SMRIp -V A blVBlTCOTlC Counties Canadian and Uniud States basriiall fans -most of whom only knew the man by hearsay â€" felt a kfcn pang of regret when it â- was announced, a week or so ago, that the Cleveland Indians had Mked for waiver* on Satchelfoot Paige. Unless some National Lea- gue club should sign him up merely M a box-otTice attraction, it looks as though old Satch's term at a big leaguer is finished. * » * But before we go heaving too many sighs or shedding too bitter tears over his sad lot, it might be well to consider the financial facts. As a Cleveland Indian, Paige drew hi the neighborhood ot fifteen thousand a season. But as a barn- stormer, before Lou Roudreau hired him, Satchtno was averaging around forty thousand per â€" and the chances are that, if he goes back to his old pastures, he'll do just as well or better in tlie season to come. So don't start passing around the hat for Satchelfoot, at least not yet. * • He entered the Big J inic at the age of 39. He leaves it, two years later, still aged 39. Just how old be ij>, nobody knows for certain â€" probably not even Paige limself â€" although it is said that somebody once produced a birth certificate ivhich showed that he was born in 1906. Just uhat sort of a niaior league record he might have se; up, had the prejudice against colored ball players been wiped out a generation oi so earlier, is something to specu- late about. Joe DiMaggio, whose opinion of pitchers should be worthy of respect, once said that Paige was faster even than Bobby Fellerâ€" which is plenty fast. And DiMaggio's ideas wercii't gamed from a bleacher seat, or from read- ing the sports columns in the col- ored press. IN FIVE EXHIBI- TION GAMES, PAIGE HELD DIMAGGIO TO ONE MEAS- LEY SINGLE. You don't do that with mirrors or psychoanalysis; and he treated other big leagm- -iluggers as scandalously. * * -> Paige was something of a leg- •ndary character right from the beginning. .According to S.'itch him- self, he was horn with control. And it 5 said that he got his baseball start when the owner of a colored team saw him throwing rocks at a TOW of tin cans on a fence. Satch knocked utf fourteen straight, then mis-ifd on tlie fifteenth. "It 'jes' goes to prove that I'm human" was his reply when asked the reason for the miss. * • Bill Veeck, the then owner of the Cleveland Indians, was the one responsible for giving Satch his big league chance. One morning Veeck phoned Manager Lou Boudreau to come to the ball yard and try out a "rookie" ptcher. Boudreau almost had a fit when he got a look at the "rookie" â€" for nobody that ever set eyes on hm could mistake Satchel- foot, 6 feet 4 inches tall and most- ly skin and bone. * • • However, Lou was curious en- ough to grab a catcher's deckar and s<|uat behind the plate. Out of a hundred pitches only two or three were oflF the target â€" so Paige was hired without delay. * » • Paige proved to be a good in- vestment for the Indians, at that, both financially and from t playing standpoint. Year before last, when Cleveland copped the pennant, the six victories Catchnio was credited whh were a big help; and his terrific "draw" at the gate i« at- tested by the 78,342 fansâ€" an all- lime record night crowd â€" who flocked to see him pitch against one of the weakest teams in the loop, the Chicago White Sox. There wasn't much of a hop on his "fast one"â€" but he had double and triple wind \ips, a hesitation pitch and a l«w otlier frills, and blanked the Sox, 1 to 0. * ♦ • But Paige was an awful pain- in-the-neck for a mauager, such as Boudreau, who takes his baseball extremely seriously. I'or twenty years of more Satch had been barn- storming, making his jumps from Children's Helping Hand â€" Hollywood Barbara Briiton addres-scs eiiveIope.s for ihe Society for Crippled Children's 19.S0 Easter .Seal canipaij,n). The campaign to raise fiiiids'for the care and (reatinent of handicapped children will he in progress between March 9 and ArnW 9. tow'u to town in a convertible about as long as a freight car, and painted H modest shade of flaming crimson. Time tables and training regula- tions meant little or nothing to him. One day, when it looked a bit like rain, he failed to show up at tlie ball park at all. "Who told you that tin game would be called off?" scn-amed Boudreau next morning. "Mah two feel" answeicd Mr. Paige with >inii)lc dignity. * * « He was constantly missing train connections. Once, when lie wasn't on the train, he still maiu.ged to beat the Indians to the ne.xt town. "1 jes' took a bird," was his ex- planation, meaning that he had chosen to travel by plane rather than rail. * « * Satchnio had plenty jf foibles and peculiarities. He was a heavy drinker â€" but only of goats milk. He suffered from indigestion and is probably one of the greatest in- dividual consumers of soda bicarb- onate living. He baked liis salary wing in steam baths that lifted for hours. The contents of his trunk looked like a cross between a druggist's prescription shelves and an antique shop. But time meand- ers on. The Indians didn't win a pennant last year, or even finish second. Satchmo played a lone hand and wasn't particularly Kood for team discipline. So it looks as if he's off for wider â€" and very prob- ably happier â€" huntng grounds. * » » And he'll be welcomed hack again, make no mistake about that. In the colored leagues he was, and probably will be again, an attrac- tion more potent than Dizzv Dean, Babe Ruth and Ted Williams all rolled imto one. They still tell countless tales of the big fellow's doings there. Like, for example, the time when he was speeding along toward a pitching chore ait about 80 miles an hour, and a motorcycle cop nailed him. By the time he reached the ball park, where he was to pitch for the Kansas City Monarchs against the Homestead Greys in a "world's scries", the game was well under way, and the Greys were leading by a acore of 4 to 3. Without even time-out for a warmup throw or two, Paige was rushed in to action. * * » So instead of going to work on the batter, Satch kept trying to pick the runner off first base, con- tinuing to do so until the old soupbone was limber and warm. Then he pitched the rest of the gam* allowing the Greys a ghost of a Wt, Satch and his Monarchs eventually winning out by a score of 9 to 4. It's a real pity he didn't get hie big league chance while he stilt had his stuff. But there arc a whole lot of mighty sluggers who â€" when lliey look over those batting averages in which lliey take such prideâ€" are just as g'ad that he didn't. "Watch The Birdie"â€" An AiiiH^on parrot called Coco and an Indian parakeet known a* Pep« perch on the camera of a Pari- news photographer as h* attempts to take picture! duriiiR a show sponsored by the I.eagut for Protection of Birds, f lie photographer felt that he wa« given a well-illii.strate sxaniple of wh.Tt Ihe -^tock-in-trade expression "Watch th« Wrdje" «>ally can mtan HKFASMFEONT lokivlSiw^eLL The farm tractor, as many of you know, is a labor-saving de- vice. Yet, according to the tire insurance people, who should be in a position to know if anybody is, it can be a Ximiber One tire hazard if not treated properly. Farm tractors are designed so that the chance of fire is reduced to a minimum, but experts point out that, unless the machine is kept in good running .irdcr, and is operated on a safety first plan it can be, and is, the caiisf of many farm fires. 4 ♦ In ketpnig the tractors well ser- viced, the important items are nuilflers, gasoline lines, carburetors and the ignition system. Trouble rarely comes suddenly and there are usually warnings of defects which can be detected in advance. * .' -* If ihc tractor needs repairing, under no circumstances should this be done in any building where tire could do extensive damage. I'ji- tance is the greatest protection and the cheapest. .\ minmum distance should be 80 feet from any main building. Flaming gasoline spreads rapidly Combustible material in and around a tractor can be a serious fire hazard. C liaff can accumulate on the engine, pile up on the muzzier or get sufficiently in contact with heated parts to cause a flash tire to start. .\iul say the experts, tractors be- ing driven around farm buildings should be handled with the same care and good judgment given to driving a car on a crowded high- way. There may be no rules of the farm â€" as there are of the highway â€"but the slighte.1t accident, if flaming gasoline is involved â€" can cause a disastrous tire. • â- !â- ♦ The Dominion ICxperimental Sta- tion at Harrow, Out., has just is- sued some information which will be, I hope, of interest to poultry raisers. The following is a gist of it. The results from large pens con taining several males are generally better than where only one male is mated to a smaller group of fe- males, the latter system being necessary in pedigree breeding, ♦ + ♦ Mass mating as practised m luosi commercial work, reduces the chances of preferential or discrim- inate mating as well as the possi- bilities of certain individual mat ings being rendered void by lethal factors peculiar to those malings. * * ^ Infertility, dead germs, and dead in shell, are conditions commonly met with in poor hatches. Vigour in males, usually a sought for trait, is sometimes over abundant and fertility of eggs is often atTected if fighting or intprfercncr is taking place. • • ♦ Metal beak guards on the luaKs arc useful in preventing fighting and if movable partitions about 2 or 2 feet high arc placed in th* pen. interference is usually lessened. * * ♦ < onib damage is another condi tion which might affect the fertil- ization of eggs. Males with frosi bitten combs lose some of their vitality, so provision shoulld be mad* to keep tcmperaturts from becoming too low in the pen. Comb injury can be caused by feed hopper reels when s«t two low (or free entrance of th* head «nd oomb to 'he fe*«1. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1 AtiiSMT8 WANTED SALESMEN 8ALEBMlil^ ivant«i3 to liitrnduc* iww produol. l<!S«ai Cor houa* to huimo BuUtaii. fuU ttm« or â- l()«llne. Wantffd In every home. Unusual profit opportunity. Write Immediately, Boi 69. 128 18th Street. N ew Toronto. Ontario. UABY OIIICEb 9e 4)OOU CHRKH lie â-²LLi Breeders blood teHU-d, bunded and In- epected, backed by i>edlKree foundation â- tock. New Hampii: .Surni'x: Suesex New Hampfl : Barred ItockH, a nd La rse Tom Bar- ron LeKliorne Mlxi>d lie. putleta 23c. AsHorted Mixed ciit.ks 9-; rulleta lOu. Any Heavy Cox 44c STARTKU I'lJLfUTM & CUIOKH a WldlCKS OLl>. add r.c; 3 weeks old. add 9c: 4 weeks old, add 15c. SvxxA for price list of older putlete. capuns and cockerels, htiavy breeds. Order from and enclose this add. lOU deposit. balait«e C.O.D. i\c I>AY OLD & STARTJED COX DAY old 4i<-. 2 weekn. add lo; 3 weeks add 8<r. 4 weeks c.ld f'aponB 30c. HIKONDALE CIIICK HATCHERV. LOMH>N ONTAKIO. BUY VOlJli 1950 Chicks from a Canada Ac- credited Hatchery, R.O.P. Breeding Farm too To pullorum clean U.O.P. Sired, Barred Rocks and approved Hed % Rock crn.^sbreds. Write for folder, prices. Weatsldo I'cuiUry Karin, .Veustadt, Ont. MONKTON CHICKS â€" aovernment Approved. Ilrendlne quality, one of the best. Don't BUees. be certain Write for prices and cata- loKuo. Mofikton Poultry Farms, Monkton. Ont ""fisher ORCliARD~CHfCKS " DAY OLD CHICKS, (Millta and Uocitereis av.ii];iltli! weekly yen r round in 8 leading oreeds and croases- The chicks are first ;la»H. the price moderate, the stock approved. Write lor 1 2 page, coloured '-alendar and price llBt. Fisher Orchards. R O P Rf^eders. t-'reemaii. iniiai-jo SCHUMMER CHICKS aOVKRXMKNT ai>proved. Top «4iialiiy Free Catalogue and price explain details 5chunimci-'8 Quality Hatchery. Lin wood. Ont. "0,\f"uUD' APPROYEI?~Chtcks \Vvc. lay ,nd pay The. are the results of twenty- three years of Ctireful selection and breeding in O.B.S They have to be good, because we want (he very best kind oi chicks for our own tiQck8--biK vigorous a^ I early matur- ing. We Htress agK size and aiformity. Bar- red Rocks. Whi". Le(,'hoi-n8, N w Hanipshirea, Hani p. X Rock croa.Hi^reJa, Kock x Leghorn croHsbreds. WriLe for free folder. The Oxford Fanners' Co-operative Produce Company. Limited. 434 srain Street. Woodstock. On- tario. LAKKVIEW CHICKS LAKEVIEW chicks are the choice of the better class poultry men. 20,000 breeders double blood tested, banded and Inspected from real poultry breeding farms. Lakevlew consists of 3 farmH. 30.000 floor brooding capacity. For I'tO tniy the best â€" buy Lakevlew. 8 breeds STARTED PULLETS. CAPONS. COX a. 4, d. !J. 12 weekH old pullets, 4, 6 and 8 w..t;ks old Capons. Pronipi delivery or booking for later. Take delivery now. Most of our cockerels and thousands of chicks are getting booked to go to some of the largest and most particular buyers In the U.S.A. later on. Send for price list and full par- ticulars. I^AKEVIEW FAR.MS & HATCHERY. BXETRR. ONTARIO. PHONE 78. 63c BRONZE POCLTB tfSc DELIVERY to March :i7thâ€" 63c: to April 10th 65c: to April 18th~fl8c; To April a4th â€" 78o. Book your order now and take delivery early. Late March or early April Is a good time to start pouIts- 1. They cost less. 2. Easier raised In cooler weather. 3, You have three good chances to sell: Canadian Thanksgiving, American Thankssiving, or the ChrlHtmas Market. This year early turkeys nii«;ht easily b« higher In price, in 1946 the price was lOo psr pound higher early than for the Christ- mas market. . 4. You ean use your squlpment twice In one season. 1950 could be a repetition of 1948. for proflts In the turkey business. Send for our price lltft and Ave page catalogue, "As We See It For 1950". with full Informa- tion In detail about markets, feed prices and turkey management. Also monthly bulletins on turkey management, up ^ to the minute turkey news. Lakevlew poults' are the choice of large growers in Canada and the U.S.A. Mr. Harold McDonald, Oil City, bought Lake- view poults for several years. In 1948 he marketed 1,700 turkey toms weighing 29i I>otmds, hen- 17 ( pounds. He has an order with us for 1960 for 2,000. Ho Is a great booster or Lakevlew Poults. Send a card today to: LAKEVEW TURKEY RANCH & ALL TURKEY HATCHERY, KNETER, ONTARIO. PHONE 9'i. DEMAND for Quality never ceases. You can keep your poultry protlts high by using our R.O.P. Sired production stock. When the prices of eggs are low, the difference between profit and loss Is measured by the quality of your ..hicks and pullets. The Uvabllity and layability of all your stock means extra money In your profit pocket. All Tweddle flocks are pullorum clean, no reactors, all flocks banded under Government supervision. Majority of our pure breeds, R.O.P. S'l'ed. When eggs are high or low these are the kind of chicks that pay. Day old, two. three. Four week old. older puUeis. Turkey Poults. Free 1950 Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatrh- srles Limited. Fergus. (_>ntario. GOOD yesterday, good today and good to- morro\ In this highly comtietittve world of today success and profit h are won by a narrow margin. In chickens that extra inai-- gln comes from a sound bleeding program. t.oven_by the records and tlieir performance in customers flocks. You can depend on Top Notch R.O.P. Sired chicks l>ay old. two, three and four week old. older pullets, turkey poults. Free Catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, O uolph , Ontario. BIJHINEHH OPPORTUNlTIBb AN OFFER to every Inventor â€" Ltlet of inven- tions and full information sent free The Ramsay Co Registered p!»ten< *tinrn«.v« 'ts Bank Street. Ottawa Normal dcvt'lopnicnt of the chick embryo as well as its ability to hatch properly depciuls largely on the presence of certain vitamins in the (iict of the parent stock. Koinis are ycnt-ially a\ailable which are fortilietl in this respect and are most effective when sup- plied to the breeding stock 2 or 3 weeks prior to the hatchintj .-^tason. Tlmnj-'.ht m\isi alsii I)e v;i\cn tt) the ircsluiess of I'eed, since under some conditiims of storage a de- terioration of fs->('n!i:\! \iianiins miuht ot'oin'. ♦ llu' .iclual men I >a I ion ol t-'.^g' these days is generally carried out at central points with efficieni equipm en t and by (^xpcri r \ \ \:c{\ op erators. At tlie same lime, ilie ^cqufni-c ul operations resulting in good hatdies start in the hen house and conditions there have a lot to do wfth the perct ntHRe of chirks hatclicd (m'. UVEINU AND CLEANING HAVB YOU anything needs dyeing or cUaxi- iaml Write to us for Information. Wo arc fftad to answer your Questions. D«partna«nt H. Partc«r's Dy« Wurks LlmltAd. 783 ?=::=• Btr««t, Toronto, Ontario. FARMB FOE SALE ISS ACRES Ralelffh Township, Kent County; 100 acres Euphemla (General Farming); 100 acres Zone (tobacco): 16 acres Wondertul get- rlch onion farm. Erleau, Beach Frontage â€" Store or cabins. Invest wisely in land and t>e sure of Income. Write: Chatham Real Bs> tate. Exchange Realtors, 92^ King St.. Chat- ham, Ont. Telephone 190. 100 ACHES, north of Brampton, good land, locality, buildings, Immedlats possession $12.500. Owner, 330 Runnymede, Toronto. FARM for Immediate poflisesBion, loO acres. southern tip of Huron County on 23 High- way, 22 miles from London. Heart of sugar beet, canning factory area. Rich clay loam, tile drained. 130 acres tillable land. 12 acres fall wheat, 20 acres hay, 45 acres fall ploughed. Brick house, hot watei luniace, flush toilet. Bank bam. alio. Utter carrier, w^ater bowls. Hydro throuKhoui. Milk ti'uck, school bus Liuas gate. Full line of tractor, machinery, dairy herd, will be sold with farm If desired. A bargain, but must be cash. Irvine McElrea Woodham, Ont. FORT COULONOE, 225 acres, fully equipped. with beautiful brick house and large barn, 100 under cultivation. 100 timber lot, pine, spruce and hardwood. $8,500. 95,000 handles. L. Titley, Realtor, 18 Rldeau .St., Ottawa. FOR SALE. 5') Acres of land. Oood brick house and outer buildings, 1 mile from school, cheese 'actory and blacksmith shop. All plowing done. Appl> to Howard Bethune. Dunvegan, Ont, R.R. 1 FOR SALE MOTORCYCLES Hariey Davidson. New and used bough sotd. exchanged Large stuck or guaranteed used Liiotorcyclea Repairs by factory* trained mechanics Bicycles, and com plete line of wheel goods. Open evenings until nine except W 'dnesday Strand Cycle & Sports. Kins at SanforJ, Hamilton. GUNS â€" Large assortment new and used. Bought, sold, ^xchant^ed. iJuaranteed repairs. Scopes. Mights 'nstalled Fishing Tackle. Hunt- ing Equipment Sportini; Goods 3pe ia) Team Prices. Open until aine flS'-eni W«>dneBday. Strand Cycle, Hamilton. NURSERY STOCK RErSERVK now tor Sprmg Delivery â€" Chinese Elm Hedb'e â€" will grow 2 feet first year â€" ;;5 plants sullicieni for 26 feet (13 to -0 Inches bushy) 12. 9Sâ€" seedlings 12 Inches hiyh $4.50 per 100 (plant 6 inches apart) â€" Giant Exhibi- tion Peonies in culora red, white or pink. 3 for J1.89 â€" Apple trees 3 feet high in varieties Mcintosh, Spy, Delicious. 3 for J1.98 â€" Plum trees 3 feet high in varieties Burbank and Lombard, 4 for 12.98. Free Colour Garden Guide with Every Order. Brookdale â€" Kings- way Nurseries. Bnwmanville. Ontario ALUMINUM ROOFING COKRIOATED and ribu.d lot roohng and siding sheets to 15 teot ien%:ths, 36" covered 32" wide, 24 gauge. Send roof measurements for free i-siiinate and illustrated folder giving full Information. Samples on request. Imme- diate delivery from stock. X. L. QonneviUe Mfar., Dept. 18, Charotte, F.Q. COTTON BAGS BLEACHED Sugar and Flour hags each 27o; towels, hemmed, about 17" x 34" â€" 18c •ach; 2c per bag extra on order of less than 2 dozen. Dept. W.. By-Products. 83 Ontario Street. Toronto. DOORS Panel or Combination, all sizes. Attractive prices. D. McKENNA. 2779 Yonge St., Tor- onto, Ont. UNPA2NTED plaster casts. Figurines, book- ends, animals, novelties. Good assortment. Lists available. Box ')8. 123-18th Street. New Toronto. 8NOWSHOBS; Ail sizes and styles. Bates' ' 'Humane" snowshoe harness (pat. ). No more olisicred toesi Folder. "Snowshoeing In Comfort," on request. Bates' Snow^shoea, Metagama (via C.P.R.), N. Ontario. NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian Canoe Co., Peterboro Boats, Canoes, Trail- ers, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock used motors. Repairs by factory- trained mechanics. Open until nine except Wednesday Strand Cycle, Hamilton. BUY direct from manufacturer. Hair nets, rayon or silk; 40c per dozen, ifylon 76c. All colors. We pay postage. Mtlo Mills Ltd.. 308 ADelaidy St. W., Toronto. CASCADE WHEAT â€" The answer to the feed wheat problem for Eastern Canada. A new, high yielding, soft spring wheat de- veloped by The Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Seed at 11 bushels per acre. Certi- fied seed F.O.B. shipping point, J3.00 per Dushel in two bushel bags. T. A. Wilson. Pakenham, Ontario. DRDER the horse you require for spring work now. We offer wide selection pure- bred mares â€" Fercherons. Belgians, Clydes- lales, three years of age up. Chat we can breed to top Arnoldwold sires â€" Jason, En- chanter. Sir Don, Waterloo's Dan, Arnold- wold Dock, ICemptvllie A. S. , Jay Farceur. Landmark Renown. Write us for anything you require in horses. Arnold Farms Limited. Grenvllie, Quebec. FARM .MACHINERY MALL Chain Saw*â€" famous lor theii power- ful reliable engines with stall-proof auto- ^natio clutch. One man and iwo-man models. Gasotlne and electric trom JUS up. Inter- ested ageuts please write Die.*'©! Kuuipmeni Limited, 139 Lainl Drive. Leaside. T^rnnto Hyland sa^y. BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR PRE-INVKNTORY SALEâ€" 1^ H.P. complete with 6" plow and cuUivaior $175.00; 3 H.P. 6" tires with %\ ' plow and cultivator. $348.00. Other attachments if preferred Terms $2u 00 cash with oi"der, balance C.O.D. Send your order now. There is only a limited time on this hurgain to reduce our inventory. CANADIAN POTATO HACirV COMPANY LTU.. 75 .larvis St.. Gait. Ontario. FOR SA1.K--Weli drill, newly rewooded, 4-iu. bar witli ti in. bits. Reasonable down pay- ment and tt-rms if desiivd. Apply Arnold Campbell. .VlKitlantl , On tario. BALL^PEN SPECIAL 69c ROI.LIT .Ir. Xeversiiip writes l)fitei- Oe^k Modol aye, Order several. I'ostpaid. li. W. Kirkby Co,, Ltd . Mail Order Dept. W'. Br^K•l^ ville. Ontario. BIRMINGHAM Rollerti. Good performers. %'A per pa M Tibblts. U Jane St.. Banie. Ontario^ ^ _ NO. Tn. Lei/r Mll7 i^oimdete: Alls siUm. grinds all giimis and hay. CUiver 70 Triictor. changing plan -.ill aacvdi-.v L llon'on, R.K, 3. W-iterfur.' I lUari-i WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Vithvut CtliNMi â€" And You'U Jump Oul •! Bed in ihe Morning Rarin' le Go i'li« liver should pour out about 2 pint« ol bilo iuioo into your eUgrativo tr«ot pvniy d»y. ll this bilo ia not flowing freol.Vj your food may n It diijoit. It may just detMiy in the dizestiye triot. I'hen gas bloats up your ntomaon. You ft oonatipated. You fppl «.iiir sunk and the >rtd tooka punk. It takes tnoao nulil, w\mk: (Jnrlcra I it(l« jjver Pills to get these 2 piiita ot bile Bow. ing freely to make you bml "vip and up." Get a package XoA»x i:ffeetive in nn.i".v.. bile Sow freely. A»k for Cartn '« titilc I !â- r'"'. •''•'ii' at tan druriinre How { Subdued Wild Fiery Itch- Dr. Dennis' tinm/tuKly fast ri'lief â€" D, D. D. Prescription â€" did the trick. World popular, thia pure. coolinK. liquid medication speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching caused by ecaema, pimples, rashes, athliite'a fool nnd other Itch troubles. Trial bottle. 35*. First applleatlon checks even the most Intense itch or money back. Ask druggist for 1). D. D. Prescription ( ordinary or extra strcnRth t nov% . I'OB HWJ, "NSW" F rmall H Tractor. One new, an* one uaed JTarmall "A " 15 " Veaaatt Orinder. cheap. ' lylor A Dale. Belmont, I'hnne eiUR64. BKOIMTKRICO BKKIiHHIKEMi two boars Hva months old and aowa of varloua agea. Jiihn Linton, Knglehart, Ontario, MAOIC CAHD.S: Fun tor young and olj. Follow directlona, Telia ace. Never falla. Send »1.00. P.O. Box 58. Paramount, Calli- omla. HKLP WANTED MARRIED man life experience In all farm work, cloae to school. John Cain, Oorinley. Ontario. VI EPICA L IT'S PROVENâ€" Every gufferer ol rheumatic paini or neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prep aid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish rhe rorment ot dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles Poar'* HJcretns SalVQ will not disappoint vou tchlng. scalinR. burning eczema. actM, rinc- worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will re&pond readll? tn rhls stainless, ridorlesa ointment. reBardI#a» "»' hnw ^tuhhorn ir hopeteas 'h«J aeem t'HiiJffi St.OU PblR JAft Sent Post Free on RecepU of Pxica POST'S REMEDIES <IH» Qti«>f>n Rt E.. Corner if LoKao Tornnto BOILS, PIMPLES. CARBUNCLES I'se Elliott's Ointment, .vn old tried family remedy. It di-a\vs and heals. Wonderful for cuts, brul.scs. aorea. t:ra';kt?<i lips, ch;jLl'ed hands, ecz.'ina. piles, bed sores, sore muscles, feet. Ingrown toe-nails. Should be on hand in every home. Jar oOc .sent postpaid. Original maker, .\tuiTay D. Elliott. Malton. Ontario. MIRSKKt STUCK WE GR<:»\V some of the world's finest Gladi- oli. OatalOBUe on reauest. Tyndall iolua Gardens. Bnicefield. Ontario. GLADIOLUS BULBS. No. 1 Separate colors. 5c. Special mixture. 13 per C. Ruby Davis Oakland Ont. PATKNT8 PBTHERSTON'HAUQH A (Company Patent Solicitors Batabllshed ISUO 360 Ba> Street I'ornnio itookloi rjl inrormatloo nn reauest A. M LAIDLAW. B.Sc. Patent Attorney. Patents of Invention. 66 Sparks St.. Ottawa. SELLING? rOUH Country general store? Now Is th» time to list it with Che firm that sells more general country stores than any othei in the Province. Write ua now. We will pay you a personal visit. "PABRETT, THB BUSINESS MAN". Realtor. 1116 Yonge St.. Toronto. RA 8505. TUBKETS ORDBR your Broad Breasted Bronze poulta now. Backed by 21 years careful selectins and blood testing-. Pullorum free. One of the oldest and largest exclusive all turkey farms In Canada All breeders range raised sivlnr you stronger poulta and better livablUty: 50^ acres range land. Vlalt our modern hatchei-y Veapra Turkey Parma, A. D. Patterson * Sona. Box 101, Barrte, Ont. WHITE HOLLAND poults and eggs from blood tested Government Approved breeders. Broad breast and high livabillty poulta can be expected from Sunny Acres Turkey Farm. Amherstburg. Ontario. TURKEY SADDLES HEAVY white duck, strongly sewn aurotw bars. Can be laundered. 30c each. Delivered. John .\'. Wild. 19 Lansdowne Avenue, Lon- don, Ontario. OPFORTDNITIES FOR 51KN AND WUM£lv BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING St^HOOl t- Great Opportunity Learn Halrdresslng Pleasant dignified profession. gotKi wage* thousanda succeaaful Marvel graduates America's greatest aystem Lllustratad cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRBSSLVG SCHOOLS 350 Bloor St. W . Turouio Branches, i4 King St HamlltOD & 72 Rldeau Street. Ottawa WANTED WANTED. Graduate nurses. for general duty, six-day week, eight hour day, $41 00 per week. 16.85 overtime minus $1.20 per lay board. $48.75 salary after three monihs. Apply: Superintendent, of Nurses, Anson General Hospital, Irotjuois Falls. Ontario. :>HIP LKs furs. Minks up to «15,00 â€" Weasel, $4.60â€" Muskrata, $4.50 500 Muskrats with nilnks weekly on ice with (Gaiigset) â€" Secrets free. Trappers Association Baleville Que. WANTED â€" Two used Diesel power units. 150-200 h.p.. worklns condition. Please write. givmK lull partlciilii ra and price Paul Volkcw.sUie. Bn\ t:is. Ucnfr^w Ont Phone IHWAV Que. '^ms E~~F r.VTT LK HAIK". For highest prices, ship your Horse & (.'aTile Hair to B. Kisenbern". Inc., 4361 St. Uomlnique St., . Montrea l. Que. WA: TKU to' Bl'YV CJoose. " Duck. "Turkey and Rooster feathers. llish.-'Kt prii-es paid. Western Kpather & Down <'orp. . 1502 St. Catherine '-it i^e W.. Snitp 312. Montreal, RHEUMATIC PAIN... HUB IN MINARD'S LINIMENT 16-46 â-º Apply freely, end rub. That'j all. It'. greaMletl. tast-drying; has no itronc oJor. And it brings quick relief to muscle and joint soreness, stiffness, ache. LARGE ECONOMICAL SIZI SSc ISSUE 10 â€" 1950 BRIER Cool in any pipe I r -t •«•• â- t; ^ *s -v ' ^% » ^ *- 1^ * «' ^ 't^ <â- *â- ' *\ - â- T -^ * _-J^ A â- \ * A -A' f 5? 3 i «. t. X