I ^" .V-f^ .1 7^^ f FLESHERTOM ADVANCE Wednesday. March 22. 1950 {, A ,A â- i ,/ <* ff H'- A r :^ >' * !*â- « H A ^ f 4 t. A \ *â- fSr V W V i «? /. r f *> » /•â- (^ y' X* •V *» *» A'^^^S'^ -â- -A ,w V* --»â- , /s ><• ;>v -^ â- ^ A ?* 4 \ i »p'. ^ V â- >> r > t, ^ -r' t >• * \ A ^ V - ^ J- ,v t. .^• A ^â- . », >'! *l -•*' ^^r ^ > ^, ^ A A A, ,v •i -* * T T -â- v A ,\ «i \ A .> *{ A /A •\ r ^ -4 *. ^ A STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mn. Earl Croft haa returned to ker home, after ipending a few days Plaiting with Toronto friends. Mr. Geo. Feawick of the Toronto |>oliee force spent the jMtst week via- iting his father, Mr. Roy Feniwick. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Hayes, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Carson More- land and Tommy, spent a week end recently with Wallaceburg friends. (Mr. Harold Brownridge, who hai «pent the past few weeks, at Malton Convalescent Home, js spending «while with his parents, Mr. and lilrs. Lance Brownridge. Mr. and Mrs. JToe Little, Donna and Darlene, of Proton visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatnmill and ckildren of Singhamipton visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar. Miss Eunice Allen, Toronto, spent a fetw days during the paat week with her sister, Mrs. Marvin Londry. We are jf lad to report tihat Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brownridge are feeling better, having had a seivere attack of 'flu. The Farm Forum is being heki this Monday night at the home of Dul- bert Fisher. TO ALL CATTLE OWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA Owing to the fact that at the pre sent time we have not received iieough signers to our petition to make warble fly treatment compul- sory, we are asking aU cattle owners within the Township to voluntarily treat their cattle for warble fly, and also have all heifer calves vaccinated for the prevention of Bang's disease. â€"A. B. CHARD, Clerk. ROCK MILLS THE CANADIAN ARMY â€" "INSURANCE FOR PEACE' '*^ jolly time was spent at the home of Mannie Dobson on Satur- day March ISth, when twenty of the neighbors went and herenaded Man- nie on his birthday. Three tables of euchre and two of Lost Heir were 4>layed, after which the ladies served a dainty hinch, including a lovely birthday cake with its 47 lighted handles. Mannie then blew out the candles and all joined in singing "Happy birthday to you." He was then called forward to open his birthday gifts, which were many and useful. Among them was a lovely steel hunting knife in a leather case. -Mannie made a neat reply, thauking all for their gifts and best wishes. Mrs. Frank Betts read the verses on the (birthday cards. A few games were then played and all departed to their homes feeling they had spent a very enjoyabel time together. Miss Helen Betts of Qrwen Sound spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. Mr. and Mrs. El wood Partridge r.^otored to Gait on Fi-'lay to soend A number from here attended the hockey game in Dund.ilk on Friday night, when Dunadlk again won. Tliey report a good game. Mr. Jack Porteous has been very ill with mumps, but we are pleased to report him improving nicely. NERVE CENTRE off the Army Communications are vital to every phase of Array operations. A single message could be the deciding factor of victory or defeat. The men responsible for this key operation are trained in the use of the most advanced equipment and methods â€" wireless, telegraphy, electronics, telephone. The opportunities to learn and advance in the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals are boundless. The Corps offers a wide selection of specialist trades: wireless and teletype operation and maintenance; line and cable laying; switchboard installation and operation. .Ml uaining is carried cut widi the most advanced equip ment and methods. The new Canadian .^nny can offer young men truly outstanding career opportunities. For complete details visit your nearest recruiting otiice. V'ou are eligible if you are 17 or over and can meet .\nnv require- ments. Bring with you ceniluates of a.ge ;m(l ciUuation. Room 2218, "C" Building, lisgar Street, OTTAWA, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot St., KINGSTON, Ont. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Chorle/ Pork, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolsely Barracks, Eliiobeth Street, LONDON, Ont. Join the CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Now! Listan to "Comrodej In Arms" every Wednesdoy night on the Dominion Network St John's United Church R«v. A. G. Macph^raoB Minister THREE WAYS Ta PREPARE FOR EASTER 1. Cultivate your prayer life. 2- Join with others in regular wor ship. 3. Plan your Easter Thankoffering. WED., MARCH 22 â€" 3:46 p.m. Junior choir practice; 8:15 p.m., THURB., MARCH 23 â€" 8 p.m. Eugenia choir practice. FRI., MARCH 2^â€"8 p.m., W.M. S. Easter Thankoffering in St. John's basemjent. All the women of the dis- trict are invited to join in this fine ann-uaJ gathering. New memlbers by profession of faith or certificate, please contact the minister immediately. PEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil and daugh- ter were callers in our village on Monday. We extend sympathy to Messrs. Jim and Chris Thompson in the loss of -'.^ir brother, Joh.n Thomp^n, at Agincoure. Those who attended the funeral here on Saturday were: his wife, Mrs. John homipson; Mr. Chris Thompson, -who had been staying with his brother for the winter; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis, Hugh Dav- idson, all of Toronto; Mrs. McDoiffy, Mrs. Fred King and daughter, Mrs. Enierson Oabome, Mrs. Reta Guy and son. Bill, all of Hamilton, and Mr. Chris. Douglas, New Liskeard. Mr. John Parsonage of Hamilton spent the week end wiht his faniil/. Mr. Douglas Wintwood of Toronto spent the week end with his friend. Mr. Bob Elliott. XBroomball came to a close on Mon- day evening with the Feversham team winning the cup for IdoO. Sev- en teams in the competition. The lOth Line team was presented with the cap for w^inning last year's com- oe*^-tior.. .\l!jn Short r-'ceivin? tlie -â- ap o:'. u^..aif oi ti:j tej-iu. Bui 'i: Hudson presented the cup to the Fe- versham team as winners for 1950. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' .A.id was held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Plummer on Wed., March 16ch, with a good attendance. President Mrs. Fred Hale was in chai-ge and the business was carried out as usual. It was decided to do- nate $10.00 to Bhe Red Cross. The meeting closed with prayer by 3lrs. Harold Fenwick and the hostess then served a delJcious lunch. The next meeting wili be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Mills. Visitor welcome. NEW! SKCUlfMHJSnUUfAMir Easy to hondkl IAa)«M cvrting 'â€" ihoping •• ^^HEH I oc- â- *- end fojf. I.INSIST ON ^50NITE "^SITE WAllBOARD ^.JONITf SURFACES WilH lii»^OOD flYWOOO (.OR:; Call us ioi prices For cupboards, doors and partltiocs, Ftor prices, siset and Minples can LUMBER BUILDERS MATERIALS and BUILDER'S HARDWARE TELEPHONES ^^helburne 230 - Feversham 14 J. W. ROBI ^SON Saw Mill Planing Mill Shelbume - Ontario "EVom the Forest to the Completed House Special Spring Sale Ladies', Children's and Baby Wear 25% off Every Dollar Thurs., March 16 to Sat, March 25 Ladim' Wear Blouses Skirts UiiderwMur 5w«ateri Head Scarfs Baby's Wear Children's Waar Dresses and Rompers NightgOMms and Slips Crib, Carriage Blankets B«by-alls â€" Corduroy and Gabardine Curity Diapers Overalls Jo<|phurs Skirts, Junipers Dresses Sweaters Jackets Shoes Berets CRANE'S GIFT SHOP (Intended for Last Week) We are sorry to report that Mrs. Jim Thompson suifered a stroke. Visitors at the home of L. MiUs were Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mills and Ra\Tnond of Clarksburg-, Mis-. Mar^ Mills and friend, Miss Mary Foilaru, of Proton Bible SchooL Visitors with Miss Maud Smith on Sunday were: Leslie Smith of Ham- ilton, Miss Edna Smith of Toronto, Miss Pearl Smith of Allandale. We are pleased to see Mr. Laurie Sewell able to be back on the Flesh- erton mail route again. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Eby of Wal- ters Falls vi»i*ed on Sund\y with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby. Bom â€" On Monday, March 13th, 1950, at Centre Grey Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ottewell, a daughter. PRICEVILLE 'â- ''• !)nd Mrs. .A.TC^ie Sturrock last 0-- n.vived to ine;r r.e\. Lome, the former Ken Ferguson farm, near r^ur.dalk. â- >.'Ys. Geo. Hargrrave of Egremont •.-ij'trd recently with Mrs. J. C Harrison. Mr. Cecil Hunter has sold his farm , Mr. John Shortreed. TiMfssrs. Jack McKinnon and .\nie 'fuir attended the funernl of the la: r's aunt, Ulrs. Catherine Walker, '!'. Toronto on Tuesday, who wag in iicr SOth year. She wns a formor resident of the Pnceviile distrxt, i dau.arht'^r of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Brown. When a younjr womar. she went to Toronto, where she mar- r'cd Mr. Wni. Walker, and has since resided there. She was a friend to old and .vouiiij and loved by all who kiww here. She will he wreatly miss- ed in community, church and homo. She is survived by one daughter, Jean, Mrs. (Dr.) Harold Young, and three sons, .\lex.. Jlitohell and Roii- ert. Interment was made in Mount Plonsant Cemetery, Toronto. Mrs. J. .A.. MacCuaig: and little .iaujrhter returned from Durham lios- pita! and are staying for a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. J. Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell re- turned home Tliursday. after conval- e;vci!ig at Mrs. Meredith's Xursin.sf Home, Flesherton. Mr. Jim .-Vdams of London spent a couple of days with his sister, Mrs. 1^. X. Carson". Miss Kmnia Meads, teaching iH Xormanby. and Emerson of Guelph spent the week end at thoir homo. â- Mr. Stanley Harrison of Egre- mont visited Wednesday at the homo of Henry Tucker. Miss Isabel Karstedt of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Miss Mabelle Parsknv of Toronto sperit the week end with her brother. Mr. Bob Farslow. Mr. and Mrs. Fvt-d Karstedt left last week on a motor trip to Florida, SWINTON PARK .\ nim\ber from our vicinity at- tended the h>H-key game in Stayner on Wednesday and at Dundalk on Fi-iday evening. Miss Muriel Martin spent a coupie days with her friend, >ri-s. Fred Iinvin. of Uhindalk. Our sympathy goes out to the Weir family in the loss of their daug'hter and sister. Miss Belle Weir. .\ number have been laid up with the 'flu and colds. Tlu> W.MS, and Ladies' .\\d was held last Wednesday at he home of Mrs. Neil Camipbell. when there was a good attendance after disagrreeable weather. Mr. Howard Watson spent a few days last week assistainjr his son, Les.. take stock in his store at Hopo- villo. which he sold to .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ferguson. New Draperies for Spring A NEW SELECTION JUST ARRIVED Damasks Monkscloths Cretonnes Lace Curtains Curtain Rods Marquisettes Ruffled Curtains Celanese Curtains Cottag-e Sets Window Shades Nylon Hosiery "Sub Standards" from one of the foremo.st Canadian make.'-s. Fun fasnioned, new seasou sii<idcs, luu rang-e of sizes. Special, pair 98c 2 pairs $1.89 Pillow Cases Colored boardered. hem stitched, colors : rose, blue, mauve, peach, gold, 42 in. wide, fine even weave. Pair $L8S Plain hemmed, nice even cotton, 42 in. wide. Special Price $L00 Pair C U 1AI Ui'lflVg !• IB* tVa I â- i%i^aiitt9| General Merchant FLESHERTON Girls Wanted for Power Sewing Machines Best Working Conditions iviusic \\ hilt- Vou Work Five Day Week Two Rest Periods Daily Hospitalization Plan SUPERIOR CONVERTERS LTD. Telephone: 137 MOUNT FOREST f <».- McTavish*s Reconditioned Used 'Cars 1Q4S Chevrolet DcLuxe Sedan, equipped with fog lights, radiii. low prcssuer tires. l''4o Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach, radio and heater. 1938 Dodge Sedan 1938 CMdsinobile Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Standard Coach 1935 Ford Tudor 1947 Studebaker 3-ton Platform Truck. 8.25.x20 tires, D P axle: 1st class running condition. We also have available for immediate delivery: Xew 1950 Oldsniobile 4-door Sedan Xew 1950 Ctievrolct "^-ton Pick-up Xow is a good time to see us about that used car you are planning on. You will mone\- by buying now. COAL A carkiad oi Reading .\nthracite stove coal will arrrive this week end: also a car of Al- berta hard lump oal to arrive ne.xt week. riiouc your orders now lor delivery off car. McTavish's Garage Phona No. 9 Flesherton, Ont.