« « ®l)je /l^sherlM ^ Jtwinc^ VOL. 69; NO. 24 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher ^ I » « Remembrance Services At United Churches T « « 4 The memory of the men and wo- n or. who gave their livoj iu World Wars I and II, waa honored by ''spec- ial services on the Flesherton Past- era. Charge on Sunday. R.-/. A. G. Macpherson conducted Vne worship an I spoke en the thir 1 Beatitude "Blessed ai"? the meek, for ti.ey shall inherit the earth." Tracincr the his- tory of men and nations he pointed ou*; how the conquo.Ci of love and ku dness had outdone and ouliastf.d the victories of criialty and hate. The local branch of ths Canadian Legion paraded to tha Flesherton service. Comrade-President, Robt. Clark lead the Psalm. The ohoii sang "God of Oiir Fathers," and Mr Ail&ua Macpherson, brother of the minister, of Saskatoon, Sask . sang The Lord's Prayer and his own sett- ing of "In Flanders' Fields." The front of the ehurch wai beautifully decorated with flowers, •iyiiiitecl by the Armstrong family, in memory of the late Mrs. W. A. Ani'strong. A Inistioge, Paul Patterson sanir "My Own Dear Land," and at Eu- genia the' Junior Choir rendered two welli-chosen anthems. ANNUAL MEETING OSPREY FEDERA-HIOX OF AGRICULTURE ». A 4 T- * ♦ «. * r t .*. , • »- <• \- * »• * tk. * â- »> - 4 ^ «> r The annual meeting of the Osprey Federation of -Agriculture will be held in the Orange Hall, Maxwell, Friday evening-, Nov. 11th, at 8:30. Election of new Board and Commod- ities Committee. Special speaker. Contest winners in public speaking contest at annual County Federation held at Flesherton Nov. 4th, will be present: Misses Betty Gillespie of Proton Township and Verlet Jack- son of Bentinck Township. A good attendance is anticipated. Telf. Ferris, D. Stephens, President. Sec.-Treas. ' Future Events ♦ CEYLON EUCHRE PARTY ♦ Ceylon community euchre party ♦will be held in Ceylon school Thurs- ^day, Nov. 10. Everyone is welcome. ♦ Ladies please bring lunch. Come and / ^ have a good time. ^ TICKETS FOR COMMENCEMENT * A limited supply of tickets are * now available for each night of the * High School Commencement, Nov. * 24th and 25th. Order early from * the students. FLESHERTON BOY IN NEW ZEALAND RECEIVES ADVANCE I.NTENDED FOR NEWFOUNDL'O A strange co-incidence occurred tiiis summer in regard to a July issue of The Advance, which was de- livered to Bill Wilson, brother rf Mrs. G. J. Bellamy of town and Ben Wilson of the Coliingwood Gravel, V ho resides at Lower Hutt, New Zea- land, and which was intended foi .Air. Geo. B. Richardson of BotwooJ, Newfoundland. Bill returned the paper to George, with the following comment in a letter: "The enclosed Advance was deliv- ered to my home in New Zealand, and it would appear the Post OTi;;e authniities have mixed up New Zea- land and Nev^^oundland. I suppose it is now some forty years or more since we have seen each other, and it certainly takes -Strange things, such as receiving yui.r paper, to remind us of the ear- lier and happy days back in the Home-Town. ' I have been in New Zealand ju?t over thirteen years and visited homj in 1646. It was swell to see the old town again, but I missed greatly many of the old faces, who have ow passed on." FEVERSHAM We welcome Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Randall and daughter to our villa.ge. Mr. Randall is the new manager ot the local Bank f Toronto branch. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette ot Owen Sound and Mr. and Mts. E. J. Fis.her and children of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeKee. We are sorry to report that Miss Kate McKenzie had the misfortune to fall on Saturday and suffered a broken hip. She was taken to the Markdale Hospital, where she pass- ed away Monday morning. She leaves her aged brother, Mr. Dan McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell vis- ited on Sudnay with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ottewell at Pickering and Mr. John Ottewell, who goes in for an operation on Wednesday in the To- ronto General Hospital. The Hallowe'en party given by the high school was a real success, with Mr. Bob Elliott and Mrs. Peai-son as leaders. •» PRICEVrLLE DANCE * The *th Line Euchre Club is spon- .< soring a dance in the Institute Hall, « Priceville, on Wednesday, Nov. 16. * Lucky spot prizes, etc. Music oy ^ Sharpe's Orchestra of Ditrhai.i. , Admission: SSc. , ROYAL SC-\^RLET CHAPTER , The annual meeting of Artemesia .^ Starlet Chapter will be held in Markdale, Tuesday, Nov. 16th. at S p.m. .'Ml memlbers urged to attend. â€" E. McCullough, Scribe. S. S. NO. 9 CONCERT * { National Film Board will s-how ; moving sound pictures in S. S. No. I "* school (8th Line Artemesia) Thurs., ^ Nov. iTth, at 8 p.m. Short progra:n I * and refreshjnents will be provided. . Admission: .\dults 25c, children free. Remembrance Day Holiday Village of Flesherton I hert'bv declare a Civic Holiday tor Friday, November 11, 1949 when the .stnres will re- main clo.sed all dav .\ Remenibrance Day .>^ervico will he held in Memorial Park, at 10:45 a.m., fcdlowed by .-service in the Town Hall, to which the iniblic i.s in- vited t(i atlenvl. â€" K. G. BETTS, Reeve T •S Our Chapel is It the disposal of our clientelt without •xtrt chargt. It contains well-appointtd family reception rooma, including organ and organist. ^^^ Bates and Maddocks rJNERai CHAPE I l24AvKnuG'Rd KI.4B44 Largest Crowd Attends Federtaion Annual Meeting In Flesherton On Friday (By Vandeleur Repoi-ter) The largest annual convention ^n ,the history of Grey County Federa- tion of Agriculture was held in the Fleshei-ton town hall on Friday. Nov. 4th, with morning and after- noon sessions. The feature of the conventioin was the attendance o+ Dr. H. H. Hannam, president of the International Federation of Agricul- tural Producers, and also president of the Canadian Federation of Ag- riculture, who was the guest speak- er in the afternoon. Another interesting feature of the program was the final public speak- i'-rn contest, when the winners of th ; various township contests competed. Two contests were conducted, seniox- and junior, the first for the young people and the second for public tchool pupils. Winners in the senior irroup were: 1st, Eleanor Clugston, F^uphrasia: 2nd, Betty Gillespie. Pro- ton; ord. Verlet Jacklin, Bentinck. The junior winners were: 1st, Eliza- beth Weeden, Sullivan; 2nd, Frances Brodie. -\rteme3ia; 3rd, Ruth Hoop- er, Egremont. Other contestants were: Bruce Dianard, Keppel; Cath- ei'ine .\tkins, Coliingwood; Dorothy Parker. Euphrasia; Elizabeth Mur- (lock. Bentinck. Each contestant re- ceived $4.00 from the Grey Federa- tion of -Agriculture. The judges were: Rev. A. G. Macpherson, Rev. A. J. Fletcher and H. -A. McCauley or Flesherton. The cheques were piesented by the treasurer. Mr. Fred Seim. During the morning .session, re- ports were received from the field- man, David -Anderson; Grey Coimty Hog Producers by the president. Jas. Matches; Grey County Beef Producers, by the president, Edgar Lemon; Co-op Insurance, etc., by the president. Ed. Lang; Junior Farmers by Fred Gould; the treasurer, Fred Seim; the auditors, Ed. Lang and the secretary, Wesley Magwood. Dinner was provided by Flesher- ton Women's Institute, and during the dinner hour Mr. T. S. Cooper, agricuiltiu'al representative, gave an excellent address. The Fedei-atio.-i president, Howard I. Graham, pre- sided over the convention, introduced the speakers and gave an address at the afternoon session. Mr. And Mrs. Jas. H. Hales Are 25 Years Married -Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Buckley, Glen Road, Toronto, entertained at theii home on Friday evening last, Nov. ^th, the occasion being the twenty- fifth wedding annis^ersary of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Hales (.A.llie Mc- Muilen) of Brighton, formerly of Flesherton and Ceylon. -After rj pleasant evening spent in cards and dancing, a presentation was made t.i the couple by members of the family who e-«ended best wishes that thjy may enjoy another 25 years of happiness together. Besides Mrs. Buckley and Mr:;; Hales, other members of the family present were: Mr. an* Mrs. Erneu McMuJlen, Mr. and Mrs. .Austin McMullen, Fred and Stanley, all oi" Toronto, and Gordon of Ceylon, also Mr. and MIrs. Percy Ball of Toronto. DIED CLINTONâ€" At his home, 31 Erin- dale AvQ., Toronto, on Monday, Nov. 7th, 1049, Dean Wesley Clinton, be- loved husband of the late .\gnes Rachel Gamey, father of Dean F., Jean (Mi-s. Preston Woodward) of Port Arthur, and Kendal, Mimico. Resting at the Ralph Day Funeral Home, 180 Danforth .A.ve., Toronto. Sex-vice in the chapel Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Interment in Flesherton Ceimetery, Thursday at 2:30 (motors). -McKBNZIE _ At Centre Grey General Hospital, Mai-kdale, Monday, Nov. 7th, 1949, Catherine McKenzie. in her 80th year. Resting at the Long Funeral Home, Feversham, where service will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949, at 2;3'0 p.m.. interment to be made in Mclfltyre Co^mitery. * _ WALLACE â€" On Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 1949, at Sunnybrook Hospital. Toronto, Roy Harold Wallace, be- lt ved husband of Gertie Prieb. bro- ther of John T. Wallace of London, Ont., and the late Hattie, Jennie, Willium and Robert J., Toi-onto, and Hannah of Flesherton. Service was held at the Trull Funeral Home, To- ronto, on Saturday, Nov. 5th, at 2 o'clock. Interment was made in rro.spict Cemetery. Frances Brodie Won The Artemesia Speaking Contest (By Vandeleur Reporter) A public speaking contest for -Artemesia public school pupils .a-; held in Vandeleur Community Hall on Wednesday evening of last week, under the auspices of the Federatio'i of -Agriculture. The hall was filled to capacity and there were six con- test-iuir.-;, speakiiij; on the sulijcci "My Township.'' and all addresses were real good and the evening was a decided success. The winners were 1st. Frances Brodie: 2nd, Ruth Gra- ham; 3rd, Donna Wyville. Other eoMtesumts were: Leona Han'ey, -Audrey Whyte an 1 Frances Watters. The .judges were Messrs. Messenger, -Ashmore and McCiirdy of -Markdale. The first four contestants were from Vandeleur school and the other two from the Old Durham Road school. The prizes were $5.00, $3.00, and $2.00, with $1.00 for each of the other contestants. Howard Graham, pi-esident of the Grey County Fed- ation of -Agriculture, presided. Fol- lowing the public speaking, Mr, Clint iMelville of the Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity showed a nuntber of films on ski-ing, which were taken at several winter play- .grounds in Ontario. He also address- ed the gathering and told of the ski tows being installed in this com- munity on the farm of Mr. Frank Davis, on the side of the Beavar Valley. Mr. Davis introduced the speaker. Radio waves travel at the same rate as light waves, 186,30*0 mile, a second. Thieves robbed a 260-pound North Camlina man of S6OO.OO worth of clothes. And it probably was his best suit. HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Reserve Thursday and Friday nights, Nov. 24 and 25. foi' the an- nual Flesherton High School Coin- niencenu-nt â€" 2 "iffhts. Tickets .or each night available from student~s at a later date. Intermediate Grad- uation diplomas first nijrht, Honoi' praduation diplomas and athletic awards the second night. St. Columba United W.A. And W.M.S. Joint Meeting The W. M. S. and W. A. of St. Columba United Church, Pricevill^, held their joint meeting at the home of Mrs. J. McKee, with a good at- tendance. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Cecil Hunlter pre- sided for the W.M.S. and the meet- ing with singing of the Theme and a hymn, with Miss -Anna Shortreed reading the scripture and Mrs. J. Harrison leading in prayer. -A dis- cussion on the bale for overseas fol- lowed and members are urged to hand in their contributions to Mrs J. Harrison as soon as possible. Mi:-. Donald Reiley gave interesting high- lights from he Missionary Monthly. -A committee was appointed to make plans to increase the membership ot the W. M. S. Mrs. J. Harrison gave a report on the Sectional Rally held recently in St. Columba church. The chapter "In Our Evangel", from the boi k "Growing With the Years." was taken by MVs. L. W. Mould, and several members took part in a dis- cussion On the chapter. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. F. R. Oliver, who presided for the W. A. Several items of business were discussed and plans were made for a bazaar and sale of baking to be held early in Deceniibev. Mrs. Oliver closed the meeting with prayei', and the hostess and hei assistants served lunch. The Novem- ber meeting will be held at the honv.' of Mrs. -Angus McArthur. In Memoriam STURROCK â€" In loving memory of Tpr. Marvin Sturvock, who passed i.way in HoMttnd on Nov. 9th, 18'44. God saw what was before him .And what he had to bear, So smilirtg down upon him He took him to His care. Some may forget him, now that he has gone, But we will i-eniember, no matter how long. â€" Sadly missed and ever remem- biied by Motl.er, Dad, Gordon, Ar- chie and AudMy. Funeral of The Late Mrs. Armstrong Held Friday The funeral of the late Mrs. W. -A -Armstrong, whose death occurred on Wednesday morning of la.-vt wee!:, I'l'Uowing injuries when she w-as struck by a motor car the week pn'- vious, was held on Friday, Nov. 4th. when service was held at the York Bros. Funeral Home. Toronto, and was conducted by the Rev. F. E. H. James, pastor of High Park Unit- ed Church, to which deceased was a r,-,ember, at l!2:.3n p.m. (D.S.T.), and at 2:30 (E.S.T.) the committal ser- vice was conducted at the Flesher- ton Cemetery by Rev. A. G. Mac- pherson, pastor of St. John's Unitsd Church, Flesherton. The ciisket hearers were: Messi'-. Wilfred -Aikenhead. Ken -Armstrong, Bill and Ken Hyland. Jack and Fred Bannon. Those who attended the burial -Liwice from a distance were: Rev. and Mrs. -A. E. -Armtrong, Meaford; Mrs. E. F. Aj-mstrong and son. Jim, Cobalt, Mr. and .Mrs. H. M. Hyland. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. -Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hyland. Mr. Wilfred .Aikenhead, Miss Ruby .Aikenhead, Mrs Alan Keith. Mr. Wm. Hemphill, Mr. Jos. -Armstrong and Mr. Wni. Stewart, all of Toronto; Mr. Ralph Hyland, Walkerton; Mr. Bill Hyland Parry Sound; Mrs. Thos. Stephens, Mir. and Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Wm. :\liller, all of Dundalk: Mrs. -Allan :\IaeMeeking. Markdale; Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, Thornbury. The late Mrs. -Armstrong, whose maiden name was Mary Jane Bann- on. was bom about four miles south of Flesherton, and was in her 84th year. She was married to William -A. -Armstrong, who predeceased her on Sept. 20th,, 192(1. Mrs. .Armstrong was always active in church work, taught a class of girls in the the foi-- pier Methodist church, later the United Church, and was prominent in the Womna'g Missionary Society and Ladies' -Aid. Mrs. .Armstrong took a great interest in the Order of the Eastern Star, was instrumental in forming Grey Chapter in Flesh- erton and was its first Worthy Ma- tron. She was later made a life member of Grey Chapter. Tlie late Mrs. .Armstrong is sur- vived by one daughter, Laura, Mrs. H. M. Hyland, and one son. J. Wes- ley, both of Toronto, and one sister. Mrs. Edith Leflfler, Ft. Scott, 'Kansas. Among the floral tributes were tokens of sympathy from Grey Chapter, O.E.S.. Flesherton; Hydrj- Electric Power Commission and the Alexander Bible Class of High Park United Church, Toronto. Osprey Snow Clubs To Re()uisition By Nov. 15 The Osprey Muniicpal Council met in regular session on Saturday, vi'x'Jx all members present. -After reading; and confirming of the minutes and proceedings of the next former meet- ing, the following business wh* transacted: Communications were receivea from Dept. of Agriculture, re va<^ cination of calves for Bang's Dis- ease, and re the Saugeen River Val- ley Conservation Authority. â- In re- gard to the latter, Mr. E. -McCutch- eon was appointed to attend the meeting to be held at Walkerton on November 8th. to represent th"«5 municipality. .\ considerable number of i-ateâ€" payers awaited upon the Council, and the matter of snow plowing ths Township roads fdV the coming win- ter season was thoroughly discussed. It was iinally decided that all Cli'bs properly organized, must forward f% the Clerk, on or before the loth day of November, a "Requisition", sh >»â-º inir the mileage and the proposal cost to be expended on such road. By-law No. 7. providing <fov the Bank of Toronto, Feversham. and the Canadian Bank of Comme;Lf, Dundalk, to act as collectors ot rates for the year 19*9. General :iccounts ordered paid Were: Mrs. J. Smith, care of E. M'l- ler, (Oct.) $«>5.10: A. Buie. W. L. T:iylor and C. N. Long. $5.00 eachr for selecting Jurors; A. Buie. H^ Thompson. G. Dobson. E. McCuteh- eon, L. O. Moore, C. N. Long and W L. Tayor. $5.00 each as members o-f the Court of Revision; Treasurer or I'rovince of Ontario, insulin S4.14: Slu'ep claims: J. Thompson $20.00. K. Hawkins Sl'5.00. M. Douglas $20.00. L. Cox valuer $6.00: Letter- Shop Supply, oflfice supplies $28.10 The Road Superintendent present- ed a voucher to the amount >f" $8919.26. which was ordered paid. Council adjourned to meet Satirr- dav, Dec. 3rd, at 2 p.m. Card of Thanks On behalf of the Flesherton branch of the Canadian Legion, Mr. Cobban wishes to thank the members of the Midget Hockey Teanv for their vol- untary assistance in the annual Poppy Day collection, and to all those who contributed to the Fund. The ancient Egyptians were the first to use a blow torch. Love bombs and atom bombs are striving for headline supremacy these days. St John's United CburcK Rat. a. G. Macpherson Minister "Spiritual Passion," the fourth in the series on The Beatitudes, will be the theme of the sermon for Sunday. November Wth. The Junior Choirs will sing at Flesherton and Proton, and tRe Senior Choir at Eugenia. Inistioije W. A. meets this Thurs- day, Nov. Ii7th, at the home of Mr?. Art Jackson. Inistioge Y.P.C. meets Thursday- day evening at the church. .All our people are urged to attend the Remembrance Day S'ervice in Flesherton on Friday at 10:45 at Memorial Park, proceeding fiom there to the town hall, where Rev. A. J. Fletcher will grive the address. Don't foriret to secure your cony of "Growing With the Years" (50c>. marking the Silver Jubilee of the* United Church of Canada. .About seiven-oighths of Greenlanel is covered with glaciers. Tlie British Color Council ll«- standai-dized 378 diflTerent shado- of colors. I The Home of I Tasty Baking i Specials This Week t CRUSHED ORANGE CAKE BANANA CAKE t PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c SLICED BREAD CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bokery >»fr»»»»><'»»»<K^»<'^<-\XK><'<~><"M'»»»<>»^^^