Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1950, p. 2

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r THEEUIN FMir "Don't plant weed (••da m 1950," ii the timely advice handed out by an agricultural expert, who goes on to say that the use of good aced it •11 important in the matter of weed control. And really modem farm- •ri don't iiced to be told that few farm operations will pay binger dividends than a thorough job of cleaning and treating small grain •eed. • • • If a small iaiiining mill and home- made seed grain treater are avail- able, cleaning and treating can be done at home. A couple of abort trial runs with the fanning mill will give you an idea of the proper seed and a uniform rate of speed helps you to get best results. Don't over- look using proper sieves and speed. • * * There are certain advantages to home cleaning and treating â€" also certain d:sa<ivantagcs. • • » Fur one- thing, home cleaning can be done at your convenience, and reijuires little or no casli outlay; and there is no danj5er of mixing varieties if you clean the mill thoroughly following each run. Also, if the acreage to be planted isn't too large, the job can often be done more quickly at home. • • ♦ On the other hand, proper clean- • ifig and treating demands good equ'iinicnt atnd is more or less a technical job. Many seed houses and elevators have the skill and the machinery to do it belter t'lan most folk.s can at home. However, there is usually a last-minute rush, and it's best to be a bit early than have to wait when the ground is ready for seeding. • * * Main reason for cleaning seed grams, of course, is to get rid of weed seecjs. Most grain, as it comes from the thresher or com- bine, would probably be diegal for â- liiMiiercial sale, as it contains too big a percentage of weed seeds. A nuinlicr of tests showed that oats which contained ovei 10 per tent, (if impurities to begin with had ji'st over one per cent, after a single trip through a fanning mill. The biggest portion of what was re- moved consisted of seeds of lamb's quarter, foxtail, wild rose, smart- weed, barnyard grass, marsh cresn tnd the like. » * ♦ Tests on flax indicate tliat one clewiing ran cut the weed seed content from 10 to 14 per cent. down to one or two per rent. • ♦ » A 11(11 her reason for cleaning seed ic to remove sticks, chafT, diseased and underweight kernels. This mca,tis that you get more uniform seeding, stronger stands and, nat- urally, fewer weeds and bigger yield'-'. ♦ * » Just a word of warning about the screenings might not be amiss. Burn them! Don't feed them un- less very finely ground; and, as feed, they aren't worth that bother. If you feed the seeds without grind- ing, many weed seeds are bound to pass through the animals intact, then get hauled out to the fields with the manure to bother you again. • * • Out in th« middle west â€" Iowa particularly â€" they're looking for a big jump in goose raising. Up to now, geese haven't been a very popular fowl tn that area. Most goose eggs have been hatched •ither under the goose herself, or under hens â€" an expensive proposi- tion, since a hen or goose is out of production for the five weeks of Incubation and for several weeks afterward. And broody birds often aren't much for laying either. ♦ • ♦ Ln the past, artificial iiv-.ubation ti goose eggs didn't team to work •o well. Hut now, it icenie, an Incubator will work as -frail for geese as chickens. One man hat been operating goose incubatori auccessfully for several years, get t'ng hatches of 68 per ,:«nt., or better. ♦ * ♦ Geese are good eating -and, even more important, they're easy to raise. Even the usual cu«tom of fairly late hatching will produce iKell-niatured geese by fall, so that they fit well into the holidau season, • * ♦ ' Goslings are hardy, and can be krooder-weaned in two or three weeks. They are easily confuted by • one-foot board fence and are Ane users of forage crop''. They can live entirely on pasture, if nec- Msary, and are quickly fattened on grain plus pasture or hay. * • * In places where modern hatching pitthodit have been (pllowed by up io-date feeding ideas, there have been startling results. Some rais- en of medium-type Toulouse geese report birds weighing as high as 20 pounds at five months. * • * A man named George Rollins laises some each of three different breeds â€" African, Chinese amd Tou- Uniee; and he's been able to get early maturity and even some fall egg production from spring- halclK . goslings. In the past, you seldom heard of eggs being laid There's a String Attachedâ€" Pictured at Chicago While Sox Spring training camp is this "batting tee" â€" ihe new gadget for driving players "bats." Outfielder Gus Zernial is getting ex- asperated as the ball cotnes back like a yo-yo each time he hits it, but it helps the young hopeful develoj) a sharp eye at the hat. until geese were eight months or so of age. Rolliins has got eggs from spring-hatched birds as young as five months old. ♦ * ♦ \Vhicli will have to be all for now, except that maybe you'll gel a laugh out of the one I rnn across about the Sunday scliool teacher who was telling her class all about the heavenly rewards and the gold- en crowns that good people will get. "Tell me," shf said at the end of the lesson, "just who will get the bigijest gohlcn crown?" There was silence for a while tnitil young Johnny piped up with, "I guess it will be the guy with the biggest head." /y A SivbitOOTic This is the time of year when millions of boys troop out to the corner-lot baseball diamor.ds and start sharpening the batting eye and limbering the throw iiig arm, re- turning home in the evening con- siderably suliiliied, xWth a line assortment of Cliarlcy-horses, slide burns and mud sufficient to make millions of mothers wonder, once again, just how one small tad can pick up such a vast porli-ju of the earth'* surface in so short a space of time. • * ♦ Or, to iiui k a bit more tersely, spring has came! + ♦ * Pratically all those kids have visions of some day becoming big league stars (99 and 44-lOOtlis per cent, pitching aces) so a little ad- vice from a gentleman who won National League pennants with St. Louis, Pittsburg and Cincinnati might not only be timely, but help no little in filling up a column. » ♦ ♦ ♦ The aforesaid gent is none other than Bill McKechnie. The "Dea- con" is at present more interested in grapefruit, oranges and vege- tables than runs, hits and errort, being part owner of a marketing concern down b'loridia way; but when the baseball bug bites you, h really takes hold, and the chances are that Mr. McK. will be back in what is sometimes alluded toâ€" al- though not in the presence of Conn Smytheâ€" as the "World's Greatest Game" before too long. • ♦ * Asked about hit past successes wHh young pitchers, McKechnie said, "If a boy has a good arm, he can be taught to pitch; and I have always stressed the importance of control. 'Practice control of your fast ball and curve,' I tell them. Forget about such things as the fcnuckler and screwball. Those trick pitches take something away from your fast ball. There's plenty of time to get tricky later on, when you begin to lose the fast one and when you have somebody to teach you the tricky ttuflf." » ♦ » The Deacon went on to say that he'd always looked for certain things in a young ball player. He liked them to run fast and throw hard^and didn't care how hard he hit the ball so long at he had a nat- ural awing. With that, and co- ordination, he can be taught to hit. • ♦ * "Practice what you can't do as well as what yon can. Don't al- HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies Um makara of Macca Ointment > Pile n«ni«dy No. 1 b for Protrudinc Ina PilM, »iid !• •did In Tube, with pin«, fo» mutual »»Hon. Piio* 7«o. Mmoii Pllt Ruatdy No. i (â-  tor Biternkl Ilolilng Pilt*. Sold in J«r. Mut li (or «i««rnnl imfi only. Prl<!« 7/kj. Older by number from your DrtiVK'nt. ways be showing your strength and hiding your weakness. If .h boy has enough determination, he ran make himself a great ball player. Look a^ Joe Cronin. He did it." « • » .McKechnie doesn't think that night baseball is ruining the game. "But I will say this," he siated, 'night ball is eliminating the 15- year player, especially if they con- tinue to play these night double- headers and also afternoon games following night ones. The hustling ball player simply cannot take it â€" and boys who hustle can't save tliemselves by letting up. Once a hustler, always a hustler; it's some- thing that's liorn in you." * * ♦ Pint even if night ball shortens the playing career of the average player, the outlook isn't t(50 gloomy. "He'll make b'gger money in eight or 10 years than fellows used to earn in IS or more." (He didn't say that guys like Jackie Robinson and Campanella could probably earn as much in cyie year with a club like the Yankees as they're getting in five from Brooklyn, but tliat is neither here nor there in ujjper baseball circlesj. * ♦ • McKechnie is of the opinion that morale is a much over-rated factor in winning baseball, "\fanagers are too often blamed for the failure of certain players. If a player doesn't produce, he must be lacking some- where, liitlier be lacks the ability, or he lacks the determination to acijuire that ability. Players play for themselves. They don't go all out lor the manager or club owners. They go all out for themselves and their families." * * ♦ (The Deacon didn't say «o, but he's probably hoping that â€" should he come bark in a^ maiftgerial capacity some time â€" the fans will remember those pregnant words, the players, not the manager, are to blame when a team loses.) * * » Butâ€" following a sound Biblical preceptâ€" we've kept the best for the last. "I'm forgetting one of the most important factors," stated Mr. McKechnie solemnly "Backgroundl Today, more than ever before, the background of a player is mighty important. What are his habits? How does he spend his idle hours ALL OF THE BETTER PLAY- ERS IN MY EXPERIENCE WERE NICE FELLOWS. YOU NEVER HAD TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT THEY WERE DOING AFTER THE GAME!" » ♦ * VVe have taken the liberty of putting those two final sentences in capital letters. Far be it from the likes of us to even mildly criticize the dicta of a man having Mc- Kechnie's lengthy service and vast experience. Still, if he was up there for 40 years, he mutt have run across characters such as Diiiy Dean, Lefty Gomtz, Grover Cleve- land Alexander, Pepper Martinâ€" to name just a few. » ♦ ♦ "You never had lo worry about what those eggs were doing after a game?" Sounds from here as if The Deacon had been putting in CLASSIFIED AUVERTlSINlr BABlf CHICMB •• OOOn OMICKS Ilia â-²UL Brsedttri) bluod teated, bandf<l aivS tn- •i>*ct*d, backed by pcdlarw foundatloD â- tack. N»» llamps; BusMx; Suaaex New Kampa: Barrxl Rocka, and Lane Tom Bar- ron I.««horna Mixed lie, vullat* t8c. Aaaortad Mlied Chloka «â- : Pulleta l»c. Any Heavy Cox ciTARTKr PUI.I.KT8 A CHICKS I WEEKS OLD. add He: 8 weeka old, add •c; 4 waaka old, add Itc. Send (or price Hat of older pulleta. capona and eockerela. heavy breeda Order from and encloae thia add. 107.' depoalt. balance C.O.O. tie DAY OLD A STARTED COX DAT old 41c. 2 weeka. add 4c: 3 weeka add 8c, 4 weeka old (.'apuna 30c. HCKONDAI/E CHICK IIATCHEBY. I^N DON OMT ABIO. MONKTON CHICKS â€" Ooveinment Approved. Breeding Quality, one of tba beet. Don't sueae. be certain Write tor pricea and cata- logue. Monkton Poultry Farma. Monkt on. On t. SCHUMMER CHICKS GOVERNMENT approved. Top quality. Fre« Cataloguft and price list explain details. Schummer's Quality Hatchery. Llnwood. Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS LAKISVIGW chicks are the choice of the better class poultry men. 20,000 t>;t;cuers douWe blood tetted, banded and Inap'.' Med from real poultry bref^dins farms. Lakeview consists of 3 farma, 30,000 floor brood inii capacity. Kor 50 huy th" best â€" buy Lakeview. 8 breedtt STARTlSli 1»IJLLBT8» CAPONS, C0\ 2. 4. 6, 8. 12 weeks old pullets. 4, 6 and 8 W'-'Cks old Capons. Prompt delivery or bookiriB for later. Take delivery now. Most of ouf cockerels and thousands of chicks are seiiir.',; booked to go to some of the largest and moBt partit-ular buyers In the U.S.A. later -n Send for price list and full par- tliiilarK LAKKVIKU FARMS & H.ATC'HEBY. K\r:Ti'JR, ON TARIO. FI I ONE 78. BABY CHICKS from blood tested hifh egg- I I i)tlu«m« atock. Ijlvahllily KUuiunteed. Mixed J15.00 prr 100. Pullets VZ^ to $30. Ten per rent off for orders 500 and over. Britannia Heights, Cotldard Chick Halrhery, Ontario. EflCS are advaneiiiK. chicks hatched are about ^O'/o below last year, Thiti can only mean one thing, higher prices, with a prob- al)I>^ shortage of eggs this summer and fall. Buy yuur uj/ual numbe â-  of chicks and get them now. Day old, : arted. older pullets, also turkey prfulls, Bit id Breasted Bronze. "White HoUantl. Mellsvil!.' Whites, non-sexed fff sexed. Prompt delivery, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Salen, Guelph. Ontario. QUALITY In chicks la never txpensive â€" Pro- geny Testing is expensive â€" but so Is a flock of low producers. Look beyond the price tag. Figure on the number of eggs you will receive, only one extra egg will more than pay the difference between a well bred high producing chick than one that has not had the benefit of good breeding. You can profit by our R.O.P. Wired chicks, which is the soundest method of breeding for the Improvement of all de- Hi rable economic characteriatics In poultry. Prompt delivery, day old. started 2 weeks to 6 weeks, older pulletu. turkey poults. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, FerKUH, Ontario. BUSINESS 0PP(»RTIJNIT1KS AN OFFER lo every inventor â€" List of inven- tions and full Information sent free. The Kamsay Co, Registered Patent Attnrneya. S78 Bank Street. Ottawa DYEING AND CLCANINO HAVE 701J anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for tnformatlna. We are glad to answer your auestlona. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Tonge Street. Toronto. Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED EXERIENCBD. reliable Holland immigrants available: arriving soon. Write to L. Van- denburg. Box S2, Brockvtlle, Ont.: phone 2564 (after 6 o'clock). FARMS FOR SALE 44-ACRE FARM in village of Lymlen. 16 miles Hamilton. 40 miles Toronto. Excellent soil for vegetable growing, small acreage raspberries and strawberries, bank barn 42 x 52. chicken house, implement ifhed. 3 garages, beautiful 7 room frame house, 3 piece bath- room. Hydro, plenty of water, 2 minutes to church, public and high school, railway, bus. Price $10,600 with 15.000 down pay- ment. Apply Harry Wald, Lynden, Ont. Tel. nw. FOR .SALK MOTORCYCLES Harloy Davidson, New and used bough- sold, exchanged Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by factory-trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com pleto line of wheel goods. Open evenings until nine except W-dneaday Strand Cycle A Sports. King at Sanfor l Hamilton OI.'NS-^Large assort men t new and used. Bought, sold, axcbanged Guaranteed repairs. Scopes, sights Installed Fishing Tackle. Hunt- ng EgutpmenT Sportini:; Goods Spc lal Team Prices. Open until .linr except WVdnpsday. Strand Cycle, Hamilton DOORS Panel or Comblnaildn, all sizes. Attractive prices. U. McKENNA. 2779 Yonge St.. Tor- onto, Ont. NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors Canadian Canoe Co.. Peierboro Boats, Canucs Trail- ers, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock used motors. Repairs by factory-trained mechanics Open until n Ine rxi^pp' Wf dnesdny Si rand Cycle. Hamilton TRACTOR 4>\VNER.S PARTS for nil KordHini and Ford Tractors 1817-1960. Ku.Mt Service. Prlaca are right. We can supply parts and accessories for all Ford Products. Roy On vis Limited. 23 Cork St., Guelph, Out. ^BAGSr BARRELS & DRUMS COTTON sugar bags. i!3c eui'li; cotton (lour bags. 21c. Bleached sugar and Hour bags, 17c each. Empty wood .molasseti barri>I». $2.75 each. 45 gallons, clean drum. JS.ftO each. F.O.B. Montreal. C.O.D. and money orders accepted. Job. LeBel Reg'd, Dept. A, 640 Villeray. Montreal 10. too many of his t'veiiinjjs address- ing these fatiier-antl-son banquets â€" and was getting to !)elieve tiic stuff he dished out there! EASE COMMON or • ORDINARY SORE THROAT RUB IT WITH ^ Tutt heat sni) rub in MINARD'S, and note the quick relief you get. Greaiclesi. fast'drying, no â- trong or unpleasant odor. Get a bottle today; keep It handy. IS-46 rOK KALE »-0R QlU'li HAUi:- ---â-  1 â€" NEW Holland Baler, «\iehl1y-' aolled, tl, 8.10. 00: 1â€" New Holland Baler. Baled 1000 Balea 11.600.00; 1 â€" John Deere A. R. Tractor like new â€" tl.000.00. R. {..en Black, Maeaey Harris Dealer, EsafX. Ont. CATAIOG o( farmu, country property. Mon- treal area, ready for delivery. Town * Country Realtlea, Weatmount, Montreal, Oueliec. ALMS CHALMERS HD 7 anKledoaer, new May 1949. Uaed 470 hours. Machinery trall- «r for above dozer or \ yd. aliovel. licensed for 17 ton Kroaa. Located hi Toronto, No reasonable offer refused. W. L. Olflln. 170 Kast St. N. . Sarnta. HORNET SAAVSâ€" SALE MODEL. D.J.. 1-man. »219, f.o.b. Guelph. equipped with It". 20" or H" attachments. Sales tax extra. NEW AND (JUARANTEBD. D. J. Smith Sale* Co. Ltd., 647 Woolwich St., Ouelph. Ont. 18-29 OLIVER Hart Power tractor on rubber. Mechanically good as new. Gordon M. Thorntnn. Brampton . Ont . . R. R. 1. CASCADE WHEATâ€" -N'ew hlBh yle'ldinit sofl Bprinir wheat, Certlfled No. 1, 13 bushel. Harry Strang, Hensall. Ont . FOR SALE FOUR Tennessee Walking Horses Reg., F&la- mino mare 4 years. Trotting horse 6 years, harne^, Jogging bike. Two fllliea 8 years, sired by Bagalie Tyer. Job. F. Wilkin, R.R. 1, Huron Line. Windsor. Ont. MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: The principal in- gredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin Ottawa $ 1.25 Express Pre paid. _ POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Ban tab the torment ot dry eczema raatae* and weeping akin troubles Poat'p Rcsema Salve will noi disappoint you tcbing. acallna. burnlne eczema. acb», rins worm, plroplea and athlete's foot, will rsepond rtadU; to this stainless, odorlesa- otntment. regardless of bow stubborn nr hopeless the) seem PRICJD SI. 00 PER JAR Sent Post Free on RecepU of Pr1c« POST'S REMEDIES 989 Qnn>n St B.. Cornrr nf Imkmb Tsronto BOILS, PIMPLES. CARBUNCLES Use Elliott's Ointment. An old tried family remedy. It draws and heals. Wonderful for cuts, bruises, sores, cracked Ilpa. chafed hands, eczema, piles, bed sores, sore muscles, feet, inirrown toe-nails. Should be on hand in every home. Jar 50c sent postpaid. Original maker. Murray D. Elliott. Bfalton. Ontario. FOR 6INU6. HAYFEVKR AND HEADCOLDS NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Is NEW, to those who have never used It. Convincing trial. 11.00. Addrese Purity Products. Exeter. Ont. CRESS CORN SALVEâ€" For sure relief. Your DruKKist sells Cress Callous Salve. Relieves Quickly too. TURKEYS 680 BRON>:s POULTS 680 DELIVERY to March \thâ€"63c: to April 10th «6c: to April 18thâ€" est; To April 24th â€" 78c. Book your order now and take delivery early. Late March or early April Is a good time to start poults 1. They cost less. 2, Easier raised in cooler weather. 8. You have three good chances to sell: Canadian Thanksgiving. American Thanksgiving, or the Christmas Market. This year early turkeys might easily be higher in price In 1946 the price was 10c per fciound higher early than for the Christ- mas market. 4. 7ou can use your equipment twice in one season. 1960 could be a repetition of 1948, for profits In the turkey business. Send for our price list and five page catalogue, "As We See It For 1950". with full Informa- tion in detail about markets, feed prices and turke:' management. Also monthly bulletins on turkey management, up to the minute turkey news Lakeview poults are the choice of largo growers In Canada and the U.S.A. Mr. Harold McDonald. Oil City, bought Lake- view poults foi several years. In 1948 he marl cted 1.700 turkey toma weighing 2%\ pounds, hen 17i pounds. He has an order with U8 for 1950 for 2,000. He Is a great booster or Lakeview Poults. Send a card today to: LAKEV EW TURKEY RANCH St AIX TURKEY HATCHERY. EXETER, ONTARIO. PHONK O'i. TURKEY SADDLES HEAVY white duck, strongly sewn acrosa bars. Can be laundered. 30c each. Delivered. John .. Wild, 19 LansJowne Avenue. Lon- don. Ontario. OPPORTI'NITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN HAVE CAPITAL to assist in marketing your Idea or invention. All Information kept in Btrliteet confldrnce. Send particulars. C. Fortier. 1096 Tlerre Ave., Apt. 3, Windsor, Ontario. TRACTOR $149i Twelve muntlis lo im.%. intu-i -luw ani. get youTH when .vnu iiet'd It. Vwo yi'ars guarantee. Very narrow for close planting. A CHILD CAN OPERATE IT. Over powered with most modem 4 Crete air cooled engine. Light plow- ing, cultivating, BcuflTling, hllltni: and weed control. Power-take-off for u(her Qses. Simple, strong and easily bandied GARDEN POWER TOOLS LIMITED »'«•< Hill (Scarhoro). Ont. 0PrOKTU.\ITIE8 FOB UU.N A,M) UOKIBll BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LUADING Si'HilUI. Oreur Opportunity Lenrn '' Elatrdrmfalns . Pleasant dignified pruresslon, tiioo waves tbousands vucceeaful Hiarvel grgdualea Amsrica'a greatest lystem. inuetrated cat*, locus fre«. Writs or Call MARVEL HAIRDRBSSINO SCHOOLS 360 Bloor Bt. W , Tomntc Branches, 44 King St. Bamlltno A 72 RIdeau Street, ottava NUKtlJEKt 8TIM;H NURSERY STOCK Blx (rult trees 3-5'. i apples. 3 pears, t plums. t6: any variety listed. Free, our com- plete Illustrated catalogue on Fruit and Or- namental stock. Send today for the best. Niagara Nurseries. St. Catharines. Ontario. CHEAP OLADIOU BCLB8 IN MIXTURE t2.76 per 100. In separate colors 13.25 per 100. Mailed' C.O.O. MonST back ' not satisfied. Vllly Backer, c /O Mr. I. Mayer. Beamsville. Ont. S BEAUTIFUL DAHLIASâ€" Only 12.00 post- paid cash with ordur. A grand assortment of Holland grown dahlias. Bxtra large tubers. 5 different varieties. 5 different colors. Won- derful selection. Well worth twice the pric^. Holland Bulb and Nurilery Company. Queeto Elizabeth Way, P.O. Port Credit. Ont. RESERVE now for Spring Delivery â€" CblneM Elm Hedge â€" will grow 2 feet first year â€" it plants sufficient for 25 Ce«t (12 to 20 Inches bushy) 12 98â€" seedlings 12 Inches high (4.10 per 100 (plant 6 Inches apart) â€" Giant exhibi- tion Peonies In colors red. white or pink, t for tl.89 â€" Applr trees 3 feet high In varieties Mcintosh. Spy. Delicious. 3 tor tl 98 â€" Plum trees S feet high In varieties Burbank and Lombard, 4 for 12.98 Free Colour Garden Guide with Bvery Order. Brookdate â€" Kings- way Nurseries. Bnwmanvllle, Ontario PATKNT8 ITETMBRSTONBAI'GH * Company PatSBI Bnllcltors Bstahllsheo IgVO S60 Ray 8lre<^ rorontn Ronklai ot inforniatloB ftp reqi»st. ... .. A. M LAIDLATV B.Sc. Patent AttflfMy, Patents of Invention. S6 Sparks'St, Ottawa. WANTED 3HIP UE furs. Minks up to 146,01) â€" Wxasel, 14.50 â€" Muakrats, t4.50 500 Hjulsrats . witb lllnks weekly on ice with (Qangset^â€" Secrets free. Trappers Association Balevltle Yam. Que "HORSE A CATTLE HAIR". For highest prices, ship your Horse & Cattle Hair to B. Bisenberg, Inc.. 4361 St Dominique St.. Montreal, Que. WANTED CHINCHILLA HIGHEST CASH PRICES UP TO 4 YKARS P.O. BOX 144, HAMILTON, ONT. SMALL hospital In attractive northern On* tario town reauirea Reg'istered Nuraea for General Duty. Salary S140 per month plua full malntenaiice. Excellent living condltiona. Apply: Superintendent of Nurses. Lady Minto Hospital. Cochrane. Ont. Splitting Hmmp And thm RELIEF IS LASTING For remarkably fast relief from head- ache get INSTANTINB. For real relief get INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief get InstantineI Yes, more people every day are finding that Instantinb is one thing to ease pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on Instantine to â-  bring you quick comfort. Instantinb is made like a doctor's prescription of three proven medical ingredients. A single .^m^ tablet usually brings ^ taat relief. G<t Instantine today •nd ilwiyi keep It handy ^:5S;i &?& iL^/. tnstanfine 12-Tabla»Tin25^ Economical 48-Table» BottI* 69)i ISSUE 13 â€" 1950 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETrES w/r/f CIGARETTE TOBACCO } ^M^>m^

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