r VOL. 69; NO. 48 . Former Local Couf^ WiU Be ,50 Years Married Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMaster of Oaondasra, Ont., will be at home to tiieir relatives and friends on the oc- casion of their golden wedding aniii- versary on Tuesday, April 25th, 1950, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m^ FLESHERTON, ONT.,, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publishes New OHnmuiiicanta Were Recdved In Churches ^ Twenty-tfour new communicants were received into full cOimmunion last Sunday- on the Flesherton Past- oral Ctmrge of the United Church. Three were by certificate ai|d twen- Sprinjf flowers formed the setting in St. John's United Cliurch, Flesh- ertoji, Saturday, April l&th, for the wedding of Lois Marguerite, eldest daxBgbter of Mr. and Mrs. Alll)eit E. Sparks, and Ivan Francis Hills, son ty-one by prorfession of f*ith. A N^ Mi"^- *nd JVBrs. Truman Hills, Conn, large number flif communicants cele- 'brated the Sacran.tnt of the Lord's iated. ;, Mrs. J. E. Miln<» pliared the In one coat B-H "Fresconette" 'covers kalsomine, wallpaper . . . gives you a satiny wash- able surface. Dries in a couple of hours. V Sold by F. H. W. HICKLING - Flesherton Supiper at .Flesherton, -;Proton. Sta^ tion and Eugenia. Rev. A. G. Macpherson conducted the imipressiive ritual and spoke on the meaning of "the (a/orch as the Body of Christ through which the followers of Christ enjoyed fellow- ship wih Him, and witnessed the Good News^of His risen power to the world. The Church, Mr. Macpherson said, is not a man-made organiza- tion so much as a divdnely ' created instrument in the hand of God for teaching, preaching and healing. Special music was provided at St. John's by a mixed quartette, consist- ing of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Boden, Mrs. Mepvin McFadden a^d Garnet Hamilton. At Eugenia, Mr. Harvey Boetbger sang "The Stranger of Gaiaee." The nerw eommunifcants received were as follows: At St. John's, Messrs. Alex. Aberddn, Ruissell An- drews and Jack Milne, Misses Janet Betts, Marie Stefwart, Ruth Fawcett and Margaret Macpherson; at Pro- ton: Mrs. Bert Badgerow, Mrs. E. Lyons, Shirley Badgerow, Gerald Fothergill, Walter Lyons, Lorene Fothergill, Joyce Lyons, Loi-ene Fo- thergill, Velda Fothergill, Georgina Whiite, Harvey Lyons, Jean McCan- nell; At Euger.L-s: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mcintosh, Blanche Walker, Gordon Mcintosh, Mrs. Cecil Magee. Baskets of beautiful Spring flow- ers, provided by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks, adorned the front of St. John's OhuTCh. HOb - Sparks 7" Ont. Rev. A. G. Macpht'rson offic- MUSICAL TREAT AT ST. ST. JOHN'S ON SUNDAY P.M. weddiiag musie, a"d Ii'ma Hills, cou sin m the groom, was soloist, Gwen in marriage by her father, the bride wore a victorian-styled gown of white slipper satin with fit- ter bodice and short circular train, and an heirloom pendant formerly worn by her great-grandmotiier. A Juliet cap held her finger-tip veil. She carried a white Bible with pink sweet peas and satin streamers Miss Janette Haas, maid of honor, wore nile green taffeta, Eleanore and Muriel Sparks, as bridesm'aids, wpre orchid and yellow taffeta, with matching hats and gloves. They carried crescent bouquets of carna- tions, roses and 'mums. Judy Sparks was flower girl in white nylon and carried a nosegay of roses, carna- tions and 'mums. Ehner Shortt was groomsman, with Oscar McKee of Hamilton and Arnold Townsend a^ ushers. The bride's mother received in navy crepe, assisted by the groom's mother in flowered crepe, wearing corsages of red roses. For travelling, the bride wore a beige suit with brown accessories, and gardenia corsage. On their re- turn, they will reside on the groom's farm near Conn, 'Ont. Guests were present from Hamil- ton, Toronto, Port Dover, Stratford, Grand Valley, Markdale and Sauic Ste. Marie. Patt ison Vale Sunday, .A(pril 23rd, at 8:30 p.m., Annesley Choir, Markdale, will pre- sent their cantata "The Chnist Eiver- lasting."' Com« and enjoy this fine choir and organ muBic. Silver coll- ection. Everybody welcome. Fifty-two iweekly letters from home in a year's, subscription to the Flesherton Advance for $2.00. 0i « f CREAM Now that the roads are open, why lujt deliver your cream to the Flesherton Creamery and receive the extra 2 cents per pound. At the same time brin^ your eg:gs. We pay top market price for your produce. * He 'II'* ^ Hi CULL YOUR POULTRY FLOCK Since the prices of feeds are high, how about culling those hens which are not layini::, be- fore they g-o into their molt. We take fowl. either dressed or alive, and i)ay top market prices. Flesherton Creamery THE HOME OF SERVICE & SATIS E ACTION Phone 66' FLESHF.RTON Angus Avis, Manager On April 10th, at 2 p.m., a pretty wedding was solemnized in the Unit- ed Church Manse, Capreol, when Anne Gloden Vale, eldest daughter of Mil-, and Mrs. Edward Vale of Capi-eol,, became the bride of John AUister Pattison, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pattison of Flesherton. Rev. Starkey officiated. The bride was attired in a gree' gabardine suit with gi-ey accessories and a corsage of red and yellow roses. She was attended by Miss Louise Douglas of Capreol, who wore a beige suit w^ith brown acetssories and a corsage of roses. The groom was attended by Ted Vale of Capreol, brother of the bride. â- Following the ceremony, a recep- tion for seventy-flve guests was held at the bride '£ home, after which the young couple left for a motor ti'iu to Sudbury. North Bay and Toronto. Or. their return, Mr. and Mrs. Patti- son will reside on the ga-oom's farm near Flesherton. Eugenia Falls L.O.B.A. 1201 Instituted At Eugenia Eugenia Falls L.O.B^. No. 1201, met for the first time in their Lodge hall for Idieir institution, with Most Worshipful Sister Mina Jackson, Grand M'isti-ess of Ontario West, of Owen Sound present with her degree team of twenty-five ladies. Initia- tions followed during the afternoon, at the close of which the ladies sa: down to tables for lunch and all en- joyed a hearty meal. The evening was spent in election of officers, the installation following. The new mem- bers greatly enjoyed the time spent with the Owen Sound ladies. The following offiicers were installed: WM. â€" Sister Annie Breadner. D.M. â€" Sister Elsie Burton â- Rec. Secty. â€" Sister Louise Mafroe Fin. Secty.â€" Sister Lola Taylor Treas. â€" Sister Audrey Spannous'i Jr. Dep. â€" Sister Gladys Campbell Chaplain â€" Sister Annie Caniipb^U Guardian â€" ^Bro. Victor Campbell D. of Câ€" Sister Ada Tomlinson 1st Lect. â€" Sister Evelyn Rowe 2nd Lect. â€" Sister Irva Cairns Pianist â€" rSister Shirley Caii-ns I. G. â€" Bro. Fred Taylor O. G. â€" Bro. Jack Spanhouse Act. P;M.-^ister Elda Williams Mr. And Mrs. F. McKinnon Honored By Friends / (By Priceville Reporter) 'Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar McKinnon and Heather were honored in the W. I. hal! on Thursday evening by old neighbors from the O.D.R. and their new neighbors, when a large crowd '.v:i3 present and a pleasant everting v.-as spent, with dancing to the music of Sharp's orchestra. Mrs. John Ritchie re"d a nicely worded address and Ward Hiltchinson presented them with a radio, on behalf of the community, while Ruth Hutchinson presented Heather with money. Both Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon fittingly re- plied, thanking all for their gifts and best wishes. The McKinnon family have moved to the Shorlreed farm, west of Priceville. Expansion Program At St. John's Church We Had Our Troubles Publishing a news/paper any week is quite a task, but when trouible sets in and t.he linotype, which sets the news, fails to perform its alloted task, trouble sure enters the picture. That was our trouble Monday night and Tuesday morning, just when we should have been setting type and cliangir..g- advertisefm)entg. Wg had the machine percolating Tuesday af- ternoon, but with a breakdown ".t such a vital moment makes us late publishing this week. We also arc forced to hold over several budgets of correspondence and other news. EASTER SERVICE AT ST. COLl MBA CHURCH, PKICEVULLE The Easter service at St. Columby Revised plans were adopted by St John's eonfregation Monday night for the improvement of the churcn facilities. The larger plan for add- ing a wing was dropped for reasons of inadequate funds. Tlie new plan is to take over the present junior room, and turn it into a kitchen and choir room. This will necessitate the junior department taking over the large Sunday Scliool room, and the senior department meeting in the church auditorium. The whole downstairs will have to be rewired and renovated, and a suitable piano purchased for the use of the senior department upstairs. The W, A. funds will be needed to furnish the kifchen. The Church Improvement Fund was re-establish- United Church, Priceville, was ob- | ed, and the Board of Stewards askod served vyith a go<)d attendance, with to take necessary steps to build it Rev. L. W. Mould, the pastor, taking the service. The congregation joiined heartily in the Ea.ster hymns. The choir rendered an anthem "Chris: Arose." The offertory orj>:an numbei was "The Day of Resuirection." Mrs. Wells sweetly rendered "Besido Blue Galilee," The sermon by Rev. Mould was based on "Behold I am alive for evermore." Holy Com- munion was dispensed and the clos- ing number was "Too Soon We Rise.'' The organ postkide "Broken is the Seal" was played by Mrs. J. C. Har- rison, the organis.t up. At iea.n $1,000.00 is needed now to take care of immediate e.K'peiisc.-;. Contributions from members and ad- herents may be lefi with the churcn treasurer. Mr. Frank Duncan. â- An optimist is a fellow who tries out roller skating with a bottle or. his hip. Last Hockey Game of Year (/ Tho last game of hockey for th;' season was played in Hone.vwo-d arena on Thui;sday evening of la.t week, aud despite the fact that th< local team consisted of only six players were only beaten 6-5. The players were: Andrews in goal. Geo. Boyd and Frank Taylor on defen;e, with Jack Milne. Laurie Ru.sse!! and Bi-uce Boettger forwards. McArthur Bros. Receive Excavating Contract Artemesia Township Council met on April 10th, with all members pre- sent. The following communications were read: Dept. of Municipal Affairs, advis- ing that a one-day school would be conducted in each County in south- ern Ontario for elected township re- presentatives and other township officials, meeting to be held in Walk- erton April 19th; from the County Assessor, asking for membership fee to the Association of Assessing Offi'rers; from the Dept. of High- ways, approving a 1949 road expen- diture of $40,035.2.5, with a gross subsidy payment of $22,162.66: ub- sidy payment at 50'/, $20,017 6;i, subsidy adjustment at SO*;', ex:ra $2,145 ."03; from the Dept. of Public Works, stating that a meeting would be held in Walkerton March 29, re Saugeen Valley Conservation Aath- ority and asking that one member, be present from this Council; fcom G. L. Magann & Co., Toronto, asking that business assessment be cancell- ed on unused sawmill at Priceville; from the Dept. of Lands and Forests asking for inifomiation as to the am- ount of bounty paid on wild animals by this municipality, figures show that a bounty of $1.00 each was paid on 167 fox pelts during 1949. A copy of a resolution opproved unanimously at the March meeting of Vandeleur W. I. was read, asking that action be taken immediately to prohibit garbage being dumped on the Country road sides. Gillies, Graham, that the member- ship fee of SIO.OO be paid to the As- sociation of .Assessing Officers. â€" Cd. Gillies. Whyte, that the Clerk be instructed to have the dog by-law tabled at the next meetino' of Coun- cil, same to be amended regardin;i dogs running at large. â€" Carried. Gillies, Wh.vte. that the County of Grey be paid $8.00 re .A.. Calder ac- count to date. â€" Carried. Gillies, Wihyte. that the Clerk pre- .•vent the fence by-law at the ne.x't ! meeting, same to be amended. â€" 'Cd. ! Graham. Whyte, that in complaince ! with the regulations of the Mlunicip- 1 al Halls Act, Reeve Davis and Coun- I Purchased Croft Bus ^ ^ 1 The bus route taken by Mr. (Sen Croft since the school terai started in September h'as been taken over bjf Mr. Jas. A. Stewart, when he pill>» chased the Croft bus last week. ]S[(r» Stewart now owns the three buaMV on the routes transporting pupils tO^ the Flesherton high schooL TSl^ other two routes are covered by •Jlessrs. Harold Richardson and Beg. Boden. An air brake is a device IJUlt should be used on tolitical speakers. « « C « < Our Chapel ^ is at the diii>osal of our clientele without extra diarge. It contaiiM well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks fUNf^'^L CHAPEL |?4AvrnuERd KI.4B44 Special New Buns AT OUR STORE SCONE BUNS CHERRY ROLLS TWIST BUNS RAISIN BUNS MM RINGS PARKERHOUSE BUNS FRUIT RINGS JAM TWISTS BATH BUNS CHOP SUEY LOAVES Thty'rc Tasty; Try Thtm Flesherton Bakery cillor Graham be appointed to the ' board of Vandeleur Community Hall. â€" Carried. Wliyte, Gillies, that the Road Sup- erintendent be given permiss.ion to clean out ditch on Lot 1, Con. â- *.â€" Cd. Gillies, Whyte, that the Road Sup- erintendent be instructed to purch- ase six culverts. â€" Carried. .A.llen, Graham, that the Markdale Standard be paid $1.40 and the Dun- dalk Herald §3.00 for warble fly advertisement. â€" Carried. Graham, .â- \llen, that tht syiupathv ol' this Council be hereby extended to Treasurer .\ubrey Foster in tlie lefonr death of his mother.â€" Carried. .•VUen, Gillies, that the Road Supt. c-ommew.e work on straightening and widening Wood's hill and also lini^^h the work started on the 8rh line laU full, and that no more construction work be undertaken until the roads ovt-i- the Township are placed in pro- per condition and we know the cost of the same. â€" Carried. "^Grah.im, .Whyte, that wherea,-; ther.- are a number of small drags and graders ihroug^hout the Township which can be drawn by tractor n teams of horses and which, if u.-.-d at the proper time, could be .)f ben- efit to the roads, be it resolved thai the Road Supt. be instructed to en- deavor to make use of this equii> n*«>nt. â€" Carried. Whyte, Graham, that the Clerk 'io pai<l $4.00 postage account and the County of Grey be paid balance nf County rate, amounting to $8,049.1).5. â€"Carried. Gillies, Whyte, that the following Pv!.-eville police village account.^ be ;iaid: Council meeting, E. Vergoz (Concluded on Page 4) In Memoriam MARTIN â€" In loving memory of William, a dear brother and uncle, who passed away April ISth, 1949. "Ti.s .«weet to know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more, .\nd that the one we loved ."o well Has .just gone on before. I Writh farewells unspoken 1 A gentle voice said "Come," ! He g*ntly entered in. .1 â€"Brother. Chbarlea, Wife and I Family. 3-Act Play 'DEACON DUBBS' will be given in the Tiown Hall / FLESHERTON Friday, April 21 at 8:30 p.m. ; { by Maxwell talent \ under auspices of St. John's WJL. .\dults 35c, Children under 12, 20e A drivarcorafully train* •<! to drive in all sorts of w«oth«r and all sorti of traffic- a bus •quipped with the best safety devices and reg- , ularly inspected - these | ore the added safety ' features you enjoy at ' low cost when you travel by bus. Washington - $24.55 North Bay - 14.50 Montreal - 19.15 New Orleans - 46.15 ROUND TBIP (Subject to pIuuic*) v^