Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Sep 1880, p. 1

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 â- '^S! iUJinpi i i f 1 f M T'ime. InDAY, 3rd NOV. trains |G NORTH. St.ition, \2:J0 i in. 5:C0 p. m. I A.m. l'J.4.5ri.m. 5.20 p. in, P'ia.ra. J.*h;ji m. 5.3Cp.m. I.:j0|).ni. .5,.'0 p.m. 1 i»Oi) p.m. 2.1:1 |!.rj. G.24 p.m. 2..H7.ii.ia. B.43 p.m. .H.ii." j. m. 7.0.")p.m. 3..';0i).in. 7.50 p.m. i.Oa p.m. H.Uii p.m. V4.' A.m. rO." a.m. !.â-  a.m. uiul. ..'J ^ ll»». on lO.vOu-ml OaAHOETILXK â€" Arrire 11.10 a.m. •4.2.';. p.m. 8.30 p.m. Depart.. .11.90a.m. 4 4-5. p.m. OraiiKeTU-'e Junction 11. 4i a.m. C'.f^ p.m. Lanrtl 11.59 a.m. Fi.'iO p m. Knslbiinio 12..^0 p.m. C.iM) p m. Iandalk 1.15 p.m. 6..V) p.m. Proton 1.35 pm. 7.11 p.m. Mwhfrton.VI'iiccT'e L.IS p m. 7..35 p.m. Markdale 2.15 p.m. H.05 p.m. Wcrkly 2.S' p.m. 8.S8 p.m. Willitim^ford.... ... 2 50 p.m. 8.-!0 p.m. Aruott H.O.'j p m. S.Ott p.m. ChntHWfrUi :^.I.j p.m. U IC p.m. It«ckforl S.-'iHiim. S.3("i p m. Owou S.uiia :... 4.00 I), m. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Owen Sound, dcptrt C..U) a.m. 18.00 noon. •llo«klof4 7.pO a.m. 12.30 p.m. Chat(«erth 7.20 a.m. 13.55 p.m. Aruott ".."iO a.m. IOC p.m. â-  "illiamsford 7.48 a.m. 1.2,S p.m. Bvrkly 8.0,' a.m. 1.4« p.m. -.. Uark'Jalp 6.30 a m. 3.15 p.m. Fl«»li(rl'nl'ricelllu 8.65 a.m. 2.4.5 p m. Proton y.K a m. 3 10 p.m. Ihindalk U.35 a.m. S.IiO p.m. Khclliiriie 10 IS a.m. 4-15 p.m. Laiirvl 10. n n m. 4. .50 p.m. Urii|(«rill .luiKtiunil 0); 5.05 p.m. ORiNcKvii.r.F: â€" Arr. 11:15 .1. m. 5:S0 p.m. Dtp. 7.15 a. IH. ll:!5a. m. 5.10 p.m. â- â€¢ Alton 7.3." am. 11.55 .i.m. fi.OO I'liartextoii. .7.5ii am. 12.10 p.m. Mono Dottd. .8.25 a.m. 12.4.' p.m. â-  Itoltnn S.4.S a.m. 1.10 j,.m. Klcin)inrK !*.l5 a.iii. 1 ..10 p. iq; Won11)riHj;e..y.2.^ 1.50 p.m. HiimlHT Smt 'J. loam. 3.1^5 p.m. '^\'«iitoi l(i.lM)a.m. 2.27 I'.m. Carlti.u 10.10 a.m. 2 33 p.m. ToKosio,â€" I'uir.n Stnlli.n, Arrivo... 10.30a.iii. 3.00 p.m. neTS, as alio articles of a litera- ry cliaracter. we preMut tkisikBaeasa hie specim«)U of what may be weekly expected. CtiRKESpoNDEscE. â€" We purposc per- fecting arransemon^ Uirougliont tbe conntry whereby we will be enabled to lay before onr patrous such matters of iuteTest as may from time to time tr:ui3pire, (tbis of itself will incur a considerable outlay) wlvch we bave no doubt will be appreciated. To Advhktisebs. â€" It will be seen that althjugb the St.vndard is in size much larger tlriii the gftncrulity of I county p.iperi' iti rates of aJvertisins ' are no higher than those of le.wor dimensions, â€" tbis shoald be noted. To Subscribers. â€" Tiie subscription price of the Standard will be$1.25per annum, payable strictly in stance $1.50 if not paid for three months, and $2.00 if allowed to run to the end of the year. Wo sen J thi.s issue to all and deceivers. It never crept into the cranium of flus financier par ex- cellence ' the probabiUty of income to be deducted. It coold not. because oowardice. jealousy and venom are blind as bats. I therefore state that the schedules are approximately cor- rect. I may add further that, the Council are onl^ careful to set out the several amomitd in tbe By-Iaw and the number of mills required to cover the sum required the subdivisions are entrusted to the Clerk errors or mispomts may occur, but in no case has it changed the totals in each case. After discharging his pei-sonal mis- sies at the Reeves and Deputy Kectes, the Council, tliV Innkeeper, and tlie public lu geueriil â€" raises their irj, and at tlie same time a storm against tbe institution he tries to bolster up exhausted his artillery against the honor and probi*y ot honest men â€" he tries the sympathetic role, and ventures a little wishy-washy argu- ment for his sufTcring prodigy, the 11. E, He says, " We cannot under- stand why Dr. Christoe is so liard on the subscribers of the late F-jyositw, tlm II. 11., c." The editorial " We 0.18 p.m.i 7.05 .m. 7.33 ji.m. 7.r,r, p.m. 8.17 p.m. S.33 p.m. U.OO i-.m, 9.15 p.m. 9.40 p m. 'The STANDARD? Friday, Sept. 17th,. 1880. t v.\ledictoi:y. as we also do to many who did not talic tliat paper those who retain it we will be pleased to put on our books as subscribers, and those who do not want tbe paper will please return it to the oiBco of pubhcution with their name and post office address written thireon. Corm)uinbenrr. PiUCEVILLE. stands forth very prominently I take the broad ground that tlio bonus system is a vicious one,' and 1 believe its days are about numbered, and the sooner eoinuiuuities like the Ontario Government shut down on it tbe better. There are generally sel- lish motives at tbe bottom of it, and under the gloss that it is of public importance far iu excess of its realiza- tion, a picture is drawn and presented to the people, and by pressure of every description the unwary are led to their own hurt; but there is a revul- sion setting in rapiiUy, as witness the From a Correipondcnt. late refusal by the Government, as A shooting and hunting match was I also the Township of Egremont, witii indulged in by the sports of the village corresponding feeling iu other muni- and vicinity on Friday hist. A party cipahlics^he Greygroup in particular, of crack shots, captained by John Mc- I scarcely think it necessary to fol- Lcod,"und a similar party, captained i low my friend iu his stereotyped re- hy Tliomas Coiikoy, t^ui out to try j marks, for lliey are as atale as- sour whioh could capture the largest quan- lagnr. To show, however, how weak- titv of game durinir tlie day, the loos- ly hu reasons, take this as a sani^o ing party to pay for a dinner for the In short he says, Grey paid $300,000 corupanj. After a bloody day's i with profits, the Company paid $30J,- executiou Mr. Conkey's party proved i 000 without thoin. Certainlj^that vict'jiious. A dinner prepared in " " Mrs. Tuck's best style was vigorously attacked by tlie o[iposing forces. A review of the exploits of the various chai-act-rs was rather amusing and interesting, f^ instance, an ardent This week wo publisli our ir'suc of the Maiiki\i.k K.\i-osit(ir, having Hold out the business to Mr. Charles W. liutlid;," (.f the Ti.wnsl ip ol Gltin 1;:;, wlib has rented 'his farm and coiicludftd to f'o into the publishing bn-iiir!s. Dniiii;,' (lie five years wo have \ni-u in bfi.'iiu ss in Maikdale we liavc ri ceivp 1 a generous support, not only Iroiu nil elassi:s t.f biisnU'Ss men in Mark tale, bdt also fruin the busi- iioss men ot tlie Villa"fs of Fl'-sli'T- tor, I'rieivilld, Dsmdalk, Ji;iMwell, l)nrli:ini, l"'Ter.liani,;i::d the farming puhiic of tlie siirrouiiiimg country.â€" I.iko all pi .11. r pulilislu r v.c have liad a f lit" shiue of riliicaltics toeon l.-nd wiih but' havu sneoi idml iu keeping the,\voll' cutbide the eiuraiice to llit\foM, niid iro-.v propose retiring tilM.n trie rntorest of what we OVejMd 1*«7' ^^ ^ixpr-ui the enortnou^ArtUM we ha#it an^, «»bjt«t WMSMpoi^ •d il^Jisgi^l^Vu^JM w^^ places the matter in a most fav^abie light for the Cooipaiiy, that isbuppos- ing tlio undertaking to liavo been a mutual one. IJut according to figures nionlioncd during the caini-aign this .|k instance, an anient read cost "jl.OUO.OOO, Tho bonhold- .studentof the ^iip niid spur;!, secured, ers paid of this 5i'i,OOt"),0(K), the Com- by means best known to himself, the j paiiy, according to tlie writer, paid :ipiendage of a most odoriferous ani- mal. .This fond tro].hy was much prized and admired by the wi»ners, us liy that they won the day. (A. dis- ciple of Esculapius, by no mcTins a dwarf, succeeding in wading to the ^liddle, bur:^tiii_; a double barrelled I giui, and filially shooting a sand snipe. ecja^d ill tb« pnbat^,..of t)M Exppsjjok. Oar niwut ciMiomefs will -Alaftse accept ou»incen! thanl;s f'jr tuo liMidsoiiie ji-'Hii'^t; tiiry be- ^:o^T.•d iiiHiii us irXie- past, lii.d we tiuht that • â-  .Micccssor will do as • wulj 'jeiter. than we did. It would J'an inatt;:r to run a nowspiiper -111 a coiiiitrv village if every person " came ifnvii willi tho dii.u" in ad- vance, or oven later but wiion one got to winter a largo family of liMii;,'rT printers on promises nf corii- wood, polatoi'H, aiwl oecasioiinlly a few turnips, anil ball' the tiiui) docs not j(et as imich conhvood as would keep inii; fire going, the prospect in not as bright as one could wish for. Jiowever, we have man.iged to woiry through this far, nnd it would be un- grntofiil on our part were wo to doiiy the f.ict that b}' tiio' i: â- jority f busi- iivh.-i men in the I'lacis |ireviously iinied,~a8 well as by i\ ^ood many of 'â- - ©ur best fariiien, we have bcon well ~.-*^d promptly paid but thorn is a class whv nover think of jiaying the printer or Anybody else, and we ure corry to ttkj tJiftt we have bad too many ol that class on our books. t)u tho whole we have reason to bcli«vo that ' wc have given fair satisfaction, and if the wo are about giving up lias in any manner assi^ti^l in advaiic- iiig tlie int'ref.ts of this Bection of c aintry and brought it into proniin- i*iici' we are plca.?ed to Jiave had A shavi) in the work and trust onr successor will keep tho ball rolling. As oiir'patronsi^re scattered lA'cr too largo â-  an extent ofcou'iiU'V f r u.s to vifit thein |Hrs'naily,and sliaki- hands wiih their gotul wives and kiss their babies, we raise our hat and waft a iucUi]boiical kir:8 iu final adieu. GEO. J. BLYTII. To tho Editor oltli« St.vni aki., Sir, â€" 1 noticed an article in thu last elTort'of tho now defunct K.v- /Kisitijr anonymously i-lgned " Arteiue- sia " hi exaiiiining it, I find the writer moved by motives quite aside from tho 1!. 11. question, for iiuputa- lioiio and iiiuendois arc hurled at per- sons geueraily and myself iu parti- cular. It is fair to presume that he pro- fc.-'Sv.s to "be an honorable man, an honest one, and an iutttUigMit one, 7et the article in qnestien carries "i;300,000 but who paid the balance of !=; 1,700,000 Tills is a fair ques- tion, and Olio easily answered. The Municipalities and the Goyernnieut. I contend that the proportion actunlly advanced by the Company is small â€" very small â€" and dispels the gist of this argument. It must not be forgotten that the project was tlieir own â€" for their owu benefit not a sod was turned with the primary object of 1-enelitijig the Municipalities, aUboiigh it followed as a natural consequence. Tiioso Muni- cipaiitics who have fi;iveu their monev' have no control iu its, iililioiedi it is seen they have by fir the larger interest in it. The ide.t of ilishaiKx'ij pr.t ti the front, and to be tackei,! '-, ^^Jf-J^Jc- pavi r who refuses ••rf^QtiptUliJwiurB Is seiioiu, if iroe bat it isnllt tens. No jpUigo bv been made, no nvlattes given, an'lfi therefbre, no mitl) 4its ByL«wNp. 818, appointing Collec- tors for 1880, paisad in the osaol way. Tlio following »ire tho Collectors :â€" Ward No. 1, John Haiird Ward No. 2, James Brodie Ward No. 8, John HigKinbotham Ward No. 4, W. T. McKeo. Mr. Elliott moved, seconded b.- Mr. Wright, That the Beeve cor- respond with the Warden of Grey in rbfersuce to the bridge on Gravel Road over- tbe Bangeen River at Priccville, said bridge Uiag in a dan- gerous conditior.â€" Carried. Mr. Mo- Leod moved, seconded by Mr. ElUott, That the Reeve issue his order in favor of David and William Hender- son, for balance duo tbrm for road deviation, upon proper signature and delivery of deed of said deviation. â€" Carried. Mr. EUiott moved, second- ed by Mr. Wright, that the Township printing be given to Mr. Rntlcdge, providing the work is as good and as cheap as can be procurel at other offices. â€" Carried. Mr. Pedlar moved, seconded ly Mr. Wright, That tlie Reeve and Mr. Wright be a Commit- tee to receive Collectors' bonds said bonds to be delivered to tbe Committee on or before tlie next meeting of Council. â€" Carried. Mr. Elliott mov- ed, seconded by Mr. McLeod, that tho Clerk procure blank tJy-Law book, and tvvo dozen Collector's bonds iu blank, from A. L. Wilson, M. A., of Toronto. â€" Carried. Council adjourn- ed to meet on the first Monday in October. W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. on its face dishononiblcnass, dislion- .... ««Wpo» b» dikSr. Let hgi^le^ea m the pRynTriit of nearly With reference to the foregoing, and in presenting this the first is.^ue of the ilARkOALE Standard before a de- serving public, it becomes our doty to juinciplos upon which tbis jJucted. Purpose bo- '^nm then, thaf j9«*b*nily I have tttfti^«ction to fair crilici--ui on either Muiiicit^nl or R. 11. quostiuus I woulii provoke it if possible. j He refers to a coinmunication of mine pubhshod iu the Mail a short liiuo agw â€" iulinits the facts, but as- 1 signs as reasons- interealed motives, and till relore Ueercs and fhpnti/ llci ns arc it'i/s seeking their own interests by i niakiiig refunds, especially in the montiis of ])iriwltr. â-  1 tlnnk any i honorablo Reeve or Deputy liceve would endeavor to represent the wi.shes of his municipality. This has been done faithfully as far aj Artcmet-ia is concerned, and as the recenfc election fully justifies. As to rcfiiiuls, I say more are made iu liciwher tliau ui any other month, for the siuiplo rea- son, that it is the uiontli of tax jiaying, and tlicrelore errors discovered are corrected but to twist it out of its iiatar.'il bearing and insinuate evil piiri»oscs, stamps the writer as a dou- lile-ilyed insiiiuiitor. I ciialle'icre him or any one olsy to proiluce tlio evi- dence of such prostitution of trusts. He says,"Thorciwesomc'low-mind- edmen who can scarcely le considered able, from some cause or othor, to jiulge for themselves, who will take U^Ciiristoe's //'.tc ili.i-it for anything, but the great majority of tho rateiay- nrsof Artemesia judge forthemselvcs." The paragraph quoted is .imusiiigly disingenuous. 1 quite agree that tlie j-i'iit 'lunjiiriti of tbe ratepayers of .\rtcincsia judge for themselves!! .\iid 1 am proud to know that during the past ei,,'ht vears I have been tho faithful reprosen'iative ?f the i/tvui mi.Jritiii/ of tlie free nnd independent electors, and have represented their views en the R. R. question as I felt it my d»ity to do, and 1 may add that their views are quite iu keeping with my owu. He iiext charges the Council with malfeasance, and tries to show tiiat. the schedule of taxes banded to the ratepayers are cooked for a purpose, viz.: â€" to show the li. li. rate at a dis- advantigc. If 1 mistake not he prides himself somewhat on municipal knowledge, and I eau scarcely conceive any mo- tivu but a wilful inistatcmeut of fa:ts islead the public, and to cultivate gainst tho Council. As I J^WCa year towards the road, aiui when she luomise.; more she will pay it but she is muur no oblisiatiou to give more, nor can the special plead- ings of this por.soii maku it appear that it is to her iulerL-st to give more. The argument based on the traflic in tits, cordwood, tclegraiih poles, kc, amounts just to this, that but for the iiicoino to tiie read they would bo per- mitted to rot bv tho track, and in- stances many, more profit to the farmer is found in the ashes of the wood, nnd to put up with the perpet- ual aunoyauce of shippiug it bars Ihf further tfial. Yon see, Mr. Editor, there arc always two sides to such questions. Tbe through freight argu- ment is trotted out, haviug no better to introduce. It is Wfll known that tho directors cau and do discriminate rates, and then the business connections are, and are likely to be, witli the chief city of tho I'royiiice, so that whatever avlvaiitage there might bo, tho many wheels prevent tlic beiielits lindmg their way into the fanners' pockets. ludoed, u prominent grain buyer, and a very film friend of the road, told mo a short time ago, that it might appear as a feasible argument, but their was uo- tlfing in it. If, Mr. Editor, my views and efforts have a tendenej-to prevent tho raiepayers being unduly taxed, and also to cause the projicr parties to but wliat can cither â- iiiaim repair their own property, as 1 firmly i;i,^,| fn- use at culvert believe It their duty to do I shall ^nd 7, concession 7 bear patiently thu insults of.jnon3-- mous scribblers. Lutil the new scheme be laid before us, I shall not enter into further dltjcussicn ujiou the question. I bave now done with this gentle- man. If he comes out in his own name and discusses either Municipal cr R. li. matters in an open aal geu- tlemniily manner, I shall be but too happ3' to do so with liira, or aLV one else but to discuss question.s with a base, insinuating coward under an nssmned name, I have no desire lur- natios Lli more partic rection As a local journal it is ourT ij gather aud publish all such matter couudcted with tliis village and the sorrouudiug conutry generally^ and neigbbring villages, {.s will be iutor- c«tmg, tlHtrcby making the paper one that will be enquired after, and appre- ciated for its energy in procuring what may be going on, and truthfully lay- ing it before o'ur re-ulerf at as early a dite as practicable. In Agriculture, we shall glean and pnbii.ih from uma to time suali ai ti- des as may Io conducivo t» the in- terest of tho farmer, thereby making tb« Stanuabu a pajn^ that wiil b « lagbi after by this class of tho oom- liinititT. Is rroviftcial, rKm'nion ad For- |ana sent dowi lust thereto do. Iu conclusion, sir, permit me to congratulate you in your now under- taking. I am confident you will not permit iu your columns such a gene- ral onslaught on tbe characters of as honorable a body of men as can usually bo found arouud a Council Doard, unless you also give the name ef tbe individual w ho is tbe author and it is unaccountable to us, treatment the late Editor oarliSkdd:, he sbwhl ha\ it. Yours, Dr Flesherton, Sept. G. 188| EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. The Council met pursuartto ad- journment on tlic 28th day of August, 1880. Members all present. Miuutos of last session of Council read aud approved. Moved by Mr. Uurlbert, sec. by Mr. Ellis, Thai J. Boyd, Evq., be appointed to act iu behalf of this Corporation, with the person appomt- ed by the Township of Collingwood, to tsiko into consideration the petition of James HohtHfs and twenty-four others, for the formation of a Union School Section betwocu this Township and Collingwood. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Faxvcett, seconded by Mr. liurlburt, Tliat as James Paterson, Esq., through illness, is uuable to at- tend to tbe equalization iu belialf of this Township of the Union School Sections connected wi^li this Town- ship nnd Collingwood, that James Kerr, Esq., be appointed to act in his stead as referee in behalf of this Cor- poration. â€" (Jarried. Tho (lommis- sioner of No. 5 Division was authoriz ed to get repairs made in side-line 2/ and 28, the crossw.aymg therein being reported unsafe. Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Boyd, That whereas subscriptions amounting to over $00 have been presented by .\ndre»v Grier, Eq., for improving side-lme 18 and 19, in tlie l^t and 2ud concessions of the Township, that the Council hereby anthorizo .Mr. Fawctt t' expend an equivalent thereto for said purpose and providing that this subscripti^-in slmald amount to ?l"v' Mr. Fuwcctt is also aiithoiized to spend Rn equal aip'-iiiii. â€" Carrie.l. Moved by Mr. IJovd, secii4ih|J by Mr. liurlburt, .kkmk na.theiJK. G. A 11. R. R. Com- !iaii7'aro«8tffciDg to obtain a bonus rom this Jlidicii'ality to aid them in improving QiHr.4ine, that this Coun ei^ are deMkaiited to opjiose any such meamire to their uttermost and that siiould steps bo taken to submit a By- Ls'.w foi; such purpose, th;ut this Coun- cil refuse to ackiiowlfed,^o the s.imo, unless a ictii ion according to law be presented, and a deposit of .$lJl)0 made t' cover the expenses in connection therewith. â€" Carried. Jlr. Ellis was authorized to expend an equivalent to the amount expended by Artomesia Council, on Nelson's Hill, Town-line. By Law No. 200, appointing a Collec tor in the seven westerly conces.sions in this Township, was cnrricHl through tlie different stages and passed. Mov- ed by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Hurlimrt, That the Reeve, Dejuitv Reeve, and Mr. Fawcett, bo a Com- mittee to attend to the building or rejiairing of a bridge on 21 and S2 side road over Beaver River, known as Kerr's Bridge, as said bridfro is report- ed to be in a very unsafe state for travel. â€" Carried. The petition of James Mick and others, in reference to opening 27 and 28 Kido-line, in the 11th and l'2t concssions, and tbe appropriation of St. Vincent Council for cutting dowii hiU on Tov jiline, Htli concus.sion, wero reforrrd to the Commissioner of that DiviHion, Tho Treasurer was ordered to remit to John Rutherford, Esq., printer, Owen Sound, $32.50, for printing Voter's Lift lor current year. The Reeve's orders were issued on tho TronBurer to poy as follows â€" To John Wiley, §1G for ri'^iairiiig bridge on 7tb line Samuel Wiley, $2.75 for plank fum- on side-line G Robert Dnnlop, Clerk, $25 for getting up Voter's List for current year, and $5 for serving notices to attend Court of revition, and fiinnshing the Sehc ol Inspector copies of assessment of School Sections ns now required bj' law Samuel A. Korr, $6.50 for work performed on 21 and 22 side-road. On motion be- ing made and seconded, the Council adjourned until the last Saturday in September. BoBEBT DcKLOP. Tp. Clcrk. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The Standard will be given to the first of January, 1882, for |1.26. Now is tho time to subscribe. TO CORRESPONDENTS. We bave received several commun- ications intended for tbis issnc, but the great influx of advertisements t nmmna g to i ARTEMESIA COUNCIL. is thi mauipDlatc. solve is, how much run tho Township Sccou much havo v/o on hand Third much must we raise as a Townshi rate This is tho mode I prcsuim any business miKi would adopt. Well, wv.fiud that it will require, say, $1,800 or $2,000 to pay the luuniug expenses but we have an income, license fees, hues, land improvement fund, c., tiesdos perhaps money at credit iu tlieteuiu This is deducted and tho balance raised. According to the logic of this writer, because wo do not show iu this schedule a rat to meet the full sum, $2,000, which certainly wqoffi bo cruelty to tha rate- payers, a i^lfiroug in principle, we miut be denounctd as publif frauds [ho Council mct^ tlie Town Hall, lerton, on Monday,^ Sept. 6th, Members all present. Min- f previous* meeting read and ed. Communications from wing parties presented and F. Wait re gaugeen bridge, Clerk of Euphrasia, re Uni- o. 1, Artemosia and £o- L. WUson, M. A., Torou- ipal stationery t Mr. C. lersonally waited apoo '« Township printing. 0W8 were ordered to in CO, road job Ward Wm. Smith, road job Ward No. 4, $4.00 Jhomas Addison, repairing scraper, $1.7o. By-Law No. 817, levying school trostee rates for l880,reHd a third time and passed. MARRIED At the residence of th« briils'g father, on the lot inst., by tbe Bey. G. Keys. Mr. Wm. R. GUb«rt, Agent T. G. D. lUUwav, Klinebarg, to Kuther A., aecontl dani^hter of M. Smith, Esq., Holland Centre liiUn DJED. At Fla^herton, on Taestlay, tbe 7tb inai., tb« infant son of Mr. Eidar. At'Toronto, on Wednenday, the 8th inst., Mrs. FredMiok Armstrong ot irleahorton. At Matkdale, on tho 9th i ist., at tha rtm- ilenca of his father, Wnr. BrowB, £aq., Oloiigtone, aged 11 years. STRAYED FBOV the premisea of Jobm Mooaa, lot 10, eocoeaaion 12, lioUaod, about the 1.5th af Jane. Threa yearlin(;8, one spottad heifer â€" red aad white, one white bcifur and one red steer. Any peraon prinif naeh in- formation as w=U lead to th^ recovery win be suitably rewarlrti. HoltAnd. Sapt. 1 'ih. 1480. i.,3t THE MARKETS^ MABKDAliE. VaiDAT, Beji. ICtb, Flonr 6,85 Hpring Wheat per budi., new 0.90 F'aU do. Barley ' Oata •••»*•..• Peaa •••••••• Potatoea. Batter, per lb Egj^, yet dos. â-  Pork, dreaeed, Beef ••....«. Geese per lb Dnoka, per pair I'owU, per jiair Titrkeyu, per lb Sheepitkms • â-  Hide* • • Tlay ......... Tf Jiothy seed, Wool ......... Green App/es, |^r. bushel Lard Tallow Dry Cord Wood do. 0.90 0.40 0.C0 0.8R 0.15 0.10 4.S0 4.50 0.U6 0.30 0.20 0.07 0.40 6.00 6.00 300 0.35 0.50 0.10 0.06 1.50 to 6.W tc 0.9C to 0.90 â- â€¢ 0.80 •• 0.80 •• o.5e " 0.00 '• OJO •• 0.10 •• e.oo •• 6.00 " 0.06 " 0.40 " 0.25 " 0.07 "ion " G.OO •• 7.00 • 3.40 " 0.85 " 0.76 " 0.10 •• 0.07 •• 1.60 FJiESHERTON. {Corrected vftMy for the Standard y K- J- SjirouU, FUilterton.) Thdbsdat, Sep. 16th, 1880. Flcnr, per lbl »4.75 to f6.2o Spring Wlieat per buuh.. 0.86- to 0.90 Full do. do. do. O.W) " 0.88 Barley 0.40 " 0.60 Oats 0.27 " 0.30 Peas 0.50 " 0.65 Pototoes 0.80 " 0.35 Butter, per lb 0.30 •' 0.3i Eggs, per doz 0.10 ' 0.19 Poik, dressed. 4.60 •' 5.50 Beef 6 00 •â-  0.00 Sheepskins Hides 0.60 •• 1.36 6.00 •• 6 00 Hay «.00 •• 10.00 Timothy seed, 2.00 •• 9.60 Wool 0.25 •• 0.35 I^rd 0.10 " 0.12 Tailow 0.05 " 0.07 TORONTO. f (Cpeciiil to Vie Standard.) TOROSTO, Sep. 10. 18.S0. Wheat,f!»Il, Iter Imsh .81 0.'i to $1 3 Wboat, bpriiig, do. 1 10 to 16 finrloy, do an to 6 Oilts, do as to 6 PHa.s, do (KJ to 2 Kjo, do 68 to 5 Clover Seotl do 3 Ho to 4 6 DrcswHl liDjf!*, IHT 100 lbs.. 7 00 to 7 .5 Beef, hind iiiarterg 6" 00 to 7 5 Beef, fore quarters .S .50 to 6 2 Chickcu8,'per pair 35 to 2 Powls, do 60 to Ducks, per brnco 6.5 to 5 Ueesc. cneli 60 to 6 Turkeys 75 to 17 IJutter, larRB rolls 12 to 7 Butter, tub diiirv 15 to 5 Butter, store-packed ?.,... 12 to 1 Eni;s, fresh, jicr doz to 1 £«)," pack(Hl to I Apples. iH;r Wl 3 .50 to 4 1 Potatoes, piT \nvf .50 to 1 Ouiou.-*, iKjr bag 2 50 to 3 5 H(iv 00 to 10 6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ^^Mgr^HfO^ O TliAYKD from the premisex •8*3iji' of the tub! crib»r, lots 91 A W T.*S.r.oiJ. one white heifer with white tr-se, a red and white heiter witli lined liaek, mid n red steiir with wliitc spots thtoiiKh it. and whituhiiid fi-etâ€" bU vearlinR^i. Any ler-ou giving iii- foniintioii that will had to thai, recoveiy will bo suitably ro*arJed. " noUEUT TORKY. Gleuclg, Sept. 2, 1S80. l-4in STRAY STEER. C.VMEi:ito til-' promiscB of the Sibsfribcr Iit i5, »oii. Pi, hiijihra-iiB, on or nhoiit the 15th .IhIv la.i' a ro I and white STEP.B, alioiit one year ol.-l. Tin" owner is rc^iiostcd to prore pruperty, pay cliargtfs and take it awav. l-'3* JAS. P.LANBY. STRAY STEERS. STU.WKU into tlio preniisos of Mrs. David iJiadli-y, lot 62, 2nd of T. A S. Road, Hidlaud, one steer rising three Teui" olil, and oiiu risiiiR two years. Tlic owner i* fiH-ut-teil to jHove property, jiay chargci" aud take thum awav. MRS. BR.VDLEY. Holland. Sept. 10, 1880. l-U* STRAYED INTO the premises of James Fard'ug. lot 16, con. U, iMiphra.sia, two Btl) YKARIdNfJ STEERS ami one hriudhd yciuling. Tlie owner i» mqucsted to provp projierty, pay expenses and take them awav. Sept. 17, 18S0. l.3in" VET^EmNARY. JBLOOMITEED, • Ve teri nary Swrgeon HAS commenced tho irartica of liis pro fcsrtion in Markdnh-. and from )iis lou); cx|)eri*uoe and extensive practice iu England and this country, is enabled to liaarantea satisfaction. Regulation Powders, the ad- miration of thousands that have used them, warranted to purify the bhxxl by remoTiug diseases lurking iu the system of and cattle, elw.ays on hand. Jfevliciiics may In- procured at his oflice, dVer Dr. Sproule's Drug Store, Markdale. ' l-y A Choice Farm of 150 Acres FOR S^LE,' One Mile from the Village of Markdale. Theie are aboot 100 acres cWred, the most of wbicL is in a high state of cultivation and fit for a Reaper or Mower to work on. There arc on the itreraiscs a Frame House briekel inside; a Milk House bricked inside; a Frame Stable and Driving House, ami Ixg Barn a Youpg Orchard commencing to hear a good Well, beside the house a never-failing Stream runs across the farm Cedar snfBci- ent for fencing, balance of bnsh hardwood, (a First-class Mr pie Sugar Bush of some 400 trees). Tbe farm is well fenced, in a gootl state of rrpais, and iu a choice locality, be- ing within a mile of good market, clinrchcs, school hou-^es, aud all necessary couveni cuces. C. W. EUTI.EDGE, Proprietor. Maple Leaf Farm, Markdale P.O. Selling Off Jelling Off. GREAT Clearing Out Sale! ?nfe H i.a.Y» !j Groy. SIDEBOARDS, BURKA178, CUPBOARDS, WASU8TAXDS, open and endosad BEADSTEADS, SPRING BEOS, MATTBASSES, CRADLES, CENTRE TABLES, EXTENSION TABIiES, FsII-L«kf Tables, and Chair* of every t»- iety to be SOLD AT COST â€" o Pictures and Picture Framing! ia sll its branches. Vpk*lstcrtas and BcpafriBs! promptly attended to. 13" ProdMce and Dry Lumber taken «l wteirket friee, GRANT tt CtfELLEW. VarUaIr, BTt..lKAo. 1 This spaeo to he occnpied by E. D. Wilcox's AdvertieeiBent a* toon M hit new Brick Store, new bainf fitted for liim is eompleted. MARKDALE. Stoves! Stoves IStoves! At the New Tinshop M.\UKI).\LE. A LARGE ASSORT.MENT tolled from of the latest and mo^t approved des- igns, including PARLOR, COOKING AND BOX STOYE,^, extra heavy custiuge, with silver- plated trimmings, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If you want to liavo comfort the rest of your days, buy a stove from W. It. Walkur, that will Itut you your lifetime. AT ROCK -BOTTOM PRICES. No pnOiug here â€" the real "3imou Pure." TINWABE A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. AM. KINDS or Tin Copperwork! msde to order on the shar;eiit uotico. EAYETR0U6HING A SPECIALITY. stove Ovens lined, Hand-Irons Silver-Plntod. at very low prite^ Stove Polish; Dome Lead, the Clinllesigc, the Rjsing Sun, Coal Oil; JOB WOilK particularly alteiidcd to. You can save money by ms a call before .purchasin:; elsewhere. Old metal. Hides, Sheep Pelti, WH)l^cking taken in exchange, tit" Ilemember tho place, next tbe "Markdale House." W/ R. WALKER. Markdale, Sept. 17, 1880. l-tf TAILORING. F. J. PRIDHAM FASHIONABLE TAILOB, WISHES to inform the imblie of Mirk- da!e and surrounding country, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. THE LATEST FASHIONS ALWAYS ON HAND. CUTTI N G DONE while customers are waiting. SATISFACTION (iUARAKTEED. CHARGES MOrERATE. PL.VCE OF BUSINESS OVER M'FARLAND'S STORE, Comer of Mill Toronto Sts., MABKDAL». September 17, 1880. l-tf W. MASON, Wishes toXnlsrm the inhabitaujn/6f Mark dale aud sumi^ding country tU(f he i* pre pared to atiynl to their wi|pu by giving them an article ibat wiU gM satisfaction waggAAgies, •^y!i.C: :nti: yoar attention to tha {act thara un to do aU kinds of painting in\ha line, and wish you to give see my work as it speaks for its( have a largo stook always on hand t yoo havo not to wait half a year (o gi a job done, bat you get attended to at rand I 8PKCIAL ATTENTIOM PAID TO EEPAIBING-! Remember the place, over Noble's Blacksmith shop, where yoa wiU find him in the beat of hniaor and ready to attend to hia cnstomen. W. MA30N. Markdale. B«pt. 17 1880. 1 V^ Pure Drugs agp C: PATENT MEDICINE] Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Corabs.lTooth, KjJJJt and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Surgical Af^lunccs, and general Druggists sundries, o xjznlL A other CuiMi ior£ ceuts, at Doll'd. So^ Wfttcbsa frui^3 50 a; BxYUtK HocsE, Jen enlargal, aiid \m1^Ja^ monv: |et«u, be quite cygJ^A'^A' "â-  ' eJ ijk ah])ei money. Stationery and School Bkoks 1 JS GREAT VARIETY. -Cr" o ' •â- - TOGETHER WITH 1 II r"' •-â- â- ni- 1 10 r*|^it chanj^c I's foi-\£\v (losi^jnK] Viroidcry, niK^'niiL" Viipcr rattcnX -- all ucw stjlcsi BUR.â€" W. J. ForJ' JCOS! PAISTTS AND OILS. ami I Coi in Lao4 (larp •uU_ Flour sold I Mcliityre's. The uuV place iuj jwn that aeiri it, and tli^touly kiua] It aells. Wanmutci to be g\il^ Take yotw w^cli to l^M and 1i:ivl-| t repaired proiSjrly. J^i 'lock repairing aiiM^clcauing a si" lalty, TiiK bnildinj; "f tlio tnnnsiou of Dr.l I=»li.3r3lciaiaL3' ^=»rescxiption:3, M'r»«ie i* b«ng i"""'-V:;y"";:'"';l •. IS i\pected to '»e ready for ruoUnj "^^^ .ctorc winter aits iu. V12TERI3VARY PRKX^KKiVriO^ S, k, ,v for Fruit of CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. "'"" " ,» "^»^^' ery cheap for ca Hontrtal Ttltcraph Offlcci tuk mansion ncie.â€" u w.u i« i. â- '-/ tnbf advcrtiKuiueiit that thin «M â- ' ' "'T'*R RPT^nTTTl"E M Tytblie house is under tl.c iu;u.:u:r- X. O. O IT XV ^^ UJ-IJll, lYl. i;,„jof Mr. John Van lior.i. ?lo MILL STREET, kARKDALE, Sep. 17. 1880. 1 « aceia well kept and is dcscrvunj ' â-  «je travelliug pntroiiage. » ilcli tliat will si'^ol hO ni.l. on Lh::J. HILL BROS., D-jU li;i«lk'-iii| o Q. E o o CO c o i t.^.-iV;- V:;^. "'^•"^•i ^^. •ST O CD ert- o c CD O 8 CD Pi cr I' ' Vr â- ; ' Do you want a im every satisfaction t bottom prio«8. Saw XIiia.â€" Mr. Kd. ihn: -l miKx tlicMW uiiilii.jr l..i-^in... ...i l-tl M, coil. 3, Arteniesiii, on nr ;ib.'Ut rlio| »t October. This will b.-a t-.'i:i ooii not only t.i tho n.)-!ii. rh .mi those havin;; b'Us t U "i â- lit to tfto coiuiiiis:iiiV 4," " '«rticulat« '" bo pohU-rs in » fi'V, d;iys. l.u.iM* Solid Cold AVJWhci. fr. iiil JiO up, M Di.H'bV Ttu; fence hitely pbic. d in fr...-it •\..- I'.iiglish Cliurjh h:i b. m ]y.r.r.- ina addn mtH:li U th.; :ii|H-:»r.ii.' '»â- â-  pUce. Itcv. Mr. \V:ird. ili.- I • niii.v siiinoiiiii-' d I AVa^c. iimb.'iit, toRCthor with tbe i!i..'n,l' â-  " if tbe c"ii;;rcKiitiH disi;rve rr-ilil ill tin: biiil ini tliiir I'bic- ' S9 \ic t;islo diKfihiyol iiid l)eiiiitiiinj,' of xiiiitbip. \\\:.itivM Wa^^s tliMt w. l-h fr ti (W.S. to-i 111.. Ill atiii'i^. Vrtmiinay SiitiiKpx. -^It will i" iCt-ii by refcirinj; t« our .ndviitisiiiL roluiniis that .Mr. I'.ioi'.-.ili Id b: ?()rauiciiccd the jrictiec 'f bis t- fiRsion iu this viliii/e. Mr. 1'.: c; i. lo lis with hi^;h t.-tini"ift:i!s of ii'.Ui y fr .ra En,'biiid, aibl al.o from I'l.iC' if liuH visit.;d in C' Tin? ^T .ic'H of sucli.u ioi*soii wdl no .doiib le ful'y a!«preoiat*d iu this l«::»liiy. V.wiil k;v,- 11 (iMtii ii.'W iill aii.iary, l^f*-. fur '.£â- â-  " â- " ' .\t M Tstyki.":^.â€" ^V. ;.rc no a.1% ' cate of iuloxicatui'.^ .lii"'»~1 '"' ' ' lontrary, advinc loi^ij.. lancr ' ihing^' 1UI if peojilr wiU Jial whieli s '.iio tb .ll I ill! -t â- â- Â«5» 'â- '• • .....•-5;/.;,:^^ .-.-^â- â- f^i' â- -tm'-:-.«%m.: .â- -•.vj,^f;(ii, .. â-  y. ... â-  rvn^/^lV^. .^ ... .- â-  A •-..â- -'â- ' â-  ' • • "'••'â- ^.- :«'•:- â- â- 'â- â-  ^.. -- ' 'â-  -^-'^â- V -• I â-  v:-;,-c^.r:^» .-, v», â-  '.- -^v ;i _. .- â-  'â-  'S-:'^:^i1s '...:â-  ' m •:--â- â€¢â-  r- -- '" «^.li ' ' -•â- â- â- ,â- ^â- '0? •;u • • â-  V. -.^^H^a ,â- ::: -^ ' • ' .y^-'^^'s/'*..-' • " 'r^^ r"-- ;•♦•-•' •:.^/^' 'â- '"â-  ' '.â- ^â- :'".. ;,^/»- v.'" .-. .-â- -^.V" • -^-f^"' .. (0 CO 111 ill liilc •. t'l. y -h 'u' (ot, tUnu by :i\l moaus vr-ure lb Hire lutide is s.iid to.lte ii:id .;i j»/fitvre'R. !♦ ..-Ill "•â-  i'.v -iiii.^j lall ibisissuv. t.'ial y\' re has a st bit st «;k of fauii\y w.r- ries to wl'idi v.c draw the all. nu .i^ the public. Go where yoiiVan got ehuip a ic-s, at Miiutyray^. •ksk.ratisutue Svn rrAUV.â€" S... .lisp sed p^r.son ns v l uukn ..v red St. Ma.y's Cimrch, Ma\WL.l| weok and luiitil.itod ^b.• ii.i !j, witbajiew to sital tho en iou linen. A reward of lifty d dl h»4 been offoroJ for tho c.iivicl of tbe perpetrator and it is t lop^ ho may b: light to justice. ilisc 'V.-rel a: Kiifli waatuu a^ i| I IT* severe puuis ib:uiiit. S3 O Q ^^ UDT yonr own iiityre' for ail b cau get b." CuAWr.R OK St\TI b.r tPH'st and ;:• f (ipnCi-..-: llW;il ehrai- b 'k a I'.w MARKDALE. H. R. RKSPKCTPULLY iBT-t. eTery Man uid and Wareroom« aotl iniipeet their itock wor, for fall trade. Onr stock ii now the li we hare been laeeeaifiil in introducing a gn NEW AND T BED-EOOM S -%_ i. J) ' PfJohut»avi!soii ""••ition Ageut In ro. havioi^- Ui' i reaignation, tho t;onipaiiy acccj.a of it, and Mr. I), is n.. loiii;.r ij e employ of the T., ".. A; It. U.W Davidson though but u short tmil tliu TilUkgo, lia.s gain.d tho fibos afthe busiijcM! i«rt of tho e •mi .luity fcr his !=lraii,'btforwar.iiios| ,J poUBlnnlitV in tiie diWnar- 4 dutyi aud mile luniy fmnd- y eply regret his dopailuiv. iv^'not learned wIktc it is Mr. 1 •. j toution to go or what ho intiinls bark in, but we arc coniVI' espross the b 'o!iii^-s of K-' vi!i uoii we eay his d. laitiuv is im .-r.-ltod. Mr. Jobii Sae-ar, l..t '•fii-lit Agent at Oiant;ev:lb-, is n. 1 charge of tho station in lli.s I'laoij V. Ill] tll-V •ountry t« TiaR IftSV f tctorj r yianafiiotnrea^Wfnp^^ f^" " eemplote yet ValU 7 HI* »»"' I" OR Grocerie iiiis of all km r.f.l.DMlf^- IIOMIMON i^JbflT'J".? US iiJerUkii ies, LiH^s Hlid I'lovi lids, go lo\lelntyre »i Ari.v-i. a copy of this ;iiii/w' di Sl|-i; to Wi grea| Sj. l^FSIGNS I coxjc:^;^! • It as w.^b.:i. veils merits .l-uiaii »_. ' ;]1.,." !.•• ae-jiiiat.'ly s|.okPii I|»ti^1i'auv- and ilraii^jc Ibills :iinl rf!Toui4,j^,:^ J.,., k.,lUlll». ciiurojios I It^"Jiani .s of lhos. wl... sub-cnbl Tfol' flio work al« .il tlKU- "is :i n.l ,1,0 same luav bo -aid of lb wh-.J SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TAB DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT-RACKS, HAjLL TABLES, New St o., c., c. o- m ABE MAKING A SPECIALTY IN es of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS I CHBAP AND DUBABIiB. -i .-o^ â- â- â-  â- ' ' â€"OUR UNDERTAKING DIJPARTM'NT i;\iel Fidly supplied witk COFFINS, 5HB0UDS, Ac, and akortMt notiea. â-  0- Ukl size* made on tbe Tary ALIi KINDS OF Fucf TvriRc, Scrtll Work, Form Picktft ft iouldings iUso SASH, IOOBS, I'LANINO, «e. if tbe CouNtv. The uiajw uro cs;. ,J wx; behove aoonn'to I v rUiO IVoviifoiS of iho.llil.iK .„. „e Dominion itsolf. and oHw TTtiotia of tlie world, ure i-'iual tonu liavf scon. Of course s|« iial ^ntion %k8 bceu giveu to C.iua Icttd^ess and iuality of p.ti't lod UudWj^_of No. 1 quality. iitcuil"""' says, with wliom wi ;rc6, Uiiil' the iiistoricul iiart of tli ' rk M lull aud ooiicisu. TiiC' liist. ny c lie County of Grey will be found ver •itarcsting. l^esidea all this, th ork' coutaiiis .\ v:i-.t amount of tx â- emelv useful iufonnatiou, rolutm i the geolo^'ical, cunaUu chiouulc 'iMa. political, statistical. Ac. coi J of Canada. It couta^n^ tho ne t»n«ikn tariil, posUl la.os, .vc, .vc Canada, tho ^vork couuits lail ectoral id is iu every rcspcc^ ctus. Thu wor« nuae of every o:io lu ti bhouLl b^ till wTbiliSlVCIlLrSr^.'^tv' 't "'J?^ •^^' » continuance of the patrona, ' Um WTfael «tS!Jr«.^ sikd.ftniah. If j on are in need o anything in our Unewe f eel eonild«t *• ean s«rt you u. quantity airf .jnality to «,lect faon.- and al«, » H- A; 'EU HOOI»EI«, FJeihwion Steem Furaitnte Faetery airi Plaiiinc Mai» iu wortli caunot be to ated. We wish the pubj success. yingmuch aboul I no use: no ri-bt brar yerv cue kuowl i

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