Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1949, p. 8

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Wednesday, SepU-niber 21, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads I'X)R SALE â€" Fur coat, size 38, price S^.OO. Apply o Margaret Parks, phone 75J1 Flesherton. FOUMJ -â€" 3 sacks of grain on 4th line. â€" Ev. Blackburn, phone 42J\ Flesherton. 17p2 FOR SALE â€" 1 acre of corn cut and shocked. â€" J. J. Ottewell, Eugenia, phone itrlS Feversham. 16p2 /AMTi:^ â€" AiUBWia raltabU fui mink and fox ltd. â€" Bert McIntoAt GaC«ni», phOD« W^irvnh* \ 6r2£ PIANOS reconditioned, all fully guaranteed. â€" J. C. Blackston^, 511-8th St. A East, Owen Sound. FOR S.-\LE â€" 2 calves and 2 year- ling cattle.â€" Fred Daickett, R.R. 4 FlMhcrton. 17p2 FOR SALE â€" Boy's suit size 10-11 years, like new $8.00; coat C-year size $;{.O0. â€" Mrs. Bastein, R.R. 3 Ple?herton, phone 75wl2. 17|) FOR SALEâ€" 2 Reg. Hi-reford liulls 9 moi:th:i old; 2-furrow Cocks.hutt walkiiiic plow. â€" Ev. Blackiburn, I>hone 12 J 1 Flesherton. lCp2 FOR S.'iLE â€" Boy's niivy raincoat, size 1^, jrood condition; heavy navy maddnaw coat, size 12. Can be seen at The .Advance office. FOR S.^LE â€" 12-Gaujro Winchester ;/ump jrun; 1 12-gauge double- barrel shot gun. -A.pply to Walter Slater, phone ]46J Markdalc. PT.OWlX'i â€" Custom plowing a.a i di.scing, anywhere, anytime, rates reasonable. â€" Ale.x. Dunca.i, Ce '- Ion, phone 40J4 Flesherto.n. 17p FOR SALE â€" 40 head grade Oxford breeding ewes, 10 early Spring calves. â€" Clinton Magee, R.R. :!, Flesherton, phone llr42 F^vei'sLam FOR SALE â€" 10-20 tractor and plow, Kood running order, would take cattle in exchange. â€" Wm. Ratcliffe, phone Ij26r4 Markdale. SAVING OF HYDRO POWER SopU'nilicr ;!0 may not be the end of daylight saving in Ontario, but it's going to be the start of "elo:- trieity-saving" for the shortage-con- scious Hydro Chairman Robert. H Saunders. .Announcing restrictions effective then, he warned that water storage supplies are good, but "much depends on September, Oc'.o- Ur and .November rainfall." Re- strictions won't affect iionie light- ing; will prohibit use of electric healers, reduce office and stoie lighting, window display lighting and outdoor advertising signs. Wind must travel at least a file a minute to be a hurricane. TENDERS WANTED VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Tenders will be received for the snowplowitig the streets of the Vill- age of Flesherton for the season of liHy 50, to be received by the un- dersigned by Monday, Oct. S, 194U. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. â€"V. J. BELLAMY, Clerk PI .0 winy; â€" Custom plowing and â- â€¢liscing «nth tractor, by the hour. â€" J. Shortreed, Priceville, phone '.<2J1 Flesherton. 16p3 FOR SALE â€" 1946 Ford coach, ex- cellent condition all-round, 18,000 miles. â€" .las. McVrthur, Priceville phone Flesheiton 40 J 1. 16p2 FOR SALE â€" Gas power washers. Why buy a new gas washer when you can buy a slightly used etic at much reduced prices from Edgar Betts, phone 46J Flesherton. I5p FOR SALE â€" Building suitable for double garage 1.5x21, could be eas- ily moved. Priced for quick sale. Apply to K a. Betts or R. .1. Boyd. 15c2 FOR S.\LE â€" 2 Wooden beds, o sets springs, 2 dressers, spring-filled mattress, cotton-filled mattress, o chairs, diningroom table. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Blackburn, at homo of T. .1. Fisher. 17p2 GENERAL INSURANCE Al'TO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 12r.w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-operative way. HARRIS & DUNLOP HARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Ete- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dtmlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton Inner of Marriage Lieeiues CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. De«ds Agreements A eommisaiofier for takinc affidavits Telephone 29w FOR SALE â€" Stack of s^raw. - \. Loucks, phone I'i J 3 Fie .herton FOR SALE â€" 2 used floor rugs 7''2 xl2 and 5x0; wire gate 10-foot.~ W. \. Hawken, phone 17. LOSTâ€" White and black heifer calf. Finder notify G. Hargrave, phone 114J1 Markdale. 15 3 FOR SALE â€" Case 10-inch tractor hammer mill. â€" Geo. Swanton, ph'.nM 33w2 .Mnrkdale. 17c2 FOR SALE â€" A few dressed duck., by order. â€" Arnold Bowler, phone â- l5Jl Flesherton. 15c2 FOR SALE â€" 50 cords haidwood, 14-inch. â€" Wni. McLeod. Price- ville, phon« 2Ji.'i Flesherto!!., STRAYED â€" To my prem;s<>s IdacK anl whie short hair collie. â€" Mil- ton Hutchinson, phone 41'wl Fle- sherton. 17c2 FOR SALE â€" Flock of 18 breeding Oxford Down ewes; also purebred Shropshire ram. â€" Jos. McKee, I'hune 4'Jwl2 Flesherton. I()c2 STRAYED â€" Heifer came to my premises about Sept. 15. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" W. E. Loucks, phone TSwS Fle- sherton. 17p3 FOR SALE â€" Buffet, kitchen cab- inet, kitchen stove, new Norg? Oil heater, dressers and stands, bods mattresses and springs, chifl'on- iei', 8-day clock. â€" E. Buckingham I'/i miles east of Maxsvell, phone 4rl4 Feversham. 17p2 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DOUGLAS l'\R vSlIIl'LAP 8 and 10 inch l-'loorin};' 6 inch Western l<cd Cedar Shiplap S and 10 inch Ti':\ ri-'.s'r asphalt SllKA'ITIING 4xS and 4x9 Sheets W'allhuard â€" 4x.S Sheets SIIIXGLES â€" ^ in 1 Ash- phalt and L.C. Cedar also, Ddors. h'ir Trim, RoH- liric Si(hn^. Sheetrok and Sheet rock L:ith I'Kwonds. NLasnnite, .Xrhor- ite, .Metal Monldinp;. Cud hoard Hardware, etc. Rejection Of Oliver Would Be A Serious Mistake (Paisley Advocate) Faixiuhar Oliver, leader of the Liberal party in Ontario, sprang ;; surprise with his recent resignation from that post. Frankly, we wcri not surprised. For some time, an^J ill fact, almost immediufely after the last provincial election when tht Progressive Conservatives swept oack into power by overwheimin.H the Lilberal and CCF forces, there have I>een rumors that the high Lib eril -brass' at Ottawa was dissatis fied with the choice of Farquhai Oliver, and that within a short time a move would be made to replace' him with someone more suitable to certain cliques of the party. A couple of weeks ago the daily press pub li-shed reports that the Push to ous". Mr. Oliber had begun, and several names were mentioned as probable succeisors to the burly Grey County Liberal. It was, therefore, q\iite understandable when Mr. Oliver tendered his resignation on Wed- nesday last. But less understand- ing is the attitude of those Liberal strategists who insist upon changing readers at this time. When the last election was held, the Liberals never had a chance to win a majority, oi even to increase their small number?- in the Legislature. But that was through no fault of their new leader. Farquhar Oliver who, despite thi fpct that he did not get a great deal of help from Ottawa during the campaign, put on a sane and pow- erful campaign that gained him plenty of prestige along the back concessions and in the smaller urban cciitro". We are not alone in the up'nion thfvt Farquhar Oliver is just o.i the threshold nf his best hour. This .solid-thinking native of Gri^y County is certainly not another rip- 1 oaring, snorting edition of Mitch Ilep'burn, but he is of the type that can make, and hold, friends through every vicissitude. Recently we've talked with quite a number of dis- trict Liberals, and we have yet to meet one who believes that Oliver should be ditched as provincial lead- er. If the great one's in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa insist on going through with this "oust Oliver" movement, we predict it will be a sore blow at provincial Liberalism and would certainly have rcpereus- sions with the Dominion party. Leave Fai-quhar Oliver at the helm, by all means! Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite of Tjronto are holidaying \v'A:\ the iatter's sisters here. Mrs. Geo. Lawler is spending a couple of weeks with her daughle--, M''?. W. Irwin, at Windsov. IMVs. Ted McTaviah and Barbara are spending a week with the form- er's parents, near Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancox of Toledo, Ohio, are spending thig weak with Mrs. Jos. Blakeley. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigoe and Mary K. of Malton spent the w-eek end with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart Miss Edna Mellafont, Reg.N., ot Calgary, Alta., is with her parent.'- from Coutts, Alta., who are holiday- ing in this district. 'Mr. Bernard Thistlethwaite and Miss Aileen Graham of Toronto visited at the home of Russell Park on Sunday. Mr. Bob Avis left Saturday even- ing for Saskatoon, Sask., where he will commence his second year at th.j Universrty of Saskatchewan, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pallett of Dixie, Miss Evelyn McTavish and Mr. Bob Phillips of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McTavish. Mr. an! Mrs. Harry Mella*'ont ar rived last week to spent a m'>nth with I'er sisters, Mrs. R. Park and Mrs. Geo. Best in town and Mrs. H Shaw lit Maikdale. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wiliams en- joyed a motor trip last week through Muskoka and .\lgonquin Park, re- turning to Elmvale for the week end. their daughter, Mrs. HaroM Barnes, entertained in honor ot their 25th wedding anniversary. Paint Up - Fix Up NOW IS THE TIME TO DO THAT REPAIRING Sherwin-WiUiams and C-V Quality Finishes for Exterior and Interior Use Johns-Manville Roofing; Siding and Insulation Canada and American Cement Plaster; Naik Frost Woven Wire; Steel Gates; Barb Wire ORDER YOUR COAL NOW TO ENSURE EARLY DELIVERY Duncan's Hardware 'Blue Coal' Phone 54 Stoves - Electric Apnliances * FLESHERTON I .%.X.<»>.»««.>«««««.>««.>4.».»«<hC>««<>««.>«4h»«^>^>^«4<><K..><m>.>^^ Bridal Couple Showers For Recent St. John's United Church R«v. A. G. MacpheraoD Minister Remember the Rally Day Sei-vices on Sunday at Flesherton and Eii- genia. .Special program of worship. Music by junior choirs at both churches: Flesherton at 11 a.m. and Eugenia at 7:30 Standard Time. .Anniyer.-'«ry services this Sunday, Stjpt. 25th, at Inistioge at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., Daylight Saving. Rev. F. B:uinister, O.R.E., of Simpson Av->- United Church, Toronto, will be the guest preacher. St. John's Trail Rangers meet on Friday, Sopt. 2;Vrd, at 7 p.m., in the church basement. This is for all boys from 11 to 14 years of age. Proton Young Peoiple's Union i; holding its annual meeting Friday, Sept. 2.Tid, at 8:30 p.m., in the church. .Ml young people of the community are invited. ir you want to get the most kick nut of a bridge game, men, plav opposite your own wife. The clinging type of gal still "-s still with us â€" on the back ot a m )- tor cycle. Flesherton Took First Game In Sullivan Play-offs Flehserton softball team took the first game from Ready in the play- og in the Sullivan Softball League at Keady on Thursday of last week. Andrews and Norm. Genoe pitched for Fleshei'ton. The next game is hchedulcd for this Wednesday aftei'- noon, game called at 5:30 sharp. Baptist Church News Services in both churches, Flesh- erton and Rock Mills, will be at the usual times this week. The Rock Mills church was filled to ealpncity at tooth services last Sunday for the anniversary. Mr Frank Keys, a former pastor, wts the i^uest speaker and brought 'wo very helpful and practical messa'-''e?. Ihe pastor, Rev. .\. J. Flet'hor. sang two solos in the morning, and the McFarlands of Collingwood sang several gospel duets, much to thi' en- joyment of all. The B.Y.P.U.'s of Rock Mil!.^ and Flesherton are to cancel their rciiu- lar meetings this week in favor of the B.Y.P.U rally in Hanover. The Women's Mission Circles are reminded of the thank-offering meet- inp Friday evening in Cedarside church at eight o'clock. Mrs Oh:is. Dengate is to be the specia' speaker. ."Vt a recent meeting of represent- atives of our two churches, it w^a decided to instal a pressure system and modern bathroom in the parson- age. .\lready many donations have been receilved. Oim' members and friends are invited to have a sh.uo in this project. The sixty-second annual meeting of the Owen Sound .Association ot Baptist Churches will be held in Hanover on Wednesday and Thurs- duv of this week. A shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson on Friday even- ing, Sept. 9th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho3. Woods, Flesherton, when friends and neighbors gathered for a social even- ing, dancing and cards. The address was read by Mrs. Arnold Bowler and the presentation of sevieral loviely gifts was made to the bride and groom by Messrs. Russell White, Karry Akins and Arnold Bowler. Both the bride and groom thanked all for the gifts. Lunch was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Tuesday evening, Sept. 13th, the Feversham hall, where a number of the friends and neighbors gathered, the young couple were presented with an address and lovely walnut chest of Tudor 34-piece set of silver- ware. Both expressed their delight with the gift. Lunch and dancing followed, and all had a very enjoy- able evening. In Memoriam WILSON â€" In loving memory of a dear sister, Mrs. Jack Wilson, who passed away Sept. llth, 1947. There's a sad but sweet remerriibrance There's a memory fond and tme, There's a token of my love, dear Verna, And a heartache still for you. â€" Ever remembered by Sister, Tessio NOTICE Notice is hereby given to thosa persons who have been breaking street lights in the Vill?. re of Fle- she!ton that their acts ;.r> subject to a fine of ?100.00 if canghi. This practice must stop immediately. â€" Flesherton Hydro Commission In Memoriam SOI .\ND Tl AKDWOOl) SL.XBS TELEPHONES Shelburnc 23(1 - Feversham H J. W. ROBINSON Lumlber and Builders* Supplies Mill, William Street Shelburne - Ontario NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS HO.W FOB DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS \ recmtlng t« â- !•• aM cMidMM â€" Small tnlmala raMT«d fiM. W« do tiM lM«llf . HIGHB8T PRICBB PAID rOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER Future Events (â- E7YLON SOCIAL An ice cream social will be hebi in Ceylon School on Friday evening, Sept. 23rd, proceeds for the Sunday School. Admission: 3Bc and 20c. CEYLON CHURCH SERVICE Oylon United Church service will be held «t 7:30 p.m., owing to the change of time. The .special speak- er this Sunday will be Rev. W. M. Lee of Markdale. PLAV AT FLESHERTON A 3-act play "Lighthouse Man" will be given by the Dromore Dra- matic Society in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Friday, Sept. 30th, commencing at 8:30 p.m., under the auspices of the C.G.l.T. Adni'sslon; 40c and 26c. FEVERSHAM CHURCH ftFJlVICE Burn.s Presbyterian Church, Fev- ersham, will hold anniversary servi- ces next Sunday, Sept. 26, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Mr. John Bell of Knox Collide, a former student in charge, will be the minister. Special music. .•\ brewery otl'icial says that beer should be drunk with dignity. Well, the first few kIhsscs. anyway. WIICKEiNiS â€" In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs Fred Wickens, whom God called bo rest September 13tii, 10S5. With tears I watched you sinking, I watched you pass away; I tended you with loving care. But could not make you stay. We watched beside your bedside As the lonely hours pass. And how our heart was broken When we s-aw you breathe your last. What would we give to clasp your hand. Your dear face to see; To hear your voice, to see your smile That meant so much to me. â€" Sadly missed by her Husband, Daughters and Son. Thieves stole manhole covers in a Texas town. Must have been those tough guys who use 'em to play tiddelynwinks. For Sale at THE ADVANCE OFFICE I General Insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES Special low rates for most private cars D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 8SJ FLESHERTON Skinny meni wonm «iinS,10,lSI>t. DUNDALK LECTRIC CONTRACT or CUSTOM ELECTRIC WIRING Major Radio Repair, 90-day g^uarantee Appliance, Apparatus & Instalation. Free estimate J. A. STEPHENS Phone 211 DUNDALK Member of Electrical Contractors' Assoc. •^' ( A' A' t I V â- *- ^} A' A' p,^\ -< »â-  A J* A V X A c •A I •A'

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