mtk Tftrenlo, Grt y ft Brwicr Py. ^tJPRBASA COtJKCIti. CJliange ot mme. On and after MONDAY, Srd MOV. tnins •ill run u follows: â€" GOING NORTH. Toronto, â€" Union Station, t)ep. 7:30 a. m. 12:20 p. m. 5:00 p. m. Csilton, 7.52 12.4ep.m. 6.90 p.m, \VestoQ S.USa.m. l.OOp.m. S.UCp.m. ilnin)er8um'tK.30a.ln. 1..S0 p.m, 5,50 p.m. AVmidlirblge. ..8.45 a.m. 1.60p.m. 6.05 p.m. Kleiitbarg.. .. S.OJi a.m. S.I.? p.m. 6.34 p.m. liiltoii 9.2.5 a.m. t.37 p.m. 6.43 p.m. MuDo HoMl...y 50a.m. 3.05 p.m. 7.06 p.m. harluHton 10.35 a.m. 3.60 p.m. 7.66 p.m. Alton 10.50 am. 4.05 p.m. 8.06 p.m. «AXni!TII.I.B Arrive. ll.IOa.m Depart.. .Il.tOa.m. Oruntrevil'e Sanction 11.45 a.m I.aurrl 11.5i a.m, Siielbunie 12.30 p.m, l)Vndulk 1.15 p.m. J'rotun 1 .35 p.m, FlttshertonibPiiee*'e 1.55 p.m V Markdalt! I'.rkly \V:lliamKf«rfl Aruot rliatJiworth K;kford ,. Owen Suand 4.25. p.m. 8.30 4.45. p.m. fi.06 p.m. 6.20 p.m. 6.00 p m. 6.30 p.m. 7.11 p.m, 7.35 p.m. 8.05 p.m. 8.28 p.m. 8.46 p.m. «.0C p.m. 9 16p.i 9.86 p.i 2.15 p.m. 2.35 p.m. 2 50 p.m. 3.05 p.m. 3.15 p.m. 3.38 p.m. A meeting of ttie Tovaship (Jooneil of the Tuwnsbip sf Saphnn*, wm held porsuant to adjonrament in the Town Hall, on SepteaAer Uth. 1880. Members all present. Minutes of last sesMioD of (Jonneil read and approved. By-Law No. 2991, a(.paintiog a Col lector for the Easterly ftr* •oaeesaioBi of tho Township, was wrried through the different stages and passed. By- 1 (be first prise Law No. 292, levying School Trodiers' Rates, was carri^ throaKb the diffimr- ent stages and passed. Mr. Ellis was authorized to let a job of eorering crossway on side-line 12 and 18, eon. 8. John Anderson was permitted to close a colvert on side-road 17 and 28, in eoneession 7. by opening the ditch on the Sonth side of the road to the West as far as the cnlTert, opening into a drain on his premises. Money orders on the Treasurer were issaed as follows :- To pay Thomas Lewis $lfi, Kerwin Kerr $87, John Heeney $16.- 63, James Rice $70, all for road work. Samuel Wiley $4.76, for plank for bridge on 4tta line. Cooneil adjoam- •d until the last Saturday in October next. BoBXBT Ihna.or, Tp. Clerk. 4.U0D.m 10.10 p.i GOING SOUTH. 0«ran Stoiml, ivjMti 6.30 a.m. 12.00 boob Jt.K-ktc.rd 7.00 a.m. 12..*) p.m. ChuUtvorth 7.'^0 a.m. 12.55 p.m. AriKitt '"' 7..S0a.m. l.OC p.m. \V;lli«nisf.,rJ 7.48 a.m. J:.rklv H.OSa.m. Mirk.lal.! 8.30 am. KIrxlj) rt'mfcl'riccvlllu H.55 a.m. I'rotKn 9.15 a.m. IxiiiilHik 9.35 a.m. Sliflliirne .....10.15 a.m. I.niir I 10.47 am. Oniij|;t.vJUe Jiiiicliuu 11.00a.m. Uii«NoeviLLE â€" kri. ll:l.ja. m. 5:20 p.m. Vvp. 7.15 a.m. 11.35 a. m. 5.40 p.m. Alton 7..3." a.m. 1 1..55 a.m. 6.U0 p.m. ,('linrlston.. 7.50 a.m. 12.10p.m. Muui- Komi. .H.2.^ a.m. 12.47 p.m. JUAtfti H.4' a.m. 1.10 p.m. Kli-iii))iiri!...!l.Ou a.m. 1.30 p.m. \ViHHlliri(l(.'-..!t.25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. Iliimljrr 8mt 'J.4va.m. 2.U5 p.m. f Hion. 10.(Xi a.m. 2.27 p.m. 'arU'Hi 10.10a.m. 2.39 p.m. TtMuiNTo,â€" L'iii'n Station, Arrive... 10.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. MBAFOBD ROAD. 1.28 p.m. 1.48 p.m. 2.16 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 3 10 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4' 15 p.m. 4.50 p.m. 5.05 p.m. 6.18 p.m. 7.05 p.m. 7.3S p.m. 7.55 p.m, «.17 p.m. 8.33 p.m. 0.00 p.m, 9.15 p.m. 9.40 p.m. THE STANDARD. Friday, Oct. 1st, 1880. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Tilt- Stamiari) will be given to the fir^t i.f Jiinuarv. 188'2, for $1.26. Now IK tilt' time to subscribe. Those ' onr Kubscribcrs who call at the (.flicc for tbtir paper, will please bear 111 luiiid tlikt tlie plitce of publication ihiii liill'H new brick block, on Toron- to ^truet, opp._..e the Markdale llniiKo. Wo would again draw tbe iitti'iition of intending subscribers to tla- fact that we oflfer siK-cial iuduce- ii:«'iits to tliosc who may now choose i.ii iirdcr (he Ktani*kd. The charge tvill he $1.25 from uow till 1st Janu- ary, 1HH2â€" one year and over three iniiiith.s' for a year's subscription. Thi.f, we thnik' is very liberal on our part, and we have no doubt of the rch'iilt.i Fi«m a CorTMpondent. The harvest of another year is over. It has been one of the best tluit we have had for years as far as favorable wbeatber is concemed,'with the excep- tion of spring wheat, the yield and quality will compare favorably with yeir8 ot the past. BfABs.â€" As Messrs. J. Webster and J. Graham some time since were go- to tiieir work, they came rather un- expectedly on a large bear. Not having any shooting irons with them at the time. Bruin made good bis escape. Several parties have come on bears' track along the Beaver River. Some of the younger citizens of the Valley are very timid about being found out of doors after night. tlB.?1f niU SUea. T Ug ' ia"t5 r winter wew ar^fiasted at the ribt with a neat patent *|Bog fastener, the in- â-¼tntion of Mr. w. H. Storey, who re- fosed $6,000 iir its use in the United, BtalM. Thoit of oor nftdan wb** •ttanded the Indnstml Exhikilion il Toronto this j^t sMy have aoticaA the rahiUt made bj this irm, whidk MD^toa at 199 diiareni,«tykftini% Tfapam, uA wl^h was MN^dS^ yite^otd Mmtitor. Tbb Dctsbdi ExHnrnoH. â€" The vxfaibitton of the DuSsrhi Agricoltoral Soeiety, which is to be held the 7tb, 8th and 9th "of this month, promises to be the most sue iiiiiiiful of ny yet hM. Ere i^Uiing that eonld poasibly PKNBote it has been done, both in the way of obtain- ing exhibits and in preparing the grounds, buildings, o. The direc- tors have at a considerable sacrifice of tme secured a very large number of special prises, amounting altogetiier to about $1,100, which added to the prixe list offered by the society swells the total to a very respectable am cant. It is therefore earnestly to be hoped that the present bright prospects for tlie eoming exhit ition will be realised, both in the nnmber of articles exhib- ited and in the namber of visitors. Tliat all, both far and near, may have an opportunity of visiting the exhibition, arrangements have been made with the railways to issue tickets at reduc- ed rates, and this will no doubt be duly appedatod. There is nothing more sure than that a farmer who docs not attend exhibitions drops be- hind the age. It is just as necessary to be abreast of the times when money is scares as it is when it is plentiful. Prices may be low this year but they car not be altered by sitting at home when every sensible man is investing twenty-five cents in acquiring the ex- perience which other folks have been earning for him all the year before. So do not fail to attend the exhibition and get all the infcrmation you can. â€" Oranganile AdtertUtr. KIllBEBLY. Depastxo. â€" Mr. F. J. Pridham.who for the past few months has been car- rying on the Tailoring busiaesa iu this AUage, havirg inducements held out to him in Brooklyn, was the recipient of a farewell entertainment given, on hirir to write us on siihjccts of news or i the eve of his departure, on Wednes- TO CORRESPONDENTS. AVc will he pleased to receive com- liiniiicatmns from those who may de- of general imjxirtance, as it is our de- Mfo to make the Ssandabb a medium throii^'b whicli all matters of interest nia.v he laid before the public. No luionyiiious comuiunication will ap- lt;itr in this journal, we must have the not necessarily for that we may know with wh(m wo arc dealing. Commn- hicivtions only of public interest will ho received. Matters of a private or poisoinvl character, and in which the coiiinuujity are in no way interested, will net receive publicity through our C'Uinins. iianu! of the writer iillic:itron, but day last. Tlie supper was well got up under the experienced eye of Mrs. Uutledge, of the Markdale House, and a most pleasant time was speut, Mr. Pridham leaves, carrying with him the well'wishe» of tAoae with wliom- he came in contact during kts 'short stay in our village. THE B.\Z.\AR ANP CONCERT Held in Dnfferin Hall on the a7th tilt., under the auspices of the Ladies' Association of the Presbyterian Church tif this village, was in all respects a eoniplcto success. The Society dis- poseil of nearly the whole of the vari- ii\is artiiPes provided â€" many of which K(Jd rapidly. The tables were well ^^^lpplied with a rich and snptuout spread during the afternol^, and were â- Kscupic*i continually by per^jps com- ing in who found means of appeasing tln'ir hini'^rr. pinin-j; the afternoon a concert was :iniiuuiR-od to tirke place at half- past wveu and although we might say •".spruuf;" upon the people, wascrown- ed with success, the Hall being filled to its utmost, and many who were anxious to contribute to the good cause wcere compelled to return to their homes. There was no- regular pro- gramme, but the entertainment con- sisted of soiiijs, solos, readings, recita- tions and addresses, all of which were iibly rendered. Onr space will not pcjrmit of going into detail, and we CiMi only ^ivc the namos cff those who i «k prominence in the good cause. The Uov. Mr. Wilson was called upon to take the Chair â€" which he did, not r^luctaiitly â€" but feeling, as he must have felt, that his departure from tlioac he so dearly loved, and labored aiuongbi would cause a separation for •A. time; one could imagine the dificul- ties under which he labored. He however announced the names of those who were to contribute to the entertainment â€" 1st Miss Noble, Snd Misses Wi'sou and Hollingshead 8rd sone, by Mr. Anderson; 4th reading, by Mr. Irwn 5th song, Miss Jessie Burns Clh recitation, by Mr. McDongall 7*Ji song, by Mr. MeIn tyre 8th Misses Mary Cornwall and Ella Wilson 9th song, by Aoder- crsou lOih speech' by Rev. Mr. Gar-* n tt; 11th song, by Mr. Patterson; 12th address, by Rey. Mr. McDiormid 13th soug, by Mr. Andeison 14tli song, by Mr. Puttorson 15th God have tiie Queen, by the party. Thus •lidcd the proceedings, and w» are pleased to state that after defraying expenses the nice litt)* sum of $80 wasrealiaed. From a CorrMpondent. The Village of Kimberly has been the scene of a great sonflagration. About 4 o'clock on Wednesday morn- ing flames were seen issuing out of Mr. Hurlburt's blacksmith shop.which soon extended until Allcock k Faw- cett's waggon shop, Thomas' store, and Howell's blacksmith shop were one mass oi flames. We mnderstand that very little property was saved. There was no insurance. It is ru- mored that it was the work of on an incendiary. If so, we trust he wdl be found out and punished. Putting in fall wheat is all the rage. Every available pieCe of ground is be- ing seeded with it. The Dentist's office at Epping is doing a flourishing business. We, were shown some po- tatoes grown by Mr. Jordan, of Ep- ping, which are hard to beat, 12^ of them weighin? 12J lbs., and exactly filled a patent pail. Ha has also some fine specimens of the new yarieties of potatoes, viz.: Success, Beauty of Hebron, Alpha, and Excelsior. We would ad\iBe any lover of these useful bulbs to procure some S3ed from him. More anon. titttS- f* .^aj"" j-i.n- COJNTY ITEMS. Meapobo debentures sell at lOOi, one of their own citizens, Mr. H Chisbolm, buying the last issue at thai figure. Speaks well for Meaford, â€"O. a. Tim*t. Thk rails have been laid to Palmer- ston, on the Stratford and Lake Hu- ron Railway. It is expected that the work will be continued on the Ueor gian Bay and Wellington Railway from Palmerston to Durham, probably we shall be able to announce in uur next issue that the " Rubicon" has been crossed â€" that is the rails have been laid on the railway across the Wellington, Grey and Bruce at Palmerston, and that the work wdl then be continued without let or bin derance, â€" Grey Retiew. The newly appointed Station Agent of this town, came on Tuesday evening last, to see how he would Uke his new berth. He was well pleased witli the appearance of the place. He thinks he will have to commence his duties here in about six weeks. The appoint- ment was make by Mr. Hickson, Gen- fral Manager of the G. T. llaUway The station house has been plastered, and the wmdows and doors, wains coating and painting is ail that is ue cesaary to finiab it and make it ready for occupation. â€" Grty Reriae. Sad.â€" Mr. Thomas Napier, a res pected iarmer in the township of Nichol, between 60 and 80 years of age, is about making application for admission to Toronto Hospital for the purpose of having a surgical operation performed for the removal of a can cer. The cancer is located beneath his tongue, and has b«en growing since last spring. In order to get at it the chin will have to be sererod at the centre and laid open and Mr. Napier, while willing to undergo the painful operation, has but little hope of its success. Oi all diseases,cancer is one about which th* nedieal prof e8sim appears to know literally nothinff, either as regards eaose or core. And in this section of Canada at any rate, it has become alanningiy eooimon of late years. Mr. Napiar's manV friends will earnestly pray that the treatment be is aboQt to undergo may satisiae- torily accomplish Um im m i aad. â€" y«te$-R«i»td. Wmu in Aetoa recently w« wws shown throogh the Gaoftda Glove Works carried on there by W. B. Stony 4 800. Tboagfa started bat a few years ago on a snail scale, the bnsineas has grown to raeh an ext«Bt (hat eaploynMnt is grrao to nearly one boudiwd haada, wiio tarn out aboat eighty dona pain a day, a gnatar nomter than that of any otbar factory in Ameriea. The bask. kid. antriope aad ather gloves aad aiaoaEaatarad an of the very qaality, aad an aaatiiif with a •xtenidve sale ia Great fintain and CHURCH DIRECTORY. UllSt |TliftimJnRfB«fi!lT(ld. CHBIST CHUBCH. Servieeaâ€" Sept. 36, 10:30 s. m.; Oct. Srd, 6:30 p. m.; 10th, 10:30 a. m.; 17th, 10:30 a. m.; 24th, 6:30 p. m.; 3lBt, 6:80 p. m.; Nov. I 7th 10:30 a. m,: 14th, 10:30 a. m.r 21«t, lo;8o s. m.; 28th, 6.3o p, m.; Dec. 5th, 6:3o p, m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.; 19th, io:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:3o p. m, Sabbath School, 2;3o p,m. Bev. Jaiues Ward, luetimbeut. CANATA METHODIST CHUBCH. Services every Sabbath at lo:3o a.m., and 6:3o p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. O. 8. Bowes, Superinteudsnt. Prayer Meet- ing, Thaisday Eveaings at 7:3o. Bev. N.A' McDiarmid, Paator. PBIMATIVE METHODIST^. Services every 1st and Srd Sabbath at 3 o'eloek p^ m. Evsry 2nJ A 4th Sabbath at lo:.Ho a. m. C. C. Uarnett, Pastor. A â€" PBESBYTteRlAN. ServicM iia Dnfferin Hall every alternate Sabbath at 11 a. m., and intervening Sub- baths at 6:3o p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. Bible Class and Prayer Meeting on Fridays at 7:3o p. m. THE MARKETS MARKDALE. FaiDAT, Oct. 1st, 1880. Flour 6,0o to 6.0o Spring Wheat per bush., new 0.90 to 0.95 do. do. 0.8a to 0.88 FaU do. Barley 0.40 " 0.55 Oats 0.25 " 0.25 Peas 0.50 " 0.55 Potatoes. 0.30 " 0.00 Batter, per ft) 0.17 " 0.20 Eggs, pel doz 0.10 " 0.10 Pork, dresiied 4.50 •' 5.00 Beef 4.50 " 6.00 Geese per lb „ O.Ofr " 9:05 Doclu, per pair -,...., OnSff " 0.40 Fowls, per pair ,, 9130" 0.25 Turkeys, per lb 0.07" 0.07 Sheepskins 0.40 " 100 RKdes 6.00 " 6.00 Hay 6.00 •' 7.00 Timothyseed 3.00 â- ' 3.40 Wool 0.26 " 0.25 Green Apples, per. bu£hel.. 0.50 " 0.75 Lard 0.10 " p.lO Tallow 0.06 •• 0.07 DryCordWsod 1.80 " 1.60 FIxESHERTON. (CorreeUd weekly /or the Standard by R. J. SprouU, FUikerton.) Thdbsdat, Sep. 30th. 1880. Flonr, per bbl Spring Wheat per bosh.. FaU do. Barley OaU Peas Potatoes Batter, per lb. Eggs, per doz. Poik, dressed. Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy seed, Wool Lard Tallow do. do. •4.75 to »5.26 0.85 to 0.90 0.80 0.40 0.87 0.50 0.30 0.30 0.10 4.60 600 0.60 5.00 8.00 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.05 0,88 0.60 0.30 0.65 0.35 0.23 0.12 5.50 0.00 1.25 6.00 10.00 2.50 0.35 0.12 0.07 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. APPRENTICE WANTED. AB'^T abont 16 years of age, to learn Sl.oemaking. THOS. HANBCBT. Dnndalk, Oet. 1st, 1880. 3-Sin. AXJCTIOIV SALE OF YalnaWeFara Property IN THE Township of Gloneig, In the County of Grey. There will b« sold on Saturday ftht 30M day of October 1880, at eleven o'eloek in the forenoon, at BnTLsnes'a Honi., in the VILUQE OF MARKDALE, \H virtue of a power o{ sale contained in eertaia mertgagaa, which will be prodaeed at the asls, the tollowing properties PARCEL I. Uader m«tga«e frem Neil Campbell, lot Bomber one, in the twelfth eonoaenon of tbs Township of Olenelf Coontj of Orey, eoatainiog one handled aores. Tk* foUowing improvejients are said to be •â- tba praiBiMa About 50 acres cleared, ksviaff ereetad theret.n a eedar log bam; â- taased about 8 milea from die villags of PARCEL II. Lot rr, ia the 8th weasriea of tb* Towaabip of Olenalg, in Um Coonty of Oraj, eontainlng one bnndrad as m moi« or laaa. Tb* {aloasa( iaptovwiwis aie said to be oa Um piamiaea Abont M Mrs* etoaied, vitk las baiUings enetoA thwâ€" â- TSB1C8.â€" Oae-taath ef tha pnrdiaaa o« tba day iU ba to be paid iurwn o« tba dts of mIo. â- ada aaewa at 9, tbaaalo. Fur farther partiealan aifftr to tOKSB BBOg. « MAC^tBSZIS. BoUaitarB. Ksoaae Hall, Octe JeaaLTOBs,ls«.. Martdala. tiirjMli. Sep*. Mth. l«8a ..1/i' 1U i% Hi /Tlfi/K CAIili AN]|BS CU^^ lar EMPTY^BOTTLEB BOUOHK' Itekdals, Oetobar 1. 1880, MEDICAL HALL h Pure Drugs and Ohemicals PATENT MEDICINES! Dye Stuffs, FAncy Soaps, Perfumery, Corabs, Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Surgical Appliances, and general Druggists sundries. â- â- â- â- o Stationery and School Books FRESH IN GREAT VABIETY. o â€" TEAS A1V1 TOBAOCOS! TOGETHER WITH PAINTS AND OILS. o X=»l:L3rsiciSLa3LS' I^xescxiptions, AND VETERIIVART^ raKPERAXIONS, CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Moniroal Tolograph Offlco. T. S. SPEOULB, M. D. MILL STREET, MARKDALE, Sep. 17, 1880. 1-tf WM. FOX, Plain t Ornamental Platitrw Estimates for stone and brickwork on ap. pUiSation. Satisfaction Goranteed. Besi- dence â€" Queen Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17, 1880. l-y Wm. Foster, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale and Retail dealer in all kinds of Pino and Hardwood LiiiRbor, LATH, SHINOLES, CEiAB POSTS, AND COBDWOOD. r- IS-Office and yard opposite SHELDOH'S HOTEL, OWEN SOUND, ONT. N.B. â€" Lumber, ate., abipped to all parti, bj rail or water. September.,!^. 8-4 Wm. Lncas Go. BANKERS, MARKDALE. IN large or small amonnts, at all timet, on g E. D. WILCOX, rH rrut. o va seeurity. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Sasinga Deposits. I^Drafta israed and OoUectiona oisde on all points, at lowest rates. WU. LUCAS A Co. September. 1880. «-y VETERINARY- BLOOMFIELD, I VeterinaTy Surgeon, HAS conunenced the practice of his pre fessioD in Markdale, and from his long experience and extensive practice in England and this conntry, is enobled to i^israates satisfaction. Begiilatir.g Powders, the ad- miration of thousands that have used them, warranted to purify the blood by remorinf diseases larking in the system of horses ana cattle, Flways on hand. Mcdieinea maybe procured at his office, over Dr. Sproule'i DruK Store, Markdale, i.y STRAYED FROM the premise* of William Lyons, let 30, con. 13, Holland, one year old Heifei all red. Any party giving snoh in- formation as will lead to her raoovuy will be suitablr rewardea. Holland, Sept. 90, 1880. S-fin This spMS to be oeenpied by B. D. Wilcox's Adrertisement aa soon as his new Brick Store, new being fitted far tUaa is completed. .OZ--. ' .T .-a i- â- ;"•â- â- â- ' -^ â- â- • â- 'â- onfmisn i U)- • -n .•»(• '» St0|g Stovin^ THE STANDARD. LOCAL .i • • ft OTHER NOTICES. "ta North Ridiup Sliow takes place U Wmq Sodud on Tuesday, the 6tl umL â- at DeAoro, Ath6 New Tinihon i^ MARKDALE. " _A LARGE ASSOKTMEXT torts- fcj X%. «rf the latest and most apprtnyVT igba, including " FIRL0R,G00KIII6A1I|||( .« ' all the for tb* Teaoher $60 on and ihiTi year. 1 Head Ma does on removal Mr. R| name ol â- S'taN/(ir(/.| n 3 i "fohnuiis art I »'ft»d tol be at Roc xio t 00 id tlie bard sha Thk Stillivan show %nraday, 7th inst. Tmt Derby Show, •» M«ytl«. the til inst. Tr- Keppel Sbo», Ei^^^ Sho on the 1^^ » j4ii politic; QTrkw.! i I. .â- -~^ Th^^Win Show, at Tara, on the ' Crops STOVES, extra hea»y castings, Witt ,j. "Wl., pUted trimmings, "^- '"^P "'"â- THE BEST STOVE IN MARin jE^-;:^.^-,^"""" » If yon want to have Qomfort the r.-sl «( .^ w^ days, boy a stove from W. B. Walker, t^f BfoKET Order Office is to b« esta- will last yon your lilatune, ' Dished at Bruce Mines Post Office. AT ROCK BOTTOM PR|(J^ ^^^^ ^^„,^ j^ ^^^ ^.„ ,,,^^ Ho pnfnng hereâ€" the real ':3imon Pun.- butter now prices are high. Rev. a. Wilson pr«ached his fare- well sermon Sunday evening last, to a A LABOB STOCK ALWAYS ON BAtg, "K^ cnngt«gatioii. ALL MiTDs o» EtTHBAgiA Ploughing Match takes Tin €l Copperwork!"""'"" '**' ^^" ^^^- ^^^ p'***^*^ »ad. to order on tie ^hartest nntic. "'" *** K'"" '" "" '""• EAVETROUttHINtt A SPECIAUTT.t .^""' ^*"'° ^^ cents tomorrow. 8U,T. Orens lined, Hand-IronsSavcrPUw'"""^* °"' ""'• at Tery low prices Stove Polish; Don, Ma. W«. Lccas, tlie Hanker, is at J^tJ?d S^^^*•i?'"j"'"' '"°=*P'e8ent residing at the Markdale Oil; JOB WOBKpartrcularlyatt.;i,dsdto. Moniii. ^^ You can aave money by pivinj; me » al ^* before purchasinj? elsewhere. 0] J mejii; She MoLitvre'a advertisement. He TINWARE „.. -„, „ ,. „. ... â€" She Mclntyre's advertisement. Hides. Sheep I'elti. Wool-p^km^ ufc., j^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^,^ eWdeiitly exchange, the Is^ Remember thr j^Iaee, mb aeans boainess. Markdale House.' W. R. Walker Sibscribkrs who get their mail mat- ker at Maikdaie Post Oflicc, will Uukdale, Sept. 17, 18iW. !â- « MARKDALE. MAKKDAIjB. Selling Off^Selling Off. Clearing Out Sale! STBAYED from the premises of the Rubfieribar, lots 91 ti 92, Srd Bange, W T. t S. Eoad, one white heifer with white Dosa. a red and white heifer with lined back, and a red steer with white spots through it, aiid white lund feet â€" all yearlings. Any person givmg ia- formation that will lead to theii reeovary will be suitably rewarded. ROBEBT TORBT. GUnelg, Sept. 3, 1880. l-4ia RAY STEERS. STBAYEl^to the premii^es of Mn.DaTid Bradley, \t 62, 2nd East of T. ft S. Bead, HoUiuid, o^ steer rising three years old, and one risii^L two Tears. The owner is requested to prov^^oporty, pay ehargee and ti^e them away â€" BBADLKT. HoBand. Sept. 10. 1(I8($V !-•* STRAYED TTIBMC Ibe premisea of Jon llaoaa. M J? It, ec^^eaaion 14, HcdUnd, aboat the 15th of Jnae.\ Three yearlinga, one apoMed heifer â€" red aao^hite, one white beifer aad one red steer, a^ venon giTkig saeh in* fbnaatien aa w-'U Itad to «Mv «MO|wy will be a uM a li ly rewid. EoUand, Sept. 1.M \St RAYED rrO the ^tamisea ot Jamea FtoAlBg. kt 16. een\». Bnphiaeia, two BED TBABUNO 8TKUS aad ooe briadled TieriinS. flie owafl^ le q ae rt e d to jKow* fio y wtj pay exyonaaJVad take theat away. Bqit. 17. 1880. V V !•«â- aTRAY STEER. CA]fEinto\he pramiaea of the salNaribar lots, Itwduraaia, oa tke IMli ^dt kftS Md aad wkiti aheatoM ^Mr'eU. aWe awMT to^liartsa aad fika h away. X^ ' »-»• »48. BLARXT. eRMT i GHELLEW wiO offer for tba IVEXT OO IaYS Baigaina n a p weedsn t e d in the Coaaty ot Ghrejr. SnEBOABDS, BUBKAVS, :-, CUPBOABD8. WA8H8TAIfI8, open aaa s a i l osst, BBAD8TEADS. 8FBINO BEDS. MATTBASSBS, OBADLES, CEMTBB TABLES, EXTENSION TABI.E8, Fan-Leaf TaMw, aad Qmin ot tnmj «a- iatytoha SOLD AT COST I â€" â€" ictures and icture Framing! in all it! hraanhea I Pianos and Organs. STOVES. ^please call at the Prii-ting Ollicc their papers. FiEBT Snow. â€" On WedncsJav mom in^ l»st we were visitted fur the lirat tiuie this fall with a heavy siiowtr of ^suow. It disappeared uliuosl as souu •» it fell. Pf RsokAi., â€" Dr. Eva, specialist. 't^4^B uot leave town to-morrow as is i' Iris usual practice every fortnight he being compelled to remain on u uase TT-^ â€"1â€" ^XX ^Dt^i/mi '"^â- 'l'"^i*"8 i^^ Personal atttnliou. JtXCvSjAWUU JDxOSi We notice that the total a^sessmeut been remj Tuesdnv .out for of wheat I pritty go I â€"M,af„r I ToHONl I Exhibitio and wa.-i ill C.inad^ oil Frid.i's I over 40,t â- that day. the procl i tlie I'liioJ Tm: Ri iuto a iici and on aq that he On u^cel Well, sirf f(i ill ret yu« ty every a cciisci* .i'lr.rlixA ^!^ll'icâ- ^illC 'o" oxnitijflr. to hci r( ll,n,u. buslii. .-^s a.kod fi Wi;, we f!"iiii iiieut- i| since »• .Vli xaiilJ tthis siiiii iiig, wlii^ .V. Tiirnf I iri-ts. 40- of the Township of Artemcfiia, for ih»: I l.^.itilt. current year, amounts to .^jx mills on I „in.,. ^,![ B 3TTOM PRICE FOUN^D^^'t ^^"" Retubned from Toronto, ^^Great Reduction to Casli ^^- Pnrchasers. TiiiXK OF nun rnrcFs, A No. g elevated Oven Cm Miss IV- ron, the iopular Milliner of W. .1. McFarlaud, where she has htcii for a few weeka copying the Loniuu and j New York lasluous. Be.^rs are quite Miinerous in Ama- bel, and sheep are suffering. Cilalie^ Foster. 18th cou.. saw five in one of liis fields a few days ajjo at onetime. ... I*" you w«nt to get a first elass I'la- StOVe, furuishcd complete, ?l5. no or Orgau, tlie place to get u. i.s- Same, wilh Low Oven, ?i: ^^e*" f- ^- ^^rawford, Uxbndge. Se 5 BOX STOVE, .1 advertisement. Auctioneer. â€" Mr. Samuel Mcrrow, auei p. ivi'V-il hot 1. Till;i I l;i-l,ar.l \Vl of lioM.iii liMlIJllV. WlUt t. KM' llotilil rl a furl 1 1' 11 ail uii with 1 1 was St;Tl tw All other sizes Equally Lo» as wiU be seen by adverti.-. incnt, h.iJ I rneoo,, J taken out license, aii.l •tf- rs iu'liicL- his services These Stoves are from the best aii.j larf meots to thse requiiili est manufacturers in the Doiiiiiiionâ€" Imt all the latent imiravemeutK, will, illmuiiisi .v\isD0W Dkkssisg. â€" The Iti.-^hiuaii, ed'fronts and silver-plated friramiir.-. tnias he is styled 1)V his biotlur tJirliS, are beyond doubt the best St.vts lu liitat McFarlirnds, has given an exhibi- tion of his skill in window lUcVMiig. It is ytry creditable, uud bespeaks taste. .M»rk ;t. HARDWAEE. A large stock of a;cs, cross f^^^ ^qe Sale.â€" AVe direct atten- cut saws, building and Shelf tion lo the sale of two valuuble lanus Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, 'i ^f Township of Oleutlg, Oils, Varnishes. Brushes, k. J. A. CRAWFORD DEAICB IM â- f J PIANOS AND OBGANS! OF THB 'TTsiToxld^© ^j:sL3a.-u.fact"vaj:e- VaAdaKS^t, pranptly attended to. 2ry Zâ€" ii » r tU€» t GRANT ft CHEM.EW. MARRIED In Cbatewortk, on the IMi Sept., iMO. b7 the Bar. OaTteTOb. lelwilieton. oi OaoelK. toM^ Ann,da^M» ef Jfi.nea. A» i^tmmemk Howa. PortB]|Ja. «â- ^.â- S*-' *sr*» »^- '•»- e^BlaT. M. A., J. SiakMn Gteroth, Â¥iidhen '"nra. to tmaim,mmmA hmhm «( Ifa. iImIi*^ Oa|Unth.andneeaetJel«laii iii .Ke^,, "" --" " r IWnftflnHili DIED la Ol Ma l taB 27th A^woOb.John â- foA 47aHa. â- MHimaMAlAaiB, Having a thorough knowledge of Musical Instruments I would invite those desirous of pmrchasing an instrument to aiVB ME A TRIAIil I can furnish good testimonials from parties to whom I have sold that they will be dealt honorably with in all cases. By corresponding with me I will convince parties that I will sell cheaper than they can buy elsewhere. •^^ ^r Monthly or quarterly instalments would be accepted, with a small payment down. ^«i- • at low prices. f TINWARE. 'Coal Oil, Lamps c., Stock large and prices low as any in the trade. HASKETT Bros.^j Sept. 17. 1880. bed N .. alivr. To Wii eoiiMal'li fiwiii;.' li 11. •' Sir. .Kr-d in tratioii ..fliv.-r-^ till ir I othef full rJif IV winch IS to take place ou the UUth lust. '^^ Whose Ju.j io u to cr.Jcr plank and holes in the sidwnlk to bv j tiuit in Mpaired A broken Kg mi;-:lit tokt ' l.v s-.u-li tlie village a nice sum. b-i'rvic-n Remedt fob Cobwebs.â€" .\ goid!^"'"^^'"'" aSaroom and a little elbow grea^e, if '"h'hit.ea proierly applied, would much impibvc " const same shop windows, I"".^»^" i' I rectioiis Now is the tima to pnrcliasc your Hou. t 1 Boots and Shoes, and save Doctors" ,^(._ |i, "bills. Would a^lvise you try McFar- 1 lands, as he keeps the larj;« st stuck. â- "•' iud warrants them not to rm. "" '"' ' Defabted on a Visit. â€" Mr. and Mrs. ' j,|,^ jy to [leury Foster, of Artemesia, oid and i-r.i' ;ii respected residents, left on a visit to i\i\,\y .,v The subscriber returns thanks to the i»^'«"'fri«"'"»^t""i*- We wish tiiciu r\a,\, J habitant'of t pleasant trip and a safe return. if,,rui« r v 'Ch. • MABKDALE T*ilobiko.â€" People must not Pirp ""' "' ^K pose that because Mr. ISae's adver- P"'"-!" " aad Tieinity for their liberal patronage du -isement does not appear in our :., " "' to rtumJjoiumng^ ti^t, he has left town, on ""'"'y'^j "" he contrary he may be found at his â„¢"**^," ^] ld *tand. " '^•' " any ris Ilio "^af.-: posiM' when tlid tciiilcKcyl full en J I have c.'ii| what IS Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. ing the past five ye^rs. them th2t he ami liej. is prepared to supply wants iu his liue ns Frdi ui Coniei M ACALL.-The Kev. Jamrs F. Mc- aff any one north of Toronto, [^aren ^as been called unanimously to je pa«tor of Euphrasia and Holland, where he has been laborinfj a^ niis- jionary the past six mouths; T.'ie congregations arc to be congratulated delivered promptly on receipt ol ordert. should Mr. McLaren ste his way to SAUSAGE POULTR^y'""'"^^ ""• The Mayor of Berlin has be; n sciv- always kept in their Season. ^d with a writ, issued by a Toronto Special inducements to oan firm, calling upon the iowji of, large Purcliasers Berlin to show cause why the said busiuiss orporation should not pay tiie Rev. said. Ti Shop en Mill sreett, oppositifolin George Enler tlie sam of $3,Ouo ii.-hes sen] """' """' " ' ' injuries sustained by i his hunv' CallS(;~. I wiiich tli(j Ni.w.-.i' WJlo kiK the •• Revere Hotel. lamages for injuries sustained by j iS-Cash paidforlFat Cat-J-PJ^^^: '^l'"g«ff»«;^'«"""^vbKh jod;.] ^= tlA arirl eVTo^n vas m a dangerous stato and eondi- sup; r. â- ] Our town fathers should make tie and Sheep ,ion. Again thanking you for past favors 'bit note of it. trusts by faithful attention toyour wants •• y merit a eontinnance of your support. Iobacco J uica a A lisanch. â€" A Mon- TO Ti ffinnrAVT :real exchange says a most forlorn ir ,.. o .,!;:,;«-;, ^ot^^K oli »«» w*" brought mto tl.e Markdale. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 .lecerders Court the other day, charj;- ~~ '^d wfth loiterintf in the porch of the iTa.TnP.g SulliVail, "*^â„¢ """^^ .*" committing a .^.T --^wfcj-i. ' luiswice bv spittinj? tobacco on the iC-;.; -mT.TroTJ-Bi-Dmnxr -tepB. \Vliut a field of Vfontreal police won FLESHERTON. Kaimfactnrer and Dealer in ^r:iiijiii:irj nctilii pateiiuo and till the liiXl pritty wci repoMert. make n hi] ins;iiic'.iv« of operations the 1 '"'"^s^' Id find iu Mark, "^^o"' lale in arresting tobacco chewcrs. (JOKSTANT ADVKI.ttSl\G. â€" VlV( rtlsC )y the year says au old CKpi-ntiieid if a n wip thoui;li irij fame, he Oh I (icar and I transgress tM-j .•:t^^u^^. /iM». .Kid 5i T^.Tt ^^-t flr iMinwMli wiffiMM ffii^ Six TMfts .."1 •â- ' â- ::..«.r4i»|tj .. • • .111 tlu-'i»i*, i'mu.",'i-C' limy.- '.-, i* .*•• l^i;^ Ti», Copper, Sheet-Iron and Japanned Wa'es, ' ^Eave Troughing, C. jusi^eas mau. It lb tlieK))er -â€" r »li« a betteri§tS'uii in pr^r'""""" *^ !â- IVospki A Xi£U:^e Stock^'^rOCKery|„ meney ^vei.ted. An advertise- il,e Uutl, _. n«1fi should always be before tlie [.arlly in oMic in some shape. If it di»upe:ir ' t.m, i.i. i-i is aooD forgottent. and those that s.jl.i ;t f w L-mam have the superiority and ad- i ;, „l,iit. K autage af the absence. The only our ste:i i and StunewaM. Wooden Wares, Washboards, Brooin«.; Brashes, Bakes. Haadles. fc. tc. ^ore Orena Lined. Old Metal, Hides aad Wool taken in «* ehan^. 7' Prieea most ilsasoitabla, 2AM£S SULLITAS- Flesherton, Sept. 1880. ;ood excuse for the discontinuance of eour.-;.' n advertisement is that of retiring belt, r 'OB liu-^iuess. ' is| liin ricK^nt J. A. CRAWFORD, ,-_. i-. .^..; AKaxclwnge givea us the following A CIlMCt Fm if 150 ICrWales /«• tlic ..nprovement of a town. FOR RAT V â- ^'•'" ^* '""" **«"dn't do the iw)o- DOB SALE. u of Markdale any harm to studv^ Tbsie aia abcMt IMaeres cleerea, tb* ^ng^, 2. If vou eau afford to do ar, ol which is in ahiRh sUte of cultivation »* "S" • "" »o. flt (or a Baaper or Mower to work un. T' aia on ths Bremises a Frame House bri insida;a Milk House bricked inside; a »â- â- ; BtaUa aad Driving Houae, and Log B*^ Tooag Orchard commencing to lear a ^^ Wall, beside the house; a '•«'â- «' "i2JL, Straam runa across the (arm Cel»r »"' mt (or lancing, balance o( bush hard'o^ (a Piisi.«lasa Mf.ple Sugar Btash of kod««'d, trsw). Tkatarm is well fenced, m » gT* state o( Mcaic. and in a choice 1'»1"£;^ inc witbin a mile ot good market, cburc»~ a2eol boap. mi aU necessary con«r locuiiiy, Gl.KNKI.' Thou-rii t everytlun^ the Show, out as if d^ â€" The a builduig lot to somo i^^^ g^.^u^ f,.,, irise, and thereby enhance the th^ first if town property. Induce busi- 1 heavily dr' "â- tnber of funds woe fact, nothil sen to locate iu your tviwu. 4. se the business of your own Bpeak well of worthy public 6. If anything should be from last y, .Maple L«tX Farm. Markdal. TO i ken that may be of any bene I town, do not speak ill of it beoanse yon happen to be ' against it. 7. Speak well Oif your own tawn and having oonJ as w'c thinki however ws able to givel owin*; to tlif huint.