERLAND TATLOB, ^ted^ Toronto this 'S"orS^: her, 1880^ X!#hia sinesN tihanks to the ptablie for their Tery Uberal patrona^a in the past, and bopee by honoraMe desUnf PiM*-Ci.MS Woax, tmi does snimtion te baatoaas, to aavit • eantinnane* of tbe SMBA. THE BEST OF MATERIAL Used, and none but Mrst-ClM* frr'nnlii «a|Ie7ed wiUbedcMrpmnp^r. •***« w«|fk«^ Specialty. js|^rteIUisBlifc««ii ««MM1 tTiMNeest. « ' U*Mr^9nM*«BAliaitMet«. Markdale, Oct. M, I880.- 7^ tf i|tarii#l M the h^smaaMi, xmmi GarrcKK or Twj T.vRi; i.\n| rate affray hjtwcc;i lu •adtlirecburi;iilar^;took plact M^ "i?^- mottling at tlio Great Wu-utb â- *â- af. y^_, _-^ i-«" •*!• Station, London. Tnu bu Ummlm iiBvtLarJSa.a' ^yn arrested after a deiej .^^"•ggl*. when one of ihci I 13' Kimj. Detective Muipliy cj -i Jttm to stop, and as he did not] TUAQ •- II A T U C IH^^ °^^" "" ^^° B^""" »t I llUOa M A I n C r'^eatiiig robber. The lattur %eD as Murphy turned to Ifrother officers, be rose up uul At the time of tbe arrc .sf ^Yl^° definitely what oflFel committed but in tho cu| ^y it was discovered tL n into the office of F. Sj er, next to tie Aihrrtite, there forced the safe, taki ing in the neighborhoo nearly all ol which was re »• parties arrested. Th^ ttioroaghly provided witli tools. They are all midJH â-ºjojg It aud the other Hmw aames as Harry Wi AQen, labourers, of V ^^y^i that they are tl ot an expert cang of bs Tht police are on tbe ' robbar, but have TTiriSHES to tender „, V V euRti'imers his sincere tlianb ' â-¼â€¢ry liberal patronage dorin? tho I*-' has been in the Harness BusineM dale, an would rospectfaUy solifi* » 2' saoe at the some, fiolcg eoufiii^' •an gire Entire Satitfacti^i' nsnally kept in r IBST-CL AS* lARNESS ESTHUSHI al ways a n hand, and sold at n"^^* HiTlone but good workman cnipW' jkhe best of materials nsed. Mkrkfaie, NaT, 18, 188o- __ S«kacrtW« for tfie~S(i We will (ire it from now tiU th" Jsmiary, 18S1, for uur .ve.ir'« tsi'l"