Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1950, p. 8

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teiflnesday, June 21, 1950 THE FLESHERTDN ADVANCE B? Th« Barric PuUic UTMtMk mm SM in the BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS (Highway 2n at the aouth limitB) FRIDAY, JUNE 23, t950 at 1 ^ x. Dairy Cows, Butchers, (halves, Hogs, Feeders, Stockers, Horsey Sheep and Poultry A good place to sell and a good place to buy. â€" C. D. Sproule, Auctioneer F. C. (Mlartin, Manager Mose: "Ah called to see how my fren' Joe Bronmi w»8 getting along." Niurse: "Why he's getting along fine; he's convalescing now." Mose: "That's O.K. I'll just -lit down and wait till he's thiwigh." "What u change has come over your husband, Zeke, since we pe'-- suaded him to join the church," ex- ulted a preacher in the hUl-billy fountry. "Have you noticed it?" "Sui'c have," agreed Zeke's wifa. "Befoie, when he -we-nt visitin* on Sundays he ' carried his jug o' corr whiskey on his shoulders. Now he hides it under his coat." IN MEMORIAM HBATHOOTOJ â€" In loving memory oif a dear mother, (Mary lEJliMlbeth (Hudson) iHeathcote, who passed ikway June 20t(h, 1946. The AeptYi of sorrow I cannot tell Of the loss of ones I loved «o well, And wihile they sleej) a peaceful «t]eerp, Their memory I shall always keep. â€" Sadly massed by her Daughter, Annie (Mrs.) II>itson. Mines are operated in every prov- ince Off Canada except Prince Ed- wai-d Island. ^.-/\A- liketokyasombiBiD... ^1- i^Saltillo? Local and Personal Whether you're going shopping or on business to Vancouver or Saltillo, Mexico in fact, wherever you go; the travellers cheques you buy from us will assure you of ready cash. These cheques are excellent travelling companions â€" they protect you from losing your money. Buy these from us and let us assist you with advice on the latest foreign exchange regulations. J. D. Randall, Manager, Feversham "•^BANMOROMIO Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parker at Port Elgin spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mlrs. G. W. Ralph »pent the week end at jax. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks visited in Hamilton on Tiesday. ^ Miss Jean I>un):an of Tojonto »p«Bt the week end wiith her parente, Mr. and Mi-8. F. W. Duncan. ailiss Elma Talbot of 0^ven Sound was a week end visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Talbot. iSX'r. Lavurne Wood of Hamilton visite«l his grandmother, Mrs. R. Benthum, on Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle Shaw of Owen Sound is vislfcing this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry of Dur- ham spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie GreniM. Mr. and Mrs. Wlalter Russell at- tended the Burnsiide^raham wedding at Guelph on Saturday. iMr. and Mrs. Stan Menzies and two children of Bala spent a few days with M'r. and Mrs. Wtm. Kaitting. Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Karstedt of Streator, 111., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTavish this week. Mr. a-nd Mrs. Thos. Sewell of Heathcote, Mr. and Mrs. McCutoheon i'nd two children of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell. Ten ladies, as delegates from Flesherton, attended the District W. I. convention at Kimlberley Thursday last. This Thursday the local W.I. is invited to the Proton Institute. Mrs. W. H. Scruci of Todniovden and Mrs. W. H. Bell of Toronto spent the week end with their father, Ml-. Geo. Cairns, wh) is ill at his home in town. Mr. and Mts. Wm. White and fam- ily and Miss M&rjoiie Braekenboiry, Rej?.N., of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brackenbury. Mr. and Mi's. Chas. Perigoe and daughtei', Mnry K., of Malton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee of Fevei-- sham .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Stewart. Mrs. Lloyd Nichol and two sons, Jack and Garry, have returned to their home at Thorndale after sipend- ing a couple of weeks with Mrs. Jas. Janiieson. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aberdeiin ac- coTOipanied by Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ferffu.son of Holstein spent seveu'al days the past vvreek motoring to Mat- tawa and North Bay, returning home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fi-ed Arnett ana Faye of Durham were ai:conipanied by Mr. Dave Genoe of Eugenia and Mr. and Mirs. W. T. Genoe of town, on a mo'tor trip to Graven'w.tst. vis Uing wiith M'r. and Mrs. Ray Genoe. They also called on Bracebiiidge and Midhurst friends. TENDERS WANTED Impressive Service At Inistioge Church Siind»y (By Victoria Corners R^wrter) On« of the most impressive servi- ces erver to Ibe heW in the Indatioge rihualch wag conducted Sunday after- noon Iby Rev. A. <3. Macpherson, who delivered hU parting mcesage. As Sunday wae Patlier'* Day, a chair of fathers was in attendance with Russell Acheson rfnging "Bless This House." Four junfiors and one in- .'an't were received 'into the chuivh faith through baptism, namely: Ger- ald, Kenneth and Beryl Orocfcford, June Jackson and balby Brenda Ma^ Gillies, dnfant daughter of IM(r. and Mirs. Havwrd Gillies, the former Marjorie Jadfcson, Toronto and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. An Jackson. Seven y.>an,; people were received into the church memibership, namely: Gerald Crockiford, Donelda Stevens, JIane Jackson, Irene Dun- ctn, Doris Nicholls, Robert and John Patterson. Possibly the largest conmnnunlion group took their places at the altar with a group of 50 per- sons, including a numlber of visitors. Present for the oocasHon wea-e baby Brenda's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Gillies of Toronto and great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gillies of Cedarvllle; her uncle, aunt aTid cousiin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaek- .-^on and Jat-kie of Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. El-nie Dodds and Mrs. A. H. Macpherson were present, the form- er couple being from a former charge of Mr. Macpherson's, Mono Mills. This impressive ge-vice seemed to deepen the esteem in which Rev. M'acpherson has been held 'through the past 'four years working wfith us, occasioning much regret in realizin.^ that Sunday, June 18th, cut the ties and that we must part, and link up Inistioge with the IDundallk circuit. May all richest blessing be bestowed upon Rev. Macpherson, his wife, and family, as they go through the years wWch follow. Small Ads FOR SAiUB â€"' Renfrew range, wood and coal grates, used 4 winters. Enquire at The Advance office. WAiNTBO â€" Ten head of cattte to pasture. â€" < Boh Grimes, R. B. 3, Priceville. Zp2 FOR SALE â€" Colt rising 3 years, hitched once. â€" Edgar Irwin, Dun- can. Ont. 2c2 FOR SALE â€" SMbumer coal oil stove in Al) condition, cheap. â€" Jack TomMnson, phone Ferversham 5r42. FOR REiNT â€" 30 acres pasture for rei\t, running water. â€" Andrew L. Hincks, pihone 22J1 Flesherton. FOiR SALE â€" Herefotrd Cow, 9 yrs. old, due any time now. â€" JIas Mc- (MfcKenzie, phone 10rl4 Feversham* FO^' SALE â€" Number of telephone poles. â€" ^M. Hutchinson, phone 41wl Flesherton. 3c2 WUA.NTBD â€" Potatoes, highest mar- ket prices paid. â€" Wes Young, Max- well, phone llrl5 Feversftam. 2p2 FOR SALE â€" Cookshutt hay loader, rake bar, in Al condition.â€" G. W. Morrison, phone Feversham llr21. FOR SALE â€" 5 Yorkshire sows, duo shortly^ and 2 purebred Yorkshire boars.â€" Alex. Duncan, phone 40J1 Flesherton. , 2c2 FOR SALE â€" Grey Durham cow, » yeai-s old, .good milker and quiet, due tihs week. â€" Ohas. Newell, phone 75Ji2 Flesherton. '3pl "Joe isn't such a big monEey as he used to be." "Getting smai-ter with age, eh?" "No, getting thinner." FOR SALE â€" 2 good young cow.s, due shortly or will trade for year- olds â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41J3 Flesherton. 2c2 'DELg^ ,15T r.'CC^R'i IHtAI^: Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 22, 23, 24 •OUTRIDERS" in Technicolor Joel McCrea Claude Jarman Jr. Ineorporaltd 1(55 t Sports and Radio Sto Fishing Tackle EVERYTHING FOR FISHERMEN Hip Waders, Rod.s, Reels. Lines, Sun ficlniets, Fi.sli Baskets Flies (wet and dry), Flat Fish and other bait Repair Parts for rods. Come in and look over our .stock of .supi)lies . Expert Service on Electric Fende Madiities Repaired while you wait Fresh Stock of Hot Shot Batteries 10 oiore Sports Supplies Baseball Gloves â€" in 6 price raufjes from $2.20 to $10.50 Baseballs, Soft Balls. Assortment of Tennis Rasquets, both gut and nylon strinj^s Tennis Rec(juets restrunj^f with nylon. Volley Ball equii)nient Repairs to Hot Plates and Stoves New elements and burners installed Rrinjj 'em_ in and take 'em back the came dav. t T T t T t Special Auto Radio Service VVc have imported and installed Special Testing- Equipment which makes our RADIO servv::e labokatDry the mosit up-to-date and EFFICIENT TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Vibrators can now be tested instantly like tubes and all defcct.s can immediately be detected on the nietchs. All the latest hits io Sheet Music for piano â€" all the Old Favourites. VICTOR DECCA APEX LONDON RECORDS Featuring Popular Hit Parade Tunes, Old-Time Favourites, Hill- Billy and Western Songs, Sacred, Rand and Ba^ipe Selections, Don Messer, other Square Dance Tunes. Cook's Radio and Sports !£ Radio and Sportmg Goods Store FLESHERTON, ONT. Monday, Tuesday June 26, 27 "FATHER WALSH FULL BACK' iStarning Fred McMurray Maureen O'Hara also "WHERE'S THE FIRE" We all want to know No one should iwiss this spectacular ivicture A.ppllications will be received by the undersigned for the position of caretaker of the Flesherton Ceme- tery, up to and including Friday, June .'{Oth, li)50. Appfeant will state wages by the hour or by the month. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. -^B, T. PHILLIPS. Sscty. Flesherton Cemetery Com. TAX NOTICE VILL.\GE OF FLESHERTON Ratepayers are i-eminded that a first instalment of fifty per cent of the total amount of 1960 taxes is due on or before July, IMO, and the balance on or before Deceimiber Ist, 1960. â€"IF. H. W. HICKLING, Treasurer AUCTION SALE THE ESTATE OF JOHN H. McLEAN will sell by public auction at PRICEVILLE SATURDAY, JUNE 24TH, 1950 at 1 p.m., the followinsr: Largre size Bed and Spnin^e; Lin- oleum; Sin«rle Bed and Springs; 2 Kitchen Taibles; Exteneion Table; 4 Small Tables; Dresser; 2 Cupboards; 7 Kitchen Chairs; Rociking Qiair; Arm Ohair; Ironing Board; Ice Box; Wringer and Stand; 2 Couchfts; Cole- man Lamp; 8 Quilts; Trunks; Car; Kitchen Stove; Quantity of Wood; Diahes, etc. Terms of sale: Cash. PROFEKrY FOR SALE At the aam« time and ploce there will be offered for sale Lots 4 and 6, on tihe South side of Kincardine Str^t, in the ViUaige of Priceville, suibijeet to a reserve bid, on which there is said to be a frame house, woodshed and hen-house, and better known aa the John H. McLean resi- dence. 10% of the purchase price to be paid on the date of the sale and the balance within 80 days, at which time posseaaion will be g^en. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, A«cti««Mr LOST â€" Black and Un male hound, front legs bowed. â€" Ken HHU, R.R. 2 Flesherton, phone collect to 600r21 Markdade. 3pZ FOR SALEâ€" Reg. Scotch Shorthorn bull, vaccinated, T-B tested; also hay loader. â€" M. Bhnnon, R.R. 8, Proton, phone 44-wl. Ehindalk. NOTICE â€" Trespassinig strictly pro- hibited on Lot 34, Con. 12, as K.N. B. Club has trespassing rights. â€" Bent Magee, Eugenia. 2c5 FOR SALE _ 1937 Chev. coupe in good condition, also 2-wheel trail- er with stock rack. â€" F. Partridge, Eugenia, phone 30r2 Feversham. Wednesday, Thursday June 28, 29 "LOST BOUNDARIES" H. Ferrer B. Pearson BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. FOR SALE â€" Brown siieel baby crib and mattress; medium size tricycde; 6x9 wine cottgoleum rug, all in good condition. â€" Jack Gra- ham, phone Feversham 20rl3. VM.'^NTED â€" Any numher of aged or blemished horses fix>m 1000 lbs. up. Good prices. Also good fat horses over 1600 lbs., must b« under 10 years old. â€" .L. L. Thibau- deau, phone 9-i Markdale. 2p3 GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-operative way. Otaco Farm Implements SALES and SERVICE TmcImii Diacs, 24 ami 32-pl«te Miiittr« Spraadcnra, tractor and liorseodraw* Spring-tootli CuItivator»» 3 and 4 sectioiw JOS. STAUBLES CEYLON, Out. Pham It7w3 is*'^^

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