Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Nov 1880, p. 1

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 'I. It r ' \\ i iii THE STANDA-D. Friday. Nov. 26th, 1830. ISOTtCE, K... 39 THR Cftruulft Advertning igener, Kiug Street West, Toronto, W. W. BUTCHEB, Maiuif«r, Ij wttborise-i to receive alvertu«iiMnts for Uiis p«(fer. 10 ADVERTISERS. We liave decided to priut a inp- |)leiupiit 111 connection with ths Stakd- ABD a week before tbe Uohdayi, as tLere is an extra atnonnt of advertis- ing done at tiiat aowson of the year, and we do not want to decrease the reading matter, we will give those wUo wish extra Bpace, liberal terms, by means oi a half «beet supplement, parties wishing to take advantage of tlie nnangement will please let us kuow ID good time. Althmoh the Reeve of Artemesia informed us s-^me ihme or four weeks a^i t'lat he had no intention of "fight- ing,' an Pditor in his awn paper," it will be seen that he still keeps peggiag •way nt us. We tbouglit at the time, *cll knowing the Reeve was suffering from a disease known by the name of carofthi) tcrib*ndi that be was on- ly too l;ai)py of getticgtheopportnnity ' to show Ills admirers how easily he could TanquisU an Editor, even in " hib r.wn piii'tr." and the result as proved that we were no false prophet. We entered into this discussion in R friendly spirit we have giyen the Reeve every opportunity to air bis views, and have taken as much piins with his communications as we have doud with our own articles, and all the thanks we have received is abase, baeC insinuations as to our motives for advocating the granting a bonus, and told we have not safficieut brains to write onr own editorials, but have to employ an Editor especially to write down the invincible Reeve of Arteme- sia. If he were u gentleman, be would have taken our word when we a£!iured him we wrote our own articles and havo 1ft the matter drop, and confined himself to the subsect in dis- cnsfiion, but that is not the Reeva's style. The truth of the matter i i, he lias no arguments to offer, but falls bade en his usual stock in trade â€" at tributiiig di.shoncst a'ld interested mo- tireH to any and all who are unable to ree through the same pair of specta- cles that ho dues, and holding Dr. Ohristoc up to view as the only intel- lig^nt and upright aan m tLe Town- 1 ship. I th« boilding of Um raildroai, I WM not only plc***d bat delisted wban it waa firat introdoMd. Let it be re- membered that at that time there waa DO ataDdard gaofa, thare waa a hcead faage, bot that proved too broad. â€" 'be eitiscDi of Torocto, with their money and iofluMce, introduced the aarrow giuge tt^piigb this part of the country. Well, sir, tbe OMapany were very â- eeomiiiodating the road has answered a good purpen, and we have been well repaid for the assist- ance we have rendered it. From my own experience, and the experience of others, we now realize two dollars where formerly, before the road waa boiitr we only realized one dollar. â€" Now the farmers of Artemeaia can find a very good market and dispose of their lambs, sheep, cattle, batter, and other products of the farm at good prices, in cash, along the line of rail- road, viz: at Markdale, Flesliertou and Dundalk, and then return to the improvement of their farms, hence, one man cn now do myre work with his team, ani proper tools to work with, than two men with their teams could accomplish in the days when we were without a railroad. I have heard from the months oi Township officials that the road has brought no increas- ed prosperity to Artemesia. Well, sir, as a farmer, I would ask where all the luxuries, style, fine waggons, bug- gies, brick houses, and other large buildings and improvements came from. I am willing to give half of the credit to the peoples indastr^- bnt the other half must undoubtedly be attributed to the advantages arrising from the railroad. Fearing I am trcspassiug too much ou your space, I will conclude, but may again refer to the subject at a future time. I remain yours. A. Fabmeb. Artemesia, Nov. 22, I860. T. G. k B. R. R. Tu the Editor of the Standabd. Sib, â€" I notice that I fail to convince TOO, notwithstanding, S3 logical a de- duction â€" you say "I stick to it that yon advised the p«t itiouers to rememb- er the council for evil." Most certain- ly I do. I did not think it necessary to anylise every point, but like your sentcne. "The 15C influential rate- payers who signed the petition will cwtainly soon not forget the insult." This was penned angrily and in common parlance, means, retaliation, opportunity to revenge the insult. Now, "not sx)n to forget" is to re mtmbtr, bat not for good yoa see bene thee logical conclusion was to "remember for evil." But I am not surprised that you fail to be convinced â€" your heart w as better than your head. In my remarks I was not trying to convince your â€" the ratepayers are convinced. You say, I am "barking up the wrong tree." Well perhaps But I have not lived in Canada forty years, without knowing when a eoon is treed. You say, our patronage amounts only to eight dollars â€" pray how long have you been born Sure- ly before a comment of that descrip- tion, you could have afiforded to wait until the printing season came around. The Reeve accuses us of glaring â-  The council's maxim has boon to sup- I port home industry, but you sir, can I scarcely expect it at our hands, if at every turn of the crank, ^u use your columns to, unfairly criticise our actions. You say Artemesia and Holland are "not parallell cases. Perhaps not. Wo could have obtain mistatemcnts in regard Messrs. How land t Co.'s letter, and here again C'liio^ 111 the old plea â€" interested mo- tivis. We prosutne the ilessrs. II. know th^irowiibiisiuessbctturthan the Reeve of Artt-uaesia, and their repata tion, as bu.iuess men. stands too high f^'t P«H*»o° o^ *«0, including nearly ' half of the celebrated 160 if deemed to permit thorn to endanger it by stofpiiig to such contemptible tricks as the doctor insinuates. Ue states that only about 100 of the names attached to the petition Were entitled to bo there. No one knows better than the Reeve that this is a downright falsification of the re- cords. We say emi)hatically, with the exception of about a dozen, they are all jroperty owners and fully en- titled to vote. We afrk, what can be said of a man who, for the sake of makiug a point, will made such a â- tatement, knowing it to be untrue The fact of the matter is, the Reeve is moved by a bitter hatred towards Markdale and ths Railroad Company, and every line that he has written since this discussion commenced shows this plainly, and it is evident hs will leave ;no stone unturned to thwart them by every means in his power, even if he has to sacrifice the best in- tcstd of the Township. With an op- ponent of this kind there is neither honor or profit in discussing any sub- ject, and we must decline carrying it on any further. The Reeve tries to be exceedingly ftinny towards the latter part of his letter. We wonder the mighty effort did not unhing his brain. We would kind'y recommed the Doctor to keep his paregoric, as wethiukhe will need all he has. That eoon hunt saems to have affected bis stomach, and be ap- pears to be suffering from tcindg colic, and wo have been told that paregotic is good for such troubles. The Reeve asks, "how ma*iy iivail the opportunity of through freight " Few, we admit. But why is it so Simply because they have to break bulk at Toronto. When we take into consideration the cost of traushiping, loss of time, and loss in weii(ht caus- ed by again handling the grain, is it not a wonder we have any, or that onr heaviest buyers fight shy of the Marrow Gaage and go where they can by to better advantage. Should the joad be widened to the standard jg'.nge through freight men will come *moog as, there will be gieater com- pettiion, and higher prices will natu- caUy prevail. KoTics. â€" W* «rUh it iliiincUy andaratood, 4iat we do not hoU onrselrss rspontible for the cwiiuoDi «^press«d hj oar eorrespoadaDts. A FARMERS OPINION. To the Editor of the 9ta!I»au. Sw. â€" As a farmer and au old resi- dent of this Township, I have tried to mnid mf o'Wn busiues-i, while at the saiue time taking » deep intereat iu the T )w:isiiips'!4 welfare. Kaowin^ trum bittor experience ths ii.sadvan- tkges, slavery, waar aaJ tear, we la- bored ualji- ia t.kiig our pro.la3e iMUg disk(n2:3 t) luir^et previous to necessary, to support us iu our action. But we rested on the word of the So- licitor, that .nr by-law was not to be submitted until the scheme were test- ed elsewhere. I know of no petition in circulationâ€" it seems there was notwithstanding. You say, that a "corporals guard could not be found in Clenelg to opj)ose a bonus." This is most glaring mis-statement â€" in the face of the necessity to divide the Township to carry a bonus at all. You publish, a letter purporting to have been written by Rowland Co., and made calculations thereon most flattermg to somebody if true. A thouifbtful person, will ask why does it appear just now f And for what intent Is it not a ruse A fiction Now sir, the last campaign is not so distant but people will remember, that two eentt per bushel was the out- side of difference claimed. Those who had to tranship â€" our own merchants should be the nest authority on such a question. It was stated, that this company had no accommodation in Toronto. But by a notice in the Mail a few weeks since the Co. have made arrangements, second to none in To- ronto. So that it stands oh a par, with other roads and therefore four cents on the bushel, is simply not so. This was a business letter be it re- membered, and carries the principal of the «ood book. It is naught It is naught! Sags the biiger. Supposing it to be true. Two things remain to be answered. How many avail the op- portunity of through freight? And who would pocket the profits This letter bears its own reputation. Those gentleman named are honerable men, but circumstances alter cases in elec- tion times. Oncn more, those peti- tions of 160 names analysed are nearly as maybe, like the followingâ€" sifter making necessary deductions, there remain abeut 100 names â€" 70 of which are residents of Markdale Ward â€" only 3 in Eugenia Ward I And the balance are distributed among the other two These facts speak for them selvesâ€" the people are strongly op- posed to a bonus â€" and it is no use to get angry about it â€" and equally nse- less for the company to waste their money in testing. Until other prints are raised I have now done. And now sir, if torrov, has got hold of you, over my waywardness on this ques- tion and the fountain oi tears are broken up â€" I would be oblivous to my usual sympathetic nature, if I did not try to mellify the stricken â€" therefore friend Editor â€" don't despair â€" there's lots of Paregoric in Flesherton. Final- ly I call your attention to errors in my article of last week, for instance you male me say that the ex-deptity "did object" â€" 1 intended to say "he did not object" unit. I suppose errors in orthography, most' pass, to corres- poudents of my color â€" of conrse an occasional error is always admissible. Yours, Db. Ohbibtob. T* the Sditor el tbs StAasASD. S^a, â€" I may a»-weU confess at once thatj so far as personal abuse is eon- semed I cannot bold a candle Ut Dr. Christoe. Instead of priddng at me, why did'ot he prick at t^ reMons advanced My first article contaiaed no personal a(t«ek*beyond what the legitimate discnavNti of the qneatian Let joar ttmim plaae my httwid bia P. 8. ade by wte, and I faa«||iao fear of the Twrdwet. In bia iMtwwka bttw tb« Quetor tdla M abeMliiid littl* fabKbat 9»m, on his ova sbowiog, it ia mij • fable That the Doctor ia u tmtkaa»f w fablea, is udoabted. Bi| own bttecB prov* it. The anfovaded iasinii thevaio oootaioed maoifeil very dear- ly the low conception he entertains of other mens action, and one can hard ly help thinking, that the person who so raAlyadjcges low motivea eannet himself be gaided by a very high standard of action. A Bian who stoops to snch a method of personal vitoperation miut feet hunaeif prrtty well eomered, and for my part I «an quite afford to let the Doctor have all the credit accruing from such a mode of reasoning. Long before I ever saw Dr. Chritsoe I have dicussed public questions with men who were gentle- men, and of a mental and moral caUbre far different from onr Reeve but I have never hitherto had an ap- ponent so small as to subject himself to the humiliation of febrieating base- less motives, or impugning my argu- ments by personal invective. I am,an interested party. We ought all to be deeply interested parties. My indi- vidual opinion is nothing in itself. I would be the last to lay any stress upon it, simply as such but in so far as it is correct let it be considered, my motives are perfectly clean and satisfactory to myself, and if they are not so to others, no iimouut of self assertion on my part would maks them BO. I leave them to be constni- ed by your readers as they may feel inclined, knowing well that those who know me will credit my motives with being what they really are. In the meantime let us narrow this down to its prci)er dimensions, and look at it iu a reasonable light. All admit that the standard gauge is the thing wanted. We paid our share for the narrow gauge and it will not be deni- ed by fair minded men, that the in- vestment has paid tliis section well. That it has not paid the shareholders or bond holders is a well known fact. These, men came formard to us sir months ago, asking our assistance to put the road in good shape. They said in effect â€" "we are neither able nor willing to do it all ourselves, but if you will do a part so will we." The majority refused to assist; but express ed a very general desire for the road to go into the hands of the Grand Trunk or some strong company. The request is now as:ain made for assist- ance the read to go into the hands of tne Grand Trunk Company on lease. Shoald this request also be re- fused, one of two things is likely to happen either the scheme of widen- ing and leasing the road be dropped, and the present road [patched up, or, if assistance be sufficiently rendered by other localities, then the scheme, as now proposed, may be carried through, and our section probably dis- criminated against in the matter of tariffs. Not long since I was convers- ing with a Dundalk gentleman and he made the remark, that the folks in Dundalk would like nothing better than that Artemesia should again re- fuse the bonus. I mention this in a friendly way to our Flesherton neigh- bours, liel them ponder it a httle and they will see there is something in it, specially as applied to their viU- age. I know well, that on some oc- casions in the summer season the T. G. B. Company have run grain from Owen Sound at smaller rates than they have ever donefrom this quarter; but that does not prove that they are able to do so in the same proportion from this and every other section. It only proves that the Company having their cars on the road and not being fully occupied at that season, they will rather earn something than noth- ing. .Where is the railroad that don't de such thing Look at all the great trunk lines that lower thsir rates as navigation opens and raised them when water communication closes. I do not at all soek to justify this state of matters but we must take such things as they are, and make the best of them for if we wait for a railroad company that will make a uniform equalised rate in proportion to mile- age in all circumstances, then will we wait for what has never yet exhi^ed- In short I look at the whole thing from two simple stand points. Ist whether, in common justice, we are called upon to help those men who run the road out of tlieir diffiiculties 7 For reasons previously given and which need not again be dwelt upon I unhesitatingly say that, taking all the circumstances into account, we are, as honest men, bound to do so. 2nd will it pay us to help them Without doubt it will. In helping them we are effectively helping ourselves, and whatever the feeling toward the som- p.iuy may be, it would not be the act of reasonable men to keep ourselves in difficulties for the sake merely of continuing theirs. As an investment, the giving of this bonus will pay the township directly, and indirectly in numberless ways that need not all be again repeated. The money would be spent amongst onrselven, and our young men, instead ot having to flock away to the States in search cf work, would find it at home for one season at least. And then the almost im- mediate impetus that woald be given agricultural progress, and to things in general, would give to this section of Canada a standing not heretofore possessed. People of means would be attracted farms and village property would increase in value, and our community, as a whole, would make a step in advance to which the first laying down of the narrow gauge was but the stepping stone. Accepting thanks, sir, for allowing me thus far to ventilate a few thonghts at this crises of our township welfare. Yours truly, Bobbbt Robbbtson. Flesherton k Priceville station. Not. 2and, 1880. mfi JfiK tti «Mt«(tlMM^Inuik. ^o batter »oo«U fomtm happen to the peo- â- rred («r miMnmd) ly dia Rar- fov Oaofa th|» #• i^re it vmm into fta aontroi dlM^im^g raflway in t^DooriaioB. I|#Wtoar bnainess ta aiMsathe piMio^ of the bonnses to ba aakadfor; atiitih eonaideratiom iM||it rather ptaMi •»% wiah that tlgs might .1 â- Jiiaa ffiji^ are; we simply state what under ovtain cir- cnmstanees we wairtd ^, and we let onr opinion thoa giyen go for what it ia worth. Pabtibb who have tuissed aay eitttle or sheep shonld look c^refnUy om the oolnmns of the STAHOAan. Qoita a nnmber are adyeriaad this week STRA"^Er Its the conMeaee •( tke paUie. Ittessci- piM and cmatire vir- •neb power as to iasoiw CAME to the pramiass of the endsnigB- ed Lot 3, Con. 13, Vwii8)up of Glenelg, •boat the IhI October, three head of yesr- kngt, one Steei red and white, one Ueifer red aud white, and oae Heifer white. Tha owner it requeated to prove propvty, pay ciiargee and take them a« ay. ROBEUT WATEBSON. Olenelg, Nov. 30, 1880. U-ii Apprentice Wanted. WAMTEO. a Boy to learn the Black- â- mithin t. He moat be a good active boy. Apply to' B.HOWELL, Kimberly P. 0., Out. Kimberly, Nov. 35, ]tMO. 11 -2i TNE BEST PAPER I TRY ITl BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 36th YEAE. it- 9, 'V A DISINTEEESTED OPINION. We clip the following from the Meaford Itomtor. Coming as it does from an outsider, and one interested in a riTal railroad, it ahonid carry conTiotion with it. The campaign for the bonuses ro- qnired to widen the gange of the T., G. A B. Railway, under the agreement with the Grand Trunk Company. There is, of oourae, going to be some opposition to the by-laws, bnt we really cannot see why there should b* any. The people along the line of the road will make a grave mistake if they allow the praeent opportonity to sUp by them unimproved. Did we live along the line of the Narrow Oaoge we woold oae eyery exertian to fat tha road changed to the staodud gange, and placed under the jaanaga- r, ---i----^-- â€" -»p,„...a. Single oiji|ies, lite. SulJ b; all Newnleal- ers. tteuiit by postal order, to MUNN CO.. l'ublilit'rs, il I'ark Row, New York. 13 'I^LPXT'l^C! 1" connee- IXLlM X O. tiou with the Scicutilic Aiiirrican, Messrs. Munn Co. are tiulicitors of .\raerican and For- eign I'atents, hare had '65 years experience, aud have the largest estabiisiuueut in the wurld. Tareuts are obtained ou the best term^. A special notice is made in the Scicntiflc Amrrican of all inrentious Datviitetl lbruu);h tlii.-^ Agency, with the name aud residence of the Patentee. By the immeusc circulation thug civ;-^, public atteutiou is directed to the merits of the new patent, and stiles or introduction often easily efieclad, Any person who has made a new discove- ry or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a pcteiit can probably be obtained by writing to Mu.nn Co, VTe also send free our Hand Hook about the I'atent Lima, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, ther costs, and how procured, with hints how to procure andvauees on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents, MUNN CO.. 37 Park Bow, New York, Branch Office cor. F aud 7th sts., Wash- ington D. C. TAILORING O. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailo.r, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depart- ment over MeFarland's store, wiches to inform the public of Markdale and sur- rounding country, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! CUTTING Done while Costomars are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES Always on hand to chose from. A Good Fit Guaranteed I-OW -ATâ€" *3" Remember the Place, Over MeFarland's Store. Markdale. Nov. 25,^ 1880. 11-tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYKN, that the Toronto.Grey and Bruce Railway Com- pany will apply to the Legislature of tha Province of Ontario, at its next session, for an Act to amend the several Acts relating to the said Company and for power to create a preference issnc of Bv-^nds or Debenture Stock to re-arrange their Bonded Debt to authorize them to enter into and complete an agreement with the Grand Trunk Railway Company of ;anada. or with any other Rail- way Ccmpany, for the working of their hue of Railway to confirm and dnclara valid all or any By-hiwf VoteJ upon, and to be voted upon, by the Raiepayert of any Municipali- ty, po'tiou vf a Township Municipahty, or Municipalities, granting aid to the Toronto, Grey an Bmca Railway Company, provided such By-laws have been carried by a majori- ty of the votes cast thereon ana for other purpoaes, W. SUTHERLAND TAYLOK. FecretarytTreaturer. Dated at Toronto thU 22nd day of Noyem- ber, 1880. iLgj John H. Heard, Manofaetnrer and dealer in Cotters, Sleighs,6nggies, "WAGGONS, CULTIVATORS, HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS. HABBOW8 AIVD A II kinds of Jarmtng Implements Manolaetnry and Depontery, Dozham and HiUitreefta. FLESHERTON. 1-T P*»»oKS.-Alwaya ahead of snv ia my trada. aad having the largest and moat aonvMMBt Factory in thia loeality, I am prapared to sell Caniag., aad Ii»pli,eourf erar, d-«vtro« ia tha bert atyCTiny 2 tha markrt, and at priee. wtlcimua^o- eofdiag to the quality of the waA. Harmg upwards of twenty ,,.ra' axiMti. «•. I am eonfident that pnrehaam wilTwt th^advMOiptia havinx th. vary beetniT wiO do wdl to give me a eaU, aa ibmue MM in tba market whieh win acnnua «^ !â- â- Â». tha T«B irOBK T*«avta* {be BranMB Ottee,, Hy^MMlM. Itatrikw attbeleaBdatioDof all nd npM rare*, and ia ^V««* •"P^^Ki^f tarrb, the e%ets ot At«i1 Caaaar Pac ToaAt are medical, and mnWrndea are aa- BoaUypNaeTTcd Irvm •e1«« "'ff^V J" Uataly and Mtbtal m*. It ahoald l» kept at kaad ia crvry hooaeketd for the pre- toetiea It aCeid* ia etiddeo attacka. la WheoBliig mm* end CoBawmpUoB tbereb no other remedy to •lllca;ioua, •ootUng, end belpfni. Low piicet ere indacementa to try eoiae of the meny mljcturea, or aynip*, meda ol cheep and inefreeUTO tngrwUeots, bow »m, which, â- â€¢ they cootela ao catedve qnaUtlee. can affonl only teraporaiy reliaf, end are nua to deceive ead diaappotnt the patieat. Diaeaaes of tha throat and luoRa demaad active and effective treatment; and it it da^ seroos experimenting with unknown ud cheap medicinea, from the greet liabilityUat thaae diaeaset may, whUe ao trifled wjth, become deeply aeated or incurable. Um Atbr's Chkrbt Pbctobai., and yon m^ confidently expect the beat reanlts. " » • standard medical preparation, of known and acknowIedKed curative power, and i» •• cheap aa its careful preparation and line ingredients wilVallow. Eminent phyiiclana, knowing iu composition, prescribe it in their practice. The tost tA half a century has proven its abeolute certainty to cure all pul- monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Piactlcal aad Analytical Chemlata, Lowell, Mas*. aOLS BT ALL SBb'SeiSTl EViBrwnac. HLY CATTLE FAIHf Tawday STRA^^EO. CAME into the enclosure of the subscriber Lot 72, Eiist Toronto aud Sydenham Road, Township of Holland, some time in September, one Ewe. The owner is request- ed to prove property, pay charges and take her away. "" Wm. JACKSON. Holland, Nov. 17, 188o. lo-3i' JTBir. Draytonâ€" DMorday befixn Ooelph. Slora â€" The y ViiM« Uaelpb. DooglMâ€" Uondfty befors £loi» Fair. Hamilton â€" Cyrstal Palace Groanda, the day after Onelph. Berlin-7rai Tbanjm each month. Bmmptim 'Firtt Thazaday in eaeh month. Liatowelâ€" first Friday iaeaok month. Fer^sâ€" Thnnday fcllowing Meant Forest. Bosemontâ€" Fifteenth of Febroaty, April, June, August, October and De- cember. Primrose â€" Wednesday preceding the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€" The Sod Thnrsday in eacli month. Fleshertiiaâ€" Monday before Orange- yill*.. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orangeyille. Shelburne â€" Wednesday I efer Orange- yiUe. Marshyilleâ€" Second Wednesday ia each month, Walkertonâ€" The last Wednesday in eanh month. Mildmay â€" Last Wednesday of each month. F CASH STOS olds So; the front with a complete stock of oods, Grocerii BOOTS AND SHOES. luiQW Gsm?, um, i Which for QUALITY and LOW PRICES cannot bt passed. Give us a call and try some of ou.- Tbe obe^peet in and8eeoar26oentl-«k«gee| ionery, e. Flesherton BU^f.B[^^TL: ted yesterday »n eveninf _^iit HaskettI Honee. louDwooD »• "P ^11 Burrcir. BrtN will conUnoe w ,w wiD be at the Rever -•- of receiving taxes. '"^MONs desiring a change in ad Sent will Pe«el'»'^J'^.»""l tbau noon on Wednesday s U you have lost, found, or wan lytLin.T annouuje have lost, found it throiigli th â- ^ '"" r^-hft Stasdvrd. It is til NEW SEASONED JAPAN TEA, 31b. ni^l^tzVXZT..... „, *â- . â-  ' "Sy^p'l^parei to fir...h ..y.Urs t â€" â€" o -« hungry in every style. Ou a TABT£ES delivering logs at the Steam JT Saw Mill, Mariidale, will please call aud leave their name8,and get a number to stamp on their Jogs, otherwif e the proprietor wiU not hold himself responaible for logs which maybe delivered. Lumber, after beini; sawed three days and not piled, the " Mill Proprietor" will proeeetl to pile oat of his way, and charge owner for time for doing so, and for space occupied. The Highest Price in Caeh Paid for liuttetnut. Cherry and Large Bireh. JAMES CHAPMAN, PBOPaicrea. Markdale, Nov. 18, IHSo. io-2i TI'iTO the premises of the nndersigiieil, on X the 15th inst., n Steer rising three years The owner is leqnested to prove property, pay charges and take him awav, SAMUEL MILLER. Markdale, Nov, 18, l88o. lo-Si INTO the premises of the sub^icribar. Lot 2o. Con. 12 township of Holland, in July, B red Steer, 2 yean old. The owner is req nested to piove property, pay ehargei and take him away, J. S. LYONS. HoUand, Not. J2, IMo. lo-«l' KT1*AYET I INTO the prcmifies of the subscriber. Lot 8, C«in. 14. towniliip of Glonolg, on or about the 1ft of September, a Ueifer, one year old, spotted red and white. Tha owner ii requested to prove property, pay ehargai and take her away. GEORGE LAMB. Glenel;. Nov. IS, 1880, lo-3i* New Furniture Store In ruiidall£. ;,!jtL.-.,%.V J. MONTGOMERY, ij A k: E Tl THE Subscnbcr in returning thank* to the inhabitants of Markdale and snr- ronading ooantry for their pntronage daring the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared ta supply the Public with FRUIT, POUND PLUM CAKES, • either plain, or Iced and Ornamented, and a large Variety of Other Cakes. always en hand. Also, OB I S C"C7 I I" of every diseription. from the best mana- facturers in Ontario. Also, a large and varied assortmeat of the CHOICEST CONFECTIONERYI BRIDES~CAKES! supplied on the short'st notice, and got np in the le«t style that be done this side of Toronto. Tea Mk%p Sieiab, PURE GOLPEN SYRUP ALWAYS ON HANDlL'ii^.it'^t is eiway. to th, for, 11 u r u â-  I ,^ ^' Please give us a call before purchasing rlsewh-*^; f Bb^i'V" "'"'• "•"•""'f "' BUTTER, POULTRY AND EGGS TAlgjiV l.\ j* Jm^. Dot-^k^ his ...w .avert.. ^^ot in tliL^-'-ok. As tlio*t;easoii fi '^C jutercliau;;;.* of jircseiils is a EEYNOriDS Sc SON CHANGE FOR GOODS. Markdale, Nov, ii, 1880. EDICAL HALL lacliitis. tli'iJ t f-ii' to pay l^ull '»• visij re thiak In c:.u supply yournced vEiiY busmesb man Mumld h.-ii t ' j^ uamo fttil addresa print- I on t â- elopi's li^ "S'^s. Call itt t!io Sii ,D ortijoaul VdU will be a-Miii • iw chuap we c*u di tliciU. ^Wh.vt is the iir.prK-trr of :li.; Mai j^a SkatiuR llink doinv;. t' Ij jMt takms alvauta},'o of tins ti;io -, ^^„ weiU'er? Cime fricn I \V. 1 «|ikc up, tlic lads iiuJ l:irsii ar.- .JBjpati^at. Mb. Hor.G, of, Fitsli. i!.:- S--.. _^ _^__ .__ ,,_^ jiipuounces that lit. has Li -.m Pure Drugs and Chemical ^th.mbcrby no 11....-,,. â- .., PTENT MEDICINES! Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Co.v.b.s, Tonth,' and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Surgical Appliancei and general Druf^gists sundries. o Stationery and School Books IN GREAT VARIETY. TOGETH^ WITH PAINTS AND OILS. OTHER PABTXES, supplied on the shortest notice and on moKt r^asouabla terms. tha i£S^ JOHN MONTGOMERT. Markdsle, Not, 18, st, 18«0. I0J7 C. HUMPHRIES, Late of Slalbiime, has now in stock a largo and select 8t6ck of COMMON AND HAIR-CLOTH IF "CL T rL i t Tj. r ^, Which he will sell rery Cheap for Cath. Cofllns nnd Shrouds always on han't. Also agent for Doherty^a Orsrann, and Raymond *.\!hburn'8 Sen'inK Ma- chines. Cull nnd examine our Organs and Machinofl before pni chasing elsewhere. Dondallc. Not. 17, I880. lo-Si THOS. MATHEWS, WISHES to tender to his nnmerani customers his sincere thanks for their Tery liberal patronage during the 15 years he has aen in the Har»e«s Bnainws in Mark- dale, an would respecUuUy aoUcit a coatiuu ance of the same, feeing eonfiident Jthat ha can giTe £ntt Satisfaction. KTerything usually kept in a FIB§T. CLASS HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, always on band, and sold at moderate ratea. ^PNone bnt good workaun emphyad and the best cf materials used. lUrkdale, Mar, 18, 188o- lo V ETERI NARY. JBLOOMFIELO, • Veterinary Sttrfeom, HAS commenced the prat'tice of his pro fession in Markdale, and from hia long experience and extensiTe practice inEngUnd »nd this conntry, ia enabled to raar«atM satisfaction. Begnlatirg Powders, the ad- miration of thousands that hare naed thoa. warranted to purify the blood by remmi» dis^s lurking in ths system of harsea tjoA eatUe, always on hand. Medieines may ba proenred at kit ofka, orw Dr. Sn«^a*t Drug SUtte. Markd^eT iT^ LICENSED AUCTIONEEB TOB THE OoontT of Qrey. Salaa attenUd at shorteat notiaa in towa or eonntry. ObaMM uniami Sale Billa, UbM iSlltStL. ^J«.i^ If required. ^HaTing had long expari«ia. i. I .Jtll. et»yli-ni^ HEW DRH6 STORE, R. PHILLIPS, M.C.P., PROPRIETOB. Mfv, PHILLIPS begs to inform the in- JhabiiahtH of Dundalk and the a.lja- OMit eoimtry, that he has opened a Drug Biisine«4 m the stsnd lately oecupiixl by Mr. Carter. Havin; laid in a large stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS. ' STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS. Ac, Ac. P'Vties desirous of procuring anything ia any of those hues, will find it to their advan- tage t« visit the Dundalk Drug Store, before goiag oUewhere. CHRISTMAS JSTE'W YEARS Toys, Gift Books, FANCY PRESENTS, ETC. In «iidlaaTari«ty. R. PHILLIPS. Dundalk, Mot. UB, 1880. lo-»i ESTABLIS HED 35 YEARS. WEEKLY SPECTATOR A ;LAUOB EIGHT-PAGE PAPEB â€" ONLYâ€" Per Tcavw ($1)-^ Oneof the Largest and best Weeklies in Canewia. BALLAHCE ^880 FREL Agmta reMira U CaaU for eTary yearly sob- **".5*!: ^y f***^ Banding as three sab- â- enbera will reeatra a aopy, poat-paid, of tha FaroMra Aaooant Book, worth one dollar. apMteardfarSattille ^bpj at kma Weakly, which ia aent Iraa. Tha tmly papwlta Canada that poUiahaa a Draa^t cSomn. Addrfaa ^^ SPBCTATOBrsiMTIMa C01fP\NT. Nor. 11. 1890. Ha-a,on.O.I. AUMcHkc for tke 8i Wewiilgrre it from now till th«Fiztt at Jmmuix Utt, lor OM jaat** wihâ€" imljuu AND CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Montreal Tele^raiih Office. T. s. speouijE, m.: MILL STREET, MARKDALE. Sep. 17. 1880. I McIN^YRE'S For all kinds a Groceries, ProTislons, Lipors, Canned to CONECTIONERY, SPICES. TOBACCOS, BUiSCUITS Ooiierally kept ina First-ClaRn Groc-iry. Provision audLiiquiir Stc- And all Uroceries, the very Cleanest and FreMhest. I rell fur Ca-;,. •:»' customer that gives me a caii is sure to come back, as I el. Kood (.â- â€¢.â- i I never pay more than the Goods are -worth, and gi.t^ uiy cutuui- nui dt of tiie twr^ains 1 gfet. You will alwayi* riuJ me lu the« place" alw.iys r. njj r upon yoa Kuuu bnt the B«8t Br»n^« ol RYE, MALT.ftRANOY, ALE, PORTEd, A OTH£rt lIQUOaS Att- Kept in stock, tar Be sure you call. A. MclNTYRE Markdale, Nov. 33, 188.'J, j^ares. I'tuJ ailvcrtiseiiii i.' :. .. PostMastkus.â€" Whera tli" Stxn not callel lor, tlie P. MJ- wi ;â-  tribute ;)li' liilJMTB to'ttli lii laso. \v. 1 not niurn tht it.. i"ii a curl Willi tlic nam. 1 '-h om tiK'J'.iri.' a Idressi.- 1. No Iju-uioss' vh-'ui-i "... ibsve t!ie li'iiiiK-sii ii.- I'lJiow •. j nii OB his oiiv^ioitL- ji:j.i ij.a.j '..]' ^u furui.-ili V .i; i;ji" i,.iln :ir:il â- aeatly priMt--!, ;i' aiy jrL-r^, at Bta.sdaud • C. A. O-v N, :iliiii'ii:ic. â- . liijoiivrl, blAXfkKL. tl.I^ V.Ci'k, !: ii:t« •fed tlie slu" ""T Mcl-'mlaii.i -i aud is 1"' i':ir. il to aJwrii.tlif xunu fjii;il *o ;:!iy city I »;:il • tiev aJv. Bbeatubs Uier'.- a in i v i' 4eaJ, wiij ue'.-ii- t' lijr,.-- :. â- %.: A'U buy. luy K'i' â- ' i';ii;: ' W-.i jott btc}} 111 aiul MX' V» lies -; c. are euro you ciiii suit y.^iirs-eii. 4tock is yoiiH nii'l l- .hiiiK-tc. Fbom our Kui,'i-i.ia corrf--i'iii me leani i tho .l.-utu *»l .Mr. :Deuaoii. i.iiil .vtwi.-r, au "!J '•stctfiu'-il r.-i 1«-Jil I'f tiiHt pl.i'T. V-;l- l.-ll_'-lj rtlti-lldl-.i. 'bala'i»-"c ol our ciii-r«-,(» iil â- will have t â-  i^:n:iiii ivcr ' • :. for want "T spaci-. M. I;i, i:vi:i. .s. I â- =. •• IhuI III hir- wiulcr a^K.••.â- â€¢1' -i\\-.-. .Fancy Dry ciooil.s, Clotuiii^-. w: and liout'i and ShiM'-s. In tii 'n line he is ].rci);irHi ii. liimis •ustoi.itrs \Mtli c. â-  ',r/i/,../ n. c for tin h.iHlay fcttivcs. IK'ij'i to drop Hit his stare. W'c li^ii'u frcji-.i Oraii;.;'V.. Mr. (uiiK-.s yiirJs:n:iii ol til ii Jo;$t his thiiiub oil tlit I'J'u -«rliilt oui'hii^c-irs tiiii llii" maji, \ 111 '»t hj^ ^!i'u!,l- /brokou on t'il!.iwiii:.' 'l-.t. aneiiiN „r â- â€¢:' r. tn* i-iri., â-  wiiicii wo w.r. i;ot al' t- 1 ' ReadThis.'OYSTERS, OYSTE We ;tr. veek tii;K w giv no.o .a IT" :tro ' II uv. V 11- I..r"-! I. t r J. Tt. •â-  1.- TITONET LOANEO at 7 per cent. S ini la XtX Iuteieit, and nyt iu alivanc" Tha i Uorrover can have lii« own term« a.i to t' a ' liMK and the Wat lie Repats it. Loans put through with tlie least possible dklat. Se4 th* Undtrsigned before applying El$nrh*re. OfS.ce8 in Shelburne and Dunkalk. Alvrays in the Shelburne OOiee on MONDAYS and TUESDAYS, from «..*»0 a. ra. to 5 p. m.. and on WEDNESDAYS, from 8.30 a. m. to 2 p. m. In the Dundalk Oflice ou THURS- DAYS aud FRIDAYS. On Tliursdavs. from SO to S p.{m., aud on Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. I would like all my friemls to make it their businass to see me on Fridavs in Dundalk, rather than Thursday Kvenings, if poxeiWc GEO. RUTHERFORD, Xttate and General Afent. FARMS SOLDTnD RENTED By sending nnmber of Lot, ConcesRion, Priaa, Term*, Ac., for very wtfderate ekargei. CONVEYANCING A BPECIALtT. Alt Kinds of Writings Extciittd. II^TSXJRAIVCJE S KileotwL in th* baat Stwk CompMUM. OBEAT JUBOAINS OiTMi in the But and Hardiest Canadian FRUIT ORNAMENTAL TREES. HOI FORCE-PUMPS! WBIiliS and CISTERNS, Sold rery Cheap. GBO. BTJTHERFORD, Sftate and Oenerat Agent. 8HBLBUBNE AND DUNDALK. O«tobOT3],1880- t tc Ji sr Ui.t i.i» AT THK BELFAST NOUS! I have fitted np a room v«r nty Slon I can supply BTrer3r St 37-: r^y the Plate or I'aa CHEAPER THAN ANf IS TOWN My Stock of Provisions and Gm Togthoi with Wines and Liqu( ARE VERY CHEAT AN IXK" ANY AMOUNT of P FOR bALE. for tho lri;jijii il i" d.ilf, Fiil w;i.;,- inr, J.,: Bpviu;; 117 I'-uli'v KU pexs 0;-l JrASL- 1 ti'^a O'iu. ttuu ab.oit the ^ui.o. SoMt of our sni s-rii'^: i. are conii'laiiiiufj tliat'tiuy â-  the pr.'ier thr tv • U publi-hiii; It is ui:iil. .i). r Friihiy uinriJiig uinl pli.»:i' ed the -^:i;no duy. Wo ^lla,: the uiatrt-r mill if w. cnu 'i Jiuqtieit, we (iha!) bnn.' i. lo tin i.-ticf cf ihc r Insepct^r. We b-.;; ti iuforui th- •wliom tht! Stamiakii ba be. i the i!i--1 !ivo \vecic ill I'r Mehiiiclliir!., Iho tiin. this ifsuo. If a:.v \vj1j ti, i the jiapor tliiv will jihnso thrir iiuiufs next w. .-k. Hv ing r'1'.v ;i,,i;i pi't tlH- IkiImi'i.-. year free. To chil. ,.f li-.f we will I'ive the j)«|)cr jor cash r.i i. uiii-e. Wr MH: vi-itv.l u-itli a b«-, »nd spiw Afnn on S.atiir.layafI which c â- â€¢..â- â-  '1 :lii.)ii;,'li ^uuii Momhiy, .â-  '.ay « as iarr^ boistcriu •. â- â- .:.ii '.Av 'vii;turHl lesi com]' ' U.r'U;;!i ii.v -^i do 60. Tr.« V:iv th- \v»at!:.r t'l 1 I*ialllc INotice. NOTICE • hereby ^rem that tha new «M "S^ thr«»ii|^ kta W, 100. and 101. OB the Brd ewMMsion W. T. 4 S. B in jheto^Mhip of Ota«lg, i, not properly ea- TW •otponrti^B of tha townakip of OJen- z!i?Z^^ â- BT ttUa to the road through !2_v2: •™ "" *• rBfl»onsib»« for iny ac â- â- â- â€¢** ••* awT ha|p«n on said road. JAMBS BBOWN. PINLAY If acRAB. T«WBaki|i of Olenefg, OM. 19, 18M. QtL As I do na puffiug or lilon lUg. I " Public to give nic a call niul i* ' what bargaiua I am giving, beior^." chase elsewhere. WILSON 13£» Mwkdale, Not. 15 1S80. O ,*t. BEOS to ,»itiirn Uir " _RSino«retli«iili' to the public for their voVr IiIhtsI f^ in the Mst, and»» li.iaorsl Pibit-Class WoRK,"'ana cls» «ti^^ bntineaa, to merit a eoutinuance of â- ' ' THE BEST OF MATER ^i Used, and none but Firit-tlMt employed. 8pa«i»l attention paid to U-p»^'i" will be done promptly. Sewed work a SperiaK ivo ricB All orer due aeeounts mukt bsF*|' deUy or I shall have to resort to*" I7 means for ooUection. D. M.LEOIV, Comer of Queen and v* Harkdala, Oct. 7», isao. v rated so:u •.v".,iif. l!i" taking nilv:.;;av:- ef ;•- j:.'" iug, aro rii hirij i I ta'ir i" other jiriKhicis. r'..f.«4-.;uei streets prt;-c!it a livi'.y tip]' ai Wk have made Rriftii^Lnit. the followiug pnvcrs to furu; to parties who wisti to taki' r' -^fc'^^uri *ith the S,*s; greatlv rcduceij^^*^- ' '""' • AgricuUurist § 1 .15?' Cauaaiw 75c. Scicutilic Am..-ricau â- ^- ronto Weekly Globe §1.25 to be ablo to give the price of aever*l qlhcrauext week. prices tv?e oulj adhered the paycv-' are takcu in c with th)^'^;-^"-^"" Time, it is said, provo« e fand araonj other things it I the value of Dr. J. C. .\y^ Pectoral as a ntuidard re dispascii of the throat and 1 JL^^ household medicine w •nde of people, and deserve it has beeu iu use more T*M8, and all who use it k •ecamplishes even more thaj •d for it. Nearly every pOMeiises evidences of its gr power, in perous who hav •4 by it of vari-jus throa .-â- ^

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