Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Nov 1880, p. 2

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 ASH ST .ds ont with a complete stoc^ fJ^ Is, Groceii AND SHOES nd LOW PRICES cannoti a call and try some of bur JAPAN TEA, 311). P( RLP ALWAYS ON Hi before purcliasiig flsewta^i AND EC.GS TA W^" IN] rNOLDS Sc son] ^JHALL and Chemicj MEDICINES! rtrkiincrv. t i.;^bs, Toothl uss(; ami Sui^ii-al Applja nr J I 1): UL-'ists sundries. nd School Books! :i;at v.vKii.TV. â€" o F.riir.i: wiTii AND OILS. r' :F»r-S3criptlon«,| " l»JtKl»i:iJ VTION^ I.;' Ci.Ml'(i[Mi:! ce. SPEOULB, H. Nf.. IT. If TO mil kmJf* o( LipTc^ Canned :ES. TOBACCO?;. BUiSCUITS I .inJ I r«-sii-ol. I -.:. fi.r t'a~li, ujj lo c.'iii' ..1 I ' I il. Koud C'tMxli C inioiir V. oi 111. ain: 'i 1.1 V '.â- ustomenll i .IP I m- I'j ,11- ;.ii~ )-Aic. alvnjA fu^lj l-itt 11..' Bttot :rl':iSI«j|» M jjlT£;,.:fcjiH.:,iLlQ!J0a8(ll A. MclNTYRI .0Y3TFRS. OYSn n ..: -t .ii..* nivtia. AT THtf BELFAST HOUl 1 !:.^\.- UtU Ui ft i.vwr mj Stmt • â- â- } .1 J t-ai supply :-! T K R â€" 1 â€" 'â- _. lli I'htte or Cu CHEAPER THAN ANfl IS TOWN I 1 Mv St.K:k of Provisions and 6i To^tUei with Wines and Liqi JtV.E VKUl CHEAT AND !si ANY AMOUNT of FOR bALE. As I ilo n* puffiiift or blevinfi • 1 1'utilic to ({i'e mc a call tni M* I «i^at Imr^aiim 1 am giving, beft**» 1 tlm.10 tlsewiicre. WILSON Bl j Markdale, Nov. 25 1880. DONA^ji' 1 .m 1 ^lA^IiBH BEOS to_. lussin;e»«a«nl«» ., I to tilt- puhlic for their â- Â»Â«%» liWwy in tUf j.ust, and ho^^jV**" __ j FiniT-Cusg WoRK^ioa elo«» "â-  j bii«inc»», to merit a contimMB** I THE BEST OF MAl I t-.-itd. .iml none but Fint'Cl^. employed. Special attention paid to 'â-  will b« done promptly. .^1 oTor due aeooonta moat 1 delay or 1 shall hare to tMori ly means for colleetion. _. D. Mci^ Comer of QueM •»*' MarkOaJa^ Oct, *i» 1^*V. i g STANDARD. ;AL TorHERNOTIOEa tutionery, «c. "» pj yesterday cvenuB 1^"°' â- â€¢ „D--bnt Haskett [CoKDWooD 13 1^ ggji BorreU'i ^ill contiaus at 90c. Djnvk'-^' ill bo at the B«Ter« Ist Dec, for Um i Come friend Welsh tliL lads aud liisses arc get- t^o/recvug taxes. ^«soNs Jesiriug a change in ad- t nt will ple-ise hand it m not "Z:lZ on Wednesdays. y.mhive Jost.foand, or want tlu' Hu.oun:o it through th. iil Vol the Si.vNDU« It 18 the M^:nvn iu the county. r^„N of iL^' "elfrtst Hon»e, says â-  rrci'ircl to f"r-.i6h oysters to ),ui;-ry in cvury style. Go and if It lb so. kf, IsTyni.. i" always to the fore. I jiis ailvcrtisement on third page. L cf' ii lartje, well selected, /re.^h, ' c'l in. Uive him a call. |M;:. ]! 'i^pfts his new advertis*- Eut -1 tli#^"^k. As the season for j,/ icli.inge of presents is ap- oa-li ' '• 1 'lit f^il to pay Doll a visit, ill ik Ii'i ci;a supply your needs. .-..r ;Y business man should have '„.(:: iiiil address printed on the ...!.,. il IIS s. Call at the Stan â-  11 1 vou will be astonished fw c'.i'j' ' 'â- "'^* "'"' ' them. iWiiir I- in-'piletor of the Mark- ,;:i:t« Jliiik doing, that he is bt ti .i'l-' ^I"iint'ise of this tiue skat- It,' ^â- â€¢ Mr,. Iiti' li. ff^ l'"lcslicrton Station, ,,„;(•.-, that he Las his Saw Mill lull n; invtiii'-i. iii:d is prepared to [t liuibi! by ilio tlioueaud aud on l-M--. J'^:id advorii.sement on lliird /ii,! 'I 1 .«;u^. â€" Wlierj the St.vxdarb fii,itc;i .u I for, the r. M's will please It;;;'-!" '«'" I'itr^f" to whom tliey Ibuv. !\i! 1 not r. turn them, but send 1 a ciiil »*i'!i tlio niiiues of those to io'ii t!i"'y .11' â-  ;i lilressed. I No Iv.i-inrss man should fail to ti. li'niiK'ss ha follows printed lji-.'ii\ !i'juj :iu,l uotu paper. We m f;;ii:i!i you with bolh-^^irticlcs fci:!y iiritud, at city prices, at the i.4M)a;ci' liico. (.' A. • l.vKN, announces through the (t..M'k' tl.isnci'l{, tli:it he bus jeut- tiic lioii ov'.T Mcl"arland"s store, 111. I u 1 rcparcd to adorn the outer jiriii " â-  ' *o iiiiv citv eetablishracnt. i.ui;Ai;i::.-i Uiere a man wath soul so leal. »:. ui;'.CT to liiinself hath said 'll !.,: Mty Kirl a ring Well then ist s'.i." Ill iMid sfc \\ ilcoxs stocK, we fL'Mir; vi'.i can suit yourself. His ick IS ••â- â€¢â- iti and coioplete. I-"k"m imr Eugenia correspondent re Iciini if the deatb of Mr. John |5i.'nsu, mail can-icr, an old aud istceoicd rcsi lout of that place. His Ifuueral was larj^'ulji atteuded. Tlie khlitijfo of our coi-respondeuta ietter mU h.i.c l v^inain over to ne.xt week r wiint of sjiace. M. l?i. ..\i:-.s'N. Fltsherton, has lid lu in Nvnitcr at-ick, of staple, and iiufv Dry liooil.i, (.'luthing, MDlinery kd iJu ll jiiitl .Sii"i\ Iu the Grocery \if i~ j.reparcd to furmsa his l.sto;u r.s with citrjthiiij ucci-ssary \r ti.;- li.'liliiy fu.^tives. Don't forget dr.ij) iiiL liis st'irc. We liiuii iVoiii Uran;.;ev;llo, that \lr. Ciriiic.i _vard.-,:iian of tliit place,, lost liis tliiuub \Mi tlie lUth inst., liilst c'.nij'luii,' cars ami tiiatswitch- man, Wats n i,'t liia slioulder blade br^i:irn o!i the fullmviiig 'lay by some it'iri^ or ii;'i r, tiiv p-irticiilars of luliicii vse YiLrc not able to liaru. Wb an • crowaei for Rpace tins [week tiiat \Vf? aro oMi5'jd to leave out I fin' gtii' niariiot ri-prt, lut vill Igivo lioi-o 111? top prif. â- â€¢ ;l! t^- y 'fir till.' priiicip.-i! |mmI !•• ii U ir-. d-ili' F:ill wlisat 10(j j)Lir busli. spring 117: barley 101 oats 29; p. •â- IS 03 ilr â- tsij I bogs 5G0. Flesher- 1 .t IU ab-ivit \\i.:: suiue. Sii:jI' r)f o'lr sni scribersat Pomona laru ciiiii|';:iiiiiii£; tliat tiiey do not get Ithi' j'.itcr n:!til the weuk after it is ipublisli 1. Il i.^ inaiK d her J early on Friaay in ir..iiig und should be receiv- ed the r^a.iii liny. Wo eliall look into the matTir -.v.-A ii can find the de- [linqiicit. v.o shall briug the mattex to tijo 1. jticu of the" Post OflBco llnsepct-r. We b-.g to inform tlwise parties to rhom tin; Stand.^ed has been sent free [the past five weeks in Proton and Melaiictiii^n, that the time expu-es I this i.buo. If any wish to continue Ithe jinpir Ui,.y will please send in 7 their names nsxt week. By siibscrib- [ing ro-.v;\..-,, g,t the balance ot this year free. To clubs of five and over we will give the paper for $1 each, cash in advance. We were visited with a severe win^ and snow storm on Saturday afternoon which continued through Sunday and Jlonday. Sunday was particularly boisten us, and few ventured out un- les compelled through necessity to do so. Tuesday the weather mode- rated somewhat, aud tbe farmers, taking advaiitatfo of the good steigh- i»g. are rushing iu their grain and other products, consequently our streets present a lively appearaoce. Wg have made arransements with the foUowitig papers to furnish them to part ie.^ who wish to take them in cy.[J^ with the Standa»d, at greatlv rcduc^ij*^^- "^^^ American Agricuiluvist$TjRy.; Canadian Farmer 75c. ScieutLtic Amcrican'^^ ^^ ». ^^ ronto Weekly Globe $1.26. V^ehope to be able to give the price of Mail and Severn 1 others next week. The aboT* prices i^e only adhered to when the pavers are taken ia connection with thk.ST*JIDAKD. TiiTE, it is said, proves everything, and among other things it has proved the value of Dr. J. C. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a standard remedy for digpases of the throat and lungs. Thu is a hoasbhold medicine with thona- anda of people, and deservedly so, for it has been in use more than for^ years, and all who use it know thai it sccomplit-hes even mor« than ia claim- *d for it. Nearly every eommimify poEaesses evidences of its great oontiT* power, in persona who hAve be«n ear- by it of various throat and' \vi% Mmdc ©f O. W. A. 8fMn. ,„ that tbeyw«n»b(mt40p«tiQt tp^ oar midrt, teadeivl thnttA «n^H* OMoteijr mpper «t We^eidar Wta- M« •» tba Wrm How. mhm* a goodljr Bombar aat down to amptaoiM. ly qm^ tehk. in whi^ miiM bort Sfroal*dybiiMdfnoyMndit. W* have no time tluavMk to â- â€¢â-¼ tethv than that a tmj y l easa n t errniinf waa paaaed wa will give a foil raport naxl waek. Or bmBsar to FAaHasB.~-A aaaa of apeeUl iatereat al tha DiriauMi Coort, Beaverton waa ona known aa "the -wild oaU aaaa." A fimnar named Gaagbn, from Mara, porehaa- ed aeed bsrleyffrom a oaighbor namad Courtney, who represented his barler clean and free from fool seed, and in avaiy respect saitahls for sead. How ever wh«^ the barley was eat it ton ed ont, as was proven in Covrt, that the barley contained a qaanti^ of what is known as wild oats and that Ouartney, the defendant in the ease, was aware of the ftict pravions to his disposing of it to Gsugfan. His Honor g»ve full damages, $60 tlie amount ciaiinod b Gaaghn, and eoirta, and wairecJ farmers that if they sold a certain i:ind of grain and afterwards it tarueJ out to be some otiierkind or not waa represented, they were hiJ le tcr 'ismages. There is talk of Some more "wUd oats" cases for next court. Bbtteb TufEB. â€" The pe.'iod of de- pression, if not over, is fast passing away, and signs of awakening prospe- rity are on every hand. The great increase iu the revenue, for the last three months, is the best proof of revival of commerce, the increase in bank circulation and discounts, dur- ing tbe last month, is not less strik- ing. The railways are doing a greatly increased business, aud the revenue of some of them, notably the Grand Trulik, shows a very large augmenta- tion. Sharing in the prosperity of the railwavs, the express companies are busier than at any previous time. The lumber trade is active and heal- thy, and probably more lumber will be got out this winter thau ever be- fore. Domestic manufactures are thriving, and as a consequence new ventures are being everv day engaijed in. There m oue deplorable exception to tins renewed activity. Our ship- builduig interest continues depressed; and for it there i?, iu any case, only a moderate revivid possible, liauk ruptcies have falleato one-tliid what they were a year aso, aud uuits for the recovery of debts are lean frequent. â€" Muiietari/ Timet. PRICKVILLE. From a Correspondent. Sudden Death â€" Mr.Charles Hales ho lived about five miles from here, OQ the Old Durham Koad, went out on Sunday morning; lost to attend ito his cattle, almost immediately after his leavirg the house, some members of the family were alarmed by his shout- ing. They hastened to him, and found bim helpless on the ground; Ue was.ateuce ca'-ried into the house and a messenger dispatched for medi- cal aid, but it was of uo avail, aa deatb pnt an end to his existence about fif- teen minutes after he wab taken ill. â€" Ic was the opmiou of Dr. Bennett, who arrived some time after deatb, that Mr. Uales died 'from appoplexy. He was over GO jears of ago, but atrong.aud hearty â€" thirty years being spent in the neigh borliood. He was very highly respected by all who had thu pleasure of his acquaintance. He leavts a large .and iutelligwut family' to bitt«'rly mourn his sudden demise. Mr. Tuck, late of the Farmers' luu, has removed into the new brick hotel erected by Alexander Brown, Esq. The premises arc commodious and C')uveiiiej»t y arranged. We predict for tbe genial host a s'lcoessful busi- ness career. We f'^v.-l Kratolul tliat we have not the grounds lor complaint that some f yi'iii lorvtsjioudcuts have. Our sulewaiKS and crossings are so com- )ilctu, that the iunoceut mud aud or- dinary pedestrian know little of each other. Selling Oir. Selling Off. GKEAT Clearing Out Sale! DIED. In Markdale, on tbe I8th inst., Archibald, son of George Noble aged 1 year, H months. INTO thepT«miseiof the undersigned. Lot 11, Con. 15, Township of Glenel,;. on the 20th October, two yrarling Heifers, on* spotcd red aud white, one dark red with top off one born. The owner is reqaested to prove property, pay expenses and take th«m ava B. E. ENGLISH. Gienalg, Nov, 19, 18S0. 11 3i Wm. Lucas k Co., BANKER, MAHKDALE. t3-Drnrts i.isn-,1 „nd Oollrelious m»d« on all paijiti, at lo»cat ratc«. loiiey Loaned IN Inrge or small amoonts, ai all tiaaM, on good endorsed notes, er on coUateMtl security. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. TTSI, LUCAS A Co. September. 1880. «-y in» n«w jt#a«Hi||v w-w^*â€" â€" w luul Duenifleattoai to be sem at the home of O. BINiaB, T. DAVIS, Glaaelg, Nov. S, IMO. mtwaiX |l»»yti«m»ii»»» m,ffATCiEMinpmcu^ Cue BiAMa. Batter Coolen, ChrdBMiinn, ZmUmf Oompaitloaa, erMU.Oopa, HwUb Bfagt, XMkato.Bali«i, Aa^T I ^^^^^ American key sua sitai «M«a, ft«« fC np. Tha ntlshuM TT ~1|-wsi aai xa-aB. â- i^ RAl TMirtfo Is ia awiâ€" lior l^alihâ€" Is aw i H «iDa««Mkt*«lMiale «4a(« a M«7 aML« Wis Ma* to gaMMi i1ia*--lSi*i^55i*^^^^' SMla. l4Mhal«. Km, « «_ "^ND, WEOOINQ, AND QEA* RIM8. â- v Oaais Iwva an baaa pmAaaad ft* NaSt Caak, and wa W aoMat Battn.. p,*-.^ LUMBER AND SAWING. oâ€" The mbaerilMr kaga to intimate that ha has fais Saw Mill at Little Falls OaLatliSinSnIBaageN.E., Tonmto and Sydwluwi Boad. Artamsda. ia faB eava. tioa. aad ia preparyd to faraiah LUMBER, UTHS, ETC., ETC., TO ORDER. CUST01i^^A"WING By the thonsand or an Sharaa. Parti.* deUrering Logs can have their lumber for retora loads. The aawer at the MiU can arrange for sawing ALL BXNDS OF SAW LOGS PUBCHASED. Flesh ertOTi station, Not. «. 1880. i ••"^» "'^^/jj Buggies and Waggons OF AOi KINDS, SOLD BY W. L. MARSHALL, Dundalk. Dnndalk, Not. 11, 1880. MABKDALE. WM. FOX, nail t Ornasnenial Plasterer Estimates for stone and brickwork n sp- plication. Satisfictin- (inmcteed. Rosi- deaoe â€" Queer Street, Miirkdalc. MaAdale. S-«pt. 17. 1S80. J.y aiUNT CHELLEW will offer for the :XEXT 0 U.'vYS I -Bargains unpreeedunted ill the County of Giey. SIDEBOARDS, BURK.\US, CUPUOARDS. WASHHT.VXnS, oycn .lud enclosed, BKADSl'KAOS, SPUING bEUS, MAXTRASSES, CRADLES, CENTRE TABLES, EXTENSION TABLES, Fall-Leaf Tables, aud Chairs of every va- iety t be SOLD AT COST â€" o â€" Pictures and Picture Framing! in all its branches. ITpholatering and Repairing promptly atteuded to. t^ Produce and Dry Lumbtr taken at market price. GRANT CHELLEW. ITarkdale, Sept., I88o. 1 9-Sw A Choice Farm of iSO Acres FOR SALE, One Hi;V« from the ViUage of Ma^!'daU. Tbeie are a1out ICO Acres cleared, the a.'xt of which is in a hiRh state of eultivatlon iin^ fit for a Reaper or Mower to work on. There are on the prcniists a Fratne Ron;e bricKed inside; a Milk Hons«-brickelin*ide; a Frame Stable and Driving Honse, ami Log Bam a Young Orchard commencing to hear a good Well, bcbl]e the house a never-failing Stream rnns across tlio farm Cedar s'lflici- eut (or fencing, balance of bush hardwood, (a First-class Mr pie Sugar Bush of some 400 trees). The farm is well fcncel, in a good state of repair, and in a choice kxxlity, be- ing within a mile of good market, chnrebes, school bouses, aud all neoeasary couTeni encea. C. W. BUTLEDGB, Proprietor. Marie I.«af Famt. Zfarkdale P.O. Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjenf s. The e«b«eriher returns thanks to Um in- habitants of MARKDAIiB and Tieinity for their liberal patronage -Inr- ing the past fire years, and begs to reao'l them that he is prepared to supply tbtiri wants in his line as '1 ....ui 111 »m 7 .-. i-«|i'l. 7-*ft i l! r "J arJ .T f, t 9; ' oca t -i Inf. ^! .â-  j'aod idTjO XO 'THKl i ilui "3 DRY 0€K08 in a)l i£^1ii^ ORDCRCD CLOTMtllG^q«(^atiif. .HA*^8 and CAWi, n«w and styHsh BOOTS and SIIOES, Cooper SiAith'f celebrated make that has stood the test against all comers in all styles and newness. CLAS8WARE and 0ROOKERY^i»tem. GROCERIES, cheat) and fresh. V Keep your Eye on the Place! ' WHEN YOU VISIT HABKDALE. Doi^Uu' Brick Block Opposite the Drug Stort. BurrrTExi a, -rjlis. 8«]tamW Slat. 1880. In tlie Conn iya.t cFARLAND' ii:l«aH «^. si Tiie Idlowuii^b It liiE^«rpricciiS of a. m *( \h»ig^aj^j!^^' ing lines ofiered, -•"â- â€¢' " -vr. .-.\. IMa^X«wAsnts«d4» «a MaB'saadariOii^ia^Pikt^Ws.SOa da « OvMsOitOaek) fie 4a «.:;,•. " h««»y l^»s.«" â- " *f WiBtarf^iUe da (^'..n.; Uidtea' aU w..ol shawls. 11.23 a iMUM'Ooa^Ma do â-  Bentitai paMamed 4i«8 (tojda Ma do BaMititalLastiM, »• do FMtoir CoMoo, 7e â-  » -r M Ladioa- For CvB f 1-76 do ^ib*«M's Vi»Oar"«a f-- It Man's lag^ Boots, ttJM do Hen's seamier whula sto^k Boots M.C5 dA Uqya loag BoQla, 91.9S do Waman's strong sltoai, |L 10, du Obildren's atroag s hoeai C e dm Tacather witk »fiiU stock td Fitst-CIaaa Oroeeriaa. Taas, 8 igmw, atio'ee Brands of ToMo. •OS, Soar*, SyniKS, Viaagar, Dried Apalea. Buiaet its. Confectionery. pisM.u( all kia4a. Pataat Ifedielnas, Castor Oil. Caatorina, Ifaohina Oils, i;oal Oil. Al^o Hst-ifwara. 8|- •• i Table Knivao, Naita, Sarawa. fHiw«. hUebaa, *o., and • foil stoak of alltba k*Mnt U.4tt ia Dry Qooaa,UilIiB«n, Furs of aUkiadf,aBdaU other (tooOasaehaa ate kartiaalUJt Glass Oaoaal Stat*. Si Farm Produce taken as oash. A call is solicited and you wiU be convinced that this is the place to get good value fof your money. Highgest Cash Price paid for all kinks of Graifl.Porit, c. QEDBGE NIXON. a? any one north of Toronto. Fre^ ad Conei Meats deliTered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY alwavs kept in their Season. Special inducements to large Purchasers IS" Shop on Mill sreett, opposite the " Revere Hotel." 7 iS-Cash paid forJFat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking yon for past favor* ha trusts by faithful attention to your wanto to merit a continuance of your support. W. B. SARJEANT. Markdak. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 Stoves! Stoves! Stoves. At the NewTinshop MARKDALE. ALABOE ASSORTMENT to select from of the latest and most approved des- igns, including PARLOR, COOKINR AND BOX STOVES, extra heavy castings, with silver- plated trimmings, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If you want to have comfort the rest of your dsys, buy • stove from W. R. Walker, that will last you vonr lifetime, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. No pofKog hereâ€" the real "iimon Pure." TINWAEE UtBOB STOCK ALWAYS ON HAN». ALL Kins ow Tin Sl Copperwork made to order on the shartest notiee. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. THE Undersigned wiO be at Lat «, Sad " """" TH.^^" "aMVMiai svw 8rd Coneeasion, N D. B.. Oleaalg. on EAVETMUSHNM A SfECIAUTY. g Wnriiy.lfa t^gO IgO, at a o'dockp^m^, gj„^ Ovens li«ed,HMrf-Iro».8ilTor.PUted. forthepmroeoef Wtog contract af bmld- l^Zn^Tw^^: Store Mirfi; Dome lag Now Bridge •«« 8«ige.jn Biv«. Plans •« very low pr. _. „ „ at very Lartd, tlM low pn Challei irieee; Store Mish; Dome M., ,.,._ leiige, the Biaiiig 8«», Coia Oil JOB WOM: partieulai ly sMoadod to. To« eoa sbito vaaomj Iw «»'*^"f» '?~ befSM pardiasing *r^*?V. **" T^fj mdea, Sbeap Prfts. WooI-pieWags takoa in aMhaofo. IS'Bemomber the flaao, nest Q^ "^i-fcdalo Hooae." W. R. WALKER. M«Mala Seyt. 17. !«»• LS- J. â- . Ww a rr LICBNSKO AUCnOMSBB FOB THB Cooaiy of Orcy. »3- LOAN ND LkND AGENT, Monay to loan at loaaat latas a( iatSBa^^ •ams to suit ho tiows Aasai for Vmtmmr Loan aad Saving Oo. AU baaiasos ssaMsis strioOy friaata, aod trea|p*as saah. BUOKKIA.0b ' A.^a4liMn i fa il fynh -ai oiiu'u Legacies! Penaiona Bounties I aBT0 the obove O^oom -Iggjf aomaaanieato wila A,^ â- VHTBB, 'ISO P.jO.,0aaa^Of«y. Money Lost! By those who buy stoves before going to J.'(1ARDINEK'S Dundalk. f Beat and Cheapeat atocic • STOVES and TINWARE North of Toronto. 6 China TEA Store General dealer in QROGERIES PROVISIONS, Next to Haakett's Hardware Storew Keeps eonstaatly on hand evwyth'ag asnal to tneh an establishment. He won\d draw speaal attenOon to his Teas, Tobaccos sugars, Which lot qnaMty and Lowaess of Price CANNOT BEJURPAS8ED. As puffing is no part of my deaire, 1 merely aak intending purchasers to give me • eall sod be eonvineed tbot I MEAN BUSINESS, lan wax, SeU Lower than tiu Lowest, M I have iwtai«»d for e«h. sad harjbad a I«d diaeJSrt rilowad, I »in in a i)osto«» *• Wr^ '"""TTl ^y^ the beaeftt ol ^y let mr '"m^l.te tboplaeo, nasi toEssksM Ibikttla/'OatlT.lMA ^tt See his S5.00 Overcoats. See his $10 Ulsters. r See his $12 Suit. See his 816*dre8s suit. 500 pairs of Boots To choose from â€" Men, Women and Children's. Get your AXES ** McFAax.AXD's. Tho8c-$2,50 MANTLES »eii»? f^B^- ^^«^ DRESS lOODS At McFarland's. New FLANNELS ^^ McFarlaud's. New SHAWLS at^ McFarland's. New BONNETS "^^^ HATS »* McFar- laud's. New TWEEDS At MoFarland's. New CARPETS ^^ MsFar- land'a. New Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Laces, Flowers and Feathers. Frieea aewer urere loiver or ralne better. A coaspartoea •«Uclted. W. J. McFARLAND, IiI?ORTER. Markdalw. BOOTS and SHOES! 'oie TiaiE! zLv^ix-T-iioa^. A NOVELTY in these Goods! TIm taissirictlblo Riveted and Cofflonfed sad Wslsr preef Sesnis Oall and Examine Stock and Prices X before ptifthasing "slop" goods elsewhere. :â-º o •"';â-  u, i W FULL LINES IN •' • Groceries, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GlotlilDg, (Ready-made,) Crockery and Glassware I it • â- -•. '• ""' •â-  â€" AT THSâ€" " ' â-  •* o? o s 6 rtr to 'sc 6 -cr s e,- ' j*)( ..'Jt .ij fva iCARKDALB^ bmtclalli, Ktff it, 18^. 11 4i H. R. HOOPER RESPECTFULLY inv'te every Man nnd Woman in tl.- oountty to Tisit th(ir Factory and Warerooms and inspect their stock of furniture, manufactnrail during the saai mar, for fall trade. Onr stock is now the largest and most eompleta T*t hold by a^, aod we have beaa suacessful ia introdneing a great maivy NEW AND TASTY DESIGNS f ' ' v-d -)lNf- BED-EOOM SETS, COUCHES; SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT RACKS, HALL TABLES, ttc.y Ice.; C. 'A 'd'l' â-  -^ " • •â- . • â- -/ ' • WR ARE MAKING A SPECIALTT IN New Styles of WOOD SEAT OHAIRS f CHEAP AUD DURABLE. -o- OUR UNDERTAKING DEPAIITM X'l Folly uppliad with COFFINS, SHUOVDK. Av, and jrcu.4 z,i suavic on in. -..n" ulioitent n^.ii*-.-. .».t,L K1N!'S or Fancy Turning, Scroll WorIc, Fense Fckcts h f^o^'Niigs jniade to order. Also SASH, POOKS, I'LAXlXii, is., -â-  •; :Pif'..i-; .r--' â-  "' With o r prosont eipwrience wc feel justified in askine n cntifiiinnm-f of tlio i-Ktrnna so liberally bestowed on us in the pa^it. prices will be luiiud ns low ;i« a-i\ nnd mueli'so ss is comiistant with good work and finish. If ounrc in iipcd ot srythii'i; in our. Use wo feel confident we can suit you in quantity nnd nialily to sek-ct fi:ni aiul alo »' tonns. II. ^fc ir. iioi»i:«, •' " 1 iV:"' â- â- â€¢^-â- " Fluslietlon Rt«Mu I'uriiituif Kartorv and I'Unina Mill- Removed Hexxioved. HILL BROTHERS, Would intimate to their numerous friends and the public generally, that they have removed to their ncvr premises, and will be pleased to receive a call from our maiiv friends and customers. Call and see us. Wc will give vou Bar- gains. WE MEAN BUSINESS. :^r: I'j l4W4i.««ti'^ai^V f l: r *.t-i,u.,j4 8 ;oi»'";e t» J4 fOJJ«l ' ji ,ini I n â- â€¢ '.^ ,;')o(! a ' s|^i5 aU ai 'Oa^TJ '^d'laii^tA ' -.T-.iSit.*! I .1 S- •if.t.SEE OUR X- 'â- ' Cheap Dress G-oods, v • • Lustres, A' â- ' N(^p Wincies, ,, • ' ' â-  â- Â». "" • Laces^ • AndFringes. Gents, sae our CLOTHING. They ai?e Stylish, Good CHEAP. ' ;| feEE OUR TWEEDS i You will find them right in Price and QuaJity. Boots and Shoes a Specialty. â-  :?. â-  I isi â-  Call and get a sample of our Splendid TEAS. G-entleinen we have a splendid SMOKINe TOBACCO, at 40c per lb. Try it. We ftgaiii give a gempral invitation to inspect ouf Stock. Have not time to write long adVertieenieBts. Don't believe in them. Would rather have the Goods speak f.r them- selves, -i." .S' Thfanldng you lor past; tevbrs,' arid tni^t to h*vo a doritin' uance of the same. HILLBBOS. Msfrktiale, Nov. 4, 1880/ ^-/Jf :{.•â-  1 '/•fftHiW f t.ilt Ml'" r.a :;â- ' .-•« ,•• i v' II. •'• r.. •|t II r

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