Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1950, p. 1

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'w^p:- ^y J)je /lesij^erlM ^jrtwmc^ t VOL. 70; NO. 4 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1950 F. J. Thurston. Publisher ^Mrs. Phyllis MeMaster >ies After Long lUneM (By Rock Mills Reporter) This community was sadde.ied on KatuDday evening when the news Spread that, Mrs. Phyllis McMast'T ^ad passed to the Great Beyond at fhe age of 26 years. DeatJi ended a jreat suffering that had been patient- ly borne. She had been at the home of her parents here for several weeks fend was tenderly cared for by her pother. PhylMa, as she was known to all, *^a3 of a very joviial disposition, Wiich made for her many friends pho mourn her early passing. Born in Artemesia, two mUes east " Rock Mills, deceased was the elder laughter of Mr. and Mn-s. Elwood Cartridge, and moved to Rock Mill? ith her parents twenty years •\%<^. [jhe Vaceived her education at Rod. lills public school. On September ESth, 1940, she was united in mht- k'age to Clifford McM'aster and they jtai-med for a time on the third line. Two children were born to them, Joan, aged 10, and Wayne, 8, who (fill greatily miss their mother. The pastor. Rev. A. J. Fletcher, Assisted by Rev. Baimes of Gait, had charge of the service and spoke well Stores Open .'Friday Night Saturday, July 1st, being a public holiday, the stores in Flesherton will remain open Friday eveainig, June 30th, St. John's United Church Holds 73 rd Anniversary "The Christian faith is both a rock of security in the struggle of life, and a challenge to climb higher," This was the' main thought in the sermon preached by Rev, D. A. MacKeraehe; ar St. John's anniversary last Sun- day. A Jai^e congregation received rhe finf message, and listened to the spesiial BJtisic provided by the choir, and Mr. Ashley Kellough from Owen Sound. â- The minister, Rev. A. G. Macpher- son, conducted the worship, and thanked all those who had contributed to the enjoyment of the occasion. Mrs. J. E, Milne presided at the or- gan, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan sang a duet in the anthem. The front of the church was beiau- tifully decorated with early sumin?r flowers. The thankoffei-iug was dedi- cated to the present program of al terations in the church basement. f the deceased and left a thoughtful : When completed. St. John's will be essage with their hl^rers. Two ; better equipped for IJoth it? socia' favorite hymns of the deceased were Ijiung and Mr. and Mrs. McFarland pf Colli ngrwood rendered a lovely Juet "The City Four Scfuare." In- terment was made in Flesherton ietery. phe pallbearers were: Bob Clarlr, MoMagter, Bryce Hanley. Ja?k •iliams, Orville- Russell and Bill l^h. ,^e flowers were many and beau- ,i and were carried by several oM â- )4ol mates. ! ^fViends attended the funeral from ;'lt, Gueliplh. Pans, Toronto, Peter- |bor(h'?nd many surroundinsr points. Left to mourn her passinsr are her Avo children, .Joan and Wayne, her parents, one brother. Fred, of .\rte- nesiia, and two sisters, ^Edna, Mrs. Ken Walker, and Shiriey of Gait. [Just when her life was brightest. Just when her years were best. She was called from this world of sorrow To a home of eternal rest. :i!i:l religious work. At Proton and Eugenia, patriotic services were held in honor of Dom- inion Day. At Eugenia tSe junior choir, under Miss BLlnche Walker, san^ "Lord of the Lands," and Mr. Anirus W. Macpherson, brother of the minister, i-endered "Voice in the Wil- derness" by John Prindle Scott. Turner Reunion Hold At^ CoUingwood Park The 20th annual reninion of the Turner family was held on Saturday, June 24th, at Sunset Point, CoUing- wood, with 106 in attendance. Din- ner was served at 1:30 at a large outdoor uble, which was enjoyed by all present. The business meeting was con- ducted by the president, M'r, Oliver Turner, and it was decided to hold the reunion next year at CoUing- wood on the last Saturday in June. The new oflficers for 1951 are: Presi- dent, Willmer Turner, flfeathcote; Vice-Pres., Jack Wilkinson, Heath- cote; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Victor Mc KenMe, Feversham; Buying Com., Mrs. W. Turner, Mrs. Fred Wood- house and Mrs, Jack Wilkinson; Sports Com., Jack Wilkinson, Earl Brown and George Clarke. The meeting closed with the singing^ of the National ."Vnthem. The balance of the afternoon w:is spent in a biall game and social chat, with sl'ides, swings, etc., for the children. Supper brought an enjoy- able day to a close, Fr'ends were present from Toron-. to, Ham-ilton, Bl|t:-lin)gton, Scarboro •Jet., Owen Sound, Feversham, Bog- nor, Meaford, Flesherton, Eugerii;i, Feversham, HeaChcote, CoUingwood, Durham and other nearby places. Bride And Groom Honored With Presentations -^ 44 YEARS AS CARRICK CLERK •L A. Johnston of Mildmay has comnleted 44th year as clerk of t'lp Township of Carrick. He was an- nointed to the position following the rlenth of his father. .\t that time the township included what is now the vill.qffe of Mildmay. â€" Walkerton H«=rnld-TiTnes. Blackburn Annual Picnic LMARKDALE plays baseball against ^Flesherton Seniors in Flesherton to- 1 night, Wednesday. See a good game. Plan to attend the Blackburn ve- uiron in Stayner on Saturday, July T. at 1 :3fl p.m. Please rearister at the ccmmunitv arpna and receive further â- rstructions. Plan to remain aftar s-iT"opr for the colored nictures of fm-niPr T'i''"nics by iVrthuv Blackburn. â€"-Kenneth R. McKee, President. ;•?# \ Stop at the Flesherton Creaincyr and leave your Cream and Egg's. We g-uarantee t:(T give you all that is in your produce. Give lis a trial and you will be another ot our sat- isfied customers. We are paying- top market price for Fowl,, either alive or dressed. CREAMERY HOURS and The Creamery hours tor June, July August will be: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:30, to 5:30 p.m. Wednesdav and Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Thursdav '. • 7:30 a.m. t<. 12 Wum (By Priceville Reporter) Over 20O friends nd neighbors gathered Wednesday evening in the W. L hall, when a miscellaneous shower was held for the newly-fwedJ- ed couple. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jfather. Mr. Donald Gillies, on be- half of the large crowd, extended the very best wishes for a long an.l happy wedded life together. Mt. Mather thanked all for the gifts and best wishes. The bride and groom received many beautiful and useful sifts. Dancing was enjoyed to music oy the Sharp Orchestra, and Leonard and Helen McKeown. Jim Parks of Hanover delighted the gathering by singing a couple of Scotch songs. and step dancing was demonstrated by Cecil Fawcett and Jack McMillan Tuesday evening the play cast met at the home of the young couplo and presented th<?m with a lovelv serving tray. Rev. L, W, Mould mJTcIe a few remarks and Tom ex- pressed the appreciation, of his wif" and hiiraself for the gift. Lunch was served and a social time spent. Brown Family In Canada 120 Years; Hold Reiunion ^^ Over 120 years ago, WiiUiam Brown and family came by saal boat from Scotland to Canada, to be the first F:njrlish speaking settlers at Val- cartier, Quebec. In 1802 their son. William, with his wife, the former Agnes Clark, and their five child.en came as pioneers to Upper Canada, settling in Huron County, near what is now the village of Fordwich. Theij- baby at that time grew to be the late Mrs, John .\ldcorn, known to many n •iliis community. On Saturday some 80 descendant.'^ of these pioneers met for their annual reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. MacMillan, Flesherton. Gues» - were present from .Aj-row River, Man.. Espanola. Sudiury, Toronto, Weston, Flora, Gurrie, Fordwich. Sheiburne. Corbetton, Badjeros and Proton. All mem.bers present were of the 4th, 3th and tith generations, but a unique feature wtis the birth notice of the youngest member of the "th genera- tion of the clan in Tokiio, .Japan. T'l oldest member present was Mrs. R. Butchard, in her 85lh year, who re- sides at Fi->rdw3ch, and the youngest. Valerie Stuckey. seven months, of Fspanola. From 12 noon until 8 p.m.. li'il were busy with chat, irames, races, contests, etc. A good program com- mittee; Ague? Heard of Toronto. Jack Brown of Fordwich and Alex, .\ldcorn i Badjeros kept things moving. Din- ner and supper were enjoyed on the lawns. Mr. Tom Aldlcorn, past president, and Mrs. Bwart ^^^^itfield, president, conducted the business meeting. The president for 19.')1 will be Mr. Ed. Heard of Proton Township and Steph- en Butchard of Toronto will be the secretarv-treasurer. High School Results Tliis report includes all subjects Grade 9 to 12 to the end of the schojl term, 19*9-1950. Names in alpha- betical order except lin cases of spec- ial students, .Abbreviations are: Eng- Eng-lish, Math.: mathematics. Lax.: Latin, Fr,: French, Gen, St.: genera! r>cience, H&PT: heahh and physical training, Gu'id.. guidance, (R) recom- mended without tinal examination, (p) prol>ationary promotion in su'.i- ject indicated. Indi^^dual reiport.s have been mailed to each student. THOMPSON â€" JOHNSON .\t St. John's United Church Pars- ) onage, Flesherton, on Saturday, June 24th, Rev. A. G. Macpherson, in :' double-ring ceremony, beard the mai'- riage vows of Mildred Leone John- _ son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Messrs. Ja:k Milligan. Jack MSTnc Johnson, Spr:n.ghill. and Charles Mel- i and Barry Thurston left Saturday C. J. Bellamy Appointed Justic of The Peace By Order in Council dated June '5, Mr.'C. J. Bellaany. Clerk of the vill- age of Flesherton, was made a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Grey. .At the present time Mr. Bellamy is laid up at his home ill town with heart trouble, but .ex pects to be up 'tnd around within a few weeks. The appointment is well mt'r'ted, as Mr. Bellamy has a very good insite into the requirements of the office. He continued the con- veyancing business operated ^Jy his father, the late W. J. Bellamy, for many years. The appointment of Mr. Belilamy to the position is the first to he made in the village since th'^ death of the last .Justice of the Peace, the late -A.. S. VanDuson, som.' forty years aigo. Boys Leave For North As Junior Fire Rangers Flestierton Lreamery "The Homs of Service and Satisfaction Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON Angus Avis, Manager v>:lle Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson of Flesherton. The bride Wore a powder blue taf- feta street-length dress, with flo-'ver hat to match and white accessorie-. She also wore -the groom's gift, a douMe strand of pearl':. The brido s sister, Mrs, W. C. Service, in a white rSneta street-length dress with wiiite wreath in her hair nnd white access- ories, was bridesm-iid. The a:r>oin was attended by his brother, -Mi F>'cd Thompson, The bride's gift to the groor,-. was an initialed tie ciiip and bei'. t'.'' bridesmaid's gift was a cup an;l saucer, and to the grjomsman a .-il- ver c'garette C'^s.e and li.ehte" After the ceremony, the pirty rj- turnv-ii to the hoiTie of the bride's â- >rothev, where a dinner was serv;><l by the bride's sis'tfr-;n-taw, Mrs Jlnrold Johnsoii, .^mid fhcwer:: of c 'iif-f ' 'jvl be.<t w'shcs, the bride and groom left aft?r the reception on a nifltor trip ti) To- ronto, Niagara FalJs. Guelph and ii'her po-.nts. On thefr return they will reside n'fear Terra Colla. to take positions for the summer .with the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Jack MilUgan reported in at Pembroke, Jack Milne at Cochrane and Barry Thurston â- . ' Swastika. The youths, between 17 anH 1!' years of age, relieve trained men fo- more important duties, particularly during the time of the worst fir- hazards. Their work consists of construction and maintenance of tel 'ephone lines, clearinu portages and traiils, repairing docks and dams. clear;n,g camp sites, preparing fire- places, repairin.o; buildings, paintir'"', construction work and forest i:\' fijrhtirg. They are provided w^th a d<iii.V raie of nay and their b.Kird. hiiuscd in suita.ble buildings or ten? "."'•o- :ii'.i ara kept together in groups s'x io twelve in order that the rraining and discipline may be cffel't ive. Due attention is paid to theiv rec'reation. comfort a'ld health. GRADE y Best, Geraldine â€" Eng (R), Fr. (R), H&PE (R), S.S. .(R), -Math. (Ri Sc. <R), Art (R), Guid. (R). Betts, Murray â€" Eng. (R), Fr, 'R), H&PE, S.S. (R), Math. (R). -Sc. (R), Music. Gmd. (R). Boettger. Bruce â€" Eng. (R). Fr. (R), H&PE (R), S. S. (R), Math. (R), Sc. (R), Music (R), Guid, (R' Bowles, Anna _ Eng., Fr. (R), H &PE, S. 3., -Math., Sc.,' Music, Gudd. (R). Bumstead, Shirley â€" Eng. (R), Fr. H&PE (R). iS.S. (R), Math. (R). Sc. (R), Music (R), Guid. (R). Dobson, Jeanette â€" Emr. (R), F (â- R),!H&PE (R), S.S. (R),"3Iath. (R). Sc. (R), Music, Guid, (R). Fk^trher, Hazel â€" En^. (R», Fr. (R), H&PE, S.S. (R), Math. (R), Sc. (R>, Music (R), Guid. (R). Helmkav, Lons â€" Eng., Fr. (R\ H&PE, S.S. (R), Math. (R), Sc. (R). Music (R), Guid. (R). Hemphill, Ruth â€" Eng. (R), Fr. (R), H&PE (R), S.S. (R), Math. (R) Sc. (R). 'Music (R), Guid. (R). Lawler, Gwen â€" Eng. (R). Fr. (R> H&PE (R), S.S. (R), Math. (RK Sc. (RK Music (Rl, Guid. (R). Marshall, Dale. â€" Eng. H&PE, S.S. (p). Math., Sc., Art rR). Guid. (R). M<:Cannell. Jean â€" Enar. (RV F.', (R), H&PE (RK Math. (RK Sc. (R^, -Mii.='l: (R), Guid. (R). Molutyre, Lorine â€" Fr., H&PE, ivia'tli.. Music, Guid. (R). Mclntyre, Maxiue â€" Fr., H&PE.. Math., Music, Guid. (R). MeMaster, Norma â€" Eng. (R), Fr. H&PE ID, S.S. (R). Macli. (R), Sc. (R), Mfusic, Guid. (R). Park, Rov â€" Eng., Fr., H&PE, S. S., Math., Sc. (R), Art (R), Guid. (R). Forteous, M'argaret â€" Eng., Fr. H&PE (R), S.S., Math (p), Sc. (R), Art (P), Guid. (R). Scmple. Royden â€" Eng., Fr., H&P ~ (RV S.S. (Rl, Math.. Sc. Ar,. Guid. (R), i?mith, -Audrey â€" Enar. (R), Fr- (RK H&PE (RK S.S. (R). Math. (R) Sc. (R). Art, Guid. (R). Smith, Kendal _ Eng., Fr. (R). H &PE (R), S.S.. Math. (R), S-;. (R^,, Music, Guid, (R), Wilkinson, Florence â€" Eng., Vx H&PE (R), S.S. (R). Math., Sc. (R\ .Mu.9ic (R), Guid. (R). Wright, Glen â€" Eng., Fr., H&PE, S.S., Math.. Sc. Art, Guid. (R). Young, Raymond â€" Eng., Fr., H& PE (R), S.S., Math, (p). Sic, Art, Guid. (R). Will Celebrate Dominion Day In Flesherton Efforts are being made in this com- munity to give Canada's national hol- iday the place it deserves in the life of our people. On Saturday, July Ist, races and ball games will be held at the agricultural grounds under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, witii a dance at night. On Sunday after- noon a parade will be held at 2 p.m. and a public service in the Park at 3' p.m. Meaford band will supply rousing music. Everyone is urged to Uike full ad- vant-age of all these events. All the homes and plaices of business are asked to display their flags and pat- riotic bunting. Let's be proud ol being Canadians 1 St. Columba W.M.S. And W.A. Hold June Meeting The W.M.S. and W..\. of St. Coluw- Ha United Church. Priceville met at Thf home of Mrs. Thos. Citri-e for their Jvne mee ';i.g. with Mrs. F. R. Oliver presiding who opened the meet- ing with an article on -WDrihip and Priiyfr" Miss Beatrice Wat'rrs read a pasi.'ge of scr'pture an-' the tr'>4S- urui, Mrs. C. Hunter, gave the finan- cial report. Several items of bu.sin- ess were discussed. Mrs. Thos. 'Currie had charge of the Baby Band meeting whic'i follow- ed, and told an nnoresting story "The Par.ible of the Flow 'r Pot" to the oiuidien. The !adie= of the W.M.S. adopted the Jiaby Bp."d members for the coming year. .Mr.;. L. W, Mould told a story on flow-rs a-iJ sang a solo "Leave It Wrh Him." Mrs. Currie read a poem "\ Mother's Prayer," after which Mrs. Mould closed the meeting with prayer. The next r.iecling will be held in -August! at the home of Mrs. John Meads. GaA.DE 10 -Aberdein, Bill â€" Ehg., S.S. (R). (Continued on Pace 4) IN MEMORIAM BEST â€" In loving memory of a dear husband. Charlie, who passed away June 29th, 1949. No pen can write, no tongue can tell My sad and bitter loss, But God alone has helped so well To bear my heavy cross. Ever remembered by his loving Wife. McKlN.XOX â€" In memory of our Mother, Mrs. Isabel! McKinnon, who passed away June 27rh, 1937. To-day recalls sad memories Of a dear Mother gone to rest, .And the ones who think of her to-day the ones who Idved her best. â€" 'Ever remenibered by Phyllis, Cordon and Tena. MELDRUM â€" In loving memory of our Mother who d^^"'' 19.34, and our Father who died Ja:i- uarj- 9th, 1940. Not just today, but every day, 111 silence we remember. â€" ^Lovingly rtMuembered by C. D. and Harry Meldrum and Family. C^W2^ w # V ^ •>;»;s»sw:k :??:*(!> ;^-«6K-»'rs-S?5S^SS- ^t^ ,i**S- ^ V 150rGHT OSPREV F.\RM \ Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge, it contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks fUNfRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd. KI.4B44 Mr. Ha)'ri.<-'on Judge cf Bvnmnton has purchased the farm of Mr. Fr,' ' Monaghan in Osprey Townshin an' wiiil move there soon. The sale w^ ' r.',.!tie thr:-iugh Watson & W^it-'o- realtors. Dundalk. CIVIC HOLIDAY FLESHERTON V.UGUST ,)th And Ith The program for the C;v;c Holiday week end event is ehu-'kt-fuU of interest and ex- citement. Don't miss the Fun, Frolic and Dancing at the "M'Mliionair X-'ght" on Satttrday evening at the Arena, You'll get a thrill on Monday morn- ing, .\ 7th, watching the aci'O'bntics performed on a cable suspended across the M'ill Pond, Y'ou want soniethin.g new and different, so plan to spend the week end in Fles^her- ton, where the be«t show of the season will be nut on. Watch for future announcements. S^ss-Tirhy School Convention Was Held At Eu?{snia ".y Vandek'ur Reporter) ! * Ist ;i!inuul convention cf thj jc':; .r; .'^"jiiools cf .\rtc-mesia, Mark- I ,i.ii. and Flesherton was held in th': i ii.u-ch '»\'ednesday aftei-- , >;on;j".j, Jar.e 21st, with - N:.. ;. W, Siebert acting as proviii- : ''vc. 5Tr. Siebert gav â-  i.ddresscs at both sessions, led in th.> discussion periods and g'ave excel!- ! cnt londership to the convention. .A.ddres«en were also ,?iven by Rev. .A. G. M.icpherson, Rev. W. M. L':.e, Mts, L, W. Mould, Miss Ten.* Hutch- inson and H. I. Graham. The piesi- dent, Mrs. C. Martin, preside i at both sessions. Rev. .A. J F'etclior >v!^dcred a solo and Rock Mills young people conducted the wor.-jMp pcrio.! in the pvening. j The fdlowing offiePrs v/>'j elect- I •â- â€¢d President, Dirs. E. M Cullou^h; ; Secty Tioas.. H. \. GraV-ni ChiH I ren's Supt., Miss T. Hutclrns.Ti; , Girls' Si,pt., Miss E. Oliver; Poy-' I Supt,, Rev, L, W. Mould; Y'oiing ' People, Rev. .\.G. Macpherson; M\\\\ \ Pept., Rus.sell Freeman; Hoane Dept., I Mrs. J. Ragles; Teacher Training. Rev. W. M. Lee; Missionary, Mrs. Robt. Rutled(ge? Temtperance, Mr. Ed. Biernes; Vacation Schools, Rev. .A. J. Fletcher, ^- V .^ T!si '*P*.!?.. »«s>r .,**>â-  FRUIT-FILLED RING • lust a look at tills Fruit- Day alter day filled Ring will niako a man's eyes pop him.sirilv. But wail till he tastes the luscious secrets underneath we re turning out a suni|)tuous variety of Sweet Goods, t'.ikes, Pics, and Breads to add di.stiiiction to vour that inviting brown crust! meals and take away the He'll praise vour choice- labor of menu-making, and youll ring up another Ciioose something tempt- credit for 's ing from our display today t * Bakery! Flesherton Bakery /: Phone 60 FLESHERTON

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