Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Apr 1950, p. 8

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mmmmmm ^ mmmm. Wednesday, .April 19, ,1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Many a sweet 16 lives to be sweet at 60 _ thanks to the d>ug stores and beauty parlors. . Most Canadian textile mills are located in small cities or towns, brinjriin? employment close to people in rural areas. In the c.'d days a woman's foca was her fortune. Now H'fl ttoe di uggist's. Approximately 15,000,000 gallons of water a day are used in the man- ufacture of nylon at a Kingston, Ont., plant. IMPLEMENTS FLEURY - niSSELL Tractor Disc Harrows Smoothing Harrows Plows Lever Spring-l,ooth Harrows Tractor and Horse M'anure Spreaders. 'On rubber or steel OTACO TRACiOKS Rubber Tire Wagons Automatic Tractor Disc Harrows Steel Wheels for rubber tires fi»r your own wagon RENFREW Electric Cream Separators New Gas-drivcn Washer Electric Washing Machines and Stoves Hand Washers Some good used Separators, one nearly new BEATTY BROS. A full line of Stable and Barn Equipment Repairs W. C. WOODS FARM FREEZERS Now is the timie to install that Deep Freezer. I have one in stock for inspection Electric Washers GILSON Deep Freezers Electric Stoves ROOFING Refrigerators A good supply of all kinds of Asphalt Shingles and Siding in stock. Steel Roofing to arrife very snon W. E. BETTS PHONE 46J FLESHERTON, ONT. IMr. and 'Mrs. T. J. Parker, Bramp- ton, were visitors in town Siunday, IMlrs. Ted Pallett of J>ixie spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTavialh. The teachers are all back at work again for the term of the school year. IMU's. Russell Andrews and child- ren spent the past week with her mother at Aoton. XMr, and Mrs. Loulls Teeter have moved to the Beatrice Thistlethwaite home on Spv'nig street. Mi-s. Stan Menaies of Ohatsworth visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson were in Toronto on the week end. i^rlVs. Hsinderson remained to 'vdsit this week. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Francis Genoe is confined in Centre Grey Hospital, where his condition is none too 'avoralhie. Mrs. Geo. PWllips of Port Dover is ispending this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. M«Kee and visiting old friends in the distpict. iMr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart ard ford spent the week end with rela- ford spent the week end with reela- tives in town. . Mr. and Mts. Gaylord 'K'aitting and son, Garry, of Detroit spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mrs. Alex. McDonald and son, Stewart, of Toronto spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard and Mrs. Gdo. Lawler visitede with Mr. Mrs. Geo, Lawler visited with Mr and Mrs. Art Lwwler in Durham on Messrs. Jack MaoLean and John Cook irepreeanted the Beaver Valley Ski Olub at a meeting £o the Ontario Ski Associfl'toon at Barric on t^e week end. Mr. and Mp»..Jack M^awLean were at Lakoileldii^he latter part of the week attendmg the funeral of th« late Milton Hopkins which was held on Saturday, jnterme^it being made in Pine Hill Centetery, Toronto. The late Mr. Hopkins has visited in Flesherton and was known to a num- ber in 'town. He leaves his wife anl six small children. Thursday, Friday, Saturday April 20, "21, 22 "STORY OF SEABISCUIT" in Technicolor Starring Shirley Temple Barry Fitzgerald Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday April ,24, 25, 26 "THE SNAKE Pir' Adult Olivia DeHaviland Celeste Holm Coming: "Challenge .to Lassie" BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY CHURCH IMPROVEMENT FUND Contributions to St. John's Church Iniiprovement Fund may be left with the churcli treasmrer, Mr. Frank W Dun!:-an. A rece%)t will be given for income tax purposes. SALE OR TR;A!DE on car by private party: 1&46 Reo 3-ton, S-yard dump truck, 5 speeds and D.P. axle, in p rfect condition. Terms arranged.â€" Phone 603J Walkerton. FOR &MIMâ€" 13-diisc Cockshutt fer- tilizer driU, tr-actor hitch, only sowed 40 acres, or would sell a Io- dise .Cockshutt fertilizer drill, trac- tor bitch, nsfw. â€" Geo. Hill, phono 224J1 Markdale. 48pi! ElSfJP WAiNTgD â€" Woman or girl t^,.4teep house "^r -elderly couple, ' no outside wPrk.-^^^Wrs. Jas. Thom- son, phfone IftrS Feiversham. 48c2 FOR SAL%HMixed clover and alfal- fa Jtey^xihoice quality. â€" J. W. R. Lwer, phone 38iJ2 Flesiherton. FOR SALE â€" A few loads of m«ed hay. â€" Herb Betts, phone 42J4 iFlesherton, 48c3 FOR SALEâ€" Ibark red Durham bull, 7 months old, eliga!>I% for registra- tion; 10-20 International tractor on steel. â€" Lloyd Stephens-, Box 38, Feversham, phone 9i"15 Feversham LIVESTOCj^ WANTED We solicit your offerings of butcher cattle,, bulls and hogs. With a newly completed beef floor, we are in a position to handle all of your live stock. THE FIRST CO-^OPeHaTWE PACKERS OF ONTARIO Phone 24.53 Barrie, Ont. Chevrolet 'alone in the low-price field gives you all that's new . * . all that's thrilling ... all that's thrifty ! FIRST... and Finest... at Lowest Cost! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Ves, you can expect the new standard of pow- erful, dependable low-cost performance from the 1950 Chevrolet . . . just as you can look to it for the new standard of beauty, driving and riding ease, and all-round safety Only this car brings you the eye-catching, pride-inspiring beauty of new Style-Star Bodies by Fisher at lowest cost. Only this car offers you the world's cham- pion Valve-in-Hend linyine â€" already famous, for economy and trouble-free operation â€" this year greatly improved ! Only this car gives you the luxurious comfort and riding smoothness of the Unitized Knee-Action Ride . . . and the greater stability and road -steadiness of the largest, heaviest automobile in its field . . . the safety-protec- tion of Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility . . . proved Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes . . . Safety Plate Glass all-round and many other important safety factors, at lowest cost. ' That's why record numbers of men and women are inspecting, praising and placing their orders for this new Chevrolet! See Chevrolet for 1950 â€" the only car offering you all these features at the lowest prices and with such low cost of operation and upkeep. See it today, pnd we believe you, too, will wholeheartedly agree that it's first and finest at lowest cost! HIGHLY IMPROVED MORE POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE WITH POWER-JET CARBURETOR AND LARGER EXHAUST VALVES, Chevrolet â€" and Chevrolet alone â€" brings you all theae fine car advantages at /owesf cosff NEW BODIES BY FISHER IN SPARKLING NEW COLORS . . . NEW TWO-TONE INTERIORS, EXTRA-ROOM, EXTRA LUXURIOUS . . . CENTRE-POINT STEERING AND UNITIZED KNEE- ACTION RIDE . . . CURVED WINDSHIELD BIGGEST OF ALL LOW-PRICED CARS (LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD, WITH WIDEST TREAD) . . . PROVED CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES. The fine Chevrolet engine now mcMl* even finer . . . bringing you more power, faster pick-up, better low-speed per^ formonce . . . better oction overy way I CANADA'S BEST SELLER ... CANADA'S BEST BUYI McTavish^s Garage, Flesherton Small Ads FOR SALE â€" White Blossom Sweet clover seed.â€" 'Han-y Bewell, phone 10r22 Feversham. 48ci « » M * ♦ JT '- S FOR SAIJE â€" 9 pigs, 6 weeks old April 22, '$10 each.â€" Arnold Ralph, phone ISria Feversiham. 4Sp2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of muted grain.â€" John Wilson, R.R. 5 Mark- dale. 46p2: FOR SALE â€" 3 Purebred Tamworthi boars, 5 months old.â€" W. Ratlcliffe, phone 626r4 Mlarkdale. 47c2 FOR SATE â€" A 'few tons of good: loose mixed hay. â€" F, Eagles, phong. 41J,'j Flesherton. 47p2: FOR SALE â€" Ajax oats and Mont- calm barley, grown from register- ed seed. â€" Kendal Hawkins, R.R. ^. Eugenia, phone 30r42 Feversham. FOR SALE _ seed, alfalfa, mam- moth, and mammotih-alfialfii niix- ed. â€" E. Buckingham, Maxwell, pnone FoverslRam phone 4rl4. I'M > FOR SALE â€" New 2-wheel trailer â- with good tires; suataible for car or tractor. â€" W.- Meredith, phone new Flesherton. 4i8p2 FOiR SALE â€" Child's crito, steel, with spring, in first class condi- tion.â€" ff". J. Thurston, phone 18 or 62J. Flesherton. ^j- FOR SALE â€" Montcalm baifclesa barley, good for seed; good, piss- ure farmi Wanted. â€" iBryce ^^^ejr«. Eugenia, phone Peversham^OrZi. FOR. S)ALE â€" Ajay aiid Clinton oatil for seed^ also some open pare4bred Yorkshii-e sows. â€" Ross ®tev©na»' phone 32J2 IFimerton. 47c2 -i*, â-  â€" _ FOR SALE â€" CQMl i^ifc;. bicycle good tires, good condition;*fl64W. â€" I Viohn Phillips, phone. Flesher- ton 119wl2. 4750 t l-OR SALEâ€" General ^pjjrpose l^jafit^i^ 10 yeai-s old, good worker^ , ch*pl - â€" Jas. McMullen, Ceylon, phone 34J1 Flesherton. :, â-  - 87c2 FOR SALE â€" 5 young ,oigs; i track loads of oat straw; several Leg- horn cockerels. â€" Jos. Radlejr, S iplhone ,7SJ!13 Fles/herton. 47icS â- â- ir NOTICE â€" wm the person wh* borrowed our wire stretchers re- turn same immediately. â€" O. & A. • Co-operative, Flesherton. b<3c3 FOR SALE or RENT â€" Pasture farm containing 60 acres, good grass, water and shade.â€" ilas. A. Stewart, phone 33w4 Flesherton. FOR SADE â€" Three registered An- gus buHs, vaccinated and T.B. test- ed. â€" Thos. Copeland, Lot 21, Con. 14, Proton, phone 185J3 Dundalk. FOR SALEh- Good clean Ajax oats% suitable for seed; also fall wheat, Lome Bumstead, R.R. 5 Markdale, phone 3I8J3 Mlarkdale. 46o2 NDTIGE â€" Hunting, traipping and trespassing strictly prohibited on Lots '31 and 3!2, Con. 9, Artemesia. â€" John MiciDonald, Eugenia. â- IftpS FOR SALE â€" il Yorkshire pigs, readv to wean; 13-hoe "M -H. suud dirill and grass sender; 2-fwrrow C'jikshiitt walkiv,.' plow. - -Lawsoit '.Vhitehead, phore !.01'.v2. '.'.7p2 FOR 'SALE â€" Ajax oats, good for seed. Silver HiuU buckwheat, Mam- moth and red clover seed; a few bu. of feed oats. â€" Vernon Atkin- son, phone 4r31 Feversham . 48p FOR SALE, â€" iSows and little nigs; pressure cooker icanner, size iNo. 5; alrge wooden crib with spring?.; red clover seed.-Les. Seeley, phone Feversham 3i2i-ll. ^8 I t â- ** â-  â- â- -•â- Â» IB FOR SALE â€" Auto-Trac on rubber, 1928 Chev. motor, nearly liew, Ctaco gears, new battery, sealed beam tractor lights; this machine is in good mechanical conditdon. â€" Doug. Oliver, phone 99J5. 47p3 NEW I AlLLES-iOHALMBBS TRAC- TORS for sale, Models U, WF, WD, C, 3; also Model A IjH.C. new motor, oheaip; will accept cattle or easy terms. â€" Alex. Dnn- can & 'Sons, Ceylon, phone 4W4 â- Flesherton. 48p2 WOOD FOB aJOiB â€" 'Hardvw^fti slabe, 76% hardwood or better, ^26 per load, about 8 cords, soft- wood slaibs |18 per load; clos|\ hardwood sawdust 9& per load de> Kvercd. â€" W. Playtcr, phose 1«J[ Markdale. M^ CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLBBK Office, Tkuronto Street, iHVer of Marriage CONVEYANCER Wills MortciMtes, e«e. Deeds ApmeiaeBto A cooMiiissioaer for iM99 affidaTMl ** 9 *â- â€¢ â-  â- Â» »

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