Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Oct 1880, p. 2

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 ITMKNT to sdaet 1 td niont. •pproTtl :y ri'tiiign, with t9v«r. 3VE IN MARKET. â- onifnrt the ri'gt of 70^^ rom W. U. Walker, 1 your lifetime, TTOM PRICE8.' ie real "?imon Pur«.** ALWAYS ON aAXB, Ki:DS or pperworkl 1 tlic sli.irti-iit untie*. NG A SPECIALITY. !n:uiii -3 Suvcr-Plated, St'.v; I'l.lisli; Duma L' tilt; UiinK bun. Coal ::itit'iilarly attuiided .0. i.iv l.y pi\inK m» a call vW.'tU r«' Old metal, in II lirr liie ylaee. Mat JSf. ' R. WWhKER. I'Kiel. FOUND Jutti'Mt to Cash â- Â«:li isci.-.. â- -• ttf 1; i'UK'FS. Urnhd OaV; Cook Ucd ' •;"••. §18. L, ,\v »\(.M, $17. s. SToVi:, $4 n li.'iii. :•â-  I" -t iiiiil larg- in »'ii. I' â- million â€" li»»« u'liK r:-. vilIi illiiiiiinat- I'l t:i: 1 ulnllliIl^'s, and I till- I" -t s!..»f! iu tba ockx't axes, cross; aiul Shelf (••ii:, '., I'aints, ^V.'js. \\\v. hes^ Sec. I, Lamps tVC.i rj^i- and prices aS in the trade. T ri iiii'i- " I'iks lo tbe i»- I. :i iStl. • HKDATLiF. tI)virii)Kr;il I'litr-'iiftge d«»- yi;.i.- M..I Imv." '• remind "l-f"r«"'l *•»- Biii'i'ly th«if HE STAMDARD. [OCAL OTHER NOTICES. m* }tSm North RidiaK Show Ukes place loweu Sound oa Taesday, the Stli It. Thk. Snllivan show, at Desboro, ^irsday, 7th inst. Thk Derby Bhow, »t Kilsyth, the inst. Oct 8chooi~â€" We nndentetid that A\ tbe TeaolierB havejbeMj re-eiigai{«4 for the eneaing Tear; th« Head Teacher at an iuerci^ d tmhmj M |50 on the present jresr. llie 2nd and third Teacbera same as present year. This reflects credit on Ui« Head Master, Mr. Lrwia, as it alao does on those of his co-teaefaera. "Ho removal the board fally satisfied. Ma. RcTixiwi baa :hanged the name oi the Markdale pi^r to tbe SUindard,Kai inereased its sue to eight V r,, -t n,^^A^^ .â-  0?^'ao»D« on tlie j»a!?e. More attsutiou » -V Keppel Sl-ow. at Oxcnden. r oaid to local Matter- tbati for«erly, niOFESSIMUl omEOTOIir. P*H(ai; m^ly on m-cipt of orden. iE POULTRY k I't in tliv.r S. ason. ITHiUCt TililltS to 1 paid ii)r'.Fat Cat- an i Siiecp hi!..- y.ii» for t favora h« fill lti iilii'ii t-'Vi.ur want* tS uttiii'f â- â€¢( .. 'ur -ii|'rt. AV. (!. SAIMEANT. 5S Sullivan, CSITBRTON. u-tiinr 'lid Iei»l!r in ler, Sheet-Iron •pivuu'.d Wa'cs, rroughiug. c. Stock 4';..Crockei iJ »Uii*"»"ir«. e '\viishlM;iriW. Br«" â- jiXx*. lliinillis. *c. *«â-  iuc.l. ,Us and Wi«.l taVan ia ao«trea!«na)1u, ' JAMKS SILLTVA*' For. .SALE, 'III tlu- I illaije of Mark ul liiO acres cle»reil, tba ali.K'li slate of cultiTatio" r'..r M.\.. rt.. work on. iBisi-s a FfiUne House 1 Uouso i.ricked inside; » iviii;; Hiu»e. and IxJf 1* (! CLiuiutiieing to baa* 1 t)ie liou.-e -, a •»•'-â- â- ' • cr. ^s tUo fanu Cadar • ' balance of buah baw* M. pic Sugar Boab o*." iirra is well '•°" J^TJ -, aud iu a choice l«oaJ^ aUo of good ia*rk«*. *• I. and all nac«a»»»y "" C. W. BUI F;irni. MaiVOaJ* •'^â-  ia*. Enplir**' Show, \n the 12ch- The Arran Show, at Tara, oa the )\\ ad '^^h. TirE Proton Sliow, at Dundalk, oa i'cilnesday, October 6th. A MoNKY Order Office is to be esta- blished at Bruce Mines Post Office. .Fabmkbs wonld do well to sell thair ^tter now prices are high. lev. A. \ViL.soN preached his fare- surraon siuiday eveoiug last, to a {e coiigi egutiou. -TTHKABiA Ploughing Match takes cc oil tiie 'ilst inst. The place be givtu lu dae t;me. kBaKAo down to 10 cents to-morrow. Ivertisemeut nexl; week. la. Wm. LrcAS, the Banker, is at ent residing at the Markdale »use. iax Mclntyre's advertisement. He 1 not say macb, bat lie evidently W8 busiuesii. ScBscRiBKRs who get their mail mat- at Markilale P^st Office, will Mease call at the I'rii.ting Office ior ^eir papers. FiKST Snow.â€" On Wednesday mom ii; last we wtf vi.sitted fur the hr^t jjuie this full Willi ii heavy shower of ftow. It (litiappuared uimust as soon it fell. PEHsohAi,, â€" Dr. Eva, specialist, es not Ktivc town to-morrow as is usual inictice every fortnight he »iug coinpcllt'd to remain on a case {uiriug lii.s iersouHl attention. ' We n'ltlce tliiit the total assessment the Towiiliii) of Artemesia, for the krreiit ycir, uuiiunts to bix mills ou dollar. ' Retlknki) frini Toronto, Miss Pe- 3n, the jii.jiuliir Miiliiier of W. J. IcFarlaud, wiuri' slie liiis been for a wtsoku copyiii:,' the Loii-Jou and lew York Fashions. Beaks are (juito i.uincrous in Ama- 6l, Hii'l slii'ep are sulTring. Cliailes Dbter. l.Stli cou., .saw live in one of |s fields a few days ago at one time. Ip you want to yet a first-class Pia- 10 or Or;,'an, tlie place to get it, is rom J. A. Crawford, L'.\bridge, See Ivertiseiueiit. AucTio.NRER. â€" Mr. Snmnel Mcrrow, wi!l be seen by advertisement, lias iiicn out liceiisi-, and off rs induce- ments to tlise reijuiiing his services. Wi.NDow Dut.ssiMi.--Tlie Irishman, he IS styled by his liiuthcr clerks, McFarJands, has gi^-eii nu exhibi- lu of his skill in window ilrcssiii;^. is yery creditable, and bespeaks ^ste. Farm fob Sai.k.- We direct atteu- •n to the sale of two valuable larms the Township of tdeuelg, winch is take place 011 tlie iiUtii inst. .Wp'hi'se a»..jF .3 U lo order loose ink and holes in the sidewalk to bu •aired A broken leg miyht cost he village a nice sum. I Kkmedt ran Cobwebs. â€" A good loom and a little elbow grease, if 3[erly applied, would much improve Ime shop windows. 1 Now is the time to purchase yonr aud ShoiK, and save Doctoi's' Js. Would advi^n you try McFar- ids, as 1)0 kee[K the largest stock, warrants them not to rip. [U PARTED ON A VisiT. â€" Mr. and Mrs. ^nry Fostor, of Artemesia, old and pccted residents, left on a visit to u- friends lu Pertli. Wo wish them ^lea.-ant trip aud a safe return. fi'iiLOBiKO.â€" ^People mnst not sup- se that lecause Mr. iJae's adver- emeut does not appear in our |umus, tiiat he has left town, on contrary he may be found at his stand. CAi.i..-The Kev. James F. Mc- i-n Las been called unanimously to I pa*tor of Kuphrasia aud Ilolland, Lro lie hai been laboring as mis- aary the pa.-t six months. The ligreKali'iis are to be congratulated Buld Mr. McLaren see his way to cept the call. "he Mayor of i;,'rlin has boon scrv- irith a writ, ijsucd by a Toronto firm, culling upon the town of Hin to show cause why the said poration should not pay' the Rev. (.reorge Enkr Mie sam of $3,000 liagcs for injuries sustained by pmg or falling otr a sidewalk which ill a ilangerous .-.tato and condi- Oiir town fathers should make te of it. toBACco JruE aNiisancb. â€" A Mon- tX exchange sajs a most forlorn Lking old man was brought into the perder's Court tlie other day, charg- irfth loitcrii-t; in the porch of tbe btom • House and committino' a |sanco by spitting tobacco on the What a field of operations the itreal police weuld find iu Mark- in arresting tobacco chcwcrs. u.v^ fANT AovF.iiTisixo. â€" • Vdvcrtisc (the year says an old experienced biness man. It is cheaper and Ids a better^jftl»tim in proportion to nieney jflvei.ted. An advertise- |nt should, always be before the :ic m some shape. If it disapear La soon forgottent, and those that ^am have the superiority and ad- ige uf tbe absence. The only excuse for the discontinuance of [advertisement is that of retiring 111 business. IN exchange gives us the following for the Juaprovemeiit of a town, \\x we think wouldn't do the peo- of Markdale any harm to study • ^ell your building loU at reasona- es. 2. If you can afford to do so, »te a building lot to some large I prise, and thereby enhance the ke of town property. Induce busi- men to locate in your tewn. 4. fonise the business of jroor own Speak well of worthy pubUc rprises. 6. If anything should be ^rtaken that may be of any bene- tlie town, do not speak lU of it bers, becaose joo bwpea to be Bdiced against it 7. Speak well rangers of joor owo tewn and "ople. • -â-  ' .s.' •/ *, A ' IV t .- :• ,:\ ' »_: :f.,! -•*!*• .ia^ «â- Â» irl-ii. « "»f â- */ i U. Ji^iiS^J t*OJ y-A =1- lb« I 'd tde editor promisee that the Stan at Bocl«ii\ d«ri shall be perieetljr indepeadent ffc politiea. â€" Monitor. Caops on th 2nd line seemed to have been remarkably good this year. Oa Tuesday T. W. Ferguson threshed oat for Mr. B. Latoomail 700 bushels of wheat wbieb in onr opinion is a pretty good yield off a 100 acre farm. â€" Meaford Monilr. ToBOJiTO EraiBrnoit. â€" The g^eat Exhibition closed on Satordiy last, and was the most successful eyer held iu Canada, llie Oddfellows' ga tbering on Friday wassoinethingimmense.and over 40,000 people visited the grounds that day. There ware 49 bands in tbe processions, and every State in the Union was represented. The Bicbt Kind. â€" A man strolled into a newspaner office the other day, and on asking for his account, found that he was three years in arrears. On ascertamiug the fact he said: Well, sir, as you have waited tliree years for your pay you may credit me three years in advance. What a pit- ty every newspaper snbicriber has not a conscience like that man.â€" O. S. Adurrtisin-. We wish some of our own subscribers would imitate so worty an example. That man's name deserves to be engraven in stone. â€" Durham nerific. We have only commenced business, aud as yet have act been asked for credit. Wt, on the wing, were pleased to see some very substantial improve- ments in the Vilhige of Priccville since we last made tli^t place a visit. .Alexander Brown, Esq., has built (this summer) a very fine brick build- ing, which is a credit to the place. A. Turner Co Chemists and Drug- sjists, occupy one part of it George Leitdi, Tailor, a pirt; and the bal- ance will, in a short time, be in the posession of Mr. George Tuck, as an hotel. Three Racoons CAPruKED in an Oa- cHAKD. â€" One morning last week Mr. Richard A. Scott, l^t 60, second range west of Toronto an I Sydenham Road, Ilolland, was awakened by his dog barking. He (Mr. S.) got up and went to see what was wrong, but could sec nothing, it being not yet daylight. However, when light dawned he made a furl her search, the dog still making an unsual noi.'^e in the orchard, and with the assistance of a friend, who was stopjiing over night with him, found the brave dog had treed three racoons in the apple trees. Thev succeeded iu shooting one, they club- bed No. 2, and No. 8 they caught alive. To Whom it may Concern. â€" County constables will be interested in the fol- lowing letter which has bocn issued fioni the Provincial Secretary's office " sir, â€" with regard to services ren- dered in coaneclioa wi/h the adminis- tration of criminal justice by police officers or constables who are paid for their services out of the municipal or other fund, I am directed by the Hon, rlie Provincial Secretary to ailvise you that in in future no claims rendered by such officers or constables for such services shall be admitted against the Government or paid out of the con sohdated revenue, nnlesH the officers or constables have been specially em- ployed to perform the services by di- rections from the department of the Hon. the Attorney General. I have Ac, Heuery Totten for the Secretary. Sell Your Grain. â€" It appears to be the "general opinion among grain dealers tbatthe pi ice of wheat is more likely to decline than to rise, as tbe crops throughout Europe are conside- rably Dver the average, and the Ame- rican supply exceeds that of any former year, W'e are told that farm- ers in this county feel gloomy over the prospests, and are inclined to bold their grain. Such a course is not likely to pay, as the loss in interest, ratage, shrinkage, Sec,, on wheat that is held over almost invariably exceeds any rise in price that may take place. The safest way is to sell as soon as possible after threshing, above all when the market shows a declining tendency. It pays better to sell the full crop this year at 90 cents, and have cash to deal with, than to sell what is left after wastage from various causes, next year, at $1.00, from which the interest must be deducted. Newspaper Rep^'Btiso. â€" Only those who know nothing about a reporter's business think he reports j ust what is said. They don't know that he fin- ishes sentences which the orator in his hurry and excitementleft unfinish- ed that he disentangles metaphors, suppresses repetitions, corrects bad grammar, remedies slips of the tongue, rectifies errors iu names aud dates, patches up remembered quotations, and the oratfir, reading his effort in the next day's paper, thinks he did pretty well, and so he did, Where reporters make one mistake, speakers make a hundred, which the reporter instinctively, or as mere matter of business, corrects and says nothing about. And to wind up the matter, if a newspaper man says something, though true, of an ignorant upstart to fame, he is denounced. Ob I dear. Oh I near is not the path of the transgressor a hard one to travel Prosperity. â€" Tbe farm known as the Rutlcdge homestead,' situated partly in Glenelg and partly in Ar- temesia, consisting of 100 acres, was sold A. few days ago for $3,000, to A; Nesbitt, Esq. This speaks well of our section of country. The land, of course, w of good quality, yet not better tlian the g'enerahty in this locality, Glbnelo AoBicrLTDBAi. Show. â€" Though the morning was wet and everything looked discouraging lor tlie Show, yet the Exhibitors turned out as if determined to make it a eno cess. The prizes were comparatively small, from more than on» cause. In the first place, the funds were too heavily drawn oa last year â€" a greater number of prizes being given than the fund* ^ould admit ofâ€" leaving, in tact, nothing in hand as a balance from last year and also, our Tamuhip haying contributed nothiny this year, as we think thpy should of. The Show however was a success. We are cot able to give the prize list this week owing to the Secretary's absence from Carter, Phyhiolaos, STumoiu.Aoooaoh«iani UPFiqS-:ibdi|oa Hall: XarVdala Hoaas. ICaritdala, Sep* 17, 1880. i-y i«0«l; 1. B. lltenpOaa, ATTOANKT-AX-LAW Ali^ SOtlQITOK in Chanaaij. Ctmw/tumm, As.. At. Owen Soand. S^ H. MM. .l-f CksM. B. WUkca, Barrister at Iiaw, Owen Sotmd. OrCICB â€" Millen'a boildiac. ov«r Bahia- (•a'a itora, Poolet Street. l-j Office, Hauk, Uniaa-at., 1 r. Mc Sept. 17, 18 iBUhaaoeiy.Aa. east ef the Merchauta' Swad. J. T. BOSABTS. ^7 Pr«Bt, BABBISTERS, AND ATTOBNKTS-AT Law, Solicitors in ChaneeiT. Convey UMsars, Ae.. Owen Sotrnd, have resumed at Flashotoa, Office ojien every Thorsday, sa heratolora. Altskd Pao«T, /.'W. PaosT.LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 S. t. Iaae, BAKRlSTEBandATTOBNKY-AT-IiAW, Solicitor in Chanoeiy, ifte. Omcss â€" at Owen Sennd and Ilarkdala. N. B.â€" Office at Markdale, aver W. J. ICe- i^arland'a store, open on Thjrsday of every week. 1-y BABBISTEBand ATTOBNETAT-LA^, Master in Chancery, Owen Sound. Sept, 17, 1880. 1-y James Ijaasoa, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, 8OUCIT0B 15 Chancery, Notary PuUie, Ae. Money loaned at lowust rates on personal and real estate. Lauds bought and sold. Buj-er and seller introduced free of commia siou. DUNDALK. September 2l8t, 18^0. 1 H^nvt^tmttv* t $att ^^nU* ISStJEB OF MABRIAGE LICENSES, 4e., Commissioner in B. B. Ac. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate â- â€¢- eurity. Markdale. Sept. 17, 1830. I-7 Loa: ancer rate of Interel the country. Pi in sums of 91 iuterest if di Durhaj CONVET lend at the lowest in this part of monry will he taken pwards yearly with the 1-y F. IHcBae, REAL ESTATE AUENT, DUBHAM County of tirey. Money to Loan at reasonable interest, pay- able half-yearly at 8 per cent., or at tbe end of the year 84" per cent. â€" principal }wyable at the end "of 3, 5 or 10 yearsâ€"or principal and interest yearly to suit Borrowers. Lands for Sale. Mortgages bought and sold. Sept. 17, 1880. 1 y .4lexBa4ler Browv, ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life In.surance .\f;ent. Commissioner iu B. R. c. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Orey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and cliarges mads verv moderata. PriceviUe, Sept. 17, 1880. " 1-y OcorK« Corbet, Jr,, LAND. LOAN AND GENEBAL AGEN't, Owen Sound. Monev to Loan at low rates of intervst. Principal parable at the end of a term of yearn, and interest half year- ly or yearly, or priuci|al aud interest repay- able in mstalments. C^A nam her of desirable Impronred Farms for sale. 1-7 jr. O. Siny. DOMINION AND PBOVINCIAL LAND Snrveyor, Dranghtsmsn and Valuator, Meaford and Markdale. Having purchased Provincial Land Surveyor Charles Rankin's entire stock of original Field Notes, -PlaDS, Reports, Instructions, te.,of all his Surveys done within the last fifty-five years, I am prepared to make Surveys in strict aeeord- ancc therewith. Profiles and Estimates for Grading Hilk, Plans and Specifications for BuiMiug Urid);es, furnished on appUea- tion. Money to Loan at 8 per e«Ht iutorest. Orders by letter, or left with G. J. BLYTH, Markdale, will be promptly attended to. Sept. 17, 1K80. 1-y 9'ttti»t»s* W. C. JleweU, L..D.S., WLL be at the MARKDALE HOUSE, Markdale, the First FRIDAY and fol- lowing day in each month. Parties /auting i:xtractiug. Filling or Teeth Inserted, from one to a full set, would do well to call and see prices. Satisfaction given in all case*. Head Office â€" opposite Post Office, Meaford. Sept. 17, 18Ht 1-y Mr. James J. White, Assistant to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sonnd, WILL BE AT THE REVERE HOUSE. Markdale, on the last Wednesday in each mouth, when he will be prepared to per- form all operations required upon the^uuth in the most satisfactory manner, and upon reasonable terms. 1 y fiot*l#. MARKDALE. Having leased the above hotel and thor- nghly refurnished and refitted it, the trav- elhwg public will find every accommodation. Only the best af hqnors and oigars kept. Good stabling. Careful hostler. JOHN VAN HOBN, Proprietor Sept. 17.1880. 1-7 MEAFOBD, Ont. J. k J. McGIBB, PBoPBixToas. ai9«a i^^fMm^MM BE Km.' s BUTTER 4^ II AC Tbsi*lkafallieaa« la^BSanraifar tliel wilkall oaiU saiWgfligMaiul Mai" tthey has*' ligMlk to Harris of 40 t«Mir*eekwslIiM«tsAaw|MiBaA9alfasik*iv wfll atwsgvlrte tbilr e«8lMB«n aMilfalae lta ,ll M fca iay-,^ flIY GOODS, :ikS ouJ I- hws t»:f»j«tifjrr.' *it t'oP' DRY GOODS ° "" the Unls^ ORDERED CLQtHIMC ^spedaHr. HATS and CAPS,»«^nd BOOTS and SMOlE#p ioop«^ Smitk's â-  â- .:! o s .. ' celebrated make that has stood the te9t a^p^ist B all comers in all qtyles and new n cB i ^- â- â€¢'t*-'^-' '-â-  GLASSWARE and CRQGiCERYaU Patents -K7 ri: -•'â-  •-â-  fiv »;i, •.'â-  -,-!!. i' {â-º;â-  J â- j»'.i fi »!a:."» r..:'lMT lu) otf •» Y â- m.i. ' K.eep your Eye on the Place! ' 'â- , ' ' ..' ' ^I'l- â- â€¢ .f, .â- â€¢ .iiiti â-  WHEN YOC VISIT MaBKDAIiB. Douglas' Brick Bloch^pposiU the Drug S4or«. '1 •s'ljii* A^-u J.-.j ' j*»-- aiT September Slat. 1880. BUTTER A, TULE, •TtT* :H: ' j^ o^JiS^!^' irtemesia Wssi^ tM RiM lute I0at e »y AXtWAT^ OM HAKD A. FTTIiIi flVOQltflr WIIOWAIE, For Saiir CiMMip IRiir C^ll iir PiMub*. 17 W.3 SLRewYork enr •.'It .â- vC«i i «^. ,. .: ii|rv;rrEr s, HOOQ, :.--1 SapUatorflat, laaty i: W. F, DOLL, -•IS â- U' -an »i It FLESMTOH DUKDALK. FLESHERTON â€" AlCBâ€" SQMDALL «ffrtse, Jlheutttf' Cfmit. »r.-»;."»»», M«art n* 'â- :*" DrM'ff tc. 00Â¥NtoU«al I m,9m uMMtn bats aoLs taiKw is :« 9.0X»00O Bottles. I nu ^m^ PomUMU Varitd iVnprrf ic*. I ft s ti i a latea lb* Tjtr^llm la r*M ^ntl-m, afclea u eav n a dSB amrrk aad â- mp-.r rTlbo fcaJIf sU tisa s a 4 'a Ll e wi v !â-  rvtrtltiHi esnsâ€" WM aMlMHtea » lb â-  fi** in lb* â- sswsib If tbe at.dlrlM U labva .p«r4U â- Miy after sailaa ib^ tei»»alailiiii •ff.M.d U |a MSB avM Ik* t.r Special induce ments g Wa ltham Watches A SPECIAL UNB OF " ' " Ar" 1L.^TIES OOL.I ^WATCHES Ladias CoL OoM L^cketa, ^Ckaias, lleclU«ta, Ac. Just to haad. Also A LABOE LINE OP A Word to the Public. The era of prosperity which now happily reigns throughout the length and breadth of our glorious dominion benefits every branch of in- dustry, and has very materially benefited my business, which has increased in volume several thousands of dollars over any previous year, and is steadily increasing. o Appreciating the tastes and requirements of the Public I have studiously, and I trust suc- cessfully, labored for 18 years to meet the wishes of purchasers. The support and pat- ronage I have had justifies me in increasing my stock, extending my facilities, and at the same time materially reducing my prices. Ambitious as I have ever been to be first and foremost in my business, I am resolved that henceforth the reputation I have achieved in this particular, shall be promoted and enhanced. Egotistical mention is not essential, but I do feel warranted in calling attention to my pre-, sent full and complete stock of Goods, a stock, the greater part of which has been purchased for cash, and direct from the manufacturers, and the equal, of which, for extent or variety, I do not think can be found north oi Toronto. I solicit from strangers an inspection, and to my friends and customers say, that I have for them in goods and prices a succession of what I believe will be very ?greeable surprises. I am in a position to fill all orders, and it will not be necessary to send to Toronto or elsewhere for goods. Give me a chance to supply your wants, and I guarantee the best Goods at the most economical rates. A call and examination will be gratifying to me, for I feel sure that an experience in patron- izing me will fully confirm all that I claim for my goods. • ' W. J. McPAELAND, WHOLESASE AND RETAIL, September 17, 1880. Wedding and Gem Eings, $1 to $10. maU PARLOR, BRACKCT AND BEDROOM CLOCKl AT ALL PRICESs Silver and Electro-Plated Ware. â- : ,^ )wing to the increased demand for this line of goedi I have haea fcread to parebase larger aud better oases. Am now offering Cake Baskets, Fruit Stands, Cruets, Butter Coolers, Sugar Bowl*, PiekU Dishm, Napkin Ring$, Fruit Knivet, Spoont, Dinner and Detert Kntve$, de., aUoftke latett and most improved detiyn*. I2.especr#ully fe^olicited. It 'V -A. CaU ' Watch repairing a specialty. All work is warranted. Pledierton, Sept. ISth, 1880. W. F. DOLL, FIttliortoi ud Doiidallc. .r-^*: THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND CAN. MORT.CO. R. DAVIS, Agent, (LIMITED.) o FLESHERTON THE ABOVE COMPANY ARE NOW PBEPABED TO 1 At 7J per cent, half yearly, or 8 per cent., yearly. Note a few of the advantages derived from the North of Scotland. You are not ubUged to pay any part of the prinuipal until the and of the term. You can arrange to pay in instalments if you choose and interest immediatelv ceases on such amounts when paid. Ton can arrange to pay your interest or principal in any month to suit you. You cau arrange to repay the loan iu any time from 1 to 20 years. Simple interest only charged. No equaUiation of pajmcntsj No 12 per cent, interest nor fines charged. The following example wtll show one of the many ways in whioh a loan may be reoaid. EXAMPLE: A r •lOOOhorrowed, repaid by ton equal annual instalmente, simple interest, at 8 per cent, yearly, the payments will be as follows lit, interest 8 per oent on 91000 tSO 00 100 00 180 00 •73 00 100 00 17t 00 Instalment 3nd year, interest 8 per cent, on V900 Instalment Sid year, interest 8 per eent. on t800 Instalment 4Ui year, interest 8 per cant, on 9700 Instalment 6th year, interest 8 per eent. on SGOO Instalment tth year, interest 8 per eant on 9$o« Instalment 7th year, interest 8 per eent. on 94oa Instalment 8th year, inteiast 8 per eent. on 93oo Instalment Mh year, interest 8 per eent. en 93oo ' Instalment loth year, interest 8 per eent on 91oo Instalment $«4 00 1(10 00 184 00 9.'6 i« lOU 00 168 00 (48 Oo loo oo 148 oo 84o oo loo oo 14o oo 9SS oo loo oo 133 oo 984 oo loo oo 134 oo •18 oo loo oo lis 00 98 oo loo oo lo8 oo Making a total payment of ' 9144e oo The borrower h not obliged however, to repay any part of the principal by instalments bnt may do to if ennvenient. Expenxes low and a detailed stoteraent of disbursements givaa to eMsh borrower. Dee4l8, leases, Wm%, AfreeaaeatS, *e- neatly and earefoUy prepared. lasaraaee affected in the old favorite Companies. Aceountf, notes, and rente collected and returns ptomptly made. Faraas for sale and to rent Private funds invested. Aactioa Sales attended. Charges kw. All business strictly eonfidentiaL H-OBT. IAVIH, Convayaoear, C«auuaaioner in B. B., Aoetiooeer, Beal EaUte and Ins. Agt., Ae., 1 I FLESHEBT ON. Every aeeommodation for the travelling pubhc. The bar is well stocked with the choicest Wines and Liqners and the best brands of Cigars. Free 'bus to and from all trains. Sept. 17, 1880. 1-y X U. â-  BOOTS and SHOES I 2^013 T iiwdniiLii^on^r. A NOVELTY in these Goods H. R. HOOPER RESPECTFULLY invite every Man and Woman in the sonntry to visit their Faetory and Warerooms and inspect their stock of furniture, mannfaotorad daring the sum-, mer, for faU trade. Onr stock is now the largest and laoat ceaplato yet beldby as, aad we hava bean sueeaaaful in iatroduoing a great many facta â- Â»â€¢â-  lb* KlahiOf^ I Ra«alalaa Ibe Baweb ItPartaas IbeBlMd. Il Qaleta )ba KerveaaSjwtras. SI Fiwaaiee IW i tel te a. I W e ari abm, airmctheaa nad Imrtfar-M'*. It u aiilsa aCtbe OM Bl»W aad Mofc.- •«•• It apsoa Ibe pares ef tbe akta aad tndacr. â- eaUtbr PcrsptraiioB. B D S Mtl s Bi i S tbo barsc'ltary tatrt, or pes' v-n ki Ihr Hood. wiiio!i csoeratf* SurafnU, Lrsl| r., slJ d aaar of skfii disiasrs snd ln:9isl bviuom. Sms* sm no s|Uts euiploTHd tm its minitShnmc. I tt OSB be taken by tho is 4 delluslo b.ii it 'n a* agad sad fcstda, ca7r gnif ttiȣ r}a:rcJ /• w pfafMa Iv wtTtCnflU^ FBICI or LAB9E SOTTLSS, • tlCO ma (0 8KALL B0TTLC3, • :3 Read tiie VOLUNTARY TES" iMOfllALS ef Persons who have been CUKEO bytl^ Mse of the BLOOD PUR'f'lER. FOR DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT. Kel\-in, Brant (To., Ont. Dear Sir â€" This is to certify tliht your Talnable Indian DIooJ STup has benefited me iD(re for Detpip^'ia and Liver Complnint, than any meui- eine I crer before uped. Mrs. M. J. BRIDGE. SAVED HkR LIFE. Kelvin, Braut Co., Ont. Dear Sir â€" I have been nudei the doctors' hands almott coi.tiuQaI/ for eight years, this year being tbe first that I have not crcployed ii.. «iat- After using yonr I.nlian i I vr-p for a brief space of time, I wn's enab- led to do all my work. I truly be- lieve it was tbe means of liaviug my life. Mas. MAIiy LEONARD, CURBS COGGHS AND COLB^S/ Punrtrn, lirnnr Co., Ont.- Dear Sir :â€" In February, 187C, 1 was afflicted with a Revere Cough which grew coufiiiinj; me to my room, niifl was linally proimnncei inpurnblo by mypliVBivitM. In Jan., 1877, I commuiictd usinR tbe ludiau Blood Syrnp, when I at once com- menced to gain in strength, and in a short time I was enabled to do a fair Jay's work. My Cough is uow eutiroly.gono. ISAAC IlbRNER, J. P. NEW AND TASTY )IN( DESIGNS I BED-EOOM SETS, COUCHES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT-RACKS, HALL TABLES, Ac., 4c., 0. ^71 I |l«rH«tt«n(* Ssuaael {HI LICENSED AUCTIONEEB FOB THE Countv of Orey. Sales attended at shortest notice in town or country. Charges moderate. Sale Bills, Notes and Stamps famished if required. Having had long ezperienoe in the business I can gaaiantse satis ta«itinn. Markdale, Sept. 34th. 1880. S-Sa J. 91. Wekater,- LICENSED AUCnOMKBB FOB THE County ef Orey. 1^ LVAN ND LA.ND AO^NT, Mooay to loan at lowest rates of inten*t,in SBoaa to soit borrowers. Agent for Farmara' Loan and Saving Co. All boaineas l a s ltsf s strietly private, and treated as cneh. EUOENIA P. O. Sept. 17th 18M 1-tf G OITBAL AO^MT AND DBATBB TS T Nansy Sloek, WiUiamafoord Statiott. Bapt. n, 1890, 1 Sakacrike ftar We win give it front JaanaQT. 1883, for ons ay Ffart of sttbscrqp^idMt Tha Indosiracfilit Riftttd and Ctmtilid ud Wafar- praaf Saaa. •ill r--.- ;* -i il.. â-  ij.. Oall and Exajnine Stoclc aiul Prices I ir:^il ten .*. :(. â- \t' 'IS,' FULL LINES IN I.' dT' fit, eu n •• I'lM 'u Oil: .-. ....MaJ vdjr. Gnceries, Stajile and Fagcf Diy Geods, Glotbing, (Ready-made,) Crockery and Glassware f •^Tosoarxo 3bco MARKDALE ItaiUals, BepL X7tli, IMO. WB ABB MAKINQ A 8PKCIALTT IN " ' ' New Styles of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS CHSAP AKD DURABIjB. â€" o- UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT rally inppUad with COFFINS. SHBOUDS, Ae., and q«cial sisas m ^^ on tU yarr shortest notiea. aU. KINDS OF ..":•.., Fancy Toraiaf ScraU Wark, Faaea Pickafa laoldiaga A1m SASH, DOOBS, FLANnm. As. to CURES ERYSIPELAS. Mt. ti.rcst, Wellington Co., Ont., Can. Dkab 8i«:â€" 1 was Kcvt-rely afflicted with Er-Ki|elas for tw( vi arK, aixi a Hliort trial «f vour ludian 1 '.;«..! Svrr,|i enuctiiallv cured ine.- Mbs. J.\NET ANDKBSON. LIVEB CO-MPLAINT. Mt. Forest. \Vtlliiiptm Co.. Out., Ctuu Peae Si»:â€" 1 havf us your great Idian Blood Syrup for Livor Cumplniut, and have received great U-iicfit therefrom. I rtcom- meud its u«c t' all similarlv afDicted. MELSOK CABR. DISEASE OF THE STOMACH, Mt. Forest, Wellington Co.. Ont., C«n. Df.viiSib: â€" Thi-s is to certifiy that vonr valuabl« Indian Blood S.vrup cured me of Crampti iu the Stomach. W. N. CUBBOW. DISEASE OF THE STOMACH. Cross HUl, Waterloo Co„,0«it. DeaiI Sir: â€" I was trouUed with sever* Pains in my Stoiuach, and sNo with Ijosa of Appetite and vm unable to get anything to rebeve me until 1 took your ludian BiK4 Syrup which effectod a K|ieedy cure. 1 shall always give yinr medicine tlie praiiw it so justly de-iervis. N.\NCV LEE. SCABBY HAND.S. Neiistedt, Grey Co.. Ont. Deab S#r: â€" My Hands borame Scabby, and I was unable to tell what it wan ami went to a- iloctor, who gave me roilterne, whicli did no good. I then procured koiuc of your Indian Blooil Syrup and hail taken it only a short time, when the Scabs di-apprar- ed, and uow my hands are as well as ever. I cau safely recomnieud it as a voliiaUe remedy. Mas. HBNUY HUFF. DYSPEPSIA AND KIDNEY COMPJ AINT. Westport. Jau. 29, 1H79. Deab Sib â€" 1 have been suffering for years with Dyspp:iia and Indieestion and Kidney Coinplaiiit, and have tri d a mtiat many remedits, but wiUiout effect. I be- came very bod oiid couM not leave m.v bed. I sent to your Ai.ent, William Di«r, fur â-  bottle of yonr Indian lilooi Syrup, and I d* not hesitete to say that it saved my hfe. I am eompletely curel and fed hke a new man. Last wevk my sou wa/t taken sick with severe Hcadaclie, and a few doses of year Taloabl* medicine cnreit him. DATID BLACK. CUBES DY8PEP8U ilND iNi'IGES- TION. Westport, (at., Jan. 86. 1879. DsiB Bn-.â€"l have been afBieted with Dyspepsia for about nine years, and yniir Indian Blood Syrmpifi the only medieirv that •ver helpeil roe. I would say to allsnilering bom this disease to give yonr medicine a fair trial. W. H.JlOniSON. " Sole General Agents frr Canatis, Korth. •p and I^rman, No. 21, Toronto Pt. Went, Toronto. A\»n ;4gents for Mothnr Moble'a Beating Syrnp, an English Disrovrry whieli is well known as a valuable and Vffnetiva Blood Punier throughout the World." so h'bmUy bestowed on u in the past. Onr prieea will he fonndas l#w aa aavT andea !S!?^.!!.*'r:^*^"^«^'«*'*»*°^ Hjoa««i-naedafanythiiiin«ir HiiswelsslcooadimtwssansBit yoQinqatntityandqaalitytosdeetfroBBand alao in .-uw u. :• H. A;^E£. HOOPER, "••t*****" Stsaa Fandtaas Faetory and Plaainf MiU* Slieep and CJatUe. #♦1^ IBM fsl Omp or itWftiiraawMit Me- IfarUaU. GEOIW^^ILSON, BlUIT ICiHTETR Ma iM., â- n* iasrte Kiysiilui MivsM«ati IT. ia 1-7 »i:aivhooi. s HOW LOST HOW RESTORED We have reoeutly pahhshed a D«w edition of Dr Culver- ___ well's Celebrated Essay on the radical and permanent cure (withcnt medieine) of Nerrons Debility, Mental anil Physical Incapacity. Impediraente to Msr- rta(!e, eto., resulting from excesses. lifFriiip, « sealed euvelopa, only sit eents.or two ^uetefe stamps. The eelebrated n hnr, in tl.ui admh^bla Essay clearly demonstrate, from thirty yaara aiMeMsfnl practiec. thit alarming «mi. ssr.aefwes may-l)eraa;cally enred wfthoat ths dangerous n«e of interti'al modiiine or tlie apfdiealioo of a knife {mliiting out a mode of «ar* at ooee simple, certain and efTi^tnal, by aaans of wlkieh eveiy snAerer, no matter what his eaodition may he, may ear* fiiatrW abeapfy, prHrateV and nulfotUy. Ifaialefltareshaidd tw in tin bndrsf«M* roath and •nry aiau ':u Ihv lona. AMatM TH« C^VRti;VEji..»'EbirAL co.» «aat4)ft^.ita.«f«* • 1 A.-OI Ht., Na* Ymm, OS 4l4 SV* H. -tiJIdI u

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