Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Nov 1949, p. 5

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-4 (1 I f 'V ? \ -^ •7 A * f V T ^â- - I A. \ > I A '^ A â- t A A » ;.4 f \^i THE FV£SH£RTON ADVANCE Wednesday. November 30, 194'> Time !s Getting Short for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING You will find our stock offers a wonderful selec- tion of worth-while items suitable for Christmas Gifts SHOP EARLY FOR BEST-CHOICE Some Gift Suggestions Overcoats Men's Suits Sweaters Mufflers Neckwear Fancy Socks Parkas Dressing' Gowns Kid and Wool Glov Felt Hats Men's Cloth Caps Wallets Pocket Books Bedroom Slippers Snow Suits Ski Jackets Ski Slacka Ski Mitts Cake Plates Tea Pots Water Sets Plastic Hand Bags Printed Table Cloths Hemstitched Sheets Pillow Slips Fancy Handkerchiefs Fanc}' Aprons Bridge Covers eslnfants' Dresses Ctishion Covers Ladies' Scarves Bath Towels Bed Spreads Fancy Stationary Christmas Cards Tea Sets L~)inner Sets Glass Ware Pyrex Ware China Cups. Saucers Berrv Sets Come and Visit TOYLAND UPSTAIRS Toys and Games fur Children of All Ages. A beautiful assortment of Dolls. The best selection we have ever offered, a F. H. W. Hickiing General Merchant FLESHERTON P » CEYLON Miss Jt'an McMuUeii of Toronto spent the week end with hev parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas". W. McMullen. Mrs. Kobt. Campbell of To;v!ito >l>«,m the \ end with Mr. and yXx John .McWilliani. and Miss \>\<c- othy Campbell. (Mass Phyllis Rutledge of Owen Sound and Palton Kutledpe of To- ronto spent tile week end with their parents. Mr. and Mis, R. Rutledse. Mr. .Archie Sinclair of Enisda. â-  is visitina: witn SiiH-lair. Mr. and Mrs. James THK NOTICE O.N iO Pb:OPLK KKSUMNO .<;th LINK. .VKTKMliSl.V vrrcHisoNS bread Will be available iit :iie F. r. T> ator Lunch Bar. I^ujienia for the winter moaths V nir p .uronajre is aiH"ce!a ed 1 u ^ The time of year has come when the supply ? of cream is falling- down. We wish to advise our ^ patrons t|jat by seeing that the milk cows are in a warm stable these cokl nig-hts. that it will help keep up the flow k^X cream and thus pay good S dividends. Keep Your Supply of Cream Up •irr?-T!*afifii PoultrylMarketins We are pjxying top markt't prices for all kinds of poultry. Why not havo vour poultry custom - killed and receive top dressed prices. f Call 66 and our truck will pick up your piniltry. The Creamery open hours from now utuil further notice will be from 7 a.m to 5 p.m.. except rhur.>iday. muil noon. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avit, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario HONEY 4 lb. pail 75c 8 lb. pail $1.40 30 lb.. 40 lb.. 70 lb. cans Nature's Healthy Sweet Your <k>Uar will further at Miller's Store Phone 38J4 CEYLON PRICEVILLE PORTLA W Mrs. Jas. Hopps spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur ar Nbctawa. Mrs. Nellie Giichrist of Dundali wzii- a visitor rtith Mrs. Luther Love for a few days. 3Irs. Ed. Brooks and two sisters of Chatswortii were week end visitors with Mr. Brooks at the home of La- ther Love. Mrs. Bud Snider and son. Bobby, of Hespeler is visiting: her parents, Mr. artd Mrs. R. Proud. We are sorry that Mrs. Pi-oud is not too wsll lately. We understand that Mr. Wm. Mc- Na^"'s condition is good. lonowtn» a recent operation in Toronto, Mrs. Rupert McLennan spent a few days with her lather. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vounir of She&urne and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wrig-ht and Maurice of Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Xorman Jackson and Betty spent a few days with rela- tTves in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson looked after the farm duties for their son. >Pr. and Mrs. E>ob Meldruw of New Toronto were wi?ek end visitors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C- D. Meldruni. Miss Betty Gillespie of Dundalk anS Miss Patricia Fernane of Toron- to were sruests of their friend. Miss Jean Lyons. Our teacher, Mrs. Florence Lyons, and pupils are busy preparing: for their school concert to be held on Thui-sday, Dec. Sth. Mr. and Mrs. J. "Mc.\rthur. Ekmald snd Rodney, and the tatter's aunt. >pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stew- .rt and children of CoUinsrwood also called at the Blackburn home. Mrs. Herb Betts enjoyed a vis't with members of her family in To- ronto and attended the Winter Fair. Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Dillon. Mrs. Fred Betts and Cheryl, Arthur and MVrtle Betts of Toronto were honie ut the week end. Sacrament of the ord'i Sapper »as dispensed Sanday in St. And- rew's church, when there w»a a good number present and enjoyed the in- spiring message given by Rev. Wal- ter McCleary, Intermoderator of Grand Valley. Five new members were added to the roil. Mioses Elea- nor Mc.\rthur. Joyce Tucker and Messrs. Harold Nichol, Eric and Kenneth Hincks. Mr. and Mrs' A. McEachern presented their bahy. Russell Gordon, for baptism. Next Sunday Rev. Black of Shanty Bay will preach for a call in St. .\ndrew's church. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McLean of London spent t'ne week end at the home of D. L. McArthur. Mr and .Mrs. Grant Muir of To- ronto spent the week end with his paients, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. iluir. Misses Joyce and Betty Tucker. Emma Meads and Susie McKinnon o: .\yton spent the week end at their respective hc«ues. Mrs. Belle McLean, w'no 'oas spent the past few weeks at Mt. Forest, is visiting at the home of her brother. Mr. Lauchie McKin.non. Mr. and .MTs. Bert Sims of Bramp- ton viisted last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ver?oi visiteii Sunday .it Wiarton. Her father, Mr. McLean, who has beer, visitin? there, teturned 'norae. Miss Isabel Mather. Toronto, spent the week end at her h-ome. Mr. Hector McEachern returned 'nome. after visiting with his daugh- ter in Muskoka. Mr. Robert McConkey returned home, after spending: some weeks in Sunnybrook Hospital. Toronto. The W. L will meet this Thursdav. Dec. 1st. in the .hall, wheti Mrs. Jack Whyte will be hostess. Mr. Jim Mc.\.thur of Toronto. Pr and Mrs. Royden Burnett of Dur- ham weie recent visitors with theL- mother. MV. and Mrs. Jack .Adams of Lon- don visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Carson and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carson and fam- ily \-isited or. Saturday at the home of Mr. Gerald Mas;ee. Eugenia. SWINTON PARK Montreal police have jailed a statue and draped it in a diaper as a menace to morals. Maybe they would Iv better advised to spend n'oiv time looking after the statutes .i:;d less on statues. Mr. Bert Martin spent a few day.i at Cooksville with 'ner sens. Everette and John. Miss Jea!i McCormick spent th':? week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormick. .Mrs. Jas. Sturrock of Prieeville s ! pending: a while with her mothec. Mrs. .\rchie Ferguson. We are sorrv that Mrs. Ferjruson is not well. Mrs. Ji.xhn Ferguson has gone "o spend the winter with her son. Ken. snd dausrhter, ih-s. Geo. Dimcan. Messrs. Howard and Thos. Wat- son returned fivnv the deer hunt iv. the north. Better luck next time. boys. Mrs Huch Mc.Millen acc-.^mpanied Mr. at»d Mrs Neil .\ldeom to spcrd the winter in "Toronto among mem- bers irf hei- family. VANDEL. EUR .Munda}. Tuesday IVcember 5, (> "B.VO HOY" Lloyd Nohm Jane Wyatt Wednesday, Ihursday IVecember 7, S •WK WKKU STRANGERS Jennifer Jones John Garfield Friday, Saturday Oevember t>. 10 •Jl'NGl.K JIM" J. Weismuller Virifinia Grey •Bl.vaiNG .VCROSS PKCOS" C. ^^tarratt Smilev Burnette The Farm Forum met on Monday eveninjr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Ratditfe and had a stood dis- cussion on " we gvxnl farmers?" The Forum is having a projrranv of movii-.g: pictures in the hall thi < Thursday evening. Rev. McPherson of I'oronto occ.;- pied the pulpit in the church Sunday aftermxMt. Rev. H. K. Braden o*-' Holland Centre assisted with the service. .Mr and Mrs. H- Fitzsimmons and Mrs. .\njr^»s Bowles visited with Mr. Bowles at the (.iravonhurst Hospital recently. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wyville, a re- cent groom and bride, were gues's of honor at a presentation in the Community Hall on Friday evenin^ir. November 55th. St. SHOWS 7 and 9 p.»«. AlU'LTS »;c Hawes Cleaners MEAFORD. ONT. Agency - F. Welton Flesherton. Phone 3 Please leave ;irticles at Cnme"> (.".itt Slu>i) Deltvetios: Tuos^l.u . l'"rtd.i\ .•'^hn's United Church R«T. .\. G. .MacphersoD Minister CHRISTMAS GIFTS . . You are cordially invited to inspect our selections. They are larger and more varied than ever, and our prices will please you. too. For the Little Folk Toys, Dolls. Sleighs. Toboggans. Trains. Balls, Trucks. Games. Books, etc. For the Ladies Purses. Cosmetic Sets. Boxed Handkerchiefs, Towel Sets. China and Glass Ware, Slips, Panties, and <>i course PH.WTOM PENCIL SE-\M NYLONS The more Nylons, the merrier her Christmas will be. For the Men Shirts. Hosier}-. Boxed Ties. Gloves. Bill Fold.-. Shaving Sets, and many more. Gift Wrappings Decoration- Tree l-ights Christmas Cards Wonderful X'aliies in Boxed .\ssvirttnenrs DO COME .\Xn BROl'SE .VROrXD E. J. FISHER 5c to $1.00 Store FLESHERTON i I? I? I? I? l> JBv- I.* i Only 5 Weeks Until Christmas We have a Large Gift Assort nent Every Family Member Reasonably Priced and of Good Quzdity We appreciate your cominv^ in to «>\or the stock kH)k Crane's Gift Shop FLESHERTON *^ 5^ »^§^^i^tSl3;d;S$§^§^S;S»^^§^^iS;S$SiSiS^^i^l^^.i^ <S'fc*i'^».i- Skating and Ski Supplies are now available at our neW Sporting Goods Dept. I? "The Peacemakers (Matt, .'i.ii*.! sevetith in the series on Th.' Heati- ! tildes, is the .sermon thenie t'>r Snn- ' oay, Dec. 4th .A,i'niia! me«'iinjf ;;.; f:»i'ov\-: Oec. ;. Inistiojce; l\>c. S. Proton: Dec. .>.! Flesherton: De,- 14. Eusvnia. W' \ !!ien>bers and adhei-ciits are a<<,iJ t» atteiHl amt iu'.u m«k< these meet-f* iive of utnu>st -.1 ue and sui\e.<-?. I ,\tt the women of the community ' !>ie invited to attend the W..M.S. • (."hristmas Serviiv in JSt. John's S. S. ' r\H>n> Sunday eveninjr. IVvemhev ' . ' at 8 o'clock p.m. The annua! White CJift St-rvices ' will Iv held on Sunday. Dee. Uth. i Watch The .\dvance for details •â- â€¢t" St. John's annual Christmas Ci^cvrt on Decen>l>er 'Jlst. Sur«\ a man is kmx in his o>\ • Sioine, l>ut his Queen usually takes the jack. This week \vc arc cvpocting a shipmoiu of 200 PAIRS OF SKI BOOTS and HOCKEY BOOTS and SKATES .\il sizes tor \ouths. Misses, I'oys and liirls. men aiul Women. Come iti and get titled correctly regardless of yoiu age or ^i \ CHRISTMAS MUSIC NOW ON SALE In'th Sheet Music aiul Recordings oi all your favourite Christinas Carols atul Sotigs Come in and look over our selection J. W. Cook ^^ itfi ^^iMMMMNMd»iS»d€»d^»(3»^^^- ^^^^ If If If sr If «»«v« .

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