T' 'FH "1 â- *. Wm /^ 1 n ,f *>.' 1^ ^ j^i H /^ j^^ -Ki »- >s ,â- â- 1. A> ....«l 4 sv ''^^^B - * .>v 'Vff 5 A' lfll v^B JL ^ .^^V H ,'^ >^ .1 >, ^l)je /Ijesli^rtM ^jrtwwK^* VOL. 69; NO. 29 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher '5 RESERVED SEAT SALE • IN FLESHERTON RIN^ * The Rink Committee has arranged /•, thta for a payment of |2.00 in ad- k^ vance you may have the pri-vilege of occupying the seat of your choice for ' all hockey games. Regular admi^- •'* sion fee to be paid each game and all i^>eeats must be occupied 15 minutes before game is called. Plan oif sale of seats availaible for your inspection at Richards Home '^Furnishings store on and after 9 a.m. 'â- of this date. f â€"RINK MANAGEMENT 9 * Future Events i^ MOVING PICTURES A AT MAXWELL '^ Moving pictures will be shown in "vWaxwell Hall on Friday, Dec. f>tb, at â- vSilS p.m., under auspices of the Sun- day School. Admission; Adults 25c. ^ CEYLON school CONCERT g Ceylon Public School concert wU be held in the school house Wednes- day, Dec. 21st at 8:30 p.m. Admis- sion; 25c. Presents For Poor Given At White Gift Services The annual White Gift services were held at Fleaherton, Proton and Eugenia United Churches on Sunday. A large number of presents were presented and dedicated for the pur- pose of bringing good cheer to less fortunate children. The altars were beautifully decorated in white and the junior choirs led in the music. The gifts will be sent this year to the Church of All Nations in Toron- to, where special work is done amonsy non-.^nglo Saxons. Flesherton Stores Open Thursday, December 22 To accommodate shoppers durin:jf the week prior z<> Christmas the r" tail stores in Flesherton will remain open on Thursday afternoon. Dec. 22nd. This will handy for those la^":- niinute shoppers who haven't quite made up their mind what to buy. ^ CEYLON S. S. CONCERT ^ Ceylon Sunday School concert and tree will be held in the church on ''"Monday, Dec. 19th. at 8:30 p.m. Come and have a good time. MARKDALE DANCE '' CEristmas Midnight Dance, 12:06 (MfP-TO-. Sun^y, Dec. 25ith. Frankie ^ Banks Orchestra. Sponsored by the Markdale Figure Skating Club. A EUGENIA SCHOOL CONCERT » The Eugenia Public School concert ' will be held in the Orange Hall on Thursday, Dec. 22, at ' 8 p.m. Ad- '- mission; 25c and 15c. A , 8TH LINE CONCERT p Concert and pictures by National jf'Vni Board in 8th Line Artemesia, ec^TOol, Thursday, Dec. 22. Admis- sion 25c 'and 16c. -»\ -^ CREDIT AUCTION SALE -Credit auction sale of farm stock, Jujchiding 6 Durham cows, 6 Holstein ofvfs. 20 young cattle, 35 ewes, 17 5»igs, and hay will be held on Satur- day, Dec. 17th, on Higibway 10, IVi niiles iÂ¥>rth of Dundalk. â€" L. Thib- Sudeau, Prop., Geo. E. Duncan, Auc- tioneer. «. ^ ROCK MILLS CONCERT • Rock Mills Christmas concert will ^ held in Rock Mills school Tues., pee. 20th, at S p.m. Admission: 25c, i'hildren 15c. t "SPRINGHILL SCHOOL CONCERT •^ Springhill School Concert will be fteld on Friday, Dec. 16th, at 8:15 ^.rn. .Aidmission: 25c and 15c. Osprey Township Community Park Rink Will Operate^ Osprey Tott-nshvp took over the grounds formerly ownel by the Os- prey Agricultural Society at Fever- sham some time ago. and is now being operated by a Board appointed by the Council, under the Municipal Hall .Act, consisting of two members from Council, two from the Agricul- tural Society and three from the -Athletic Improvement Association. This Board has leased the hall to Mr. Jas. McKee to operate as a skat- ing rink for the winter months. |We trust one and all will avail themselves and appreciate this op- portunity for skating. .All are wel- come. .A special request is made to trustees of all Public Schools, in- cluding Union Schools in the Town- ship-, to make arranarements with Mr. McKee for free skating for the boys and girls of your school. Mr. McKee is giving Saturday aftemon from 2 to 4 to Public School children with other times to Ke arranged. It is expected that schools will donate PROPOSE BUIULDING ADDITION TO CHURCt}. The annual meeting of St. John's United Church, Flesherton, was held Friday evening, with a good attend- ance of member and adherents, and Rev. A. G. Macpherson presiding. Reports were given from the ar- ious organization, showing a sui>- .'tantial balance in each case. The major Uiidertaking of the year was the rebuilding and repairing of the organ, for which a fund was raised known as the Ella Blackburn Memorial Fund, in memory of her faithful years as organist and choir leader. The dedication service was held in September. Tlie statement of the auditors showed a balance from 1948 of S268.ll. Receipts from all sources amounted to $'il31.12r with e.xpendi- tures of §41i36.49, leaving a balance in the general account of f262.75, and outstanding $126.67. The total cost of the organ was $2100.34, with a balance of $527.50 still owing. The M. and M. report showed that S^22.8y received to date, with the al- location set at $565, leaving a bal- ance of $142.11 to be raised by the end of this year.* Mr. John" Brackenbury gave esti- mates on the price of a proposed new- kitchen to be erected at the rea. and to one side of the church, with a view of supplying needed space for I _ the kitchen, which at present is too small. The size of the addition will J be ltix24 with a vestry and choir loft on the second floor, the building to cost abou §2500.00. The Ladies' .â- \id has a balance of some $1200.00 on hand. .\ ways and means com- mittee was appointed to consider the project and report to a congregation- al meetinsr to be held some time in January. The committee is compos- ed of: Mrs. Wm. J. M'-Mil!ai', Mrs. A. E. Sparks, Ward Harrison r>.nd .John Cook. On behalf of the session. Mr. P. S. MaoDougall moved a vote of grat-- tude to officers of all organizations, and especially Rev. and M''s. Mac- phei-son. for t!-cii helpful guidance and k :id leadership during .he yea;. Rev. Macpherson thanked ail for their Santa Claus Day under the auspices of the Flesherton Branch of the Canadian Legion SATURDAY at 2:30 DECEMBER 18 1949 TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON Bring the Children to Santa Gifts for all Children Legionaires will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the Legion Home to prepare for Saturday ?^:?c^;^?^ ?f,»*«'i Elmer Muir Passed Away Suddenly At Ceylon 1/ a suitable amount to cover expenses, j co-operation and loyalty. Harry Thompson. D. Stephens, Chairaian. Secretary Officers of St. John's W.A. viU ^ FLE§HERTON DANCES f. The annual Christmas dances ^ held in the Fraternal Hall, Flesh- "rt|n on Mon4ay, Dec 26th, and Sinday nite Jan. 1st. Saturday irtght dances as usual. Admission to (Uiristmas dances: T5c. 1 ST. OHN'S CHRISTMAS SERVICES ^ ""Christmas sei-vjces will be held t^roughout the Flesherton United GJiuroh Charge on both the l8th and a^th of December. E5veryt)ody is â- ^elctwie. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson, Colling- wood Gravel, were host and hostess to the Woman's Association of St. John's United Church on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Wm. Mc- Millan, the retiring president, had a very successful year. .A.fter expend- itures, big and small during the ytar, the treasurer reported a bank balance of approximately $1300.00. The election of officers resulted as follows : LP.P. â€" Mrs. Wm. McMillan President â€" Mrs. A. E. Sparks 1st Vice â€" Mrs. Fred Barber Secretary â€" Mrs. F. Taylor .Asst. Secty. â€" 'Mrs. J. Hutchison Treasurer â€" Mrs. J. Nuhn The report showt-d that at I.V^Je n- ber :Ust, 19^8, tl ere was a ehui-ch members; p of 16S and Ju.-msr the year 24 were a'ultd by pr'^fesinn of faith and 11 by certificate. During the year there were seven d-jaths, while fifteen members ti-ansferred to other churches. There were eleven adults and fifteen children baptised, nine marriages and twelve burials. Silent prayer was observe:! in re- membrance of the following members who passed on to higher fellowship during the year: Mtrs. Wra. Moore, Geo. N. Best, Mrs. Thos. Lover, Win. I. Henry. _Qias. Best, Bruce Thur'Ston and Richard B. Heard. ,7 DANCE .\T MAXWEILL !/ Dance in the Orange H^U, Maxwell £.0.L. 666, Friday evenifi. De,^. 23rd. class music by .\itchison's ^irst Mild Weather On Week End Took Snow Away Heavy snow storms last week add- ed to the lai-ge amount? of snow that had already fallen, and it was estim- ated that there was. IS inches oi snow on the ground. Saturday night warmer air from the south arrived with rain and by Monday morning most of the snow had disappeai-ed. Where the snow was piled up by the plows there are still banks along the roads, but most of the fields are b.>.re. Monday evening the weather turned colder and Tuesday the remaining snow was frozen hard. Bob Long had a splendid sheet of :«e in the rink by Saturday, but the mild spell has pos.tponed the opening for skat- ing. M the cold weather continues there will be Skating this Satur- . n' rht. O.D.R. Farm Forum Old Durham Road Farm Forum met in the school Monday night, with 24 members present. Three groups were formed for discussion and these were headed by Miss Beatrice Wa- ters, Mi-s. John Ritchie and Mrs. Don Gillies. The questions were answered as follows: (1) The Forum decided a certain amount of the year's profits should be set aside for the improve- ment of farm homes and also the barns. The amount of this should depend on the individual farmer's profits, and also the condition of the buildings, to begin with. (2^ The features most preferred by us in re- lation to remodelling our homes would be (a) electricity, (b^ hot and cold running water, (c) cupboard space, (d> refriKerator. {,'â- >) We de- cided our Forum could support a farm improvement campai.un, such as painting of mail boxes, and the use of films and landscaping. We feol that in our community our t'ai ni buildings are kept in fair repait. V'oUowing the discussion, euchre and cvokinole were played, and Mrs. J. Ritcliie and Mrs. J. Oliver were the conveners for lunch. ( By Ceylon Reporter i This community was shocked wlien it became known that John Elnvjr Muir had passed away at his home on Thursday evening. Dee. Sth, ihc cause of death being coronary throm- bosis. He was 47 years of age. The late Mr. Muir was the sori of the late Daniel Muir and Mrs. Sva Black Muir, who survives to mourn his loss, also a nephew, Kenneth Muir, of Mlarkdale. A brother, Ari.'h- ibald Muir, predeceased him in July, 1942. Deceased was bom near the Six Cirners and attended Durham Road Public School and Flesherton H:?n School. He distinguished himself in his younger days as a baseball play- er, being one of the best catc'ners ever developed in this district. He played ball one year with the Pros- ton senior team. At his death he was in the seed business. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from his late residence at two o'clock, with Rev. L. W. Mould of Priceville conducting the service. The scripture lesson was read by Grant Muir, taken from St. Mathew chapter 13, verses 3-8, 18-23. the parable of the seed. Interment was made in Pi-iceville Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Stewart Muir, Win. Gibson, Jos. Stauble. John N'ichol, Henry Tucker and Grant Muir. A floral token of sympathy from Ceylon and community were among the flowers in the home. Jas. Caushier Dies In U.S.A. Word was received in tow-n Satur- day night of the death of James Caushier. which occurred at his home at ^ Hagerstown, Md., that evening. Deceased had been ill for the past two years and was in his 79th year. Besides his wife, the former Mina Beatty, he leaves to mourn one son, James, and one daughter Muriel (Mrs. LawTence ilcLeani. both of Hagerstown. Md.. and three grand- children and one great grandchild. The late Mr. Caushier was well known in Flesherton and district and his friends are sorry to hear of his passing. He last visited here during tilt Old Home Week in 1947. Mrs. Robt. .A.le.xander of town is a sister of Mrs. Caushier. The funeral is being held this Tuesday and the fol- lowing left Monday to attend the funeral: Mrs. N. Stoddart and Mr. Cecil .Ale.xander of Flesherton. Mrs. Earl .Alexander of CollingNvood and Mr. Ted Weber of Kimberiey. ORANGE VALLEY FARM FORUM Officers Of Eugenia L.O.L. W.M. â€" Victor Campbell D;M. â€" Douglas Cairns Chaplain â€" Duncan Williasns Rec. Sec. â€" Ted Campbell Treasurer â€" Ed. Breadner Marshal â€" Ehvard Campbell Ift Lect. â€" Wilfred Magee 2nd Lect. â€" 0. J. Rows Tyler â€" Henry Tudor Committee â€" 1st J«hn Campbell. Ed. Breadner, Geo. Falconer. Stanley Campbell, Henry Tudor. PERKINS â€" -McGEOCH A Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientelt without txtra chargt. It contains well-appointed family reception rooihs, lnclu,ding organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHAPEL !24AvEnueRd KI.4344 CURLING RINK MEETING .\ meeting of the members of the Flesherton Curling Club will be held in tho curling vink on Friday, Dec. Iiith. at S p.m. St. John's United Church RcT. A. G. Macphenon Minister "Le Each Receive Her King." Christmas services will be held throughout the Pastoral Charge on Decemlber 18th and 25th. .â- VU mem- bers and adher4ents are reminded of the special offering for Missionary and Maintenance. C.G.I.T. Candle-lighting Service -r St. Jghn's at 8 p.m., December Ifsth. St. John's Stmday School concert on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21st. in the Town Hall. True politeness i'j perfect ease and freedom. It cc'isists in treat iiivi others as you love to be be treated yourself. In a setting of autumn-toned chiy- salthemunis at Eserton St. Baptist Church. London, a candlelight cero- niony was performed uniting in niar- viage Marjorie Ida. daughter of Mv. and Mrs. Roy M. McGeoch, English Street, to Edwin Gerald Perkins, so, of .-V. G. Perkins, Ardaven Place, and the late Mr. Perkins, Rev. E. .A. Pinkerton officiated, and Luther Jackson played the wedding musio, and Stuart Keen sang "Because" anil •Til Walk Beside You." The maid of honor was Miss Shir- ley Campibell, while Miss Patricia Perkins, sister of the groom, was senior bridesmaid and Miss Beverley PerRins, also a sister of the groom, was junior bridesmaid. Eric Perk- ins, brother of the grroom, was best man, and James McGeoch, brother of the bride, and Bruce Tapp ushered. The young couple will resdc in London. Farm Forum met at the home of G. W. Littlejohns with twenty pre- sent. The topic for discussion "Is there a farm housing shortage'.'" .\fter the discussion period, crokin- ole was played with four tables in play. The high prize went to Lome. Bums-tead for the men and Miss Irene Shaw for the ladies. Low was taken by Ed. Biernes and Miss Shir- ley Bumstead, after which lunch was served. BORN and Brock are ver?«- arrival of â- JOHNSON â€" Dolores Johnson, Mlanilla. Opt., happy to announce the their little son at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Ont., on Monday, Decennber 5th, li>4t5.« PATE â€" .^t the Xuhn Xui-sing Home. Flesherton. on Monday, Deo. !2th. lt'-ti». to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pate, Dundalk, a son, Charles Brian. Funeral Of Wm. Blakey ^. Was Largely Attended ^ (.By Portiaw Reporter) The funeral of tlie late William Biakey. son of the late Mr- and Mrs. Henry Blakey, was held from hi»- iate home on the tiiird line, near Portiaw. on Wednesday of last weak. He was in h:^ 77th year. Rev. S.. E. Millen. B.Th.. of tho Maxwell United Church, conducted the service. Two favorite hymns were used "What a Friend we have in Jesus" and "Jesuj Lover of My Soul." Interment was made in Ma.xwell C^emet^ry. The pallbeSrers were: Messrs. Roy L.vons, .\lvin McKenzie. Jas. Wilkin- son, Geo. Wilkinson. Percv and Roy McMullen. Among the many floral tributes v.ere tokens of sympathy from the third line neighbors. "These were carried by Bnice and Arthur Wilson. Victor Young, Wilfred McN'ally. Ed. and Bill White, and Bill Gibson. The late Mr. Young leaves to mourn, his wife, the former Susan Young, seven sons and three dau.srh- ters. Those present at the funeral were: George and Lizzie (Mrs. Robt. Chamberla-in ) of Toi-onto. Belle (Mrs. Ralph WhiteT-of CoUingwood, Henry., Gorley and John from near Banks, Herb and Robert of the third line. Mabel (Mrs. Ted Brewer • of Zealand Station, N'.B".; and Howard of Xippi- win. Sask.. were not able to attend. CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank my manv- friends for cards, treats, enquiries and visits while I waa in Shouldice Surgery and since my return home. â€" Elva Russeil We wish to express our h.oa'"^'*t thanks and appreciation to neitrhbors and other friends for the;/ many acts of kindness in our bereaveniv>iTt by the loss of our husband and fath- er, William Blakey, and for the beau- tiful floral tr'butes. â€" Mrs. Blakev and Family Send in Your Renewal. Movings In Town J Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ru$sell have moved recently to their new home en Durham Street, completed this fall, and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Bastin and family have moved from the former LeGarde home, east of town, and are ocwpyine the apartment vacated by Mr. Russell Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Russell have moved to town and art occupying: their new home, erected this iwmmer On ColHivgvood Street. ^<^~:..><.<.<«:K~M•<»<•♦<•<~^<^^•^*>•>•x~><~>♦<•♦♦<•♦•M^~XK~:"V>•:K•♦•>*•^^^ The Home of Tasty Baking Specials This Week FRESH ORANGE and FRESH BANANA CAKES MAPLE WALNUT CAKE PIES Mincemeat Oienry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c SLICED BREAD CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS % I Flesherton Bakery