Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Dec 1949, p. 2

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/ \. Censorship Made These Books Sell .... "I would sooner give my daugh- ter a bottU of pruific acid than •How her to read thii bookl" I lie>e words wire written by the •ditor of one of Hritaiii's widely read Suiulay newspapers 20 years •Ko alxxit a bonk he had read and of which he disapproved. "This dcKrafling novel, dealing at it docs with a suhject that decent people do not discuss, should bt banned." wrote anotlier self-ap- poinle<l guardian of public morals. "It is incredible that tliis writer of »o many distinguished novels should have descended so low. His book is a disgrace to English letters." Kacli of the aliove damning ccun- nieuts about different books was written by distinguished men of wide education and considerable experience. All three are very much n:en of the world and far from be- ing sluliPred, oversensitive prudes. Their violent attacks on the books. Mliich I shall not name, could not have been the outcome of their personal revulsion to what they read since they knou as much about the "facts of life" as the authors they ca.stigated. writes Thomas J""air!c\, in "\n-.>iTs ' Boosted the Sales! When these critics e.xpressed themselves so fiercely, the main ef- fect of their denunciations was to send liimdrcds, if not thousands, of people to the bookshops and libraries in search of the book thev v.crc told not to read. In each case. the books in question, which might otherwise have had little or no at- tention, became best sellers. One might have thoug-lit that in these days of brondmindedness, at- tacks on books that "ought to be banned" would have stopped. Hut no. .'\ few weeks ago the editor of a famous new.spaper printed a denunciation of a book that is, in fact, so dull that it could only be of interest to sociologists anc other scientists who have a professional reason for taking an interest in the subject. And the subject is what sol<liers talk about among them- selves when they are separated for an unreasonably long time from their womenfolk What is the reason for asking that any books be banned? The only important reason is that the book in ()uesfiou would cause pub- lic harm. And how can a printed book do harm? Only by putting vicious ideas (moral, political, re- ligious or otherwise) into minds where no vicious thoughts e.xisted before; or by encouraging people of lax morality to feel that their leanings are generally condoned or •ven justified. The oilier reason is, of course, curiosity. Have the writ- ers of "sexy," "hot" or "blue" books •omething to tell ut that we don't know? The answer is almost al- ways "No." The truth is that they â- eldom tell us anything interesting • nd certainly nothing new. Evan Shakespeare "Erred" Even Shakespeare has not been •xempt from attentiion on the ^jrounds of morals. At the end of the eighteenth century, a pliysician named Thomas Bowdler objected to certain passages in the works •f the Bard so he produced his own edition under the title of The Family Shakespeare with all refer- ences to sex omitted, thereby add- ing the word "bowdlerised" to the English language. As far as I know, no one lias ever had the temerity to bowdlerise the Bible, but there was once a maiden ;»*^4 \nlsl »ww*».«» You'll enioy cverv minute of this handiwork! You'll also appre- ciate the beauty these exquisite line. IS bring to your hoinel Krvvarding needlework ! Pattern r26 ha« transfer of 6 motif* abotit xl2 inches: crotchet direr tions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CBNTI fa corns (stamps cannot be ac- epiedi for this pattern to Box 1, .1 Kightcenth St., New Toronto, nl. Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, vour NAME ind ADDRESS. aunt who sent her niece a Bible as a birthday present and in Ifc. accompanying letter, wrote: "I have underlined in red all the por- tions you are not to read." You, too, have the power to baa books â€" by becoming vrhat It celled a c<munon informer. The law i* England on tfie subject it curioue. It is forbidden to publish porno- graphy, and publication in law con- sists of showing even one other person a written work or a picture or photograph which the magistrate considers lewd and indecent; but no action is taken unless t4iat per- son complaints to the police. Such a complainant it known as a com- mon informer. A printed book may sell 100,000 copies before any action will b. takg; by the police unless a com- mon informer makes a complaint. But 1/ you think of appointing yourself a keeper of other people'* morals, you must be careful, for If the magistrate considers your com- plaint frivolous, you may be had up yourself for wasting the time oi the police and the court as a* public nui.sancel The case of John Clelland is in- teresting. A man of good family, his father was a colonel in the reg- ular army and he was educated at Westminster. He served for a while in tlie consular service and later he was in a merchant's office in India. Hut Clelland was not sat- isfied â€" he wanted to be a writer, so he came back to London full o< confidence and ambition. He wrote and wrote, but no one was interested and soon he began to suffer from the complaint which is almost an occupational disease among writers â€" he was very liard up. In fact, he was starving. Pension, Not Prison He went round all the publish- ers' offices offering his services as a hack writer at almost any price, and one day a none-to--scrupulous publisher persuaded him to write a pornographic work. Clelland hesi- tated at first, but with visions of being turned out of his lodgings and of starving in tlte^gutter, he at last agreed. His first novel was "The Mem- oirs of Fanny Hill," and no one could ever accuse him of not keep- ing his bargain â€" it was porno- graphic with a vengeance! There was scarcely a page without some incident calculated to scandalize even the toughest reader. It should have been printed on asbestos! It sold like wildfire and in enor- mous quantities. The printers and the book sellers could not keep up with the demand. It was denounced i-i the daily press and in serious weekly journals, but nothing hap- pened to curb tlie sale of Fanny Hill until, one day, a public-spirited individual made a complaint and the police t6ok their usual action. The printers were forbidden to produce any more copies and the book sellers were restrained from selling the book pending the de- cision of the court. Copies were sent to tlie magistrates for their in- spection and decision, and they de- ciVled witliout much diflficulty that "The Memoirs of Kaniiy Hill" was indeed an indecent work and a danger to public morals. Clelland was summoned before the Privy Council and, in view of the questionable nature of his work, the only defence he could put for- ward was poverty. Fortunately, the council was in a good humor that morning, The president, liarl Granville, spoke se- verely to the author in the dock about the seriousness of his of- tenre, Init instead of sentencing him to iniprisonment, as one might ex- pect. Lord (Iranville said that he would recoiiiiiieiid Clelland for a pension from the state of £100 per annum on condition that he re- frained from writing any more books of a like nature! This hapi)eiied in 1749â€" exactly 200 years ago. And I may add that "The Memoirs of Fanny Hill" have been out of print and unob- tainable for at least g century. / Banta Had To Hurry â€" Christmas came a little early for two- year-old Toniniy Pace because Tommy is suffering from the deadly blood disease, leukemia, atid may not live until De- cember 25. Merchants and local townspeople joined in to make it a real celebration for the plucky boy, seen admiring "Santa" and his present* along: with his brother, Jimmie. ^^•ID /^^4^.-4^ hronicles ^ingerEarm Q G^endolirve P. ClOi,t>ke I am going to ask you a question. It is this: Do you, as an Institute or club worker, sufficiently appreciate those hard-working members of the various organizations to which you belong? If some of those same skilled workers who now do so much for your club should move away, have you any idea who would carry on the work that, up to the present, has been so willingly left to tlieir capable brains and fingers? Could you do it? Not only tliai, t)ut does your organization as a whole ever make a point of showing appreciation for the capable help that has been giv- en, from one vcir's end to nn- olher? All persons are not good at the same thing â€" tliiis we .lavc â- , ...ic who e.vcel at baking; others at knit- ting and needlework; some in an organizing capacity, and still others at music or handicraft. Whatever their talent, the organ ization may not have need of it all the time, but wlieii the necessity arises for someone to take charge of a specialized job, what a com- fort it is to know you have just the right person to handle it. Only we arc rather inclined to take such help for granted, don't you think? This fact was brought home to one Institute branch just recently when a lovely quilt top and lining was given to the branch to be quilted and sold â€" the proceeds to go to the branch. So here was a quilt top, beautifully made, but it had yet to be marked for quilting. It was some years since this par- ticular branch has done any work on a good quilt â€" that is, one re- quiring a definite pattern and fine quilting. In the meantime, the two artistic members who had al- ways so obligingly done the mark- ing job on any special quilt, had CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I rinieh «. M'-ir Xeatftnt trtea • Sack ]2.ri8)i Be«« ]'. Opan 14. Uoutlia . IB. Affecl IV. Dry B '« II. I'.scoid It. Aiictloa JI. Flood %i. l/t«8o It 'rt'inwnfne 1. .N>gatlrt partlcla t. Twn aslda 4 (Tn*T«« I. Halt t. Numeral t. Curr«a I Solid part •(fat I. Kliiil ot taa 10 r.'onHtellatlon tl. M«rry 1«. Btdefaatad JO. (^over 11. Blat* II. l{iirii*« 11. Vle« t4. BInriinc tabiica 14. Italian poM 27 P'oralvn It. Malaanua i.V RitiboB ornamsnt 14. Mgrlil ai'ini S6. Plspen J7. BrlKhl- oolored fUh I* l.oar«d 41 Kach 4,t Papar mattaui* â-  48 Nairatlv< 4t Piah 411 l«onk«r 4 9. Tltia SO. .Sh altar H. Devour V Slalt Indian mulbeiTf Itfihava Mitura Gr«ak laltw M.raair Foot bottorja . Kuinpaan rlTar altrdacta . ueital aon I I kill fier I lilK J 1 kill K'nc 11 1> 4(. 14 iiiilniF M. Qpaolfii roa â-  oklat a flaia riirnaM >| Qyric • I qi>af^ animat 14 tea'loar 61. m^rea,) JI /i'i»> /a If H.ird 'fi I W I Immediately the "Who will mark moved away. question arose, the quilt?" A committee was appointed for the job â€" and that committee soon knew only too well, if it didn't before â€" just how much time and wok had gone ii to all the previous quilt markings that had been done so willingly for the branch by the two members wlio were now too lar away to give any assistance. The committee finally got the quilt marked and into the frames, but would the other members who came to quilt and followed the in- tricate pattern that had been de- signed for them â€" would they realize the work that marking a quilt may involve? No doubt it will all be taken for granted, as it generally IS. Very few of us realize the de- tail of any job until we have to do it ourselves. Then how can such a situation be avoided? U'ell, here is a suggestion â€" in so far as quilts are concerned. Most VV.l. branches put on demonstra- tions of one kind or another during the year â€" then wtiy not a demon- stration on quill marking? In near- ly every district there can be found artistic persons who are known to be good at this very exacting job, and even though they may not be members of the W.l., I am sure auy one of them could be persuaded to give a demonstration. Talented people are like that â€" nearly always generous in trying to pass on a little of their specialized skill to others less fortunate, l^erhaps by a demonstration of that kind, other meiiiliers might be found to have just such a talent, hitherto lying (ioriuant and unsuspected. In any case, all members would at least tind out for themselves the work entailed in marking a quilt and thus have a better appreciation of the work done by others. What applies to quilts is true ot other club activities. A refreshment convener might outline her work in that direction, telling her fellow members how she arranges after- noon tea for each meeting and what preparations are made for a banquet. A program convener could give a good outline of the work neces- sary to arrange programs for the year, and the finance convenw might give her end of the story. Not the final result â€" tvaryon* eventually knows that â€" but the spade work that is necessary be- fore aaiy result can b« achieved. In other words, an education in com- mittee activities should help a lot to replace members whose help b no longer available. And k would certainly lead to a much better ap- preciation of the work done by our leaders and conveners. Separately Answer •Isewhere on this page. I lie .â- .eigeant was taking pannu- lars from a now re4ii'uit. "Are you msrrfedf" "Yes, sir." ".\ny childrenf" "Yes, sir. Five girls and four hoys." "Nine altogether." ".\'o, sir -one at a limel" r^EW and USEFUL TOO Play Table New playroom accessory de signed for pre-school children is being manufactured in Canada. De- scribed as a "miniature kindergar- ten," it is a table which combines features of a play desk, blackboard, flannel board and storage unit â€" all in one. Table has folding legs for easy storage. ♦ » » Easier Dialing "Dialaid," which slips over dial of telephone, permits easier dialing from any position, maker states. Device duplicates the regular dial, but has larger figures and svmbols. Won't interfere with oper.itioii of phone, it is stated. • < • Manual Addresser Portable addresser makes it pos- sible to print addresses simply hy rolling the device over envelopes and postal cards by hand. Printing stencil is a roll on which about 2.i0 addresses, can be typed Roll is loaded into machine in same man- ner as film loaded into a camera. Printing fluid is stored in an easv- to-fill cartridge wick that stays wet for a full run, maker states. Eacn address said to stand up under 100 or more impressions. • t • Drain Spoon Drain spoon i? new in design, made of stainless steel with handle of ivory-colored plastic fastened with nickel-silver rivets. Spoon is made with a flat on each lip for getting the last particles of food from a pan or other container. Slots in bowl of spoon are so designed that food will not stick in them, it is said. * * • Low-Cost Altimeter Aluminum, pocket-size, hand in- strument for measuring heights of trees, poles, wire clearances, build- ings, elevations or vertical or hor- liontai angles. Measures above or below eye level and with any length base, according to Canadian mak- er. It is also a range finder. Said to be simple to operate, requires no trigonometry, only simple arithme- tic. Accuracy claimed to be within about 1%. * * » Auto Tire Automobile tire said to give greater traction and safety than any previously evolved tire has been Free Book on Arthritis And Ptiieyniatisiii fixcelsior Springs, Mo., Dec. S â€" So' successful has a specialized sys- tem proven for treating rlieunwtisra and arthritis tliat an amazing new book will be sent -free to any reader of this paper who will write for it. The hook entitled, "Khe-imatism," fully explains why drufis and inodi- ciiies givf only temporary relief and fail to remove the causes of the trouble; explains hou you may ob- tain relief from rheumatism and arthritis. You incur no obligation in send- ing for this instructive hook, ft may be the means of saving yoe years of untold misery. For writing prompt- ly, the Clinic will send their newly enl.irged hook entitled, "Rheuma- tism." Address your letter to The Ball Clinic. Depl. 5243, Excelsior. Spn '.g.s, .Missioiiri. but be sure to write todav. announceil. t*e;iture^ a "scuti- proof" white sidewall and a special tread that virtually eliminates need for chains in most kinds of winter driving, cite makers. E.xceptional traction attributed to an exclusive trea.i pattern consisting of count- less Hexihel tread blocks which grip the road for greater straight-line stopping power and added safety. Plastic Flower Pots Colored plastic floucr pots are said to be scientifically planned to improve plant growth. Made of noii-t porous plastic which prevents rapid evaproation of moisture maker states. Inside surface serrated to provide air circulation. .No opening in bottom for water or dirt to seep through. Circular design, 4J/i in. and 5 in. high. Light in weight, practically unbreakable, it is said. Available in bright red, kelly green, ivory, pearl white. Plastic Shades Plastic film specifically formul- ated for the window-shade market is said to combine qualities of toughness and durablity with smooth and lustrous finish. The finished window shades can be cleaned with soap and a damp cloth, maker states. Material is unaffected by moisture, mildew or insects, will not tear or puncture in noraml use and does not support flame; is re- sistant to fading, cracking, shrink- ing and staining, does not ravel and has no iiHing to break or fall out, cite maKers. Shades come in ivory, white, green and tan. A A- A- ^.• A' .*â- < \ r r r >»' r r- -* -^ A, A. -V -r < «.• -*• r A ANNC HIRST "Dear Anne Hirst; I wish 1 knew what to dol I've been working every since I married three years ago, and 1 help buy things for our home. "We built a house. My hus- band has all his insurance (also the house) in his f a t h e r's name. If any- thing should happen to him, I'd be left out in the cold. "I have five rooms to take care ol, and I work eight hours, too. He doesn't even help me with the dishes. I've had two operations since I married, but, sick or well, I have to do everything. He tells me to quit my job; 1 said I would if he would buy the things we need He says all he has to buy is foodi "When he goes out. he doesn't take me with him. Yet if I see my mother, he gets mad. He thinks I should stay home all the time. "He is always arguing about something. If it isn't my family, it's something else. It keeps me very upset, and always makes me cry. He treats me like a piece of furniture "And now he says he doesn't care whether I stay or not, that he doesn't love me any more. Whatever shall 1 do? G.M.S." * Your husband seems to have i * strange conception of his re- * sponsibilities. The house ehould * belong to you both, and his in- * surance should be in your name, * He must know th»t no woman * can live by food elont, and Hhai" * It is his duty to provide the * oth«r necessities as his mcome * allows.. * Don't you think that taking * oare oi jrour home taA * Job, too, * are too much for one in your * state of heallhr Why not try * giving up yoiM- poeition for six * months, perhaps, and see how * things go? I( you are afraid * to take that step, then f tucge«t * you live with your mother for * t little while, and let your hue * band fend for himself, (He een * have his meals with his mother). * He wilt soon find out how empty * the house is without you, a«id a * month or so of being alone * should elear his mind as to what * affection he feels for you * When two people reach the sad * stage which you and your hue- * band are experiencing, a short * separation can work wonders. It * has for other couples, and it * would seem a good id(;i foe > on * to think over. 1 A wife who has a job, too. needs recreation regularly. Your husband should see that you get it, and with him. When you twe get along better together, that will come about naturally. Don't let a husband's hasty words upset you too mu4:h. An angry maa often says things he does not mean, and is too stubborn to take them back. Marriage ie for keeps. Write Anne Hirst about your probleoit, and let her help you keep your mar- riage fine. Address her at Box I, 123 Eighteenth Street, New To- ronto, Ont. Upaide down to prevent peaking. X s «Hx » a w i||d a X V 1 iHa 1 .at V ^l* « o s i enni # V 1 Ml 'i M â-¡DO flDDQ M 0« 4\t]X «â- â- â€¢ i| tid "Â¥ UHDD BBD A V HHl 3 N 1 W|1|< H • V « 0|» JI « A oBTo â- â- K A COME OUT FROM UNDER THE SHADOW OF PAIN 7* Tlf DOLQN Tablets for pnwpf relie< Aon AlTMimc aad unuiuTiC pais . get a beide of 100 et 900 lableia MS rour dninist today and loia *• AouMBdi el telicved wffeters who kf sakloc DOLCIN hare come cm koai aadar the shadow ef paio... Most dranisis cany DOLQN... 109 sabiats 12,39; ecooomMitt bottle of )00 tablsM 110.00. If rour dtugciit dots not hare DOLCIN, write direct to DOLCIN LIMITED. Toron â- olO.Canida r r 1 DOUSIN tAllETt fniti IMS, OOtriv la II,, r>glil<r«it t<t '\mii **'* prodncl nt r ,r ISSUE SO 1949. A* t

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