(*.' mmmtimmmm^ mm \- d r â- NOTICE. To tlioso wliB receive this paper in ' rptinaiiil McUncthon we wish t state thst "Tin; Maukiiai.k Standard" will lif -iuiit t;i tlieeiitl of November, Fbee. \Vh tiiKu this lucthud (if iutroduciug tii« bTAsuAKU, we may here state the riuei|iic3 upon which it is, aul will ** coii'luctorf. Fii'st â€" III Politics, we purpose being Ftnctly not: -political believing it is Hlf'ijreMiT out (if place for a local 1mi»tT to 1(0 Cllc'd with that which is unprofiitahleei^pocially to the agricul- tural cla'4s. A« a local jourual it is car iutention to gather an.l publisli all such matter (TonnocteJ with the different localities ill which the Staxdard shall iind its wiiv, as will be interesting, thereby making the paper one that will be en- quired after and appreciated for its ••iieigy in prrcurinp; what may be v'Mnt' .. and truthtiiliv laving it be- fore our readers at as ear^y a data ar practicable. In agriculture, we shall glean and publish frota lime to time such articles tiH may be crtndniivo to the interest of tlH» farmer ti-.creby makiu," it a paper that will ho Botr^ht after by this clasa of the comaiiity. In Provincial, Dominion and Foreign noWfi, as alsf) arficlos of a literary charact(jf, wc shall endeavour ta give A fair share. Correspondence â€" we will (five re- liable r.otes of local intcrosi which we iiave no dwubt will be much appreciat- ed Ly our readers. In conclusion we will just say we bftve no claim on the parties above mentioned w!io will gVt tlie Standaru for sn weeks Fiikk. But leave them to judge for theinselvfs wlietlitr it is â- worthy of support. We will continue â- the paper to ihc end of 18^1 for the â- mail sum of $1-25^ Tiiiiik of it, near- ly fifteen months for one year's sub- •rrijition. (xi;u RatcsI five names tkeeompanibd with the /cash for five lioJlars. ' c. w. iu:tledge, Proprietor. GLENELG CCWINCIL. "x£^li^^^ THE STANDARD. Friday, Oct. 2and, 1880. Coniicil met at the Towa Hall, ob- 4th iust. Pursuant U adjowtimenfc. All tlic members preaMt. Movad by Mr. Bcnnie, seconded Vy Mr.' Davi^. that the Clerk instrvrt Qm Con^ Treasurer, to witkdraw from tax sale, lot 12, 18th con., lot 14, 15tb fou lots 16, IG, 17, 18 k 19, Mill street North, Priceville.â€" Carried. MoTcd by Mr. Binnie, secbi^ded by Mr. Neil, that the account of J. Tewnseud and J. A. Johijston, for one^d4|ar each be paid. â€" Carried. Ordtri were issued on the Treasurer in payment of work on roads, in Ward No. 4, to the amount of $100,40. A by-law wm passed appointing Deputy P.etuming ofScars and polling pk^cs for next Municipal Election. Moved by £r. Davis, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that tlie lifeeve, Mr. Bcnnie and the mover be appointed a committee to examine and let a contract of building a bridge at lot G, con. 3, N. D. 11., if tu«y consider it necessary â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Bennie, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that Mrs. Fanny Smitli be gllowod $4.00 as charity. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. MttMillan, that the notice formerly pub1i:^hed in the Markdale Expositor, respecting a road on lots 99. 100 and 101, on 3rd con., W. T. 8. R. be ro- published in tlio Mabkdalb Stak- daku.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Davis, Roconded by Mr. McMillan, that the road cominiisioner for Ward No. one bo autherizcd to build a railirg on bridge at lot 5G, :on. 3, E. G. R.â€" Carriid. Moved by Mr. Bennie, seconled by Mr. McMillan, that I. Melosh be paid $l.fK) for repairing bridge on lot 14, con. 2, E. G. R. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the com- missioner por Ward No. 2 be authoriz- ed to remove a jam of timber from bridge on side roal 16, con. 4, N. D. R.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Bennie, seconded ly Mr. Dayis, that the road commissioner for Ward No. 4 be granted $4.00 to build a culburt at lot 9, con. 9, and $5.00 to remove a land slide on side road at lot 16, con. 1 E. G, R.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Noil, ficcoudud by Mr. McMillan that a committee be appointed consisting of the Reeve, Mr. McMillan and the mover to procure titles for the new road on lots 22 and 24, con. 11, and lots 99, 100 and 401, con. 8, W. T. k S. It. â€" Carried. (Jouncil adjourned until 29th December n6xt. ' TO OUR SUBSCRIBEUS. An apoli'sy is duo some of our pat- To:is who (ill not 'ct Hie StANrMKu last week, oniiig to the subscription lift nicniisMij; fiistcr tl).*in we had an- ticijiated, we ran. hhort twenty-five copipH. Wliilo wo are jiloased to have the list of hul)scribei enlarged yet we arw sorrv that any of thcni had to do without thi-irpiii'cr llio past week. In future we KhiiU endtavor to have jlli;uly i'r uH «iu(rf,'i:iiun.s. EUPHRASIA FALL SUOW. The Euphrasia Agricultural Socie- ty'u Fall Show was held at Rocklyn on Tuts lay the 12th iust. The weath- er was beautiful though somewhat Fiui;._ llj T.l«-grn|.U lu til.- StAXPAKo. Wir.i.iAMKFoni., Oct. 81. â€" Thf Mc)tpi and kli'ds b loii-iug to Mr. U. M. (â- ulliriiitli, w"re tins inoniing buriud to tho grniiiid. TIk! lire occurred iit II. 111., llu- tl'iUl was occiipiud by Mr. S. ' Luii^'ky anil was nmier;^' lini? repair. 'I'lif fire luii^ihiiti d m one of the o|«eii riM.ius caused by sluivings ditvin^' been Uft mar the stovu pipe Mr. \i. sHVcd ill! his Imusoli'dd goods. No insiiranco on the building, loss $1,H)0. DLNDALK ITEMS. advertisement, h.e • in stoves. See Read Gardiner's .•has something ne ttbcrr.. TiK-'Prisbytt-naBs of D'.mdalk and i'razer setlleiuii.t purpose culling a minis !xT at a!i eafK' day. Mr. Win, Kirbv«./ .Melanclhoii, has .-sold bibfunw for l, '.:•(). .\ Lea \udilstiy IS uhortli' to be started in re â€" a barrel factory. Wni. l'iter.sou lias inipruved liis Woolen factory by putting a huge •quaio front t" it. Mr. John llanbury is building a •katiug rink size r()xl50feftt. We had a heavy fall of snow on Monday it is now fast disaipearing. Tin ro is talk of a chceso factory teing erected in this neighborhood. Jnst what is wantud. Tlioa. llanriuvy is building a wing to his establishment which will be oc- cuj.ied (as soon as completed,) by ^Wni. Luciis k Co., Bankers. See A. G. Hunter's, car^l in another •oinmn ho means business. FiRE.^ â€" On Saturday last about 5 (O'clock p. m., smoke was discovered issuing from the rear of Ciardiner's Tin Shop, .the fire had made censider- ablo headway befoie it was got under «oiitrol, and, had it not been for the • manner in which the citizens exerted "themselves ho doubt it would have .aid waste that portion ot the village. EVGKNIA. that you A farm- Trom i-nr CirrosiouJeiit. Look aftiT your butter have left in the milk house. cr in thffAallcy had Ibreo tubs stoloa lust week. Some tiuie ago Mr. Wm. H(Hey had an ox stolon valued at $C0. Air. Beecioft had a heifer stolen out â- »t' the barnysrd. Houses are being broken into all around, and the cn- qiiirj- v: who is to be the next victim. Locks for graneries are now becoming the order of tlio day. Municipalities *bonlJ do something towards hunting up the gangs that are infesting this Jiei^hborhood. COVNTY ITEMS. Derby Ploughing Match will bs li«ld on the farm of (ravin Waddell, Es*!-, on Tucday, Oct. 2Cth. Crei'Itadi.e. â€" Wo are pleased to notice that the Y. M. C. \., in view of providing for ilie y uni: nieii of the town a pleHsaiit and profitable way of •pending the long tail and winter •veningK, have recently placed in their Reading BtKini a imuiher of reviews and magazines, in addition to the papers and periodicals wi:h which it has hitherto been supplied. â€" Owtn SohhiI I'iiHi'f. On Fiidiy afteraooii last three â- large b. ars were seen crossing Mr. J, .iiilk's furin, lot 3. con. 5, Melancthon. MO attr'iopt WHS made t capture them â- ^Sh^harnt t'lrr I 'I â- .â- lliBi.iBi.E. â€" Robeit Halliard, a toy •({•'d alxmt 12 yourf, son of Job Uiiliard, iub er Guilph, ou Friday •*tiU)k 'rota a buttle of whiskey till he died. cold, and a lasge crowd of visitors at tended. There were no less than tiiree editvrs ou tha grounds, (compet- itors we presume) we will not say for what. The outside show was very good on the whole not being present at for- mer shows in the above place we are not in a position to give a comparison. In the inside department we be- lieve the exhibit was ahead of most of the township shows we have at- tended. The samples of grain shown were indeed excellent. Here we no- ticed a marked improvement in the mode of testing the rjua'.ity of the grain, that is, by weight. It would bo Well if all our Societies would adopt the improveinoiit. Hoots were Well represented. In fruit there was a very liiii^e display of an excellent ipia!ily. The display of ladies' work was magnificent. Taking the show on the wliole it was indeed a success. We have not space for as minute an account as it deserves. The follow- ing is the PRIZE LIST. Horses. â€" Team agricultural, 7 en- tries, Wm. ilcConuell, John Douglas,. R. Thornton. Team carriage horses, harness and rig, 1 entry, C. Clark. Single driving horse, 7 entries, Wm. .\lcCoilnell, J. Douglas. Brood mare, agricultural purposes, 1 entries, D. Robertsiui, jr., John Anderson. Brood male, carriage, 3 entries, John Law- rence, W. l_)uke. Two years old filly or gelding, 13 entries, A. Davidson, W. McConuell. One year old filly or gelding, 8 entries, James Bowes, John Douglas. Agricultural foal, 4 en- trios, Jas. Foy, D. Robertson, jr. Carriage foal, 8 entries, J. Lawronoe, W. Duke. Cattls. â€" Milch Cow, pedigree, Durham, 1 entry, R. Clark. Two years old Heifer, Durham, 1 entry, R. Clark. One year old heifer, Durham, 4 entry, R. Clark. Bull calf, Dur- ham, 1 entry, R. Clark Milch Cow, Gradeir 7 entries, R. Olark, Donald McNaughton. Two years old heifer, 5 entries, D. McNaughton, D. Robert- son, jr. One year old heifer, 6 entries Robertson, jr., R. Clarke. Heifer D. calf, 1 entry, R. Clark. Herd of cattle, Durham, 2 entries. R. Clark; Grade, K. Clark. SuEEP. â€" Ram, aged, 3 entries, E. Shaw, W. Fawcett. Shearling' ram, 2 entries, E. Shaw, G. Shepherdsou. Ram lamb, 5 entries, W. Fawcett, E. Shaw. Two ewes, raised lambs, 4 entries, E. Shaw, 1st and 2nd. Two shearling ewes, 3 entries, E. Shaw, W. Fawcett. Ewe Lambs, 3 entries, E. Shaw, G. Shepherdson. ^wixE. â€" Boar, aged, 2 entries, J. Perry, R. Beatty. Brood sow, t en- tries, J. Anderson, R.,Mvles. Boar of IttSO, 6 entries, E. 'Shaw, W. Drinkall. PovLTRT. â€" Pair blaok Spanish, 1 entry, J. Farewell. Ducks, 3 entries, J. Farewell. Grain a.nd Roots. â€" Bushel fall wheat, entries, W. Ilartman, C. Clark. 5 bushels spring w^eat, 8 en- tries, W. iiartmau, R. Clark, 2 bushels Russian white spring wheat, 5 entries, W. H^srtman, R. Clarke. 2 bushels barky. 8 entries, C. Clark, S. Gilmore. Bushel Oat-i, 7 entries, C. Clark, W. Hartmau. Busl'elpeas, 2 entries, N. Clark, W. Fawoett. Eajly rose potatoes, 8 entries, James BoweF, jr. Any other sort of pota- toes, entries, J. Bowes, jr., W. Hartman. Swede turnips, 8 entries, J. Douglas, J. Robertson. Sugar beets, 2 entries, U. Johnston. Blood beets, 7 entries, R. H. Stinsou, W. Hartmau. Mangold Wnrtzel, 2 en- tries, W. Hartmau, C. Knott. Field Carrots, 6 entries, J. Douglas, W. Hartman. Table carrots, 10 entries, J. Perry, R. H Stinson. Celery, 2 entries, T. Jordan, J. Myles. Pars- nips, 6 eutriej, T. Nicholson, R. H. Stinson. Pumkins, 3 entries, John Lwrenoe, R. Qulnton. Squash, 2 entries, J. Lawrence. Cabbage, 5 entries, C. Clarke, â€" Abercrombie. Cvihflowers, 1 entry, T. Jordan, ons, black seed, 2 entries, J: Law- e. Top, 7 entries, T. Nioholson, Stinson. Onions, potato, 6 en- tries, J. Mylee, C. Knott. Tomatoes, 4 entries, J. Farewell, R. Cl^rk. FBnrr.-FaH apples. 14 entties, J. J. F«y; J. Peny. *Wintfl« Apffak. It entzite, J. Foy, J. Andanoa. Fdf pe«iB,4 entriae, J. Jlanball. J. Oik son. Winter peva, S enkies^ G% son. R. 4i*ilz»y. ihs^jei, 8 «triMii 2na B. Gbuka, Ftvns, 4 eotriM. ff. Gilmore, K. Clarke. CoUeetion fruit, 4 entries, E. E. Knott, J. Mylee. Indian com, 4 eotriea. C. CUrk. C Knott. Daibt.â€" Batter, roll, 14 entries, Mrs. H. Johnston, Mrs. J. Lawrence. Tub, 4 entries, Mrs. H. Johnston, Ifffs. 7. Perry. Two loaves bread, H entries, Mrs. J. Bowes, Mrs. IL John ston. Cheese, 2 entries, Mrs. D. Robertson, Mrs. B. Gilray. Box honey. 2 entries, S. McKmgbt, T Jordan. MaNutACTCBKS. â€" "Waggou, 2 entries Stinson k Marshall, no 2od. Single cutter, 1 entry, McKonzie k MoKin non. Democrat, S entries, Stinson k Mai shall, 2nd do.- Buggy, double or single, 2 entries, McKenzie McKin non, Stinson k Marshall. Fanning mill, 1 entry. C. Watt. Set harrows, 2 entries, J. Marshall, Snd do. Cut ting-box. 1 entry, C. Watt. Root cutter, 1 entry. C. Watt. Set team harness, 1 entry, W. Fanson, Set carriage harness, 2 entries, H. Mc- Donald, 2nd do. Single harness, 8 entries, H. McDon»ld, Wm, Fanson. Saddle, bridle and martingale, 8 en- tries, II. McDonald, 2od do. Collec- tion of boots, 2 entries, J. W. Loye, 2nd do. F idled cloth, 6 entries, N. Clarke, J. M. Bole. Satinet, 2 en- tries, R. Quinton, 2nd do. Fancy flannel, 8 entries, R- Quinton, N. Clark. Plain flannel, 7 entries, F. Eaton, J. Hawkms. Pair horse blankets, 2 entries, R. Clark, R. Quinton Pair blankets, 9 entries, Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. C. Clark. Cover- let, J. Douglas, R. Gilray. Set horse shoes, 1 entry, R. H Stinson. Ladies' Wokk.â€" Patchwork quilt, 6 entries, Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. H. John- ston. Quilt of any description, 6 en- tries, Mrs. R. Gilray, 2nd Mrs. R. H. Stinson. Knit quilt, 1 entry, Mrs. A. T. Buchanan. Embroidery in cotton, or woisted, Mrs. H, Johnston, Mrs. T. Porter. Leather work, 2 en- tries, Mrs. R. Gikay, Mrs. R. H. Stinson. Braiding, 2 entries, Mrs. N. Clark, Mrs. R. Gilray, Crochet work, 4 entries. Miss Gilray, Miss Douglas. Tidy, knitted or crochet, 9 entries, 2nd Miss C. Quinton. Woolen socks, 7 entries, Mrs. Quin- ton, Mrs. J. Hawkins. Woolen stockings, 8 entries, Mra. Quinton, Mrs. Johnston. Woolen mits, 4 en- tries, Mrs. Quinton, Mrs. Johnston. Woolen gloves, 1 entry, Mrs, Quin- ton. Rag or wool mat, hooked. 7 en- tries, Mrs. N. Clark, Mrs. Quinton. Fancy knitting, in cotton, 9 entries. Miss Quinton, Miss Clarke. Hair work, 4 entries. Miss A. Clark, Mrs. T. Porter. Berlin wool work, 4 en- tries. Miss Gilray, Mrs. Eaton, dent's fine shirt, 3 entries, Mrs. N. Clark, Mrs. Gilray. Pillow Shams, Mrs. Gilrav, Mrs. R. Clark. Collec- tion needle work. Mis. T. Porter, Mrs. H. Johnston. Feather wreath, 2 entries, Mrs. Stinson,' Mrs. J. Myles. Darning in socks or stockings, 6 entries, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Clark. ^1 utf^^j; â€" tka afannoe i» •fPrnerille" bong aiiaply • mate iwf ,il tiywn in to give ettren^f to tiw JlMartoii ery. I faa» ilM fir. • aome oftrar wa)f m^HUOg people the Dr. er ri^fl T^^aioaito* Fieshtftoa Um "Uis and apparently he i s not wiIli»gto â- •• the reetof tha mt JUMMlitr flonritt but "by the leave" of fce "ht*." I Sir.lwJU take thejib^rliy tojwgfc... my voice againat ti'iis auaeraole tfum â- . of sectionalism wl i^|N ••â- ••'•Jj" out in eyery manic lipalily to mar Ih* harmony, blight th e f^'V^oU^^mh the energy and ro* ard tte prograaaoi (he oommBns*y at 1 Arga. Sir, I make b 4d to aay «** *• special and partioo.lar mterest of any or of all our villaf w oombined, should not for one moB jent be allowed tr stand in the way of any scheme aal culated to stimuU .te the energy, for- ward Uie progres s and increase the wealth of the farr oing oommuni^ m whose prosperity every other intwreat rejoices. It is iuterestinc to obserre what a liberal share ol the Dr's sympathy,i the cause of thi "tenant farmer" elicits, particulai ly at this junotnrB. Well of course if lis "tenant farmers" have not the ri ght to vote for or against a R.R. by -kw, they do possess the right of vot ing for municipal oflioiahi and this i a privilege by no means to be despis ed now at the akise of the year. Af.-ain Mr. Editor I must put in my earnU against this style of reasoning and while I would not lightly regal d the claims of any olass yet I do tb ink that the intarests of the propriet ore, who constitute nine-tenths of the community are paramauut to tin )se of the tenaota. I can assure the Dr. hat his allusion to the "tenant farmers" is not very flatter ing to them and I question whet hoi • they will feel obliged for the complimi nt. It is well kn( iwn that many poor "tenant farmer i" are among our most enlighten cd and progressive agriculturists, v» ho would as leave think of rentini a farm in Central Africa as in a locahty destitute of railways. Before closing for the present I will just say that in i ay humble opinion, now that we havj an opportunity of connection with the Grand Trunk, and of having on r Railway thoroughly equipped, its gat ige widened, the road, bed and bridgn s put in thorough re pair, and the ti ack steel railed, and that all this wil 1 bo accomplished at such a trifling ci st to the Township, it would be extr erne folly on our part to incur the risk of losing this chance, least a like op] ^ortunity might not again present itflislf. Compared with the immense' ad- vantages which a connection with the Grand Trunk would afford $12,000 to the Township of Artemesia is a mere bagatelleâ€" for these and many other reasons equally logent. I am prepared to sup^wrt the "bonus." Wm. Bbowm. Markdale, Oct 14th. 1880. ^0vtt»v0n^entt. To tbo Editor o( the Stasdabd, Sib,â€" In common with many of my fellow ratepayers, I am sorry to see that our worthy Reeve, Dr. Christoe, is out agfiu in opposition to the new scheme, to aid our sinking Railroad. This is very much to be regretted, as the Dr's influence throughout the Towushi s is consider- able, and many people, uaturaUy,from tne position ho oetiupies, look up to him as an authority in all municipal matters. I observe the Dr. has oom- pletely changed front since the last by-law was under consideration then his chief objection was te the Company, he feared least Ihey should not suc- ceed with the scheme, and keep faith with the municipalities, but might at some time, again come back for still further aid. The Dr. at that time frequently ex pressed â€" himself, as quite willing to give further aid if the road were to change hands, and pass under the control of some stiong company, such as the " Grand Trunk," or " Great Western," now however he seems to have forgotten all that, and pioceeds to combat the new scheme upon other grounds, which. Sir, with your kind permission, I shall briefly notice. The Dr. urges no bonus 1st. "Because the Township has already given more than its fair share, " viz.: " $60,000 including ' interest.' " Now the Dr. knows well that this is hyperbole of the most pronounced type he knows well that the road only cost the Tp. at first, about $30,000, and as a sst-ofF against the interest and sinking fund, we have enjoyed and do now enjoy the benefits which the road has con- ferred,which the Dr. will admit, have long ere now more than compensated for the outlay. 2nd, Because the agreement with the Grand Trunk has yet to be ratifi- ed by the English Board. Srd, Because the Ontario ParUa- mcnt may not grant the necessary legislation, to enable the Company to carry out the details of the scheme. In the name of common sense why should tliese objections hinder the ratepayers from voting the bonus It will not cost us one cent either to obtitin the sanction of the Enghsh Board or that of the Ontacto Legisla- ture; besHes if ^whwh* is quite im- probable '"a^nglish Board" and the "Ontano â€"cgislature," were to dis- allow the arrangement, the scheme woald fall through and the people of Artemesia would not have to pay the money but all this talk is entirely beside the question. Is tkece any, reason why the " Englisli. Boaru should not sanction the agreement ot Mr. Hickson, in whom they have im- pUcit confidence? Does any one believe the Ontario House will hesitate to grant the legislation necessary to give effect, to a scheme calculated to confer such lasting benefits, upon the thirty odd municipahties interested Besides the foregoing the Dr. has other {rievances, which I apprehend appear to him much more formid- able th.ui any of the others viz.: "the power of the Company to dis- "crimmate in favor of Flesherton and "Priceville will cease when the Grand "Trunk assumes control." Ah I there's the rub. Now Sir it seems to me that this short sentence furnishes a clue to the whole matter and embodies the essence ot the Dr's opposition the other objections being simply thrown out as "chaff" to blind our eyes, and muddle our brains. I fear that the Dr's patriotism is exceeding- ly oiroumscribed, that it is bounded by the limita of his own httk *«lahMi' MARRIED On the 19tb inst,, Adam Hollty to Miss Jassia A. McKenzia, both of Artemeiua. On the I8th inst., at the residence of the l^ride's father. If th* Rat. N. A. McDiarmid, Mr. Archibalil Lyons, of Markdale, t« Misa Elizabeth J. Millar, daughter of iit. laaae Miller of Glanelg. DIED. In ArtameiJa, on the IStk init., Mary Etta, daughtec of BartboUmoir Wright, agad 7 jear8,.4 months. In Maikdale, on the I4th icst., John Vxil- feriii McFarland, aged 8 years, 7 months and 23 days. In Markdale, en tha 15th lost., Laeinda Jane Daxj, aged lU years. In Markdt^e, on the 17tli init., Anna Maud, daoghter of John B(mian, aged 4 years and I months. NEW ADVEITISEKIENTS. ReadThis. MONET LO.^NED at tbe 'V«»t Lowsst Kates or IsTxaisT. Tbe Bobbowib oan have his own t«rm» as to tbe 'Xliu and tbe Wat he CcrAVa it. LoAsiS put through with tbe LBAiT poisiUe bslat. Ste tht Vndertujntd bffore applying Eluwhere. Offices in Shelbume and Dunkalk. Always In the Shelbame Oflice on MONDATb and TUESDAYS, from 8.30 a. m. .o 5 p. m., and on WEDNESDAYS, from 8.30 a. m. to 2 p, m. In the Dundalk Offlce on THUBB- DAYS and FltlDAYS. On Thursdaya. from 2 to £ p. m.. and on Fridays, from 9 a. m. to GEO. EUTHBBFORD, Ettale and Qtneral Agent. FARMS SOLdTnD RENTED By Rending number of Lot, Conceggien, Price, Terms, Ac, for very m»detau charge*. I««aIlM»tM«dlf Ibat ItevsiMMvadfe mtf BowbtloiBitsa nam's «1m(« I Iwa alall atoak of Watclitt,Gf0Cks,JewtHM7, FAMY SOeOSt ETCa Deattegat to see my Ckcks wliieb at* Twy ehaap and food. Bcpairiair a* aavsU at Ij*wMt Price wmA aharteat p*aaiMe n«(lce. Don't fo-^get the plaoa â€" Dominion Tela- graph Office, nast door to the Stamvab* Office. E. D. WILCOX. llarkkale, Oct. 18th, 18';0. 1-ly Teacher Wanted. FOB School Seelion No. £, MeUnethon, One holding a Saeoad or Third Claas Cartifiaatb. Appl.csnta to state Salarr aX' paeted. Applications received np to NoTaan lor lat- SAMUEL McDOWECL,) BOBERT OLIVEB. fTmiteeg. ABBAM JACKSON, Donhatk P. O October 20, 1880. e-3in W. BENSON, â€"OF THEâ€" Belfast House, »» Baga to announce that he ia fully prepared to diiipoiie of all artielea neual to a general Urecary and Proviiion Establishment, at the Lowest Possible Prices I Tbe stock consists of Groceries and Previsiens together nith LIQUOES of all kinds, such aa Scotch, Ibish and VtsHDikTi, of the best brands. I have no desire to pntf or Disrapresant the parformanee of impoesibili- tias, but I may say in res|)Oime to a brother ratailar who effers a book worth $1 M to erery po'cbaaer ot S lbs. of t 'a, that I will CUve Two Boohs of niaperior valac to those mentioned to all bayers of a like quantity. My house is known as the Belfast House, op. Haskcit Bros NO SECOND PRICE. ' W. BENSON. S MoINTYRE, S«f » Provision, ^-. I srtfelntvie *qr« he eaa sapply eeeds, both in tha eating and drinking Knas. aaiieli cheeper thsa the market qMtittMM. Be^ his adTartiaemant, (ire him a sail and be ecaviaesd. ' fleshebtonI (CorreeUi veehly for the Standard »y R. J. SpromU, Fteihertom.i Tbdbsdat, Get. Slst. 1880. Floor, per bbl. #4.75 to 10.35 Spring Wheat per bosh.. 0.85 to l.Oo Fall do. do. do. CM '• 0.95 Barley 0.40 " 0.60 OaU 0.36 " 0.88 Peas O-fiO '• 0.55 Potatoae 0.30 " 0.35 Butter, per lb. 0.17 " 0.30 B^B, per doz. 0.10 " 0.18 Poik, dresaed. 4.50 " 5.50 Beef 600 '• 0.00 Sheepskins 0.60 •• 1.35 Hides 7.00 '• 7.60 Hay R.OO •' 10.00 Timothy seed. 3.00 '• 3.50 Wool 0.35 •' 0.30 Lard 0.10 " 0.12 Talow 0.05 " 0.07 SEWING AFnshSBndyoftluil CAIX JLH3 BX SA' mrwupn Itekdsl., 0*tolMrt.U80, MEDICA At pricos that will astonish the na- tives at .r W. L. Marshall's, DUNDALK. ALL KIKD8 OF Repairing Attended to. Dnudalk, Oct. Istb, 18S0. 6tf Markdalo, Oo*,. 14th, 1890. 5-tf. Auction Sale OF YaluaMe Real Estate! CONVEYANCING A BPECIALTT. All Kinds of Writingi Extcuted, I IV S R, A TV C E S BSected in the bast Stock Compsniss. OBEAT BABOAIN8 Oivan in the Bett and Hardiett Canadian FRUIT ORNAMENTAL TREES. PUIPS I IRON FORCE WELI,S and CISTERNS, Sold Kery Chtmp. Every Fanner oaght tn get vae. GEO. EUTHERFOBD, XtUUe and Otneral dgmU. BHSLBUBNE AND DUMDALK. 'October 31, 1880- 6 Legacies I Pensions! Bounties! Parties havlnf any of the above to inTeatigata will piciasa eommiailerto with ma at onoa. __^^__ A. O. If UMTI^Bv CUm Agant. Dondalk P. O., Couty Otwj. • ' NOTICE U hereby giTan th.t tha naw ro*d opaa throoKfa kits 99, 100. and 101, OB tha Srd eonnaaainn W. T. A S. B., in (ha iMwnship of Olaaslf, is not pmp a tly ••- Tb. anpocattaB o th. to«Mkip .1 •l|Mth.Ti«l sny titls to th. tM4 UmMgh sMdloSa. will not b. M^pmsiU. for aay a». aidant thM mart hapftaa on said road. JAHKS BBOWN. JONI^^T MyAcBAE. Cfack. Beer.. Tnrt»hip of OImmIc, Oat. 19, 1^. M. IN parsoanes of tbe powers In that behalf contained in a certain mortgage made by John Molnnea to the Tendors, which said mortgage will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale By Public Auction I UN Tuesday, 26th of October next, AT MeCULLOUGH-8 HOTEL, IN THE VIUAfiE OF DUNDALK at the hottr of Twelve O'Clock, noon, tbe following Taloabla real estate, that is to say: All sad singnlSf that certain parcel or tract of land and pratnia^s titnate lying and being in the Townnhi^ of Proton in the County of Grey and Prorinoe of Ontario, and being composed of a pirt of Village Lots nambars one, two and thrae, south wast of Toronta, Grey and Bmoe Bail R(Md, accord- ing to the p!aii tiiod in tbe iiagiatry OflSca of the Sotith Hiding o( iho «Hid County of Grey on the ninth day of l"ubrui(ry, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seTenty-eix, Mub (liridiuu a part of lot nom- bar two hundred and thirty-one, in the second range boutli wist of the Toronto and Sydenham Boal, in the saiii r('wn^hip, and made by W. 11. Itorabmigh, Provincial Laud Snrrayir, and which may be mure particu- larly aaa si 'i b a J aa follows, that is to say â€" Beginniag at a point on the north westerly limit of said village lot nomber two, sixty- one and one-tenth links from the north s.at«rly limit of Tonga street, thane« north S9 o 30 east along ths north westerly limit af s«id Tillage lots numbers one and two, sixty one and one-tenth links, mora or leas, to • point twenty-two and two-t«ths links from tba south westerly angle of said village lot number ana thence south 5o o 80" east two chains forty-two and five tenths links, mors or laaa, to a point on the south eastwly limit ot said village lot number two, forty- four and six-tenths links south westerly from the north aMtarly angle of said village lot nombar two thanee aonth 39 o 30" waat akmg tha north aacterly limit of said village lota nnmbais two and three, forty-one and ona-tMith links thence north 60 ° So" waat two thaias, lorty-two and five tantha links, mar. or laaa, to tha place of beginning, and eootsiniag br adnMaanrement twatty-thra. and aaven-taoths perches d land, ba tha aama mora or lass, upon which is ereetad a fram. stara and dwelling hooae. Alao, lot BomtMr twanty-fiva, in th. fiflK eoneasaion of tha townrhty of Osprer.in tha aaidynnty. wwtoin in g by admaanrraMnt one Vndrad aera. o( lai|d, hatha aama more or laaa, opon which is n-aetad s two story frame dwalling-hoose and good fram. bam. For pMtiralan and condition td sale, piy to Mr. Atorandfr Brown, Anettonsw, PriaarlDe, A. McTiWinan, Eaq., Dniham, or to tba voteaiguad. patad at Tor«»to, th. 6th day .f Oetobw, AJ 18M. BABBETT A MACINTTBB, Vendor's Solicitors, 6-Sia Ho. 65 T«ig.-st., Toronto. FOR SALE. C\C\ OHBMg-flQawiak.. Oraait /Oy ding, MarkH BaakM, («mie Mottlad BtMi.. AaiM* o( Bom^ «... with Mme en an, 10 Mota. Aa«rMs, J. A. BBOLLET, Box 79 Ci... I »». r.O. mtMos, Ont- C.4, »V l«pi jv^ .n â- ! ftioA iJt-. j,»,i ,.1,^- China TEA Store GMka..«l dealer fa OROCERIES ft PROVISIONS, Next to Ha;keti°s Haidware S»ore. Keaps eonstaitty oa hand everyth'ng asual to such an establishment. Ha won'd draw spaoial attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Which for qnality and Lowness of Price CANNOT BEJURPASSED. As puffing is no part of my desire, I merely ask intending purchasers to give ma a call and be oonvinoed that I ME AN BUSINESS, AxD wnx Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I have pnrohased for cash, and have had a good discount allowed, I am in a position to lat mv cnntomers have the benefit of my hivestments. I^Bemember the place, next to Baskelt SrM. Markdale, Oct. 7, 1880. 4'tf OF YalnaWe Farm Property IN THE Township off Glenoid, In the County of Grey. There will ba fold on Saturday, the 30/A day 0/ October 1880, at eleven o'clock in the fo.enooo, at Rl'tlecok' Hotkl. in tha VILLABE Of MARKDALE, by vi, tue of a power of sale contaiuad in oertain morlkages, which will be produced at the sale, the toUowing properties PARCEL I. Under mortgase from Neil Campbell, lot Bambar one, in the twelfth conoassion of the Township of (.Icnelg, County of Gray, containing one httudred acres. The following impioremeots are said to ba on the premiti»s A'oout 50 acres claarad, having erected thercLU a cedar log bam sitoatad about 8 miles from the vUbge of Ifarkdale. PARCEL U. Lot 27, in the 8th concession of th. Towuship of Glenelg, in the County of Gray, containing one hundred acres, moie or less. Tha following improvemanli are said to ba oa the premises About 60 acres cleared, with log buildings aiacied thetaon.- TBBMS.â€" One-Unlh of tb. tiiTehaa. money to ba paid down aa the day of sal.. For balanc, terms will m made known at thaaala. For furthairparticnlara apply t« JONES BBOS. k MACKENZIE. 8o)i«itin, llaaonic UaU, Toreoto. Or t. Jen Ltovs, Eaq., KarkdaU. Toronto, Sept. 84th, 1880. S-6ia. •JI^VX Ps senii haa: Mr. get Am{ knov righti of tbi CoodJ grut B nighl .:Ua sia, nud tlierd Pure Drugs and Chemicali PATENT MEDICINES! Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Combs, Tooth, d and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Surgical Appliaafts and general Druggists sundries. o Stationery and School Books IN GREAT VARIETY. o TOGETHER WITH PAINTS AND OILS. o I=»la.3rslcla,aas' X=»xescxiptlc^ AND CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Montroal Teioerapfi Offfico. -z.:.^:-^:^-^' T. S. SPROULE. M.; MILL STREET, MARKDALE. Sep. 17, 1880. ?j •* THS STANDARD. ay. October 22, 188 0. !fAL OTHeT NOTIQEft lltr»Dr roaJs. BcsrsEss brisk. "" Fine westbor again. LiBOK quautitiaa ot grain coming Sboddt padlar' diappeared sudd.n- bas sometliing nobby better tee them." ILLIAM Wbight of St. Josepli's late of Gleu.lg, is iu town, look's well. â- "• J. J. WerrR, dentist, will Its at the ' *^' '• }{evere House," Markdale, on \V«d- ^^^ nssday, Oct. 27th. The pews iu tbe Metbodist Cfanrcb, Markdale, will be rs-let on tbs 1st of November, at blf-pait one p.m. Tbx meetins of the Bible Society came off as was anuouured, but we are sorry to say was rsry poorly at- tended. Ms Bbtnolbs of this lace is open- ing a general store in his promises, 'J'e lately occupied by McDoug.iil Bros. lHii| Adreitisemeut next week. i for Read G. W. Rutherford's advertise- 1 ^j^^ ment in another column ijarties i ^j^^^ wanting anything iu bis lin« wonld do I j^^,, well to give htm i» trial. • I ^j^^, A Basia.r aad concert will be bold pi^uj in connection with the Knglish oiir Church, Markdale, on the «t1i Hovim- j at pi bar. TuU particular* next woek. ' i J If Tiik (iitTornor-Gpneral li«« nvP^int- r.raiif cl Weiliicsday, Novttub. r Hid, a d*\ ' T, "fK'ucrttl thanksgiving all over t'jailKci.J DouiinioD. 1 â- TtiitJ Ad iust. An were of IL deavl whci^ siioivl Cartl bcbr I r A ru.1. of snow on Monday about j^"*^ pigbt inches in depth. In fact we ^aw, I """' (between here and Dundalk) both sawlogs and eorl wood bsing hauled ou stays. â- ' A srvFBt Rtorrn racrcd in Mitinpsotn and Dakota on Sa'nrday an 1 Smulny. Trains were blocked, much jir'.jHrty was destroyed, great damage don? t" shipping, and some lives lo9t ' Wilcox, Jewellor. is now a vcy com)kti' stn-k nf HILL 1 BROS o E o o C '" ,3f •'*»• o CD CD CD B o .CD w o 5 " CD ^- O CD i ^v 'V^ '.T CD E. D showing goods in his line. A Silvor Platrd Tua ' Set which ho has just oponod is very handsome. Every one should see hi» Ktock. -An extwxive credit rhTc ofNfnm Rtock, implomcntK. hon»;oboM lunii- turo, etc.. wil! tnko jiIhi-o on the pr-- iniscR of Mr. Mos'rt Johnston, lot 19, f'n. 11, Kuplira'^iii. on Sjrturday. fli* SOtb of Ortobnr. romiiituoiiit,' «t 1-2 o'clock. Mosrs .Tolinston, proprii.t"r Thco. Ilall, auctioneer. TiDisos havo just rti-icbcd iri to tiio rBi'ct that tiie Wiiirtiui /•« b.ij; ct-n--- el to echo. Jimt w]i::t w.- cx^nilt ,1. A printer can sahtist on luri'.i)" apples. Sec, with a ffW buiirlns of |pra]es throwiiin occusionally hv way 1 of desert, but whfu it conn' down to tan bark mid luin'ock shibs, â€" u;;h 1 f A Tanner fust is prcforahh- to it. A Xart.ow Escape. â€" While thrcsii- Cing at his own p'aei-. Mount ricu'^ant, Hollan.l. Mr. lio'oert Ilannuh, when _. eleainiij; uj. the lloor. was cau^lit by *1*^ holts of U»o cou^iliug on tin- con- nsctiii^ fth-ift mill ^^n»â- sLii/iOi'.l of nil ' hJ cloiliinj,' fcc.oi Ijj.-, ii .(.,' am] one wriKlhand f'f I/is i-hii t. Il» wassome- vliat it.Jurcd but not stri•^l^1y. â- Ac.iPEST. â€" OnThnrpday. Iho 14. h â- inst., Mr. Sanmol Wiky, jr "ih.ou. iT Euphrasia, while lodging on the f.irm' 1 of Mr. Reynolds received a vt-ry s vir ' blow from a log bning broujihtto tin- ' heap, the timber striking hliii noro%^ • the baok part of tlio lc}.,s. 11 ow hi- I escaped without having bis Icus brok- en is the wonder of those who won I present. lino I l«Tl:ll 1 Lai- lL:.k. ' nn.iJ Ton, |aud i*^ ^.'1 Toroi Thf nit ' law In H 1 urniil I rail j HorU ' l.v il n I surv ' 'e'lri' jll.^, •D,. riO:*. Tu' K ' rnrk. I gees j limii I awitk I U n.^ I St. .pi I Til M ssl I fn--' IK ill l.,n.i I I" il' did ' Jllv you but t(J roiiti •ouii' ' bas \i aU'1 â- b;1.li op-|iJ I Till WisfTF.R Is CoMisfj, and all btvins Farms or even Garden Plots will liii I valuable aid in tbo American A^riruh turitt for October, just issui-d, v.iih itr huudredv of nractica' directioiis. bio'-^ and fiuggfistions. .\rnoii;; Ifhiliiiir t)ric8 are Work for tb^ Month a 4"liiirJ W.di th^ i: it.'il g.oj'J W.-rj; :i!l In;;il| SjToU $1,100 Farm House, wiih plau.s and jift.r 1; ..rs;.H L Isold at 5 '« *.c- 7 â- »- •â- .i-.' -41l--.' t'j-:~^ :5» %•' Kpecificatioiis Shf-ltcr for Slock i^umerous llLlps and Hints foi l"iiri«- uinb^igs txpobi-d a f'jll HoUsc an! Childrou's D.gartuicnts, etc. cents per number; $1.50 per annnm Orange Ju Id t'onipanv, pablishers, "SI* JJioadwav, New Y»r'k. A rorno maa iu tvn attachment for his a«juaintaiice. true love ran sra-iotli for finally the lover bream.' fi.-kl.; wanted to jilt his swe.tbvart- .Sullivan f'rint'd yonus lady of Tlic colli s.: 4if, a wfiih b".1 .IU' Tho Misse .; s. .Vndc'i Orniij SO! I • ir.-i: y.-t 1. 1 I.!. V. lor ..*- -%.:. -\V.,V- 1 p"iiri dun I tii 'M ' thr..ii:; l.\ lu iie il' I.!;.' .-1 th. y II. 'it!i iuimcdl rival â- iiialioiil to he ed c;tli MARKDALE strayed INTO th. prcmisM ot tb. sabwrilMr, lot i«, aoiiMsslaa» KqphnsU, about tba miUl. «t JoM, a h.ifar, tw. jtm old, rad. Th. owaar k tMBSstW to ytmw prop«tj, pay siMita., and tak. Imt away. OHASLBS STESS. Ki^krMio, Oat It, 1880. (t^St* CAUTION. ALL futim a*, hvebj Matiaa.d niptt.tlng la anyway a not. diawB by Tswâ€"sai i% lavow o WUUms ' far Ik. Mai W tmntiy-tkiM dal- I), ioc vaiM bm nM Un nmtrU T0WH8E5D. latT-ttwK. t • TH08. Ost4,lM0. Money Lost! Bj IboM who bii7 stovaabafor. going to J. QAKDINER'S Dundalk.' Best wid Cheai^M stock vf STOVES and TDdARE Noftb d Totvato. Jj 10, Mtk. ftTRAYCO " w t i i ii al fcn MeoBS, M l«.MaalMBais.ab«mttha IWk tt Job*, thiw ysarMS. om spottad ksUsr-r«laai«Ut.: ssMwUt. hsifir aad so. ni staar. Aay Mtseti giviaff saab ta- t orâ€" MoB aa wffl iiad to their rtwniywia Uudtahtjnmttdoi. " ' 8.y(.H, 1880. |l«cft^iwer#. LICSNSKIi AUOnOHEKR FO* Coantv of Orsj. 8l.a a tt aadad a* alMrtast ootiM • or aoontry. Cbai|aa inodarau. Bala BOb, Koto, and 8uiDpt it raqnuwd. Havjag had loi« uFf* tba baatBM. I MagnanuitM aatiia^ Ma^dala, 8M. Mth. 1890. i^Ui J. n, Wekster LICENSED ACCnONKBB W CooBty of Oray. iSrLUJ.V ND LAND AG^ Meaay to kaaia lewast rsteaoiy|J samsteraitbonowars. W^\^, Loaa aad Saving Co. All buns*" strirtly fttvalo. Mid treatad ai -»^ EaoEiru P. 0. 8.|4. ITth 1880 wm. PVBDTi THmCIi)l. SDBOEON. ]JL^aa, BwairuP. 0. A fraolieu felt sad at tJi wav m wln.-h !• ' ' her dreams of love anr happini-ss '" ' wore being rrushod d.wii. tu.t en -^l' •" sider-d her affections h.nd bou iiijiir-d .^' "'"' to tha ainouut of Jao. Th^. voui.i: â- "•"' man tboupht his fiuauce, would ii..t J »'"e allow hini to pay out so much ui.ui v. " " and oftered 515, which she iicc. pto."l. and gave hiin a docuiueut rcl. asinj: him from all his pr..mises, and mak- ing liim a free man again. â- TG.B.-.Mr. E. 1' ni«ii*f..rd. the chief erigiuccr of the rand 'Irui-k iiailway, has coinpletc-d a tour of in epection -.ii the T. G. A 11. P.ailway. He has hen niaking an exuminat.ou of the stiitfl of tlio road, and of the works iifC.ssarv for converting the gauge into 4 fuut 8^ inches, on behalf of the Oraiul Trunk Railway Com- pany, by whom the work is, he says, (o be carried out iu the event of the young municipalities grauting the bonuses j Usf, thl wkich are a»kcd ..f th"m. Mr. I l,y « ia, H. Wallis, tbo locomotive super- 1 relativ. intondent of the Grand Trunk has, at I in thf 'tha same time, been making an exam- ' 'ix^on of the engines and cars of tb Td^aio, Grey and Bruce *."ompany wito a view to their availuhilitks in part tor th. purposes of the wider gang*. The "GtoB«."_Tlie stock of the Globe newapap, j^ ^^^^j ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ hands of the Brown familv. and ha. fisUen into h. po.^,o„ -^ j, „,;,, of Messrs Donald A. SmiUi, of Wifini- C« A^lan Gi monr, of Ottawa Wm. cMaster, of tbo Bank of Coaiw»rce • George' Stephen, of tlie Bank of Mont-' ipi James Nelson, £dinbur^; j^i,^ ly, Toronto; -Md. Peter Ryan and' rop Lyman, druggists. No iieut Reformer has any interest tbe paper, which is now under tlie I'rol of speculators. Mr. Gordon •wn will be retained as editor for a time only. The foregoing lias going the rounds of die Press e past two weeks, as it has not contradicted, presainptioD is tlie statement is correct. w r. INTI all (HiiutsJ Sept^mq ^;4^; " I-:.- t-