Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1950, p. 2

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Little Atom Buster â€" I- i^lu yiaidld Sicl;m t )ls;en j^ets an early insjght into the mysteries of atomic energy, using this toy at»riiic laboratory. Tliough it includes radioactive minerals and a workable Geigcr counter, the set is harmless and stresses â- at' the peaceful possibilities of nuclear research. ent season, that he was goiiin to take a chance on Pratt as coach, there was considcrahle head-shak- ing, to pnt it mildly. Kven his best friends and sincerest adtnirers donhtcd whetlier the fnn-lovinjj I'abe would come through. But. \i\> to now, McKenzie hasn't any regrets as it took I'ratt just a few weeks to lead his club into first place in the Pacific Coast Hockey Lcagne's northern division â€" ami they've been up tliere ever siiuc * » * Not only do the Hoyals lead the standings by a tidy tiiar,i;in, hut according to coast observers, their precision passing is a treat to watcli â€" about as close to that of the New \ ork Rangers, in their bahny days, as you are liable to see ain « here. * * * Babe was always a l)M of a gambler, and right from the start of the season, lie has had unusual success in pulling his goalie out of the nets in ihe closing nunneiil.-- of a tight game. But a coiiide of his chance-taking stunts in recent con- tests had the fans really frilking to themselves. « » * For instance, in a game with Portland not so long ago, the New Westminster goal tender was hit bv the puck, and had to retire to the dressing room for minor repairs. The final period still had seven rr.inntes to iiiii .Tt flie lime. * ♦ * There was the usual "tmie-oul ' called to await the return of the goalie â€" but Pratt couldn't see anv reason for such a delay. ("Maybe he had a heavy date and was al- ready late for it," one Eastern ob- server commented, but that, of course, i« merely .surmise). * ♦ * So, out to guard the nets he sent one of his forwards â€" minus any goal-tending equipment â€" and what is more, he got away with it, the substitute holding the Portlands off the 8core sheet for the balance of the period. * * ♦ More recently still â€" in Vancouver this time â€" I'ratt pulled an even more incredible stunt. Midway through the final period, Vancouver had a 5 2 lead. When a Vancouver player received a five-minute pen alty, Praitt sent his goalie to the bench and brought in ajn extra for- A lot of color went out of the Katiomal Hockey League when big Babe Pratt skidded or was shunted â€" you pays your money and takes your choice which â€" to the minorf. Babe was born 10 or 15 \ ears tot- late. He believed that hockey was fiin, rather than big business. He thought that discipline was a word in the dictionary, and that home or yqur hotel room was somewhere to gai whcii every other j>b<ce wa:> C.'o«ie'l â- â™¦â€¢\ • » ♦ *'â- '> AU of which was <|uitc out ol place under present-day conditions. Still, you never were in any doubt air to .Avhcrlur it was the big guv ^n person, or just a reasonable fac- •jmile, that was out there on the ice; and that's a lot more tliain we can say for a whole heap of highly ptiblivlKed modern stars. ySo^ i^ uill be good news to thou- »«JWJ^lio still have fond memories of ij^i- Ha))e to learn that he is still rffoTioi 1 ly lo a large extent, and not domg anv too badlv, at that. 'When Owner Kenny McKenzie, of the New Westminster Royals, •nnouncc.l, at the start of the pres- Mcrry Mcnagcrie-B) Wili Disney '^ r-" >â- â- â€¢â- â€" ^ ,..,_ _,^. "B«&k^ I got tick of nothing ; butTflrlpes, •trlpe«, »trlpe«!" â€" By Narotd Arnett BOOKCASE FASTENER PREVENT CHILDREN FROM TAKING BOOKS FROM SHELVES WITH PIECE OF LIGHTWEI6HT CHA.IN HELD ACROSS FRONT OF BOOK CASE WITH SNAP FASTENERS. PIPE STEM CLEANER CLEAN PIPE STEM HAVING WIDE HOLE BY KINKIN© CLEANER. CAUSING I r TO CONTACT BOTH SIDES OF HOLE. r \> V. w»rd. Ntw We(tmin«t*r fcortd one*, and V«ncouv«r didn't get t •Ingle »hot kt th« open Royal net. * * * With two »nd • half minutei to gc. Royal* were *tlll behind, 5-3. Once again Pratt told hi« goalie to go take a iltdown, and Vancouver promptly banged one into the un- guarded twine, maklnig h 6-3. * * * Babe and his pals took (he re- verse in Mride. The goalie stayed ott. With only 49 seconds remain- ing, Royals scored to make it 6-4. With 23 seconds left, they scored ai'ain, making it 6-5. And with but Pve seconds remaining, they notched still another, salvaging a 0-6 tie out of a gaine which ap- peared lo be hopelessly lost. * » * fn other words, in the space ol just 44 seconds, the Royals scored three times against one of the best clubs on the Pacific Coast. More than that, they did it with Pratt liiriiself and Ken Ullyot, one of his star forwards, sitting out miscon- iliicl penalties. * * * Sounds as though the Babeâ€" '.-hen he's finally washed up with hotke> â€" might do well to move south and try ins hand at directing some oi those movie thrillers. And we'd be willing to bet that he'd show those Hollywood folks a lot of swift action â€" and even speedier fun â€" even if he never did win an .•\cadcinv Award. 1 here «as a young girl of .'Ksturias \\ hose temper was frantic and furious. She used to throw eggs .'\t her grandmother's legs A habit unpleasant, but curiouc. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING «ABV OHICHb OBDSK higher vrofltnâ€" order Tweddle ehlokai It'a almoat that almple. Year aftir year new oa«tomari and old, who buy Tweddl* chlcki, t«ll lUi that they actually receive more ecge and htsher profile with theae famous Honey Malcera. The aecret. 26 yeara of careful breedlnc for beUer ehlvka. Many breede are beaded with R.O.P. pedlKreed malea. Day old, started, two weeks to eix weoka, older pulletH. turkey poults. l>'ri'e catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Ontrirlo. DON'T tnlaa the bunt, only about tO% of the chlcke have been hatctied In Canada up until now. This will mean a ahortajce of ekks and poultry meat thlH euminer and fall. The reault, hlyh prl'-es. Don'i mlHs out. Order your chicks now, 12 pure breeds. 18 oroae breeds, to chooee from. Moet of our pure breeds K.O.P. Hired. l>ay old, marted. older pullets, tui'key poults. Free rataloyue. Top Notch Chiik Sales. Ouplph. Onlario. Uo (iOOIt CHICKS lie ALL BroodtTrt blood tealfd, b.anded and In- spected, backed by pediKreo foundation Block, New Hanips; Sussex; Sussex New Hainps: Barrect Flocks, and Larite Tom Bar- ron I*t-hornB Mixed lie. pullets 23c. Assorted Mixed I'hl'ks fl-' Pullets 19c. Any Heavy Co.i 41c STARTKl' PIJI-LKTS & CHICKS 3 Wtll-IK.S OLD. add Ec; 3 weeks oM ujd 9c; 4 weeks old, add 15c. .Send for i*rice list or olilei pullets, capons and cockerels, heavy breeds Order from and enclose this add. 10'' depoHlt, balance C,0,D. 4Jc DAV OLD ti STARTED COX DAY old 4Jc. 2 wcekx. add 4c; 3 weeks add 8c. 4 weeks old Capons 30c. lltJKONDAI-li CHICK llATnlKltV, LONDON ONTARKI. In Error .'\n Irishman and a Scotsman were passing a Roman Catholic cathe- dral in Montreal. The Irishman re- moved his hat; the Scot did the same. .After they had passe! the Irish- man said to the Scotsman: "I was glad to see you tal.e oflE your hat when you passed the Holy Church." "Church 1" said the Scotsman. Mon, I thought it was the Bank of Montreal." THEPAJM FRONT iS^4 .\niiici;il piici .-.uiiport â€" that is to say (iovernnient support â€" may be all very well in theory. But every- body with even a few years of practical e.\pcriencc knows very well that, so far as food products are concerned, thing are bound to find their natural level, sooner or later. .And if you are in the poultry business, the mark to aim at is keeping y<nir profits up, even when prii-o f;ill. * * It takes around 20(1 egg.-, per hen per vear to make fair profits. So the UPKKDl.VG STOCK BE- fl I .\ \) YO U R CHICKS SllOCLD KF. AT LKAST THAT (â- ,()( )l). » » » Look at it this way. If good, straight-run chicks cost you only three cei'its apiece more than ordin- ary ones, then a good pullet chick costs you only a little over six cents more than a common one. That charges her both for the e.xtra cost of the cockerel that comes with her, and the higher price of chicks that die. * f * If eggs are selling for only thirty- six cents a dozen â€" three cents apiece â€" she needs to lay only three extra eggs to more than cover her extra cost. ALL SHE LAYS BE- YOND THE FIRST THREE ARE ALMOST CLEAR PROl-IT. ♦ * * Another thing to hear in mind is this: it's not only HOW MANY eggs you get, but WLIEN you get them, that makes money for you. Here are some marks well worth shooting for: Month Eggs per Eggs per Hen Pullet September IJ 14 October 10 (16 November 8 17 December 8 17 January U 17 February 11 17 March 14 18 April IS 18 May 16 18 June 16 17 July 15 U. August 14 J5 Total ISO 200 Now, here are some hints you might find worth while. A high death rate can push up your costs of raising laying pullets as much as twenty to forty cents per bird. Aim at saving 98 out of every 100 chicks your brood. Here's how Clarence Moore, for example, holds his mor- tality down. * .â-º t First, he cleans his brooder house thoroughly â€" scrubs it with lye water, and hoses it out with clear water. He starts his brooiler stoves at least 24 hours before the chicks ar- rive, to make sun- the stoves are working right, Moore uses a 'sulfa medicated inaih to prevent coccidiosis, feeding it according to directions. If disease does break out, he switches to one of the stronger sulfa preparations (lulfaguanadine, sulfamethazine, Sulfaqulnoxllne) ni 4be drinkini; water. Cutting your fuel and labor costs is a big help too. For 500 chicks, try and do your brooder house chores in one hour per day; in one and a half hours for 1,000 chicks; and in two and a half hours for 2,000. If you brood only a few chicks, a coal-fired stove will give you the cheapest fuel cost. If you want to save on hired labor, or on your own time, an "automatic" fuel â€" oil, gas, or electricityâ€"may be worth the higher cost. If you brood many chicks, hot water lieat may be the best for you. It costs the most to install, but it's the cheapest to operate, both in fuel and labor. Regardless of what fuel you use, an insulated, draft-free brooder house will cut your fuel bill. You can save labor by brooding in large lots in large pens. The Berry Brothers brood as many as 10,000 chicks in a single hot-water- -hcated room, using automatic feed- ers and automatic running water. Unless they have had an out- break of disease, they raise three broods of chicks on the same lit- ter. Built-up litter stays dryer. It actually develops some feed value, as the bacteria in it create vilairiin B|,,. iir sonuthing like it. * ♦ * The right sorts of feeders reall.\ save feed. Aim at raising broilers (up to 12 weeks) on three and a half pounds of feed for each pound of poultry. It's not the feed your birds eat tthat costs you money. The feed the birds waste is what runs up your feed bill. Leslie Norton cuts down this cost by using four different sized feeders. He starts out by feeding on egn flats for three or four days. Then he uses a chick-size feeiler. At three weeks he switches to a larger size, and to a still larger fecfler at si> weeks. fieorge Koche luis tmmd iluu doesn't pay to fill chick feeders more than half full. If you put more in them, the wasted feed will cost you more than the extra labor (U filling tile fee<lers oftener. * * * â- Mm at cutting yoiii' rearing loss es. A good mark to shoot for is saving 97 out of every 100 pullets you start on range. As simple a thing as picking tlu- right day lo move your pullets to range can make a lot of difference in death losses. Donald Crooks found he had more coccidosis when he put his birds oil wet range. Now he waits for dry weather, and save more birds. He won't vaccinate in rainy weather for laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, or Newcastle disease, either. GLASSES on 30 DAYTRIAL! :::^ . J M* TO; / jis.oo; Many itylca to choose from. Dii-ect from factory to you. See far or near. Head sniailest print, thread finest needle, Satipfaetlcm Kuar.iritctd. Send name, address and a^e ffir 30-dRy free Fn P P I trial, lye chai-l. II t style cata- nt t I tt^RUe and full int<M-ni I on, S,~ « ,i;oV;, i' VICTOItIA OniCAl CO. Dapl. Ol «32 ^73 Yasfs Sifaal Terenlo, Ont. BABV rUU'KM FOK aAl.£ MONKTON CHICK8â€" OovemniaDt ApuroTsd. BrMdlng quality, one of the beat. Don't (uaaa, b* certain. Writs (or pricea and oats' l onie. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ont. SCHUMMER CHICKS JOVHRNME.NT approved, Top Quality. S'ra* CalaloKue and price Hat axplaln details. tchummer'a Quality Hatchery. Llnwood, Ont. "OXFORD' APPROVED Chlcka live, lay ind pay. The., are the results ot twenty- three years of careful selection and breedlns In O.B.B, They have to be good, because we want the very beet kind of chicks for our own docks- -blK vigorous and early matur- ing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Bar- red Rocks. WhI'e Leghorns, New Hampsblres, Harap. X Rock crosabreda. Rock z Leghorn croaebreda Write for free folder, the Oxford Farmers' Oo-operative Produce Company, Limited. 484 Main Street, Woodstock, On- tario, roR qvic'K HAi>s 1 â€" NIOW Holland Baler, slightly soil*4 11,810.00; 1â€" New Holland Baler, Balsd lOd* Balsa 11,600.00; 1â€" John Deere k. H. Tractgr like newâ€" (1,000.00. R. Len Black. Masaa^ Harris Dealer, Easex, Ont. BRdXi5~^breasted Bronze poults for sale. AU from Government approved pullorum teatsd breeders. Steve Snuch, Jr., Harrow, Ont. .MEDICAL LAKEVIKW CHICKS LAKEVIKW chicks are the choice of the better class poultry men. 20,000 breeders double blood tested, banded and Inspected from real poultry breeding farms, Lakeview conaists of 3 farms. 30,00o floor brooding capacity. For ^50 huy the best â€" buy Lakeview. 8 breeds STARTED I'lLl.ETS, CAPO.N.S, CO.X 2. 4. B, 8, 12 weeks old pullets. 4, 6 and 8 weeks old Capons, Prompt delivery or booking for later. Take delivery now. Most of our cockerels and thousands of chicks are getting bixiked to go to some of the largest and most particular buyers tn the U,S.A later >n Send for price list and full par- ticulars LAKKVIKW F.ARM.S & HATCHERV EXKTKR, O.NT.MtK). PHO.NK 78. (Uc BRONZE rOtXT8 6.16 DELIVERY to M.ifch 27thâ€" 63c; lo April 10th 6.ic: to April 18thâ€" CSc; To Apnil 24th â€" 78c. Rook your itrder now and take delivery early. Late Mtin'h or early April Is a good time to start poults 1. They cost less. 2. Ba.<<ler raised in cooler weather. 3. Y*ou have three good chances to sell: Canadian Thanksgiving. American Tiianksgivins. or the Christmas Market. This year early turkeys might easily be higher in price In 1946 the price was 10c per .mund higher early than for the Christ- mas market, 4. You can use your eouipment twice in one season, lfl50 could be a repetition of 194S, for prortts in the turkey business. Bend for our price IlKt and five pase catalogue. •As We .Sec II For 1950". with full informa- tion In detail about markets, feed prices and tui-ke;- management. Also monthly bulletins on turkey management, up to the minute turkey news Lakeview poults are the choice of large growers In Canada and the U.S.A. Mr. Harold McDonald, OH City, bought Lake- view poults foi several years. In 1948 he marieted 1,700 turkey toms weighing 29J pounds, hen 17i poundti. He lias an order with us tor 1960 (or 2.000, He is a great booster or Lakeview Poults, Send a card today to: LAKEV EW TCRKEJ RANCH & ALL TURKEY II.XTCIIERY. EXETER, OVT.ABIO PHONE »•>. BPS1NE88 OPPURTUNITIKB AN OFFER CO every Inventor â€" List of Inven- tiona and full information sent free. The ttamsay Co Registered Parent Atrnrneys. 278 Bank Street Ottawa WANTEDâ€" Every sufferer of rhew- matic pains or neuritis to try Dixon • Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Prepaid. POST'S ECZEMA~SALVE Uanlab the torment of drv acums raalxa and weepins skin troubles Poai'a BcEam* Salve will not disappoint you tching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, rlns- worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will rsspond rsadlly to this atalnless. odorless ointment, regardless if how stubborn or botieless thsj seem PRiCB II 00 PER JAB 8«ot Post Free on Eteceplt of Prlos POST'S REMEDIES nan Oaeen St E„ Comer nf l.4wui reran to BOILS, PIMPLES, CARBUNCLES L'»e KUiott'a Ointment. An old tried family rem'-Uy. It draws and heale. Wonderful for ruts, bruises, sore*, cracked Upb. chafed hanijn, ei.zema, i)ileB, bed sores, acre muHOlea, feet. lnt;!-own toe-nails, ShooM be on band in every home. Jar 50c sent postpaid. Original maker. Murray D K!Il«tt. Walton. Ontario. FOn SIM 8. IIA\F£VEK AND Hlilc^OCOJUBf NAMRLKS.S Cold Remedy. Is NEW. A those who havp never used it. Convincing trial. $1.00. Addrere purity Products. Exeter, Ont. CATALOG of farni», ronntry property. Mon- treal area, ready for delivery. Town ft Country Realties. W>ai mount, Uoncreal, Quebec. CHOW CHOW puppies â€" unusually fine â€" im- ported blood lines â€" registered, Viola <i. Fielden. Frontenac Arms. Toronto. NLHHKKk bXOCU WE GROW somv of Mie world's fineal Gladi- oli. Catalogue on request. Tyndall Qlad* lolua Gardens. Brucelleld. Ontario. GLADIOLUS BULBS, No. 1 Separate colors. 5c Special mixture, t8 per C. Ruby Davis Oal^Iand Ont. NURSERY STOCK six fruit tree« 3-5*. 2 apples, li pears, I plums, $6; any variety listed.. Free, our eom- plete illustrated catalogue on Fruit and Or- namental stock. Send today for the best, Niagara NuraerieH. St, Catharines. Ontario. DTEINU AND CL£ANINO UAy£ 70U anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to anavrer your questions Department H. Parker's Dye Works Llmlied '91 Tonge Street. Toronto, Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED E.XERIENCKU. reliiil.lp Holland immigrants available; arriving soon. Write to L. Van- denburg. Box 92. Brockville. Ont.; phone 2664 (after 6 oV-iork), F.^ItM,S FOR SALE FORT COULONJE. 226 acres, fully equipped, with beautiful brick bouse and large bam, 100 under cultivation, 100 timber lot. pine, spruce anf hardwood. J8.600. $5,000 handles. L. TItley. Realtor. 18 RIdeau St., Ottawa. FOR SALE. 60 Acres of land. Good brick house ano outer buildinga. 1 mile from school, cheest factory and blacksmith shop. All plowing done, Appl> fo Howard Bethune, Dunvegan, Ont R.R 1 FOR ISALE fJUNS â€" Large assortment new and used. Bought, sold, jxchaneed Guaranteed repairs. Scopes, sights installed Fishing Tackle. Hunt- ng Equipment Sporrint; Goods Spe' lal Team Prices, Open until aine except Wednesday, Strand Cycle. Hamilton NUB-SEKl STUCK RESERVE now for Spring Delivery â€" Chinese Elm Hedgeâ€" will grow 2 feet flrst year â€" 26 plants sunicient tor 25 feet (12 to 20 inches bushy) $2 !)8 â€" seedlings 13 inches high 14.60 per 100 (plant 6 inches apart) â€" Giant Exhibi- tion Peonies in colors red. white or pink. 8 (or 11.80 â€" .\pplr trees 3 feet high In varieties Mcintosh. Spy. Delicious. 3 tor 11,98â€" Plum trees 3 feet high in varieties Burbank and Lombard, 4 tur $2 SIS ftee Colour Garden Guide with Evity Order, Rrookdale â€" Kings- way Nurseries, B nwmanvllie. Ontario MOTORfâ- vcLl•;^; fla'rley Davidson. New and u.sed bougli Mcld, exchanged Large stock ot guaranteed used ,-notorcycle8 Repairs by (actnry-trulnod mechanics Bicycles, and com Dieto line of wheel goods Open evenings until nine except W .1ne, Strnnd ''yip f, Sports King at Sanlot tiamilton CHEAP GLADIOLI BULBS IN MIXTt'RE J2,"5 per tOO, In separate colors 13,25 per 100. Mailed C.O.D, Money back if not satisfied. Villy Bacher, c /O Mr. I. Mayer. Beanisvllle. Ont, PATENTS PETHERSTONHAUQH * Companj PatSBI Solicitors Establlsbad 1880 850 Rs> Strest tornnto Ronklflt ot inforroatioD rin rsqusat A, U LAIDLAW B,Se.. Patent Attorney. Patents ot Invention, 66 Sparks St,, Ottawa. TURKEYS TURKEY SADDLES HEAVl white duck, strongly sewn across bars. Can be laundered. 30o each. Delivered. John . Wild 19 Lansdowne -\venue. Lon- don. Ontario. OPPORTCNITIES FOR MEN ,\iNU WOMKli BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING Sr'HOOl. Great Opportunity L«nm Halrdressing Pleasant dlsnlfled profession, «ood vassa thousands successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system. [Ilustratsd cata- logue free. Write or Call JfARVEL HAIRDRBSSINa SCHOOLS il60 Bloor St. W . Toronto Branches. 44 King St HamlltoD & 72 RIdeau Street. Ottawa WANTED COTTON BAGS BLEACH15D .'Jvisar and Flour bags each 37c. towels, heiiimod. about 17" x 34" â€" 18c each; 2c per bag.i'xlra on order of less than 2 dozen Uept w Rv-l'i-.iducts. 3.1 Ontario Street, 'rnrontc DOORS Paiiiii ui t "(11110101111011 nil Bi^es. .'Mtractlve prices, D. MeKKNNA. 8779 Yongs St.. Tor- onto. Ont, 'iNPAlNTEr plii.ster casts. Figurines, "book- ends, animals, novelties. Good assortment. Lists uv.nil.nlilc H.ix \% I23,1Slh Sli-«.t New Toronto 3HIP us furs. Minks up to 145.00 â€" Weasel, 14.60 â€" Muskratt. $4.60 500 -Muskrats with -nlnks weekly on Ice with (Gangsot) â€" Secrets free. Trappers Association B.'ilevnie Ynm. Quet â- IIOKSE & CATTLE HAIR". For highest prices, ship your Horse & Cattle Hair to B, Eiaenberg. Inc.. 4361 .St. Dominique St.. Montreal. Que, WANTED CHINCHILLA lIUillKST CASH PRICKS tJP TO 4 VEAHS P O. BOX 144, HAMIL TON, ONT. S.\IALL hospital in attractive northern On- tario l^^^vn re(uiires Registered Nurses for General Dut.v. Satary J140 per month plus full tnaiiitenance. Excellent living conditions. Apply: Superintendent ot .Vursea. Lady Minto Ho.tpltal. Cochrane. Ont. TWt) Proteslittjt teachers for two rural iichools (or term September 1960 to June 1961. Apply before April 14th. giving full particulars â€" education, salary expected, etc.. to Jlrs. Harry Fairbalrn, .'Jec-Trcas,. R.R.J, Wakpfleld. <aucl>ei'. SNOWS HOBS .Mi sizes and styles. Bates' "Humane" snowt hoe harness (pat.). No more blielcret! foes! bolder. "Snowshoeing In Comfoi-t," on roqucsl Bates' Snowaiioes, Metagama (via (;'.P,R.), N, Ontario, NEW .lOHNSON Outboard Motors, Canadian Canoe Co Peterboro Boats. C^anues, Trail- ers, bought sold exchanged Large stock used motors Repairs l>v factory-trained inwhanlca (Jpen ur.-ll n\\v â- Â« >f n',„i„„«.),. v -^n-end Cycle Hamilton BAGS, BARRELS & DRUMS COTTti.N' sti»;ar l^H^;8. 23c each; cotton Hour buK.s, 21c, Itlfached sugar and flour bags, 27c ea..'li Etnpty wood muluHses barrels. $2,75 each, 4r. gallons, clean drum. $5.60 each. F.O. H, .MontreHl, (',0,11. atid money ..rders accelite.l, .lo». l.ellel Heu'd. LVpt, .\. ,''.10 V^eruv, .Mont rial 10, 'i'R,\rT0ir OWNERS r.\RTS tur nil i-'ordson and Ford Ttaclors 1917-1 ll.iil Fant .-Jervlce. Prices are right. We can miiim'I.v iiart.t and aci.'caaoriea for all Ford I'ffalin-ts, Itiiy Dnvi.i l.linitcd 23 Cork SI,, (ln,Hi.h, Ont. SI'RA^ WITH A SPKAMOTOR SI'U.WKIts tor orchard (engine and ipattor- drlvcnl, row crops (traction), weed, dlsin- recting, whitewashing, cattle si.Vaylng and fire lighting; farm wagons. .Shallow Well Pres- sure Systema; "TIF.\'* (Fog Apidicator); Por- table Irrigation Systems with aluminum pliw. Buckner SprlnkicrH. McDowell Couplings. Free catalogues. Write today. Spruinotor Ltd 1000 York St.. London. Ontari.>, How I Subdued Wild Fiery Itch- Or. Dt-unis* amazingly fast reittn' â€" D. D. D. Prescription â€" did the trick. World popular, this pure, cooliny, liquid medication speeds peace nnd comfort from cruel itching caused by eczuma, pimples, rashes, athlete's Joot :ind otiier itch troubles. Trial bottle, 35f. First application checks even the most intense itch or money back. Ask drugK'st (or D. D. D. Prescription ( ordinary of extra strength ) now. I'J^fa Soothe rhem with MINAAD'S LINIMENT ^J*^ > Hub on freely, and not* «93|* quick relief. QresaelcM. A»«e ccoNOMicti Fstt-drying. No atroaa sue 65c odor. |8.4« ISSUE 12 â€" 1950 BRIER Rich in flavour! 4 â- p. T K r- r >^ A f J -A) 4- -^; ,'* J^' M A « A 1 4 -< >*^ >, i i5 «^ t' .-*4 /» «i w ^ , 1 â- K 1 ^ ^^ : ^ i\\

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